Legislative Assembly Hansard 1968
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 26 MARCH 1968 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Special Adjournment [26 MARcH] Questions 2529 TUESDAY, 26 MARCH, 1%8 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS EFFECT OF UNITED STATES REJECTION OF AUSTRALIAN MEAT CARGO Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Primary Industries,- (!) Was Queensland's beef export trade involved in the recent United States' refusal to permit entry of a two million dollar Australian meat export cargo from the vessel City of Brisbane? If so, to what extent? ( 2) Is it anticipated that the reasons advanced for rejection of this cargo will have any future effect on Queensland's beef trade? Answers: (1) "No." (2) "The rejection will have no effect on future shipments of beef from Queens land as the quarantine requirements remain unaltered and can be satisfied." UNLAWFUL UsE AND STEALING OF MOTOR VEHICLES Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- ( 1) How many motor vehicles during the calendar years 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, were-(a) unlawfully used, (b) reported stolen, (c) recovered by the police and (d) found abandoned and stripped? (2) What is the maximum penalty that may be imposed for (a) the unlawful use of and (b) the stealing of a motor vehicle? (3) What action is proposed in order to reduce this type of crime? Answers:- (1) '~(a) and (b) 1964-1,711; 1965- 1,792; 1966-1,703; and 1%7-1,544. Vehicles unlawfully used and vehicles reported stolen are not classified separately in the records of the Police Department.
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