MONTGOMERY COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT THE MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION MCPB Item No. 9 Date: 07/01/2021 Environmental Guidelines Draft Updates – Work Session Mark Symborski, Planner Coordinator, Countywide Planning and Policy,
[email protected], 301-495-4636 Jason Sartori, Chief, Countywide Planning and Policy,
[email protected], 301-495-2172 Completed: 06/24/2021 Summary In accordance with the scope approved last year by the Planning Board, staff have prepared limited draft updates to the Environmental Guidelines to incorporate the requirements of the Approved and Adopted 10 Mile Creek Master Plan Amendment to the Clarksburg Master Plan, the Clarksburg East and Clarksburg West Overlay Zones, the 10 Mile Creek Special Protection Area, technical updates to reflect local and State changes approved since the last update in 2000, and redrafted figures. On June 3, 2021 the Planning Board held a Public Hearing on the proposed updates to the Environmental Guidelines. Planning staff have compiled the comments received since the Public Hearing along with staff responses below. Since the Public Hearing staff have also identified some additional minor clarifications to improve the Guidelines. Attachment 1 contains the red markup version of the Environmental Guidelines showing the draft updates from the June 3, 2021Public Hearing. Attachment 2 contains additional clarifications (in blue font) to the proposed updates to the Environmental Guidelines since the June 3, 2021 Public Hearing and Staff Memo. After approval, the updates will be consolidated into a revised document that will be finalized by the Planning Department’s Communications team for posting on the Department website.