Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Flow Analysis – Decision Support for Austrian Environmental Policy
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originalarbeit Hubert Reisinger 1, Gerald Schöller 2, Thomas Jakl ³, Raimund Quint ³, Brigitte Müller2, Alarich Riss 1 and Paul H. Brunner 2 Lead, Cadmium and Mercury Flow Analysis – Decision Support for Austrian Environmental Policy Summary: This paper discusses the sup- nen Datenlücken und widersprüchliche historic and existing material flows, stocks, port for environmental policy decisions Angaben aus unterschiedlichen Quellen emissions, and hot spots for which action that can be provided by substance flow entdeckt und fehlende Daten errechnet is most urgent. Such factual bases already analysis (SFA). Flows and stocks of lead werden. Zum anderen – und dies ist von have been provided for many substances (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) are besonderer Bedeutung für die Entschei- by substance flow analyses (SFA). To men- investigated through the Austrian eco- dungsfindung in der Umweltpolitik – ver- tion but a few: nomy and environment. Two advantages mittelt die SFA ein vollständiges Bild bei ■ ■ A pioneering MFA study on the histo- of SFA are emphasized: first, because SFA voller Transparenz. Sie ist ein nützliches rical pollution by heavy metals and is based on the law of conservation of Instrument zur Sichtbarmachung der Ge- PCBs in the Hudson River Basin was mass, input and output flows of processes samtauswirkungen von umweltpolitischen published by Ayres and Ayres in 1988. have to be balanced. This balancing prin- Maßnahmen – wie etwa Integrierte ■ ■ Stigliani et al. 1993 assessed the lead ciple allows identifying data gaps and con- Produktpolitik, Konsumentenschutz, pollution in the river Rhine basin by a tradicting information supplied by diffe- Emissionskontrolle und Abfallwirtschaft – material flow approach. rent sources, and helps to calculate missing auf die Wirtschaft eines Landes and seine ■ ■ Brunner 1998 investigated in the EU FP data. Second and most important for envi- Umwelt. Die SFA hilft auch, Gefahren- 4 project MAcTEmPo the potential of ronmental policy making, SFA gives the herde festzustellen, die zusätzliche SFA as a tool for decision making in en- “whole picture and full transparency”. It is Maßnahmen notwendig machen, um den vironmental policy. Imports and ex- instrumental in showing the combined ef- Druck auf die Umwelt zu reduzieren bzw. ports of all goods and selected substan- fect of different environmental policy mea- sekundäre anthropogene Lager zu nutzen. ces were assessed on the urban, sures such as integrated product policy, Die mittels SFA erhaltenen Daten sind regional and national level, and the an- consumer protection, emission control, sorgfältig auszuwerten, damit zwischen thropogenic material stocks investiga- and waste management on the economy nützlichen und schädlichen Stoffflüssen ted. As a result, implications such as of a country and its environment. SFA also und Lager unterschieden werden kann, the link between urban metabolism helps to identify hot spots for which addi- z. B. wenn Stoffe, die große Mengen an ge- and emissions, and the accumulation tional measures are required to reduce en- fährlichen Schwermetallen enthalten, of new anthropogenic resources were vironmental pressure or to make use of se- einer Wiederverwertung zugeführt wer- identified. condary anthropogenic stocks. SFA results den sollen. Um eine breite Basis für die ■ ■ Helmers et al. 1995 documented a lead must be carefully interpreted in order to zukünftige Gestaltung der Umweltpolitik contamination decrease in the German distinguish between beneficial and harm- zu erhalten, muss die quantitative SFA urban environment for the period 1972 ful flows and stocks, e. g. when materials durch qualitative Informationen sowie to 1992 of about 85 %. are recycled that contain large amounts of durch zusätzliche Beurteilungshilfen ■ ■ Svidén and Jonsson 2001 analyzed hazardous heavy metals. For a compre- ergänzt werden. mercury flows through the City of hensive base to design future environmen- Stockholm showing the trends for the tal policy, quantitative SFA needs to be period 1795 to 1995, identifying hitherto amended by qualitative information, and unknown mercury sources and show- by additional assessment tools. 1. Introduction ing that already emitted amounts of mercury exceeds the amount of mer- Stoffflussananlyse von Blei, Kadmium In industrialized countries, the last two cury still in anthropogenic stock by a und Quecksilber – Entscheidungshilfe centuries were characterized by the intro- factor of 30. für die österreichische Umweltpolitik duction and use of increasing amounts of ■ ■ Spatari et al. 2005 documented the US heavy metals. The utilization of these me- copper flow for the 20th century, in or- Zusammenfassung: Im vorliegenden Ar- tals in a wide range of products resulted in der to understand how and in what tikel wird die Stoffflussanalyse (SFA) als large economic benefits due to the new proportion materials were used, how Entscheidungshilfe auf dem Gebiet der functions and effects that these substan- they may have dissipated into the envi- Umweltpolitik besprochen. Die Flüsse und ces allowed in their applications. On the ronment, and how they partitioned Lager von Blei (Pb), Kadmium (Cd) und other side, the wide spread use of heavy into certain reservoirs. Quecksilber (Hg) in der österreichischen metals also created concerns regarding ■ ■ Lestel et al. 2007 describe the flow of 30 Wirtschaft und in die Umwelt werden un- their toxicity and negative impact on the metals from 24 sources within the Seine tersucht. Es werden vor allem zwei Vorteile environment. Therefore, measures are river basin in five-year-time steps for der SFA hervorgehoben. Zum einen beruht needed to control the efficient use of ma- the period 1950 to 2000. The special fo- die SFA auf dem Gesetz von der Erhaltung terials and their emissions into the envi- cus is on zinc and on a comparison bet- der Masse – Eintrag und Austrag sind ge- ronment, as well. The basis for designing ween the flows in the anthroposphere geneinander auszubilanzieren; damit kön- these measures is a proper knowledge of and in the Seine River. öwaw © Springer-Verlag 5-6/2009 63 originalarbeit achieved a certain tradition and a high le- vel of credibility in Austria. Still, a compre- hensive, consistent and nation-wide data set on lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mer- cury (Hg) did not exist. Hence, when the European Commission asked the member states to supply information about Pb, Cd and Hg, the Austrian Ministry of Agricul- ture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management decided to use SFA metho- dology to commission a study on the pre- sent turnover of the three heavy metals on a country wide scale. A project was launched to link exis- ting information, and to quantify the flows and stocks of Pb, Cd, and Hg. The main ob- jective was to produce a consistent and ro- bust data set that can be used for decision making in environmental management as well as in waste and resources manage- ment. The study was jointly prepared by the Umweltbundesamt (Austrian EPA) and the Vienna University of Technology, and is described in detail in Reisinger et al. (2009). In the present article, the authors describe shortly the method applied, the data source, the results of the study, the implications for environmental policy, and the advantages and disadvantages of using SFA as a methodology for this study. Fig. 1: The system RUSCH of Austrian flows and stocks of Pb, Cd, and Hg, comprising 10 imports, 21 internal flows, and 16 exports, eight processes within and two processes outside the systems boundary. 2. Methods and Data With respect to integrating resource ma- recently, Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) In order to assess the flows and stocks of nagement and environmental policies a has gained momentum in particular by the three heavy metals investigated, mate- new impetus was given by the “Thematic the Center for Industrial Ecology at Yale rial flow analysis MFA and substance flow Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural University that produces valuable reports analysis SFA were used to link data that Resources” by the European Commission on flows and stocks of many metals on all had been collected beforehand in other (European Commission 2005), which has scales (e. g. Graedel et al. 2004). In Austria, contexts such as emission inventories, en- the objective to reduce the environmental data about the flows and stocks of materi- vironmental monitoring, and waste ma- impact of resource use. Within this frame- als have been collected by several institu- nagement. MFA/SFA were performed ac- work, European countries further limit the tions for individual purposes. Since the cording to (ÖNORM S 2096-1&2 2005) as flow of specific heavy metals. E. g. Sweden 1990ies, SFA has been established in Aus- described by (Brunner and Rechberger has decided to decrease the contents of tria as an acknowledged method. It has 2003). lead, cadmium and mercury in newly pro- been successfully applied in several stu- duced goods as far as possible (Kemi 2007). dies, in particular to support waste ma- 2.1. System Description Austria applies an extended mix of policy nagement decisions, and to deliver inputs measures in order to control the use and for the Federal Waste Management Plan. A The system boundary in terms of space emissions of heavy metals. Despite these National Standard for the application of was defined according to the political bor- measures considerable amounts of lead, SFA in waste management, defining terms, ders of Austria. The upper soil (pedo- cadmium and mercury are suspected to methodology, and range of application sphere) was included in the system. Since still remain in use and to be stored in the has been in use since the year 2006 it was not possible to determine all inputs anthroposphere. As a consequence, careful (ÖNORM S 2096-1&2 2005). For resource and outputs of the lithosphere, atmos- management of these three elements will management and the Federal Resource phere and hydrosphere, these processes remain important in the future, and additi- Report, an SFA study supplied the neces- were not balanced and thus were not in- onal policy measures may be required.