Paper to be presented at the DRUID 2012 on June 19 to June 21 at CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark, How are radical innovations developed? An analytical framework to examine radical innovations based on the Values of Cohesion approach. LUCIA HELENA H. T. VIEGAS Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - FINEP The Brazilian Agency of Innovation
[email protected] JOSÉ VITOR BOMTEMPO Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Escola de Química, Área de Gestão e Inovação Tecnológi
[email protected] Abstract Our research proposes an analytical framework to examine radical innovations in the Kuhnian sense, based on the comprehension of the values of cohesion of a paradigm. We define radical innovation as the resultant of both a mode of production as a systemic conformation, and an institutional mode. Our research complements existing systemic studies on radical innovations, but under a different vision. Our approach takes into account the structural dimension that maintains a paradigm cohesive. The proposed framework is grounded on the structuralist approach, typical of studies of Human/Social Sciences (e.g., the works of Cl. Lévi-Strauss, F. de Saussure, W. Dilthey). This perspective enables the study of those factors that are manifested as a virtuality: as a belief, an ideological symbol, a cultural value, etc. Our framework was conceived to capture the virtualities, which express the conditions for the development of radical innovations. The proposed analytical framework based on values of cohesion - VCF is constituted of three analytical dimensions: the wheel of relationships, the force of cohesion, and the steps of transmission. The proposed VCF was validated to examine the potential for radical innovation in the change of raw materials sources for the Brazilian chemical industry, from fossils to renewables.