Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 61 / Wednesday, March 30, 2011 / Notices 17669 of the Yuma RMP to address VRM T. 28 S., R. 8 W., accepted March 2, 2011. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: issues. Previously submitted comments, T. 28 S., R. 8 W., accepted March 17, 2011. Christi West, Staff Assistant, BLM Burns issues and concerns related to QSE’s T. 30 S., R. 7 W., accepted March 17, 2011. District Office, 28910 Highway 20 West, proposed solar facility do not need to be T. 28 S., R. 3 W., accepted March 17, 2011. Hines, Oregon, 97738, (541) 573–4541 T. 26 S., R. 7 W., accepted March 18, 2011. _ resubmitted. Public comments will aid T. 26 S., R. 7 W., accepted March 18, 2011. or e-mail christi
[email protected]. the BLM in identifying planning Washington SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The alternatives and mitigating measures T. 29 N., R. 37 E., accepted March 1, 2011. Steens Mountain Advisory Council was and will help assure all relevant issues appointed by the Secretary of the associated with the proposed RMP ADDRESSES: A copy of the plats may be Interior on August 14, 2001, pursuant to amendment are considered in the NEPA obtained from the Land Office at the the Steens Mountain Cooperative document for the RMP. This document Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/ Management and Protection Act of 2000 may be the on-going project EIS or a Washington State Office, 333 SW. 1st (Pub. L. 106–399) and most recently re- stand-alone NEPA document, as Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, upon chartered in December 2009.