Russian and Chinese Responses to U.S. Military Plans in Space Pavel Podvig and Hui Zhang © 2008 by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences All rights reserved. ISBN: 0-87724-068-X The views expressed in this volume are those held by each contributor and are not necessarily those of the Officers and Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Please direct inquiries to: American Academy of Arts and Sciences 136 Irving Street Cambridge, MA 02138-1996 Telephone: (617) 576-5000 Fax: (617) 576-5050 Email:
[email protected] Visit our website at Contents v PREFACE vii ACRONYMS 1 CHAPTER 1 Russia and Military Uses of Space Pavel Podvig 31 CHAPTER 2 Chinese Perspectives on Space Weapons Hui Zhang 79 CONTRIBUTORS Preface In recent years, Russia and China have urged the negotiation of an interna - tional treaty to prevent an arms race in outer space. The United States has responded by insisting that existing treaties and rules governing the use of space are sufficient. The standoff has produced a six-year deadlock in Geneva at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament, but the parties have not been inactive. Russia and China have much to lose if the United States were to pursue the programs laid out in its planning documents. This makes prob - able the eventual formulation of responses that are adverse to a broad range of U.S. interests in space. The Chinese anti-satellite test in January 2007 was prelude to an unfolding drama in which the main act is still subject to revi - sion.