Teaching Lacrosse Fundamentals

Lacrosse Scoop -2 Butts The lacrosse scoop is a technique used to gain of the when it is on the ground. The scoop happens as a player moves toward the ball. It is the primary ball recovery technique when a ball is loose and on the ground. In order to perform it the player should drop the head of the stick to the ground and the stick handle should almost but not quite parallel with the ground only a few inches off the ground. The concept is similar to how you would scoop poop (pardon the expression) with a shovel off the concrete. With a quick scoop and then angle upward to keep the ball forced into the deep part of the pocket and from rolling back out. Once in the pocket the player will transition to a cradle, pass, or shot.

Recap & Strategies: • Groundball Technique – One hand high on stick, other at butt end – Foot next to ball – Bend knees – 2 butts low – Scoop thru before ball

• Groundball Strategies – 1-on-1 –importance of body position - 3 feet before ball can create contact and be physical – 1 –on -2 – consider a flick or kick to a teammate in open space – Scrum – from outside look for ball – get low and burst thru middle getting low as possible – If getting beat to a groundball to drive thru the butt end of the stick – 2–on-1 – man – ball strategy • one person take man, one take ball • Player closest to the ball must attack the ball as if there is no help until communication occurs • Explain the teammate behind is the “QB” telling the person chasing the ball what to do – ie “Take the Man” means turnaround and hinder the opponent so your teammate can get the ball. Your teammate has seen that the defender is closing and will be able to overtake, check your back hand etc keeping CC from getting the ball • Basic Drills: – U-7 practice scooping balls and put into bucket or “clean up the field” where kids scoop balls on their side of and throw balls to the other team side after 1 min see what team wins by having least amount of balls on side – U-9 Line Drills - Scoop ground balls rolling to player and away from player. Perfect line drills “balls to and Balls away”. Add balls away with a roll away and pass to coach. – U-11 vary line drills above and add communication “Ball / Release”). Add 1 v 1 competition with ground balls. Teach box out. Introduce Man-Ball. – U-13 practice Man-Ball and add communication.

• More Drills:

– HOOK Step • Pair up players with 1 ball – spread out across open space. The boxer out person is a DUPE and does not attempt to scoop or check • 1 player is protecting a static ball on the ground the other is trying to gain position on the ball for a scoop. Utilize MILD resistance of red/yellow/green • Coach yells Hook step and player 2 tries to get his leg over the “box out” guy and sit on his leg. Now that person has the inside edge, should box out, scoop, sprint and curl to open space – Coaching Note – person being boxed should utilize the hook step to gain position. Make sure the winner of the ground ball scoops, sprints and curls to space. Emphasize that hips and hands should be in front. Do not let players push from behind. Explain the rule before the drill. If in trouble of losing kick the ball, goose the ball, etc • Variations – weak hand, timed competition (win in less than 5 secs, 10 secs,).

– 2 Whistle 2 Man (this drill should be used only after the Hook Step drill has been introduced) • Both players back to back over the ball • On first whistle are working body position only (hips/legs) – • On the 2nd whistle - live ground ball. Each player is trying to beat the box out and gain the ground ball. This is a full out 1 v 1 ground ball scenario – Coaching Note –hook step should be used to gain position. Make sure the winner of the ground ball scoops, sprints and curls to space. Emphasize that hips and hands should be in front. Do not let players push from behind. Explain the rule(s) before the drill (2 hands on the stick, do not push from behind, slashing, cross check, etc). If in trouble of losing the ground ball then kick the ball or goose. • Variations – weak hand, timed competition (win in less than 5 secs, 10 secs,).

– 2 v 1 Ground Balls (3 v 2, 5 v 4, etc) • 9 players in a group; 3 lines; 1 defensive and 2 offensive. Rotate each line after turn • out for players to compete in a 2 v 1 ground ball scenario. Utilizing the instruction on how to scoop, sprint curl and/or TAKE THE MAN should be seen in this drill. In order to win 2 passes must be made or the drill continues. • Complete, return ball and get in a different line – Variations – release ball in different places to confuse offensive tandem. – Coaching Tips: Closest to ball goes directly for it (does not have to yell ball). If teammate shouts TAKE THE MAN then that person must turn, find and hinder the opponent. The other offensive player is then sprinting through the scoop, yelling release and to open space • Communication is huge. If you hold the hinder too long then it is a loss of possession• Putting the ball to the side of the lines creates the most obvious man – ball situation. If the ball is rolled to the middle the benefits of man-ball technique may not exist every time.