This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364
[email protected] NEWS REPORTER MRS. ROBERT HANES 676-1881 Please phone or send in your news as early as possible. News deadline Noon Monday Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME ELEVEN-NO. FORTY-EIGHT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 NEWS ST AND COPY Sc. Advance enrollment Forest Hills Jr. High 'The New Russia' A. C. A. discuss in· nursery school Square dance to present variety shew Ready schedule Debate teams must be made soon Dancing, singing and guitar next in series plans for 4th Hurry, hurry, if you have a huge success strumming will be featured at for fall term tie for fifth the Junior High Variety Show. "The New Russia" will be The debate team for the '65- pre-school child and hope to en presented on the "Travel and The A. C. A. was started in roll the little one in Cascade The Ada Community Associa The 17 acts include two num Within a few weeks students '66 season finished with a fifth 1965 by members of the com tion's square dance held Satur bers by the pom-pon girls. John of Forest Hills will be filling Adventure Series" sponsored by place tie in the 0-K conference Christian Nursery this fall. Now the Congregators of Ada Con munity who wanted to see the is time to enroll hin1.