Federal Register/Vol. 76, No. 61/Wednesday, March 30, 2011
17670 Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 61 / Wednesday, March 30, 2011 / Notices Federal Register. In this case, this CALIFORNIA Philadelphia 1787–1949 MPS) 750–762 S Broad St, Philadelphia, 11000199 notice is being published less than 15 Sonoma County days prior to the meeting due to the Healdsburg Memorial Bridge, (Highway RHODE ISLAND urgent need to meet legal requirements Bridges of California MPS) Healdsburg Kent County for completion of the Steens Mountain Ave, junction of Front St, Healdsburg, Travel Management Plan/Environmental 11000214 Spencer—Shippee—Lillbridge House, 12 Assessment. Middle Rd, East Greenwich, 11000207 MICHIGAN Kenny McDaniel, TEXAS Marquette County Burns District Manager. Travis County Sundberg Block, 517–523 Iron St, Negaunee, [FR Doc. 2011–7421 Filed 3–29–11; 8:45 am] 11000196 Federal Office Building, 300 E 8th St, Austin, BILLING CODE 4310–33–P 11000211 MISSOURI WISCONSIN Jackson County DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Winnebago County Lee’s Summit Christian Church Building, SE Whiting, Frank, Boathouse, 98 Fifth St, National Park Service Douglas and SE Fourth Sts, Lee’s Summit, 11000213 Neenah, 11000204 [NPS–WASO–NRNHL–0311–6957; 2280– Southeast Grand Ave and Fifth St Residential OTHER ACTIONS 665] Historic District, (Lee’s Summit, Missouri MPS) Roughly comprised of E side of SE Request for REMOVAL has been made for the National Register of Historic Places; Grand between SE 4th and SE 5th and N following resources: Notification of Pending Nominations side of SE 5th between SE Grand and SE OREGON and Related Actions Howard, Lee’s Summit, 11000216 Linn County McDonald County Nominations for the following Angell-Brewster House, 34191 Brewster Rd, properties being considered for listing Powell Bridge, .04 mi SW of Powell on Lebanon, 92001330 or related actions in the National Cowan Ridge Rd off HWY E, Powell, TENNESSEE Register were received by the National 11000215 Park Service before March 12, 2011.
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