Bibliography from ADS File: Tsuneta.Bib April 12, 2021 1

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Bibliography from ADS File: Tsuneta.Bib April 12, 2021 1 Bibliography from ADS file: tsuneta.bib Narukage, N., Katsukawa, Y., Hara, H., et al., “UV spectropolarimeter design August 16, 2021 for precise polarization measurement and its application to the CLASP for ex- ploration of magnetic fields in solar atmosphere”, 2014cosp...40E2232N ADS Ishikawa, R., Trujillo Bueno, J., Uitenbroek, H., et al., “Comparison of Scat- Suzuki, T. K., Imada, S., Kataoka, R., et al., “Saturation of Stellar Winds from tering Polarization Signals Observed by CLASP: Possible Indication of the Young Suns”, 2013PASJ...65...98S ADS Hanle Effect”, 2019ASPC..526..305I ADS Kaithakkal, A. J., Suematsu, Y., Kubo, M., Shiota, D., & Tsuneta, S., “The Trujillo Bueno, J., Štepán,ˇ J., Belluzzi, L., et al., “CLASP Constraints on the Association of Polar Faculae with Polar Magnetic Patches Examined with Magnetization and Geometrical Complexity of the Chromosphere-Corona Hinode Observations”, 2013ApJ...776..122K ADS Transition Region”, 2018ApJ...866L..15T ADS Kobayashi, K., Kano, R., Trujillo Bueno, J., et al., “Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Štepán,ˇ J., Trujillo Bueno, J., Belluzzi, L., et al., “A Statistical Inference Method SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP”, 2013SPD....44..142K ADS for Interpreting the CLASP Observations”, 2018ApJ...865...48S ADS Zhou, G. P., Wang, J. X., & Tsuneta, S., “Formation and disappearance of a Ishikawa, R., Sakao, T., Katsukawa, Y., et al., “Current State of UV Spectro- filament”, 2013IAUS..294..593Z ADS Polarimetry and its Future Direction”, 2018cosp...42E1564I ADS Lites, B. W., Akin, D. L., Card, G., et al., “The Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter”, Ishikawa, R., Uitenbroek, H., Goto, M., Iida, Y., & Tsuneta, S., “Influence of 2013SoPh..283..579L ADS the Atmospheric Model on Hanle Diagnostics”, 2018SoPh..293...74I Katsukawa, Y., Watanabe, T., Hara, H., et al., “Next space so- ADS lar observatory SOLAR-C: mission instruments and science objectives”, Suematsu, Y., Ichimoto, K., Katsukawa, Y., Tsuneta, S., & Shimizu, T., “Instru- 2012IAUSS...6E.207K ADS ment design and on-orbit performance of the solar optical telescope aboard Shiota, D., Tsuneta, S., Shimojo, M., et al., “Polar Field Reversal Observations hinode (Solar-B)”, 2017SPIE10566E..2ZS ADS with Hinode”, 2012AGUFMSH13C2274S ADS Suematsu, Y., Koyama, M., Sukegawa, T., et al., “Development of Kaithakkal, A. J., Tsuneta, S., Suematsu, Y., et al., “Association of Po- compact integral field unit for spaceborne solar spectro-polarimeter”, lar Faculae with the Polar Magnetic Patches as Revealed by Hinode”, 2017SPIE10563E..4MS ADS 2012AGUFMSH13C2273K ADS Ishikawa, R., Trujillo Bueno, J., Uitenbroek, H., et al., “Indication of the Hanle Teriaca, L., Andretta, V., Auchère, F., et al., “LEMUR: Large European mod- Effect by Comparing the Scattering Polarization Observed by CLASP in the ule for solar Ultraviolet Research. European contribution to JAXA’s Solar-C Lyα and Si III 120.65 nm Lines”, 2017ApJ...841...31I ADS mission”, 2012ExA....34..273T ADS Giono, G., Ishikawa, R., Narukage, N., et al., “Polarization Calibration Kano, R., Bando, T., Narukage, N., et al., “Chromospheric Lyman-alpha spectro- of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1 Polar- polarimeter (CLASP)”, 2012SPIE.8443E..4FK ADS ization Sensitivity in the VUV Range. Part II: In-Flight Calibration”, Sakao, T., Narukage, N., Imada, S., et al., “The x-ray/EUV tele- 2017SoPh..292...57G ADS scope for the Solar-C mission: science and development activities”, Kano, R., Trujillo Bueno, J., Winebarger, A., et al., “Discovery of Scatter- 2012SPIE.8443E..0AS ADS ing Polarization in the Hydrogen Lyα Line of the Solar Disk Radiation”, Yamada, T., Iwata, I., Ando, M., et al., “WISH for deep and wide NIR surveys”, 2017ApJ...839L..10K ADS 2012SPIE.8442E..1AY ADS Narukage, N., Kubo, M., Ishikawa, R., et al., “High-Reflectivity Coatings for a Shiota, D., Tsuneta, S., Ito, H., et al., “Fine Structure in Three Dimensional Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectropolarimeter”, 2017SoPh..292...40N ADS Magnetic Field in Polar Region”, 2012ASPC..454..375S ADS Kubo, M., Katsukawa, Y., Suematsu, Y., et al., “Discovery of Ubiquitous Shiota, D., Tsuneta, S., Shimojo, M., et al., “Polar Field Reversal Observations 2012ApJ...753..157S Fast-Propagating Intensity Disturbances by the Chromospheric Lyman Alpha with Hinode”, ADS Spectropolarimeter (CLASP)”, 2016ApJ...832..141K ADS Kobayashi, K., Kano, R., Trujillo-Bueno, J., et al., “The Chromospheric Lyman- Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP”, 2012ASPC..456..233K ADS Okamoto, J., Liu, W., & Tsuneta, S., “High resolution observations of promi- Terzo, S., Reale, F., Miceli, M., et al., “Nanoflare Evidence from Analysis nence rotation by Hinode and IRIS”, 2016AGUFMSH41E..05O ADS of the X-Ray Variability of an Active Region Observed with Hinode/XRT”, Okamoto, T. J., Liu, W., & Tsuneta, S., “Helical Motions of 2012ASPC..455..245T ADS Fine-structure Prominence Threads Observed by Hinode and IRIS”, Okamoto, T. J., Tsuneta, S., Berger, T. E., & Lites, B. W., “Emergence of Twisted 2016ApJ...831..126O ADS Flux in Prominence Observations”, 2012ASPC..455..123O ADS Tsuneta, S., “Reflections on the Outstanding Contributions Charles Elachi Has Tsuneta, S., “MHD waves in photosphere”, 2012decs.confE.100T ADS Made to Furthering Planetary Exploration through International Coopera- Kobayashi, K., Tsuneta, S., Trujillo Bueno, J., et al., “The Chromospheric tion”, 2016cosp...41E1945T ADS Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j”, 2011AGUFM.P14C..05K Kano, R., Ishikawa, R., Winebarger, A. R., et al., “Spectro-polarimetric obser- ADS vation in UV with CLASP to probe the chromosphere and transition region”, Kubo, M., Watanabe, H., Narukage, N., et al., “Ly-alpha polarimeter design for 2016SPD....4710107K ADS CLASP rocket experiment”, 2011AGUFM.P11F1627K ADS Ishikawa, S., Shimizu, T., Kano, R., et al., “Development of a Precise Polar- Watanabe, H., Narukage, N., Kubo, M., et al., “Ly-alpha polarimeter design for ization Modulator for UV Spectropolarimetry”, 2015SoPh..290.3081I CLASP rocket experiment”, 2011SPIE.8148E..0TW ADS ADS Narukage, N., Tsuneta, S., Bando, T., et al., “Overview of Chromospheric Ishikawa, R., Kano, R., Winebarger, A., et al., “CLASP: A UV Spectropolarime- Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)”, 2011SPIE.8148E..0HN ter on a Sounding Rocket for Probing theChromosphere-Corona Transition ADS Regio”, 2015IAUGA..2254536I ADS Sakao, T., Narukage, N., Shimojo, M., et al., “Photon-counting soft x-ray tele- Judge, P. G., Kleint, L., Uitenbroek, H., et al., “Photon Mean Free Paths, Scatter- scope for the Solar-C mission”, 2011SPIE.8148E..0CS ADS ing, and Ever-Increasing Telescope Resolution”, 2015SoPh..290..979J Shimizu, T., Tsuneta, S., Hara, H., et al., “The SOLAR-C mission: current sta- ADS tus”, 2011SPIE.8148E..0BS ADS Kaithakkal, A. J., Suematsu, Y., Kubo, M., et al., “Photospheric Flow Field Katsukawa, Y., Suematsu, Y., Tsuneta, S., Ichimoto, K., & Shimizu, T., “Mod- Related to the Evolution of the Sun’s Polar Magnetic Patches Observed by eling and verification of the diffraction-limited visible light telescope aboard Hinode Solar Optical Telescope”, 2015ApJ...799..139K ADS the solar observing satellite HINODE”, 2011SPIE.8336E..0FK ADS Ishikawa, R., Narukage, N., Kubo, M., et al., “Strategy for Realizing High- Terzo, S., Reale, F., Miceli, M., et al., “Widespread Nanoflare Variabil- Precision VUV Spectro-Polarimeter”, 2014SoPh..289.4727I ADS ity Detected with Hinode/X-Ray Telescope in a Solar Active Region”, Ishikawa, R., Bando, T., Hara, H., et al., “Precision VUV Spectro- 2011ApJ...736..111T ADS Polarimetry for Solar Chromospheric Magnetic Field Measurements”, Ishikawa, R. & Tsuneta, S., “The Relationship between Vertical and Horizontal 2014ASPC..489..319I ADS Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Sun”, 2011ApJ...735...74I ADS Kubo, M., Kano, R., Kobayashi, K., et al., “A Sounding Rocket Experi- Ishikawa, R., Bando, T., Fujimura, D., et al., “A Sounding Rocket Experiment for ment for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)”, Spectropolarimetric Observations with the Ly_α Line at 121.6 nm (CLASP)”, 2014ASPC..489..307K ADS 2011ASPC..437..287I ADS Suematsu, Y., Sukegawa, T., Okura, Y., et al., “Development of micro Narukage, N., Sakao, T., Kano, R., et al., “Coronal-Temperature-Diagnostic image slicer of integral field unit for spaceborne solar spectrograph”, Capability of the Hinode/ X-Ray Telescope Based on Self-Consistent Calibra- 2014SPIE.9151E..1SS ADS tion”, 2011SoPh..269..169N ADS Ishikawa, R., Asensio Ramos, A., Belluzzi, L., et al., “On the Inversion of the Tsuneta, S., “Hinode “A new solar observatory in space””, Scattering Polarization and the Hanle Effect Signals in the Hydrogen Lyα 2011ASInC...2....1T ADS Line”, 2014ApJ...787..159I ADS Okamoto, T. J., Tsuneta, S., & Berger, T. E., “A rising cool column associated Kano, R., Ueda, K., & Tsuneta, S., “Photospheric Properties of Warm EUV with formation of prominence and coronal cavity”, 2010AGUFMSH51A1665O Loops and Hot X-Ray Loops”, 2014ApJ...782L..32K ADS ADS 1 Kobayashi, K., Tsuneta, S., Trujillo Bueno, J., et al., “The Chromospheric Lyman Ito, H., Tsuneta, S., Shiota, D., Tokumaru, M., & Fujiki, K., “Is the polar region Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)”, 2010AGUFMSH11B1632K ADS different from the quiet region of the Sun?”, 2008AGUFMSH41B1622I ADS Okamoto, T. J., Tsuneta, S., & Berger, T. E., “A Rising Cool Column as a Signa- Magara, T. & Tsuneta, S., “Hinode’s Observational Result on the Saturation of ture of Helical Flux Emergence and Formation of Prominence and Coronal Magnetic Helicity Injected into the Solar Atmosphere and
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