An Iron Law of Nationalism and Federation? a (Neo-Diceyian) Theory of the Necessity of a Federal Staatsvolk, and of Consociational Rescue*
Nations and Nationalism 7 (3), 2001, 273±296. # ASEN 2001 An iron law of nationalism and federation? A (neo-Diceyian) theory of the necessity of a federal Staatsvolk, and of consociational rescue* BRENDAN O'LEARY1 Government Department, London School of Economics, London, WC2A 2AE A federal state requires for its formation two conditions. There must exist, in the first place, a body of countries _ so closely connected by locality, by history, by race, or the like, as to be capable of bearing in the eyes of their inhabitants, an impress of common nationality _ A second condition absolutely essential to the founding of a federal system is the existence of a very peculiar _ sentiment _ the inhabitants _ must desire union, and must not desire unity _ Albert Venn Dicey (1915: 75) _ Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people ± a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and their customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms and efforts, ®ghting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established their general liberty and independence. Publius [John Jay] (in Madison et al. 1987 [1788]: 91, paper II) Federalism as such is no guarantee for ethnic harmony and accommodation in the absence of other factors. Rudolpho Stavenhagen (1996: 202) It is a signal honour to be asked to give the Fifth Ernest Gellner Memorial lecture. I was with Ernest Gellner in Budapest in 1995 on the night before he died, attending a conference he had organised at the Central European University on the theme of formerly dominant ethnic minorities.
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