Reference and Book List The Reference section of the Notices for the managing editor. Postal mail: [email protected] is intended to provide the reader with addresses may be found in the or [email protected]. frequently sought information in masthead. April 28, 2000: Nominations for an easily accessible manner. New the Maria Mitchell Women in Science information is printed as it becomes Upcoming Deadlines Award. Contact Maria Mitchell Asso- available and is referenced after the April 18, 2000: Proposals for 2001 ciation, 2 Vestal Street, Nantucket, MA first printing. As soon as information 02554; telephone: 508-228-9198; or NSF-CBMS Regional Conferences. See is updated or otherwise changed, it see http://www.mmo.org/. http://www.maa.org/cbms/ will be noted in this section. May 1 and October 1, 2000: Appli- nsf/2000_conf.htm or contact the cations for NSF/AWM Travel Grants Contacting the Notices Conference Board of the Mathemati- for Women. See http://www. The preferred method for contacting cal Sciences, 1529 18th St. NW, Wash- awm-math.org/travelgrants.html; the Notices is electronic mail. The ington, DC 20036-1385; telephone: telephone: 301-405-7892; e-mail: editor is the person to whom to send 202-293-1170; fax: 202-293-3412; e- [email protected]. articles and letters for consideration. Articles include feature articles, Where to Find It Mathematical Sciences Education memorial articles, book reviews and A brief index to information that Board and Staff other communications, columns for appears in this and previous issues of April 2000, p. 495 “Another Opinion”, and “Forum” the Notices. Mathematics Research Institutes pieces. The editor is also the person AMS e-mail addresses contact information to whom to send news of unusual November 1999, p. 1269 May 1999, p. 580; August 1999, p. 804 interest about other people’s mathe- AMS Ethical Guidelines National Science Board matics research. June 1995, p. 694 January 2000, p. 71 The managing editor is the person NSF Mathematical and Physical to whom to send items for “Mathe- AMS officers and committee mem- Sciences Advisory Committee matics People”, “Mathematics Oppor- bers March 2000, p. 381 tunities”, “For Your Information”, November 1999, p. 1271 “Reference and Book List”, and “Math- Board on Mathematical Sciences and Officers of the Society 1999 and ematics Calendar”. Requests for Staff 2000 (Council, Executive Commit- permissions, as well as all other April 2000, p. 495 tee, Publications Committees, Board of Trustees) inquiries, go to the managing editor. Bylaws of the American Mathemat- May 2000, p. 591 The electronic-mail addresses are ical Society [email protected] in the November 1999, p. 1252 Program officers for federal funding agencies (DoD, DoE, NSF) case of the editor and notices@ Information for Notices authors October 1999, p. 1075; November ams.org in the case of the managing January 2000, p. 69 editor. The fax numbers are 631-751- 1999, p. 1247 5730 for the editor and 401-331-3842 MAY 2000 NOTICES OF THE AMS 585 Reference and Book List July 31, 2000: Nominations for the Complexity and Information, by Jacques Hadamard, A Universal Monroe Martin Prize. Contact J. A. J. F. Traub and Arthur G. Werschulz. Mathematician, by Vladimir Mazy´a Yorke, Director, Institute for Physical Cambridge University Press, December and Tatyana Shaposhnikova. Sciences and Technology, University of 1998. ISBN 0-52148-005-1 (hardcover), AMS/London Mathematical Society, Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. 0-521-48506-1 (paperback). January 1998. ISBN 0-821-80841-9. August 15, 2000: Third competi- Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephen- James Joseph Sylvester: Life tion for NRC Research Associateships. son. Avon Books, May 1999. ISBN 0- and Work in Letters, by Karen Hunger See http://www. national- 380-97346-4. (Reviewed December Parshall. Oxford University Press, academies.org/rap, or contact the 1999.) October 1998. ISBN 0-198-50391-1. National Research Council, Associ- The Eightfold Way: The Beauty of John von Neumann: The Scientific ateship Programs (TJ 2114/D3), 2101 Klein’s Quartic Curve, edited by Silvio Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Constitution Avenue, NW, Washing- Levy. Cambridge University Press, Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear ton, DC 20418; telephone: 202-334- March 1999. ISBN 0-521-66066-1. Deterrence, and Much More, by 2760; fax: 202-334-2759; e-mail: The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Norman Macrae. AMS, October 1999. [email protected]. Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for ISBN 0-821-82064-8. September 1, 2000: Applications the Ultimate Theory, by Brian Greene. The Kingdom of Infinite Number: for the AWM 2001 Workshop for W. W. Norton & Company, February A Field Guide, by Bryan Bunch. W. H. Women Graduate Students and Post- 1999. ISBN 0-393-04688-5. Freeman, January 2000. ISBN 0-716- docs. See “Mathematics Opportuni- Euclid: The Creation of Mathematics, 73388-9. ties” in this issue. by Benno Artmann. Springer-Verlag, The Mathemagician and the Pied October 16, 2000: Applications for June 1999. ISBN 0-387-98423-2. Puzzler: A Collection in Tribute to NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoc- Fermat’s Last Theorem for Amateurs, Martin Gardner, edited by Elwyn toral Research Fellowships. See “Math- by Paulo Ribenboim. Springer-Verlag, Berlekamp and Tom Rodgers. A K ematics Opportunities” in this issue. February 1999. ISBN 0-387-98508-5. Peters, March 1999. ISBN 1-568- (Reviewed April 1999.) 81075-X. Book List Five More Golden Rules: Knots, A Mathematical Mystery Tour: The Book List highlights books that Codes, Chaos and Other Great Theories Discovering the Truth and Beauty of have mathematical themes and hold of 20th Century Mathematics, by John the Cosmos, by A. K. Dewdney. John appeal for a wide audience, including L. Casti. John Wiley & Sons, February Wiley & Sons, March 1999. ISBN 0-471- mathematicians, students, and a sig- 2000. ISBN 0-471-32233-4. 23847-3. (Reviewed February 2000.) nificant portion of the general public. Fragile Dominion: Complexity and Mathematical Sorcery: Revealing When a book has been reviewed in the the Commons, by Simon Levin. Perseus the Secrets of Numbers, by Calvin C. Notices, a reference is given to the Books, June 1999. ISBN 0-738-20111- Clawson. Plenum Press, May 1999. review. Generally the list will contain 1. (Reviewed in this issue.) ISBN 0-306-46003-3. only books published within the last A History of the Circle: Mathemati- Mathematics and Mathematicians: two years, though exceptions may be cal Reasoning and the Physical Universe, Mathematics in Sweden before 1950, made in cases where current events by Ernest Zebrowski Jr. Rutgers by Lars Gårding. AMS/London (e.g., the death of a prominent math- University Press, August 1999. ISBN Mathematical Society, 1998. ISBN ematician, coverage of a certain piece 0-813-52677-9. 0-821-80612-2. of mathematics in the news) warrant Imaginary Numbers: An Anthology The Moment of Proof: Mathematical drawing readers’ attention to older of Marvelous Mathematical Stories, Epiphanies, by Donald C. Benson. books. Suggestions for books to include Diversions, Poems, and Musings, edited Oxford University Press, March 1999. on the list may be sent to the manag- by William Frucht. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-195-11721-2. ing editor, e-mail: [email protected]. October 1999. ISBN 0-471-33244-5. Mystic, Geometer, and Intuitionist: The Importance of Being Fuzzy and The Life of L. E. J. Brouwer, by Dirk Van Other Insights from the Border Dalen. Oxford University Press, April The Applicability of Mathematics as Between Math and Computers, by 1999. ISBN 0-198-50297-4. a Philosophical Problem, by Mark Arturo Sangalli. Princeton University The Nature of Mathematical Mod- Steiner. Harvard University Press, Press, December 1998. ISBN 0-691- eling, by Neil Gershenfeld. Cambridge November 1998. ISBN 0-674-04097-X. 00144-8. University Press, February 1999. ISBN The Arithmetic of Life, by George Infosense: Turning Data and Infor- 0-521-57095-6. Shaffner. Ballantine Books, August mation into Knowledge, by Keith New Directions in the Philosophy of 1999. ISBN 0-345-42631-2. Devlin. W. H. Freeman, June 1999. ISBN Mathematics: An Anthology, Thomas The Code Book: The Evolution of 0-716-73484-2. Tymoczko, Editor. Princeton Univer- Secrecy from Mary, Queen of Scots to The Invention of Infinity: Mathe- sity Press, revised edition, January Quantum Cryptography, by Simon matics and Art in the Renaissance, by 1998. ISBN 0-691-03498-2. Singh. Doubleday, October 1999. ISBN J. V. Field. Oxford University Press, Noeuds: Genèse d’une théorie math- 0-385-49531-5. (Reviewed March May 1997. ISBN 0-198-52394-7. ématique (Knots: Genesis of a Mathe- 2000.) (Reviewed January 2000.) matical Theory), by Alexei Sossinsky 586 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 47, NUMBER 5 Reference and Book List (in French). Seuil, 1999. ISBN 2-020- Stephen Smale: The Mathematician 32089-4. Who Broke the Dimension Barrier, by The Nothing That Is: A Natural His- Steve Batterson. AMS, February 2000. tory of Zero, by Robert Kaplan. Oxford ISBN 0-821-82045-1. University Press, October 1999. ISBN Turing and the Computer (The Big 0-195-12842-7. Idea), by Paul Strathern. Anchor Books, Number: From Ahmes to Cantor, April 1999. ISBN 0-385-49243-X. by Midhat Gazalé. Princeton Univer- *Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Con- sity Press, March 2000. ISBN 0-691- jecture by Apolstolos Doxiadis. 00515-X. Bloomsbury USA, February 2000. ISBN The Number Devil, by Hans Magnus 1-582-34067-6. Enzensberger. Metropolitan Books, The Universal History of Numbers: October 1998. ISBN 0-805-05770-6. From Prehistory to the Invention of (Reviewed January 2000.) the Computer, by Georges Ifrah (trans- The Number Sense: How the Mind lated by David Bellos, Sophie Wood, Creates Mathematics, by Stanislas and Ian Monk). John Wiley & Sons, Dehaene.
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