Connexus V2 2021/22 Course Descriptions
Connexus V2 2021/22 Course Descriptions Elementary School (K-5) MATHEMATICS Math K Mathematical thinking and problem solving are introduced in kindergarten. Students explore topics and apply mathematical practices outlined in national and state standards. They learn how to identify numbers, write numbers zero to 20, and count to 100 by ones and tens. They also describe, sort, and compare objects and learn basic shapes. Stories and activities introduce addition and subtraction. A combination of interactive and hands-on exercises teaches students about money, time, fractions, and measurement. Math 1 In this course, students learn mathematical concepts related to addition and subtraction, measuring lengths, time, and representing and interpreting data. They also learn about counting, place value, comparing two-digit numbers, using models to add and subtract, reasoning with shapes, and parts of figures. Students use problem solving, reasoning, communicating, representing, and making connections to form mathematical concepts. The course supports the development of students’ mathematical thinking by building both conceptual knowledge and procedural fluency. Math 2 In this course, students learn mathematical concepts related to addition and subtraction, even and odd numbers, time, and money. They also learn about measuring length, graphs and data, shapes and their attributes, and place value using models. Students use problem-solving, reasoning, communicating, representing, and making connections to form mathematical concepts. The course supports the development of students’ mathematical thinking by building both conceptual knowledge and procedural fluency. Math 3 In this course, students learn mathematical concepts related to multiplication and division, patterns, rounding, and mental math. They also learn about 2-D shapes, area, perimeter, fractions, interpreting data, time, mass, and capacity.
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