Nome Nugget Newspaper
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Photo by Nikolai Ivanoff OPEN WATER— Sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning, the shore-fast ice broke off and drifted out to sea as seen from near Cape Nome. C VOLUME CXII NO. 20 May 17, 2012 Encore “Bering Sea Gold” Nome’s dredging fleet set for season II By Diana Haecker As of Monday, the Dept. of Natu- Five hundred tons of mining ral Resources had 121 permit appli- equipment is on the way to Nome cations out of which 77 permits have with Northland Service’s first barge, been issued. DNR mineral manager slated to arrive in the Gold Rush City Kerwin Krause said that those per- around June 5. Dredges, pontoon mits are mostly for the two recre- boats, ripper tables, Coachman ational mining areas, on West and Travel RV’s, camper vans, machin- East Beach. Krause said the remain- ery, trucks, trailers, even hundreds of ing permits would most likely be is- pounds of groceries are on the man- sued as the DNR is still processing ifest and have left the Seattle port on them. “Sometimes applications are Monday. missing required information, which The barge is headed for Anchor- requires the applicant provide the in- age with next stop Nome. Northland formation before we continue pro- had such high volume of cargo for cessing them,” Krause said. There the first barge that the company de- are also 12 additional multi-year per- cided to add another barge to their mits that have been issued previ- voyage schedule and run a barge ously. non-stop from Anchorage to Nome, Last fall the DNR held a rare off- bypassing the usual stops along the shore lease sale that resulted in a mix way. A quarter of their entire 2,000- of gold miners from small scale op- ton cargo that includes goods headed erations to several large and interna- for Nome, the Norton Sound and tional gold exploration companies some Yukon villages, consists of buying large offshore tracts and dredge equipment, mining heavy adding new gold mining outfits to machinery and personal goods re- the local Nome dredging fleet. lated to the companies or individuals In addition, the TV reality show dredging or mining. “Bering Sea Gold” piqued the inter- Marine transportation company est of more fortune seekers and since Alaska Logistics has another two its premier in January, Lower 48 dozen dredges on their first voyage. prospectors have inquired with city According to DNR officials, a Pro- officials, Nome businesses, Visitor West Contractors barge is also bring- Center, this newspaper, the DNR and ing heavy machinery and mining barging companies on how to go equipment to Nome. continued on page 5 Will Delta Western’s web site bite it in the Photo by Diana Haecker britches? By Sandra L. Medearis ments that it paid to bring fuel by a Delta Western’s Web site for USCG icebreaker and a Russian some time has told viewers—and a tanker after Delta Western did not reporter— Delta Western was an deliver fuel as promised last fall. Alaska corporation. Macnamara’s affidavit filed in However, when the fuel distribu- court April 30, said that until early tor intentionally said that, they had 2005, the Web site listed Seattle as their fingers crossed—it was just an headquarters. advertising fib, according to Delta “However, in early 2005, a deci- Western. That advertising lie was sion was made to state that its head- just that—marketing intended to quarters was in Anchorage, Alaska, court Alaska business, according to and not Seattle, Washington. The Delta Western marketing support reason for the change was to com- specialist since 2004, Ryan L. Mac- municate to our customers in Alaska namara. Delta Western’s corporate our location in Alaska for the pur- headquarters are and have been in Seattle, according to Macnamara in continued on page 4 his affidavit and other affidavits filed in U.S. District Court—in Seat- tle. On the Web: Delta Western’s status as a Wash- ington-based corporation came up as an argument for keeping a case in E-mail: what it says is home court—Seat- tle—as Delta Western and Nome- [email protected] based Bonanza Fuel continue to fight it out over where a lawsuit filed by Bonanza will be heard— Photo by Nadja Cavin state court in Nome or federal court YOU GO GIRL!— Janet Bloodgood was awarded her GED at the Northwest Campus commencement in Seattle. Bonanza has filed suit ceremony May 24 at Old St. Joseph Hall. asking for $1.5 million from Delta Western, extra money retail fuel vendor Bonanza said in court docu- 2 THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2012 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Nancy, Dear Editor, Dear Editor, our kids are in school. Back in our the short end of the stick. I would Congratulations on the many I wonder if the birders are being Many more vessels, barges and day we went to school a solid 180 think we should at least be on the newspaper awards garnered by the informed that they should show re- equipment for oil drilling will be in days—rain or shine, snow or bliz- nightly news channel weather since Nome Nugget . All are important spect for hunters while out in the the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean this zard—we had school five days a aren’t we the place the Iditarod peo- and need honored recognition, but I countryside? I think not! summer. week. If it was way too stormy out ple tend to sneak away from each am particularly pleased to see that Twice last year during my spring Not only is the pollution coming one day, we made it up at Saturday other? Instead we often get to sit at you received the Howard Rock First bear hunt I was treated with the ut- from vessels, tankers, large ocean- school. airports for hours on end, when they Amendment Award. One of the most disrespect, as I was bow hunt- going vessels and large river en- I guess if the teachers had to have could have told us to come back later many hats I’ve worn over the years ing bears up the Kougarok Road. As trances but from rivers inside In-service they had it on the week- or we could check in later, and we is Intellectual Freedom Chair for the our friends were bird hunting they entrances, shore lines of ocean, coves ends, because come Monday we could visit our friends or shopped Delaware Library Association. experienced the same crap. and bays where it is populated. Peo- were expected to be there. We got some more. While you are working in the pub- There is much effort put forward ple wonder where the pollution is held back a year if we missed so Along with the Physical Therapist, lishing world, trying to keep citizens by the hunter of prepare for a hunt, coming from…it is coming from pol- many days a year/quarter. has missed her last three travel visits informed, I’ve been working in the money spent, time off of work and lution from air, rivers, lakes, shore- The other big shame I think is that to Unalakleet, and won’t be here library world, trying to keep materi- making sure his weapon is on. lines and off shorelines where so the school districts (Government until June. I know a few of us who als on all sides of every issue avail- I came very close to breaking a many vessels are traipsing. No won- maybe) are lowing the standards would benefit by their coming here able to all (including young people). birder’s nose last year. I will tell you der the sea, ocean and rivers are pol- needed for kids to graduate. No more often. As it is, it’s been a pretty We are all working hard to keep the right now that if it occurs again I luted and making sea and ocean wonder U.S.A. is so far down on the slow recovery and the picking time tenets of the first amendment alive will. creatures look so ill. educational list. is here again. and well. Cheers from the other side Sincerely, Neighboring countries of Alaska Our kids are supposed to be This place is a great place to live of our country! Mark Smith are polluting each other. smarter than us, not dumber. No and yet we can’t seem to create jobs Peggy Dillner Nome, AK 99762 “Where are our Representatives wonder my child went to school here so people could stay here. I Elkton, MD 21921 who are voted by the people of somewhere else—what a shame. tried to tell the people at Norton Alaska?” All right you kids—yea, you grad- Sound Health Corporation and Kaw- Respectfully, uated; now get off your butts and go erak, that I think some of their posi- Gabriel Myomick get your training/schooling while it’s tions could be based out of Letters to the editor must be signed and Anchorage, AK 99507 free—like I keep telling you. Tired Unalakleet, that people could include an address and phone number. Thank yous and of your lazy butts just getting into travel/do the job from here just as political endorsements are considered ads. Dear Editor, trouble. Kilumik—get to it now. easily and they said they’d think It’s just me again; you guys need I’m disappointed in the way it to address the amount of actual time seems like Unalakleet seems to get continued on page 4 Editorial A Look at the Past Here at last The Bering Sea ice is out.