London Gazette 8544 June 10 to June 14 1746
Numb. 8544 The London Gazette Published by Authority FROM Tuesday June 10, to Saturday June 14, 1746. Whitehall, June 11. sail To-morrow. By Letter from Inverary we are informed, that on the 27th of last Month General Campbell sailed with 1000 choice Argyllshire his Day an Express arrived from his Men from Dunstaffnage, and that Night Royal Highness the Duke of anchored in Tobermory Bay in Mull, and next Cumberland, with the following Day arrived at Strontian, the Heart of Lochiel's Advices. T Clan where Mr. Cameron of Dungallon brought Fort Augustus, June 5. Lord George Sackville in Men and Arms to Major General Campbell and Major Wilson are marched to the Barrack of and with them surrendered to the King's Mercy. Bernera with 500 Foot, from whence they are to The Inhabitants of Morvern and Ardnarmurchan proceed Southward along the Coast, till they are doing the same. Lochiel with his Unkle come over against the Head of Loch Arkaig, Ludovick, Murray the Secretary, and some where Lieutenant Colonel Cornwallis is with others, are on the North Side of Lochiel with no another Body of 300 Men. From thence the two great Attendance, and must soon quit their Corps are to proceed Southwards through the Quarters. Countries of the MacDonalds of Moidart and … Knoydart, whilst Captain Scot, with the old Garrison of Fort William, which was relieved two Days ago by Brigadier General Houghton's Regiment, will advance from the South to meet them; and Major General Campbell, or the Officer commanding the Argyllshire Militia in his Absence, is to scour the Country about Mingary Castle.
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