NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with the Government Code, Chapter 551,( known as the Open Meetings Act), as amended, a regular meeting of Commissioners' Court, the governing body of McLennan County, will be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of February, 2019 at 9:00 o' clock a. m. in the Commissioners' Courtroom, I Floor, West Wing, McLennan County Courthouse, 501 Washington, City of Waco, , at which time, the subjects below will be considered and potentially acted upon.


A. Proof of Posting of Notice

B. Moment of Silence/ Invocation and Pledge

C. Public Comments

D. Proclamations/ Resolutions:

1. Proclamation Recognizing & Congratulating the 2018 Football Team Class 2A Division 2 State Champions

2. Proclamation Recognizing& Congratulating the 2018 La Vega High School Football Team Class 4A Division 1 State Champions

E. Consent Agenda:

1. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting(s); Recording into the Court Minutes of Previously Approved Documents; Recordation of Items Not Requiring Court Action

a. Recording of Human Resources/ Salary Matters for Road& Bridge, Precinct 2

b. Recording of Agreement Renewal with Wichita County ( re: Housing and Care of Inmates at the Jack Harwell Detention Center)

c. Recording of MobilexUSA Portable Diagnostic Services Agreement with Symphony Diagnostic Services No. I, L.L.C. dba MobilexUSA( re: Services for McLennan County Jail)

d. Recording of Resolution in Opposition to Unfunded Mandates

e. Recording of Contract with MessageMedia USA, Inc.( re: Jury Short Message Service( SMS) for the District Clerk)

f. Recording of Application/ Contract with Companion Life Insurance Company( re: Aggregate and Specific Excess Loss Insurance/ Stop Loss Insurance)

g. Recording of Renewal of Digital Library and Multi- Year Print Agreement with LexisNexis( re: Law Library)

2. Financial Obligations of McLennan County:

a. Authorization for County Treasurer to Pay County Checks / Wire / Electronic Transfers Issued Since the Last Authorization

3. Human Resources/ Salary Matters( Payroll Status Forms or Changes):

a. Road and Bridge, Precinct 2

b. Health Services

c. Criminal District Attorney

4. Authorization/ Ratification of RFP' s, RFQ' s, and Bids Advertisements; Publications; Public/ Legal Notices

a. Ratification of Publication for RFQ 19- 015 Engineering Services for Water and/or Wastewater System Improvements

5. Travel and Education Requests:

a. County Sheriff

6. Recording of Educational Certificates; Recording of Department Head Affidavits; Recording of Departmental Reports; Acceptance or Approval of Official Bonds, Conflict Statements, or Other Such Items Required to be Submitted to the Court by Public Officials:

7. Burn Ban Approval, Extension, or Termination

a. Authorization regarding Renewal of Red Flag Warning Burn Ban Order

8. County Property and/ or Construction Projects:

a. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement and Authorization of Payment for Acquisition of Right-of-Waco Parcel No. P- 1 ( re: Compton School Road Project)

9. Approval of Sponsor' s Note for Repayment of Health Benefit Cost Received Due to Failure to Report Income, Payable to McLennan County

Page 1 of 4 1) Budget, Budget Amendments/ Transfers/ Changes, Additional Revenue Certifications, Expenditure Requests:

1. Regarding FY 19 Budget:

a. Specialty Courts

b. Road& Bridge, Precinct 3

c. Capital Outlay:

1) Regarding General Fund( Fund 001)

2) Regarding Courthouse Security Fund( Fund 015)

d. Pretrial Services

e. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Place 1 / Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Place 2( Fund 140)

f. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 ( Fund 140)

g. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5 ( Fund 140)

h. Information Technology

i. County Wide/ 414th District Court( Fund 142)

j. Road& Bridge, Precinct 2

Ic Authorization of Public Claim Reimbursement

I. Authorization of Engineering/ Surveying Services Invoices: Walker Partners( re: McLennan County Venue Project December Services)

m. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Employee Vaccination Expenditures

G. Bids, REP' s, RFQ' s, Quotations for Goods and Services:

I. Authorization of VOIP Cabling Quote: Level One Technology( re: Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4)

H. Contracts, Interlocal Agreements, and Memorandums of Understanding; Purchase, Lease, or Acquisition of Goods, Equipment or Services, including any Financing Thereof:

1. Authorization of Agreement for Waterside Maintenance with Specialty Water Treatments, L.L.0

2. Authorization of Support and Maintenance Agreement with Exela Technologies / HOV Services, Inc. ( re: Archives / Records Management)

3. Authorization of Maintenance Agreements with Ricoh USA, Inc.:

a. Regarding Engineering Office Copier

b. Regarding Mental Health Court Services Copier

4. Authorization of Maintenance Agreement with CTWP( re: Highway 6 JaiUMedical Copier)

5. Authorization of VEMACS and VoteSafe Software Maintenance and Support Agreement Extension with VOTEC ( re: Voter Registration and Election Management)

6. Authorization of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Lorena I. S. D.( re: Road Work)

7. Authorization of Lexis Advance Subscription Agreement with LexisNexis( re: 74th District Court/ Contract No. DIR- LGL- CALIR- 01 A)

8. Authorization of Professional Services Agreement and related Geotechnical Investigation Proposal with Langennan Foster Engineering Company( re: McLennan County Vehicle Maintenance and Archival Storage Facilities/ Proposal No. GEO19- 011)

9. Authorization of Elevator Service/ Maintenance Agreement Addendum with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation

10. Authorization of Services Agreement with GGA Pest Management Services( re: Various Locations)

I. Capital Improvement, Repair, Maintenance Projects and Construction Projects:

1. Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Off-System Bridge Replacement Project for Bays Road( CR 578) at Tehuacana Creek: Authorization of Temporary Road Closure

2. Regarding the Surrey Ridge Road Improvement Project( Bid 18- 021)/ Agreement with Knife River Corporation:

a. Authorization of Application for Payment No. 3.

b. Authorization of Change Order No. 02

Page 2 of 4 3. Regarding the Speegleville Road Improvement Project: Authorization of Waterline Relocation Notifications

a. Regarding Windsor Water Company

b. Regarding East Crawford Water Supply Corporation

J. Real Estate, Right of Way, and Easements:

K. Grants/ Grant Proposals:

L. Department/ Office- Specific Requests, Presentations or Items for Discussion and Possible Action( To the Extent Not Addressed Above):

1. County Treasurer: Annual Adoption of Authorized Brokers and Recording of TexPool Acknowledgement and Certification of Investment Policies( per the Public Funds Investment Act and McLennan County Investment Policy)

2. Elections: Authorization of Social Media Accounts Request

3. Engineering: Authority to Sign and Submit McLennan County' s Year 5 Phase II( Small) MS4 2017- 2018 Annual Report to TCEQ( Annual Storm Water Report)

4. Purchasing: Discussion and/ or Action regarding Purchasing Card Requisitions

5. Information Technology: Discussion and/ or Action regarding ISILON Storage System

M. Additional Items for Discussion and Potential Action:

1. Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce: Monthly Economic Development Report, December 2018

2. Authorization of Fixed Asset Transfer Form( re: Transfer of Assets from Road& Bridge, Precinct 3 to Road& Bridge, Precinct 4)

3. Waco-McLennan County Public Health District: Authorization of December Billing/Reports( re: On-Site Sewage Facility O. S. S. F.) Program)

4. Authorization of Appointments to the McLennan County Bail Bond Board

5. Approval of Order Establishing Rules with Regard to the McLennan County Law Library and Creating Local Bar Advisory Committee

6. Regarding the Heart of Texas Council of Governments( HOTCOG) Solid Waste Program: Authorization of Amnesty Day Clean- Up Reimbursement( re: Road& Bridge, Precinct I and Road& Bridge, Precinct 2)

7. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Order Authorizing Texas Independence Day Fireworks Sales

N. Americans with Disabilities Compliance Project:

O. Work Session items( unless otherwise identified above, no action will be taken, but these matters will be discussed):

1. Discussion regarding Criminal Justice Issues: Updates on the Electronic Monitoring Program / Coordinating the McLennan County Criminal Justice System/ Criminal Justice Process/ Veterans& Mental Health Courts/ Courthouse Security/ Public Nuisance Reporting & Enforcement Process / Reintegration Programs / Updates from the Associate Judge, related matters

2. Discussion regarding Capital Expenditures: including Time Schedule for Capital Outlay/ Recommendations from the Finance Committee on the Spending Policy/ Equipment Financing, related matters

3. Discussion regarding County Property: including Space Availability& Utilization of County Buildings/Law Library, Utilization Planning, Consultant, Joint Facilities Master Plan or Study; Tradinghouse Lake/ Park; Updates regarding ADA Capital Improvements; Updates regarding Road Projects including Surrey Ridge Road, Speegleville Road, and/ or Chapel Road; County Off-System Bridge Repair/ Maintenance, Judicial Center Feasibility Study, File Storage at Downtown Jail, related matters

4. Discussion regarding Rural Transit District: including Rural/ Public Transportation Updates/ Reports, related matter

5. Discussion regarding the McLennan County Venue Project

6. Discussion regarding Original Themis Statue, Clock / Clock Tower Project, and Other Historic Architectural Features/ Pieces: including Placement or Disposition of Items

7. Discussion regarding Radio Interoperability: including Tower Sites and Trunking Systems

8. Discussion regarding the Heart of Texas Workforce Solutions: including Statistical Information

9. Discussion regarding County Credit Card Purchases/ P-Card

Page 3 of 4 P. Executive/ Closed Session

1. Section 551. 071 ofthe Government Code( V.CT.A.): An executive/closed session will be held so that the Commissioners Court can seek and receive legal advice from its attorneys regarding pending or threatened litigation, settlement offers, claims, or other matters for which the attorneys' duties to their client under the Texas State Bar Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct Conflicts with the Open Meetings Act( Ch. 55I, Gov. Code) if necessary for a subject contained on this agenda, and advice dealing with pending litigation, administrative claims or notices, and legal effects, liabilities, and legal options including but not limited to claims arising from Opioid Litigation, Civil Rights Cases, Tort Claims, or Other Pending or Threatening Litigation

2. Section 551. 072 of the Government Code( V.C.TA): Regarding Real Property, including, but not limited to:( 1) Right- Of-Way Acquisitions re: Expansion/ Repair Project/ s; and/ or( 2) Real Estate Purchase/ Sale/ Transfer/ Trade/ Offers to Purchase, Acquisition/ Value/ Donations of Real Property/ Leases relative to Real Property, including, but not limited to, Potential Properties for Use by County/ Public Facilities& Valuation of Current Property for Trade or Sale

3. Section 551. 074 of the Government Code ( VCT.A.): Regarding Personnel Matters including but not limited to: Personnel Review / Evaluation of Commissioners Court Appointed Department Heads; Employment, Appointment, Termination, Hearing Grievances Against Employees or Public Officials; Incentive Pay; Personnel Matters Identified in any Open Session Item if Necessary, and related matters

4. Section 551. 076 ofthe Government Code( V.CLA.): Deliberations regarding Security Devices or Security Audits

5. Section 551. 087 of the Government Code ( UCLA.): Regarding Economic Development Negotiations including, but not limited to ( 1) Discussion of Commercial/ Financial Information Received from a Business Prospects; ( 2) Pending Negotiations / Potential Prospects and Projects; and/ or ( 3) Discussion re: Offers of Financial or Other Incentives to Business Prospect/ s

Q. Adjourn Signed this 31 st day of January, 2019

SCOTT M. FELTON, County Judge


I, J. A." ANDY" HARWELL, County Clerk, and the Ex- Officio Clerk to the Commissioners Court, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a NOTICE OF MEETING posted by me at the Courthouse door in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, where notices are customarily posted this 31st day of January, 2019. Witness my hand and seal of office at Waco, McLennan County, Texas the 31 st day of January, 2019 at 5: 0O p. m.

J. A. "ANDY" HARWELL, County Clerk SEAL) McLennan County, Texas

BY Deputy)

Notice: Persons with disabilities in need of auxiliary aide or services may contact the County Judge' s Office,( 254) 757- 5049, prior to the meeting date

FEB 05 2019

JA%WDY HARWELL, County Clerk ItLeman Counts Tares By ItELLY FULLBRIGHT DEPLrrY

Page 4 of 4 AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

B. Moment of Silence/ Invocation and Pledge

CD- 506, 9: 01

County Judge Felton stated that at this time we will have a moment of silence. County Judge Felton then stated that we will now have the Pledge of Allegiance. Judge Felton and Commissioners thanked County Auditor Stan Chambers for his service. The Court went to D. Proclamations/ Resolutions. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

D. Proclamations/ Resolutions:

I. Proclamation Recognizing& Congratulating the 20i8 Mart High Approved School Football Team Class 2A Division 2 State Champions

2. Proclamation Recognizing& Congratulating the 2018 La Vega Approved High School Football Team Class 4A Division I State Champions



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Proclamation Recognizing & Congratulating the 2018 Mart High School Football Team Class 2A Division 2 State Champions. Judge Felton read the Proclamation into the Minutes and presented it to the Mart

High School Football Team, Head Coach and Superintendent. After discussion, Commissioner

Miller made a motion to approve and it was seconded Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Proclamation be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. STATE OF TEXAS

PROCLAMATION COUNTY OF MCLENNAN 41110 A PROCLAMATION OF THE MCLENNAN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT RECOGNIZING & CONGRATULATING THE 2018 MART HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM - 2A DIVISION 2 STATE CHAMPIONS WHEREAS, the 2018 MART HIGH SCHOOL PANTHERS FOOTBALL TEAM, with a Record of 15 and I, became the first Mart High School Football Team to win" Back- to-Back" state championships in program history. The Panthers claimed their 7th State Title with a defeat over the Gruver High School Greyhounds of 70 to 33, on Wednesday, December in19, an 2018. 11- man The state Panthers championship set new stategame; records and in both rushing touchdowns and yardage in a 2A title game, and points scored WHEREAS, the McLennan County Commissioners Court would like to publicly recognize and congratulate the players, students, and faculty personnel for this great achievement. The Court applauds the coaching staff for their time and talents

put forthKlyderion in bringing Campbell out the best of the best in preparing this championship team; and Jordan Chandler Shatydrick Baileyg Paige Hall Armen Lane Aaliah Lane Ben Schultz Kenyson Lewis Tyrek Home ATHLETIC DIRECTOR HEAD Alden Gast Ananda McCoy COACH Sauceda Kennedy Parker Anthony Kevin Hoffman Kyler Martin Kiarha Slay- Jefferson Scarlett Vanek Dometrius Greene DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR eYer Neven Hickman Kenzie Wehm Shane Martin Jade Wise Roddrell Freeman Andrew Skylar Young Sunday OFFENSIVE CORRODINATOR Logan Wehrneyer Steve Burrow MASCOT Keishawn Clater Da' Marion Medlock Ashley Galloway ASSISTANT$ De' Traevion Medlock Landry Williams Tristan Holt TRAINER Mark Honeycutt Caleb Jaimes Greg Bradbum Kyle Stone Jacob Ybarra Marcus Thompson Matthew Comer STUDENT TRAINERS Chase Burrow Alex Nguyen Ally Pechacek Tyson Wade lasey eedle SUPERINTENDENT Kamrynor tehelde Alan Harringer Porterfield Dr. Len Williams Elijah Green Preston BALL BOYS Lane PRINCIPAI Blake Carroll laden Riley Betsy Burnett Heston Sauls Chris Bledsoe Averion Johnson MicahSauls BAND DIRECTOR Dominic Medlock TreyAnthony Abmscato Richard Green Brandon Horn Fernando Alfaro CHEER SPONSORS Sanchez JILMERS Tonny Andrea Hall Hunter Jones Adolfo Morton Hall Laurie Joyce Medlock Kirk Casey Cameron Atkins CHEERLEADERS Taylor Franklin Savanna Drake Shepherd Jerry Lexy Fielding WHEREAS, in addition to paying tribute to the team, staff, coaches, and cheerleading squad, we also wish to express gratitude and appreciation to the families and the many loyal fans who faithfully supported and contributed to the ultimate success of the 2018 MART HIGH SCHOOL PANTHERS FOOTBALL TEAM; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the McLennan County Commissioners Court Officially Recognizes and Congratulates the 2018 MART HIGH SCHOOL PANTHERS FOOTBALL TEAM, COACH KEVIN HOFFMAN, AND THE MART PANTHERS COACHING STAFF on becoming the 2018 2A DIVISION 2 STATE CHAMPIONS; and

BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, that a copy of this PROCLAMATION be made a permanent part of the minutes of the Commissioners Court. WITNESSED OUR HA ID_ D SEAL day of February, 2019. blown.n• SCOTTSCO M. FELTON, ounty Judge


KELLY L, Commissioner Precinct I PATRIC ILLE missioner Precinct 2

WILL ION ommissioner Precinct 3 BEN PERRY, Commissio r P inct 4 Attest: J. A." Andy" Harwell, County Clerk McLennan County, Texas I IfLtl . t By County. eelikk FEB 05 2019



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Proclamation Recognizing& Congratulating the 2018 La Vega High School Football Team Class 4A Division I State Champions. Commissioner Miller read the Proclamation into the Minutes and presented it to

La Vega High School Superintendent and Head Football Coach. After discussion, Commissioner

Jones made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Proclamation be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. STATE OF TEXAS



WHEREAS, the 2018 LAVEGA HIGH SCHOOL PIRATES FOOTBALL TEAM, with a Record of 14 and 2, won their second state title in four years, setting three Class 4A title game records in the process, including longest pass and reception for a touchdown in 4A title game history. The Pirates claimed their State Title with a defeat over the Liberty Hill High School Panthers of 35 to 21, on Friday, December 21, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the McLennan County Commissioners Court would like to publicly recognize and congratulate the players, students, and faculty personnel for this great achievement. The Court applauds the coaching staff for their time and talents put forth in bringing out the best of the best in preparing this championship team; and Josh Hamilton Tyron Minnitt. Jr. Landry Kinne De' treveon Thompson SUPERINTENDENT Demicco Chambliss Demarr Hayes Dr. Sharon Shields Malachi Wright Ian Chavez Daylon Williams Ivan Martinez PRINCIPAL Anthony Bums Ke' ertan Ginn Chuck Klander Javon Iglehart Manuel Ruiz Jar' quae Walton Jesse Majors- Sterling STUDENT TRAINERS Sol' dreveon Degrate Jordan Morgan Jemeriyah Babbs Jordan McKinney Raul Ramirez Timothy Can Quintaveon Mason Chris Kelly Shautavia Crenshaw Demarrquese Hayes laron Levingston Jade Lister

Donta Stuart Vincent Henderson Ivett Lopez

Taequan Tyler Raeshawn Roberts Aubruana Rogers Jaivon Crosson Kyndall Zilem Jacob Bryant HEAD COACH Allie Beatty- Ferrell Jared Rogers Don Hyde Bailey Brown Ara Rauls, III Kaylee Shilling John Richards ASSISTANT COACHES Rosalinda Sifuentes Jaylon Ridge Bryce Bobo Ivan Curl Adam Byrd ATHLETIC TRAINER Jordan Rogers Mike Cadell Keith" Doc" Patterson Elisha Cummings Jermaine Carpenter Keyon Reese William Cartwright ASSISTANT ATHLETIC Ricky Jones, Jr. Leroy Coleman TRAINER Trevonte Garrett Paul Deleon Jasmine Succes Caleb Wright Manuel Gibson Jacorry Coaster Jack LaRue BAND DIRECTORS Reginald Brown Brad Lewis Tom English Ericq Speight Andrew McNew David Sprinkle Vernon Walker, Jr. Eric Ransom Justin Vance Jaelyn Maladdie Am Rauls, Jr. James Baggett William Samford CHEER COACHES Zamarion Johnson Daxon Swanson Ira Rauls Robert Allen Chris Ward Amber Talbert Eric Brown Adam Woods Yvonne Rose Andrew Brown Damion Brown ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Gavin Donaldson Willie Williams

WHEREAS, in addition to paying tribute to the team, staff, coaches, and cheerleading squad, we also wish to express gratitude and appreciation to the families and the many loyal fans who faithfully supported and contributed to the ultimate success of the 2018 LAVEGA HIGH SCHOOL PIRATES FOOTBALL TEAM; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the McLennan County Commissioners Court Officially Recognizes and Congratulates the 2018 LAVEGA HIGH SCHOOL PIRATES FOOTBALL TEAM, COACH DON HYDE, AND THE LAVEGA PIRATES COACHING STAFF on becoming the 2018 4A DIVISION 1 STATE CHAMPIONS; and

BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, that a copy ofthis PROCLAMATION be made a permanent part of the minutes of the Commissioners Court. WITNESSED OUR D S AL tl ' di ay o ebruary, 2019.

SCOTT M. FELTON, Countyudge M. Al KELLY) L, Commissioner Precinct I PATRI ,. MIL , yam ommissioner Precinct 2

r...- WILL JON , ommissioner Precinct 3 der _ BEN PERRY, Commi-.jeer Precinct 4 Attest: J. A." Andy" Harwell, Cleric eeCounty By: Deputy County Clerk . r15ah FEB ' 0 5 2019 JA"AN DY HARW ELL, CountyCjark Counts Texas KELLLYFUMcLenBY:FULLS RRIGHTIGHT DEPUTY ORDER RECESSING REGULAR SESSION

On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 9: 21 o' clock a. m., County Judge Scott Felton announced that this meeting of February 5, 2019 stands in recess for five minutes.


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 9: 25 o' clock a. m. the Court reconvened in Regular Session with County Judge Scott M. Felton presiding and Commissioners Kelly Snell, Patricia Chisolm- Miller, Will Jones and Ben Perry and the Clerk thereof being in attendance, the following proceedings were had and done to- wit: The Court went back to C. Public Comments. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

C. Public Comments

CD- 506, 9: 25

County Judge Felton opened the floor to anyone present who wished to address the Court on County business matters. Not hearing anyone speak, County Judge Felton closed the hearing. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019


1. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting( s) Recording into the Court Minutes of Previously Approved Documents; Recordation of Items Not Requiring Court Action

a. Recording of Human Resources/ Salary Matters for Approved Road& Bridge, Precinct 2

b. Recording of Agreement Renewal with Wichita County Approved re: Housing and Care of Inmates at the Jack Harwell Detention Center)

c. Recording of MobilexUSA Portable Diagnostic Services Approved Agreement with Symphony Diagnostic Services No. I, L. L.C. dba MobilexUSA ( re: Services for McLennan County Jail)

d. Recording of Resolution in Opposition to Unfunded Mandates Approved

e. Recording of Contract with MessageMedia USA, Inc. Approved re: Jury Short Message Service( SMS) for the District Clerk)

f. Recording of Application/ Contract with Companion Approved Life Insurance Company( re: Aggregate and Specific Excess Loss Insurance/ Stop Loss Insurance)

g. Recording of Renewal of Digital Library and Multi- Year Approved Print Agreement with LexisNexis( re: Law Library)

2. Financial Obligations of McLennan County:

a. Authorization for County Treasurer to Pay County Approved Checks/ Wire/ Electronic Transfers Issued Since the Last Authorization

3. Human Resources/ Salary Matters (Payroll Status Forms or Changes):

a. Road and Bridge, Precinct 2 Approved

b. Health Services Pulled

c. Criminal District Attorney Pulled

4. Authorization/ Ratification of RFP' s, and Bids Advertisements; Publications; Public/ Legal Notices

a. Ratification of Publication for RFQ 19- 015 Engineering Approved Services for Water and/ or Wastewater System Improvements

5. Travel and Education Requests:

a. County Sheriff Approved 6. Recording of Educational Certificates; Recording of Department None Head Affidavits; Acceptance or Approval of Official Bonds, Conflict Statements, or Other Such Items Required to be Submitted to the Court by Public Officials:

7. Burn Ban Approval, Extension, or Termination

a. Authorization regarding Renewal of Red Flag Warning Approved Burn Ban Order

8. County Property and/ or Construction Projects:

a. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement and Authorization Approved of Payment for Acquisition of Right- of-Waco Parcel No. P- I re: Compton School Road Project)

9. Approval of Sponsor' s Note for Repayment of Health Benefit Approved Cost Received Due to Failure to Report Income, Payable to McLennan County


On this 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of reviewing and approving the Consent Agenda Items. Judge Felton stated that we need to pull items E. 3. b. and E. 3. c. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve ( the consent agenda items with the exemption of E. 3. b. and E. 3. c). and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Consent Agenda Items be, and the same are hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Recording of Human Resources/ Salary Matters: Road and Bridge, Precinct 2 approved on January 4, 2019 and recorded on Page 56 of these minutes.


Tli) 0171 y(


JAN 0 4 Z019 McLennan County, Texas i 1 u4 gN f+` ° R`' s PAYROLL STATUS FORM r - aa —/9 LAST NAME FIRST NAME MI EMPLOYEE ID NO. EFFECTIVE DATE lrll/ vlulu,+, z 1' mac` f n co a— ' -! ' - Ncsv Hine L Promotion Reclassificalinn Move 0 Separation from Other 0 DemotionUSalary Adjustment MeritMeritIncreaseM County Employment FULLTIME EMPLOYEES


EXISTING PROPOSED REVISION FROM TO Job Title ii-bl)( PVC1 ( L- i, Job Code Number 116 r-- 69) 0 Department Name CfOt° 2' V eaC a eA, fp Fuca Position Number -- 1 3 t OA-D 10( nB System


Monthly Amount

Annual Amount

Salary Survey- Min $ 1.aC' Ihuur Flll A STATUS Salary Survey- Mid S CA.\ a. l rl0 r 0 f2.' empt DATE OF IIIRE Salary Survey - Max % on- Exempt i- / 1\ / t ll)ur Imo, . i r 8;- HOURLY EMPLOYEES a 3 —j 9 DEPARTMENT NAME HOURLY RA ~ The Commissioners' Court annually sets the standard rate for hourly employees. OD Conunissioners' Court approval of this fomn is only necessary if the hourly pay rate 41fN/3, 70•-•. ..T Z a. stated exceeds the standard one. Call the f IR Dept for the standard rate. ACCOUNT CODING ( For County Auditor' s Use) FUND COST CENTER OBJECT PROJECT MONTHLY SALARY PERCENTAGE

Total I011. 00% APPROVALS ( See Note I)


A' line itc transfer 1' h} s proposed action Approved A I approve the above is is not hereby a is not Accepted action. within the established required if approved by guidelines Commissinncrs' Court. Denied of Me nna County. Sec attached, if required. Date y/

Note I - Signature blanks should be marked / A if approval is not required for this action. No approval by the Commivd u wired for actions employees, unless their rate fiscal affecting hourly hourly exceeds the year' s adopted standard hourly rate. Scpar i yment require only the departments approval as to effective date.

COMMENTS: BY: kInVt 16 rftree-

Original- Clerk Green- Treasurer County Canary- Human Resources Department Goldenrod- Originating Department AFFIDAVIT-" REHIRING RETIREES"

The State of Texas KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: County of McLennan

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a notary public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Scott M. Felton hereinafter called Affiant") known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed hereto, who after being by me duly sworn, upon oath deposed and stated:

I. My name is Scott M. Felton and I am over eighteen( 18) years of age; I am a resident of McLennan County, Texas; I am fully competent to make this Affidavit; the following facts are within my personal knowledge or information provided or communicated to me by County staff and County officials which 1 have no reason to doubt; the following facts are true and correct; and this affidavit is made under penalty of perjury.

2. Jerry Pavelka hereinafter called" Retiree") retired from employment with McLennan County on or about I2/29/2017 and receives or is to receive retirement benefits under the Texas County and District Retirement System( TCDRS).

3. Said retirement was a bona fide separation from employment with McLennan County and took place without any understanding, communication, discussion, indication, or arrangement, express or implied, formal or informal, by, from or on behalf of any elected official, department head or employee of said County, that Retiree would be re- hired, given preferential consideration for re- hire, or would return to employment with McLennan County after retirement.

4. The Retiree has applied for re- employment with McLennan County, without promise or expectation of re- employment.

5. The Retiree has been offered re- employment with McLennan County, and this affidavit is specifically intended to affect the course or outcome of the vote by the McLennan County Commissioners Court in an official proceeding concerning this re- employment.

Further Affiant with not. ITt127 Affiant( Former Elected Official' s, Department Head/ s, or Hiring Authority/ s) SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this the 3^rt day of, 20 / RNBINotaiyPtblib cA STATE OF TEXAS i'' Bt2429750.9 otary Pubic, Sta e of Texas l:omm. Exp. Aug 28, 2022 NO : n 3flt0avrt ( tft1ettermz- andt2l Elected Official, Department Head, or hiring authority offering re- employment, and( 3) any/ all Elected OfficiaL/s and/ or Department Head/ s or hiring authority/ s for whom the Retiree previously was employed by McLennan County during any period of previous employment, in any office. department or agency of the county, if different from( 2), must be submitted with the Payroll Status Form. Attachment MCP- 02Ac AFFIDAVIT—" REHIRING RETIREES"

The State of Texas KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: County of McLennan

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a notary public for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Patricia Chisoim- Miller hereinafter called sworn,Affiant") upon known oath deposedto me to andbe the stated: person whose name is subscribed hereto, who after being by me duly

1. My name is Snlm- Miller and I am over eighteen( 18) years of age; I am a resident of McLennan County, Texas; I am fully competent to make this Affidavit; the following facts are within my personal knowledge; the following facts are true and correct; and this affidavit is made under penalty of perjury.

2. Jerry Pavelka heretiIz aft pall ` Retiree") retired from employment with McLennan County on or about I&- S and receives or is to receive retirement benefits under the Texas County and District Retirement System( TCDRS).

3. Said retirement was a bona fide separation from employment with McLennan County and took place without any understanding, communication, discussion, indication, or arrangement, express or implied, formal or informal, by, from or on behalf of any elected official, department head or employee of said County, that Retiree would be re- hired, given preferential consideration for re- hire, or would return to employment with McLennan County after retirement.

4. The Retiree has applied for re-employment with McLennan County, without promise or expectation of re- employment.

5. The Retiree has been offered re-employment with McLennan County, and this affidavit is specifically intended to affect the course or outcome of the vote by the McLennan County Commissioners Court in an official proceeding concerning this re-employment.

Further Affiant saith not.

I' \/ Affiant( Elected Official, Department Head, or Hiring Authority Offering Re- employment)

20tqSWORN , TO and SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this the 4th day of January

ANN A. Fl] RREST i I • 6X Public SrAty j' Notary Public, State of Texas NOTE: An affi. t:.: et ;; employment, and rt ' cal, Departnrnt Head, or hiring authority otiering re- e y ent Head/ s or hiring authority/ s for whom the Retiree previously was employed by Mclennan County during any period of previous employment, in any office, department or agency ofthe county, if different from( 2), must be submitted with the Payroll Status Form Attachment MCP- 02Ab AFFIDAVIT—" REHIRING RETIREES"

The State of Texas KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: County of McLennan

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authorit , a notary public for the State of Texas, on this day appeared d a personally Tr re. f P4 MC, hereinafter called Affiant") known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed hereto, who after being by me duly sworn, upon oath deposed and stated:

1. name is My ci 4 andI am over eighteen ( 18) yeat/ fage; I am a resident of McLennan County, Texas; I am fully competent to make this Affidavit; the following facts are within my personal knowledge; the following facts are true and correct; and this affidavit is made under penalty of pe1Jury.

2. I retired from employment with McLennan County on or about 5)—PIN 7 and receive or will receive retirement benefits under the Texas County and District Retirement System( TCDRS).

3. Said retirement was a bona fide separation from employment with McLennan County and took place without any understanding, communication, discussion, indication, or arrangement, express or implied, formal or informal, by, from or on behalf of any elected official, department head or employee of said County, that I would be re- hired, given preferential consideration for re-hire, or would return to employment with McLennan County after retirement.

4. I applied for re- employment with McLennan County, without promise or expectation of re- employment.

5. I have been offered re- employment with McLennan County, and this affidavit is specifically intended to affect the course or outcome of the vote by the McLennan County Commissioners Court in an official proceeding concerning this re- employment.

Further Affiant saith not.

Aff tt( Retiree)

SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME this the 3/ N day of4)f'enci 20Is .

F Oh. AMANDA M. TALBERTII Public Nally I STATE OF TEXAS S1ic,S& oonvn. 07 . g I NOTE: An affida :.__.._,.....____....__....._.._,..__ ....--- t ' cial, Department Head, or hiring authority offering re- employment, and( 3) any/ all Elected Official/ s and/ or Department Head/ s or hiring authority/ s for whom the Retiree previously was employed by McLennan County during any period of previous employment, in any office, department or agency of the county, if different from( 2), must be submitted with the Payroll Status Form.

Attachment MCP-02Aa fitegt FEB 0 5 2019 JA ANDY HARWEu, Counh Clerk McLennan By, ou DEPUTY Recording of Authorization of Agreement Renewals for Housing and Care of Inmates at the Jack Harwell Detention Center: Wichita County approved on July 17, 2018 and recorded on Page 376 of these minutes.


JAN 1 8 2019

McLennan County Judge



This Agreement is made by and entered into between McLennan County, Texas ( hereinafter Contractor") and Wichita County, Texas( hereinafter" County") on the date indicated below.

WHEREAS, County is seeking to provide for the housing and care of certain inmates incarcerated or to be incarcerated in its jail, and

WHEREAS, Contractor currently has the jail capacity and the ability to provide housing and care for such inmates, and

WHEREAS, both parties are political subdivisions of the State of Texas authorized to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for such detention services pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Government Code( Vemon' s 1992)( tbrmerly Article 4413(32c), Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat.), and

WHEREAS, the County and the Contractor desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to which the Contractor will provide housing and care for certain inmates incarcerated or to be incarcerated in the County's jail.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises. covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:


1. 01 SOUSING AND CARE OF INMATES: Contractor agrees to accept, and provide for the secure custody, care and safekeeping of inmates of the County in accordance with state and local law, including the minimum standards promulgated by the Texas Commission on Jail Standards. The Contractor shall provide housing, care, meals, and routine medical services for such inmates on the same basis as it provides for its own inmates confined in its own jail subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1. 02 MEDICAL SERVICES: The per day rate under this agreement covers only routine medical services such as on-site sick call ( when provided by on- site staff) and non- prescription, over-the- counter/non- legend and routine drugs and medical supplies. The per day rate does not cover medical/ health care services provided outside of the Contractor' s facility or by other than facility staff, prescription drugs and treatments, or surgical, optical and dental care, and does not Include the costs associated with any hospitalization of an inmate. When it becomes nrrPacary for an inmate to be hospitalized, the Contractor shall contact the County, through its Sheriff or designated representative, as soon as possible to inform the County of the fact that the inmate has been, or is to be, hospitalized and of the nature of the illness or injury that has required the hospitalization. Contractor will arrange for outside hospitalization to be billed directly to the County. 1. 03 MEDICAL INFORMATION: The County shall provide the Contractor with medical information for all inmates sought to be transferred to the Contractor's facility under this agreement, including information regarding any special medication, diet or exercise regimen applicable to each inmate.

1. 04 TRANSPORTATION AND OFF- SITE SECURITY: The Contractor and/ or contractor' s agent will be responsible for the transportation of inmates of County to and from the Jail two trips per week but not limited to transportation of inmates to and from court proceedings and hearings; transportation of inmates to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, for confinement; and/ or transportation of inmates to and from County for any purpose, including non- routine medical services. Additional transportation over the two trips per week will be billed at the guard hour rate of$ 15. 00 an hour plus$. 50 per mile.

Contractor will provide stationary guard services as requested or required by the circumstances or by law for inmates admitted or committed to an off-site medical facility. The County shall compensate the Contractor for the actual cost of said guard services to the Contractor at the rate of 15. 00 per hour, which shall be billed by the Contractor along with the regular monthly billing for detention services.

I. 05 $ PECIAL PROGRAMS: The per day rate set out in this agreement only covers basic custodial care and supervision and does not include any special educational, vocational or other programs. The parties may agree by a written amendment to this agreement, or by separate agreement, for the provision of special programs for the consideration and under the terms mutually agreed to by the parties.

1. 06 , LOCATION AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: The Contractor shall provide the detention services described herein at the Jack Harwell Detention Center, McLennan County, 3101 Marlin Hwy, Waco Texas 76705.


2. 01 PER DIEM RATE: The per diem rate for detention services under this agreement is r Forty- Nine and- No/ I00 Dollars( S49. 00) per man day based on monthly average occupancy. This rate covers one inmate per day. Any portion of any day shall count as a man- day under this agreement, except that the County may not be billed for two days when an inmate is admitted one evening and removed the following morning. In that situation, the Contractor will bill for the day of arrival, but not for the day of departure.

2. 02 , BILLING PROCEDURE: Contractor shall submit an itemized invoice for the services provided each month to the County, in arrears, invoices will be submitted to the officer of the County designated to receive the same on behalf of the County. The County shall make payment to the Contractor within thirty ( 30) days after receipt of the invoice. Payment shall be in the name of McLennan County, Texas and shall be remitted to:

2 McLennan County Auditor 214 N. 4th Street, Suite 100 Waco, Texas 76701

Amounts which are not timely paid in accordance with the above procedure shall bear interest at the lesser of the annual percentage rate of 10%, or the maximum legal rate applicable thereto, which shall be a contractual obligation of the County under this agreement. County further agrees that the Contractor shall be entitled to recover its reasonable and necessary attomey' s fees and costs incurred in collection of amounts due under this agreement.


3. 01 PRIMARY TERM: The Primary Term of this agreement is for one( I) year from the date of execution of this agreement by both parties.

3. 02 RENEWALS: The Agreement shall renew automatically each year upon the expiration of the current term unless either Party provides the other with written notice of its desire not to renew the Agreement. Such notice shall be provided at least sixty ( 60) days prior to the expiration of the current term.

In the event that the parties seek to renew this agreement at the end of the primary term or any renewal period, the terms, conditions and rates with regard to any renewal period shall be those currently agreed to by the Parties or adjusted to as mutually agreed between the parties, and as approved by the commissioner' s courts of the respective parties. All agreements between the Parties are set out in this Agreement and no oral agreements which are not contained in this Agreement will be enforceable against any Party.

3. 03 TERMINATION: This agreement shall terminate at the end of the primary term or of any renewal term upon sixty ( 60) days written notice by either party delivered to the officer specified herein by the other party to receive notices. This agreement will likewise terminate upon the happening of an event that renders performance hereunder by the Contractor impracticable or impossible, such as severe damage to or destruction of the facility or actions by governmental or judicial entities which create a legal barrier to the acceptance of any of the County' s inmates.


4. 01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: Nothing herein shall create any obligation upon the Contractor to house the County' s inmates where the housing of said inmates will, in the opinion of the Contractor's Sheriff, raise the population of the facility above permissible numbers of inmates allowed by law, or will, in the Sheriff' s opinion, create a condition of overcrowding or create conditions which endanger the life and/ or welfare of personnel and inmates at the facility, or result in possible violation of the constitutional rights of the inmates housed at the facility. At any time that the Contractor' s Sheriff determines that a condition exists at the Contractor' s facility

3 necessitating the removal of the County's prisoners, or any specified number thereof, the County shall, upon notice by the Contractor' s Sheriff to the Sheriff of the County, immediately ( within eight( 8) hours) remove said prisoner from the facility.

4. 02 ji,LIGIBILITY FOR INCARCERATION AT FACILITY: The only inmates of the County eligible for incarceration are those inmates eligible for incarceration in the facility in accordance with the, state standards under both the Jail commission approved custody assessment system in place at the County' s jail and pursuant to the custody assessment system in place at the Contractor' s facility.

All inmates proposed by the County to be transferred to the Contractor' s facility under this agreement must meet the eligibility requirements set forth above. The Contractor reserves the right to review the inmates' classification/ eligibility, and the right to refuse to accept any inmate that It does not believe to be properly classified as a non- high risk inmate. Furthermore, if an inmate' s classification changes while incarcerated at the Contractor' s facility, the Contractor reserves the right to demand that the County remove that inmate and replace said inmate with a non- high risk inmate of the County.

4. 03 RESERVATION WITH REGARD TO ACCEPTANCE OR CONTINUED INCARCERATION OF INDIVIDUAL INMATES: Contractor reserves the right for its Sheriff or his designated representative to review the background of all inmates sought to be transferred to the Contractor' s facility, and the County shall cooperate with and provide information requested regarding any inmate by the Contractor's sheriff. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any prisoner of the County. Likewise, if any inmate's behavior, medical or psychological condition, or other circumstances of reasonable concern to the Contractor' s Sheriff makes the inmate unacceptable for continued incarceration in Contractor' s facility in the opinion of the Contractor' s Sheriff, the County will be requested to remove said inmate from the Facility, and shall do so immediately ( within eight ( 8) hours) upon the request of the Contractor' s Sheriff. Inmates may also be required to be removed from the Facility when their classification changes for any purpose, including long-term medical segregation.

4.04 INMATE SENTENCES: Contractor shall not be in charge or responsible for the computation or processing of inmate' s time of confinement, including, but not limited to, computation of good time award credits and discharge dates. All such computations and recordkeeping shall continue to be the responsibility of the County. It shall be the responsibility of the County to notify the Contractor of any discharge date for an inmate at least ten ( 10) days before such date. The Contractor will release inmates of the County only when such release is specifically requested in writing by the Sheriff of the County. However, it is agreed that the preferred and usual course of dealing between the parties shall be for the Contractor to return inmates to the County facility shortly before their discharge date, and for the County to discharge the inmate from its own facility. The County accepts all responsibility for the calculations and determinations set forth above and for giving Contractor notice of same, and to the extent allowed by law, shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless for all liability or expenses of any kind arising therefrom. The County is responsible for all paperwork, arrangements and facilitation of inmates to be transferred and the Contractor shall be responsible for the transportation and delivery of the County inmates except those inmates to be delivered directly to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division as provided in paragraph I. 04 above.


5. 01 BINDING NATURE OF AGREEMENT: This agreement is contractual and is binding upon the parties hereto and their successors, assigns, and representatives.

5. 02 NOTICE: All notices, demands, or other writings may be delivered by either party hereto to the other by United States Mail or other reliable courier at the following address:

To Contractor: McLennan County Attention: County Judge 501 Washington Ave., Room 214 Waco, Texas 76701

To County: Wichita County Attention: County Judge Wichita County Courthouse 900 7th Street. Room 260 Wichita Falls, Texas 76301

The address to which any notice, demand, or other writing may be delivered to any party as above provided may be changed by written notice given by such party as above provided.

5. 03 AMENDMENTS: This agreement shall not be modified or amended except by a written instrument executed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties and approved by commissioner' s courts of the respective parties hereto.

5. 04 PRIOR AGREEMENTS: This agreement contains all of the agreements and undertakings, either oral or written, of the parties with respect to any matter mentioned herein. No prior agreement or understanding pertaining to any such matter shall be effective.

5. 05 CHOICE OF LAW AND VENUE: The law which shall govern this agreement is the law of the State of Texas. All consideration to be paid and matters to be performed under this agreement are payable and performable in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, and venue of any dispute or matter arising under this agreement shall lie in a district court of McLennan County, Texas.

5. 06 APPROVALS: This agreement must be approved by the Commissioners Court of the County and the Commissioners Court of the Contractor in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act.

5. 07 FUNDING SOURCE: The County must pay all amounts due under this agreement from current revenues available to it in accordance with the Interlocal Cooperation Act.

5 Signature and Execution:


By: iim/Lfj! By: 4/!- Lr U County Judge n/ County Judge 3 e, b rr m• ruSUD And Approved by the Wichita County And Approved by the McLennan County Commissioners Court by Order Commissio1n e • Cowl by Order 0721 Dated r/I rj7/c

WichitaCill— hcriff _/( . County r, McLennan County Sherif Date Approved: r_/b Date Approved: ? I /

I° FEB 05 2019

6 JA"ANDYHARWEU.,McLennan CountyC BY• LL t: 19—TT EPU Y Recording of Authorization of MobilexUSA Portable Diagnostic Services Agreement with Symphony Diagnostic Services No. 1, LLC dba MobilexUSA ( re: Services for McLennan County Jail) approved on December 18, 2018 and recorded on Page 377 of these minutes.

ACCEPTED BY COMMISSIO ERS COURT rat O 1R TM - YOF . 4. S-._ r ;(. JAN 10 2019


THIS PORTABLE DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES AGREEMENT( the" Agreement") is made and entered into as of this 26th day of November, 2018 (" Commencement Date"), by and between Mclennan County Jail, a Facility( the" Facility") located at 3201 E. Hwy 6, Waco, TX, 76705, and Symphony Diagnostic Services No. 1, LLC, a California limited liability company doing business as MobilexUSA (" MobilexUSA").

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, premises and agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. , Services. MobilexUSA shall provide portable x-ray, cardiac, and ultrasound services to patients of the Facility, only on the order of a state licensed healthcare provider. All orders must include the exams to be performed, the number of views to be taken, and the medical necessity of the exam. As the legal custodian of the patient' s medical records, Facility will obtain and store within each patients chart the signature of the practitioner who ordered that exam. Facility agrees to provide MobilexUSA with all required information and documentation for proper billing and/ or related audits in a timely manner. All x-rays and ultrasounds will be interpreted by a state licensed and qualified Radiologist( the" Radiologist"). The Radiologist will dictate a report for each examination. MobilexUSA will promptly transcribe the full written report and electronically send and/ or fax a copy to the Facility. MobilexUSA will perform cardiac services and upon request have a interpretive written report issued(" the Services").

2. Payment. MobilexUSA will invoice Facility monthly for Services provided to all patients according to the agreed upon fee schedule as outlined on Exhibit A.

Facility agrees to pay each MobilexUSA invoice in hill within 30 days of the invoice date. MobilexUSA reserves the right to assess a late payment fee of 1% per month for past due invoices.

Facility and MobilexUSA shall comply with all applicable laws( including, without limitation, all Medicare and Medicaid statutes, regulations and manuals) and with all applicable agreements with, and policies of, other third party payers, in connection with Facility' s billing for services provided by MobilexUSA pursuant to this Agreement.

I of 6 Fee For Service 2016 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one( 1) year beginning on the Commencement Date(" Initial Term") and shall be automatically renewed for successive one( 1) year tenns(" Renewal Term") unless written notice of termination is provided to the other party hereto at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term of any Renewal Term. After the Initial Term, either party may terminate this Agreement with or without cause by giving the other party not less than thirty( 30) days prior written notice. In the event that either party fails to perform its obligations hereunder, the other party may, but is not obligated to, terminate this Agreement upon thirty( 30) days notice if such breach is not cured within fifteen 15) days of written notice thereof. During the 30 day notice periods set forth in this paragraph, MobilexUSA and Facility shall have the right of first negotiation for additional contract tenns.

4. Compliance with Laws. MobilexUSA shall ensure that all services required of MobilexUSA hereunder are provided by qualified and appropriately licensed and/ or certified personnel and in accordance with all applicable laws. MobilexUSA shall comply fully with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and shall render services to Facility' s patients without discrimination due to gender, race, religion, color, national origin, handicapping condition, or age.

5. Inspection of Books and Records. As an independent contractor, MobilexUSA shall, in accordance with 42 U.S. C. § 1395x( v)( 1)( 1)( Social Security Act 1861( v)( 1)( I) and 42 C.F.R. Part 420, Subpart D §420.300 g egeq., until the expiration of seven 7) years after the furnishing of Medicare reimbursable services pursuant to this Agreement, upon proper written request, allow the Comptroller General of the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services, and their duly authorized representatives access to this Agreement and to MobilexUSA' s books, documents and records( as such terms are defined in 42 C.F.R. § 420.301) necessary to verify the nature and extent of costs of Medicare reimbursable services provided under this Agreement.

In accordance with such laws and regulations, if Medicare or Medicaid reimbursable services provided by MobilexUSA under this Agreement are carried out by means of a subcontract with an organization related to MobilexUSA, and such related organization provides the services at a value or cost of$ 10, 000 or more over a twelve- month period, then the subcontract between MobilexUSA and the related organization shall contain a clause comparable to the clause specified in the preceding sentence. No attorney-client, accountant- client or other legal privilege will be deemed to have been waived by any party hereto by virtue of this Agreement.

2 of 6 Fee For Service 2016 6. Insurances MobilexUSA shall secure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement and any renewals or extensions hereof, professional and general liability insurance with a company with an A.M. best rating of not less than A-VI, with such coverages and in such amounts as are customarily carried by similar providers in the State where services are provided, provided that such coverage shall be in a minimum amount of at least$ 1, 000, 000 per claim or occurrence and$ 3, 000, 000 in the aggregate, insuring MobilexUSA, its employees and agents for the services delivered by them hereunder. Upon request, a copy of a certificate of insurance shall be provided evidencing such coverage.

Facility shall secure and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, at Facility' s sole expense, professional and general liability insurance with a company with an A.M. best rating of not less than A-VI covering Facility, with such coverages and in such amounts as are customarily carried by similar providers in the state where services are provided, provided that such coverage shall be in a minimum amount of at least$ 1, 000, 000 per claim or occurrence and$ 3, 000, 000 in the aggregate, insuring Facility, its employees and agents for the services delivered by them hereunder. Upon request, a copy of a certificate of insurance shall be provided evidencing such coverage.

7. Independent Contractor, MobilexUSA shall not be considered an employee or agent of Facility for any purpose and no partnership, joint venture or co- venture shall be created by virtue of this Agreement or the performance by MobilexUSA hereunder. The parties hereto are independent contractors, contracting with one another solely for the purposes set out herein. MobilexUSA acknowledges that as an independent contractor, neither MobilexUSA nor its employees or agents are covered under Facility' s Workers' Compensation Insurance and are not entitled to any fringe benefits afforded to employees of Facility.

8. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. MobilexUSA and Facility are covered entities( as defined in the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(" HIPAA") and the regulation promulgated there-under) and therefore must be in compliance with all applicable aspects of HIPAA and will treat all protected health information in accordance with the provisions of HIPAA.

9. Standards of Conduct. By signing this Agreement, Facility hereby acknowledges and understands that MobilexUSA has implemented a compliance program governing the conduct of all MobilexUSA Employees. Facility further acknowledges that it has received a copy of the Trident Our Code of Conduct( a copy of which is attached and referred to as(" Code")) and will ensure that each of its employees who have any interactions with MobilexUSA receives a copy of the Code for reference.

3 of 6 Fee For Service 2016 10. Exclusions from State and Federal Healthcare Proarams1 MobilexUSA and Facility represent and warrant it has not been excluded from any Federal Healthcare Program, that no basis for such exclusion exists, and that it has not been subject to any final adverse action as defined under the Health Cam Fraud and Abuse Data Collection Program. MobilexUSA and Facility agree to notify each other immediately if it is subject to an inquiry, investigation, or final adverse action by a governmental agency, third- party payer, or intermediary as to the provision of services under this Agreement. MobilexUSA and Facility, at its sole discretion, shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice, by the other, of such an event.

11. Confidentiality. Neither MobilexUSA nor any of its staff shall disclose to any third party, except where permitted or required by law or where such disclosure is expressly approved by Facility in writing, any patient or medical record information regarding Facility' s patients. Additionally, MobilexUSA and all MobilexUSA staff shall comply with all Federal and State Laws and Regulations.

All documentation and records relating to Facility' s patients shall be and remain the sole property of Facility, subject to the patient' s rights in such records. Facility further covenants and warrants that it and its employees and agents shall at all times during the term of this Agreement and after expiration or termination of this Agreement, maintain the confidentiality of MobilexUSA' s operations, prices, rates, clients and patients, methods and any other information relative to MobilexUSA. Further, Facility shall not use such confidential information in any manner adverse to MobilexUSA' s or its patients' interests.

12. Miscellaneous,

a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which services are to be performed. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with its plain meaning and not for or against any party hereto. All captions herein are for organizational purposes only and not intended to limit the meaning of anything herein or to have an independent legal meaning.

b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the governmental agencies( or their representatives) which administer Medicare, any other payor, or any other Federal, State or Local Government or agency passes, issues or promulgates any law, rules, regulation, standard or interpretation, or any court of competent jurisdiction renders any decision or issues any order, at any time while this Agreement is in effect, which prohibits, restricts, limits or in any way substantially changes the method or amount of reimbursement or payment for services rendered under this Agreement, or which otherwise significantly affects either parry' s rights or obligations hereunder, either party may give the other notice of intent to amend this Agreement to the satisfaction of both parties, to compensate for such prohibition, restriction, limitation or change. If this Agreement is not so amended in writing within ten( 10) days after said notice was given, this Agreement shall terminate as of midnight on the tenth( 10) day after said notice was given.

4of6 Fee For Service 2016 c) Nothing herein shall require Facility to designate any minimum number of residents or patients for whom MobilexUSA shall provide services.

d) This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the parties relating to such subject matter. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by mutual written agreement. Signed facsimile copies of this Agreement shall be legal, valid and binding upon the parties hereto.

e) In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason and in any respect, if the extent of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability does not destroy the basis of the bargain herein such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall in no event affect, prejudice, or disturb the validity of the remainder of this Agreement, which shall be in full force and effect, enforceable in accordance with its terms as if such provisions had not been included, or had been modified as provided below, as the case may be. To carry out the intent of the parties hereto as fully as possible, the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision( s), if possible, shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary and possible to render such provision( s) valid and enforceable. The parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to affect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible. I) Neither party shall be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or other interruption of service deemed to result, directly or indirectly, from acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, strikes or other work interruptions by either party' s employees, or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either party.

g) Assignment. Neither party may assign or transfer, in whole or in part, this Agreement or any of its rights duties or obligations under this Agreement and MobilexUSA shall not subcontract any of its services hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. Any such purported assignment or transfer ofthis Agreement, in whole or in part, without the other party' s consent shall be null and void. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, representatives, successors and permitted assigns.

h) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original.

i) Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any litigation or arbitration proceeding between the parties concerning the subject matter of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to a judgment against the other for an amount equal to reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses and court and other costs incurred.

5of6 Fee For Service 2016 Q) The Parties understand and agree that based upon reasonable due diligence, knowledge and belief that the payment set forth in Exhibit A is( 1) commercially reasonable,( 2) consistent with fair market value, ( 3) not below cost.

13. Notices. All notices provided for or contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

If to Facility: Mclennan County Jail 3201 E. Hwy 6 Waco, TX 76705 Attn: Ricky Armstrong

If to MobilexUSA: Symphony Diagnostic Services No. 1, LLC, d/ b/a MobilexUSA 13773 Icot Blvd, Suite 502 Clearwater, FL 33760 Attn: Contract Administrator

Copy to: MobilexUSA The Highlands, Building 300 930 Ridgebrook Road Sparks, MD 21152 Attn: Director of Provider Relations

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. McLennan County

Authorized Signature*

By: Scott M. Felton County Judge Printed Name Title

Date: l2/ lg!/1


Authorized Signature:

By: // Le RvP Printed Name Title

Date: 7/ 1 of

6 of 6 Fee For Service 2016 Exhibit A

Payment/ Flat Rate

Patients iX-rav/Cardiacl: MobilexUSA will invoice Facility for x-ray and cardiac services provided. MobilexUSA will invoice Facility monthly at a Flat rate of$Fifty>Oallatsf($ 50i00yperiexem.

Fee for services under this agreement may increase up to 3% on each successive renewal term in order to assure full compliance with applicable laws.

Patients( Ultrasound/ Echoj: MobilexUSA will invoice Facility for ultrasound/ echo services provided to all patients according to the attached Flat Rate Fee Schedule( Exhibit B).

Fee for services under this agreement may increase up to 3% on each successive renewal term in order to assure full compliance with applicable laws.

Other Facility Invoiced Services:

MobilexUSA will invoice Facility for all non- covered services as outlined in Section 2 of this agreement. MobilexUSA will invoice Facility monthly the Flat Rate of the applicable service.

Fee For Service 2016 Exhibit B

Fee Schedule( IDTF Only)

Proc Description Cost US Category/ Type

76536 ULTRASOUND, SOFT TISSUES OF HEAD& NECK( BO, THYROID) 145 General Ultrasounds 76604 ULTRASOUND EXAM, CHEST 145 General Ultrasounds 76645 ULTRASOUND, BREAST(S)( UNILATERAL OR BILATERAL), B- SCAN 145 General Ultrasounds 76700 ULTRASOUND: ABDOMINAL, B- SCAN AND/OR REAL TIME W/IMAGE DOC $ 145 General Ultrasounds 76705 ULTRASOUND; ABDOMINAL, B- SCAN AND/OR REAL TIME W/IMAGE 145 General Ultrasounds 76770 ULTRASOUND: RENAL/AORTA/ NODES B- SCAN 145 General Ultrasounds 76775 LIMITED( EG, SINGLE ORGAN, QUADRANT, FOLLOW- UP) 145 General Ultrasounds 76800 ECHOGRAPHY, SPINAL CANAL AND CONT. 145 General Ultrasounds 76801 ECHOGRAPHY, PREGNANT UTERUS< 14 WK 145 General Ultrasounds 76802 ECHOGRAPHY, PREGNANT UTERUS< 14 WK TWINS 145 General Ultrasounds 76805 ULTRASOUND, PREGNANT UTERUS, REAL TIME W/IMAOP, DOC 145 General Ultrasounds 76810 ECHOGRAPHY, PREGNANT UTERUS> 14 WK TWINS 145 General Ultrasounds 76815 ECHOGRAPHY, PREGNANT UTERUS, LTD 145 General Ultrasounds 76816 ECHOGRAPHY, PREGNANT UTERUS FOLLOW- UP 145 General Ultrasounds 76818 ECHOGRAPHY, TRANSVAGINAL OB 145 General Ultrasounds 76825 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, FETAL, CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, REAL TIME 145 General Ultrasounds 76830 ECHOGRAPHY, TRANSVAGINAI/ NON OB 145 General Ultrasounds 76856 ULTRASOUND; PELVIC, B- SCAN AND/OR REAL TIME WITH IMAGE DOC 145 General Ultrasounds 76857 LIMITED OR FOLLOW- UP( EO, FOR FOLLICLES) 145 General Ultrasounds 93975 ULTRASOUND, SCROTUM AND CONTENTS 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 76882 ULTRASOUND; EXTREMITY, NON- VAS, B- SCAN AND/ OR REAL TIME W/ DOC $ 145 General Ultrasounds 93306 ECHO, REAL-TIME, 2D, COMPLETE 250 Echocardiograms 93875 ARTERIAL, EXTRACRANIAL, COMP BI 250 Echocardiograms 93880 DUPLEX SCAN OF EXTRACRANIAL ARTERIES; COMPLETE BILATERAL 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93882 CV DUPLEX LTD 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93922 ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX, ART, EXT U& L 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93923 ARTERIAL, EXTREMITY U& L COMP 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93925 DUPLEX SCAN OF LOWER EXTREMITY ARTERIES OR ARTERIAL BYPASS $ 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93926 UNILATERAL OR LIMITED STUDY 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93930 DUPLEX SCAN OF UPPER EXTREMITY ARTERIES OR ARTERIAL BYPASS 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93931 UNILATERAL OR LIMITED STUDY 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93965 VENOUS EXTREMITY COMPLETE( PVR) 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93970 DUPLEX SCAN OF EXTREMITY VEINS INCLUDING RESPONSES TO CO 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93971 UNILATERAL OR LIMITED STUDY 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93975 DUPLEX SCAN ART INFLOW- VENOUS OUT 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93978 DUPLEX SCAN OF AORTA, INFERIOR VENA CAVA, ILIAC VASCULATUR 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93979 UNILATERAL OR LIMITED STUDY 175 Vascular Ultrasounds 93990 DUPLEX SCAN HEMODIALYSIS ACCESS 175 Vascular Ultrasounds

Fee For Service 2016 RIM FEB 05 2019

JA ANDYHARWELL, Counlyaork McLennan Coen% Tema By KELLY FIJLL8fIGHT DEPWY Recording of Approval of Resolution in Opposition to Unfunded Mandates approved on January 15, 2019 and recorded on Page 275 of these minutes.



Resolution in Opposition to Unfunded Mandates

WHEREAS, Texas counties are responsible for the operation and management of many various governmental programs as required or authorized by state law; and

WHEREAS, some county government programs are fully or partially supported with funds disbursed by the State of Texas pursuant to the state appropriations process; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas, acting through the Texas legislature or through a state agency or executive order, may enact laws or promulgate rules that have the effect of imposing mandatory financial obligations upon Texas counties; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas, acting through the Texas legislature or through a state agency or executive order, mandates that counties implement certain governmental programs or perform certain duties and obligations including financial commitment by a county to expend county funds in connection therewith; and

WHEREAS, during each regular session of the Texas legislature, all state funds that support county programs are reviewed through the state appropriation process and by other budgetary review systems; and

WHEREAS, the aforementioned review process may result in a reduction, or cessation, of state financial support of county government programs causing an unforeseeable disruption and reduction of the county budget and operations; and

WHEREAS, Texas counties cannot achieve reliable financial planning and the necessary bond ratings sufficient to support county- related obligations when the state mandates a new program that is not fully funded or under conditions where the state reduces or fully withdraws prior funding and disbursement for county government programs; and

WHEREAS, substantial funding is mandated from county taxpayers and diverted every year from local services for the benefit of the citizens of McLennan County to support these mandatory financial obligations imposed by the State of Texas, including in the most recent year:

3, 698,216.00 to support the appointment of attorneys in criminal cases;

1, 145, 135. 00 to support the appointment of attorneys in Child Protective Services( CPS) cases;

1, 414, 172. 00 to support and maintain state prisoners in county jails pending transfer to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, according to the regulations imposed by the Texas Jail Standards Commission;

1, 832, 398. 00 to fund the State judicial system;

25, 980. 00 to fund the cost of housing parole violators held by order of the State of Texas ( blue warrants) in the County Jail awaiting transport to a state penitentiary;

2, 961, 239. 00 to support the services of Texas Community Supervision and Corrections Department ( Adult Probation) and the Juvenile Probation Department;

70, 019.00 to provide support staff,office facilities, utilities, and equipment for locally stationed Texas Department of Public Safety( DPS) troopers;

These and other state mandatory services require $ 11, 147, 159. 00 from McLennan County property taxpayers and amount to 15. 9% of the county tax rate.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the McLennan County Commissioners Court does hereby resolve that for the foregoing reasons, it is in the best interest of Texas counties and their taxpayers to support and favor passage of legislation in the form of an amendment to the Constitution of the State ofTexas that would expressly prohibit the imposition of a mandatory governmental program on Texas counties, whether by an act of the Texas Legislature or a state agency or by executive order, unless the State of Texas has fully funded and disbursed all necessary funds to enable Texas counties to operate said governmental program.

APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the McLenn County Commissioners Court on this the 15th day of January, 2019.

Scott M. Fe to , ounty Judge

Kelly r 1 Commissioner, Precinct 1 Pat Mi . , Com sio r, Precinct 2

irr Wi Jone , ommissioner, Precinct 3 Ben Perry, ommissioner, ,

Attest:'' Andy' HARWELL, County Clerk McLennan County; Texas RED: i FEB 05 2019

JA' ANDY HARWELL, CounlyClork By:' De Co ark McLennan count% Ras kt , 8y, KELLY EtRIPKitn' DEPUTY Recording of Authorization of Contract with MessageMedia, USA, Inc. ( re: Jury Short Message Service( SMS) for the District Clerk) approved on January 15, 2019 and recorded on Page 178 of these minutes.


JAN 282019

McLennan County Judge


TH DAY OF 461 Pacific Avenue Sales: 1888 err 4767 Support: 1866 7S i 8337 San Francisco CA 94133 7 MessageMedia Fax: I446 no// ow i. . w i ..

The Po, ties hove executed this Customer Contract effective from 1/ 15/ 19 ( today' s dare), signed by their respective officer duly authorised.

MessageMedia, USA, I McLennan County

Authorised f,fti entative Authorised Representative

James Maynard Name: Name. Scott M. Felton

Title. Sales Representative Title: County Judge

Contact Details

Key Contact Name: Rhonda Bolls

Phone: 254- 757- 5176 Mobile:

Email: rhonda. bolls@co. mclennan. Fax.

Account Administrator Name: Marcella Shelton

Phone: 254- 757- 5153 Mobile:

Email: marcella. shelton@co. mclennan. tx. us Fax:

Billing Contact Name: Missy Niles

Phone: 254- 757- 5156 Mobile:

Email* Fax miss—y. niles@co. mclennan.

Payment Method ( please select one): Direct Debit / Credit Card

Our preferred methods for receiving fonds are Direct Debit. Credit Card. We will issue an invoice at the end of each month and take payment on the invoice due date. Please note that service suspension for non payment by the due date is strictly enloic ed

Direct Debit- Credit Card Details

Card type.

Card Number: Expiry Date:

Please provide 3 digit security code over phone Mien we contact you with setup conhr oration

Ctuholder Name:

Cardholder Signaur e: 461 Pacific Avenue Sales: 1 888 799 9767 Support: 1 866 751 8337 San Francisco CA 94133 CP_ MessageMedia Fax: 1 646 867 8887

MessageVedia USA Application Form

ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT- This document, when completed and accepted by us, forms part of your Customer Contract as ' defined in our Customer Terms, which are available at

PARTIES- The parties to your Customer Contract are: a. MessageMedia, USA, Inc(" Supplier," we- or" us") b. the Customer whose details appear below(" you")


Company Name: McLennan County Texas

Postal Address: 501 Washington Avenue

City: Waco State: Texas Zipcode: 76701

Country: United Slates

Customer Type

Direct Customer

Product Name( platform used)






Minimum Term

No Minimum Term

MessageMedia Exclusive or Preferred Provider

No- Neither Exclusive nor Preferred 461 Pacific Avenue Saks: I NH Ion 11767 Support: I 866/ SIN San Francisco CA 94133 P MessageMedia Fax: I o- n Nn/ NHS


Charge Amount

Account Set Up Fee ( Once Off) 599

Domestic SMS Fees ( Per SMS) 0.049

Monthly Access Fee ( Includes 1000 Messages/ Month) 549/ month

International SMS Fees ( If Applicable) 50. 1/ International Message

Delivery Reports ( If Applicable)' 50. 01/ delivery report

By default delivery reports are non- active on an account. Delivery reports will notify you of a message' s delivery status. They can be turned on and are charged per report.

NUir_wink. applicable. additional Car ilia Stu dl.0 gv%vnll b.. chmged al rust 12/ 11/ 2018 Acceptable Use Policy I MessageMedia CJj MessageMedia TRY IT FREE

Acceptable Use Policy MessageMedia' s Acceptable Use and Anti- Spam Policy(" AUP") sets forth MessageMedia' s requirements for our partners, resellers and customers( collectively," Customers") with respect to acceptable and unacceptable practices using MessageMedia services, connections or facilities. The AUP includes requirements that Customers comply with all applicable laws, as well as relevant industry guidelines when using our services. The AUP also includes a definition of" Restricted Content" that Customers are prohibited from sending via our services.

MessageMedia maintains a zero-tolerance policy for any violation of the AUP and requires that its Customers implement and enforce this same zero- tolerance policy.

What Action Will We Take?

As per our Terms& Conditions, Customers are required to comply with our AUP. MessageMedia may suspend, terminate or block a Customer's use of our services in the event ofthe Customer's breach ofthe AUP.

Complaints About Abuse or a Breach of this Policy

If you wish to inform us of a breach of this Policy please contact a member of the MessageMedia Support team on support@message- media. com. Acceptable Use and Anti Spam Policy

Acceptable Use and Anti- Spam Policy

MessageMedia' s Acceptable Use and Anti- Spam Policy( the" Policy, sets forth MessageMedia' s requirements for our partners, resellers and customers( collectively," Customers") with respect to acceptable and unacceptable practices using MessageMedia services, connections or facilities. Customers must not engage in practices that are( i) illegal,( ii) non-compliant with accepted industry best practice guidelines,( iii) disrupt or damage any MessageMedia computer systems or network or other parties' computer systems and networks, or( iv) in violation of any person' s rights. This Policy may be amended from time to time.

MessageMedia maintains a zero-tolerance policy for any violation of this Policy and requires that its Customers implement and enforce this same zero- tolerance policy.

In using any of MessageMedia' s SMS services, Customer must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations when using MessageMedia services, connections or facilities( which laws may impose more stringent requirements than the guidelines described herein). All Customers must review and comply with the following laws and guidelines, however, this information is not intended to be( i) interpreted as, relied upon, or used as a substitute for the advice of legal counsel,( ii) or considered to be a complete and exhaustive list of all laws and regulations applicable to Client' s use of the MessageMedia service. In addition to the below laws, various other state and foreign laws may apply to Customer' s use of MessageMedia services. Each Customer is advised to obtain the advice of itc own lenal counsel before' icing the MessageMedia services. Chat with us live! U https:/ twww. messagemedia. conilegagacceptable-use 114 12/ 11/ 2018 Acceptable Use Policy I MessageMedia

A. Telephone Consumer Protection Act(" TCPA")( United States)

The TCPA states that without prior express consent of the called party, it is illegal to use an automatic dialing system to make any call to a consumer' s mobile phone or wireless device. Under FCC guidance and applicable case law, calls include

text messages. .

The Federal Communication Commission(" FCC") rules implementing the TCPA also prohibit sending unwanted text message solicitations to a wireless phone if the wireless phone number is listed on the national Do- Not- Call registry.

The full text of the TCPA can be found here

The FCC' s TCPA Rules can be found here:

For more information on these matters, see also:

B. Telemarketing Sales Rule(" TSR")( United States)

The Telemarketing Sales Rule is a trade regulation developed by the Federal Trade Commission that regulates telemarketing calls.

The full text of the TSR can be found here:

See also:

C. CAN- SPAM( United States)

The Controlling the Assault of Non- Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003(" CAN- SPAM") is a federal law regulating the transmission of commercial email messages and Internet- to- phone SMS commercial messages to addresses that reference Internet domains.

The full text of this law can be found here: httpJ/ www. gpo. gov/ fdsys/ pkg/ PLAW- 108pub1187/ pdf/ PLAW- 108pub1187. pdf

D. CASL( Canada)

Canada' s CASL was enacted to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage reliance on electronic means of carrying out commercial activities, and to amend the Canadian Radio- television and Telecommunications Commission Act, the Competition Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and the Telecommunications Act(" CASL"), is a Canadian federal law regulating the sending of commercial electronic messages` or" CEMs". A CEM includes any email message, text/ SMS message or other electronic message that is sent to an electronic address and that has as even one of its purposes to encourage participation in a commercial activity. CASL applies to any CEM sent to or from a computer system located in Canada. CASL requires prior consent to send a CEM and requires that all CEMs meet prescribed form and content requirements. CASL is generally regarded as one of the most stringent anti-spam regimes in the world. Its specific and prescriptive requirements should be carefully considered and must complied with when sending CEMs to or from computer systems in Canada.

Chat with us live! d httpsJfwww.messagemedia. comAega1/ aoceptable- use 2/ 4 12/ 11/ 2018 Acceptable Use Policy I MessageMedia The full text of this law and its accompanying regulations can be found here:

See also:

Fight spam


Restricted Content as used in the Agreement shall mean content that:

is offensive or obscene;

is unsuitable for minors;

promotes, incites or instructs in matters of crime; describes, incites or promotes unlawful sexual activity; promotes or incites violence against any person or group, or incites racial hatred; causes unnecessary alarm, distress or panic; breaches a code of practice that applies to the Customer' s use of the SMS Messaging Service; is false, misleading or deceptive, or likely to mislead or deceive; is defamatory; is infringing the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party; Is fraudulent, abusive or contains tortious material; If sent in the United States, contains Non- Public Personal Information; If sent in Canada, contains Personal Information; or

is otherwise unlawful.

To the extent applicable, Customer also agrees to implement and follow industry guidelines when using the MessageMedia Service. Specifically, Customer is advised of the following industry guidelines:

A. The U.S. Consumer Best Practices Guidelines for Messaging as established by the Mobile Marketing Association( and as may be amended from time to time by the Mobile Marketing Association). The Guidelines apply to any message of a marketing nature, as well as any message sent via a Short Code.

The full text of the Guidelines is available here: httpJ/ www. mmaglobal. com/ files/ uploads/ Consumer- Best- Practices. pdf

B. The MMA Code of Conduct for Mobile Marketing as established by the Mobile Marketing Association( and as may be amended from time to time by the Mobile Marketing Association). The Code sets forth general guidelines as to Notice, Choice Consent, Customization& Constraint, Security and Enforcement& Accountability.

The Code of Conduct can be found here: httpJ/ www.mmaglobal. com/ policies/ code- of-conduct

Violation of this Policy may result in termination or suspension of all services provided by MessageMedia and may also result in civil, criminal, or administrative penalties against the sender and those assisting the sender.

Any failure to enforce this policy in every instance does not amount to a waiver of MessageMedia' s rights.

This Policy was last updated May 2015. Chat with us live! hrips:// www. messagemedia. com/ legaliacceptable- use 3/ 4 12/ 11/ 2018 Acceptable Use Policy I MessageMedia

Terms of Service

Privacy Policy MC a C Acceptable Use Policy y

SLA Q X - Short Code Programs z1 I Jon imble, ! strict Clerk Date GDPR Compliance


f #'in S+ o Copyright‘ 0 2018 MessageMedia. All Rights Reserved

atva. FEB 05 2019 J.A." ANDY HARWELL, CotmbClerk McLennan County. Texas By. KEt--L—YFUL BRaDEPLRY Chat with us live!

4/ 24 https:/ Avow. messagemedia. comllegal/ acceptable- use Recording of Authorization of Application/ Contract with Companion Life Insurance Company ( re: Aggregate and Specific Excess Loss Insurance / Stop Loss Insurance) Regarding the McLennan County Group Health Plan approved on January 15, 2019 and recorded on Page 240 of these minutes.


JAN 2 8 2019

McLennan County Judge




This Notice has been prepared to inform you that we do not disclose and we reserve no right to disclose to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties, your nonpublic personal financial information, which we collect and maintain except with your permission or as permitted by law. We will not disclose your nonpublic personal financial information except as described in this Notice even if our customer relationship with you may end.

If you are a plan sponsor or group policyholder, this Privacy Notice describes our practices for safeguarding nonpublic personal financial information about employee benefit plan participants and beneficiaries.

Information we collect and maintain: We collect nonpublic personal financial information about you from the following sources:

Information we receive from you on applications, at your request or otherwise; Information we obtain from your transactions with us, our affiliates or others; Information we receive from consumer- reporting agencies.

How we protect information: Except as otherwise described in this Notice, we restrict access to your nonpublic personal financial information to ow employees who need to know to provide our products and services to you and as permitted by law. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable legal requirements to guard your nonpublic personal financial information. We have installed usemames, passwords and other safety features on our web applications to protect your data.

Chances to this Notice: We may amend our privacy policies and practices at any time, and we will inform you of any material changes as required by law.



I) Applicant acknowledges that the Contract Which is the subject of this Application is a reimbursement Contract. Applicant must first pay claims before submitting them for- reimbursement. j) Oral.Statements riot.expressly incorporated herein are not part of this Contract. Onlythe, President or Executive Officer of the Company may make changes to the Contract Form or.Addenda on behalf of the Company. All thanget to this Cofttatt must be in wilting and attached io this Contract k) NEITHER. THIS APPLIQATION NOR THETERMS OF THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ALTERED.

In making. this Application, the Applicant represents that. 1o:the:best of its knowledge. and belief, such information accurately reflects the true facts and that the. undersigned has authority to bind theApplicant. to the proposed Contract. Accordingly, this Application will bee part of the Contract if accepted. by the Company or its authorized representative:

Dated et this 154- day of JP-NU/ Uri , 2019.

Wifn Applicant. McLennan County ignature of Licensed Resident Agent Taz lD lf:

Carr in ci?t - Officer/ Partner)

Title: C.oun/ i1' J id3Ge—

Licensed Resident Agent: CROWLQ Type or Print)

QQ pp Address: Abao A . Ces/C\ c •\. F g s..A Q 81 a io`'`". 1 r • City 5, Sttater % Zip: 5 O

Social Security or Tax ID*. l 64. 11A 1. 71\31\. c,paAs

Please do not sign below this line..


Accepted on: behalf of the Company,. this day of 2019



Contract No.: CLI- SUM20164- 00 Effective Date: 01/ 01/ 2019


Application is hereby made to the Companion Life Insurance Company(" Company") for Excess Loss Insurance. This Application must be accepted and approved by the Company or its authorized representative prior to any Contract being in existence.

1. Full Legal Name of Applicant: McLennan County

2. Address: 214 N 4th# 100 City: Waco State: TX Zip Code: 76701- 1366

3. If employee benefit plans of subsidiary or affiliated companies (companies under common control through stock ownership, contract, or otherwise) are to be included, list legal name and addresses of such companies.

4. Enter the full name of your Employee Benefit Plan( s) - ( A copy of such Employee Benefit Plan( s) must be attached.)

5. Name and address of Designated Third- Party Administrator:

Scott& White Health Plan 1206 West Campus Drive Temple, TX 76502

6. Effective Date: 01/ 01/ 2019

7. Estimated Initial Enrollment( will be used as the Number of Covered Units during the first Contract Month): 614 Singles and 265 Families (or) 879 Composite


a) Disabled Persons X] are [ ] are not covered. Retired Employees X] are [ ] are not covered.

b) Aggregate Benefit Yes [ X] No

Aggregate Contract Basis: Employee Benefit Plan Expenses must be Incurred from through , and Paid from through . Claims Incurred prior to the Contract Effective Date are limited to$ N/ A

CLXLAPP( TX) 1- Applicant lni a s 8. GENERAL SCHEDULE OPTIONS: ( Continued)

Aggregate eligible expenses include: Medical Prescription Card Service Dental Care Weekly( Disability) Income Vision Care Other

Aggregate Monthly Factor per Single: n/ a Family: n/ a

Aggregate Payable Percentage ( excess of Deductible): n/ a% Maximum Eligible Claim Expense Per Covered Person: n/ a Minimum Aggregate Deductible: n/ a Maximum Aggregate Benefit( excess of Deductible): n/ a

c) Monthly Aggregate Accommodation Yes [ X] No

d) Terminal Liability Yes [ X] No

e) Specific Benefit X] Yes [ ] No Specific Contract Basis: Employee Benefit Plan expenses must be Incurred from 10/01/ 2011 through 12/ 31/ 2019. Paid from 01/ 01/ 2019 through 12/ 31/ 2019. Claims Incurred prior to the Contract Effective Date are limited to: n/a

Specific Eligible Expense: Medical and Prescription Drug Specific Deductible ( per person): 175. 000 Specific Payable Percentage ( excess of Deductible): 100% Maximum Specific Benefit( per person in excess of Specific Deductible): Unlimited 9. PREMIUMS:

a) Aggregate Premium

Premium Per Month Per Unit: n/ a Minimum Annual Aggregate Premium n/ a

Monthly Aggregate Accommodation Premium Per Month Per Unit: n/ a

Annual Premium in Advance: n/ a

Terminal Liability Premium Per Month Per Unit: n/ a Annual Premium in Advance: n/ a

b) Specific Premium

c) Premium Per Month Per Single: 51. 93 Family: 123. 44

Minimum Monthly Specific Premium: n/ a


Contract will be based upon the current employee benefits as defined in the Employee Benefit Plan by reference or by attachment, except as noted below:

Specific: The Annual Specific Deductible for is $ 275, 000. The Annual Specific Deductible fo. is $ 270, 000.

Aggregate: N/ A


a) All documentation requested by the Company must be submitted prior to any approval of this Application and must be received by the Company within ninety( 90) days of the requested Effective Date. b) If the Schedule shows disabled persons are not covered, no benefits will be paid under the Contract for expenses Incurred or Paid under the Employee Benefit Plan for a disabled person until:

1) if an employee, he or she returns to active, full- time employment for at least one ( 1) full working day; or 2) if a dependent or Continuation Beneficiary, he or she is able to perform the normal functions of a person of like sex and age. c) Issuance of the Contract is in reliance upon the information provided by the Applicant or its Agent. Should subsequent information become known which, if known prior to issuance of the Contract, would have affected the rates, deductibles, terms or conditions for coverage, the Company will have the right to revise the rates, deductibles, terms or conditions as of the Effective Date of issuance, by providing written notice to the Insured. d) The Contract, if issued, may be void, if whether before or after a claim or loss, any material fact or circumstance was concealed or misrepresented on behalf of the Applicant, or if the Applicant or its Agent, committed fraud. e) Receipt of a premium and its deposit in connection with the Application shall not constitute an acceptance of liability. In the event that Companion Life Insurance Company disapproves this Application, its sole obligation shall be to refund such sum to the Applicant. f) If a Contract is issued and later rescinded, the sum of all benefits paid will be deducted from the sum of all premiums paid. If the result is positive, such amount will be paid by the Company to the Applicant. If the result is negative, such amount will be paid by the Applicant to the Company. g) The initial premium will be paid on or before the Effective Date, and subsequent premiums are due no later than the first day of each calendar month during the Contract Period. h) This Contract contains a binding arbitration provision. In making this Application, the Contractholder both acknowledges and accepts such a provision, and agrees it will be the basis upon which any controversy or claim, arising out of or relating to the Contract, shall be settled.


I) Applicant acknowledges that the Contract which is the subject of this Application is a reimbursement Contract. Applicant must first pay claims before submitting them for reimbursement. i) Oral Statements not expressly incorporated herein are not part of this Contract. Only the President or Executive Officer of the Company may make changes to the Contract Form or Addenda on behalf of the Company. All changes to this Contract must be in writing and attached to this Contract. k) NEITHER THIS APPLICATION NOR THE TERMS OF THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ALTERED.

In making this Application, the Applicant represents that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, such information accurately reflects the true facts and that the undersigned has authority to bind the Applicant to the proposed Contract. Accordingly, this Application will be a part of the Contract if accepted by the Company or its authorized representative.

Dated at this day of 2019.

Witness: Applicant: McLennan Counts/ Signature of Licensed Resident Agent Tax ID#:

By: Officer/ Partner)


Licensed Resident Agent: Type or Print)


City: State: Zip:

Social Security or Tax ID#

Please do not sign below this line.


Accepted on behalf of the Company, this day of 2019



Contract No.: CLI- SUM20164- 00 Effective Date: 01/ 01/ 2019

RIM FEB 05 2019 CLXLAPP( TX) Applicant Initials JA ANDS HARWELL, County Cle McLennan BY KELLY RIGHT DEPUTY Recording of Authorization of Renewal of Digital Library and Multi-Year Print Agreement with LesisNexis( re: Law Library) approved on December 18, 2018 and recorded on Page 370 of these minutes.


JAN 2 9 2019

McLennan County Judge

BY COMM I ONERB COURT rate 1N DAY OF DECO ( LexisNexis• Order for LexisiNexis Digital Library and/ or Multi-Year Print Agreement ( with Automatic Renewal)

Subscriber": ( or" you" or" Your", in uppercase or lowercase) LW( or" we" or" Us"):

McLennan County Law Library LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. You agree to purchase or license from Us, the LN products and services elected below( each a Publication Service'). Your use of, and access to, the Publication Service is expressly subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Order( including the Riders) and at ( the Pub. Svcs. Terms') which are incorporated herein by reference and which collectively with this Order ( including the Riders) are referred to as this ' Agreements. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Order have the meaning given to them in the Pub. Svcs. Terms. Those publications subscribed to by you from us prior to this Agreement on an auto- renewal basis or other auto- renewal terms shall continue in effect and shall not be affected by this Agreement unless expressly specified in this Agreement. Closed Offer Date: The terms in this Agreement are subject to change if you have not submitted a signed Agreement to Us by 1/ 9/ 19

1. Term The initial term of this Agreement will commence on the date this Agreement has first been accepted by both parties and will continue for the following periods ( each a ' Commitment Period') ( check the appropriate one for each Year) . Year 1" M. the 12 months after Year 1 Start Date only check if ordered Digital Library) or X 1/ 1/ 19 to 12/ 31/ 19 Year 2" the 12 months after Year 1 or X 1/ 1/ 20 to 12/ 30/20 or N/ A; Year 3" the 12 months after Year 2 or X 12/ 31/ 20 to 12/ 30/21 or N/ A; Year 4' the 12 months after Year 3 or — to or ES N/ A; Year 5" the 12 months after Year 4 or to or © N/ A.

collectively, the ' Initial Tern'). UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE INITIAL TERM, THIS AGREEMENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY RENEW FOR ADDITIONAL 1 YEAR PERIODS ( EACH A ' RENEWAL TERM') AT THE THEN-CURRENT LIST PRICES. The Initial Term and any Renewal Terms will collectively be the' Term.' You may avoid entering into a Renewal Term by providing LN with written notice delivered to your LN account manager at least 45 days before the beginning of the next Renewal Term. You may not terminate during the Term except as provided in clause 1. 3 below.

1. 2 ' Start Date' is a defined term that applies only if a Digital Library is ordered, and if so, is the earlier of the first day of the first calendar month: ( i) during which you initially have access to the Development Site or( ii) which occurs ( i.e., is current) 30 days after this Agreement is fully executed by both parties. 1. 3 This Agreement may be terminated during the Term for a material breath that remains uncured for more than 30 days after the breaching party receives written notice from the non-breaching party identifying the specific breach. If this Agreement is properly terminated during a Commitment Period or Renewal Term in which funds are due to LN, then LN will prorate annual commitment amounts for such Commitment Period or Renewal Term. The basis of such proration shall be the number of full or partial months this Agreement is in effect during such Commitment Period or Renewal Term divided by 12.

2. ELECTED SERVICES AND COMMITMENT Subscriber elects the following products and services by checking all applicable boxes below:


DLMYP 2. 1: These Clauses 2. 1 through 2. 8 amend the Pub. Svcs. Terms with respect to the Digital Library And Multi- Year Print product offering described below. DLMYP 2.2: During the Term, LN grants you the right to access the Digital Library for use on your Authorized Users' computers and supported mobile devices. ' Authorized Users' refers to your U. S.- based employees, temporary employees, contractors and( in case of academic institutions) faculty and currently enrolled students that you authorize( or permit) to access any Publication Service. You will also have the ability to acquire content directly from OverDrive ( the " OverDrive Content). My access to or use of the OverDrive Content is subject to the separate financial arrangement between you and OverDrive and LN disclaims any and all liability for the OverDrive Content. You will be billed for the OverDrive Content directly by OverDrive. DLMYP 2. 3: LN will begin creating your Digital Library after this Agreement becomes binding on both parties. There will be a set-up period of approximately four weeks before you will have access to the Digital Library. You will be invoiced monthly for the commitment amounts for the Digital Library ( Application Services Fee and Digital Library eBooks and ( if applicable) the Law School Publishing eBooks).

4842- 5984- 0049 v1 JEB May 2016/ P 02016 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 4 DLMYP 2.4: For access to the Digital Library during the Initial Term, you will pay to LN the following Commitment Amounts: Commitment Digital Library eBooks Application Service Fee Total Commitment Digital Period Rider No 1) Commitment Commitment Library Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

In subsequent years after the Initial Term, the Commitment Amounts for the Digital Library eBooks and the Application Services Fee are subject to a % fixed annual increase. The Digital Library eBooks Commitment Amounts may be adjusted over the Term as Permitted Adjustments ( defined below) and permitted adjustments to the Preferred Customer Discount are made. All Digital Library eBooks are provided on a Service Subscription basis. OLMYP 2.5: A' Matching Publication' is a Non- Digital Library Publication to which you subscribe when you have also subscribed to that Publication in a Digital Library eBook format during the same period. The' Matching Discount' shall be in the percentage amounts that follow off of then-current LN list price: Year 1: N/A; Year 2: N/A; Year 3: N/ A; Year 4: N/A. The Matching Discount shall apply to a Matching Publication in a quantity no more than the quantity listed on Rider 1 for that Publication. The Matching Discount is provided for the Term of this Agreement in recognition of your adoption of the Digital Library. The Florida Bar, CSC, ABA, AHLA, some state code titles, and certain other licensed publications are excluded from the Matching Discount For a complete list of Publications excluded from the Matching Discount, please ask your representative. DLMYP 2. 6: ' Extended Matching Subscriptions' means subscriptions to Non- Digital Library Publications ( i) that would otherwise qualify as Matching Publications if such subscription was under this Agreement and ( ii) to which you subscribed on a term basis ( as opposed to auto- renewal) under an agreement running through 30 days before your Signature Date. Such Extended Matching Subscriptions shall be extended during the Term of this Agreement under the terms herein and the Non-Digital Library Publications thereunder shall be treated as Marketing Publications with the base price for such publications being the then- current LN list price each year of the Term, plus then-current shipping and handling. Extended Matching Subscriptions may be canceled at any time during the Term by calling Support at 800- 833-9844. DLMYP 2. 7: LN will provide you with" Publications without Matching Discount" as listed on the attached Rider 2. In exchange for the Publications listed on Rider 2, you will pay to LN the annual Commitment Amount of $ for Service Subscriptions and $ Estimated) for Non- Service Subscriptions for such Publications for Year 1. In subsequent years of the Term, the Commitment Amounts for Service Subscriptions for Publications without Matching Discount are subject to a % fixed annual increase, and the Commitment Amounts for Non-Service Subscriptions without Matching Discount will receive an additional 5% discount on all Updates( defined below).

DLMYP 2. 8: Notwithstanding the term description above, any Digital Library and Non- Digital Library Publications to which you subscribed on a term basis( as opposed to auto- renewal) under any agreements running through days before your Signature Date shall be ' Prior Term Subscriptions: Notwithstanding the Term description above, the parties agree to extend such Prior Term Subscriptions through the Start Date. For such extension period, the price terms shall remain the same as the terms under such prior agreement( s), prorated on a monthly basis for any Digital Library and any Service Subscriptions.


MYP 2. 1: These Clauses 2. 1 through 2. 3 amend the Pub. Svcs. Terms with respect to the Multi- Year Print product( without ordering a Digital Library) offering described below. You will be invoiced monthly for the commitment amounts for your Multi-Year Print products under this Agreement.

MYP 2.2: Service Subscriptions. The Publications that you are renewing or ordering pursuant to this Agreement that are classified as Service Subscriptions' are detailed in the attached Rider No. 1. The first year Service Subscription Total is 13,797. The Service Subscription Total will be subject to an annual increase of 3%.

MYP 2. 3: Non- Service Subscriptions. The Publications that you are ordering pursuant to this Agreement that are classified as" Non- Service Subscriptions' are detailed in the attached Rider No. 1. The estimated first year Non- Service Subscription Total is 776. During the Initial Term, LN will provide a 5% discount on all Updates for the non-service publications listed on Rider 1.

3. PREFERRED CUSTOMER STATUS, PULICATION CHANGES, AND THRESHOLD SPEND AMOUNT. 3. 1 Due to your overall annual spending level on all Publications provided herein as well as the other products and services provided by LN( or its affiliate Matthew Bender& Company, Inc.) even if not mentioned herein (' All LN Products') as determined based on the 12 months prior to the date this Agreement is executed by you, you are considered a ' Preferred Customer' of LN and will receive special pricing for Publications included herein. If your overall annual spending level for All LN Products decreases significantly during the Term, you may no longer be considered a Preferred Customer and LN reserves the right to adjust the pricing to reduce or eliminate the Preferred Customer discount upon 30 days written notice to you.

4842-5984- 0049 v1. 1EB May 2016/ P 02016 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL

Page 2 of 4 3. 2 During Year 1 of this Agreement you will subscribe to the Publications listed on the attached Riders 1 and 2. After Year 1 of this Agreement and subject to Section 3.3 below, you may elect to substitute or change the Publications listed in the attached Riders 1 and 2 only once per Year upon 45 days prior written notice to LN to be effective as of the start of the next Commitment Period or Renewal Term, as the case may be( Permitted Adjustments'). 3.3 90% of your Year 1 Commitment Amounts as listed on the attached Riders 1 and 2 are collectively the ' Threshold Spend' amount. Your substitutions for Publications of greater value or adding of Publications shall require you to pay the Threshold Spend amount plus the increased total amount over the Threshold Spend. Your substitutions for Publication of lesser value or removal of Publications shall require you to continue to pay the Threshold Spend.

4. SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS AND NONSERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS Publications that you are renewing or ordering pursuant to this Agreement are classified as Service Subscriptions or Non- Service Subscriptions as are detailed in the attached Riders, which are incorporated herein by reference. You will be invoiced for Non- Digital Library Publications as follows: Service Subscriptions will be billed at the start of each Commitment Period and each Renewal Term, and Non- Service Subscriptions will be shipped and billed as releases become available.

4. 1 " S" Service Subscription - Price includes product and Updates published during the indicated service period ( minimum 30 days) at no additional charge except tax, shipping and handling where applicable.

4.2 " NS" Non- Service Subscription - Price includes product only, plus any updates published within 30 days of purchase or as otherwise indicated. You will receive and be billed for future updates outside of the 30- day period without any action on your part. Estimated prior year prices and update frequency are shown with the description of each title. Non- Service Electronic Publications will be updated via automatic shipment to you, or by LN either pushing the Update to you electronically or notifying you that an Update is available for download.

4. 2. 1 Unless otherwise indicated, pricing ( including any grand total, retail price, or other pricing) does not include tax or shipping and handling, which will be charged and due at the then current rates. Shipping and handling amounts will be invoiced separately or will be included in your final invoiced amount. If you have chosen a monthly billing option, shipping and handling charges will be prorated over the term of the subscription and billed accordingly.

4. 2. 2 By placing an order, you agree you have been advised of the number of Updates and the cost related to the Updates that were made to the Publications last year. Renewal and Update price estimates are based on prior year costs and do not reflect actual costs associated with future renewal and Updates, which will likely include an increase over prior year' s subscription price. The number of Updates and the upkeep costs may vary due to developments in the law and other publishing issues, but you may use this as a rough estimate of future shipments. You may call for Support at 800-833-9844 for additional information on Update. frequency and price.

5. Confidential Information. This Agreement contains confidential information, including pricing information, of LN ( the' Confidential Information'). You understand that disclosure of Confidential Information could cause competitive harm to LN. You agree to receive and maintain the Confidential Information in trust and confidence and to take reasonable precautions against its disclosure to any third person.

6. You grant to LN and its affiliates permission to identify you as a subscriber to the Digital Library( if ordered). 7. This Agreement is subject to acceptance by LN, which acceptance may be evidenced by signature or by providing access to the Publication Services or otherwise initiating its performance under this Agreement

Agreed to and accepted by:

Subscriber": McLennan County Law Library

MUST BE COMPLETED BY YOU] Authorized Subscriber Signature: tan' 9( Printed Name: 3ccrtT , Feuori Job Title: U/) UN , JUD& C Signature Date": 174 I


4842- 5984- 0049 vl JEB May 2016/ P 02016 lexisNexis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 of 4 New Business Discount Addendum e For LexisNexis Multi- Year Print Publications LexisNexis° Agreements

Subscriber": McLennan County Law Library " LN": LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc.

This Addendum (" Addendum") amends and supplements the terms of the Multi- Year Publications Agreement - Auto Renewal between LN and Subscriber, including any and all amendments thereto ( collectively the " Agreement"), and the parties agree to the following:

During the Term, LN will provide to Subscriber a discount of 25% on any new Publications orders within the Term of this Agreement New Business Discount"). The Florida Bar, CSC, ALA, AHLA, some state code titles, and some other licensed publications am excluded. ( For a complete list please ask your representative.) The New Business Discount cannot be combined with any other promotions- ordiscounts: The Publications to which the New Business Discount is applied shall be added to this Agreement for all remaining Years. A Publication is one to which Subscriber has not subscribed in any form of media within the past twelve ( 12) months. For the avoidance of doubt, the New Business Discount shall not apply to any Digital Library e-Books.

General Terms This Addendum and the Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces and supersedes any prior written or verbal communications, representations, proposals or quotation on that subject matter. Except as expressly modified by this Addendum, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and will be unaffected by this Addendum. In the event of a conflict or inconsistencies this Addendum will control.

Agreed to and accepted by:

Subscriber": McLennan County Law Library LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc.

Must be completed by Subscriber] Completed by LexisNexis]

Authorized Subscriber Authorized Subscriber Signaturei, 07• Signature/G GL-A

Printed Name: Printed Name: / scow in retiorj f11- cia K-S

Job TIUe: J Job Title: bo,- Juor OX at

Date: 1 ° 27I RA Date: t / 181

This Addendum does not bind either party until it has been accepted by both parties. Subscriber may accept this Addendum by signing above. LN may accept this Addendum by performing according to this Addendum or by signing above.

4842- 5984- 0049 v1 JEB May 2016/ P 02016 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 4 n O1 I 4 Np o m . p• nnp1 0 ^ 10 1c. t ".. H O t 1 a V 1 N.AMv4. QG N N N N N 4/ 1 N

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LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. (' LN') and McLennan County Law Library(' Subscriber) agree to amend the Subscription Agreement( the' Agreement) between LN and Subscriber by adding to the Agreement the following terms and conditions( the' Amendment').

APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under the Agreement for any current or future fiscal period, then Subscriber, at its option, may terminate the Agreement on the last day of any calendar month upon ten ( 10) days prior written notice to LN, without future obligations, liabilities, or penalties to LN, except for amounts due up to the — — time of termination. In addition, Subscriber shall certify and warrant in writing that sufficient funds have not been appropriated to continue the Agreement for the next fiscal year.

Except as expressly modified by this Amendment all other terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect and unaffected by this Amendment In the event of a conflict or inconsistencies between the Agreement and this Amendment, this Amendment will control.


McLennan County Law Library LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. SUBSCRIBER

1 BY: A& V. ) ) BY: y 7c 1 NAME: SORT I)') .FrUDp) NAME: in fryjo. jCC cfri ervvia

TITLE: TITLE: Gnll J UD i Sr 37br Qc DATE: I V)WM DATE: t 1 t t i 19

PZEIX FEB 05 2019 JA ANDYWIRWELL, CouelyClBAr Ikt man Counryt ralos 81!' xEtLY FU( 31yIC FR DEPUTY


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of approving payment of Financial Obligations and authorizing the County Treasurer to pay County Checks for February 4, 2019. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Financial Obligations and Authorization of the County Treasurer be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Order of the Commissioners' Court of McLennan County

In accordance with Local Government Code Section 113. 041( a), the Commissioners Court of McLennan County hereby directs the County Treasurer to release the checks to liquidate the obligations of McLennan County, Texas represented by the claims supporting the following checks, drawn on the McLennan County Treasury.

Date Checks will be Number of Total Amount of Printed Invoices Invoices

02- 04- 19 1174 2, 779, 030. 11

E020419 266 197, 388. 75

GRAND TOTAL 1440 2, 976, 418. 86

Approved and ordered by the McLennan County Commissioners Court is on this the day of y f)44 , 2019

ounty Judge

Rggm FEB 05 2019 JA ANDYHtRWEt, t,CountyQterk tirtteiran Courn c Tam or_Mh EPUTY ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Human Resources/ Salary Matters: Road and Bridge, Precinct 2. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said

Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. s44 4. 1 Amanda M. Talbert McLennan County Human Resources Director a0 214 N. 4th St., Suite 200 Human Resources Dept. Waco, TX 76701- 1366 Office:( 254)- 757- 5158 OAKS*

MEMORANDUM Date: Tuesday, February 5"', 2019 To: Commissioner' s Court From: Amanda Talbert, Human Resources Director and Commissioner Patricia Miller, Precinct 2 Subject: Requesting Approval to Reclassify Administrative Position

Road and Bridge Precinct 2 is requesting a change in the pay grade of the Administrative Assistant position and is also requesting to equalize the budgeted salary for this position so that it is in line with the salaries of the Administrative Assistants of other Road& Bridge Precincts. The position duties and experience required will reflect the requested pay grade.

Road& Bridge Precinct 2 requests this change be effective immediately upon Court approval. This request is a decrease to the overall budget and the precinct would like this decrease to be given consideration during budget request time. Below is a summary of the changes.

Position Position Title Precinct Current Requested Current Requested Number Pay Grade Pay Grade Budgeted Salary Budgeted Salary 531 ADMIN ASST ROAD& BRIDGE- A30 A29 59, 689. 00 54, 693. 00 COMM PRECINCT 2 Decrease by$ 4, 996




Thank You.


O J OE RECE'\' ED McLennan County, Texas 1 JaN z o 2019 PAYROLL STATUS FORM i

LAST NAME FIRST NAME MI EMPLOYEE4 ,. 1 - FFFFCIVF, DA r- t 2 i ii9 N• w Hire Promotion Reclassification A 0 Lateral Move 0 Separation from OtherTc4ns c Demotion El Salary Adjustment 0 Merit Increase County Employment FULLTIME EMPLOYEES


EXISTING .^ PROPOSED REVISION FROM TO rri Job Title n mn7 ro1' or 3C mnQ1; sci k g C ors iuJ/' ist. fl ibr/ rply' t o... l GMlnisfiphd4J9Ho RSs'l. Job Code Number 5602_ i o. e, 54k Department Name 2 f&i a PCA.. RSL3 Poi 2 4 #_/J ciervices Position Number ISIS a Pei. .2 53/ if3/ dS7 53/ System A t A n Grade 30 29 OGo R9 Monthly Amount

Annual Amount 59j4,29 90 3, 51 409 3, (plaO. 0Q 8. r(] Salary Survey- Min FLSA STATUS Salary Survey- Mid Exempt DATE OF HIRE Salary Survey- Max Noo- Exempt

HOURLY EMPLOYEES DEPARTMENT NAME HOURLY RATE The Commissioners' Court annually sets the standard rate for hourly employees. Commissioners' Court approval of this form is only necessary if the hourly pay rate stated exceeds the standard rate. Call the HR Dept for the standard rate. ACCOUNT CODING ( For County Auditor' s Use) FUND COST CENTER OBJECT PROJECT MONTHLY SALARY PERCENTAGE

Total 100. 00% APPROVALS ( See Note I)


ne udget transfer This proposed action Approved I hereby approve the above Iris is notAccepted0A linetss required if approved by action. within the established guidelines Commissioners' Court. Denied of M nnan County.y See attached, if required. ZISSa Date

Note I— Signature blanks should be marke / A if approva is not required for his action. No approval by the Commissioners' Court i required for actions affecting hourly employees, unless their hourly rate exceeds the fiscal year' s adopted standard hourly rate. Separations from employment require only the departments approval as to effective date.


4 Pay ( Ciradt, £ & u'gef Chat'' rguiters /' oynMJ. ( 402i1// larval .

Original— Clerk Green— Treasurer Human County Canary— Resources Departti{ n : i er¢ i-ajaating Department JA ANDYHARWELL, Coun! yCt: ik Ms2nnan Count Texas By: KELLY c! ILiERiGtrf DEPLT/ ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Ratification of Publication for RFQ 19- 015 Engineering Services for Water and/ or Wastewater System Improvements. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Ratification be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. RFQ 19- 015 Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services for Water and/ or Wastewater System Improvements

McLennan County plans to apply for the upcoming 2019- 2020 Texas Community Development Fund from the Texas Community Development Block Grant ( TxCDBG) Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture ( TDA). Accordingly, the County is seeking to contract with a qualified Engineering Firm individual/ firm) to prepare all preliminary and final design plans and specifications, and to conduct all necessary interim and final inspections. These services are being solicited to assist the County in its application preparation and project implementation of a TxCDBG contract, if awarded, to support the following: water and/ or wastewater system improvements in McLennan County. The project is outside an entitlement city and the grant amount is$ 300,000.

The proposals will be evaluated and ranked according to the following criteria: Criteria Maximum Points

Experience 60

Work Performance 25 Capacity to Perform 15 Total 100

Please submit one( 1) original response, two( 2) copies of your response and one( I) electronic copy( CD or flash drive) of your response for this RFQ. Your statement of qualifications for the proposed services must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with your Company Name, Company Address and " RFQ 19- 015 Engineering Services for Water and/or Wastewater System Improvements", to the address below:

Ken Bass Director of Purchasing 214 North 5th Street Waco, Texas 76701 Ken. bass n,co. mclennan. tx. us

Sealed Proposals shall be received by the County no later than 2: 00 pm on Friday, February 15, 2019. The County reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals. All respondents must be registered with

McClennan County is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer and strives to attain goals of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968( 12 U. S. C. 1701 u) as amended. The County reserves the right to reject all Proposals, and to waive any technicalities for the best interest of the County. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the official opening. Alterations made before opening time must be initialed by the Respondent to guarantee authenticity. After the official opening, proposals may not be amended, altered, or withdrawn without the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent. All proposals become the property of McLennan County and will not be returned to the Respondent.

Run in the Waco Tribune Herald: Friday, February I and Friday, February 8, 2019.

February 8, 2019 Send Statement to: McLennan County 214 North 4th St., Suite 100 Waco, Texas 76701- 1366



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Travel and/ or Education Requests: County Sheriff. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Travel Request be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ter••..

a i o';;, 1 ., McLennan County, Texas iRfae\ ; Out of County Travel Request Form


Conference/ Training: C. O. P. S. Traumas of Law Enforcement


Location: Riverside Califomia

From Date: 3/ 3/ 2019 To Date: 3/ 7/ 2019

Traveling Employees: Brandi Burson Angelica Tucker

Registration fee: Free ea. = Free TOTAL

This request includes( please check all that apply): Lodging ( include rate below) x Mileage Reimbursement Rental car X Parking ( include rate below) x Meal Reimbursement x Other: Flight 1-X11

Hotel room rate: 114. 97 ea.= 470. 89 Total

Qx Check if applicable: Conference/ Host Hotel rate exceeds County Travel Policy rate of 100 per night; request reimbursement of Conference/Host Hotel rate

Hotel parking rate: 10. 00 self park rate per night sparking rate is valet; self park is not available Budget: Fund Deptid Account Project 001120- 5- 2200 I 6191021

Additional Comments: Please include any other anticipated expenses with detailed amounts if possible) Examples include: tolls, taxi, rental car, airfare, airport parking, etc.)

Out of State Training- Court approval Required

Department Authorizatio • Commissioners Court Approval:



WHEREAS, Section 352. 081 of the Texas Local Government Code provides in relevant part: b) On the request of the Commissioners Court of a county, the Texas Forest Service shall determine whether drought conditions exist in all or part of the county. The Texas Forest Service shall make available the measurement index guidelines that determine whether a particular area is in drought condition. Following a determination that drought conditions exist, the Texas Forest Service shall notify the county when drought conditions no longer exist. The Texas Forest Service may accept donations of equipment or funds as necessary to aid the Texas Forest Service in carrying out this section. c) The Commissioners Court of a county by order may prohibit or restrict outdoor burning in general or outdoor burning of a particular substance in all or part of the unincorporated area of the county if: 1) drought conditions have been determined to exist as provided by Subsection b); or 2) the Commissioners court makes a finding that circumstances present in all or part of the unincorporated area create a public safety hazard that would be exacerbated by outdoor burning; and

WHEREAS, high winds create the threat of uncontrolled spread of fire weather of not drought conditions exist; and

WHEREAS, high winds create a danger of fast- moving fires and unpredictable changes in the direction of fires which make fighting such fires more difficult and dangerous, and provide less time for persons in the fire' s path to get to safety; and

WHEREAS, high winds can carry embers significant distances creating the danger of fires in areas beyond where the fire starts.


I. FINDS that during periods when unincorporated McLennan County or portions thereof are under a Red Flaa Warning issued by the National Weather Service, there is created a public safety hazard that would be exacerbated by outdoor burning; and

II. ORDERS that outdoor burning is BANNED in unincorporated areas of McLennan County during any period where McLennan County or any portion thereof is under a RED FLAG WARNING issued by the National Weather Service.

III. This ban shall not apply to outdoor burning activities specified in Section 352. 081( f) of the Texas Local Government Code.

IV. This ban is effective for a period of 90 days from the date of this order. This ban may be extended or re-adopted by the Commissioners Court in the manner provided by law.

V. If a burn ban is otherwise in effect based on drought or other conditions, the expiration of this order shall not affect that ban; nor shall the issuance of a Red Flag Warning be a pre- requisite for a burn ban based on drought or other conditions.

VI. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 352.081( h), violation of the burn ban under this Order is an offense( misdemeanor) punishable by a fine not to exceed $ 500.00

ADOPTED upon motion duly made, seconded, and passed by unanimous vote this the 5th day of February, 2019, by the MCLENNAN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT. 41 Scott M. Felton, County Judge

Attest: J. A. " Andy" Harwell, County Clerk McLennan County Texas 7 U FEB 05 an' JA" By: Deily County ANDDYHARWELL, ntyglen McLennan Co unt% Texas By, v F LaPIGHT DEPUTY ORDER REGARDING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Approval of

Memorandum of Agreement and Authorization of Payment for Acquisition of Right- of-Waco

Parcel No. P- 1 ( re: Compton School Road Project). Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. DocuSign, ID: FCE13765- 527348A4- AF69- 43913EAAE457

AMREnvelopennop A

Millard Real Estate Advisors, Inc. RralEstate groflpage, Consulting, Valuation at 487WServices

Michael D. Millard 6501 Sanger Avenue,# 205 Licensed Red Enact Broker P. O. Box 7690 Om1ed Properly Tex Waco, TX 76714 ed General O01a1tentStateReal Estate Appraiser MAI, Awned Mann 254) 776- 3734 mike(d millard- lexas. com

January 9, 2019

Mr. Woody Compton 2947 Compton Road Valley Mills, TX 76689- 3015

RE: Right-of-Way Acquisition - Memorandum of Agreement McLennan County, TX Project- McLennan County, TX- Compton School Road Project

Project Property Name: P- 1 - Compton Property Owner: Woody Compton Property Street Address: 2947 Compton Road Appraisal District Property Tax ID#: 118524

Dear Mr. Compton:

This is to confirm the willingness to sign McLennan County, TX' s " WARRANTY DEED" document that has been previously forwarded to you for review, which is for the purchase of 0. 452 acres of fee simple right- of-way area along Compton School Road as it pertains to the referenced property, for a total compensation payment in the amount of 6.500. 00, and the following provisions that you, as the Property Owner or representative of the Property Owner, and McLennan County, TX have agreed to:

1. Once the fee simple right-of-way area has been acquired, and the Property Owner has received all due compensation, the Property Owner hereby gives McLennan County and its Contractor(s) permission to access the acquired property.

2. 7 days prior to McLennan County' s Contractor( s) starting the project' s initial construction work on the acquired fee simple right-of-way area, McLennan County, or its Contractor(s), shall notify the Property Owner.

3. McLennan County, without any cost to the Property Owner, will pay the cost of recording all documents pertaining to this transaction, along with any other typical closing cost expenses that may be incurred, except for payment of lien debt of the Property Owner. If McLennan County elects to obtain a title policy for the property that it is obtaining, it will do so at its own expense. If applicable, the Property Owner will cooperate in curing any title issues, obtaining any releases of lien( s) and/ or obtaining any lienholder' s consent( s), but does not commit to expenditure of any money to do so unless such is for payment of a portion of a lien debt out of the proceeds of this transaction. If a Lienholder( s) may require any part of the monetary compensation to be received by the Property Owner be paid to the Lienholder( s) by the Property Owner as it may relate to any applicable lien debt so that any applicable releases of lien( s) and/ or any lienholder' s consent( s) can be obtained, such amount shall either be 1.) deducted from the amount to be paid to the Property Owner and be paid directly to the Lienholder by McLennan County , or 2.) paid directly to the Lienholder by the Property Owner as may be required.

P- 1- Compton- McLennan County. TX- Compton Shod Road Project- Memorandum of Agreement- Negotiated Offer Page 1 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE13765- 527348A4- AF6943913EAAE457

4. The total compensation payment noted herein includes payment for the fee simple right-of-way area noted within the Mitchell & Associates, Inc.'s Survey ( Attached hereto as Exhibit " A"), and as described in the WARRANTY Deed document, less oil, gas and sulphur, and for any improvements that may be situated within the boundary areas of the acquired fee simple right-of-way area. The total compensation noted above includes compensation for the following listed improvement items that may be located within the fee simple right-of-way area, and no other items unless listed: 1.) Barbed Wire Fencing

5. In the event that the Property Owner has livestock or other conditions that may require relocating existing fencing and/or installing new fencing as a result of the acquisition of the fee simple right-of-way area, this shall be done within 30 days after the fee simple right- of-way area has been conveyed to McLennan County, TX. After 30 days, McLennan County, TX shall not be held responsible for, and shall be held harmless for, any and all issues that may result from Property Owner not complying with this paragraph.

6. The Property Owner acknowledges that the compensation being received from McLennan County, TX is in full payment for the value of any property interests and applicable improvements acquired, and for any applicable effects that may be caused to the remainder property.

7. The Property Owner acknowledges that it has received a copy of" The State of Texas Landowner' s Bill of Rights".

8. This Memorandum of Agreement and the noted total compensation are subject to approval by McLennan County, TX. If this Memorandum of Agreement and the noted total compensation are not approved by McLennan County, TX, this Memorandum of Agreement may be terminated by McLennan County, TX.

9. If any applicable title issues cannot be cured, this transaction and Memorandum of Agreement may be terminated at the sole discretion of McLennan County, TX. If any applicable " Lienholder Release Document" and/ or Lienholder Consent Document' cannot be obtained, this transaction and Memorandum of Agreement may be terminated at the sole discretion of the McLennan County, TX.

10. If this document is executed in a number of identical counterparts, each counterpart is an original and all counterparts, collectively, constitute one agreement. Electronic signature or scanned PDF signature will be considered of equal standing to an original signature.

The payment of the amount herein stated and the terms listed previously constitute the only promises, consideration, and conditions for the acquisition of the property described in the attached Mitchell & Associates, Inc.'s Survey Drawing, and no other promises, consideration, or conditions have been signed or implied.

Signed in Agreement:

igns 1/ 10/ 2019 4/9 dos/1C rl McLennan Cou ty, TX Date Propeebyf.® wner I Owner Representative Date

I/ woody Compton By: S1OTT M. rGUU", count? UO6C By: Property Owner Printed Name Title Printed Name Title

Owner' s Phone#: ( 254) 715-7724

Owner' s Email: comptonspaintinq( 0) gmail. com

P- 1- Compton- McLennan County, Tx- Compton School Road Project- Memorandum of Agreement— Negotiated Offer Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE13765- 5273- 48A4- AF69- 43913EAAE457

44614 0•44( ad-- Millard Real Estate Advisors, Inc. Assigned Representative on behalf of the McLennan County, TX, TX

P- 1- Compton- McLennan County, TX- Compton School Road Project- Memorandum of Agreement— Negotiated Offer Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE13765- 5273- 48A4- AF6943913EAAE457

Exhibit "A" - Page 1 Mitchell & Associates, Inc. Surveying

Field notes for a 0. 452 Acre Parcel of land in the D. McFadden Survey, Abstract No. 593 in McLennan County, Texas and being out of that called 131. 73 acres described in a deed to Woody Compton of record as Instrument 2014013259 of the Official Public Records of McLennan County, Texas. Said 0.452 acre parcel being shown on the attached plat and described as follows with bearings based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone, NAD 83.

Beginning at a 3/ 8 inch MAG Nail placed in Compton School Road for the southeast corner of the herein described parcel of land. in the east line of that called 131. 73 acres described in the said deed to Woody Compton of record as Instrument 2014013259 in the said Official Public Records and in the west line of that Tract Seven described in a deed to John W. Heaton and Linda R. Heaton Co-Trustees of record as Instrument 2004002795 in the Official Public Records from where a 3/ 8 inch MAG Nail placed at the southwest corner of the said Tract Seven bears S 20degrees I I minutes 46seconds W 29. 08 feet, and a 3/ 8 inch MAG Nail placed over a found iron in the said road at the beginning of a curve in the east line of the said 131. 73 acres bears S 20de_ rees I Iminutes 46seconds W 329. 31 feet.

Thence N 69degrees 28minutes 40seconds W 17. 53 feet to a '/ inch iron rod with cap stamped M& A placed for the southwest corner of the herein described parcel of land,

Thence N 09degrees 17minutes 02seconds E 157. 01 feet to a '/ inch iron rod with cap stamped M& A placed for an angle point in the west line of the herein described parcel of land.

Thence N 20degrees 3lminutes 20seconds E 250.00 feet to a % inch iron rod with cap stamped M& A placed for an angle point in the west line of the herein described parcel of land.

Thence N 36degrees 53minutes 19seconds E 103. 64 feet to a Y: inch iron rod with cap stamped M& A placed for the northwest corner of the herein described parcel of land,

Thence S 7ldegrees 03minutes 48seconds E 16. 06 feet to a 3/ 8 inch MAG Nail placed in Compton School Road, the east line of the said 131. 73 acres for the northeast corner of then herein described parcel of land from where a 1/ 2 inch MAG Nail placed over an iron found at the beginning of a curve in the east line of the said 131. 73 acres bears N 20degrees I I minutes 46seconds E 121. 19 feet.

Thence S 20degrees 1I minutes 46seconds W 503. 89 feet along the said road and east line to the Point of Beginning and containing 0. 452 acres within these metes and bounds of which approximately 0. 19 acres are within existing Compton School Road usage,

Surveyed July 23, 2018

Robert Mitchell R. P. L. S. 5801 WO 18- 07- 1638

600 Austin Avenue. Suite 29 Waco, Texas 76701 A Subsidiary of Mitchell& Associates, Inc., Killeen, TX TBPLS Firm Registration Number 10194044 Phone 254.776. 5151 FAX 254.776. 5152

Page 1 of 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: FCE13765- 5273-48A4- AF69- 43913EAAE457 Exhibit " A" - Page 2 i I g

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On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Approval of Sponsor' s Note for Repayment of Health Benefit Cost Received Due to Failure to Report Income,

Payable to McLennan County. Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. NOTE

Debtor: Magdalena Perez

Payee: McLennan County, Texas(" Payee")

Reimbursement due from Debtor:

Reason for Reimbursement: Failure to report income— McLennan County Health Services.

Acknowledgement of Debt: Debtor admits, accepts and acknowledges his liability for the Reimbursement Amount set forth above. Debtor gives this Note to avoid enforcement through litigation- acknowledging that he is unable to pay the entire reimbursement sum at this time.

Promise to Pay: Debtor promises and agrees to pay the Payee $ 4, 400. 00, payable in installments of$ 120. 00 per month due on or before the lit of the month— with the first payment being due February 1, 2019. Said monthly payments shall continue to be paid by the Debtor until the sum of$ 4,400.00 is recovered by the County.

Separate Obligation: This note is a separate legal instrument, and the Payee may sue for breach of this note without having to prove or provide information regarding any cause of or itemization of the underlying$ 4,400. 00 debt.

Payments shall be made to:

McLennan County Health Services 204 N. 7th St. Waco, Tx 76701

Other Terms:

Should Payee find it necessary to enforce its rights under the Note against Debtor, Payee shall be entitled to recover its reasonable and necessary attorney' s fees and costs incurred therein.

This-Note is- made- and delivered- in-McLennan- County,- Texas,- is County, Texas, and venue of any litigation arising out of or relating to the Note shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction setting in McLennan County, Texas.

vAOC( 5 Vtirt

APPROVED ssss a Date: l 3 tS F G' THi DAYofh 20RS 4_


FILM FEB 0 5 2019 JA" ANDY HARWELL, County Cells McLennan County. Terms By: KELLY FULLIPKGF, T DEPUTY The Court went to agenda item M. 5. ORDER REGARDING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Approval of Order Establishing Rules with Regard to the McLennan County Law Library and Creating Local Bar Advisory Committee. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was

Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ORDER OF THE MCLENNAN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT ESTABLISHING RULES WITH REGARD TO THE MCLENNAN COUNTY LAW LIBRARY AND CREATING LOCAL BAR ADVISORY COMMITTEE

WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court has management control over the McLennan County Law Library; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with statute the Court has the authority and obligation to set rules governing the use of the library and its materials.


1. The Law Library shall be open on Monday through Friday from 8: 00 am to 5: 00 pm, except on County holidays and weather closures; 2. Computer/ internet- based research tools are provided. If other patrons are present, computer research should not exceed 30 minutes for any one session to assure that other patrons have an opportunity to conduct their research. 3. Any issues with the computers/ internet/photocopiers should be reported to the County Judge' s Office. 4. Patrons should be conscious of the library setting and not be loud or distracting. Patrons who continue to create a disturbance in the library after being warned will be asked to leave. 5. Written materials are not to be removed from the law library. 6. No patron is to write on or highlight in written materials. 7. The County has attempted to maximize Texas- based written materials and limit written materials applicable to other jurisdictions. It is believed that the written materials in the library' s collection represent a large proportion of the materials used by Texas practitioners. However, suggestions for additional materials will always be given consideration. Suggestions should be provided to the County Judge' s Office. 8. Missing or damaged written materials should be reported to the County Judge' s Office. 9. Photocopiers and printers require point of purchase payment. 10. Assistance is available from the County Judge' s Office. Any assistance provided is merely to help find materials, and no legal advice can be given. 11. Only authorized personnel shall update written materials. 12. No food or drink is permitted in the law library.


The Waco- McLennan County Bar Association is authorized to establish a Law Library Committee to advise the Commissioners Court regarding the Law Library. The Law Library Committee shall advise the Commissioners Court on Law Library resources, facilities, operations, management, and policies. The Law Library Committee shall annually provide written recommendations to the Commissioners Court on or before June 1 of each year and may advise the County Judge' s Office regarding the Law Library throughout the year as needed.


Scott M. Felton, e-n County Judge

ATTEST: j A 1i4n4 " ilafkieA t

County Clerk or Designated Deputy Coutlty Clerk

met FEB 0 5 1019 2 J.A. ANDYHARWELL, County Clerk AtieesT By:- KELLLYILLBRIGHT DEPUTY The Court went back to Consent Agenda items E. 3. b. and c. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019


3. Human Resources/ Salary Matters Payroll Status Forms or Changes):

a. Health Services Approved

b. Criminal District Attorney Deferred




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Human Resources / Salary Matters: Health Services. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve E. 3. b. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of

said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is

hereby, approved by unanimous vote. h.

Amanda M. Talbert Mclennan County Human Resources Director 214 N. 4t° St., Suite 200 Human Resources Dept. Waco, TX 76701- 1366 Office:( 254)- 757- 5158

MEMORANDUM Date: Tuesday, February 5t, 2019 To: Commissioner' s Court From: Amanda Talbert, Human Resources Director and Health Services Director, Eva Cruz- Hamby Subject: Requesting Approval to Change Position Titles

The County Hearth Services Director is requesting a change to position titles within the department to better outline the department' s organizational structure. The positions affected are the Eligibility Specialist II positions and the Account Pay Clerk II position. These positions have been assigned a tier II title designation but there is no tier structure within this department according to their duties. A tier structure is not needed so the County Health Services Director requests to remove the tier designations.

The department is in need of a clearly designated senior role that is responsible for resolving escalated issues and making decisions in the absence of the Director. The County Health Services Director requests that one of the Eligibility Specialist Positions be designated as a lead role. The years of experience and duties required of the role will be reflected in the requested title and job description for Lead Eligibility Specialist.

County Health Services requests these changes be effective immediately upon Court approval. This request is budget neutral. Below is a summary of the changes.

Position Current Position Title Requested Position Title Current Pay Current Grade Budgeted Salary No Change) ( No Change)





Thank You.


Rim FEB 052019 a'AN DY HARWELL, Coumy C!ark McLennan County. Texas By: KELLY Fi.);. lP^ h T nEPLT/ ORDER DEFERRING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Human Resources/ Salary Matters: Criminal District Attorney. Commissioner Snell made a motion to defer and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, deferred by unanimous vote. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

F. Budget, Budget Amendments/ Transfers/ Changes, Additional Revenue Certifications, Expenditure Requests:

I. Regarding the FY 19 Budget:

a. Specialty Courts Approved

b. Road & Bridge, Precinct 3 Approved

c. Capital Outlay:

1) Regarding General Fund ( Fund 001) Approved

2) Regarding Courthouse Security Fund Approved Fund 015)

d. Pretrial Services Approved

e. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Place 1 / Justice Approved of the Peace, Precinct I Place 2 ( Fund 140)

f. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 ( Fund 140) Approved

g. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5 ( Fund 140) Approved

h. Information Technology Pulled— No Action Taken

i. County Wide/ 4I4th District Court Approved Fund 142)

j. Road & Bridge, Precinct 2 Approved

k. Authorization of Public Claim Reimbursement Approved

I. Authorization of Engineering/ Surveying Services Approved Invoices: Walker Partners( re: McLennan County Venue Project/ December Services)

m. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Employee Deferred Vaccination Expenditures












On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 19 Budget: Specialty Courts; Road & Bridge, Precinct 3; Capital Outlay: Regarding General Fund Fund 001) and Regarding Courthouse Security Fund ( Fund 015); Pretrial Services; Justice of the

Peace, Precinct I Place I / Justice of the Peace, Precinct I Place 2( Fund 140); Justice of the Peace,

Precinct 3 ( Fund 140); Justice of the Peace 5 ( Fund 140); County Wide/ 414' h District Court( Fund

142) and Road & Bridge, Precinct 2. After discussion, Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve( F. 1. a. thru F. 1. j. with the exception of F. 1. h.) and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the

Court that said FY 2019 Budget Amendments be, and the same are hereby, approved by unanimous vote. BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST

McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for. Fund 001 ( General Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09130/ 19:


Sub- Requested Fund Function Fiat Dept I Dept Name Objec lncasl Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget

001 15 26 1455 Spec Cris 502000 _ Other Services and Charges 351 337 688

Total Increases 337


Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept I Dept name object( Acct.) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 001 10 05 0190 Co Wide 999999 Contingencies p'481).)32 337 641801-

Total Decreases 337


This budget amendment is requested for the purchase of Adobe Acrobat for the associate Judge. ( Hodges)

Approved by Respectfully Submitted roved es to form Commissioners Court Requesto County Auditor County Judge ice Pricing Proposal Quotatio n058294: 164 Deacriptlon: Acrobat Protesslonal( 2) Created On: Jan-02- 2019 Valk Until: Jan- 31- 2019 Government Solutions`

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lathers 214 NFO JRTH STREET 1301 S. Mo- Pac Expressway, Suite 375, Austin TX, 78746 Wren, TX 76701 Send PO to: Texas® UNITED STATES Phone: 600870 3079 Phone:( 254) 757- 5024 Far 512- 732- 0232 Far Ernst Rlderd Lettlere® SHl. com East VNOePerldna® co. mdennan.8cus

M Prices we In US DoW( USD)

Product Oty Your Prise Total

1 Acrobat Professional-( v. 2017)- AOO License• 300, 000+- Multiple Platforms- I 328. 00 6328. 00 Universal English- 450 Pdnts- 0 Months Adobe• Pa* 65280374ACO2A00 Contract Name: BuyBoard Conrad! 498- 15

Subtotal 6328. 00 SNprhg 0.00 Total 5328. 00

Additional Comments

The Products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the SHI Online Customer Resale Terms end Conditions, unless a separate resale agreement exists between SHI and the Customer.


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for: ROAD& BRIDGE PRECINCT 3


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/ 30/ 19


sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept 0 Dept Name Object( Acct#) Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget 001 25 58 3630 R8B 3 701000 Capital Outlay 343, 000 150 343, 150

Total Increases 150


suo- Requested Fund Function Func Dept tl Dept Name Object( Acctdr) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 001 25 58 3630 R8B 3 999999 Contingencies 250, 000 150 249. 850

Total Decreases 150


This budget amendment is requested to increase the" capital outlay' line item within the Road and Bridge Pet 3 department.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor County Judge

77. 4


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for: Fund 001 ( General Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09130/ 19:

REQUESTED INCREASE( s) Sur Requested lard Ft- natal Fwx Deptm Dept Nana Object( Amy) Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget 001 10 05 7920 Cap Outlay 701000 Capital Outlay 1, 567,896 13. 532 1. 581, 428

Total Increases 13, 532

REQUESTED DECREASE( s) Sttb- Requested Fund Function Fen Dept# Dept Name Obtecl( Amy) Account Description Current amidst Decrease Amended Budget 001 10 05 0190 Wide Co 999999 Contingencies p41701 13, 532 63912..b9

Total Decreases 13, 532


This budget amendment is requested by the Maintenance of Buildings department to increase the" capital outlay" line Item for an increase to the" physical security project.' This includes$ 3, 993 for the Commissioners' office door upgrade and$ 9. 539 for upgrades to the Courthouse and Annex access controls.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor County Judge jfie u0-0/


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for: Fund 015( Courthouse Security Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/ 30119:

REQUESTED INCREASE( s) Sub. Requested Fund Function Func Dept I Dept Name Objec( Acccel Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget 015 20 50 2710 CH Sec 701000 Capital Outlay 133, 990 19. 630 153, 620

Total Increases 19, 630

REQUESTED DECREASE( s) Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept I Dept Name Object( Attire) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 015 20 50 2710 CH Sec 999999 Contingencies 153, 845 19. 630 134, 215

Total Decreases 19. 630


This budget amendment is requested for the purchase and Installation of duress alarms to be located throughout the Courthouse.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved es to form Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor A. unty Judge setata Al 4 29


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment fon Fund 001 ( General Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/ 30/ 19


su. Requested Fund Fundica Furc Dep I Des Nome Object( Acid") Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget 001 15 27 1610 Pretrial Svcs 502000 Furniture and Equipment 1 1, 000 1, 001

Total Increases 1, 000


Sub- Requested Find FucSan Fund _ Dept* Dept Nerve oiled( Aoctf) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 001 15 27 1610 Pretrial Svcs 501000 SupplIes 5, 605 1, 000 4, 605

Total Decreases 1, 000


This budget amendment is requested to increase the' furniture and equipment" line item within the Pretrial Services department for the purchase of adjustable height bases for current desks.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor County Judge it; j ITOS Sales Quotation for. McLennan County

TOTAL OFFICE Contact Crystal SOLUTIONS Project: Adjustable height bases 28-Jan- 19 3721 Franklin Ave, Waco, TX 76710 Ph: 284-2354200 Fax: 264- 2384226

sty Unit Item 0 Description Net Price Extended Net

2 ea HHAB2S2L. P8L. 2 stage adjustable height bass 395.64 791. 28 2 ea TOS Install Assemble, frusta and remove padnaging 50 100.00 2 ea 70S reconfigure Reconfugre chirp work station to use adjustable 50 100.00 height bases

Lead thne apprordmately 4 weeks

Quoted using TCPN Contract 0: R142208 Terms of this contract run through April 30, 2020.

Please e-mail PO to:

Sub Total $ 991. 28 Tax Total $ 991. 28

This quote valid for 30 days unless otherwise noted.

Keith Reld, Total Office Solutions Cell: 254- 379-0027

Customer Signature Indicates approver

Returns of special order or non- Mods Items wail not be acccepted unless merchandise is damaged or defective. My addien& furniture, not on this quote, to be moved or reconfigured Is subject to an additional labor charge. Any misting furniture to be moved by TOS must be empty upon arrival. Desks, file cabinets, etc. will not be moved ff not empty. My return trips bs move furniture may be subject to additional labor charges. Transactions ova 55000 paid by credit card will Incur a 3% processing fee.

RILED: FEB 05 2019


Mclennan Courtly Commissioners Court McLennan Courtly Courthouse Waco. Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment ion Fund 140( Justice Technology Fund)


I hereby request the fo0owing budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/30I19:

REQUESTED INCREASE( s) 64 Rid Fuu Function Fie Dva Dept Nene Otect( Aaal) Aunt Destitution Current Budget Increase Amended 140 15 27 1611 JP 1- 1 502000 Furniture and Eau6ement 760 838 1 140 15 27 1611 JP 1. 1 601111 Other Services and Chanter 6,687 844 7,311 140 15 27 1812 JP 1- 2 601111 Other Services and Chages 8,317 843 8, 960

Total Increases 2, 125


Sub- Requested Font Fw, Ft Dept a Dept Nan. ONep( Aaetl( Account Desalptlal Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 140 10 05 0190 Co Wide 899999 Contingemies 162,671 2, 125 160,548

Total Decreases Z125


This budget amendment is requested by Justice of the Peace Pet 1- 1 for the purchase of a coper4Ste Vfax to be used in the Courtroom, a printer to be used In the office, a wireless mouse, and a printer maintenance kit The request also Includes the renewal of a Court scheduling software that Is used by both JP 1- 1 and JP 1- 2.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to farm Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor County Ju ge A' rot. DIANNE HENSLEY Art. ;.•,.. 501 Washington Avenue JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Suite 104- D Waco, Texas 76701 PRECINCT 1, PLACE 1 5: 254- 757- 5040 Fax: 254-714- 2899



DATE: JANUARY 11, 2019



Vicki and I have decided it would speed up truancy court considerably if we had a small copier in the courtroom. I would like to charge this expense to the JP Technology Fund. HP has several small all- in-one machines that would work fine for our purposes. The one listed below can be purchased for$ 108.

HP Officejet Pro 6978 All- in-One Multifunction Printer/ Copier/ Fax

Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

Thanks. Pricing Proposal Quotation 0: 16458264 Oesedpdon: HP 0tBoe) et Pro 8210( 2) Created On: Jan- 02- 2019

Valid Until: Jan- 31- 2019 Government Solutions ... .

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lettlere 214 NFOURTH STREET 1301 S. Mo- Pao Expressway, Suite 375, Austin TX, 78746 Waco, TX 76701 Send PO to: Texaa@shl. com UNITED STATES Forme: 800470-6079 Ptwns:( 254) 757- 5024 Far 512- 732-0232 Far Ernst Richard_ Let erecSHl. com Bret WmePeridnatOco. mderman.tcus

AO Pdms we in US Doilar( USD) Product My Your Price Total

1 HP treoe) et Pro 8210- Printer- color- Duplex- Ink-jet- AA/Legal- 1200x 1200 dal- 1 143.00 143.00 up to 34 ppm( mono)! up to 34 ppm( color)- capadty: 250 sheets- USB 2.0, LAN. w1Fl( n) HP, Inc- Paris: D9LB4MSIH Contract Name: Buy9oard Contrail It 495- 15

Subtotal 143.00 Sspptrrp 0.00 Total 143. 00

Additional Comments

Please Note: HP, Inc has a zero returns policy on custom built PCs. true and toner are also considered non-returnable

The Products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the SH! Online Customer Resale Terms and Condit' cnns unless a separate resale agreement exists between SIr and me Customer.

4 ' _ zeD- i iev .. ova in4-i e__Ly,c_ 1-- 2 71_ 0 Proposal Quotation It. 16523t355 Desaipdon: Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000 Created On: Jan- 15- 2019 VPricingValid Unto: Jan-31- 2019 Government Solutions

MCLENNAN COUNTY Inside Account Manager

Lisa Hoerete Jonathan Gaudet Phone:( 254) 757. 5175 1301 S. MoPec Expressway, Suite 375 Far Austin, TX 78748

Hires tlsa.lwaster@cO. mdennan.tx. us Phone: ( 800) 87043079 Option 2 Fax: 512-732-0232 Furst Jonalhan_ Gaudet® sM. 00m

Click here to order this quote

All Prices are lei US Dollar( USD)

Product Qty Retail Your Prize Total

1 Microsoft Melees Mobile Mouse 4000- Mouse- right end le841anded 1 $ 29. 95 20. 00 20. 00 optical- 4 buttons- wireless- 24 GHt- USB wireless receiver- greph88 Microsoft- Pasta: D5D-00001 Contract Name: BuyBoard Contract 579-19

Total 20. 00

Additional Comments

Service Level Agreements:

1. Quotes: Quote requests will be adna/ lodged* Mks 4 business hours of each request. Under normal draunstanas. quotes we be provided w81dn 24- 48 hours of the Initial request. If quotes will take longer than this timehame, status updates will be provided at reasonable intervals.

2. Orders: All valid orders will be processed within 24 hours.

3. Conrad Doaerents: All submissions will be reviewed and responded to within 24 business hours. Actual processing time will vary based on quality and complexity of the submission.

Thank you for dunning SHIGSI To ensure the best level of service, please provide End User Name, Phone Number. Email Address and applicable Contract Number when submitting a Purchase Order. For any additional Information including Hardware, Software and Services Contrasts, please contact an SHI-GS Inside Sales Representative at( 800) 870. 8079.

SHI Government Solutions, Inc. is 100% Minority Owned, Woman Owned Business. TAX via 22-3895478; DUNSa 14-7243098

The Products offered under this proposal am resold in accordance with the On Online Customer Resale Terms and Condtiony unless a separate resale agreement exists between SRI and the Customer. none: PARSONS po 7895-76714 Wrt0. le n 76710Web: www.panonsofliee. com office systems, inc.

January 15, 2019

McLennan County Information Technology

Parson Office System, Inc. submits the following proposal.

We trust this proposal meets your approval, and supports your consideration of Parsons. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call.

Maintenance kits for the HP M601 is$ 325. 00 each and Labor is$ 99. 00 each.

Thank You Roger Pogue

Parsons Office Systems

Parsons Office Systems, 212 Lake Air Drive, Waco, Texas 76710 254) 776- 3400: 1- 800- 447- 8668: fax:( 254) 776- 8800 : http://www.parsonsoffice. com: info@parsonsoffice. com 6801 Sanger Avenue Invoice Suite 224 DATE INVOICE u Waco, TX 76710

12/5/2018 966029

BILL TO SHIP TO McLennan County JP Court 1 501 Washington Ave., 1st Floor Waco, Texas 76701




25 Office-Logic InterChange Update, Support, and Enhancement Agreement 37. 50 937. 50 USE)- ANNUAL- Upgrades and Support for life of this agreement Renewed Annually. Total users: 10 Serial Numbers covered: 25 Office- Logic Groupware Update, Support, and Enhancement Agreement( USE) 29. 95 748. 75 ANNUAL- Upgrades and Support for life of this agreement. Renewed Annually. Total users: 10 Serial Numbers Covered: 3 SyncML Sync Service USE Agreement- 12 Month coverage to synchronize 180. 00 540. 00 Calendar 8 Contacts with PDA device.

Subtotal of Sale Items Above 2, 226. 25 Discount 1, 450. 38 1, 450. 38 Hardware- Server Annual Maintenance/ Lease( Server remains property of 511. 00 511. 00 LAN-Aces, Incorporated) Fxpirabon: 2019/ 12/ 31

Okay to Pay ( JP Teclumlogy Fund, rid14----- Dianne Hensl n/-2 JP 1- 1 Jan. 17, 2019

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! We Appreciate Your Continued Loyalty to Office- Logic Total 1, 288. 87


Phone I Fax• E- mail Address Web Address

800- LAN- ACES( 254- 230- 4247) 713-481- 9823 SALES@LAN- ACES. COM WWW. LAN- ACES. COM

MEM FEB 0 5 2019


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for: Fund 140( Justice Technology Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/ 30/ 19:


Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept a Dept Name object( Acute) Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget

140 15 27 1631 JP 3 502000 Furniture and Equipment 1 1, 042 1, 043

140 15 27 1631 JP 3 501000 Supplies 1 115 116

140 15 27 1631 JP 3 601111 Other Services and Charges 6, 667 600 7, 267

Total Increases 1, 757


Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept s Dept Name object( Acts) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 140 10 05 0190 Co Wide 999999 Contingencies 160, 546 1, 757 158, 789

Total Decreases 1, 757


This budget amendment is requested by Justice of the Peace Pct 3 for purchase of items out of the Justice Technology Fund see attached quote for item list).

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requester County Auditor County Judge in QUOTE B Number BMTQ1342 M E D A H N • I E S Date Dec 17, 2018 t.( 254) 776- 3130 f.( 254) 776- 3131

I Bold To Your Sales Rap Wenn i Tny Shaw David Perna7P3 3617 Franklin Ave Waco, 17( 76710

Phone ( 254) 826- 3341 i Mice ( 254) 776- 3130 Fax I Fax ( 266)-77e. 3131 Moline Mobs ( 266)-3666323 Emil Jp3 oamakewn.b[.us I j Entail InsteBCBMTWaco. com

I Boap. at WWI

Tetras .._. I. P.O. Number _ I .. __ Ship ViaI

use I. ghr I Manufacture I Desaipdae j Unit Prigs I k Prloe I

1 Wgasge Display

2 1 L1a 55. Oass- LED- UK6300 Series- 2160p- Smart- 4K 599. 00 599. 00 UHD TV with HDR

3 1 Bradaet Brand Universal Mt Mount 72. 14 72. 14 VESA Standard Compatibility: 100x100 200x100 2003E200 400x400 Screen Size Competability: 32- 60 Weight Capadty: 120 lbs T) It: 12 Degree

4 1 Cable Brand 10' HIGH SPEED HDMI 2. 0 CABLE WITH ETHERNET 30 19. 95 19. 95 AND 4K COMPATIBLE MC40

5 1 W1reMoid Wiremold 20. 00 20. 00

6 1 EagleTec Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo Thin Quiet 104 24. 99 24.99 Keys Wireless Micro USO Receiver Ergonomic Smell Portable Cordless Mouse for Windows PC- Black Keyboard Mouse 7 1 tenon Minl PC Digital Signage Player 369.99 369. 99


CHO COURDWITIANM1t 4. d.. Ind Odes terns we nDADI. d b w. e Run and enos MNa T. dn[ kOW end' TV OE. dwW Is be asmns,. Tin'/ r.. is con a othendls W.. IOed by CIWaSw S tlS wind1pd of no no no on( 1) IEu. osierosiernO r thist CadldmfY LA.,.. Ja In banns Er. Ruda Or KantMMus . ran do. whetswrimenment tNIO. Wu. n nO is MCNE Tedi. . J .

12/ 17/ 2018 1Df2 utite j ah j Manufacture ; Description j unit Mooj Ext. prise j

8 1 misc. Misc. Cables, Connectors, Flatware 950. 00 50. 00

9 1 labor Labor S600. 00 600.00

Subtotal 1, 756. 07

Tax 0. 00

Shipping 0.00

Total 1, 755. 07


RICIMS CONRDafIWITI: Oates and Mary toes tit ntONaeW bbwN Customer end Imes MCSA TsWasle an eq be MpeR t On O telser. t ataa, Mdrapt nralmreR. Th. Ot7 bM,at S Oatstetra MISw the teensswan teteAeleMap the DrawRNR. MudsM auds arM Antrot cen.a cernmeOpn OM, OM fM rIM R paned. erns Neta0 Ns Tedmlagln.Ws ens( 1) ye. Custom Ma rot use OR CanAdrMbl IdMMslbn b fuOUMMo

RIED: 12/ 17/ 2018 FEB 05 2019 Zan

JA"ANDY HARW ELL, County Clerk McLennan Caum>

McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco, Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for: Fund 140( Justice Technology Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/30/ 19:


Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept 0 Dept Name object( Acaa) Account Description Current Budget Increase _ Amended Budget

140 15 27 1651 JP 5 502000 Furniture and Equipment 750 3, 906 _ 4, 656

140 15 27 1651 JP 5 601111 Other Services and Charges 7, 167 360 7, 527

Total Increases 4, 266


Sub- Requested Fund Function Func Dept 0 Dept Name Object( Mat) Account Description Current Budget Decrease Amended Budget 140 10 05 0190 Co Wide 999999 Contingencies 160,546 4, 266 156,280

Total Decreases 4, 266


This budget amendment is requested by Justice of the Peace Pct 5 for the purchase of computer related items for a new employee as well as the purchase of a new copier at a cost of$ 3, 072.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requester County Auditor County Judge

ZipOCI PdC 9 Proposal Quota/Sant 18481138 Description: ' OptlPlex 3080 SFF

Created On: ; Jan- 02- 2019

Wad Until 4an- 31- 2019 I G*--vernme Sol

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lathers 214 I./ FOURTH STRffT 1301 S. Mo-Pet Expressway, Sute 375. Austin TX, 78746 Ytco, TX 78701 Send PO to: Texasedtcom W EDSTATES Phone: 800-870-6079 Phone:( 254) 757- 5024 Fax 512- 732-0232 Fax Emat Richard I. eeere® SHl. com Ernst Wme. Petdnecco. mdenrrenIcua

An Prices we In US Dolar( USD) Product Oty Your Price Total

1 OptIPlex 3060 SFF 1 $ 598. 72 598. 72 Del Contact Name: Del Contradt DIR-TSO-3763 SWcontredt 87AHM

Subtotal 598.72 Sl* b 0.00 Total 598.72

Additional Comments

The Produds offered under this proposal are resold sr accordance with are CHI Online Customer Resale Terms and Conditions unless a separate resale agreement exists between SHI and the Customer. Pricing Proposal Quotation 0: 18458405 Description: StarTech. eom HOW to VGA Adapter Converter/ ' Tripp Lite Bin DisplayPort to VGA Adapter Active Con( 2) Crested On: : Jan- 02-2019 Government Salutions+rra1M . Unlit Jan- 31- 2019

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lettlere 214. FOUi1HSTRffr 1301 S. Mo-Pae Expressway, Suite 375. Austin TX. 78746 Waco, TX 76701 Send PO to: [email protected] UNTW STATF_S Phone: 800-870-6079 Phone:( 254) 757-55024 Fax: 512- 732- 0232 Far. Emet Riderd_Latliere® Brat WallePerldnseconcbrinaratus

AO Prices we In US Doln( USO) Product Qty Your Price Total

1 HDMI to VGA Adapter Convener for Desktop/ Laptop I Utrabook- 1 522.80 22. 80 Video converter- N7MI- VGA- Ned SfmTedtcom- Parts: HD2VGAE2 Contract Wore:& ryBoard Contract is 498- 15

2 Tripp Lite Bin DhplayPon to VGA Adapter Active Converter DP to VGA MIF 8'- 1 S13. 05 S13. 05 Display adapter- DleplayPon( M) to HD-15( VGA)( F)- 15. 2 an- black Tripp the- Pat P134- 08N-VGA Contract Name: BuyBowd Contract e: 498- 15

Subtotal S35. 85 SNppap 0. 00 Total 35. 85

Additional Comments

Please Note: Tripp Ute has a zero returns policy.

The Products offered under this proposal are resold In accordance with the SHl Onlne Customer Resale Terms and Condaona unless a separate reset agreement exit beseen Sill and the Customer. wing Quotation 0: 164582.11 DesMptlon: Aar K242H0L- LED monitor- 2412) Created On: Jen- 02- 2019 Vend Until: Jen- 31- 2019 lgllent Solutions ._...._

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lettlere 214 HFOtR RI STREET 1301 S. Mo-Pac Expressway. Sufe 375. Austin TX, 78748 Waco, TX 78701 Send PO to: TexasashJ. wm UNITED STATES Phone: 800-8704079 Phase:( 254) 757- 5024 Fax: 512-732-0232 Fax Ernst Ri hard_Le4Baeigg4I. axn Emat W93e. Peddrq® a.mdennan. ecus

AB Pikes am In US Dollar( USD)

Product Qty Your Price Total

1 Acer K242HOL- LED monitor- 24( 23, 8' vlewable)- 1920 x 1080 Full HD( 1080p)- 1 S118. 00 118. 00 TN- 300 edhn- 1000: 1- 6 ins- DVI, VGA- speakers- blade Acer- Past UM.UXBAA.B05 Cordrad Name: BuyBaard Contract* 498- 15

Subtotal 9118. 00 Shlpptg 0.00 Total 118. 00

Additional Comments

The Products offered under this proposal we resold in accordance with the SHI Online Customer Reset Temps end Confllona unless a separate resale agreement exists between SHI end the Customer. Pr1eMg ProPwal 1 Quota 16458311 Oeseltptlon: ; berPtlwer EcologEcologic Series EC850LCD( 2) Crested On: ' JaCyn-02- 2019 a1" VatldUntll: Jan- 31- 2019 overnment Serrations

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Letliere 214 NFOURIH SIt! 1301 S. Mo- Pat Expressway, Sute 375, Austin TX, 78748 Waco, TX 76701 Send PO to: Texas sM. mm UNITE) STATES Phone: 800-8704079 Phone:( 254) 757. 5024 Fax 512- 7324 232 Fax Emat Pochard_ LeBbre® SHl. cam Brat Wile. Perldns@co. rndennan. tx. us

AI Prices we In US Dolar( USD) Product Oty Your Price Total

1 CybeIPower Ecologic Series ECSSOLCD- UPS- AC 120 V- 510 Watt- 1150 VA- USB 1 580. 19 580. 19 output connedors: 12 CyberPawer- Part EC8501CD Contrail Name: Buytioard Centred t 498- 15

Statotal 880. 19 Shipping 0.00 Total 580. 19

Additional Comments

Please Note: CyberPowa has a zero returns policy.

The Products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the SHl Online Customer Resale Temrs end Con igars. unless a separate resale agreement exists between SHI and the Customer. Pricing Proposal Quotation9: ' 18458365 1 Description_ : Office Professional Plus 2019( 2) Created Orr. 1Jan- 02_2019 Valid Until: ' Jan- 31- 2019 Goverment SQN1tions

County of MCLENNAN Inside Account Manager

Willie Perkins Rich Lettlere 214 NFOLRTHSIREET 1301 S. Mo- Pat Expressway, Suite 375, Austin TX, 78748 Waco, TX 78701 Send PO to: Te: asCaN. com UNI1ID STATES Phone: 800-87041079 Phone:( 254) 757- 5024 Fax: 512-732-0232 Far Erne! Rlc aid_LetlbreggSHLoom Bast W® e.Peikhnaooanderman. ts. us

Ali Prices are in US Dolar( USD) Product Qty Your Price Total

1 Office Professional Pars 2019 Single Language MVLP 1 S359. 37 S359. 37 Microsoft- Pan 79P- 05748 Contract Name: Microsoft Software VAR Cased it DIR-T50-4092

Total 359. 37

Additional Comments

Service Level Agreements:

1. Quotes: Quote requests will be acknowledged within 4 business hogs of each request Under normal drannstmaes. quotes will be provided within 24- 48 hogs of the Initial request If quotes will take longer than this tirnetrarre, status updates will be provided at reasonable 6rtervab.

2. Orders: Al valid orders will be processed within 24 hours.

3. Contract Documents: AD submissions will be reviewed and responded to within 24 business hours. Actual processing time will vary based on quality and complexity of the submission.

The Products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the SHI Online Customer Resale Terms and Conditions unless a separate resale agreement exists between SHI and the Customer.

FEB 05 2019


McLennan County Commissioners Court McLennan County Courthouse Waco. Texas 76701

Re: Budget Amendment for. Fund 142( County and District Court Technology Fund)


I hereby request the following budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09/ 30/ 19:

REQUESTEDINCREASE( S) Requested sap Increase Amended Budget Fund Fuwum Fume Deg* Deal None dged CAWS) Account Description Current Budget 142 10 05 0190 Co Wide 502000 Furniture and Equipment 1 2, 000 2, 001

Total Increases 2, 000


Sub- Requested Fund Fu Con Rine Dept s Dept Name oq. d( Rods) Account Description Current Budget, Decrease Amended Budget 142 10 05 0190 Co Wide 999999 Contingencies 33,220 2. 000 31, 220

Total Decreases 2, 000


This budget amendment is requested by the 414th District Court for the purchase of an pad( or similar device) as well as any required accessories.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to form Commissioners Court Requestor County Auditor C my Judge



McLennan Canty Commissioners Court R FC F JVFr.' McLennanCourthouse Waco, FEB 04 2019

Re: Budget Amendment for. ROAD& BRIDGE PRECINCT 2 COUNTY AUDITOR Gentlemen:

I hereby request the Wowing budget amendment for the fiscal year ending 09p0119

REQUESTED INCREASE( s Sub- Requested Fend Furtlm Roc Dept II Dept Name Ot sit( Aoawl) Account Description Current Budget Increase Amended Budget 001 25 57 9820 RIB 2 701000 Capital Outlay 200,070 50.000 250. 070

Total Increases 50,000

REQUESTED DECRFASP s) Sus. Requested Fun Fmceun( Fuc Depte Dept Name Dryer Mats) Account Description Current Budget D. aease Amended Budget 001 25 57 9820 RIB 2 999099 Contingeneles 240,000 50,000 190, 000

1 Total Decreases 50,000


This budget amendment a requested to Increase the' Capital DWay line Item* thin Road and Binge Precinct 2's department Increase for puc ase of Man Truck and Trailer.

Approved by Respectfully Submitted Approved as to farm Commissioners Court Requeeto County Auditor C Judge

z/s/ 9

R FEB 05 2019



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 19 Budget: Information Technology. Judge Felton directed the Clerk to show item as pulled and no action taken. ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 19 Budget: Authorization of Public Claim Reimbursement. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve F. I. k. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Date: a . Amount Pd 01 1 1VVV/IIIWVV Time: '! T i . J A j 0C Pymt Method:

Ticket# one Doctor of Austin Service Form Cull Name: Contact Numbers Carder: Color: IJ Email: - Passcode: Device: How did you hear about us? Have you had It repaired before? 0 Yes 0 No Do you have yelp or gmall? Kt(1 Describe the Issue with your device: SC_NJ=N C.r c\ Ly 4 a E,- A-c 1CL s rir-0\\ k2 aLAA- a c kVC\- kk---Causk \e.. . l 5c tv\-Ac vs. Nuc

Please turn your dwevjce on Silent or off before handing it to the technician*** With My signature below, I agree with the conditions described( above) for my phone or device before any repairs. I understand the Guarantee for the repair( s) to my used phone or device is 30 calendar days from the date on this receipt This warranty is voided if there are signs of physical damage, scratches and/ or water damage. We recommend all data be backed up on your device before dropping device off, as we are not responsible for any lost information. If my device is left at MiPhone Doctor of Austin for More than 30 days then it becomes property of MiPhone Doctor ofAustin. Other than the guarantee above, which covers only the repairs performed today, I hereby release' Phone Doctor of Austin from any . liability or responsibility for any other problems my used phone or device may have In the future. Water Damage have only a 7 day warranty. repairsers l 11 — . Signed:> ' n C40che1(-N . 7c, Date: t - " \ LJ(41

Fo Technfcfans use only: ood LCD Bad LCD For Customer use after repair: Is this a Warranty repair? O Yes No Technicians No , Repair: s& cif (1v U/` g S kf Accessories: CfefM ( Waitue tca Ia/AOO QttA Tax: CC Fee: Used: Discounts: Total: Pl: as• check following after repair: r t vice has service I understand all warranties do not cover I ' -en is functioning CC DLIcfo(cAgY1y) cracked or damaged parts. I understand IQ ttons function( power/ home) there is a 25% restocldng fee on all tV' J.- •esker Is functioning returns. I agree that my device is in good I• oximity is functioning working common. t agree with tAe PIS l •l% i j g paid above. hh ne Honing 11 1- i mer lntdaLv als Date: C I° N gc Date: tCoa Y Initials:_ SIC( FEB 0 Yv of" Techs 5 2019 TM, s JA' ANDYNARWELL, CountyClerk uMvJUDGE McLennan County, Tams By: KELLY NUB-RIGHT DEPUTY ORDER APPROVING:




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 19 Budget: Authorization of Engineering / Surveying Services Invoice: Walker Partners ( re: McLennan County Venue Project / December Services). After discussion, Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Invoice Walker Partners Received e engineers * surveyors 823 Washington Avenue, Suite 100 JAN 2 R 2019 Waco, TX 76701 Phone:( 254) 714- 1402/ Fax:( 254) 714- 0402 McLennan County Judoe www. walkerpartners. com TBPE No. 8053 I TBPLS No. 10032500

Dustin Chapman December 31, 2018 McLennan County Invoice No: 0103140. 01 - 16277 P. O. Box 648 Waco, TX 76703- 064

Project Manager: Jacob P. Bell , P. E.

Project 0103140. 01 McLennan County- McLennan County Venue Survey Engineering/ Surveying Services through December 25. 2018 Phase 00000 Lump Sum Fee

Lump Sum Prior Current Billing Phase Fee Comp. Earned Amount Amount

9 Boundary Verification 8, 500.00 94. 1176 8, 000.00 6,000. 00 2, 000.00 12A Topographic Survey ( Area A) 52, 100.00 100. 00 52, 100. 00 52, 100.00 0. 00 12B Topographic Survey ( Area B) 45, 000.00 75. 3333 33,900.00 27,900. 00 6, 000.00 12C Topographic Survey ( Area C) 32, 000. 00 78. 125 25, 000. 00 17, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 14 Final Plat 16, 500. 00 79. 3939 13, 100. 00 11, 800.00 1, 300.00 Total Fee 154, 100. 00 132, 100. 00 114, 800. 00 17, 300.00

Total 17, 300. 00

Sub- total 17, 300.00

Total this Invoice 17, 300.00

Billings to Date Current Prior Total Received AIR Balance Lump Sum Fee 17, 300. 00 114, 800. 00 132, 100. 00 Totals 17, 300. 00 114,800. 00 132, 100. 00 90,800. 00 41, 300. 00

Authorized By: Date: I/ ISJt9

Jacob P. Bell, P. E.



A.A iAY lig JNDYHAR NELL, CountyCaih t•e Mclennan Count Texas BY: KELLY NL.1, kR? yT DEPUTY ORDER DEFERRING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the FY 19 Budget: Discussion and/ or Action regarding Employee Vaccination Expenditures. Judge Felton made a motion to defer and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller,

Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, deferred by unanimous vote. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

G. Bids, RFP' s, RFQ' s Quotations for Goods and Services:

I. Authorization of VOIP Cabling Quote: Level One Deferred Technology( re: Justice ofthe Peace, Precinct 4)



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of VOIP Cabling Quote: Level One Technology( re: Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4). Commissioner Perry made a motion to defer and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, deferred by unanimous vote. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

H. Contracts, Interlocal Agreements, and Memorandums of Understanding: Purchase, Lease, or Acquisition of Goods, Equipment or Services, Including any Financing Thereof:

1. Authorization of Agreement for Waterside Maintenance Approved with Specialty Water Treatments, L. L.0

2. Authorization of Support and Maintenance Agreement Approved with Exela Technologies/ HOV Services, Inc. re: Archives/ Records Management)

3. Authorization of Maintenance Agreements with Ricoh USA, Inc.:

a. Regarding Engineering Office Copier Approved

b. Regarding Mental Health Court Services Copier Approved

4. Authorization of Maintenance Agreement with Approved CTWP( re: Highway 6 JaiUMedical Copier)

5. Authorization of VEMACS and VoteSafe Software Approved Maintenance and Support Agreement Extension with VOTEC ( re: Voter Registration and Election Management)

6. Authorization of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Approved with Lorena I. S. D. ( re: Road Work)

7. Authorization of Lexis Advance Subscription Agreement Approved with LexisNexis( re: 74th District Court/ Contract No. DIR- LGL- CALIR- 0IA)

S. Authorization of Professional Services Agreement and related Approved Geotechnical Investigation Proposal with Langerman Foster Engineering Company( re: McLennan County Vehicle Maintenance and Archival Storage Facilities/ Proposal No. GEO 19- 01 1)

9. Authorization of Elevator Service/ Maintenance Agreement Approved Addendum with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation See after Mi.)

10. Authorization of Services Agreement with GGA Pest Approved Management Services( re: Various Locations)



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Agreement for Waterside Maintenance with Specialty Water Treatments, L. L.C. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. SPECIALTY WATER TREATMENTS, L.L.C. 109 Dalgoner Ln. Temple, Texas 76502 Phone: ( 254) 722- 4612, E- Mail: robertseeger0® gmail. com


To: McLennan County Attn: TJ Date: 1/ 16/ 2019 214 N. 4th St. ii 100 Waco, TX. 76701

Specialty Water Treatments, L.L.C. agrees to provide a complete program of waterside maintenance which covers chemical, chemical feeders and control equipment, laboratory analysis, annual inspections and tube brushing, specified chemical cleanings, cooling tower cleanings, and written reports of all services. This agreement specifies which of these services are to be provided by Specialty Water Treatments and which are to be provided by the owner.


Specialty Water Treatments will provide for a period of one year the water maintenance services described herein, where upon the services will be provided monthly thereafter. After one year, either party may terminate the Agreement upon thirty ( 30) days notice. At all times, all chemicals and leased equipment used in the performance of this Agreement remain the property of Specialty Water Treatments. The services described herein shall be provided at the following prices:

Monthly Annually Main System Tower, 450.00 5,400. 00 Main System Chill Loop, 125.00 1, 500.00 Welfare Serv. Tower, 120. 00 1, 440.00 Welfare serv. Closed Loop, 40.00 480. 00 Archives Chill Loop, 55.00 660. 00 Archives Boiler# 1 50.00 600. 00 6- Hot loops; 30.00 360. 00 Courthouse, Records, Jail, Archives Bld.( 1"& 2e' Floor), Anne; Sheriff Dept. chill& hot. 75. 00 900. 00

Total( tax exempt) 945. 00 S11, 340. 00

GUARANTEE: Should any condenser or boiler become fouled by calcium carbonate scale during the life of this agreement, and providing the Owner has discharged its responsibilities, then Specialty Water Treatments will chemically clean the system at no additional charge. Specialty Water Treatments further agrees that all chemicals shall comply with applicable laws and guidelines regulating effluent pollution. Specialty Water Treatments makes no other guarantees and accepts other liabilities.//

nono o Accepted by: ': iGp/ J%G Date: OV 5A6 C.ofr m. Temuo,J, Gown' J1 Crt SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH ALL SYSTEMS

Specialty Water Treatments will make a service call on your system at least once per month during seasonal operation, or as noted in system breakdown below. Our Technician will order necessary chemicals, fill chemical feed tanks, service the chemical feeding equipment, analyze the water of each system, make necessary adjustments in the rate of chemical feed and any special treatment necessary, check and adjust bleed- off and blow down apparatus, and prepare a written Service Report. You will receive a copy of this Service Report which you should read. Make decisions on recommendations, and then file. We are always available by telephone for consultation with management or operating personnel if questions arise. Our Technician will make additional service calls on request if the system becomes fouled or the feeding equipment needs repair. Specialty Water Treatments will accept no responsibility or liability for work or services performed by any other company.


COOLING TOWER CONDENSOR SYSTEMS shall be chemically treated by Specialty Water Treatments for the control of scale, corrosion, and biological growths. The chemical program shall be serviced 2 times per month average during its seasonal use. The system to be treated has a total of n/ a tons of cooling. The price for treatment is$ 6,840.00 annually. 570. 00 monthly.

EQUIPMENT: chemical feed pumps and control equipment( leased/ purchased) from Specialty Water Treatments: N/ A Plumbing and electrical work required shall be( 1) supplied by Specialty Water Treatments as part of( leased)( purchase) price or( 2) supplied by owner. N/ A Specialty Water Treatments can warranty no contract that has less than two service visits per month or the minimum automation of one chemical pump per condenser water system.

COOLING TOWER INSPECTION AND CLEANING. It is recommended that at least once each year the cooling tower should be cleaned, including the removal of evaporative and biological growths from slats, spray nozzles, and screens. The tower shall be inspected for corrosion, wood decay, and leaks. If cleaning done by Specialty Water Treatments, a written report shall be made on the tower' s condition and needed waterside repairs. Work to be performed by( Specialty Water Treatments for the price of$( N/ A per tower) or( by owner).

CONDENSER INSPECTION AND BRUSHING BY OWNER. At least once each year the heads of each condenser should be removed and the tubes brushed. Work to be performed ( by Specialty Water Treatments for the price of$ N/ A ) or( by owner). After brushing, the condenser shall be inspected and if hard scale is present, the condenser shall be chemically cleaned by Specialty Water Treatments at no charge.


CLOSED SYSTEMS shall be chemically treated for the control of corrosion. The chemical program shall be serviced 1 time per month average during its seasonal use. The systems to be treated are ( Chill Water System), ( Hot Water System), ( Combined Chill and Hot Water System), or( Closed Loops). The price for treatment is$ 3, 900.00 annually,$ 325. 00 monthly. WHERE A LOW TREATMENT LEVEL condition persists in Closed System, it means that the system is really not closed but leaking excessively. Leaks cause corrosion by letting the treatment out and the oxygen in. Continuous fresh make- up water carries oxygen into the system and caused oxygen pitting. Operation personnel must repair leaks promptly. If make-up to a closed system exceeds 25% per month, the system must be treated as a semi- open system requiring continuous chemical feed. This will increase the costs of chemical and/or contract to the owner. Otherwise the system will receive no treatment during the course of the contract at no liability to Specialty Water Treatments.

EQUIPMENT: Chemical feed pumps, control, or filtration equipment( leased)( purchased) from Specialty Water Treatments: N/ A Plumbing and electrical work required shall be( 1) supplied by Specialty Water Treatments as part of the( leased)( purchase) price or( 2) supplied by owner. N/ A

CLOSED SYSTEM INSPECTION AND CLEANING BY OWNER. It is recommended that at least once each year the hot water Boiler or Converter should be opened and the waterside brushed or power sprayed to clean. After cleaning, the boiler should be inspected and a written report made on the waterside condition and needed repairs. At least once each five years the heads of the chiller should be removed and the tubes brushed. After brushing, the chiller should be inspected and a written report made on the chiller' s waterside condition and needed repairs. At least once every three to five years the owner should contract to have the Closed System chemically cleaned for removal of dirt and other harmful deposits brought into the system by the make- up water.


STEAM BOILER AND CONDENSATE SYSTEMS shall be chemically treated by Specialty Water Treatments for the control of scale and corrosion. The Boiler total N/ A HP,( BTU/ HR). The chemical program shall be serviced at least once per month average during its seasonal use. The price for treatment is S600. 00 annually,$ 50.00 monthly.

EQUIPMENT: chemical feed pumps and control equipment ( leased/ purchased) from Specialty Water Treatments. N/A Plumbing and electrical work required shall be( 1) supplied by Specialty Water Treatments as part of( lease) ( purchase) price or ( 2) supplied by owner. N/ A Specialty Water Treatments can warranty no steam boiler system contract with less than two ( 2) services visits per month.

STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND CLEANING BY OWNER. At least once each year the steam boiler should be opened and the waterside brushed or power sprayed to clean by owner. Specialty Water Treatments at no additional charge, will inspect the boiler and if hard scale is present, will chemically clean the boiler at no additional charge.


REPAIR SERVICE: Specialty Water Treatments will test, inspect, and repair, as needed, chemical feed pumps and electronic control systems on each service call. Specialty Water Treatments will make a nominal charge for parts and labor in the repairing of owner' s equipment. DUTIES OF OWNER

OPERATING MANAGEMENT ( OWNER) - To provide an adequate waterside maintenance program and obtain the maximum performance and life from your thermal water systems, operating personnel of your Company must assist Specialty Water Treatments by performing the following services.

a. Assist our technician by seeing that the bleed- off is kept open. b. Perform regular blowdown on boilers if required. c. Occasionally add special chemical treatment if so required. The weekly treatment of biological growth with various algaecides and biocides should be carried out by fully automatic biocide feed systems. However, Operating Management can control most algae problems by simply covering the cooling tower since sunlight allows the growth of algae. d. Assist in the preparation of boilers for standby period each year to prevent corrosion. NOTE: Operating management should make sure that they have Operating Manuals on each piece of equipment and follow the recommended schedule and procedures. Specialty Water Treatments will supply information on other maintenance procedures upon request.


Should chemical cleaning be necessary, Specialty Water Treatments will perform such work under the following conditions:

a. cleaning solution will be inhibited and controlled so as to minimize metal loss of copper, mild steel, iron and certain grades of brass b. other metal should be removed from the system ifthey contain zinc or aluminum; good red brass valves have the same corrosion rate as copper, but light brass with a high zinc content should be removed c. it is understood that when scales and deposits are removed, leaks in the system or equipment may be discovered d. Specialty Water Treatments will not be responsible for any leaks or holes that may become apparent during the cleaning cycles, or any damage that might occur to walls, floors, painted surfaces or any items that may be damaged as a result of such leaks e. Specialty Water Treatments will supply all chemicals, equipment and personnel for the cleaning program, but it will not supply electrical power, water or heat



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Support and Maintenance Agreement with Exela Technologies/ HOV Services, Inc. ( re: Archives

Records Management). After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was

Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner

Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. exelaSupport and Maintenance Agreement TECHNOLOGIES NOV Seances. Inc.. an Exela Ted= login Company

RECEIVED JAN 22 2019 STY auDn oR November 21, 2018


Dear HOV Services Customer,

It is that time of year to remind you that the Support and Maintenance Agreement for your document Imaging/ management products is due to expire on January 29, 2019. In order for these products to sustain a high level of quality performance and utilization for your organization, we strongly recommend that you renew this agreement for an additional term to avoid a lapse in support coverage.

Please sign the enclosed agreement and provide your purchase order number and return to our Service Administration Department at the address below. Once we recieve the signed agreement, you will be invoiced for the amount shown on the contract, plus any applicable tax.

We hope that the performance of these products and HOV Services' s support has met your expectations, and as always, we appreciate your business.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call me Monday through Friday 9: 00AM to 5:00PM.


Chamita Pradia HOV Services, Inc. Service Administration 9659 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 150, Box# 170 Humble, TX 77396

1- 800- 899- 4863 exelaSupport and Maintenance Agreement TECHNOLOGIES HOW SeMres, Inc., an Exela Tethnologbs Company

1121/ 2018 Page 1

CC McLennan County Records Management


MCLENNAN COUNTY Agreement N: 42103CONSVR MCLENNAN COUNTY RECORDS MANAGEMENT Type: Premium System 824 WASHINGTON WACO, TX 76701 Amount 82, 252. 96 Effective: 1/ 302019 through 1292020

Payment Terms: Annual

KATHLEEN SCHWARTZ 254 757 0860 MnNaw. neaaaedbwe, aoa40bUao, S..StmesIWTmessmdCoramsorimes2

CiEfiattrdtMlan Description Tag 0 Serial 0



Canasliandras Notes or Considerations

On- Site Support/Labor Remote/ On- Line Support Software Updates Phone Support

Unlimited Service Calls Allowed

Service Location: 17025 Customer Code: CUS04557

Your Purdlase Orderer. 1 P. O. Date;

Signature: OY9A. / . . i4 j Date: 541 Title; Printed Name: a-MIT NI. J s C/1Y6W 1 1 JuboF Please sign, date and return a copy of this Support and Maintenance Agreement Renewal along with your Purchase Order to the address or fax number below. You will then be Invoked for the amount shown plus any applicable taxes. By signing this Support and Maintenance Agreement or use of the services described above Customer agrees to the Terms and Conditions listed on page 2 attached hereto.

RETURN TO cer d a

Date 01/ 30/2019

We exelaSupport and Maintenance Agreement TECHNOLOGIES IiOV SeMoas. Inc. an E] mk TedTM ogien Company

a, ao, e Terms and Conditions Pa° a2 1. ICY Serape the a peat h wawa Mann la an ear ma to lwd Sc Mrbr_ q• aoan EA argi* aaal wad tbbria senaa la the cowed reams abd a pw one at a/ yeas s ad to h lea as is and lama Tin Apart m a war a( oal Sc meea* ae swirl sob Nadal by Carla rap a Via aped Ma a boa dall aePabe essay m• aa. d Mea Sc pa abs gaily rakes, Mew. NOV Seat be a as rap rant* an t asamere ton sadaa a Pp a• IS and as eared wamay b tr h cased aaloas perm t• rare a pease Sc boasts,-__- btu. Tachel ripe* a. oabane_ is prided kelp Rana t m Mn ally rthp MUM SOD All boa S00 Nd all be Waaco at la Bags. t.Sc Oar camera as.alms bit. spar•, co pp a.mart sad wart

2 NCA/ toes. ha Wl algae atl ape pra ass arm ton egad reamer. Cans al pail, inn aDV Seta Inc. also pram angle the e s he a pre TM astal a a lea slab aid ptefd Mara, thee Mgr and dsba0la roe. re* a Ow dean a C*aaw ad NOV Boa be. al rite..lnc sea p• am t*rnr pasta raYMae b the erred trigagge• paeeG lab Spar OW tide as V Uri Of I Ae•... a a add b a and as used a Pp as at la Agnew wrap a h Inmaaamn. sada " lab h Customers sop. ageme This parse nay also be lathe 10 IN m, te A ants area cab she egg U. am at In Apaaatl egged b/ a nerd ante Sal w a m s.NW Ma Inc. r*a pet Biel a eaShao b Cal a a• timely at Sc Si• pabdma near

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P ads Ines Supper Sc Ue_ala_ Ap rat. IOV Barb, to. we porde frier_ aaabi ilea as Sc mean Pull s bac pats. Sc wnaa0 bat

taper Cadge Verb Ae. SaSar Casl*p Carob Systems and Saar.

4. 1 law Set.t ea pro•was anal dealt OS—pmad ran a nay•rearm sass para.a Isis Osmosis mdla rats a the rarer aaivea bad an pp ca. came a rYpefY b pre wkl real a Mae wreathe b 1w gent

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B. goad Cpras t area Arent Caere Mau we seen rAreeis

11. 1 ICY hna tea piao tral. bre aorta to ha ova Sc metes p* ra el bsoc pa*b ad wnmaaple btu*. any to npa h Nareet Pm Mama IN h resists a caner lard Sal M mpg by IBTI Beam. t S h ardbaaa.• earanba Mane a a peal. Sc Paid b giber l oat Me Boaat t.Ma Bnpas a it weed taw Mb Aperm

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From Department of Records Management( 010)

Deliver to Archives 824 Washington Waco. TX 76701 Show exact location of delivery and shipping instructions

Date Delivery Required Contact Person Claire

Telephone 757-0860

Item Oty Unit Tell here what is wanted Unit Total Describe fully, size, color, and catalog# when applicable Price Amount

1 1 HOV Services Support and Maintenance 2252. 96

Digitech Paperflow OCR tag# 34852- 17025 serial# 242804

Digitech Papervision Enterprise serial" 130956( 1- 3)

155040- 616101


Name Address Phone

Name Address Phone

Name Address Phone

All goods and/or services circled above have been in good order




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Maintenance Agreements with Ricoh USA, Inc.: Regarding Engineering Office Copier. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the

Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Maintenance Agreements with Ricoh USA, Inc.: Regarding Mental Health Court Services Copier. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Maintenance Agreement with CTWP ( re: Highway 6 Jail/ Medical Copier). After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. t

r U „, ! . I E'NNA r o:c III ` t.> I• I ` 1, .,`


c Ti€. xas

Ken Bass Director of Purchasing Office: ( 254) 757- 5016 214 North 5th Street Fax: ( 254) 757- 5068 Waco, Texas 76701 E-Mail: ken. bass( co. mclennan. tx. us

February 5, 2019

Re: Renewal of Maintenance Agreement for Copier at Hwy 6 Jail Medical


Please see the attached Maintenance Agreement with CTWP for a Canon IR 12507 at the Highway 6 Jail in Medical. The cost of this renewal will be$ 1, 080.00 annually.

We respectfully submit this agreement for your consideration.

Thank You, Ken Bass

APPROVED SY COMMISSION RS COURT 1HI5_ Y OF Jar. re— COU J CTWP 3730 Franklin Ave. Lir Waco. 7x 76710 P MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Ph. 25M752-03760372- Fz. 254- 752- 7712 Eail. adminIctwp. com


Effective Date 1/ 21/ 19 Sales Representative Roxanne

Purchase Order Term Annual Invoice# Installation Date

Bill To: Accounts Payable Ship To: Highway 6 Jail- Medical Intake McLennan County- Auditors McLennan County nip e e c1900 e # 214 North 4th Street, Ste 100 3201 East Highway 6 Waco, TX 76701- 1366 Waco, TX 76705

Contact: Contact: David Ives

Phone: Phone: 254- 757- 5137

Fax: Fax:

E- Mail: E- Mail: david. ives@co. mclennan. tx. us

Contract lIncludes all parts, service, labor, black toner Coverage* Do not increase maintenance annually. Please review with Dudley Jones and Roxanne Burnett annually.

Invoice Cycle Monthly: 0 Quarterly: El Annual:® Other: Overage Cycle Monthly: 0 Quarterly: 0 Annual:® Other:

ID Model Serial Description Start Meter Allowance Base Rate Overage Rate

12507 IR2530 FTG80759 Canon IR 12507 334, 701 60,000 1, 080.00 . 018

See reverse for terms and conditions

del/yAUM Cf-/V1•— Authorized Customer Signature CTWP admigistratiof approval 1 I I- 11 3SCDiy( h . Gunizr4, teuteriikinc Date Printed name and title


Waco• Bryan• San Angelo• San Antonio• Temple• Corsicana p;l& deytfcrmstMainlenance Contract 2page TERMS AND CONDITIONS

This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Customer and CTWP. The provisions included shall represent the intent of the parties, not withstanding any variance with the terms and conditions of any other submitted by the Customer in respect to CTWP service.

CONSUMABLES: Toner, developer, drums, masters, starter, fuser rollers, fuser oil, cleaning rollers, toner waste containers, preventative maintenance kits, and imaging units are considered consumable supply items. If applicable, these items will be billed to the Customer at CTWP' s then effective rate plus applicable taxes and shipping charges. Any damage caused by the Customer will not be covered by this maintenance agreement, and repairs will be billed at CTWP' s then effective rate.

PARTS: Parts that are broken or worn through normal use and are necessary for servicing and maintenance adjustments will be provided at no charge to the Customer by CTWP. These parts can be new, used, or reconditioned so long as they necessitate the repair of the covered equipment.

EXCLUSIONS: This agreement shall not apply to services or repairs made necessary by accident. misuse, abuse. neglect, theft. riot, vandalism, electrical power anomalies, fire. water or other casualty to or repairs made necessary as a result of either service by personnel other than CTWP' s employees, or use of non- OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer) supplies. A separate charge shall be made for the parts and labor at CTWP' s then effective rate. This agreement can be terminated by CTWP if, in CTWP' s opinion, the equipment is subject to excessive Customer abuse or neglect. CTWP is not responsible for any connected computer equipment not specified and or listed on this agreement.

RECONDITIONING: Overhauling, reconditioning and or rebuilding is not covered under the terms of this agreement. When, in CTWP' s, opinion, this service is required, CTWP will provide a written estimate for approval by the Customer. If the Customer does not approve such work. CTWP has the right to cancel or not renew this agreement. Any unused portion of this agreement will apply to the Customer' s open account. CTWP will, however, continue to service the equipment on a time and materials basis.

UPGRADING: This agreement is nonrefundable. Should this equipment be upgraded with CTWP prior to the expiration date. CTWP will apply any unused portion of this agreement toward the purchase of a maintenance agreement for the new machine.

CONTRACT CHANGES: CTWP reserves the right to impnse additional fees in response to changes in contract term requested by the Customer.

BUSINESS HOURS: All service calls under this agreement will be made by CTWP during normal business hours, which are Monday through Friday 8:00 a. m. to 5: 0( 1 p. m. excluding holidays. Services requested by the Customer for other than normal business hours maybe performed on an as available basis at a rate of not less than 1. 5 times the then current CTWP hourly rate.

MOVEMENTS: Should the equipment be moved beyond the service area ccf CTWP, this contract is considered void. CTWP has the right to adjust rates for moves within the CTWP service area.

TAXES: This agreement does not include applicable taxes. All taxes levied or imposed, now and hereafter, by any governmental authority shall be paid by the Customer in accordance with the law.

ASSIGNMENT: This agreement may not be assigned by the Customer.

DELINQUENCY: Should account become delinquent during the terms of this agreement, CTWP reserves the right to cancel this agreement. Un- used portions of delinquent contracts are not refundable.

ENFORCEMENT: In the event of any action to enforce terms of this agreement or any collateral agreement hereto, the prevailing party in such is entitled to all costs hereof including reasonable attorney fees.

RENEWAL: This contract will automatically renew for successive periods as those described at the then current CTWP rate based on current Customer usage of equipment at time of renewal. Cancellation request by the Customer must be received in writing nu less than 30 days prior to the end of this agreement.

LEASED EQUIPMENT WITH MAINTENANCE: If the listed equipment is leased with maintenance included in the lease payments( 3rd party lease or a private label), the term of this contract will be co- terminous with the lease. Maintenance rates maybe adjusted according to the original lease documents.

CANCELLATION: CTWP reserves the right to cancel at any time during the contract period, should CTWP elect to cancel. any unused portion will be applied to the Customer' s open account or refunded, at the election of CTWP.

FEB 0 5 2019



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of

VEMACS and VoteSafe Software Maintenance and Support Agreement Extension with VOTEC

re: Voter Registration and Election Management). After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve H. 5. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller,

Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. AOTEC


THIS AGREEMENT EXTENSION is entered into this 5th day of February , 2019 , between McLennan County, a body politic and corporate ofthe State ofTexas, hereinafter called COUNTY, and VOTEC Corporation of San Diego, California, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR or VOTEC.


WHEREAS, COUNTY requires the services of a CONTRACTOR qualified to provide modifications to VOTESAFE software for McLennan County; and

WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is qualified and willing to provide such services;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


This Agreement extension shall commence on October I, 2018, and shall terminate on September 30, 2019 unless sooner terminated or further extended pursuant to Articles IV and V of the full VoteSafe Software Maintenance and Support Agreement Effective October 1, 2011.


Terms and Conditions ofthe VoteSafe Software Maintenance and Support Agreement shall apply without change except for TERM to this Agreement Extension.

VOTEC— McLennan County, Texas VoteSafe Software Support Agreement— 2018- 2019 Page 1 of 2 AOTEC


Performance hereunder shall be construed and regulated in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

Notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered via registered or certified mail or delivery service addressed as follows:

COUNTY: Elections Administrator McLennan County Elections Department PO Box 2450 Waco, TX 76703

VOTEC: President VOTEC Corporation 10920 Via Frontera, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92127

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have affixed their signatures to this Agreement.


Name and Title SCOW M. t e b-Jj DOA/TY J(fang

2/ s/ i q Date


aVioA-k A. N a d Title 94, ic - ( ( I Date

VOTEC— McLennan County, Texas VoteSafe Software Support Agreement— 2018-2019 Page 2 of 2 IOT EC


THIS AGREEMENT EXTENSION is entered into this 5th day of February , 201 9 , between McLennan County, a body politic and corporate of the State of Texas, hereinafter called COUNTY, and VOTEC Corporation of San Diego, California, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR or VOTEC.


WHEREAS, COUNTY requires the services of a CONTRACTOR qualified to provide modifications to VEMACS software for McLennan County Elections Administrator, and

WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is qualified and willing to provide such services;

NOW, THEREFORE, the patties hereto agree as follows:


This Agreement Extension shall commence on October 1, 2018, and shall terminate on September 30, 2019, unless sooner terminated or further extended pursuant to Articles IV and V of the full VEMACS Software Maintenance and Support Agreement first effective June I, 2011.


Terms and Conditions ofthe VEMACS Software Maintenance and Support Agreement shall apply without change except for TERM to this Agreement Extension.

VOTEC— McLennan County, Texas VEMACS Software Support Agreement— 2018- 2019 Page I of 2 OT EC


Performance hereunder shall be construed and regulated in accordance with the laws ofthe State of Texas.

McLennan County notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered via registered or certified mail or delivery service addressed as follows:

COUNTY: Elections Administrator McLennan County Elections Department PO Box 2450 Waco, TX 76703

VOTEC: President VOTEC Corporation 10920 Via Frontera, Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92127

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have affixed their signatures to this Agreement.


MCLENNANZe,.a Name and Title 3 ir/b. l.Tt J CQ,xJTQJ; J(` bel AVM Date


1\\ VS-4-81/4+ C , f" TJ Name Title

265 Jtt 1 Date

VOTEC— McLennan County, Texas VEMACS Software Support Agreement— 2018- 2019 Page 2 of 2 Date 01/ 23/ 2019



From Department of Elections Administration

Deliver to

Show exact location of delivery and shipping instructions Date Delivery Required Contact Person Kathy

Telephone: X5043

Item No Qty Unit Describe fully size, color, catalog# when applicable Unit Total Price Amount

I 5 each Oracle per user license for VEMACS Support I00. 00 $ 500.00 Department ID: 0410 I Fund: 001 Account: 616101

2 1 each Base Vemacs support Fee 1, 200.00 $ 1, 200.00

Department ID: 410 I Fund: 001 Account: 616101

3 119, 354 Vemacs per voter fee per schedule 2017 42, 003. 10 Department ID: 410 I Fund: 001 I Account: 616101

4 1 each Per Voter Surcharge at 4 percent of Vemacs per voter schedule fee 1, 680. 12

Department ID: 410 I Fund: 001 Account: 616101

5 40 each Field System Software Support S180. 00 $ 7, 200. 00

Department ID: 410 I Fund: 001 Account: 616101

Department ID: I Fund: I Account: TOTAL S52, 583. 22

Department ID: I Fund: Account:

Suggested Vendors Purchasing Department Use Only

Bid Price Delivery Date

Votec Corporation 10920 Via Frontera. Suite 110. San Diego. CA 92127

Name Address Phone

Name Address Phone

Name Address Phone

4/ l e Departut Authorization i AOTEC VOTEC Corporation


Kathy Van Wolfe Invoice# 12763 McLennan Elections Administrator October 1, 2018 PO Box 2450 Waco, TX 76703

Subject: VEMACS Support- 10/ 01/ 2018- 09/ 30/ 2019

Items! Quantity Description I!nit Price Extended 1 5 Oracle per user license for VEMACS Support _ 100.00 500. 00 2 1 Base VEMACS support fee 1, 200.00 1, 200. 00 3 119, 354 VEMACS per voter fee per schedule- 2017 42,003. 10 4 1 Per Voter Surcharge at 4 percent of VEMACS per $ 1, 680. 12 1, 680. 12 voter schedule fee Total 45,383.22.

Due and payable upon invoice.

Thank you.

New Address 10920 VIA FRONTERA, SUITE 110 • SAN DIEGO CA 92127 • 800.348. 6832 • FAX: 838.674.6050 AOTEC VOTEC Corporation


Kathy Van Wolfe Invoice# 12764 McLennan Elections Administrator October 1, 2018 PO Box 2450 Waco, TX 76703

Subject: VoteSafe Support- 10/ 01/ 2018- 09/ 30/ 2019

Item!! Quantity ; Description Unit Price Extended 1 40 Field System Software Support 180. 00 7,200.00 Total 7,200. 00 j

Due and payable upon invoice.

Thank you.

gm FEB a52019 JA' ANDY HARWELL, County Clerk M Merman Coun Texas By: KELLY FP IL15T:!, HT DEPUTY

New Address 10920 VIA FRONTERA, SUITE 110 • SAN DIEGO CA92127 • 800. 348. 6832 • FAX: 858.674. 6050 ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Lorena I. S. D. ( re: Road Work). After discussion,

Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Miller and Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT

This agreement is made by and entered into between the Lorena Independent School District,( hereinafter" School District") and McLennan County,( hereinafter" County") Texas.

WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the citizens of McLennan County for the various governmental entities located in this County to cooperate in the provision of governmental services where such cooperation will result in a more efficient, higher quality and/ or more cost- effective provision of such services; and

WHEREAS, the County can provide the services promised below more efficiently and less expensively than the School District; and

WHEREAS, the County is willing to provide the work and materials needed for project defined herein in consideration of payment of a sum in an amount that fairly compensates the County for the materials provided and work performed; and

WHEREAS, School District and County have found it advisable to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreement wherein the County agrees to provide the governmental functions described below as authorized by Chapter 791, Government Code ( formerly Article 4413 ( 32c), TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN) after authorization by the County Commissioners' Court as required by the statute.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:

Section I: County Obligation. Reseal Middle School Road ( Exhibit A) and reseal Ag Road ( Exhibit B) located on the School specification attached hereto as Exhibit " A"& " B" and District' s property in accordance with the incorporated by reference herein.

Section I1: School District Obligation. In return for the County' s performance of its obligation set forth above, the School District shall pay the County the total sum of$ 8, 160. 00 as set out in the estimate attached hereto as part of Exhibit " A" and Exhibit " B". This is an estimate, and should the County' s hours to complete the project take longer than estimated, the School District agrees to reimburse the County for any overage. Payment is due within 30 days of the completion of the Project, and shall be made by a check payable to McLennan County delivered to the McLennan County Treasurer.

Section II: Miscellaneous Terms.

a) Easements, Right of Way Grants, and Approvals: School District agrees to obtain all easements, right of way grants, or approvals necessary, if any, for the County to perform its obligation defined herein.

ICA/ Lorena ISD Reseal— Page I b) No Continuing Responsibility: This agreement is for the work/ services described only, and does not include subsequent provision of services, maintenance, repair, or monitoring. c) Current Revenues: Performance under this Agreement by the parties is to be undertaking solely from current revenues available to the parties. d) Approval of Contract: This Agreement was approved by the governing bodies of both parties.

This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which constitutes an original.

EXECUTED on the S day of rein J/ yltf ; 2019


fSu rintendent ATTEST: Wits


ThJug ;( Y fr. ("vITDn ATTEST: sit 4.4i41v (40(. Mttt. X14-

ICA/ Lorena ISD Reseal— Page 2 EXHIBIT A


Lorena ISD - Middle School Road

Reseal - 500'

Chip Spreader 2 hrs 150. 00 300. 00

Distributor 2 hrs 55. 00 110. 00

Dump Truck 2 hrs 80. 00 160.00

Roller 2 hrs 55.00 110. 00


CRS- 2 650 gal 1. 60 1, 040. 00

Rock 10 tons 60. 00 600. 00

TOTAL COST 2,320. 00

ICA/ Lorena ISD Reseal— Page 3 EXHIBIT B


Lorena ISD - AG Road

Reseal - 1700'

Chip Spreader 2 hrs 150. 00 300. 00

Distributor 2 hrs 55. 00 110. 00

Dump Truck 4 hrs 80. 00 320. 00

Roller 2 hrs 55. 00 110. 00


CRS- 2 2000 gal 1. 60 3, 200.00

Rock 30 60. 00 1, 800. 00

TOTAL COST 5, 840. 00

ICA/ Lorena ISD Reseal— Page 4



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Lexis Advance Subscription Agreement with LexisNexis ( re: 74th District Court / Contract No.

DIR- LGL- CALIR- 0IA). After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve H. 7. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. After further discussion, a vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. DowSign Envelope ID: B9D8418B- F081- 4D40- 8181- 7888E5F09A2A

State of Texas— DIR Contract No. DIR- LGL-CALIR- 01 A Lexis Advance® Subscription Agreement for State/ Local Lex i s Nex i s• Government so New Subscriber Version)

74th District court Subscribers Name:

Account Number: 424svci446

LN": LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc.

1. Subscription Agreement LexisNexis, a division of RELX Inc. (" LN') grants Subscriber a non- exclusive, non- transferable limited licenselo. access and use Lexis Advance® and the materials available therein(' Materials") pursuant to terms set forth in the' LexisNekisGeneral Terms and Conditions (' General Terms') and the pricing set forth in the Price Schedule (" Price Sctiedule') lthe General Terms together with the Price Schedule is collectively referred to as the ' Subscription Agreement'), both of which are incorporated herein by reference. Subscriber may view and print the Subscription Agreement at: http:// www.lexisnexis. com/ terms/ LACommercia12.

2. Certification 2. 1 Subsrnber certifies that the number of government professionals in Subscriber' s organization is as set forth. below. A Government Professional User' is defined as an attorney, Judge, librarian, researcher, investigator or analyst who is employed by the Subscriber.

Number of Government Professional Users: 1

2.2 A' Support Staff User' is defined as a person who supports the Government Professional User, including: but-net to: paralegals, interns, legal secretaries or other administrative support members. Up to 31D' s may be IssuedidslibDodataff for each Government Prufessional User accounted for above.

of Support Staff Users: INumber 1

2.3 Each LN ID must be issued for individual use by the Government Professional User or Support Staff User.

2.4 If Subscriber, at the time of signing this Agreement has 11 or more Government Professional Users. then Subscriber is required to notify LN if the number of Government Professional Users falls below 11. Subscriber shall, within 30 days of the staffing chance, notify LN in writing.

2. 5 Subscriber acknowledges that the pricing and menus provided to Subscriber in this Agreement depend in part on the numberof Government Professional Users in Subscriber' s organization. Subscriber certifies that as of the dateSubscriber signs;, this Agreement there are the number of Government Professional Users in Subscriber's organizafwn..( the Reference Number') as Subscriber has specified above.

i) At LN' s request from time to time, Subscriber will certify in writing the then-current Reference Number: ii) If there is a change in the Reference Number during the Term, LN may, in its sole discretion on at least 30 days prior written notice to Subscriber, increase or decrease the Monthly Commitment by an amount that does not exceed, on a percentage basis, the change in the Reference Number.

3. Lexis Advance Product and Charges 3. 1 This Section 3 amends the Subscription Agreement with respect to the Lexis Advance product offering descnbetl' nelow. The term of Subscribers commitment for the Lexis Advance product offering will begin upon the date Subscribers billing account(' Account Number') is activated(" Activation') and will continue for the last period set forth in Section 3.2 below( the Committed Term'). Subscriber may not terminate this Agreement under Section 5.2 of the General Terms during the Committed Term. In addition, Subscriber may terminate this Agreement during the Committed Term fora matenathreadi bv_ LN that remains uncured for more than 30 days after LN receives written notice horn Subscriber identifvina a' stieifb'bteach:

ow troy 10s 4Ata-7064851a v. 1 0217 L. ez' sNem. All rlg:b reserved. Pose 1 or 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: B9D9418B- F081. 4D40- 81B1- 78BBE5F09A2A

If Subscriber terminates this Agreement pursuant to this Section, then Subscriber will pay all charges incurred•up to the date of termination. Upon the expiration of the Committed Term, all access to and use of Lexis Advance by Slihscriber will be billed in accordance with the applicable then- current Price Schedule.

Lexis Advance Content& Features

Product SKU Number Number of Users National Primary Enhanced 1011511 1

News 1010610 1 Texas Practice Library 1010629 1 TX Legislative Bill History 1011329 1 TX Briefs, Pleadings & Motions 1010495 1 Federal Legislation 1010180 1 All Law Reviews 1010857 1 Trial Court orders - National 1512258

Sed attached Rider No. I for additional Content& Features

3.2 In exchange for access to the Lexis Advance Content, Feature and/ or Service set forth in Section 3. 1 above, Subscriber will pay to LN the following amount( the" Monthly Commitmenr) during the periods set forth below.

a r•_ ,g Committed Tenn Monthly Commitment _ 2/ 1/ 2019 - 1/ 31/ 2020 S58. 00 2/ 1/ 2020 - 1/ 31/ 2021 S60. 00 2/ 1/ 2021 - 1/ 31/ 2022 S62. 00

3.3 Dunng the Term, LN may make content and features available to Subscriber that are not included in the Lexis Advance Content4escribed above which will be offered to Subscriber at an additional charge(" Alternate Materials"). Subscriber will be under.flo obligation to access and use the Alternate Materials, or to incur additional fees beyond the Monthly: Installment. if Subscriber elects to access the Alternate Materials by initialing below, Subscriber will be notified that additional charges will apply before the Alternate Materials is displayed. If Subscriber proceeds to access the Alternate Materials, Subscriber will pay, the then current, transactional charge( s) for the Alternate Materials that is displayed at the time of access.

Subscriber elects access to the Alternate Materials UMW

3. 4 Use of Lexis Advance under this Agreement is available to Subscriber and its Authorized Users ( defined in the General Terms).

3. 5 j-N may temporarily suspend access to Lexis Advance until all unpaid amounts are paid in full. No claims djteptly or indirectly. related to this Agreement with respect to amounts billed or payments made under this Agreement may-be-initiated by Subscriber more than 6 months after such amounts were first billed to Subscriber.

4. Offer TheClosedn rices and other terms are subject to change if Subscriber has not submitted a signed original or copy on or before 1/

5. Confidential Information Subject to any state open records or freedom of information statutes, this Agreement contains confidential pricing information of LN. Subscriber understands that disclosure of the pricing information contained herein could cause competitive harm to LN, and will receive and maintain this Agreement in trust and confidence and take reasonable precautions' against' Such disclosure to any third person. This Section 5 will survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

OR Texas IDS 4838- 2060- 9548 v. 1 C 2017 LensNeni A9A9hlatbervad., Pago7ol5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 89D9418B-F081- 4D40-81B1- 78138E5F09A2A

6. Support and Training During the Term, Subscriber, with the support of LN, agrees to encourage the effective use of Lexis Advance through: a) Mandatory basic training in the use of Lexis Advance by LN for all Authorized Users: b) Meaningful participation in additional ongoing programs presented by LN to update and train Authorized Users: c) Authorize the periodic distribution of memos or other communications by LN and/or Subscriber to Authorized Users; and d) The periodic review with LN of Subscriber' s Authorized User' s use of materials and training under this Agreement.

7. Miscellaneous 7. 1 This Agreement does not bind either party until it has been accepted by both parties. Subscriber may accept this Agreement by signing below. LN will accept this Agreement by providing Subscriber with access to Lexis Advance or by signing below. 7. 2 If Subscriber issues a purchase order in connection with the Agreement, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that the purchase order shall be for Subscriber's internal purposes only and shall not modify or affect any of the other terms or conditions for access to the Online Services.



Subscriber: 74th District court

MUST BE COMPLETED BY SUBSCRIBER] Authorized Subscriber Signature: nYS— Printed Nam e: S`WIC. fy. tsuo o Job Title: WUN71 11 . Ji/cV Date: AAA Ci

LsxiSNexis, a division of RELX Inc.


Authorized Signature:

Name: Josh Ros] an

Job Title: mod-Analyst Date: n- 6- 1 e

02017 LeasNem A9 ogfts reserve,' OIR Texas COS 483112064- 8548 v. 1 Po 3 of 5

1 DowSign Envelope ID: B9DS4t88 FO81 4D4o-81B1- 788BE5FOBA? A

CUSTOMER INFORMATION ( Please type or print): Organization Name:e: 74th District court Full Legal Name)

Billing Frequency: El Monthly Annually

Physical Address Invoice Address

Street Address: 515 Washington Ave., Room 307

City: Waco

State: Texas

zip: 76701

county: McLennan

Telephone: 254- 757- 5075

Fax: 254- 412- 1396 Parent Company. if applicable) None

Time of Organization:

Legislative Judicial Executive

Professional User Practicing Area of Law:

Su000rt Staff Employer Identification Number:

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State Contract No: Tax ID No: If applcable)

PO No: If applicable) Contacts:

Name Telephone Email

Installation: Judge Gary Coley 254- 757- 5075

Billing: Judge Gary Coley 254- 757- 5075

PolicylLegal Notification: Judge Gary Coley 254- 757- 5075 Scheduling/ TraIMng: Judge Gary Coley 254- 757- 5075

Name Telephone

Super Admtrc Judge Gary Coley 254- 757- 5049

Email IP Address


DIR Tom CS 48382064- 95/ a v. 1 02017 LaEWexia. Mmils reserved Pree 4 cr6 Doaisign Envelope ID: 89D8418B• FOB1dD40- B1B1. 78BBE5F09A2A

4858- 2064e348, v. I

CUSTOMER ID INFORMATION( Please type or print) ID Hotae ID HLo oeRa' ID Houma' EMAIL ADDRESSES WSW sheett attachedad ed 0) Tmasloosmons LOCATIDII/ ADDREss

Gary Coley Judge Waco, Texas

DR Texas IDS 43362064- v. 9548 1 0 2017 Lexisfe, ds M nghb resenea Page 5 en 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: B9D9418B-F0B1- 4D4O- 81B1- 78BBE5F09A2A


Subscriber Name: 74th Di strict Court Subscriber Participating Billgroup( s) 424svcN46 or Account Number: Date' of Agreement/Amendment:


Noore' s Federal Practice - civil 11) 1010336 1 0

Moore' s Federal Practice - Criminal 1010337 12j 1 0

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16) 0

17). 0

181 0

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211, 0

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FILED: FEB 0 5 2019



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of

Professional Services Agreement and related Geotechnical Investigation Proposal with Langerman

Foster Engineering Company ( re: McLennan County Vehicle Maintenance and Archival Storage

Facilities / Proposal No. GEO19- 011). After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. LANGERMAN FOSTER j©4 ENGINEERING COMPANY

February 4, 2019

McLennan County 501 Washington Avenue

Waco, Texas 76701

Attention: Honorable Scott M. Felton McLennan County Judge

Reference: Geotechnical Investigation Proposal McLennan County Vehicle Maintenance and Archival Storage Facilities Waco, Texas LFE Proposal No. GE019- 011R1

Dear Judge Felton:

I am pleased to present this proposal for geotechnical services for a new Vehicle Maintenance Facility and a separate Archival Storage Facility. These structures are planned near the intersection of TX 484 Spur and Loop 340. The scope of services and costs summarized in this proposal are based on information supplied by Mr. Bruce Thacker, AIA with CP& Y.

Project Details

The project consists of two separate projects on the same site. Details are listed below.

Vehicle Maintenance Facility: Consists of a one- story pre- engineered metal building with a foundation area of about 9,000 square feet. The building will include maintenance bays, storage spaces, restrooms, and offices. Slab on grade construction is anticipated, possibly in conjunction with drilled piers. A simple stiffened slab may also be an option.

Archival Storage Facility: Consists of a one- story building with a foundation area of about 84, 000 square feet. The building will have either pre- cast or tilt-wall construction. Floor loads are expected to be high, and in the range of 250 psf. The interior will mainly contain rolling storage and rack storage. Slab on grade construction is anticipated, and will likely be in conjunction with drilled piers.

We understand that the Vehicle Maintenance Facility is a separate project, and that that portion of the work will be the first priority. The Archival Storage Facility will be addressed in a separate geotechnical report that will be issued at a later date.

Copyright 2019 2000 South 15" Street, Waco, Texas 76706 Page 1 of 4

Ph: 254- 235- 1048 www. Fr 254- 235- 1625 LANGERMAN FOSTER Pak ENGINEERING COMPANY

It appears that much of the site has been filled, and there may have been previous gravel pits on the site. In general, we think the fill probably consists of construction debris such as broken concrete, asphalt, soils, and other materials. The State of Texas normally considers these materials to be landfill materials. Be aware that our services only involve geotechnical drilling and sampling. An environmental consultant must be retained by the County or the design team to evaluate whether there are contaminated materials.

Hazardous materials are not expected. Be aware that we have not included any costs in our proposal for decontamination, hazardous material handling, or any other special requirements for drilling in hazardous landfill materials. Upon completion, the borings will be backfilled with onsite soils.

We expect the site geology will consist of fill and native soil materials to a depth of about 20 feet, followed by shale, which is soft bedrock. With the above in mind, a total of 12 borings will be drilled for subsurface exploration, as shown in Table 1.


Structure Boring

Maintenance Facility 2@30-ft

Archival Storage 7@30-ft

Pavement 3@5- ft

Underground Utilities

We will contact the Texas 811 system for utility locations; however, be aware that the Texas 811 system only locates buried utilities within existing public easements and right- of- ways. All private on- site utilities such as irrigation lines, fire lines, electric lines, gas lines, and any other underground features( if any) must be located by the County.

In the event that underground utility locations are not known, we can arrange for a vacuum truck to pothole at the boring locations. However, these services would constitute additional costs that are not included in this proposal.

Copyright 2019 Offices in Waco and Harker Heights, Texas Page 2 of a

Proposal No. 6E019- 011R1 Ph: 254- 235- 1048 www. LFEcta. com Fx: 254- 235- 1625 t LANGERMAN FOSTER j©ENGINEERING COMPANY

Laboratory Testing and Engineering Report

Upon completion of our field exploration, laboratory tests will be conducted in order to evaluate the classification, strength, and volume change potential of the predominant subsurface materials observed in the boring. The results of the field operations and lab tests will be evaluated by a Texas Licensed Professional Engineer specializing in geotechnical engineering analysis. Engineering evaluation and recommendations will be limited to providing the following services:

1. Description of field operations and laboratory tests;

2. Description of subsurface materials and conditions including boring logs;

3. Short-term groundwater observations during drilling operations;

4. Geotechnical foundation design criteria as follows:

Volume change estimates of expansive soils( Potential Vertical Rise) Suitable foundation types and depths Allowable bearing values Geotechnical seismic criteria

5. General earthwork and construction criteria including geotechnical material


Supplemental Terms and Conditions

Following in italics are supplemental Terms and Conditions submitted by McLennan County and hereby included in this proposal.

These Supplemental Terms and Conditions supplement, supersede, replace and amend the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement to the extent of any conflict or where the matter is not addressed.

1. Any purported indemnification by the Client is deleted and rejected. Client does not agree to indemnify and hold harmless CONSULTANT from liability or damages regardless of the underlying cause. Client will be responsible for the actual costs incurred by the CONSULTANT ifit encounters unanticipated hazardous materials.

2. Any provision of the Agreement purporting to set a time bar, contractual limitations period, or accrual date for claims is deleted and not accepted. 3. Any provision purporting to limit damages payable by CONSULTANT to Client to what CONSULTANT has been paid or to insurance proceeds are not accepted and shall not apply. 4. Any insurance requirements of Owner are deleted.

Copyright 2019 Offices in Waco and Harker Heights, Texas Page 3 of 4

Proposal No. GEO19- 011R1 Ph: 254- 235- 10413 www. 1FECOc. com Fr 254- 235- 1625 A t LANGERMAN FOSTER A© ENGINEERING COMPANY

5. All policies of insurance maintained by CONSULTANT shall contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the Client.

6. Client shall be included as an additional insured on CONSULTANT' s GCL and Auto policies.


The services described in this proposal will be performed for a lump sum cost of $ 19, 700. LANGERMAN FOSTER will perform only those services outlined above; however, CLIENT and LANGERMAN FOSTER may subsequently agree in writing to provide additional services rendered under this AGREEMENT for additional, negotiated compensation. The above cost also assumes easy truck access to the boring location.

If this proposal is acceptable, please sign and date the attached PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT and return one set via email or fax for our files. We look forward to working with you on this project. We are prepared to put the project on our drilling schedule with verbal approval of this contract pending a signature. Please call me if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

LANGERMAN FOSTER ENGINEERING COMPANY Texas Registered Engineering Firm No. F- 13144

Scott M. Langerman, P. E. Principal/ Geotechnical Engineer

Attachments: Professional Services Agreement

Copyright 2019 Offices in Waco and Harker Heights, Texas Page 4 of 4

Proposal No. GEO19- 011R1 Ph: 254- 235- 1048 wwwifEcti. com Fx: 254-23 5- 162 5 ENGINEERING COMPANY

Professional Services Agreement

This agreement is between Langerman Foster Engineering Company, LLC( hereafter termed CONSULTANT) and the undersigned Company, or individual person if not a company( hereafter termed CLIENT). CLIENT employs CONSULTANT to provide engineering and related services in connection with the CLIENTS project, described as follows and hereinafter referred to as THE PROJECT.

Project Description: McLennan County Vehicle Maintenance and Archival Storage Facilities as described in LFE Proposal No. GE019-011R1 Dated February 4, 2019

Services shall be provided in general accordance with the accompanying proposal, which is part of this Agreement.

1. 0 SERVICES. CONSULTANT WILL: 1. 1 Act for CLIENT using that degree of care and skill( standard of care) ordinarily exercised by competent engineering consultants practicing in the same or similar locality of THE PROJECT site. 1. 2 Perform the proposed services under the general direction of a licensed Professional Engineer. 1. 3 Provide written reports in electronic format only. One hardcopy report can be provided upon request at no additional cost, and additional hard copies at$ 32 per copy. 1. 4 Retain pertinent records relating to the services performed for five years following submission of the report, during which period the records can be made available upon request to CLIENT during normal office hours. 1. 5 Be responsible for the safe conduct only of CONSULTANTs employees on the site, but not for the safe conduct or safety of any others. 1. 6 Retain samples for a period of no longer than 30 days after issuing any document that includes the data obtained from the samples. 1. 7 Contact the Texas 811 system for utility locations, and drill only at locations indicated to be clear of utilities by others. CONSULTANT will not be responsible for damages to any underground utilities that are not located and clearly marked at the site by others.

2. 0 CLIENT' S RESPONSIBIUTIES. CLIENT WILL: 2. 1 Provide CONSULTANT full information regarding the project for the proper performance of CONSULTANT, including hardcopies or electronic copies of the most recent plans and specifications, addenda, change orders, and other such information. 2. 2 Furnish right of entry onto THE PROJECT site for CONSULTANT or CONSULTANTS representatives to provide CONSULTANT' s services. 2. 3 Inform the CONSULTANT of the presence or suspected presence of hazardous materials, agreeing to the conditions set forth in 7. 1 through 7. 4 herein. 2.4 Promptly inform CONSULTANT of any actual or suspected defects in CONSULTANTS services, to help CONSULTANT take corrective measures that in CONSULTANTS opinion will help minimize the consequences of any such defect. 2. 5 Use the research methods agreed to by the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Architects, and others as published in the document Recommended Practice for Design Professionals Engages as Experts in the Resolution of Construction Industry Disputes to define the Standard of Care referenced in 1. 1. 2. 6 Be responsible for jobsite safety, except CONSULTANT shall be responsible for safety of CONSULTANT' s employees. 2. 7 Be responsible for all permits and approvals necessary for CONSULTANTS services, unless CONSULTANT assumes this responsibility in the Proposal.

3.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 3. 1 By the performance of the herein described services, CONSULTANT does not in any way assume, change, or abrogate any of those duties, responsibilities or authorities with regard to THE PROJECT customarily vested in THE PROJECT architects, design engineers, or other design agencies or authorities. 3. 2 CONSULTANT is not responsible for acts or omissions of other parties involved in THE PROJECT or the failure of any contractor or subcontractor to construct any item of THE PROJECT in accordance with the CONSULTANTS recommendations. 3. 3 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon receipt of written notice by the other party or by mutual agreement. CONSULTANT shall be paid in full for services performed to the termination date, including services required to properly


terminate CONSULTANT% project involvement. CLIENT can be provided, upon request and for appropriate compensation, a report of services completed prior to termination. 3. 4 Neither CLIENT nor CONSULTANT may transfer duties or interest in the Agreement without the written consent of the other party. 3.5 If during the course of the performance of this agreement, conditions or circumstances are discovered, which were not contemplated by CONSULTANT at the commencement of this agreement, CONSULTANT shall notify CLIENT of the newly discovered conditions or circumstances and CLIENT and CONSULTANT shall renegotiate, in good faith, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If amended terms and conditions cannot be agreed upon within thirty( 30) days after notice, CONSULTANT may terminate this Agreement and CONSULTANT shall be paid for its services through the date of termination. 3. 6 Neither party shall be liable for failure to fulfill its obligations if affected by causes beyond its control, such as Force Majeure. Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, acts of God; acts of legislative, administrative, or judicial entity; acts of CLIENT' S separate contractors and consultants; wars; fires; floods; labor disturbances; and unusually severe or unanticipated weather.

4.0 CONSIDERATIONS FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES: 4. 1 CLIENT shall provide CONSULTANT full information regarding the structure(s) to be constructed on THE PROJECT site, magnitudes and configurations of foundation loads, permissible settlements, planned cuts and fills, proximity to adjacent structures, and other information for the proper performance of CONSULTANT. 4.2 Be aware that heavy equipment will likely be used to conduct the field operations and that such equipment use generally results in some alteration of existing conditions. CLIENT agrees to hold harmless CONSULTANT for such alteration. CONSULTANT will attempt to limit such alteration but will not restore the site to its original condition unless a separate agreement is made for such restoration at additional cost prior to such alteration. 4. 3 CONSULTANT does not provide environmental services. CONSULTANT recommends the CLIENT retain an Environmental Services Professional if such services may be desired. LFE understands it is obligated to report to the CLIENT what LFE may believe to be an environmental issue, but such report would be based on LFE' s non- specialized knowledge of environmental issues such as may be held by an average person. LFE may not notice indications of environmental concern that would or should be obvious to an Environmental Professional.

5.0 INSURANCE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: 5. 1 CONSULTANT shall have insurance to protect CONSULTANT from claims against CONSULTANT for accidental bodily injury, death or property damage as may arise from the performance of services made under this agreement. CONSULTANT will provide proof of such insurance to CLIENT upon CUENT' s request. 5. 2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the total liability of CONSULTANT arising out of or related to this Agreement, whether based in contract or tort, shall be limited to$ 50, 000 or the amount of compensation received for services, whichever is greater. This limitation of liability shall apply to any and all claims, no matter how pleaded, including but not limited to, claims for errors and omissions, breach of contract, negligence, or breach of fiduciary duty and applies to all phases of services performed under this Agreement. Greater amounts of coverage can be provided at additional cost to be negotiated with the CLIENT and agreed to in writing. CLIENT agrees this limitation of liability extends to those individuals and organizations CONSULTANT retains for execution of its services, including CONSULTANTS officers, employees, their heirs and assigns, agents, subconsultants, and subcontractors. 5. 3 CLIENT agrees that any claim for damages filed against CONSULTANT will be filed solely against CONSULTANT or its successors or assigns, and that no individual person shall be made personally liable for damages, in whole or in part. 5.4 Neither party shall be responsible to the other for any special, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive, penal, nor consequential damages( including lost profits) incurred by either CONSULTANT or CLIENT or for which either party may be liable to any third party.

6. 0 CONFIDENTIALITY: 6. 1 All reports and/ or information derived as part of CONSULTANTS services are and shall remain the property of the CONSULTANT. Reports shall be provided to Client as Instruments of Service for Client' s possession and use as a record of CONSULTANT' s findings and recommendations for this project. LFE' s liability relative to the Instruments of Service is strictly limited to this project only. 6. 2 The CONSULTANT agrees to consider all reports confidential, and will distribute reports only to those persons or entities so directed by the CLIENT with the exceptions noted in Article 6. 3 and 6.4.

Paget of 4 Revised 2014 t IANGERMAN FOSTER


6. 3 Any information derived as part of CONSULTANTS services may be released to government authorities when a public safety hazard is perceived to exist, when required by law, and to the necessary parties when CONSULTANT must protect itself from civil claims. 6.4 Information obtained from CONSULTANTS services may be used by CONSULTANT for technical studies and presentations intended to advance the art and science of engineering, while preserving CLIENT confidentiality. 6. 5 The CONSULTANTS reports, findings, and recommendations are for the CLIENTS sole use and shall not be transferred or sold to others without the knowledge and consent of the CONSULTANT.

7. 0 UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS: 7. 1 The CLIENT understands that hazardous materials or conditions on or beneath the surface of a site create extraordinary risks for CONSULTANT including the need for precautions to protect the health and safety of its personnel and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. 7. 2 CLIENT agrees that the notification to CONSULTANT of known or the discovery by CONSULTANT of unanticipated, hazardous materials or conditions constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work for THE PROJECT or termination of services. 7. 3 The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials or conditions may result in a significant reduction of the CLIENTS property value or the OWNER' s value if THE PROJECT site is owned by others. Since the CONSULTANT is in no way responsible for the presence of these unanticipated materials or conditions, CLIENT agrees to waive any claim against CONSULTANT and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CONSULTANT from any claim or liability for injury, loss, or damages arising from the referenced discovery. 7.4 CLIENT agrees to pay CONSULTANT for costs incurred by CONSULTANT related to encountering unanticipated hazardous materials and conditions.

8. 0 PAYMENT: 8. 1 Invoices will be provided in electronic format based on the proposal and/ or attached fee schedule. Invoices will be presented at the project completion or monthly and are due in full upon receipt. Invoices are past due net 30 days. CONSULTANT shall be notified within 15 days of receiving an invoice if CLIENT disputes the invoice, but CLIENT shall pay the portion of the invoice that is not in dispute within the usual time frame. CLIENT agrees to pay CONSULTANT late charges of one and one-half( 114) percent per month, or up to the legal limit if less, on the unpaid balance. 8. 2 CLIENT agrees that invoices will be paid without requiring any other signings, documents, or representations except for the reports stated in Article 1. 3, unless agreed to in writing prior to CONSULTANT providing services. 8. 3 CLIENT agrees to pay CONSULTANT regardless of whether CLIENT is expecting, has received, or has not received payment from others for the Project.

9.0 EXTENT OF AGREEMENT AND APPLICABLE LAW: 9. 1 The Agreement, including these terms and conditions, represents the entire agreement between CLIENT and CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, written or oral. The agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by CLIENT and CONSULTANT. 9. 2 The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be performed in McLennan County, Texas and the CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree to waive the right to sue elsewhere. 9. 3 If any part of this Agreement is deemed invalid in a court of law or otherwise, all remaining parts shall remain in force. 9. 4 Unless previously accepted in writing, this Agreement is withdrawn automatically on the 30th day after issue, but may be accepted thereafter by CONSULTANT at its discretion.


This agreement is entered into by the undersigned on behalf of McLennan County, Texas.


Honorable Scott M. Felton Ph: 254/ 757- 5049

Signature Date:

A` F,/ Th 27 / Title:

McLennan County Judge .

Client Company Name( full legal name):

McLennan County, Texas

Email Address for Receiving Reports, Invoices, and other Communications:

Dustin. Chapman@co.

Physical Address:

501 Washington Avenue, Room 214, Waco, Texas 76701


Printed Name:

Scott Langerman, P. E.

Signature: Date: 4 February 2019

Title: Principal

Clatt FEB 0 5 2019 JA ANDYHARWELL, CountyClorh Page 4 of 4 Milanese Count% Texas By KELLYF! LLRRIGHT DEPUTY Revised 2014 The Court went to agenda item O. 1. DISCUSSION ONLY:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Work Session

Items( unless otherwise identified above, no action will be taken, but these matters will be discussed):

Discussion regarding Criminal Justice Issues: Updates on the Electronic Monitoring Program /

Coordinating the McLennan County Criminal Justice System / Criminal Justice Process / Veterans &

Mental Health Courts / Courthouse Security / Public Nuisance Reporting & Enforcement Process, related matters. Judge Hodges addressed the Court regarding the progress of the McLennan County Criminal Justice System since being hired as the Associate Judge and the Veterans and Mental Health

Courts. The Court went to agenda item M. I. ORDER ACCEPTING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter ofGreater Waco Chamber of Commerce: Monthly Economic Development Report, December 2018. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. I II 11yI' 4v L ew GREATER WACO CHAMBER"

January 9, 2019

Judge Scott Felton County Judge McLennan County Waco, Texas

Re: Monthly Economic Development Report December

Dear Judge Felton:

We are attaching a copy of the Chamber' s December Economic Development report for you and the Commissioners.

We are encouraged by our work together.

With regards,

Matthew T. Meadors President/ CEO Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce


cc: Patricia Chisolm- Miller Will Jones Ben Perry Kelly Snell


101 S. Third St. Waco TX 76701• P.O. Box 1220 Waco TX 76 703- 12 20. 254. 757. 5600• fax 254. 752. 6618• WacoChamber. com

consumer that is chlorine- free. This letter is printed on Forest Stewardship Council- certified 100% post recycled paper processed Economic Development Business Attraction and Expansion Report Report for 12/ 1/ 2018- 12/ 31/ 2018

ompleted projects/ announcements year- to- date

o kt7 Ll, -•) Q1L The Coca- Cola Company Manufacturing Jan- 18 10 18, 000 10. 50 faidife, LLC Manufacturing Jan- 18 - 15. 00 Mars Wrigley Confectionery Manufacturing Feb- 18 10 85, 000 30. 00 Brazos Iron Works Manufacturing Mar- 18 45 60,000 1. 00 Arconic Fastening Systems Manufacturing Mar- 18 - 45. 00 Look Trailers Manufacturing Apr- 18 75 80, 000 0. 70 Jessup Housing Manufacturing Apr- 18 180 80, 000 2. 50 Swan Products Manufacturing Apr- 18 60 294. 000 14. 30 ReFit Revolution Prof. Services Apr- 18 10 20, 000 1. 35 Zero Mountain Distribution Dec- 18 45 220, 000 $ 33. 00 TOTAL 435 1 837, 000 I 153. 35 GOAL 500 500, 000 80. 0 of GOAL 87% 16796 192% In the past 30 days 30 days YTD Goal of goal

Number of attraction inquiries 4 144 155 93%

Number of proposals and/ or site plan submitted 3 129 120 108%

Number of on- site attraction visits 1 78 50 156%

Number of business retention visits 3 100 100 100%

Number of business assistance requests 1 101 90 112% Number of marketing tnps/ corporate real estate 1 30 50 60% events/ tradeshows FDI International( Irving, Do

Current active attraction projects ( Acres no: included in Sq. Ft. total/ building only)

tro ect Name Indus Active Date Em• loyment S•. Et. Investment( MII) Project Value Manufacturing Feb- 12 300 150, 000 $ 80. 00 Project Torch Manufacturing Mar- 15 30 38, 000 $ 5. 70 Project Swing Manufacturing Jan- 17 30 200, 000 $ 50. 00 Project Link Manufacturing May- 16 TBD TBD TBD Project Allure Manufacturing Nov- 17 150 120,000 $ 150.00 Project Supply Manufacturing Jan- 18 155 80, 000 $ 12. 30 Project Galvanize Manufacturing Jun- 18 50 40, 000 $ 5. 00 Project Tough Manufacturing Jul- 18 50 75, 000 $ 5. 00 Project Rodeo Tower Manufacturing Aug- 18 180 650, 000 $ 185. 00 Project Mark Squared Distribution Sep- 18 1, 000 7, 100. 000 $ 65. 00 Project Brisket Manufacturing Sep- 18 120 500, 000 $ 140. 00 Project Zorba Manufacturing Nov- 18 115 250,000 $ 25.00 Project Harmony Manufacturing Nov- 18 25 30.00 Pratt Palm Manufactunn. Nov- 18 80 35, 000 $ 8.00 New active projects( Acres not included in Sq. Fi. iota/ Mudding one://

Proect Seahorse Manufacturin, Dec- 18 1, 300 1, 100, 000 $ 250. 00 Current active expansion projects( Acres not included in Sq. Fl. total/ building only)

Project Grille Manufacturing Sep- 14 60,000 $ 0.75 Project Luxury Manufacturing Oct- 11 60, 000 TBD Project Build Aerospace Jan- 12 1. 000 50. 00

Project Diez Distribution Apr- 12 120, 000 TBD

Project Lift Aerospace Apr- 12 576 90,000 $ 15. 00 Project Once Distribution Sep- 12 60 200,000 $ 70.00 Project Ones Manufacturing Mar- 13 25 22, 500 $ 1. 30 Project Shell Manufacturing Sep- 14 TBD 120,000 $ 18.00 Project Organic Distribution Mar- 17 TBD 150, 000 TBD Project Orchard Manufacturing Mar- 17 65 70.00 Project Stellar Aerospace Mar-17 60 TBD 108.00

Project Circumstance Prof. Service Jun- 17 200 120. 000 TBD

Project Accessory Manufacturing Nov- 17 90 300, 000 28. 50 Project Hydro Distribution Mar-18 7 20. 000 1. 80

Project Fan Prof. Service Jun- 18 500 45, 000 3.85

Proect S• ur Manufacturing Se• 18 45 200. 000 $ 20. 00 Current active expansion projects( Acres no; included in Sq. Ft. total/ budding only)

Project Post Oak Manufacturing Jul- 17 200 100, 000 $ 15.00 Project Minecraft Distribution May- 17 600 1, 200, 000 $ 100. 00 UM f I 4:104,'-jIN 1$ 39•• 20

WMCEDC application submitted WMCEDC funding pledged WMCEDC funding approved Business Retention & Expansion Visits 2018

i V . 3I r 8 q S7 Z o oa 8 =c a F8g 8 6 100 Premier Metal Works LLC 12/ 18/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Adam Lemaster Owner Manufacturing Southwest Sports Medicine& Jana Hixson, Jacob Hogan, Mark 99 Jennifer Branch Healthcare Orthopedics 12/ 12/ 2018 Zorn Cameron Kaufhold Business Adminstrator

98 Brazos Masonry, Inc. 12/ 10/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Rachel Martinez, Mark Zorn Mackie Bounds Owner Other Jana Hixson, Kelly Snell, Mark 97 Jennifer Branch Professional Services WSI Internet Partners 11/ 15/ 2018 Zom Aaron Braunstein Owner 96 Gahagan Contractors 11/ 14/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zom Paul Gahagan Owner Other 95 Jet Pro Texas 11/ 12/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zom Sam Starling Vice President Aerospace Brian Curtis, Justin Jennifer Branch Professional Services 94 Gage Telecom 11/ 9/ 2018 Curtis CEO John Eggert, Peter 93 Kristina Collins Eggert, Denise Healthcare Gaumard Scientific 11/ 8/ 2018 Robbins EVP, SVP, HR Director 92 Central Crushed Concrete 11/ 6/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Terry Stevens, Mark Zorn Thomas Arnold President Manufacturing Kyle Caruthers, Director- Corporate Tax, Tax 91 Kristina Collins Manufacturing Coca- Cola- HQ 11/ 5/ 2018 Madison Barnett Counsel Director of Finance and 90 Kristina Collins Manufacturing Swan- HQ 11/ 5/ 2018 Mike Klaes Adminstration 89 Cranford Medical Imaging 11/ 2/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Tom Austin Owner Healthcare 88 Pearson Construction 11/ 2/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn, Shawn Oubre Scott Pearson President Other

87 Jennifer Branch Professional Services Waco IT Pro 11/ 1/ 2018 Mark Zorn Chris Bailey Owner Abraham Abell, Ali 86 Kristina Collins Manufacturing Merrick- HO 11/ 1/ 2018 Jawady President, Operations Manager

85 Jennifer Branch Professional Services Eagle Systems Inc. 10/ 23/ 2018 Mark Zom Chris Gerick Vice President

84 Knife River 10/ 9/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Seth Morris Bill Faris Vice President/ General Manager Other 83 Texas Aero, Inc. 10/ 1/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Jana Hixson, Mark Zorn. Joel Marl Tommy Miller Aerospace 82 Carrier Enterprise 9/ 26/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Jana Hixson Abraham Trevino Store Manager Supply/ Logistics

81 Digital Media Butterfly Jennifer Branch Jana Hixson Caryn Berger Brown Owner Professional Services 9/ 24/ 2018

Crawford Austin Properties BO Jennifer Branch Terry Stevens Gordon Harriman III CEO Professional Services LTD 9/ 21/ 2018 79 Forest River 9/ 21/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Terry Stevens, Jana Hixson Jeff Rebrovich General Manager Manufacturing Jana Hixson, Mark Zom, Kelly 78 Visiting Angels Jennifer Branch Wilson Executive Director Healthcare 9/ 5/ 2018 Snell

77 Allen Measurement Services Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Frank Croft Owner Other 9/ 4/ 2018

76 Hip Pixel Photography 8/ 30/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Cameron Akin Owner Professional Services

75 Sherwin-Williams Co. 8/ 29/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Seth Morris Brad Glasson Regional Director Manufacturing

Terry Stevens, Jana Hixson, Kelly 74 Adam Heath Construction LLC 8/ 27/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Abigal Heath Manufacturing Snell

Will Jones, lava Hixson, Mark 73 Magnolia 8/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch John Marsicano PR Other Zorn, Jacob Hogan

72 Sonoco Flexible Packaging 8/ 23/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Kelly Snell, Mark Zom Rick Brezinsky Plant Manager Manufacturing

Mark Zom, Terry Stevens, Jana 71 Jesse s Tortilla Factory 8/ 22/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Alice Rodriguez Owner Manufacturing Hixson

70 Target Restoration 8/ 22/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn, Jacob Hogan Justin Philpott General Manager Professional Services

69 YMCA Of Central Texas 8/ 14/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Jana Hixson, Alfred Solana Rodney Martin Healthcare

68 Safety- Kleen Systems, Inc. 8/ 7/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Daniel Slater Professional Services

67 CWA Construction, Inc 8/ 6/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Herb Cross President Manufacturing

66 Jim Bland Construction 8/ 1/ 201B Jennifer Branch Terry Stevens. Mark Zorn Scott Bland President Manufacturing

Texas Department of Jessica Attas, Terry Stevens, 65 8/ 1/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Stan Swiatek District Engineer Waco District Supply/ Logistics Transportation Mark Zorn

64 Utility Wranglers 7/ 31/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Seth Morris Nathan Stone President Professional Services Terry Stevens, Andrew Smith, 63 Insituform Technologies, LLC 7/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Micah Reeves Plant Manager Manufacturing Paul Kilpatrick

62 Central Tube& Bar 7/ 16/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Eric Chambers Director of Business Development Manufacturing

61 Flamco Of Texas, Inc 7/ 16/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Pete Alderman General Manager Manufacturing

60 Automatic Chef Canteen 7/ 10/ 2018 Jennifer Branch James Reeks President Other

59 Nearly Me Technolgies Inc 7/ 10/ 2018 Jennifer Branch James Recks President Manufacturing

58 Waco Tool& Die, Inc. 6/ 27/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Terry Stevens James McBride President Manufacturing

57 The Behringer Group, LLC 6/ 26/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Todd Behringer Other

Marketing& Development Home 56 Texas Home Health 6/ 25/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Katrina Garner Healthcare Care

55 - Armadillo Tire, LLC 6/ 21/ 2018 Seth Morris Steven Smith Supply/ Logistics

54 Texas Home Health 6/ 20/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Candice Goswick Executive Director Hospice Healthcare

53 L- 3 6/ 19/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mike Nolan Aerospace

52 Union Pacific Railroad 6/ 13/ 2018 Seth Morris Dan Harbeke Director of Public Affairs Supply/ Logistics

51 Wardlaw Claims Service 6/ 11/ 2018 Seth Morris Crystal Bell Director of HR Professional Services

50 Nickell Metalsmiths 6/ 4/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Wanda Brooks, Terry Stevens John Nickell Owner Manufacturing

49 Brazos River Authority 5/ 30/ 2018 Jennifer Branch David Collinsworth General Manager Other

48 Manpower 5/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn, Kelly Snell Jodi Morgan Professional Services

47 DreamMaker Bath& Kitchen 5/ 21/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Kelly Snell Doug Dwyer President& CSO Manufacturing

Director of Field Ops 46 Grande Communications 5/ 21/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zom John Smith Professional Services Waco/ Temple

45 Fed Ex Ground 5/ 17/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Justin Jones Senior Manager Supply/ Logistics 44 Innovative Prosthetics 5/ 11/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Usa Guichet Healthcare 43 Fleetwood Homes Inc. 5/ 10/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Ray Parma Manufacturing John W. Erwin General 42 5/ 8/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zom John W. Erwin President Manufacturing Contractor, Inc.

41 Dr Pepper Snapple Group 5/ 3/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn, Jana Hixson Michael Haferkamp Branch Manager Supply/ Logistics

40 Britco Structures USA S/ 2/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zom, Terry Stevens Brent Morgan President Manufacturing

39 College Choice Today S/ 2/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Rick Cochran Professional Services

38 Baker Distributing Company 4/ 30/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Tim Murphy Supply/ Logistics

Nicole Wiethoff, VP System Technology, Managing 37 Vosslah- HQ VISIT 4/ 26/ 2018 Kristina Collins Manufacturing Christian Renners Director( Chairman)

Jana Hixson, Jacob, Terry 36 Balcones Distillery 4/ 26/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Keith Bellinger President/ COO Manufacturing Stevens, Mark Zorn

Leslie, Tamara, Stevens, Snell, 35 HEB Regional Operations 4/ 25/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Ed Page Regional Operations Manager Supply/ logistics Hixson, Hogan, Whitaker

34 Waco Civic Theatre 4/ 25/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Eric Shephard Other

33 Cenikor Foundation Inc. 4/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Jacob Eric Jeter Senior Manager Healthcare

Tractor Supply Co. Brad, Brandon, Zack, Snell, 32 4/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zack Depew General Manager Supp I y/ Lo8 istics Distribution Center Stevens, Zorn 31 Bare Arms Brewing 4/ 23/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Hixson, Jacob Keith Collier Manufacturing 30 Wal- Mart Return Center 4/ 18/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Rich Hughes General Manager Supply/ Logistics

29 Accucast Ltd. 4/ 16/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Stevens Vijay Thikade Supply/ Logistics

28 Haley& Olson 4/ 16/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Stevens Danny Palmer Professional Services

27 1519 Surveying LLC 4/ 13/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Stevens, Snell Aaron McMillan Professional Services

26 SlmpleBills 3/ 28/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn Mike Jones CEO Professional Services

Arconic Fastening Systems Director, Global Industrial Human 25 3/ 22/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Donna Griffin Manufacturing and Rings Resources The American Domino 24 3/ 22/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Erica Gray Other Company 23 RAM Aircraft 3/ 14/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zom, Hixson Brian Adamik Owner Aerospace 22 Pilgrim' s Pride 3/ 13/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zom Bernard Svajgl Operations Manager Other

21 Spherion 3/ 13/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Sol Melton VP of Franchise Operations Professional Services

20 Lark United Manufacturing 3/ 7/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Jay Hutchins Purchasing Manufacturing

19 _ Dealers Electrical Supply 2/ 28/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn Scott Bracey President Supply/ Logistics 18 _ Cargill Protein Group 2/ 28/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Leon Fletcher Complex General Manager Other

Data Systems Technology 17 2/ 27/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Stevens Greg McEachern President Professional Services Solution 16 Merrick Engineering 2/ 26/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Stevens Reza Ziari Plant Manager Manufacturing Claim Fourseventy152/ 22/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Ben Perry, Judge Felton Matt Fatheree President, CEO Professional Services Management

14 Croft Automation LLC 2/ 16/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Snell, Stevens Uoyd Alcom Owner Manufacturing

13 Haggard and Stocking 2/ 15/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Stevens Matt Williams Manufacturing Heart Of Texas Electric 12 2/ 14/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Brandon Young, Kevin Evans Rick Halle Other Cooperative, Inc.

Zorn, Stevens, Hal, Yost& Rachel 11 Dan Equipment 2/ 13/ 2018 Jennifer Branch James Goldsmith Waco Regional Manager Supply/ Logistics from City of Woodway

Caterpillar- Waco Work 10 2/ 12/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Meadors, Stevens, Zorn Bryan Lunt Logistics Center Manager Supply/ Logistics Tools DC

9 Insurors of Texas 2/ 9/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Hixson Georgr Chase Professional Services

8 Joe W. Fly Co., Inc. 2/ 9/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn& City of Robinson Nicci Rangel Supply/ Logistics 7 Fed Ex Freight 2/ 1/ 201B Jennifer Branch Snell, Zorn Randy Snow General Manager Supply/ Logistics

American Amicable U( e Executive Vice President, 6 1/ 30/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Meadors, Zom, Stevens, Hixson Joe Dunlap Professional Services Insurance Company Of Texas Operations& Secretary

Caterpillar Distribution 5 1/ 29/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Meadors, Snell, Zom, Stevens Andrew Pick Plant Manager Supply/ Logistics Center

4 Waco Regional Airport 1/ 29/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Joel Martinez Aerospace

Centex Aerospace 3 1/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Zorn, Stevens, Joel Martinez Gregory R. Bames President Aerospace Incorporated

2 CORD 1/ 23/ 2018 Jennifer Branch Mark Zorn Richard C. Hinckley President& CEO Education 1 Brazos Electric Co-Op 1/ 19/ 2018 Jennifer Branch John Kinnard Khaki Bordovsky Other GREATER WACO CHAIOEA OF CO4GUICE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES - STATEENTa OF OPERATIONS POE TEE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDED NW@03Et 30, 2018 L 201E

2010 201E Total Budg Budget Revenues Expenses Not 6 Revenues Expenses Net

SUPPORT i OTHER REVENUE Baylor University 925, 00 925, 000 825, 000 100 90 90 City of Waco 165, 00 123, 750 123, 750 75 123, 750 123, 750 McLennan County 165, 00 165, 000 165, 000 100 165, 000 165, 000 Waco Industrial Foundation 150, 00 130, 000 130, 000 87 130, 000 130, 000 Other Communities 0 0 -- 0 0 Interest Income 53 53 -- 53 53 Other 0 0 -- 0 0

TOTAL REVENUE 505, 00 443, 803 443, 803 418, 803 418, 803


PROSPECT DEVELOPMENT Conference Regis. i Travel 25, 000 20, 693 20, 693 83 18, 510 18, 510

Foreign Trade Zone 14, 500) 0 0 0 0 0

Headquarters Visit 2, 500 0 0 0 0 0 Industry Meetings 6 Travel 7, 500 6, 509 6, 509 87 5, 216 5, 216 Prospect Develop. i Travel 26, 750 8, 50 27, 090 18, 590 69 15, 270 15, 270 Regional Prospect Development 16, 000 4, 603 4, 603 29 486 486

Target Ind. Trade Shows i Travel ( 6, 500) 14, 801 14, 801 ( 228) 8, 872 8, 872 Teem Texas Marketing 13, 500 7, 382 7, 382 55 5, 428 5, 428 Texas One 15, 000 1, 118 1, 118 7 11, 913 11, 913

European American Investment Counci 2, 500 2, 654 2, 654 106 2, 500 2, 500

Other 2, 500 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL PROSPECT DEVELOPMENT 90, 250 8, 50 84, 850 76, 350 68, 195 68, 195

RESEARCH i MARIQTING Marketing 70, 000 1, 703 19, 306 17, 603 25 2, 500 17, 354 14, 854 Technology Upgrades 3, 000 12, 175 19, 438 7, 263 242 16, 000 20, 875 4, 875 Research Materials 8, 600 800 11, 195 10, 395 121 3, 000 13, 626 10, 626

Strategic Initiatives 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 0

TOTAL RESEARCH 6 MAEQTING 81, 600 14, 678 49, 939 35, 261 21, 500 51, 855 30, 355

PROGRAMSAdvanced Manufacturing Alliance 0 0 0 Aviation/ Aerospace Alliance 55 ) 1, 80 1, 554 24 ) 65 1, 80 1, 063 737) Freedom Ball 27, 00 ) 88, 79 69, 222 ( 19, 57 ) 73 96, 65 57, 911 ( 38. 7391 Fun Run 0 0 0 Aviation Alliance Scholarship Fund 10, 50 16, 12 16, 125 0 12, 36 14, 625 2, 264 Committee Operations 50 0 0 0 0

Business Retention/ Ind Appreciation 11, 00 3, 00 3, 738 73 7 7, 00 9, 156 2, 156

Health Care Alliance 1, 00 0 0 0 0

Global Business Connections 0 0 0 Technology Briefings 2, 90 ) 2, 81 1, 756 ( 1, 05 ) 36 5, 05 1, 083 ( 3, 967) Urban Development 382 38 274 274 Innovation 6 Entrepreneurship 0 10, 69E 10, 69E Business Incubator ( thINX Space) 4, 54 0 ( 4, 54 ) -- 6, 91 6, 050 864)

CEO' s for Cities 4, 00 0 0 0 0 Supply Chain 1, 00 1, 00 0 ( 1, 00 ) ( 100) 75 30 720) Hour Economy 2, 02 ) 3, 85 3, 851 0 5, 75 1, 439 ( 4, 311) Texas Small Business Forum 1, 25 ) 0 0 0 0 Area Industry Managers Qtrly Lunch 1, 00 1, 340 36 1, 00 1, 602 602

TOTAL PROGRAMS 5, 72 ) 122, 93 97, 968 ( 24, 96 I 137, 27 103, 930 ( 33, 345)

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Waco - Alumni 0 0 0 0 -- 0 0 0 Leadership Waco - Class 14, 460) 38, 575 16, 66E ( 24, 1081 167 26, 025 15, 225 ( 10, 800) Teen Leadership 16, 800) 15, 063 5, 400 ( 9, 6631 58 27, 050 5, 419 ( 21, 631) Young Professionals 4, 380 5, 439 2, 579 ( 2, 8601 ( 65) 7, 203 3, 269 ( 3, 934)

TOTAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 26, 080) 59, 077 22, 446 ( 36, 631) 60, 278 23, 913 ( 36, 365)

WORKFORCE 6 EDUCATION Career Expo 15 0 1501 -- 125 0 125)

Workforce Day. / Higher Education 127 127 -- 0 0 0 Workforce Dev. / Internship 7, 189 7, 189 -- 0 8, 543 8, 543 Talent Development 2, 065 2, 065 -- 0 436 436 Leadership in Education i Dev. 22, 07 1 54, 11 54, 114 0 0 73, 923 45, 565 ( 28, 3581 Student Internship Fair 6, 50 1 25, 71 6, 324 ( 19, 380) 431 7, 300 1, 775 ( 5, 5251 Waco Collegiate Forum 1, 00 ) 0 0 0 0 10 10 CD Committee Operating 100 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL WORKFORCE i EDUCATION 27, 37 ) 79, 97 69, 819 ( 10, 157) 81, 368 56, 329 ( 25, 019)

TOTAL PRAM ( REVERIE) EXPENSE 111, 8E 285, 16 325, 022 39, 861 300, 401 304, 222 3, 821


OPERATING AND ADMIN. EXPENSES 393, 12E 728, 964 ( 325, 0221 403, 942 719, 204 ( 304, 222) 414, 982

OPERATING EXPENSES 131, 103 119, 890 119, 890 91 114, 797 114, 797

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 600, 530 434, 523 434, 523 72 454, 665 454, 665

TOTAL EXCESS ( EXPENSE) REVENUE 8338, 506) 9728, 964 ( 9879, 435) ( 9150, 4711 9719, 204 ( 5873, 684) ( 9154, 480)



2018 2017


Budget Month YTD Month YTD FAV( UNFAV)


Automobile 12, 235 750 $ 9, 498 1, 144 $ 11, 140 1, 642 Bookkeeping and audit 19, 650 912 17, 726 750 16, 804 922) Building maintenance 6 supply 22, 845 3, 905 20, 518 2, 454 21, 118 600 Depreciation 1, 800 172 1, 888 151 1, 659 229)

Equipment maintenance & supply 1, 569 285 6, 461 0 1, 282 5, 179) Equipment rental 10, 334 1, 301 9, 736 1, 173 9, 616 120) Insurance 24, 511 123) 19, 919 0 19, 453 466) Interest 0 0 0 0 0 0

Office supplies 2, 491 121 3, 569 494 2, 529 1, 040) Postage 554 31 514 75 528 14

Printing 6 stationery 1, 182 338 938 262 1, 228 290 Public Improvement District Taxes 1, 500 0 0 0 0 0

Rent expense 0 0 0 0 0 0

Resource materials 23 0 20 510 529 509 Security 668 0 396 0 546 150 Technology support 7, 559 738 6, 335 640 6, 816 481 Telephone 12, 479 1, 579 10, 858 982 11, 176 318 Utilities 11, 703 949 11, 514 813 10, 373 1, 141)

Miscellaneous expense 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 131, 103 $ 10, 958 $ 119, 890 9, 448 $ 114, 797 5, 093)


Bank charges 500 0 0 0 50) 50)

Bank card fees 0 0 13) 0 0 13

Civic 6 social organizations 0 0 365 0 0 365) Entertainment 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group insurance 29, 402 3, 309 15, 702 289) 21, 587 5, 885 Management development 4, 153 0 661 267 3, 661 3, 000

Professional affiliations 1, 242 0 0 0 1, 015 1, 015

Professional services 0 0 1, 750 0 0 1, 750)

Public relations 6 goodwill 5, 000 0 418 0 1, 163 745

Exec. search 6 relocation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wages, P/ R taxes 6 retirement 560, 233 41, 526 415, 640 41, 662 427, 289 11, 649

TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 600, 530 $ 44, 835 $ 434, 523 41, 640 $ 454, 665 20, 142

See independent accountant' s compilation report. Minutes Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce 101 S. Third Street, Cooper Room

1) Call to Order Chair Mr. Hal Whitaker called the meeting to order at 10: 00 a. m. by welcoming the board to the meeting, and going around the room for introductions.

2) Consent Agenda ( Action) a) Minutes: Mr. Whitaker asked the board to review the minutes of the November 11, 2018 board meeting. b) Membership Report: Mr.Whitaker asked the board to review the membership report which indicates 13 new member accounts. Total of member dollars received through November 2018 is $ 810,629 compared to the same time in 2017 total of$ 817,646. c) Financial Report: Mr. Whitaker asked the board to review the financials through October 2018: October 31, 2018 Statement of Net Assets Revenue: Total revenue is down $ 14,973 over 2017 Expenses: Total expenses are up $ 75, 768 over 2017 Net Excess Revenue over Expenses YTD ($ 224, 453) The Consent Agenda was approved by motion from Mr. Gordon Robinson/ Mr. Keith Bellinger.

3) President' s Report Mr. Whitaker announced that this will be his final board meeting as chair of the board. He thanked all who served on the board, executive committee and staff. Mr. Meadors asked Ms. Autumn Outlaw to speak about Marketing/ Communications 2018 achievements. Ms. Outlaw summarized the work her team has done and previewed the new website. a) Ms. Kris Collins reported on the Economic Development activity. There are 15 projects in the pipeline with a potential of 2, 520 jobs, filling 3. 003M square feet at a cost $ 761. 4M. Ms. Collins explained the different stages of the project

pipeline b) Ms. Jessica Attas reminded the board that the 86th Session of the State Legislature is due to start at the beginning of 2019. Ms. Attas explained that the main goal of the legislature is to pass a budget for 2020- 2021. c) Ms. Linda Beasley announced upcoming events: Business PowerHour December 13, First Pitch Luncheon January 17, MidTex Farm, Ranch & Garden Show January 31S`.

4) Closing Business and Chair Comments Mr. Whitaker announced Chair Elect Ms. Loren Schwartz as the 2019 Chair of the

Board. Ms. Schwartz adjourned the meeting at 11: 20 a. m. Committee Attendance Sheet Meeting Date

2018 Board of Directors f Z / ) Z/ )' i


David Akins Lochridge- Priest, Inc.

Brad Alford The Alford Company

Joel Allison Baylor University

David Anderton Integ E '

Michael Baldwin Oncor Electric Delivery

Keith Bellinger Balcones Distilling J9

Scott Bland Jim Bland Construction, LLC

Herbert Bristow Haley & Olson P.C. El

George Chase Insurors of Texas

Kyle Citrano George' s Restaurant & Bar # 2

Lauren Dreyer SpaceX

John R. Embry Pioneer Steel & Pipe Co., Inc.

Tom Greene Tejas Logistics System Lam'

Greg Groves Trane

Carolyn Haferkamp Central National Bank 0-

Brad Harrell Harrell & Associates/ KW Commercial EV

Kurt Harwell Central Texas Iron Works

Sam Hays Beard Kultgen Brophy Bostwick & Dickson, LLP E 0

Michael Heins H- E- B

Bernadette Hookham RBDR, PLLC 0

Mitchell Homer Independent Bank EI

Truell Hyde Baylor University Er

Kary Lalani Lalani Lodging, Inc.

Jennifer Manning, CPA Pattillo, Brown & Hill, L. L. P.

Aaron McMillan 1519 Surveying • Engineering • GIS

Dillon Meek Rydell Capital

Brock Murphy Magnolia

Colin O' Neill Fulbright Winniford, A Professional Corporation

December 12, 2018 Page 1 i


Philip Patterson Providence Healthcare Network 9"0 0

Andrew Pick Caterpillar Inc. Waco Distribution Center Q" 0 0

Weldon Ratliff Martin Marietta Materials 0 0

Mark Reynolds Extraco Banks El Gordon Robinson Specialty Property, Ltd. 0 0

Jake Roye Chick- fil- A on Franklin Avenue and Chick- fil- A at Richlan E 0

Loren Schwartz Merrill Lynch Wealth Management i 0 0 Rick Sheldon Rick Sheldon Real Estate 0 0 0

Chuck Sivess American Guaranty Title Er 0

Alfred Solano Cen- Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 0 0 0

Ford Taylor Wm. Taylor & Co. 0 0 0

Ted Teague Men Samuels Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Fiat 0 0 0

Rick Tullis Capstone Mechanical Gary Vogel Vogel Financial Group ram 0 0 Jed Walker Walker Partners l 0 0

Hal Whitaker Englander dZignPak, LLC E0 0

Mike Wright KWTX- TV News Channel 10 0 0 0

r.;n i,5 N C\ N{; 5 ?CltfV\ CPYVX C 1IC 8cic 5 CiY c (a` Sep e tnu; c Ic b&


December 12, 2018 Page 2 MCCA( McLennan County Chamber Alliance) Committee

Member Attended Representing Organization Notes

Ashley Archibald MCCA- Robinson Chamber

Josh Blake MCCA- Hispanic Chamber

Dana Broadway PB& H Benefits, LLC MCCA- Hewitt Chamber

Sam Cates Jaynes, Reitmeler, Boyd& Therrell, P. C. MCCA- West Chamber

Capri Eifrez Englander dZgnPak, LLC MCCA- Robinson Chamber

Baylor Scott& White Medical Center-

Emily Embry Hillcrest

Nathan Embry Harrell& Associates/ KW Commercial MCCA- Cen- Tex Hispanic Chamber

Chris Gerick Eagle Systems, Inc. MCCA- Bellmead Chamber

Benjamin Gomez New York Life 2018 YP Chair- Elect

David Greenup Lorena Chamber of Commerce Lorena Chamber

Rachel Hobbs Waco Foundation MCCA- Lacy Lakeview Chamber

Dan Ingham First National Bank of Central Texas MCCA- McGregor Chamber

Jim Lambert American Bank Lacy Lakeview Chamber

Clark McCormack Baylor Sports Marketing 2018 yP Chair

Noey Men MCCA- Hispanic Chamber

Sabrina Moore Disciplined Investors, LLC MCCA- Hewitt Chamber

Jose Neira Italian Granite Bellmead Chamber

James Nelson Community Bank& Trust MCCA- Cen- Tex African- American Chamber

David Pareya MCCA- West Chamber

Rachel Pate MCCA- Cen- Tex African- American Chamber

Adam Price Better Business Bureau MCCA- Hewitt Chamber

Tony Procopio Robinson Chamber of Commerce

Molly Rieger Central National Bank MCCA- McGregor Chamber

Terry Sloan Rocket Federal Credit Union 9/ 13/ 17- per JA- McGregror Chamber rep for MCCA

Lewis Snell Texas Tech University Center @ MCC MCCA- West Chamber

Josh Tetens Simer& Tetens, Attorney' s at Law Bellmead Chamber

Linda Vaughn Robinson Chamber of Commerce

Bradley Ford City of Waco

Ilk.a t ,

MC v

S FEB 0 5 2019

JA" ANDY HARWELL, County Clork NkLermsn Count% Texas By KELLY FULLSRIGIIT DEPUTY The Court went back to agenda item H. 9. ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Elevator Service/ Maintenance Agreement Addendum with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corporation. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton. Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of

Services Agreement with GGA Pest Management Services ( re: Various Locations). After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the

Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. dit" QUA Waco: ( 254) 666- 3439 7- Pest Management. • Temple: ( 254) 773-3802 Services Toll Free: ( 800) 924-3160 1904 Franklin Ave., Ste. 100 • Waco, TX 76701


flti5a to//// Vans( Except Carpenter Ants) Carpenter Ants caches SherC 04 `^•JQ, \ [' nts( Except Carpenter Ants) IA' Mlce( Kindles t7 Fleas NeAlsh 0 Fleas fOFRatai ui$yfl40 Ticks fV ( Carpenter Ants t7 Mice yiS{l1'IT 0 Other pions J treOther FH' L C7 Other feather f4 S 0 Other a

TERMS AND CONDIT101'48: Pesticides used will conform to Federal, State and Local ordinances and regulations, and will be used In a sale manner consistent with the label and good pest management practices. Copies of labels of products used will be given to the customer upon written request. All areas requiring attention will be treated at each visa. Services will be pet/ tinned at mutually Agreeable times to cause minimal disruption to employer and/ or those within the premises. Low-odor materials will be used whenever possible. Rodent trapping equipment lost or destroyed at the premises will be replaced and charged to the customer at the replacement cost at that time. The customer agrees to cooperate with personnel of GGA Pest Management Services,( GGA) to Insure effective pest control service, and to take reasonable and necessary steps to correct conditions conducive to pest breeding and harborage when requested in writing by GGA. GGA is not responsible for Insect or rodent damage to the structure or Its contents.

Call- backs to the site by persona of authority will be hono d es quickly as possible, and wit will not be free as a pad of this agreement. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: 2aq, Rentuskj2.. gut Pt* ca ortI PLL,. p,G. see, 5 toy 2aca o aid 91/uria harl`eeS 115- gru-e 401' 90tq. Ate.ttisite' GcLWtP- fee_ Adak et A4a rn:Ltd aAtA KndiAust igai t zib44.a . SERVICE RENEWAL; This agreement will be effective for one year, and will renew Itself annually union either party cancels this agreement by giving thirty days written notice before any expiration data

Payment shall be reduced for full annual payment In advance. oo Annual Agreement Charge Sy Company_ ate r d• naATNle1 Initial Service Charge — 5herinI SO' tez. GC. Quarter Payments Month! / r'/ Qe Cuatortrer Date MS_ 6 scat ry 3 c.osm' .)dais! Texas Pest Control LICenn, o No. 6586. Licensed and regulated by the Texas Department of Agriculture( TDA). Structural Pest Control Services( SPCS). P. O. Box 12847. Austin. TX 76711- 2E47. IS ( 612) 305- 8250 or( 866) 916d481. The board has jurisdiction over indNiduars Ikenaasunder the Structural Pest Control Ad. l McLennan County Pest Control 2019 Renewal

Location Service Frequency Service Cost Annual Cost

County Courthouse- Termite Annually 429. 00 $ 429. 00 Hwy 6 Jail- Kitchen Monthly 125. 00 $ 1, 500. 00 Prec 7 Office Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00 Records Bldq Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00 Annex Bldg Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00 Health Services Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00 Jail Visitation Center Monthly 75. 00 $ 900.00 Hwy 6 Jail Facility Monthly 370.00 $ 4,440.00 Juvenile Detention Facility Monthly 125.00 $ 1, 500.00 Juvenile Detention- Termite Annually 900. 00 $ 900.00 Adult Probation Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00 County Courthouse- Pest Quarterly 95.00 $ 380. 00 Sheriff's Office Quarterly 358.00 $ 1, 432. 00 Archives Bldg Quarterly 95.00 $ 380.00

13, 761. 00

Fra FEB 052019

JA"ANDY HARWELL, County Cie* McLennan Count', Texas By: KEI. LY Fal,P_,!iT DEPUTY AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

I. Capital Improvement, Repair, Maintenance Projects and Construction Projects:

I. Regarding the Texas Department of Transportation Off- System\ Approved Bridge Replacement Project for Bays Road( CR 578) at Tehuacana Creek: Authorization of Temporary Road Closure

2. Regarding the Surrey Ridge Road Improvement Project Bid 18- 021)/ Agreement with Knife River Corporation:

a. Authorization of Application for Payment No. 3. Approved

b. Authorization of Change Order No. 2. Approved

3. Regarding the Speegleville Road Improvement Project: Authorization of Waterline Relocation Notifications

a. Regarding Windsor Water Company Approved

b. Regarding East Crawford Water Supply Corporation Approved

CD- 506, 10: 08 ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the Texas

Department of Transportation Off-System Bridge Replacement Project for Bays Road( CR 578) at

Tehuacana Creek: Authorization of Temporary Road Closure. After discussion, Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Texas Department of Transportation Waco District Office 100 South Loop Drive Waco, Texas 76704- 2858 phone: (254) 867-2700 January 3, 2019

Received Honorable Scott M. Felton McLennan County Judge JAN 13 2019 501 Washington Avenue, Room 214 Waco, TX 76701 McLennan County Judge 254) 757- 5049

Re: TxDOT Bridge Replacement Project, in McLennan County

Bays Road ( CR 578) @ Tehuacana Creek (map 623#) Project: BR 2018( 220) CSJ: 0909- 22- 178

Dear County Judge,

The Texas Department of Transportation intends to accept bids for a contract in April 2019 to replace the existing bridge on Bays Road ( CR 578) at Tehuacana Creek in McLennan County.

This project will remove and replace the existing bridge structure. During this construction project, it will be necessary to close Bays Road ( CR 578) at this location to through traffic. This project is expected to start in June 2019. The work is expected to take approximately five ( 5) months.

Please confirm receipt of this letter and acknowledge that your operations ( can be/ will be) or unable to be) modified temporarily during this closure by signing and submitting the enclosed return letter. Please explain on the enclosed return letter if you feel that you are unable to accommodate the closure. Your prompt response is appreciated.

Please contact me if I may be of further assistance or if you have any questions. ffSincerely,

Paul F. Cepak, P. . Transportation Engineer Waco District TxDOT Bridge Replacement Project

Bays Road ( CR 578) ® Tehuacana Creek ( map # 623) Project: BR 2018( 220) CSJ: 0909- 22- 178

Paul F. Cepak, P. E. Transportation Engineer Texas Department of Transportation Waco District Office 100 South Loop Dr. Waco, TX 76704- 2858 phone (254) 867-2700 paul. cepak@txdot. gov

Dear Mr. Cepak:


I confirm receipt of notification of the temporary road closure and feel that we are unable to accommodate the closure of the above- mentioned roadway due to the following issues.

Please explain:

Sind Adirrn-- Signature 3 corr 01. FeL1on1 Printed Name Cj00m ' Sto6 Title

ci a WAs1 kDl(IvoN Me) 2» 214

W G°, texas rilflol Address

pp 5 Phone# pio5fri Date N `'


i. a I


mg" I r o

oY a it I co 1 nmU 010 K tQ m r ft 1 R, ea d

i(y Qom`

CiTh z 1- 0 t• 6. wl

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a LFJ r

0 Allp: fr FEB O52019 JA ANDYHARWELL, County Clerk Warman Texas By:B LL6RIGHT DEPUTY it 1 ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the Surrey

Ridge Road Improvement Project ( Bid 18- 021) / Agreement with Knife River Corporation:

Authorization of Application for Payment No. 3. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner

Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. i

SECTION 00 62 76 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT FORM Contractor' s Application for Payment No. 3

Contract Time: 210 Days Project No.: 1- 02675. 01

Elapsed Time: 78 Days Period: 11/ 25/ 2018 To: 12/25/ 2018 Project Name: Surrey Ridge Road Improvements Engineer. Walker Partners LLC Owner. McLennan County Contractor. Knife River Corp- South

1. Original Contract Amount 3,057, 881. 94

2. Owners Change Orders Thru No. 1 33, 265. 70 .-

3. Total Current Contract Amount 3,091, 147. 64

4. Total Completed To Date 449, 616. 15

5. Total Materials Stored To Date

6. Total Completed And Stored To Date 449, 616. 15

7. Retalnage( 5% Of Line 6) 22,480. 81

8. Total Completed, Less Retalnage 427, 135. 34

9. Less Amount Of Previous Estimates 384, 575. 06

10. Amount Due This Application 42, 560. 26

11. Balance To Finish, Plus Retainage( Line 3- Line 6) 2; 864;e9290'-" 1t? dV/ 53/. y g 12. Percent Completed To Date( Line 6 : Line 3) 14. 55% q,

Contractor' s Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of Its knowledge:( 1) all previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor' s legitimate obligations Incurred In connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment( 2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to Owner at time of payment tree and clear of all Liens, security Interests and encumbrances( except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to Owner Indemnifying Owner against any such Liens, security Interest or encumbrances); and( 3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment Is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective.

By: Date: y "7 So so. (

V Payment of: 42, 56o. 28

Line 10 or other- attach explanation of the other amount) Inspectors Approval of Quantities

et) P•E O7- 2o 19 Recommended by: C/ h Engineer) ta., Date) Payment of: V4 S6 o• 2 g Line 10 or other- attach explanation of the other amount)

ces Is approved de/ 0- t' O/ by: Uri- 7 Rpl/'Owner)) Date)

iINT%J Application for Payment 00 62 76- 1 4 @ a I k K I00 i0 I

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k / k i FEB 0 5 2019 JA' ANDYN.ARWELL, CountyCIerq McLennan Court%Texas By: KELLY Li. Srunmr DEPUTY ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the Surrey

Ridge Road Improvement Project ( Bid 18- 021) / Agreement with Knife River Corporation:

Authorization of Change Order No. 02. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Change Order

No. 02

Date of Issuance: 1/ 21/ 2012 Effective Date: 1/ 7I/ 2019

Project: Surrey Ridge Road lnprovemenn Mier McLennan County, Texas Owners Conner No: 1 W021

Contract: Sung Ridge Road Improrm¢ nts Date of Contract: 9- 17 2111R

Contnaor: Knife River Corporation South Engineer' s Project No.: I- 0267501

The Contract Documents are modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order.


During construction it was determined that additional separation between the traffic lane and the downstream headwall of culvert A vas needed to facilitate the safe passage of traffic during construction. lie offset will be increased by 8 ft. The scope of this box culvert extension shall include an increase of 16 1. 1? of Concrete Box Culvert( 7 RI' x 5 PI)] two barrels at 8 I. F each], and 8 El of Trench Excavation Protection, and a decrease of 89 SY of Flexamat.

All scope of work mentioned above is full compensation for furnishing materials, labor, equipment, and incidentals to complete construction.

Attachments: Revised Sheet C302

Change Order Unit of

Item No. Bid Item Description Quantity Measure Unit Price Total Price 2. 00 TRENCH EXCAVATION PROTECTION 8 LF 19. 15 153. 20

2. 03 CONC BOX CULV( 7 FT X 5 FT) 16 LF 754. 00 $ 12, 064.00

4. 05 FLEXAMAT 89) SY 63. 85 ($ 5, 675. 56)

1. 21 Allowance- Construction Contingency 0. 06542) LS $ 100, 000. 00 ($ 6,541. 64) Contract Amount Adjustment= 0. 00

Unit of

Item No. Bid Item Description Measure Unit Price Total Price 1. 21 Allowance- Construction Contingency 1 LS 100, 000. 00 Allowance- Construction Contingency 1. 21 Change Order No. 1) 0. 33266) LS 33, 265. 70) Allowance- Construction Contingency 1. 21 Change Order No. 2) 0. 06542) LS 6, 541. 64)

Remaining Contingency Amount= $ 60, 192. 66

EJCDC No. C- 941( 2002 Edition) Page 1 of 2 Prepared by the Engineers' Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by the Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACTTTMES:

O4baICoasnct Prim Odgisml Contract Times: Fd Wodhagdap Calendar days Substantial completion( dap adasey 15B 1 057 RRl 04 Rendy for Eno1 payment( days mdat4170

Increase from previously approved Change Otdec to esat from previously approved Clonga Galas to Na I. Na o to Substantial cotrlpledas( days} JR

SW) Ready for final payment( dap, li

Contact Pdx prior to this Change Orda: Contract Tines poor to dm Change Order Sidra vial completion( days wintry NB 51,057.08 94 Rmdy for foal payment( days Or date); JBB

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On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the Speegleville Road Improvement Project: Authorization of Waterline Relocation Notifications

Regarding Windsor Water Company. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve it was seconded by Commissioner Snell A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Jr Scott M. Felton McLENNAN COUNTY JUDGE

P. O. BOX 1728 * Waco, Texas 76703- 1728 * Phone No. 254- 757- 5049 * Fax No. 254- 757- 5196

January 28, 2019

Roger Wilson Windsor Water Company 186 New Windsor Parkway Waco, Texas 76712

254) 848- 5838

Re: Notice of Windsor Water Company Water Line Relocation on Speegleville Road

Dear Mr. Wilson,

The McLennan County Commissioners Court hereby gives notice to Windsor Water Company to relocate its water line from its current location along Speegleville Road near the intersection of McLennan Crossing. The relocation is necessary for the County to construct public improvements as part of the Speegleville Road Improvements Project. Speegleville Road will be widened and improved from State Highway 6 south to the Middle Bosque Bridge.

The required water line relocation must occur within 30 days of receipt of this letter in accordance with Section 552. 105 of the Texas Local Government Code.

Enclosed are two exhibits showing the preferred alignment for the water line relocation within the right- of-way. If a change to the preferred alignment is desired, drawings illustrating the desired location and/ or configuration shall be made to our consultant engineer within 10 days from receipt of this letter. Failure to relocate the water line within the specified time frame of 30 days may result in a civil lawsuit.

Please contact our consultant engineer, Nick Kohel, at Walker Partners, LLC ( 254- 714- 1402) if you have any questions regarding the new alignment.

Thank you for your prompt response to this matter.



Scott M. Felton County Judge

End: Exhibits 1. 2( Maps of Existing Water Line Location) Cc: " Lane W. Dunnam. P. E., R. P. L. S.• County Engineer, McLennan County Nick Kohel, P. E.- Project Engineer, Walker Partners, LLC

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JP., NDYHARWELL, County Ctegt Mx.trirtan count' Raw By. KELLY FJ: ir31: 1CM1' DEPLT/ ORDER APPROVING:




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter Regarding the

Speegleville Road Improvement Project: Authorization of Waterline Relocation Notifications

Regarding East Crawford Water Supply Corporation. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve it was seconded simultaneously by Commissioner Snell and Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the

Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. ei:yDwr roe- ,% N s Scott M. Felton McLENNAN COUNTY JUDGE al y Sr:N.bft'

P.O. BOX 1728 * Waco, Texas 76703- 1728 * Phone No. 254- 757- 5049 * Fax No. 254- 757- 5196

January 28, 2019

Adam Goldenberg East Crawford Water Supply Corporation P. O. Box 180

Crawford, Texas 76638

254) 836- 9962

Re: Notice ofLCWSC Water Line Relocation on Speegleville Road

Dear Mr. Goldenberg,

The McLennan County Commissioners Court hereby gives notice to East Crawford Water Supply Corporation ( ECWSC) to relocate its water line from its current location along Speegleville Road near the intersection of McLennan Crossing to Maple Shade. The relocation is necessary for the County to construct public improvements as part of the Speegleville Road Improvements Proiect. Speegleville Road will be widened and improved from State Highway 6 south to the Middle Bosque Bridge.

The required water line relocation must occur within 30 days of receipt of this letter in accordance with Section 552. 105 of the Texas Local Government Code.

Enclosed are five exhibits showing the preferred alignment for the water line relocation within the right-of-way. If a change to the preferred alignment is desired, drawings illustrating the desired location and/ or configuration shall be made to our consultant engineer within 10 days from receipt of this letter. Failure to relocate the water line within the specified time frame of 30 days may result in a civil lawsuit.

Please contact our consultant engineer, Nick Kohel, at Walker Partners, LLC ( 254- 714- 1402) if you have any questions regarding the new alignment.

Thank you for your prompt response to this matter.


Scott M. Felton County Judge

End: Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5( Maps of Existing Water Line Location) Cc: Zane W. Dunnam, P. B., R. P. L. S.- County Engineer, McLennan County Nick Kohel, P. E.- Project Engineer, Walker Partners, LLC

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S a az' ka 4 4 m n R - g7' Z . 1IRiy4V saaig> Aa 21 a t FigP: FEB 0 5 2019'

JA"ANDY HARWELL, CotiriCArk Mltmmn Count, Texas By AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

L. Departmental/Office-Specific Requests, Presentations or Items for Discussion and Possible Action ( To the Extent Not Addressed Above):

I. County Treasurer: Annual Adoption of Authorized Brokers and Approved Recording of TexPool Acknowledgement and Certification of Investment Policies( per the Public Funds Investment Act and McLennan County Investment Policy)

2. Elections: Authorization of Social Media Accounts Request Approved

3. Engineering: Authority to Sign and Submit McLennan County' s Approved Year 5 Phase 11( Small) MS4 2017- 2018 Annual Report to TCEQ( Annual Storm Water Report)

4. Purchasing: Discussion and/ or Action regarding Purchasing Card Discussion Only Requisitions

5. Information Technology: Discussion and/ or Action regarding Pulled- No 1SILON Storage System Action Taken

CD- 506, 10: 11 ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter County Treasurer: Annual Adoption of Authorized Brokers and Recording of TexPool Acknowledgement and Certification of Investment Policies( per the Public Funds Investment Act and McLennan County Investment Policy). After discussion, Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said

Recording be, and the same is hereby, accepted by unanimous vote. i 11 NNA 1 II II fi' 1" f Imo• 1j it I' v PI • yy am]•` IryI , a

Bill Helton McLennan County Treasurer County Records Building 215 North 5th Street Suite 226

Waco, TX 76701- 1361 254- 757- 5020( phone) 254- 759- 2832( fax)

January 14, 2019

TO: McLennan County Commissioners Court

RE: Annual Adoption of Authorized Brokers, Signed for Receipt of Investment Policy, & Investment Pool Acknowledgements

Adoption of Authorized Brokers: Public Funds Investment Act Section 2256. 025. SELECTION OF AUTHORIZED BROKERS requires that a list of qualified brokers, authorized to engage in investment transactions with the county, be adopted annually.

Public Funds Investment Act Section 2256. 002 DEFINITIONS, under( A) requires that brokers be registered under the rules of the " National Association of Securities Dealers" now known as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority aka FINRA.

A list of recommended brokers is provided for annual adoption by Commissioners' Court including their FINRA Central Registration Depository number(" CRDtt").

Signed for Receipt of Investment Policy: McLennan County Investment Policy 2. 04 under( b) requires that any person or entity offering to engage in an investment transaction for the County shall be provided with a copy of the County' s Investment Policy, and sign for receipt of the policy.

Recommended brokers and the listed depositories signed for receipt of the Mclennan County Investment Policy.

Investment Pool Acknowledgements: Public Funds Investment Act Section 2256.005 under( k) requires that the investment policy shall be presented to, and acknowledged by the Investment Pool in writing.

1 McLennan County Investment Policy 2. 04 under( b) requires that a copy of the acknowledgement be provided to the Commissioners Court.

A copy of both the TexPool Acknowledgement and Texas Class Acknowledgement are provided.

I recommend adoption of the Broker List. Please accept the TexPool Acknowledgement and Texas Class Acknowledgement for recording and filing as required by the McLennan County Investment Policy.

Respectfully Submitted, zip4 Qs_ Bill Helton


TN AY OF r t4±


2 Qualified Broker List Per Government Code 2256.025 FTN Financial Capital Markets, Austin First Empire Securities John Saragusa, CRD# 2351691 Elliott Greenberg CRD# 4798372 401 RR 620 South, Suite 350 100 Motor Parkway Austin, TX 78734 Hauppauge, NY 11788

Phone: 800- 267- 2663 Phone: 800- 645- 5424

FTN Financial Capital Markets, Houston Cullen Asher Buddy Saragusa, CRD# 6486777 Gregory R. Thompson CRD# 2591053 920 Memorial City Way, 11th Floor 8350 North Central Expressway Houston, TX 77024 Campbell Centre North Tower, Suite 108

Phone: 800-489- 7651 Dallas, TX 75206 Phone: 214- 890- 4190

Multi- Bank Securities, Inc. Gregory H. Pagans CRD# 1585380 2400 E Commercial Blvd, Suite 812

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308

Phone: 866- 330- 0859

Depositories Engaging in Investment Transactions per McLennnan County Investment Policy 2. 04( b(

BBVA Compass Central National Bank Bret Craytor Kristy Kelley 1227 N Valley Mills Dive 8320 W Hwy 84 Waco, TX 76710 Waco, TX 76712

Phone: 254- 751- 8204 Phone: 254- 399- 7259 tiyiktitipt TEx ooL Federated 4Y. I EETI. IENT SERVICE LOP PUBLIC FUNDS CR) mn_Qass I 1a. asrr ONAGER


This Acknowledgement and Certification is executed on behalf of the Texas Local Government Investment Pools, TexPool and TexPool Prime( collectively," TexPool"), and Federated Investment Counseling, as investment adviser to TexPool (" Adviser"), pursuant to Section 2256. 005(k), Texas Government Code, in connection with investment transactions conducted between McLennan County(" Investing Entity") and TexPool.

The undersigned, who is a qualified representative of both TexPool and Adviser( the" Qualified Representative") hereby certifies on behalf of TexPool and Adviser that, as of the date of this letter:

i.) The Qualified Representative is duly authorized to execute this Acknowledgment and Certification on behalf of TexPool and Adviser; and

ii.) The Qualified Representative has received and reviewed the Investing Entity' s investment policy attached hereto as Exhibit A( the' Policy"); and

iii.) TexPool and Adviser have implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude investment transactions conducted between the Investing Entity and TexPool that are not authorized by the Policy, except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the Investing Entity' s entire portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards.



Signature: Steven A. Friedman Signature: Steven A. Friedman Authorized Signatory Vice President

Date: January 2, 2019 Date: January 2, 2019 Texas

CLS® Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System

December 21, 2018

Mr. Bill Helton Treasurer McLennan County 215 North 5th, Suite 226 Waco, TX 76701

Re: McLennan County Investment Policy

Dear Mr. Helton:

Thank you for your interest in the Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System Trust ( CLASS) program. This letter is to acknowledge that the Texas CLASS staff has received from you ( the " Investor") and reviewed the Investment Policy ( described in ii) below) and the form of resolution ( the " Resolution") proposed for adoption by your governing body ( the " Governing Body") approving the Investment Policy. According to the Resolution, the Investment Policy has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 2256 ( the " Act"), and, upon adoption, will authorize you to deposit funds in Texas CLASS for investment by Texas CLASS. You also have represented to the undersigned that:

i. The Investment Officer named in the Resolution has been, or upon adoption of the Resolution will be, ( a) duly designated by official action of the Governing Body to act as its Investment Officer pursuant to the Act, ( b) vested with full power and authority under the Act and other applicable law ( collectively, the Authorized Investments Law") to engage in investment activities on behalf of the Investor and to perform all obligations in connection therewith, and ( c) duly authorized to execute this letter on behalf of the Investor for the purpose of confirming the representations of the Investor set forth herein;

ii. Pursuant to the Act, the Governing Body of the Investor has, or will upon approval of the Resolution have, duly adopted a written investment policy, including an investment strategy ( as the same may be amended, the Investment Policy"), and the Investment Officer ( a) has furnished a true and correct copy of the Investment Policy to us and ( b) will promptly notify us of any rescission of, or amendment to, the Investment Policy, provided that we shall be entitled to rely upon the most recent version of the Investment Policy furnished by the Investment Officer; and

2435 North Central Expressway, Suite 1200 I Richardson, Texas 75080 I ( 214) 473- 4224 I www. texasclass. com Texas

t IASS¢'` Texas Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System

iii. The Investor has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude imprudent investment activities arising out of investment transactions with Texas CLASS, and prior to investing assets through the Texas CLASS program, the Investment Officer will determine that the contemplated investment is authorized under the Authorized Investments Law and is consistent with the Investment Policy.

Texas CLASS acknowledges that it has reviewed the investment policy of the above- named entity and has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude investment transactions involving funds invested on behalf of Texas CLASS participants that are not authorized by the entity' s investment policy, except to the extent that this authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the entity' s entire portfolio or requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards. The Texas CLASS Program allows the purchase of investments that are authorized by the Act. Texas CLASS is committed to the high standards and level of service that participants expect in the investments of their funds.

The foregoing representations of the Investor are true and correct as of the date hereof.


Stephen J Dixon Director, Business Operations

fam FEB 0 5 1019 JA ANDYHARWELL, CountyClelk Mclennan Count% Tema BY, KELLY FULLeRir, m DEP( JTy

2435 North Central Expressway, Suite 1200 Richardson, Texas 75080 I ( 214) 473- 4224 I www.texasclass. com ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Elections: Authorization of Social Media Accounts Request. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve L. 2. and it was seconded by Commissioner Snell. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller,

Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. McLennan County


JUDGE KATHY E. VAN WOLFE Elections Administrator


TO: Scott Felton, County Judge Commissioner Kelly Snell Commissioner Patricia Miller Commissioner Will Jones Commissioner Ben Perry

A/ FROM: Kathy E. Van Wolfe, Elections Administrator ft V

SUBJECT: Social Media for McLennan County Elections Office

DATE: January 22, 2019

The McLennan County Elections Administrations Office would like to request approval to start and maintain a new line of communication with McLennan County voters with social media ( Facebook and Twitter). The elections department wants to utilize these sites to communicate and announce:

Upcoming elections ( Including dates, times and locations for Early Voting and Election Day) and which entities and offices are conducting an election Where and how to register to vote as well as registration deadlines Where and how to apply for a ballot by mail Sample Ballots Changes in laws and updates from the Texas Secretary of State Updates to Vote Center locations Periodic reminders about use of vote centers Election results Change in office hours/ Holidays How to use electronic voting equipment

There is no cost for this project. An account with Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail are all free.

The implementation for this project would be in coordination with the McLennan County IT Department to first create a department Gmail account for use and creation of the Facebook and Twitter profiles. Both social media accounts are to be updated and supervised by Kathy E. Van Wolfe and Jared Goldsmith. The accounts will be named" Official McLennan County Elections"( as per IT recommendation). Links to both accounts will be placed in a visible spot on the official McLennan County Elections website( www, mclennanvotes, com). Post on both social media pages will be strictly held to county election business, with many of the posts/ announcements linking the user back to the official McLennan County Elections page.

P.O. Box 2450 Waco, TX 76703- 2450 254) 757-5043 254) 757-5041 FAX Below are examples from other Texas County Election Offices:


Denton: htlos:// www. faccbook. com/ DentonCountvElections/

Dallas: hens:// www. facebook. com/ DallasCountvVotes/

Ellis: bttus:// www,facebook,com/ EIIisCountvElections

Williamson: bttos:// www. facebook, com/ WilcoElections/

Travis: hitns:// www. facehook, comltmviscountvclerh

Harris: hens:I/www. faccbook. corn/ harriscountvelcctions

Fort Bend: hurts:// www. facebook. com! Pon- fiend- Countv- Elections- I 579552175630045/

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On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Engineering: Authority to Sign and Submit McLennan County' s Year 5 Phase II ( Small) MS4 2017- 2018 Annual Report to TCEQ ( Annual Storm Water Report). After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Phase II ( Small) MS4 Annual Report Form

TPDES General Permit Number TXRO4O0OO

A. General Information

Authorization Number: TXR040106

Reporting Year ( year will be either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5): 5 Annual Reporting Year Option Selected by MS4: Calendar Year

Permit Year 5 Fiscal Year: Last day of fiscal year: (

Reporting period beginning date: ( month/ date/ year) 12/ 13/ 2017

Reporting period end date ( month/ date/ year) 12/ 12/ 2018 MS4 Operator Level: 2 Name of MS4: McLennan County

Contact Name: Luke Lammert Telephone Number: ( 254) 757- 5028

Mailing Address: P. O. Box 648 Waco, Texas 76703

E- mail Address: Iuke. lammertCthco. mclennan. tx. us

A copy of the annual report was submitted to the TCEQ Region YES X NO_ Region the annual report was submitted. TCEQ Region 9

B. Status of Compliance with the MS4 GP and SWMP

1. Provide information on the status of complying with permit conditions: TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.):

Yes No Explain Permittee is currently in compliance with the SWMP X as submitted to and approved by the TCEQ. X Permittee is currently in compliance with recordkeeping and reporting requirements. X Permittee meets the eligibility requirements of the permit ( e. g., TMDL requirements, Edwards Aquifer

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 1 limitations, compliance history, etc.)

2. Provide a general assessment of the appropriateness of the selected BMPs. You may use the table below ( See Example 1 in instructions):

MCM( s) BMP BMP is appropriate for reducing the discharge of pollutants in stormwater ( Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

1 a) Storm Education Yes. OSSF Installers and/ or the general public must enter Mat' ls for Public the engineering offices to acquire permit. Flyers have been Distribustion voluntarily picked up at a regular rate of about 10- 15 per month.

1 b) McLennan County Yes. The County Website' s Environmental Crimes page has Website received over 400 hits during the reporting year. This is an increase of over 100% to the previous reporting period. Viewers were educated by the site regarding pollution control, illegal dumping, etc.

1 c) Public Input Yes. McLennan County received numerous calls reporting Regarding Illegal Tire illegal tire dumping. County crews collected over 3, 741 tires Dumping from drainage ditches, and cleanup days, etc., for proper disposal.

1 d) Weekly Meetings Yes. City and County personal met weekly to discuss future planned developments, complaints, and other issues. Members of the public attended many of these meetings.

2 a) Monitor MS4 Yes. Trained personnel noted several suspicious spills or Drainage Systems dumpsites and reported to the Sheriff's Dept. or the Waco- McLennan County Environmental Health District.

2 b) Citizen Reporting Yes. County Road & Bridge Crews and the Sheriffs Dept. rec'd over 70 complaints for illegal dumpsites. All were cleaned up, and when the responsible party was identified 11 cases), they were required to perform the cleanup.

2 c) Illegal Dumping Yes. The McLennan County Sheriff' s Office offers a 24 hour Hotline & Enforcement hotline for citizens to report illegal dumping. A 100% response rate was achieved.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 2 MCM( s) BMP BMP is appropriate for reducing the discharge of pollutants in stormwater ( Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

2 d) Storm Water Training Yes. County personnel attended several training conferences/ seminars during the reporting year. ( TACERA Conference [ storm water sessions], Floodplain Managers Training, and Dam Safety Meetings).

3 a) Notify Persons Yes. Several developers with larger proposed subdivisions Disturbing 1 Acre or were notified of the storm water NOI requirement for their Larger construction. A few NOI' s were received, but none from the UA's.

3 b) Review Plats for Yes. However, no plats for developments larger than 1 acre Infrastructure Activities were received within the UA's. over 1 acre.

3 c) NOI File and Yes. A few NOI' s were received, but none in the UA's. Voluntary Inspections However, County personnel did periodically inspect smaller sites and sites outside the UA's to ensure BMP' s were in place. 3 d) Storm Water Training Yes. County personnel attended several training conferences/ seminars during the reporting year. (TACERA Conference [storm water sessions], Floodplain Managers Training, and Dam Safety Meetings).

4 a) Use of porous Yes. McLennan County installed 4,963 linear feet of materials for Construction driveway culverts during the reporting period using porous milled asphalt rather than impervious concrete or HMAC.

4 b) Encourage Open- Yes. McLennan County not only encourages open ditch Ditch Drainage drainage structures, and actually prohibits owners from creating lengthy underground flow along roadways through its culvert setting policy.

4 c) Implement Storm Yes. Contract language to include Storm Water Water Mgmt Practices for management requirements, NOI' s, etc., has been included in County Constr. Projects all proposed construction contracts for McLennan County.

5 a) Collect Trash in Yes. McLennan County has made a concerted use of jail Drainage Ditches trustees for collecting trash from rights-of-way. Over 121 tons of trash were collected and disposed of properly from County ditches.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 3 MCM( s) BMP BMP is appropriate for reducing the discharge of pollutants in stormwater ( Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

5 b) Cleanup Illegal Tire Yes. County crews collected 3, 741 tires from drainage Dumping Sites ditches, etc., for proper disposal.

5 c) Recycle Used Oil Yes. McLennan County collected approx. 1, 759 gallons of used oil, hydraulic fluid, etc., from garage and road & bridge operations, and approximately 330 used oil filters. All of this oil was recycled.

5 d) Maintain Soil and Yes. These reservoirs are used in flood control and thereby Water Conservation drastically reduce erosion and silt runoff. Contaminants in Reservoirs storm water runoff are intercepted before they can reach major waterways. Standard O& M practices are used to ensure proper function and safety of these reservoirs/ dams. McLennan County invested over$ 50K during the reporting year for maintenance to ensure the dams are functioning safely and effectively.

3. Describe progress towards reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Summarize any information used ( such as visual observation, amount of materials removed or prevented from entering the MS4, or if required monitoring data, etc.) to evaluate reductions in the discharge of pollutants. You may use the table ( See Example 2 in instructions):

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 4 MCM BMP Information Quantity Units Does the BMP Used Demonstrate a Direct Reduction in Pollutants? (Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

1 Public Flyers about 140 Flyers No. Though this BMP does Education Storm Water not result in a direct reduction Pollution of pollutants, educating the citizens will eventually reduce illegal dumping and litter, hence pollutants

1 Website Environmental 447 Hits No. Though this BMP does Crimes Info not result in a direct reduction of pollutants, educating the citizens will eventually reduce illegal dumping and litter, hence pollutants 1 Public Input Calls to report 70 Calls Yes. The County has a illegal dumping 100% response rate to calls reporting illegal dumping. Collection of trash, tires, etc., has a direct impact on pollution reduction.

1 Weekly Public 3 Meetings No. Members of the public Meetings Attendance attended 8 of the weekly meetings. Education of the public regarding SWP3' s will reduce pollution.

2 Monitor MS4 Drainage Unknown. Inspections Yes. County personnel are drainage Ditches Routine) constantly on the lookout for systems illegal dumpsites, spills, etc., and such are reported immediately for cleanup action.

2 Citizen Calls 70 Responses Yes. The County has a Reporting 100% response rate to calls reporting illegal dumping. Collection of trash, tires, etc., has a direct impact on pollution reduction.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 5 MCM BMP Information Quantity Units Does the BMP Used Demonstrate a Direct Reduction in Pollutants? ( Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

2 24Hr Hotline Calls/Website 447 Responses Yes. The County has a Hits 100% response rate to calls reporting illegal dumping. Collection of trash, tires, etc., has a direct impact on pollution reduction.

2 Training Conferences 3 Conferences No. Educating engineers and Seminars and Seminars and road personnel about pollution control and BMP' s results in cleaner operations.

3 Notification Meetings 3 Meetings No. Scheduled meetings of Persons with developers to inform Disturbing them of potential violations. 1 acre Pollution discharges were avoided.

3 Plat Reviews Reviews 3 Reviews No. However, plat reviews continue to be a means of identifying potential pollution issues. 3 plat reviews, but none within the UA.

3 Establish an NOI' s 1 NOI' s No. But NOI' s are a means NOI file of proactively identifying potential pollution problems on construction sites

3 Training Conferences 3 Conferences No. However, educating and Seminars and Seminars engineers and road personnel about pollution control and BMP' s results in

cleaner operations.

4 Porous Culvert 4, 963 Culverts No. Although using porous Materials Installations Installed materials will reduce runoff, a linear feet) quantitative value or pollution reduction cannot be determined.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 6 MCM BMP Information Quantity Units Does the BMP Used Demonstrate a Direct Reduction in Pollutants? (Answer Yes or No, and explain.)

4 Open Ditch Meetings with 3 Meetings No. But avoiding Drainage Developers underground storm drains and promoting open ditches reduces pollution 5 Trash Tons of Trash 121 Tons Yes. This quantity of Collection in collected removed trash was r.o.w. prevented from entering major waterways.

5 Tire Cleanup Tires Collected 3, 741 Tires Yes. The tires that were picked up and greatly reduced pollution, mosquito breeding, etc.

5 Recycle Gallons 1, 759 Gallons Yes. Used oil that was once Used Oil disposed of years ago is now recycled.

5 Soil and Cleanup Logs N/ A N/ A No. Routine O& M of these Water reservoirs ensure proper Conservation operation. This resulted in Reservoirs intercepting silt and contaminants before they reach major waterways.

4. Provide the measurable goals for each of the MCMs, and an evaluation of the success of the implementation of the measurable goals ( See Example 3 in instructions):

MCM( s) Measurable Explain progress toward goal or how goal was achieved Goal( s) If goal was not accomplished please explain

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 7 MCM( s) Measurable Explain progress toward goal or how goal was achieved Goal( s) If goal was not accomplished please explain 1 Flyers distributed to Exceeded Goal. The flyer used for this MCM has been very Public successful. First- time visitors to the County Engineer' s Office often read the flyer while waiting, or take the flyer with them as they leave. Frequent re-stocking was not anticipated, but has become necessary. 1 Hits to County Exceeded Goal. The website was redesigned in 2016 and the Website number of hits to the environmental crimes link has increased since that time.

1 Response to Public Met Goal. The County has met its goal of 100% response Calls and rate to public calls regarding illegal dumping, spills, Complaints contamination sites, and potential OSSF violations. 1 Weekly Meetings Met Goal. The County, City of Waco, and occasionally the general public met routinely on a weekly basis to discuss various issues, including ones that may affect pollution control.

2 Monitor MS4 Met Goal. The outfalls were inspected after major storm drainage systems events.

2 Citizen Reporting Met Goal. The County has met its goal of 100% response rate to public calls regarding illegal dumping, spills, contamination sites, and potential OSSF violations. 2 24Hr Hotline Met Goal. The County and the Sheriff' s Dept. has met its goal of 100% response rate to public calls regarding illegal dumping, spills, contamination sites, and potential OSSF violations. 11 violators were identified and forced to clean up the dumpsites under threat of criminal prosecution. 2 Storm Water Exceeded Goal. A goal of sending engineering personnel to Training at least one training opportunity was exceeded by attending three training seminar/ conferences by engineers and road & bridge personnel.

3 Notification of Met Goal. A 100% response rate was achieved. In each Persons Disturbing case were a > 1 acre development was proposed, the 1 acre developers met with the County to discuss SWP3' s, etc.

3 Plat Reviews Met Goal. Platted subdivisions within the UA require a 100% review rate. However, in year 5, no plats were submitted within the UA's.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 8 MCM( s) Measurable Explain progress toward goal or how goal was achieved Goal( s) If goal was not accomplished please explain

3 Establish an NOI Met Goal. 100% of the received NOI' s are reviewed for file applicability to the UA's. None received within UA' s in year 5.

3 Training Exceeded Goal. A goal of sending engineering personnel to at least one training opportunity was exceeded by attending four training seminar/ conferences by engineers and road & bridge personnel. 4 Porous Materials Met Goal. 100% of the County- installed driveway culverts were installed with milled asphalt or other porous material.

4 Open Ditch Met Goal. McLennan County has met its goal of 100% Drainage compliance for open- ditch type drainage facilities within the UA' s.

5 Trash and Tire Met Goal. McLennan County was able to dedicate personnel Collection in r.o. w. to this BMP throughout the term of year 5. Over 121 tons of litter and debris was collected from ditches and r.o.w.s., and over 3, 700 tires were removed from the r.o. w. or collected during cleanup days and disposed of properly.

5 Maintain R. O.W. s Exceeded Goal. McLennan County attempts to shred and clean its lane- miles of r.o. w. ditches at least twice a year. The County has approx. 2, 140 lane miles of ditches, but shredded and cleaned 12, 324 lane miles. This is 288% over the goal. 5 Recycle Used Oil Met Goal. McLennan County set up storage barrels for 100% collection of all used oil for recycling. Approx. 1, 759 gallons of used oil and 330 used oil filters were collected in Year 5.

5 Soil and Water Exceeded Goal. The County doubled its $25K annual Conservation contribution to O& M costs for Year 5 . Reservoirs

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 9 MCM( s) Measurable Explain progress toward goal or how goal was achieved Goal( s) If goal was not accomplished please explain

C. Stormwater Data Summary Provide a summary of all information used including any lab results ( if sampling was conducted) to assess the success of the SWMP at reducing the discharge of pollutants to the MEP. For example, did the MS4 conduct visual inspections, clean the inlets, look for illicit discharge, clean streets, look for flow during dry weather, etc.? ( Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( b))

McLennan County does not utilize sampling and resultant lab results.

The one exception is testing to determine if an illicit on- site sewage facility ( OSSF) discharge has occurred. More often than not, the source of the illicit discharge is obvious and no testing is necessary. Complaints regarding this type of discharge are addressed immediately by the Waco- McLennan County Environmental Services OSSF Division. If necessary, a request for water shut-off is made to prevent further contamination. Owners are encouraged, by legal action if necessary, to rectify the situation are quickly as possible. The complaints of this type are included in the description listed in MCM 111. 2 ( Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination). No sampling or lab testing was necessary for this item.

Outfalls are visually inspected after major storm events. No illicit discharges were noted, and no cleaning of the inlets was necessary.

D. Impaired Waterbodies

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 10 1. If applicable, explain below any activities taken to address the discharge to impaired waterbodies, including any sampling results and a summary of the small MS4' s BMPs used to address the pollutant of concern: ( Refer to MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( c))

N/ A

2. Describe the implementation of targeted controls if the small MS4 discharges to an impaired water body with an approved TMDL ( Refer to the MS4 General permit TXR040000; Part II Section D. 4.( a)):

N/ A

3. Report the benchmark identified by the MS4 and assessment activities ( Refer to the MS4 General permit TXR040000; Part II Section D. 4.( a)( 6)):

No sampling or lab testing is used for benchmarks. However, goals for litter and tire collection have been met and will continue through the term of the permit.

Benchmark Benchmark Description of additional sampling Year( s) Parameter Value or other assessment activities conducted

Ex: Total Suspended Solids)


4. Provide an analysis of how the selected BMPs will be effective in contributing to achieving the benchmark ( Refer to the MS4 General permit TXR040000; Part II Section D. 4.( a)( 4)):

Since no sampling of lab analyses are used, benchmark parameters under these methods are not applicable. However, illegal dumpsite cleanup, litter pick- up, and tire collection, will all have a direct impact on reducing pollution.

Benchmark Selected BMP Contribution to Parameter achieving Benchmark


TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 11 5. If applicable, report on focused BMPs to address impairment for bacteria ( Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000; Part II Section D. 4.( a)( 5)):


Description of bacteria- focused Comments/ Discussion BMP

N/ A

6. Assess the progress to determine BMP' s effectiveness in achieving the benchmark Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000; Part II. D. 4.( a)( 6)):

For example, the MS4 may use the following benchmark indicators:

number of sources identified or eliminated;

decrease in number of illegal dumping; increase in illegal dumping reporting; number of educational opportunities conducted;

reductions in sanitary sewer flows ( SSOs) increase in illegal discharge detection through dry screening

Benchmark Indicator Description/ Comments

Identified Outfalls Dry weather outfall visual inspections were conducted on all identified outfalls to date. No illicit discharges were noted.

New Website The new website created in 2016 resulted in

a 240% hit increase to the environmental crimes link.

E. Stormwater Activities

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 12 Describe stormwater activities the MS4 operator plans to undertake during the next reporting year. You may use the table below ( Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( d)):

E. Stormwater Activities

Describe stormwater activities the MS4 operator plans to undertake during the next reporting year. You may use the table below ( Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( d)):

McLennan County will be re- evaluating all of its current BMP' s for effectiveness and will be making revisions as necessary in the pending 5- year plan in accordance with the General Permit TXR040000. At the time of reporting, it has not been determined what BMP' s may be discontinued, which BMP' s may be continued with or without revision, and what BMP' s may be added. The items below represent our items that have a likelihood of continuance and a note for those which may be discontinued. Although some new BMP' s may also be added, the exact description of such items has not yet been developed.

Since McLennan County' s 5- year Plan is a work in progress at the time of this reporting, a BMP description included in the following table does not obligate an inclusion into the 5- year Plan.

MCM( s) BMP Stormwater Description/ Comments Activity

1 a) Storm The Engineer's Office has been Education Mat' Is Continue to make SW determined to be the most effective for Public Pollution Flyers location for flyer distribution, since the Distribution available to the public. public typically visits the Office with questions regarding environmental issues.

1 b) McLennan The website was updated in 2016 to make The website was County Website it more user friendly for accessing the updated during the Engineer' s Office and reporting reporting year. environmental crimes.

1 c) Public Input Continue to accept The County has maintained and will Regarding Illegal and address continue to maintain a 100% response Tire Dumping call/complaints. rate to calls/ complaints.

1 d) Weekly Weekly meetings will Citizens wanting to discuss land Meetings continue with the development issues will be encouraged to public and other attend these meetings so issues may be governmental addressed from a comprehensive view.

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 13 MCM( s) BMP Stormwater Description/ Comments Activity agencies.

2 a) Monitor MS4 Road and Bridge Drainage personnel with inspect Additional identified outfalls will be added Systems identified outfalls after to the lists of inspections. a major storm event.

2 b) Citizen Continue to accept The County has maintained and will Reporting and address continue to maintain a 100% response call/complaints. rate to calls/complaints.

2 c) Illegal Enforce penalties to This item may be discontinued, or Dumping Hotline the extent possible all modified to include alternative Enforcement illegal dumping, etc. enforcement. 2 d) Storm Water At least one training opportunity has been Seek storm water Training identified in the coming year. At least one opportunities training representative from the engineer' s office in the coming year will attend.

3 a) Notify Developers are Persons notified of Storm This BMP will continue in the coming year. However, we have no advance notice of Disturbing 1 Water Requirements the number and size of these types of Acre or Larger during initial activities. calls/ meetings.

3 b) Review Plats Plats within urbanized This BMP will continue in the following for Infrastructure areas are addressed year. However, no plats of over 1 acre Activities over 1 for storm water within the urbanized areas are currently acre. issues. pending.

3 c) NOI File and Receive NOI' s and All projects for which NOI' s are received Voluntary follow up with regardless of location) will be inspected Inspections inspections. for SWP3 compliance.

3 d) Storm Water At least one training opportunity has been Seek storm water Training identified in the coming year. At least one opportunities training representative from the engineer's office in the coming year will attend.

4 a) Use of Driveway culverts are Milled asphalt will continue to be the porous materials installed with porous porous material of choice for driveway for Construction materials installations and other unpaved surfaces

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 14 MCM( s) BMP Stormwater Description/ Comments Activity 4 b) Encourage Although all unincorporated urbanized Utilize open ditch Open- Ditch areas are under city' s ETJ develop design to the Drainage ordinances, the County will require open- maximum extent ditch design on all subdivision roads in possible which it has jurisdiction

5 a) Collect The County has McLennan County will again budget funds Trash and Tires utilized Sheriff's to dedicate several deputies for in Drainage deputies to supervise supervision of trustee crews. These crews Ditches trustees in the pickup will be used in trash cleanup, cleaning of trash rights- of-way, etc.

5 b) Maintain Clean and Maintain Ditches will be cleaned and maintained to Drainage along Ditches for proper address potential erosion issues and to rights-of-way flow ensure proper flow.

5 c) Recycle Collect used oil for This BMP will continue for the coming Used Oil recycling year.

5 d) Maintain Soil Clean and Maintain Vegetation will be cleared, and and Water Soil Conservation maintenance of dams will be performed in Conservation Reservoirs for proper the coming year. Reservoirs functioning

F. SWMP Modifications

1. Changes have been made or are proposed to the SWMP since the NOI or the last annual report, including changes in response to TCEQ' s review. Yes X No

If `Yes', report on changes made to measurable goals and BMPs ( Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( e)):

MCM( s) Measurable Implemented or Proposed Changes Goal( s) or BMP( s) Submit NOC as needed)

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 15 MCM( s) Measurable Implemented or Proposed Changes Goal( s) or BMP( s) Submit NOC as needed)

Note: If changes include additions or substitutions of BMPs, include a written analysis explaining why the original BMP is ineffective or not feasible and why the replacement BMP is expected to achieve the goals of the original BMP. 2. Explain additional changes or proposed changes not previously mentioned ( i. e. dates, contacts, procedures, annexation of land etc.):

G. Additional BMPs for TMDLs and I- Plans

Provide a description and schedule for implementation of additional BMPs that may be necessary, based on monitoring results, to ensure compliance with applicable TMDLs and implementation plans ( Refer to the MS4 General permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( f)).

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 16 None planned.

BMP Description Implementation Status / Completion Date Schedule ( Start (completed, in progress, Date etc.) not started)

H. Additional Information

1. Is the permittee relying on another entity to satisfy some of its permit obligations? ( refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( g)) X Yes No

If' Yes," provide the name( s) of other entities and an explanation of their responsibilities ( add more spaces or pages if needed):

Name and Explanation: Yes. The entities and MCM/ BMP's in which they are involved are listed below:

Name and Explanation: Waco- McLennan County Public Health District - Sections IIL 1( a) and III.3( a- b)

Name and Explanation:

Name and Explanation:

2. a. Is the permittee part of a group sharing a SWMP with other entities?

Yes X No

Lb. If` yes,' is this a system- wide annual report including information for all permittees?

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 17 Yes X No

If 'Yes,' list all associated authorization numbers, permittee names, and SWMP responsibilities of each member. ( add additional spaces or pages if needed):

Authorization Number: Permittee:

Authorization Number: Permittee:

Authorization Number: Permittee:

Authorization Number: Permittee:

I. Construction Activities

1. The number of construction activities that occurred in the jurisdictional area of the MS4 ( Notices if intent and site notices received; Refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( h)) 0

2a. Does the permittee utilize the optional 7`h MCM related to construction?

Yes X No

2b. If 'yes,' then provide the following information for this permit year ( refer to the MS4 General Permit TXR040000 Part IV Section B. 2.( i)):

The number of municipal construction activities authorized under this general permit

The total number of acres disturbed for municipal construction projects

Note: Though the seventh MCM is optional, implementation must be requested on the NOI or on a NOC and approved by the TCEQ.

3. Certification

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 18 are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Name ( printed): Scott M. Felton Title: County Judge

Signature: ,,, r. > Date: e, r 2Y. 2/ Usual

Name of MS4 McLennan County

Note: If this is this a system- wide annual report including information for all permittees, each permittee shall sign and certify the annual report in accordance with 30 TAC 305. 128 ( relating to Signatories to Reports).

TCEQ- 20561 ( Rev May 2016) Page 19 tea: FEB 0 5 2019 JA ANDYHARWELL, CountyOa McLennan Counts, Texas By KELLY FULLBRIGHT DEPUTY DISCUSSION ONLY:


On this the 5 day ofFebruary, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Purchasing: Discussion and/ or Action regarding Purchasing Card Requisitions. The Court discussed the Purchasing and/ or Auditor' s Office submitting all purchasing card requisitions before purchases are made by

Departments. The County Auditor' s office stated they will implement this policy in their office. PULLED— NO ACTION TAKEN:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Information Technology: Discussion and/ or Action regarding ISILON Storage System. Judge Felton directed the Clerk to show item as pulled and no action taken. AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

M Additional Items( If Any) for Discussion and Potential Action

I. Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce: Monthly Approved Economic Development Report, December 2018 See after 0. 1.)

2. Authorization of Fixed Asset Transfer Form ( re: Approved Transfer of Assets from Road & Bridge, Precinct 3 to Road& Bridge, Precinct 4)

3. Waco- McLennan County Public Health District: Approved Authorization of December Billing/ Reports( re: On- Site Sewage Facility( O. S. S. F.) Program)

4. Authorization of Appointments to the McLennan Approved County Bail Bond Board

5. Approval of Order Establishing Rules with Regard Approved to the McLennan County Law Library and Creating See after E. Local Bar Advisory Committee Consent Agenda)

6. Regarding the Heart of Texas Council of Governments Approved HOTCOG) Solid Waste Program: Authorization of Amnesty Day/ Clean- Up Reimbursement( re: Road & Bridge, Precinct 1 and Road& Bridge, Precinct 2)

7. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Order Authorizing Approved Texas Independence Day Fireworks Sales

CD- 506, 10: 33 ORDER APPROVING:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Fixed

Asset Transfer Form ( re: Transfer of Assets from Road & Bridge, Precinct 3 to Road & Bridge,

Precinct 4). After discussion, Commissioner Jones made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. McLennan County, Texas Fixed Asset Transfer Form

Department: c P • Auditor' s Um Only Place papery mg of disemded item hen. Location:

Asset Information ( must be filled out for transfer or dispositi n): County Tag Number: n a3 Serial Number: 5Tw// y 0016 FS COO 6-By Description( Manufacture, Make/ Model): as/ Se (" dement Tra.;/e„- Printed j Transport ofasset performed by:+/• M fiI nGt.,- Name- oh n Date: / 2 -3 n7 1143 n a y Transfer Information: Transferred From: Department Name/ In Current L ion:

Department Head( or desi Pri asset:_ kW) Nam Signature releasing itJL1I2ntj4/111, LatinnG t in/1 ° Date: / • 3/I • ! Transferred To: Department Name/ Ind' ual: re/7—4 Transfer Location: d7r' QAJ — ? rt--

Department Head ( or deli P. e j Signature accepting asset: PrintedName: lJ N Date: a -a V • / Q Disposition Information: Status of Asset: Operational Damaged Stolen Auction Sold/Donated Scrap Transfer to Inventory Other( please s ify storage room

If Sale or Donated: Name and Address of: Purchaser/ Donee:

Sale Price:_ time slue if Donated:

Department Head( or design Printed Signature releasing asset: Name: Date: Please make a copy of this form for your records. The original should be returned to the Auditor' s Office.

Auditor Office Use Only: Insurance Updated: Y/ N Asset System Updated: Y/ N

Last updated: 01/ 06/09 TONERS T APPROVED BY HMV FEB 05 2019 20 l TMl 5 pAT OF JA ANDYN.ARWELL, County clerk fsJo McLennan Camhc Texas By: KELLY Ft LRRICHT DEPUTY ORDER APPROVING:



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Waco- McLennan County Public Health District: Authorization of December Billing/ Reports ( re: On- Site Sewage Facility( O. S. S. F.) Program). After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Perry. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and

Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. PREVENT. von a0 • pRortee WacoMcLennan County Public Health District David Litke, Environmental Health Manager 225 W. Waco Drive, Waco, Texas 76707 Phone 254- 750-5464 WACO- MCLENNAN COUNTY P. me Health District Fax: 254/ 750-5424 davidl@wacotx. gov

January 16, 2019

City ofaea° tmd Honorable Judge Scott M. Felton

City ofBeverlyMit. McLennan County Judge P. O. Box 1728 City ofe.,. eedRe Eddy Waco, TX. 76703- 1728 city ofCrawford

City of Chalon Monthly Billing, Reports, and Information for the O. S. S. F. Program— December 2018

City of Galindo In accordance with the cooperative agreementgre for the O.S. S. F. Prog ram, enclosed is the Cur ofNaihhurg monthly billing information and reports for December 2018.

CYty of-Hewitt The Invoice for December 2018 OSSF Billing. A detailed line item expense report. City ofLacy-Lake. tew The monthly TCEQ Activity Report( OARS AA monthly report). Coy ofLeroy The monthly health district activity report. City ofLoreaa A chart showing the number of applications processed to date for each month of

City ofMon fiscal year 2018- 19. The fiscal year permit revenue projection assumes 250 permit applications processed for this year( an average of 23 per month). City ofMcGregor

City ofMoody Applications received( 25) is above the number projected ( 23).

City ofRiese! Total applications received for the year are above projections.

ofRobinson Cloy If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 750- 5465. Ciy of Ross

City of Wary Sincerely, City of West

City of Woodway G f' ai V' / McLennan McLean County David Litke, R. S. Environmental Health Manager



nil DAY OF- i)1=—

E COU J CITY OF WACO Department of Finance P. O. Box 2570 Waco, Texas, 76702- 2570

TO: McLennan County-- OSSF ATT: Stan Chambers 214 N. 4th Street, Suit 100

Waco, Texas 76701- 13666

January 15, 2019

December 2018 OSSF Billing

December 2018 Billing 8, 510.96

Ending Balance from November 6,488. 81

Payment In January 6, 488. 81)

Total Due 8, 510. 96

Thank you City of Waco, Texas 2018- 2019 Environmental Health: On- Site Sewage Facilities Program

Fiscal Year Org Object Description December to Date EXPENDITURES

20015109 601101 Supervision- regular 5, 318. 40 16, 987. 19 20015109 601102 Supervision- Overtime 20015109 601201 Clerical and professional- regular 2, 191. 86 6, 763. 03 20015109 601202 Clerical and professional- overtime 10. 82 10. 82 20015109 801301 Labor operations- regular 7, 332. 54 23, 629. 63 20015109 601302 Labor operations- overtime 20015109 612101 Health insurance 2, 726. 04 6, 815. 10

20015109 612102 Life Insurance 13. 80 34. 38

20015109 612200 Social security-medicare 1, 047. 78 3, 404. 11 20015109 612300 Pension 2, 228.04 7, 108. 59

20015109 612600 Worker's comp 137. 89 442. 00 20015109 623100 Special services 20015109 623105 Temporary Services 20015109 634401 Rent of City Facilities 20015109 644801 Maintenance of equipment 20015109 644803 Maintenance- vehicle parts 137. 38 157. 38 20015109 644805 Maintenance- vehicle- outside 20015109 644810 Maintenance- mist 20015109 644815 Maintenance- other 20015109 855100 Property insurance 20015109 655200 Auto liability 1, 496.00 1, 496.00 20015109 655300 General liability 1, 787. 00 1, 787.00 20015109 655600 Communications 37.42 106. 94

20015109 655602 Communications- cellular phones 77. 16 231. 24 20015109 655701 Promotions 20015109 655800 Travel- Training 520.00 20015109 655650 Dues& Memberships 20015109 655901 Hire of equipment 242. 73 731. 34

20015109 686101 Office supplies 168. 57 325.56 20015109 666102 Minor tools 20015109 666103 Non- expendable 20015109 666104 Software 20015109 668105 Wearing apparel 20015109 668110 Supplies- Other

20015109 666301 Gasoline- diesel- oil 97. 53 310. 75 20015109 666303 Lubricants 20015109 757404 Mach& Equip- VEH

25, 050. 96 70, 861. 06 REVENUES OSSF Program Fees 16, 540. 00 55, 690. 00

Revenues less Expenditures 8, 510. 96) ( 15, 171. 06) County Approved Budget 79, 236. 00

County Payments Billings from City 15, 171. 06 Payment in FY 2019 16,096. 90) Final Fiscal Year 2018 Balance 9, 436. 80

Balance( overpayment) 8, 510. 96 OARS AA Monthly Report- DECEMBER 2018

Account Number. 620132

Authorizations to Construct 24

Disposal S : tem T •

Absorptive Mounds Gravel- less Pipe Pumped Effluent I

Drip Irrigation Leaching Chambers Standard Trenches/ Beds Evaptranspiration Beds 1 • Low Pressure Dosing 1 Surface Applications 22

EZ Flow systems PTI Systems Other

Subtotal; 1 Subtotal 1 ^ Subtotal 22

Monthly Enforcement Activity

Complaints Received 2 Violations Issued: Nuisance 24 Violations Issued : Other 58

Complaints Invesjated 2 Court Cases Filed: Nuisance Court Cases Filed: Other I 20 CourtConvictions: Nuisance Court Convictions: Other ll WACO McLENNAN COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT OSSF MONTHLY REPORT- DECEMBER 2018

AppOntona: Pennlis to . AApprovals Complaints" Complaints Notice of Violations Notice of Violations

Processed : Construct Written IlnvestigstedIResolved Resolved

of Clients # of Clients '# of Clients# of Clients i# of Clients I# of Clients of Clients _ FInvestigatedUnits of Sery Units of ServiUnits of Se Units of Ser{ Units of Service ' Units of Service Units of Service Cityot i t


Beverly Hills

Brucevllle Eddy 1 1


Oholson 1 1 1

Golinda i

Hallsburg I


Lacy Lakeview


LLo rena 1 i 1


McGregor j I I I

County PCT 1 2 4 13 1 9 8

County PCT 2_ 11 10

County par 9 9 8 4 19 15

County PCT 4 11 7 1 10 2 34 28 I Moody

Metal 1 I.

I Robinson 1 3 I 3 3

Ross 2 1 Waco 1 2 3

West.. 1_ I I

Woodway t

Total 25 24 35 I 2 5 82 1 139 1 O p 10 p 0 N 00. In p pLF" d O U OS p N co No a w 43 Z L to. @ t, N N O 0 E co

N0 N m Li N co o a l0 a C a Up ., l0 o c c o 1C 3

LL E a O m H i « N h U. rn O

To co CO w t

CO v m g N B ia} ac Q CiO IP N O o O .- o m ` R m a E • a

O L d


O m N ti. i. C Oto N • pp• W.

6 0 < 4 O G O) 2 ii 0r JmJ L Q u. e 8 cs,.

if a J • 0 4: 6 N y w a



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Authorization of Appointments to the McLennan County Bail Bond Board. After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. 501 Washington Ave, C.n` ij•. Civil: 757- 5057 Suite 300 Courthouse Annex Fax: 757- 5060 Waco, TX 76701 l . it PP,, rye, 1; 1l Criminal: 759- 5054 Fax: 752- I146 District. Clerk@co. mclennan. tx. us


25 January 2019

Good day County Commissioner' s Court—

I' m writing on behalf of the McLennan County Bail Bond Board. Per our local rules, the representative for the County Courts needs to be ratified by the McLennan County Commissioner' s Court. Judge Brad Cates has agreed to continue his service in this capacity.


J Richard tmble,

cLennan County District Clerk


TN DAY OF I 1 4•• 114;

sr 1111 Nu: Scott M. Felton j McLENNAN COUNTY JUDGE Attswiior

P. O. BOX 1728 * Waco, Texas 76703- 1728 * Phone No. 254- 757- 5049 • Fax No. 254- 757- 5196

TO: Commissioners Court

FROM: Scott M. Felton, County Judge

DATE: February 5, 2019

RE: Bail Bond Board

As per Chapter 1704 of the Occupations Code and the Local Rules of the McLennan County Bail Bond Board, Dustin Chapman is the County Judge designee approved by Commissioners Court on February 5, 2019 for the McLennan County Bail Bond Board Meetings.

IM( SawraErss COURT r OF TM

FILM FEB 0 5 2019




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Regarding the Heart of Texas Council of Governments ( HOTCOG) Solid Waste Program: Authorization of Amnesty

Day/ Clean- Up Reimbursement ( re: Road & Bridge, Precinct I and Road & Bridge, Precinct 2). After discussion, Commissioner Snell made a motion to approve and it was seconded by Commissioner Miller. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Authorization be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. Regan Copeland

From: Falen. Bohannon@hot. Sent Friday, January 18, 2019 2: 24 PM To: Chrissy Brault Subject RE: Amnesty Day for Pct. 1

We can reimburse$ 5, 000.

From: Chrissy Brault[ mailto: Chrissy. Brault@co. mdennan. tx. us] Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 1: 59 PM To: Falen Bohannon Subject: RE: Amnesty Day for Pct. 1

We usually do three 30 yard dumpsters and a tire trailer. Last year the total cost was around $ 4, 600.

I believe we would have to go to Court for approval ( which we could do the first Tuesday in February) to see how they wanted to divide whatever amount HOTCOG could help with.

Thank you, Elofl:A*( s Sri° a/ AST(: Per c&/ i,( JLratl UP F% 11v dlfiS re;k Mind/ APPROVED BY COMM! - IONERS COURT

Administrative Assistant, Pct. 1 TH 5 DAY McLennan County, Texas COU J . E 254) 757- 5018

From: Falen Bohannon ( Falen. Bohannon@hot. cog. tx. us) [ mailto: Falen. Bohannon@hot. cog. tx. us] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 2: 59 PM To: Chrissy Brault Subject: RE: Amnesty Day for Pct. 1

Sure we can cover some of that cost. Just let me know what yall are looking at doing.

From: Chrissy Brault[ mailto: chrissy. brautt@co. mclennan.] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 10: 04 AM To: Falen Bohannon Subject: Amnesty Day for Pct. 1

Hi Fallon:

I hope that you had a great holiday!

I wanted to touch base with you regarding McLennan County Precinct l's next amnesty day. We spoke at the end of last year when funds were given to Pct. 3, and you told me to contact when we were preparing for ours. We are looking at a one day event on March 2nd. Would this be something that we could get some HOTCOG funds to help go toward the expenses?

1 Thank you for all your help,

Administrative Assistant, Precinct 1 McLennan County 215 N. 5th Street, Suite 125 Waco, TX 76701 254) 757- 5018



FEB 052019 JA' ANDY HARWELL, Counf7Clerft TkU_rnan Coin% roxaa By KELLY EL4,. ERIGHT nEPUT7



On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Discussion and/ or Action regarding Order Authorizing Texas Independence Day Fireworks Sales. After discussion, Commissioner Perry made a motion to approve M. 7. and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones. A vote being called for, voting in favor of said motion was Judge Felton, Commissioner Snell, Commissioner Miller, Commissioner Jones and Commissioner Perry. It is ordered by the Court that said Action be, and the same is hereby, approved by unanimous vote. STATE OF TEXAS



WHEREAS, the Commissioners Court of McLennan County is authorized under Occupations Code Section 2154. 202( h)( 1), to issue an order allowing retail fireworks permit holders to sell fireworks to the in celebration of public Texas Independence Day; and WHEREAS, on the /5 day of >'e62waw), 2019, the Commissioners Court of McLennan County has determined that conditions are favorable to issue such an Order;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Commissioners Court of McLennan County adopts this Order authorizing the sale of fireworks to the public by retail fireworks permit holders during the Texas Independence Day period beginning February 25, 2019 and ending at midnight March 2, 2019, subject to the following restrictions:

a.. This order expires on the date the Texas Fire Service determines drought conditions exist in the county or midnight, May 2, 2019, whichever is earlier

Approved this the CjI` day of 4131&I4tfr , 2019, by the McLennan County Commissioners

County Judge Scott M. Felton Pss OC I7


Co U




Occupations Code,§ 2154.202( h), permits the commissioners court to adopt an order authorizing the sale of fireworks for Texas Independence Day (March 2).

If the court decides to permit sale of fireworks during this period, the order must be adopted before February 15 for the Texas Independence Day period. If the court does not wish to permit the sale of fireworks during this period, no action is required.

Please note the distinction between this law( Occupations Code,§ 2154.202(h)), which allows the commissioners court at its discretion to permit fireworks sales for the holiday period and the other law ( Local Government Code,§ 352. 051) which requires the court to take action to restrict or prohibit sales during certain times of the year if drought conditions are present.

To assist the court in determining whether conditions are suitable for authorizing the sale of fireworks, the Texas Forest Service is required to make its services available each day during the Texas Independence Day period to respond to the request of a county as to whether or not drought conditions exist. To obtain a determination from the Texas Forest Service, call ( 979) 458- 7331.

If the court decides to adopt such an order for Texas Independence Day, it may restrict or prohibit the sale of restricted fireworks," which are defined as" skyrockets with sticks" and as " missiles with fins". A violation of the order is a Class C misdemeanor. Also, a citizen may file suit for an injunction to prevent a violation or threatened violation of the order.

Under Local Government Code§ 352. 051( f), the county may also designate one or more" safe" areas where the use of restricted fireworks is not prohibited. In determining if an area may be considered " safe" the court should take into account whether adequate public safety and fire protection services are provided to the area.

A copy of Local Government Code§ 352.051, the portions of the Occupations Code that define and explain permitted and prohibited fireworks, are available online at county. org( fireworks. A sample order authorizing sale of fireworks during this period is provided on the following page. If your court decides to designate " safe" areas, the sample order will need to be modified to include appropriate language. If you have any questions, please contact the TAC Legal Department at( 888) 275- 8224.

Fly: FEB 0 5 2019

JA"ANDY HARWELL, CountyClerit McLennan Count; Texas By:_KELLY Et) LLEP!G_HT DEPUTY AGENDA: FEBRUARY 5, 2019

O. Work Session Items: ( unless otherwise identified above, no action will be taken, but these matters will be discussed):

I. Discussion regarding Criminal Justice Issues: Updates on the Discussion Only Electronic Monitoring Program/ Coordinating the McLennan See after H. 8.) County Criminal Justice System/ Criminal Justice Process/ Veterans & Mental Health Courts/ Courthouse Security/ Public Nuisance Reporting& Enforcement Process, related matters

2. Discussion re: Capital Expenditures: including Discussion None Regarding the Time Schedule for Capital Outlay/ Recommendations from the Finance Committee Regarding on the Spending Policy/ Equipment Financing, related matters

3. Discussion re: County Property: including Space Availability& None Utilization of County Buildings/ Law Library, Utilization Planning, Consultant, Joint Facilities Master Plan or Study; Tradinghouse Lake/ Park; Updates regarding ADA Capital Improvements; Surrey Ridge Road, Speegleville Road, and/ or Chapel Road; County Off-System Bridge Repair/ Maintenance, Judicial Center Feasibility Study, File Storage at Downtown Jail, related matters

4. Discussion regarding Rural Transit District: including Rural/ None Public Transportation Updates/ Reports, related matter

5. Discussion regarding the McLennan County Venue Project None

6. Discussion regarding Original Themis Statue, Clock/ Clock None Tower Project, and Other Historic Architectural Features/ Pieces: including Placement or Disposition of Items

7. Discussion regarding Radio Interoperability: including None Tower Sites and Trunking Systems

8. Discussion regarding the Heart of Texas Workforce Solutions: Information Only including Statistical information

9. Discussion regarding County Credit Card Purchases/ P-Card None




On this the 5 day of February, 2019, came on for consideration the matter of Work Session

Items( unless otherwise identified above, no action will be taken, but these matters will be discussed):

Discussion regarding the Heart of Texas Workforce Solutions: including Statistical Information. WORKSOLUTIONS FORCE * * *HEART OF TEXAS * * * Linking Jabseekers and Employers December 2018 Updatcd 1/ 4/ 19

Unemployment Rates Unemployment Rate as reported on 1/ 4/ 19 for December 2018 United States Overall Rate - U3 = 3. 9 U6= 7. 6 Nov. 2018 - U3 = 3. 7 U6= 7. 6

Labor Force Participation Rate as reported on 1/ 4/ 19 for December 2018 United States Overall Rate= 63. 1% Nov. 2018 = 62. 9%

Unemployment Rate ( U3), States high and low rates, seasonally adjusted for November 2018 Highest, Alaska @ 6. 3 Lowest, Hawaii/ Iowa @ 2. 4

Texas Annual Average Unemployment Rate for 10/ 1/ 17 to 9/30/ 18 U- 3 = 3. 9 U-6 = 7. 4

Unemployment Rates/ Labor Force Numbers, Non- Seasonally adjusted for November 2018

Texas HOTWDA Texas Rate= 3. 5 Labor Force= 13, 936, 886 HOT WDA Rate= 3. 4 Labor Force= 165, 570 Last month= 3. 5 Last month = 13, 869, 529 Last month= 3. 4 Last month= 164, 760

Last year= 3. 8 Last year= 13, 613, 780 Last year= 3. 7 Last year= 163, 303

McLennan County Waco McLennan Rate= 3. 2 Labor Force= 119, 377 Waco City Rate= 3. 5 Labor Force= 61, 186 Last month= 3. 2 Last month= 118, 596 Last month= 3. 5 Last month= 60, 783

Last year= 3. 5 Last year= 117, 529 Last year= 3. 7 Last year= 60, 214

Limestone County Hill County Limestone Rate= 4. 3 Labor Force= 8, 280 Hill Rate= 3. 4 Labor Force = 16, 500 Last month= 4. 2 Last month= 8, 269 Last month= 3. 4 Last month= 16, 480 Last year= 5. 1 Last year= 8, 226 Last year= 3. 4 Last year= 16, 313

Freestone County Falls County Freestone Rate= 5. 1 Labor Force= 6, 496 Falls Rate= 3. 4 Labor Force= 6, 668 Last month= 5. 3 Last month= 6, 530 Last month= 3. 4 Last month= 6, 668

Last year= 5. 5 Last year= 6, 534 Last year= 3. 8 Last year= 6, 628

Bosque County Bosque Rate= 3. 4 Labor Force= 8, 230 Last month= 3. 4 Last month= 8, 217

Last year= 3. 6 Last year= 8, 097

25 Dec. 2017 Oct 2018 Nov. 2018 Dec. 20187 Total Traffic Numbers 3, 970 5, 267 4, 282 3, 694

UI Claimant Information

36', Dec..%201724 :`yOct42018 ' t 3Nov? 20184,' yctDec? 2018} 4 Active UI Claimants in 795 732 626 744 WorklnTexas. com

S• 1` Dec: 20175 . i?6;Oct 2018 No'vf 2018 %tf .i' De'e.' 2018, w.

Active Job Openings in 543 891 755 853 WorkInTexas. com I

Total Website Traffic 1. Dec32017i : Sept: 2018S' + t' 0ct72018?. L I_Dee: 2018 Numbers: 4. 348 6,730 5, 854 5, 485 1

U. S. Total Employment, November 2018 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Change from last month Over- the- year Change 149, 893, 000 147, 450, 000 860, 000 2, 443, 000

Texas Total Employment, November 2018 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Change from last month Over-the-year Change 12, 703, 400 12, 338, 000 35, 300 365, 400

Waco MSA Total Employment, November 2018 Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Change from last month Over- the- year Change 122, 600 120, 700 200 1, 900

Texas Population Growth U. S. Average Wages

2016= 27, 862, 596, + 393, 486 from last year 2015= $ 47, 669, +$ 1, 540 from last year 2015= 27, 469, 1 10, + 512, 152 from last year 2014= $ 46, 129, +$ I, 586 from last year 2014= 26, 956, 958,+ 508, 765 from last year 2013 = $ 44, 543, +$ 1, 850 from last year

TX Average Wages Waco MSA Average Wages 2015=$ 46,745,+$ 1, 319 from last year 2015= $ 36, 917, +$ 1, 577 from last year 2014=$ 45, 426, +$ 1, 874 from last year 2014= $ 35, 340, +$ 683 from last year 43, 2013=$ 552, +$ 2, 081 from last year 2013=$ 34, 657, -$ 3, 582 from last year

26 t k


k \ tn t2 c k a a) co o \ 0 t 2 0 co CUu0 ¢ kF s0 I $ a) a)£ k CO 3 \ 0 / \ w ƒ § L § " vs mI- c k k m # . QJ 0 ( ° m a g 2 a. ttO = k 3 § 2 V a Vii n3 ® k § _ ' c 5 CU 3ca e — t C ; 2 o — o cc \ 2 e m o f 1 n ; g = _ _ O ® ( al e cu u , z z .- ° c § 3 0 ƒ 6 6 z > V)2 $ § 04 _`\ 2 ƒ $ u c c 2 a- m a a — 5Q) _ o 2 = 0 C 2 q85 m 2 § ƒ bac / a ka -aa) c m i PIC CO t ' §IV ' \ E a - k § a = = o A o@ co 7 a) m o (5 m e a co cu qI elcuowaaatatat - u O 0 Q) vl

CIO E. k 5 Q fe p cccu c 6 5 7 470 LA 7 b: g a) to d k \ / / ƒ c CO } k / 5 MI \ @ \ j e k77 m = p c @

w CU ° 0 VI k a d k \ § \ § I- \ \ a k § ( / §c 2 qqt kEEk \ 2 k OD \ ) e e \ k g a o o - L. 7 a CA C m ca u o 0 o rn w e = = 0 0 ORDER RECESSING REGULAR SESSION

On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 10: 36 o' clock a. m., County Judge Scott Felton announced that this meeting of February 5, 2019 stands in recess for five minutes.


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 10: 43 o' clock a. m. the Court reconvened in Regular Session with County Judge Scott M. Felton presiding and Commissioners Kelly Snell, Patricia Chisolm- Miller, Will Jones and Ben Perry and the Clerk thereof being in attendance, the following proceedings were had and done to-wit:


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 10: 43 o' clock a. m. the County Judge announced that at this time we will go into Executive Session in accordance with Sections 551. 071 and 551. 87 of the

Local Government Code( V. C. T. A.)


On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 11: 42 o' clock a. m. the Court reconvened in Regular Session with County Judge Scott M. Felton presiding and Commissioners Kelly Snell, Patricia Chisolm- Miller, Will Jones and Ben Perry and the Clerk thereof being in attendance, the following proceedings were had and done to-wit: ORDER ADJOURNING REGULAR SESSION

On this the 5 day of February, 2019, at 11: 42 o' clock a. m. Judge Felton announced that the meeting of February 5, 2019 is adjourned. ITEMS DEFERRED, AGENDA, FEBRUARY 5, 2019

On this the 5 day of February, 2019, upon motion made, seconded and duly passed by unanimous or majority vote, it is ordered by the Court that the following Items on the Agenda for February 5, 2019, be, and the same are hereby, deferred:


3. Human Resources/ Salary Matters( Payroll Status Forms or Changes):

c. Criminal District Attorney

F. Budget, Budget Amendments/ Transfers/ Changes, Additional Revenue Certifications, Expenditure Requests:

1. Regarding the FY 19 Budget:

m. Discussion and/ or Action regarding Employee Vaccination Expenditures

G. Bids, RFP' s, RFQ' s Quotations for Goods and Services:

1. Authorization of VOW Cabling Quote: Level One Technology re: Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4) APPROVAL OF MINUTES

The above and foregoing minutes having been read in open Court and found to be

correct, the same are hereby, approved this the day of


Kelly Snell, Patricia Chisolm- Miller, Commissioner Precinct 1 Commissioner Precinct 2

Will Jones, Ben Perry, Commissioner Precinct 3 Commissioner Precinct 4

Scott M. Felton, County Judge

ATTEST: J. A. " Andy" Harwell, McLennan County Clerk

By Deputy County Clerk

Kelly Fullbright