SPRING 2014 May 16-18 ® University Dignitaries and Invited Speakers Charles W
® 143RD yeaR of the UNIveRSIty May 16-18 SPRING 2014 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT UNIveRSIty DIGNItaRIeS aND INvIteD SPeakeRS Charles W. Steger, President, Virginia Tech J. Thomas Brown, Jr., Dean of Students The Honorable Terence “Terry” McAuliffe, Governor Tyler O. Walters, Dean of University Libraries of the Commonwealth of Virginia, keynote Speaker, Rosemary Blieszner, Associate Dean of the Graduate School University Commencement Muhammad R. Hajj, Associate Dean of the Graduate School Claire Guthrie Gastañaga, Executive Director, American Civil Kenneth H. Wong, Associate Dean of the Graduate School Liberties Union of Virginia, keynote Speaker, Graduate in the National Capital Region and Director of the Northern School Commencement Virginia Center The Honorable Karen R. Jackson, Secretary of Technology, Sarah M. Karpanty, Assistant Department Head, Fish and Commonwealth of Virginia, keynote Speaker, National Wildlife Conservation, Commencement Marshal, Capital Region Commencement University and Graduate School Commencements G. Robert Quisenberry, President of Quisenberry & Warren Joseph S. Merola, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Ltd., Class of 1962, William H. Ruffner Medal Award Reader of Names, Graduate School Commencement Recipient Andrea Jean Tiwari, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Graduate Robert Lewis Turner, Retired Architect formerly with Student Marshal, Graduate School Commencement Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, LLP, Class of 1972, Shernita Lee, Ph.D. in Genetics, Bioinformatics and University Distinguished Achievement Award Recipient Computational Biology, Graduate Student Speaker, Curry A. Roberts, Principal of Hirschler Fleischer Consulting Graduate School Commencement LLC, Class of 1980, Alumni Distinguished Service Award Mordecai M. Harvey, doctoral student, Human Nutrition, Recipient Foods, and Exercise, Vice President, Graduate Student Wayne H. Robinson, Senior Client Partner and Chief Assembly Diversity Practice Leader, Wyndham Mills International, Jordan A.
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