Perjodiku Maħruġ Mill-Uffiċċju Tal-Ispeaker Periodical Issued By

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Perjodiku Maħruġ Mill-Uffiċċju Tal-Ispeaker Periodical Issued By Nr 1 Ġ unju 2013 June 2013 mill-PARLAMENT Perjodiku maħruġ mill-Uffiċċju tal-iSpeaker Periodical issued by the Office of the Speaker 1 mill-PARLAMENT • Ġunju 2013 Ħarġa Nru 1/Issue No 1 3 Daħla Ġunju 2013 /June 2013 Foreword Ippubblikat mill-Uffiċċju tal-iSpeaker 4 Ftuħ tat-Tnax-il Parlament Published by the Office of the Speaker Opening of the Twelfth Parliament 5 Diskors inawgurali mill-iSpeaker Anġlu Farrugia Bord Editorjali Inaugural speech by Speaker Anġlu Farrugia Editorial Board Ray Scicluna 8 Onorevoli membri eletti fit-Tnax-il Parlament Gaetan Naudi Honourable members elected to the Twelfth Parliament Ancel Farrugia Migneco Eleanor Scerri 9 Responsabiltajiet Ministerjali Kenneth Curmi Ministerial Responsibilities Claudio Laferla 13 Shadow Cabinet Sarah Gauci 15 Mill-Whips Parlamentari Postal Address From the Parliamentary Whips House of Representatives The Palace 17 Diskors tas-Sette Giugno Valletta VLT 1115 Sette Giugno Speech Malta +356 2559 6000 Qoxra: [email protected] Il-Membri Parlamentari tat-Tnax-il Leġiżlatura ISBN 978-99957-40-20-7 Cover: Members of Parliament of the Twelfth Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern Legislature Printed at the Government Printing Press Ritratti/Photos: DOI 2 mill-PARLAMENT • Ġunju 2013 DAĦLA FOREWORD Fid-diskors tiegħi wara li ħadt il-ġurament ta’ Speaker In my speech after taking the oath as Speaker of the tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-6 ta’ April li għadda, jien House of Representatives on the 6th April of this year, I għidt li nixtieq nara l-Parlament Malti jersaq aktar lejn expressed the wish to see the Maltese Parliament move in-nies. closer to the people. Jiena nemmen li huwa essenzjali li kull wieħed u waħda I believe it to be essential that each and every one of us minna jħossu jagħmel parti minn din l-ogħla istituzzjoni feels part of the highest institution in the country. To tal-pajjiż. Biex jintlaħaq dan il-għan, jinħtieġ li x-xogħol achieve this goal, citizens need to be made aware of the siewi li jitwettaq mill-Membri tal-Kamra, kemm f’Malta useful work carried out by our members of Parliament, kif ukoll f’istituzzjonijiet internazzjonali, jiġi mgħarraf both locally as well as in international institutions. Thus, liċ-ċittadin. Għalhekk ħassejt il-bżonn li din il-ħidma tiġi I felt that this work should be reflected in a publication. riflessa f’pubblikazzjoni. Today I have the honour to say that this idea is Illum għandi l-unur ngħid li din l-idea qiegħda materialising through this first issue of mill-Parlament timmaterjalizza b’din l-ewwel ħarġa ta’ (from Parliament). It is planned that this publication mill-Parlament. Il-pjan huwa li din il-pubblikazzjoni continues to be published on a regular basis. An editorial tibqa’ toħroġ b’mod regolari. Twaqqaf ukoll bord board has also been set up so that the content of this editorjali biex il-kontenut jitwassal bl-aħjar mod publication is delivered in the best possible way within possibbli fil-limitazzjonijiet eżistenti tal-Uffiċċju tiegħi. the existing limitations of the resources of my Office. Se nkun qiegħed nara li din il-pubblikazzjoni tkun I will ensure that this publication is made available even ċirkolata anke fil-kunsilli lokali li huma parteċipi wkoll to the local councils which also have a role to play in the fit-tħaddim tad-demokrazija ta’ pajjiżna. Ħsibna wkoll li functioning of democracy in our country. We also nagħmluha aċċessibbli on-line fuq is-sit tal-Parlament thought of making it accessible on-line on the website of Malti fiż-żewġ lingwi uffiċjali sabiex ikompli jiżdied the Maltese Parliament in the two official languages to l-għarfien tal-ħidma parlamentari kemm fuq bażi further increase awareness of the work carried out by nazzjonali kif ukoll internazzjonali. parliamentarians both locally and abroad. Nittama li din l-inizjattiva, flimkien ma’ oħrajn li ħadt I hope that this initiative, together with others that I s’issa, isservi biex il-Parlament ta’ Malta jiġi popolarizzat have taken so far, raise public awareness of the work of dejjem aktar fis-soċjetà Maltija. this institution. Anġlu Farrugia Anġlu Farrugia Speaker Speaker 3 mill-PARLAMENT • Ġunju 2013 FTUĦ TAT-TNAX-IL PARLAMENT OPENING OF THE TWELFTH PARLIAMENT Wara li fis-7 ta’ Jannar 2013 il-Ħdax-il Parlament ġie Following the dissolution of Parliament on 7 January xolt, fid-9 ta’ Marzu 2013 inżammet elezzjoni ġenerali 2013, general elections were held on 9 March resulting biex ġew eletti 69 membru minn 13-il distrett in 69 members being elected from 13 electoral districts. elettorali. Sussegwentement, il-President ta’ Malta, bi Subsequently the President of Malta, by way of Proklama Nru 5 tal-2013, stabbilixxa s-6 ta’ April bħala Proclamation No. 5 of 2013, established the date of 6 l-ġurnata li fiħa għandu jitlaqqa’ t-Tnax-il Parlament. April 2013 for the convening of the Twelfth Parliament. Il-ftuħ statali ta’ din il-Leġiżlatura beda The state opening of this Legislature began with the bil-konċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa tal-Ispirtu s-Santu concelebrated Mass of the Holy Spirit officiated by His mmexxija mill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Monsinjur Arċisqof Excellency Archbishop Pawlu Cremona at St John’s Co- Pawlu Cremona fil-Kon-Katidral ta’ San Ġwann. Wara Cathedral. Following Mass the members proceeded to l-Quddiesa, l-membri eletti ħadu posthom fis-Sala the parliamentary Chamber, while the distinguished tal-Parlament u l-mistednin distinti nġabru fil-gallarija guests gathered in the strangers’ gallery to follow this tal-istess Sala sabiex isegwu din l-ewwel seduta first parliamentary sitting. parlamentari. The sitting started with the election of the Speaker of Is-seduta bdiet bl-elezzjoni tal-iSpeaker tal-Kamra, the House, Honourable Anġlu Farrugia and the Deputy l-Onorevoli Anġlu Farrugia u tad-Deputy Speaker, Speaker Honourable Ċensu Galea. Following these l-Onorevoli Ċensu Galea. Wara dawn iż-żewġ appointments the elected members took the oath of elezzjonijiet, il-membri eletti ħadu l-ġurament ta’ allegiance to the People and the Republic of Malta and lealtà lejn il-Poplu u r-Repubblika ta’ Malta u its Constitution. l-Kostituzzjoni tagħha. The President of Malta, His Excellency George Abela Wara, l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu George Abela, indirizza then addressed the House highlighting the lill-Kamra fejn elenka l-programm ta’ ħidma tal-Gvern Government’s work programme for the Legislature. għal din il-Leġiżlatura. Imbagħad l-iżgħar deputat Afterwards the youngest Member of Parliament from min-naħa tal-Gvern, l-Onorevoli Ian Borg, ta avviż għal the Government side, Honourable Ian Borg, gave notice mozzjoni b’risposta għall-indirizz tal-President ta’ of a motion in reply to the President’s Address, whilst Malta, filwaqt li l-Onorevoli Jason Azzopardi, f’isem Honourable Jason Azzopardi on behalf of the Opposition l-Oppożizzjoni ta avviż ta’ emenda għall-istess gave notice of an amendment to said motion. This first mozzjoni. Din l-ewwel seduta għalqet bl-aġġornament sitting was concluded by the adjournment of the House tal-Kamra għat-Tnejn 8 ta’ April 2013. for Monday 8 April 2013. 4 mill-PARLAMENT • Ġunju 2013 DISKORS INAWGURALI MILL-ISPEAKER ANĠLU FARRUGIA INAUGURAL SPEECH BY SPEAKER ANĠLU FARRUGIA ĠURAMENT TA’ LEALTÀ OATH OF ALLEGIANCE MR SPEAKER: Jien, Anġlu Farrugia, solennement naħlef MR SPEAKER: I, Anġlu Farrugia, solemnly declare on li nkun tassew fidili u leali lejn il-poplu u r-Repubblika ta’ oath that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Malta u l-Kostituzzjoni tagħha. Hekk Alla jgħinni. people and the Republic of Malta and its Constitution. So help me God. (Maħluf u ffirmat). (Sworn and signed). Nitlobkom tpoġġu bilqiegħda. Please take your seats. Prim Ministru, Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni, Presidenti Emeriti, Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Presidents Speakers Emeriti, Onorevoli Membri, Membri Anzjani, Emeriti, Speakers Emeriti, Honourable Members, Former Eċċellenzi, mistiedna distinti. Irrid qabel xejn Members, Excellencies, distinguished guests. First and nirringrazzja lill-Prim Ministru li pproponieni għal din foremost I would like to thank the Prime Minister who il-ħatra ta’ Speaker u lid-Deputat Prim Ministru li proposed me for this nomination as Speaker and the ssekondani. Deputy Prime Minister who seconded me. Irrid nistqarr li nħossni onorat li se nservi lill-poplu Malti I feel honoured to be serving the Maltese and Gozitan u Għawdxi mill-ogħla istituzzjoni ta’ dan il-pajjiż; people within the highest institution of this country - il-Parlament. Nistqarr ukoll li qed inħares lejn din Parliament. I approach this important position with il-kariga importanti b’żelu kbir, b’ħeġġa liema bħalha great zeal and boundless enthusiasm, to ensure that biex nara li dan il-post ikompli jiżgura li dak li għandu jsir whatever needs to be done for our country is always għal pajjiżna, isir dejjem fl-aqwa forum fejn ir-regoli carried out in the best forum where the rules of tad-demokrazija jeċċellaw. U hekk se nipprova nagħmel democracy excel. And this is what I will try to do because għax nemmen li bl-għajnuna tagħkom kollha u I believe that with your help and with God’s help, bl-għajnuna ta’ Alla, nistgħu naraw flimkien li din together we can ensure that parliamentary democracy is id-demokrazija parlamentari tkun mhux biss kelma not just a nice word, but is definitely put into practice. In sabiħa imma li titwettaq fis-sigur. Fil-ħajja mhux xi tkun life, what matters is not what you are, or who you are, l-importanti, jiġifieri int min int, imma xi twettaq but what you manage to achieve in your office or as part fil-kariga jew responsabilità li jkollok. Huwa għalhekk li of your responsibilities. This is the reason why we are all aħna qegħdin hawnhekk ilkoll, sabiex naraw li lill-poplu gathered here today, so that we ensure that we give our tagħna, li huwa poplu sovran, nagħtuh l-aqwa u l-aħjar.
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