Vale & Downland Museum
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PANTONE 392 M PANTONE 2758 M Y 2007 Y l JU 8 une J 9 TH - th SUNDAY 17 JUNE 12.00-6.00pm th LAINS BARN JAZZ * N u F ILY FAM S LK WelCoMe To The 12Th WA jAzz oN A MidSuMMer dAy * AFTS r C PS HO S ORK The 16th Jazz on a Midsummer Day will feature the ‘Pete Allen W * * AMA DR C i S u M T r WANTAGE Jazz Band’, the ‘Chris Walker Quintet with Dave Shepherd’ and A the ‘Big Bear Stompers’. Bring a picnic and enjoy the atmosphere SuMMER FeSTiVAl and surroundings of Lains Barn with three of the UK’s top bands. This Summer Festival again offers entertainment for the whole LAINS BARN £14 (advance from the Museum or phone 01993 family and is very successful as it offers a low cost platform for 811678), £16 on the door. Children of School age free the abundant creative talent in Wantage, Grove and communities TUESDAY 19THJUNE 10.00Am-12.00pm across the south of the Vale. As well as performances, there are THE STAMP ATTIC workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and historical walks. Sweatbox Rock in the Park MAkiNG CArdS WiTh Also there is a large input from the young people in the rubber STAMPS community with Rock in the Park. TUESDAY 12THJUNE 10.30Am-12.00pm Come and learn how much fun cardmaking with rubber stamps I am certain you will enjoy this month long Festival and I RIDGEWAY HANDBELL RINGERS can be. Make approx. 4 cards to take home with you and meet thank our sponsors, all the participants and those who deMoNSTrATioN oF other crafty people for a fun morning. THE STAMP ATTIC, 9 work long and hard putting the programme together. Arbery Arcade, Wantage Market Place £10 (Book direct with hANdbell riNGiNG Jim Moley - Festival Chairman The Ridgeway Handbell Ringers is a group of ladies who enjoy shop or 01235 760821) making music. They play on handbells especially made for them by TH TH Whitechapel Bells in London. They obtained a grant from “Awards TUESDAY 19 JUNE 7.30pm FRIDAY 8 JUNE 8.00pm WANTAGE CAMERA CLUB FOLK FOR MS/WHITE HORSE CEILIDHS for All” in 2002 which celebrated the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. VALE & DOWNLAND MUSEUM, Wantage FREE Audio ViSuAl SPeCTACulAr Folk For MS Ceilidh A firm favourite in the Festival calendar. The Audio Visual group As a warm up to Wantage Festival the first Folk for MS TUESDAY 12THJUNE 7.30pm of the Wantage Camera Club presents a highly entertaining Ceilidh features nationally renowned English Ceilidh Band WILTS AND BERKS CANAL TRUST programme of images set to voice and music. The subject matter ‘Random’ with caller Will Hall. Their gutsy, melodic, folk- Guided CANAl WAlk - is often of local interest but some guest productions may be rock interpretation of tunes with traditional roots, creates included. All the AV’s will be presented digitally and will include scintillating but subtle ceilidh music that will make you want WeST ChAlloW To GroVe Join us for a guided walk from West Challow to Grove, along some award wining sequences. METHODIST CHURCH HALL, to dance - a ‘not to be missed’ event! OLD MILL HALL, Grove the historic Wilts & Berks Canal. Learn on the way a little of the Newbury Street, Wantage £2.50 (no Concessions) £7.50 Adults, £5 under 16 years history of the canal and current plans for its restoration. Please TH SATURDAY 9 JUNE 11.00Am wear suitable shoes for walking. MEET AT WEST CHALLOW WEDNESDAY 20THJUNE 2.30pm FeSTiVAl oPeNiNG VILLAGE HALL FREE THE VALE & DOWNLAND MUSEUM TRUST Wantage Silver Band & Morris Men in front of the FACeS oF oxFordShire - BEAR HOTEL, Wantage FREE WEDNESDAY 13THJUNE 7.00pm FAMily FACeS ProjeCT THE DOLPHIN GALLERY SATURDAY 9THJUNE 8.00pm-12.00Am Find out more about the Oxfordshire Family History Society FOLK FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PiCTure FrAMiNG ANd and its exciting 2007 family history project for the Oxford Folk For M.S. ChAriTy CoNCerT MouNT CuTTiNG WorkShoP Millennium Celebrations. Speaker: Tony Hadland. THE VALE FeSTiVAl ToWN MAP Magnificent folk music concert featuring UNLEDGED, SPIRE Bring along a picture or photograph and learn how to mount and & DOWNLAND MUSEUM, Wantage FREE (space limited so frame. Get ideas - perhaps enhance your old pictures/photographs. please book in advance from the Museum Reception Desk) Oxford via A338 Map Key: and others to be announced (check website for details). An 11 14 15 Footpath evening of top quality entertainment with some of the country’s To book - telephone Patrick O’Leary on 01235 763030 Letcombe Brook TH top folk performers. 18th Annual Folk for M.S. charity concert THE DOLPHIN GALLERY, Wantage Market Place WEDNESDAY 20 JUNE 7.00pm Oxford via A338 Road Price: Cost of Materials THE DOLPHIN GALLERY Roundabout – over £30,000 raised to date. Licensed bar, Raffle, Hot & Cold Didcot via A417 PiCTure FrAMiNG ANd 8 Food available. ( OLD MILL HALL, Grove FRIDAY 15THJUNE 9.00pm MouNT CuTTiNG WorkShoP 19 5 12 £10 Adults, £5 under 16 years Faringdon Folk iN The AbiNGdoN ArMS Bring along a picture or photograph and learn how to mount via A417 7 13 TH Come along to this traditional music ‘jamming’ session to join in or 17 SUNDAY 10 JUNE and frame. Get ideas - perhaps enhance your old pictures/ 6 4 just listen. Everyone welcome, singing or playing, anything goes, 3.00-5.00pm WoRkshop / 7.45pm Concert photographs. To book - telephone Patrick O’Leary on 01235 2 18 CHRISTMINSTER SINGERS even if it’s not traditional! THE ABINGDON ARMS PUBLIC 763030 THE DOLPHIN GALLERY, Wantage Market Place 1 9 The WeST GAllery STory HOUSE, Wantage FREE Price: Cost of Materials 16 P 3 The Christminster singers are Oxfordshire’s ‘West Gallery’ TH choir, performing the style of village church music popular in SATURDAY 16 JUNE 10 10.15-10.45Am FoR pre-walkers and 11.15-11.45Am Newbury Thomas Hardy’s Wessex. It is robust and rhythmic singing with 18 FoR pre-school famIlY sessioN (bAbies Up) 20 via B4494 harmonies and counterpoint, and relates more to folk music Letcombe Regis Hungerford via A338 than later composed church music for chancel choir and organ. NCT WANTAGe NCT Singalong for pre-walkers and pre-school families. Your local Our programmes are tailored to suit the audience and occasion, NCT is running Saturday Singalong for children and parents/ Wantage Town Square 8 Abingdon Arms 15 Grove Village Hall including local, seasonal and historical items, musical interludes carers. Come along, have fun singing and make lots of noise! 1 Vale & Downland Museum 9 Methodist Church Hall 16 King Alfred’s Centre Site and accompanied pieces. The Workshop will give participants the WANTAGE CIVIC HALL £2 per family per session, on the door 2 Dolphin Gallery 10 Wantage Recreation 17 Masonic Hall opportunity to try singing in harmony, music will be provided, no 3 Wantage Civic Hall Ground 18 The Stamp Attic 11 Millbrook School Hall previous experience necessary. WANTAGE PARISH CHURCH SUNDAY 17THJUNE 2.30-5.00pm 4 Wantage Parish Church 19 West Challow 12 £8 Concert (£6 Con), £6 Workshop (£5 Con), £12 both (£9.50 Con) LETCOMBE BROOK (WANTAGE) CHARITABLE TRUST 5 Wantage Library Charlton Centre Village Hall 13 Lairns Barn 20 Letcombe Regis 6 Betjeman Park TH ProMeNAde iN The beTjeMAN PArk 14 Old Mill Hall, Grove Village Hall TUESDAY 12 JUNE 10.00Am-12.00pm Partake in events including a storyteller to capture your imagination. 7 St John Vianny Church THE STAMP ATTIC There will be opportunities for children to draw and learn about the MAkiNG CArdS WiTh rubber STAMPS history of the area. From 2.30 there will be people on hand from the Come and learn how much fun cardmaking with rubber stamps local community who will be relating information about the flowers TICkET SAlES 01235 760176 can be. Make approx. 4 cards to take home with you and meet and trees you see around you. Cream teas will be on sale nearby. other crafty people for a fun morning. VAlE & DoWNlAND mUSEUm BETJEMAN MILLENNIUM PARK behind the Lamb Public THE STAMP ATTIC, 9 Arbery Arcade, Wantage Market Place Monday to Saturday 10.00am - 4.30pm House, Mill Street FREE Wantage Silver Band £10 (Book direct with shop or 01235 760821) Photographs by Peter Kent & Greta Thornbory. wsf07_prog_v03.indd 1 13/4/07 22:56:45 WEDNESDAY 20THJUNE 8pm The Bear Hotel, 9pm TUESDAY 26THJUNE 7.30pm TUESDAY 3RDJUlY 10.00Am-12.00pm The AbingdoN ARmS, Wantage WILTS AND BERKS CANAL TRUST THE STAMP ATTIC iCkNield WAy MorriS MeN Guided CirCulAr WAlk - WANTAGe, MAkiNG CArdS WiTh Icknield Way Morris Men will dance outside the Bear, GroVe & eAST ChAlloW rubber STAMPS exhibiTioNS Wantage at 8pm then move on to the Abingdon Arms at Join us for a guided circular walk around Wantage, Challow and Come and learn how much fun cardmaking with rubber stamps SATURDAY 9THJUNE To SATURDAY 23RDJUNE 9pm for more dancing, music, singing and drinking. Come Grove taking in the historic route of the Wantage arm and main can be. Make approx. 4 cards to take home with you and meet (Library opening times) along and join in with the fun. For more details see line of the historic Wilts and Berks Canal. Learn some of the other crafty people for a fun morning. THE STAMP ATTIC, 9 WANTAGE CAMERA CLUB FREE history of the canal and the current plans for its restoration. Please Arbery Arcade, Wantage Market Place AN exhibiTioN oF wear suitable shoes for walking. MEET AT WEST CHALLOW £10 (Book direct with shop or 01235 760821) PhoToGrAPhiC PriNTS THURSDAY 21STJUNE 10.30Am-3.30pm VILLAGE HALL FREE Wantage Camera Club will exhibit a variety of colour and WANTAGE FLOWER CLUB black & white prints produced by members in recent years.