Ingredients: 800g 2kg minced meat 4 onions 4 teaspoons salt 4 teaspoons paprika powder 4 teaspoons barbecue spice powder Eggmilk: 3 l milk/flavoured cream 10 eggs pinch salt 450g grated cheese (emmental, mozzarella) Instructions: Set the oven to 200 ° C.

Cooking pasta: ● When water is boiling, add salt, oil and pasta. ● Cook macaroni almost ready (al dente or a bit less), 8-10 minutes. ● Use a colander to pour out the water. ● Rinse the pasta then with briefly with cold running water, so the pasta doesn´t stick together. ● Leave pasta in the colander to wait for the next move. Frying the minced meat: ● Peal the onions and cut them in small pieces. ● Pour some oil into the pan and fry onions light, golden brown ● Add minced meat and fry it. Add salt and spices. Taste. If it is not tasty enough, add some salt/spices. You can also add garlic, chili etc if you want ● When ready put it aside to wait for the next move. The sauce (eggmilk translated from Finnish) ● Take a bowl and break the eggs. ● Pour the flavoured cream/milk into the bowl, add salt and mix all together. How to prepare the casserole: ● Oil the casserole ● Pour both pasta and minced meat into the casserole and mix them together. ● Then pour the “eggmilk” into the casserole and mix. ● Put the grated cheese on the top ● Put the casserole into the oven for 30-35 minutes. ● After 15 minutes you can add some foil onto, if the casserole gets too dark

Enjoy your meal with tasty self made ketchup!