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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62991-1 - Unity Temple: Frank Lloyd Wright and Architecture for Liberal Religion Joseph M. Siry Index More information Index Abraham Lincoln Center (Chicago): au Adams, William (Unity Church trustee), ditorium of, 36, 40, 47-50, 90, 309 n65 99-101; brick of, 38, 46; as built, Addams, Jane, 264 n75, 265 n83, 46-50; concrete for, 111; dedica 310 n78 tion of, 72; as institutional church, Adler, Dankmar (architect), 59; Isaiah 32, 34, 35-36; and International Temple, 95; Kehilath Anshe Council of Religious Liberals, 320- Ma'ariv Synagogue, 290-91 n57; 21 n60; Jenkin Lloyd Jones and, and Paul Mueller, 303 n8; trip to 12, 34-37, 39-49, 182-83, 186, Europe (1888), 290 n57; and unit 265 nn81 and 83; and Larkin system, 120-21; and Wright, 120- Building, 114-15; and medieval 21, 295 n96 cathedrals, 34-36, 49, 264 n76; Adler, Rabbi Liebman (father of model of, 219, 324 n 113; nam Dankmar), 290 n57 ing of, 36, 265 nn81 and 83, Adler and Sullivan (architects), 77, 96; 269 n115; and National Unitarian Auditorium, 107-08, 303 n8; Chi Conference, 76; opening of, 51; cago Stock Exchange Trading organ screen of, 182-83; program Room, 168; Jewish Training for, 32-33, 264-65 n80; project of School, 269 n114; Kehilath Anshe 1897, 287 n40; project of 1900, Ma'ariv Synagogue, 94-95, 290- 37-40, 96-97; project of 1902, 91 n57; Meyer Building, 38; Schil 41-42, 219, 267 n103, 324 n113; ler Building, 36; Scoville Building, project of 1903, 43-46, 99-101, 274 n35; Sinai Temple, 34, 268-69 n110; pulpit of, 186; ra 290 n56;
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