Potential Regional Cycling and Walking Trails in Moira Shire 16/08/13 About this document Contents This is the report of an investigation of potential regional cycling and walking trails in Moira Shire. Executive Summary ............................................. 2 This document presents the key issues and 1. Introduction ................................................ 4 opportunities for the provision of regional trails 2. Benefits of trails .......................................... 6 with regard to the location of the Shire, visitor 3. Context ........................................................ 8 attractions and potential users. 4. Identification and assessment of Acknowledgments potential regional trails ............................. 13 @leisure acknowledges the contribution made by 5. General issues relating to trails ................. 26 staff of Moira Shire Council, particularly Lonnie 6. The way forward ....................................... 32 All rights reserved. O’Dwyer and Geoff Hay (Economic Development), 7. Action Plan ................................................ 35 No part of this publication may be and a range of stakeholders in providing reproduced, stored in a retrieval information and comments that have 8. Appendices ................................................ 37 system or transmitted in any form, contributed to this report. by any means, without the prior written permission of Moira Shire Council and @leisure Rear 534 Mt Alexander Rd Ascot Vale Vic 3032 P: 03 9326 1662 E:
[email protected] www.atleisure.com.au POTENTIAL REGIONAL CYCLING AND WALKING TRAILS IN MOIRA SHIRE 1 16/08/13 Moira Shire’s tourism sector is a major driving Potential regional trails Executive Summary force in the Shire’s economy, as it is relatively large, has strong linkages in the local economy, Trails offer a range of benefits to individuals, and earns a substantial proportion of its income communities and the environment.