

Donald J Trump | 193 pages | 03 Dec 2016 | SIMON & SCHUSTER | 9781501138003 | English | New York, United States Crippled America: How to

But if I were Hillary, I wouldn't necessarily be unhappy that Trump right now looks like he has a decent shot at getting over half of the Republican delegates ahead of the July convention and locking up the nomination. We have to get away from these do nothing polations and get something done. He's gonna renovate the infrastructure of USA and make new airports, bridges, railroads and stuff. View all 20 comments. Read more In fairness I guess I can try to read Hillary's huge tome, but I'm not excited to. Who would want these jobs or these third world wages in the US? In every interview and every debate, Trump offers no plans or solutions to all the problems he is constantly going on about. December 20, Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America Anyfuck, I'm not a "Merican so I doubt yall give a fuck what I think. When I got to my car, I tucked it under Posted at Shelf Inflicted I believe all politicians are liars and more concerned about their own careers than they are about their supporters, so I find reading these types of books a waste of time. The New York Times reporter Michiko Kakutani criticized Trump for boasting about his business ventures while offering a dystopian view of the U. I put this on my "made me cry" shelf because when I read it I almost cried because of the fact that so many people actually support this guy. The point is things cost less if they're not made in America. He thinks other countries should pay us for our military "protecting" them. He does a lot of patting himself on the back and often just writes "believe me" when discussing how he'll fix things which gets tiresome to read. Oct 30, Elaine rated it it was amazing. However, internally, he has earned the right to conduct his experiment, because he prioritised domestic American employment over third world poverty. Aug 19, Matt marked it as to-read-not Shelves: ducks-go-quacking. This one was placed right in the center of Union Square Park, New York and people took selfies… … before he was removed. There is only one logical explanation for Mr. Americans are fed up with politics as usual. American politics. This tongue-in-cheek look at our current President-Elect Donald J. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. So when does he think it is appropriate to learn this stuff? And you're doing splendidly. I'm officially going to switch and register as a Republican and I will do my duty as Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America American citizen and vote for Mr. The politicians and special interests in Washington, DC are directly responsible for the mess we are in. In 's We were saved by mussels. View all 8 comments. Enlarge cover. Let me repeat that, one way or another: Mexico will pay Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America it. More by Donald Trump See more. He is going to need a SIMS money code for making all of these things happen. I've always thought of Hilary Clinton as a more corrupted and villain politician than DJT and I'm still glad she didn't get elected. For people coming from some countries, the estimated waiting period is 33 years. Want to Read saving…. There's just so much red on that map. Many of the properties he owns he bought in various states of run-downness, which some might say is the state of America; and he renovated them and turned them into first class, world class, properties. Consider for a moment that Trump used to be a Democrat. He discussed each issue or aspect in a whole chapter. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I want to bring America back, to make it great and prosperous again, and to be sure we are respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries. I want to bring America back, to make it great and prosperous again, and to be sure we are respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries. It was less than pages. Nobody knows how many illegal immigrants are here, but the usual estimate is Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America than 11 million people. The comedy is coming stay tuned :D Trump refused to put a smiley picture of h Maybe most of the Americans knew trump well as a successful businessman even before declaring his presidential candidacy. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. She ought to be Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America serious problems, and people on the left ought to be starting to shrug their shoulders and say, well, maybe some of those Republicans aren't that bad. A revised edition was subsequently republished eight months later in trade paperback format under the title Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America during Trump's election campaign. Jan 11, Eat. It shouldn't be happening. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America transfer the files to supported eReaders. Another month of this and they'll be cracking open the champagne at . And they should be! Everything begins with a strong military. I hope he will preserve his word towards minorities especially the Muslim minorities. Donald J. Not true. Let me know! They've had two terms in office, the US is still not doing so well economically, and Hillary is notoriously unpopular with Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America large chunk of the electorate. To finish the review, I wanna emphasize that regarding Donald Trump, I always tried not to hate him with blind eyes, just the way many people do. He is also influential enough that he can get people to help him in those areas where he lacks knowledge. Threshold Editions. There was a lot of foreign policy stuff that also made no sense and I could talk about the ridiculousness of him trying to end birthright citizenship, but if I talked about what was wrong with every single chapter, this review would go on for a while. Thank you for signing up, fellow book lover!