Propulsion:Propulsion: thethe useuse ofof thethe Morton’sMorton’s ExtensionExtension inin AthleticsAthletics Vol. 47, Issue 1 | March/April 2015 | Vol. 47, Issue 1 | March/April 2015 | Each year, more individuals choose ABC for pedorthic certification than any other credentialing body. With ABC’s unprecedented commitment to education, training and high standards, it’s not hard to see why. To find out how you can become ABC certified, call 703-836-7114 or visit us at current Pedorthics Editorial Staff EXECUTIVE EDITOR COVER STORY Tara A. Mina ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rob Sobel and Tammy Daulton ART DIRECTOR Kristopher P. Gramza DESIGN/PRODUCTION KPG DESIGN Advertising & Sales Staff CURRENT PEDORTHICS Tracey Aaron, Arlington Publishing MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS MANAGER Rebecca Fazarri, CMP EXHIBIT AND SPONSORSHIP SALES MANAGER Andre Cholewinski, CPM Headquarters Staff MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Christopher Costantini MEMBERSHIP AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Althea Powell Chandler and Christopher Costantini GOVERNMENT RELATIONS DIRECTOR Dean Mason LEGAL COUNSEL 15 Allan J. Weiner, Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP | Propulsion: the use of the Morton’s Extension Current Pedorthics (ISSN 1552-8111) is published bimonthly by the Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA), 1610 East in Athletics: Old Remedy Forsyth St. Suite D, Americus, GA 31709. Telephone: (229)389-3440 Fax: (888)563-0945, Website: www.pedorthics. org, Email:
[email protected]. Copyright© 2015, or Innovative Healthy PFA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission. Advantage? Letters to the Editor and other unsolicited material are assumed intended for publication and are subject to editing.