Author’s Address Norbert Eisinger European Computer–Industry Research Centre, ECRC Arabellastr. 17 D-8000 M¨unchen 81 F. R. Germany
[email protected] and Hans J¨urgen Ohlbach Max–Planck–Institut f¨ur Informatik Im Stadtwald D-6600 Saarbr¨ucken 11 F. R. Germany
[email protected] Publication Notes This report appears as chapter 4 in Dov Gabbay (ed.): ‘Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Volume I: Logical Foundations’. It will be published by Oxford University Press, 1992. Fragments of the material already appeared in chapter two of Bl¨asis & B¨urckert: Deduction Systems in Artificial Intelligence, Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence, 1989. A draft version has been published as SEKI Report SR-90-12. The report is also published as an internal technical report of ECRC, Munich. Acknowledgements The writing of the chapters for the handbook has been a highly coordinated effort of all the people involved. We want to express our gratitude for their many helpful contributions, which unfortunately are impossible to list exhaustively. Special thanks for reading earlier drafts and giving us detailed feedback, go to our second reader, Bob Kowalski, and to Wolfgang Bibel, Elmar Eder, Melvin Fitting, Donald W. Loveland, David Plaisted, and J¨org Siekmann. Work on this chapter started when both of us were members of the Markgraf Karl group at the Universit¨at Kaiserslautern, Germany. With our former colleagues there we had countless fruitful discus- sions, which, again, cannot be credited in detail. During that time this research was supported by the “Sonderforschungsbereich 314, K¨unstliche Intelligenz” of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).