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January 2020 Civil Courage News Journal of the Civil Courage Prize Vol. 16, No. 1 • January 2020 For Steadfast Resistance to Evil at Great Personal Risk Videos at the Ceremony The 2019 Civil Courage Prize- Highlight the Importance Winner Gonzalo Himiob Santomé of the Laureate's Wo r k Speaks of Venezuela's Struggles t this year's Civil Courage Prize n October 21, 2019, the normal citizen," who is willing to A ceremony, highlights included O Train Foundation award- fight "in order to get peace, justice, videos about the human rights work ed the Civil Courage Prize to and freedom back when it has been done by Gonzalo Himiob Santomé and Venezuelan lawyer, writer, musician, wrongfully taken away." The Prize Foro Penal in Venezuela. poet, and human rights activist "reminds us that anyone who truly Because she was not able to attend, Gonzalo Himiob wishes to…can former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Santomé. He, and make a difference." Samantha Power, who nominated Alfredo Romero, He noted how Himiob for the prize, sent a video. with whom he "the evil, violence, At the U.N., Power became familiar "shares the honor," persecution, and with Himiob's work; both his personal co-founded Foro death, has invaded involvement in individual cases and his Penal, an organiza- almost each aspect coordination of the efforts of Foro tion that helps to of our lives," mak- Penal’s lawyers and volunteers who help free prisoners arbi- ing people believe people "subjected to politically moti- trarily detained by "the lines between vated arrests." She also saw their work his government, what is correct and with families of those killed by security and also documents Gonzalo Himiob Santomé incorrect, what is forces while they protested the corrup- detainees, political prisoners, right and wrong, are vague and even tion and failure of the Maduro regime. abuses, and assassinations. nonexistent." Power com- Foundation co-chair George "Evil in my country has shown mended Himiob Biddle spoke of the history of the many sides." Himiob sees it in the for challenging Prize and how in creating it, John police, judges, and prosecutors who, the violent and Train was inspired by Aleksandr "aware of the innocence of those authoritarian Solzhenitsyn, a "sole warrior fight- brought before them," keep them in Maduro govern- ing for what he thinks was right." jail; in those who use other people’s ment and his Himiob, the 2019 "warrior," tragedy to make a profit or for po- Ambassador Samantha Power "unwavering spoke eloquently about the violation litical benefits; and in the inmates at force for justice and accountability." One of human rights and why the award hearings, who are tortured to keep of the "most vocal advocates of the rule is so important to him, his country, silent "because silence is one of the of law," he is the public face of Foro and his colleagues, "who share with worst, terrible weapons of evil when Penal. Despite threats and intimidation, me each day the sorrows and joys it becomes power." he continues his work with political pris- that [come with] fighting for human However, he says, "seeing and oners and thousands of protestors, who rights." knowing the evil has also allowed are "beaten, held incommunicado, and He feels the award highlights me to meet goodness and realize tortured." The end result is that he and and celebrates "those of us who do that the line between correct and in- his colleagues have made it "impossible not carry guns, uniforms, or correct, between right and wrong, is for the Maduro Regime to operate with badges;" who fight for "dreams" not vague or nonexistent," that evil's the impunity it so desires." using the Rule of Law. He has victories "are only temporary." Her hope is that the award may give learned that "there is nothing more He also sees goodness in the Himiob "a greater degree of protection powerful than a common person, a "tired eyes of our lawyers and vol- continued on Page 2 continued on page 2 Prize-Winner's Work Spotlighted Laureate Speaks About Civil Courage continued from Page 1 continued from Page 1 from potential retribution for his advocacy." unteers," in the "brave mothers who do not stop giving Power praised Himiob as a "shining example; a major their statements in spite of the threats they are subjected to and desperately needed bright spot during an exceedingly after their children’s assassination," in the support from dark period; an inspiration and a reminder of what can be strangers, and in "the fleeting gesture of an officer who, achieved when one person is willing to stand up to injus- aware that he is being used by the evil," helps when he can, tice in their community." despite the risks. Another video highlighted the Foro Penal team for Himiob spoke about how the prize "links us with other their work as "an active watchdog" for local crimes against good people [and] shows to the world that freedom and humanity, showing how they are justice have champions and defenders…one’s fight, when it raising awareness about the "hu- is a just cause, is everyone’s fight." He acknowledged the manitarian crisis suffered by mil- support from his family, and friends, and from Foro Penal's lions." Their database of people lawyers and volunteers "who have never stopped believing arbitrarily arrested for political in the values inspiring our fight." reasons in Venezuela goes back He ended by praising his colleagues: "With persever- to 2005, and they continuously ance, commitment, belief and heart, in each argument, in Kerry Kennedy and Himiob report "cases of politically mo- each gesture and in each action of their lives, they show us tivated torture and assassination." Their records have been daily that when it comes to defend ourselves against the "validated as effective and credible references" by the evil and darkness, each step, even if it is very small, is a U.N., the European Parliament, the O.A.S., and organiza- good step towards the light of freedom, justice, and peace." tions dedicated to the global defense of human rights. After his speech, Kerry Kennedy, president of RFK The work brings great risk to Foro Penal's members. Human Rights, which partners with Foro Penal in Himiob has received death threats and has been "deemed Venezuela, sat down with Himiob for a discussion and as a traitor, terrorist, and criminal" by the government. He question and answer session with the audience.* continues because, for him, there is "no worse punishment Sobering Statistics from Himiob's Speech for political prisoners than oblivion." "Since 2014, there have been more than 15,000 polit- In the end, Foro Penal's only reward "in all cases is ical detentions, over 240 people killed by repression in what they call a prisoner's 'embrace of freedom' once he is peaceful demonstrations, more than 6,000 extrajudicial ex- free. They ask for no more than that." ecutions, hundreds of victims of torture and, today, more RECENT NEWS OF A PAST WINNER than 400 political prisoners and over 9,000 people on crim- inal trial, on conditional release, also for political reasons." rusading journalist and human rights defender, CRafael Marques de Morais, winner of the 2006 Civil Courage Prize, has received some The New School Event well-deserved recognition in his na- n October 22nd, the Train Foundation and the tive Angola. ONew School co-sponsored a conversation with During the summer of 2019, he the Civil Courage Prize-winner entitled "Venezuela in Photo by Quintiliano dos Santos Photo by was acquited of charges of "insulting Crisis: Where Do We Go From Here?" the Angolan state" for an article he Joining him was Joanna Hausmann, Venezuelan- American actress, comedian, writer, and critic of the Marques de Morais (l) and wrote and published on his anti-cor- President Lourenço ruption website, Maka Angola, alleging Maduro regime. The discussion was moderated by Train that the then attorney general engaged in corruption. Mar- Foundation trustee Louis Bickford, whose career in global ques was also charged with "offending an organ of sover- human rights includes the Ford Foundation and the eignty," namely ex-president Jose Eduardo dos Santos. Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. It wasn't the first time that Marques has stood trial but The discussion centered on the breakdown of democ- it was the first time he was acquitted, which is considered a racy in Venezuela, where civilian militia "death squads" and milestone for Angola's freedom of the press. a special police unit terrorize poor and rural areas with This past November, Marques was among 70 "institu- extra-judical executions to inhibit resistance. Himiob de- tions and personalities" who were awarded the medal of scribed outside support from Cuba, in police training, and civil merit by President João Lourenço, for their "commit- from China, with facial recognition technology. ment to fight against corruption." A few pro-Maduro protestors interrupted the conver- His reaction to the award? "I am very pleased," he said, sation for a few minutes, and then the discussion contin- "I'm a patriot now." ued. All in all, it was an interesting and unique evening. é Page 2 January 2020 *For a complete text of Gonzalo Himiob Santom 's speech, please go to www.civilcourageprize.com 2019 Civil Courage Prize Ceremony and Reception 12 3 4 5 6 7 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Musa Klebnikov and Andrew Gilmour 6. Michael Klebnikov, Alexandra Ourusoff, George Davison 7. (l-r) John Micklethwait, Marcus Brauchli, Warren Hoge 2.
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