Mimnaug Co., Si, Mbia, S
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I MIMAhIfGH'S DEI'ARTMENT STO Is vei?y attractive with the Disjslay of Up to date flferchandise. * i The first Importation of Fall Millinerv. A Fine Line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes, Clothing. We carry one of the most complete line of Dry Goods, House Furnishings. and Clothing in the South. Now is your opj>ortunitv to get full value for your money. All goods as represented, or money refuinL 1 1,000 ysrds Linen Crash Towling, IS! inches wide picked up at a bargain, gc>od value 15s., our present price lOe ()ue catje vard vvide Bleachea fcjbeeting, 7 . h* 5 j. » vard, 1 case Lonsdale Cambric, 10c. a yard, 1 case brie, IOj. a yard. 1 case Cannon ()loth, 10c. for the best quality. 10 piec:es of Bleached Damask 44s. a yard. 1 lot of Umbrellas, special sale lot, price, 08c. 20 Wuo) E as a starter for the season. See the specialCam>ruogets prices on them. The largest and most complete btock i)f Tiunks and Traveling Bags in the Clarolinaa. We carry the stock in and out of teasco, &Ld you will always find what you want here. & ! h & :Main Colu i J. L. Mimnaug Co., Si, mbia, S. C 9 Mr. J. T. Warner, wife and dnugn k The Lexington Dispatch. tere, Ophelia aod Viola, of Irmo, I SLA A * were in town shopping Friday. [Wednesday, October 19,1904. j .[Necessity. nas« iorceaP J many a to goon tbe stage.aDd it shouldwoman PENCIL AlTD~SCisSOSSr force lots of so-called actresses back to the laundry. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and Mr. Wilson WessiDger aDd family, There by a Dispatch Man. of AikeD, are visiting the family of bis brother-in-law, D. E. Ballentine, It is still very dusty. and family. Not a store was decorated for the stables is the Fair. Caugbman Bros', That's the way things loo]k at our place. A house County place to leave your horse and buggy big Love after marriage is often a and have it well taken oare of during affair. oneBidedthe State Fair. packed full. Some goiLng out that are sold Work is progressing finely on the The Boards of State and Federal You would follow the crowd and (fitAnhnna line tiwva a knew WtO^UVUV ^ election commissioners were in buy pair of Diana's if you ODly and new stock in. stables and the coming Make Caughman Bros', yesterday appointed sessionhow much value we get into them % J headquarters during the State Fair. managers of election. fo&$l 50. A drop too much has caused many A large number of friends from They have lots of style to them. a man to fall from the county and abroad, who are grace. The Kiel stock is tough, will wear Everybody is taking in the Fair taking in tbe Fair, called to see us. Another <Car of tlie We were glad to meet them. well; yet it is soft aDd smooth. today. farmers fit better than moat shoes Except for the dust we would have This is the season when They ideal weather. should plant small grain. For tbe you pay $2 00 for. to T. B. never best and purest seed, go Oar values are and The right kind of a "smile" & Co., strong prices OLD HICKORY V.AGOSS TO ARRIVE ..does any harm at a prayer meeting. Aughtry are weak. M There is a tremendous pressure on A man seldom realizes the depth Make our stores your headquarters after he into it. our advertising columns at present FIRST OF NEXT WEIUK. COME TO SEE US. I of a hole until gets Subscribers and will when you come to Columbia. Have will that she can't correrpondents "S§ A woman protest please bear with U3 for this is our ail jour packeges sent here we will while ehe is taking off her hat. time. stay harvest take care of them for blue. you. COIjUMBIA, §. C. The rose is red, the violet's C. D. Barr, of Leesville, S. C , has BRPfinRV^IiIUVIUAV A RHFA MI&T&1 00 I comes JLE and so is a man when his note just received a Large Line of the due. latest things in Dress Goods, from JOHN W. COKDEK, See. and Troas. i.; It is said that already there are H. B. Claflm Co., of New York. EHRLICH'S, many light fingered gentry in E. Ernest Levingston, who is AT SAME C)LD STAND. * Columbia. school at Rock Hill, is 1643 Main Street) fMIlHDn P f t -.0$ attending v"' Li vi . Bros', line ing the home folks during the County 1627 Main Street j blnfi'iij Call and see Caugbman the latter visit! Sept 20.ly of baggies and wagoos while you are Fair. He will return part in Columbia next week. of the week. Treasurer his Juluis B. Boozer of Columbia, S. County Shealy says District for the Pacific collections have been very good so C, agent far. Mutual Life Insurance Co, of Don't Yon Need fornia, is in town thin week attend| Money doesnt't always had to ing the Fair. Cali, but it in the search Some new silverware for table? You helps happiness,No rain yet, nor are there any signs your very materially. of any soon. But as all might as well have nice service on your in the having AU the bad children signs fail in dry weather we hope for table now and enjoy it while you are young belong to the neighbors.so read the columns of the neighborhood advertising when you can buy it so reasonably. every mother will inform you. especially f28I 91 fil H / Dispatch. When in Columbia come in and HMR ^4 The next amusement on the Barr, of Leesville, is showing an is the State Fair, then comesprogrammeunmatcbable line of Dress Goods, talk silverware with us, or, if you can't the oircus. Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Gent's come will send you our catalogue. and all The season is now on and Furnishings, Hats, Shoes, We are opening up a nice fresh stock of hunting at for your guns and ammunetion go to Bargain prices. watches and jewelry just received. Next Si. B. McMasfcer, Columbia. Salesmen Wanted to look after our interest in and week (before October 15), we will have an ~ Stoves Lexington adjacent Barr, of Leesville, buys by counties. or commission. entire n6w line of handsome clocks at very the car load from the manufacturers. Salary pa JkBy HKfi BjB 9H EMM«m BBMBF HB Address Lincoln Oil Company, attractive prices. That's why he sells them so cheap. Cleveland, Ohio. j|l^ !!llj|jj fllijf t ^jj fffjf''"^Wk Keep us in mind and come to see us MIbs Maude Amons of Hn n bB £3& Bisbopville, The Free Public school at jfff|hu I Ssfj fil| ^^5b SHH is at the home of Col. M. I). opens whenever you want goods in this line. We visiting the Palmetto Collegiate Institute on * Harman. Monday, October, 31. Parents will save you money. There was some frost last Friday. please try to get the children in the I'"s No damage, however, was done to first day. & C.A.X-X- .AJiTXD SEE "C7 vegetation. You are respectfully invited to call P. H. LflCHICOTTJ GO., Miss Jennie Stevens, of Columbia, at T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia is visiting Miss Emma Ballentine, .in and see their tremendous stock of JEWELERS, this place. farm and pleasure vehicles, when in 1424 MAIN STBEET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Ladies interested in the latest and the city. No admittance charged. eorrecfc styles in Dress Goods, see Mr. Rish, who has been Barr's at Lsesville. Jasper ROOF line, carpentering with Mr. J. J. Taylor JUST A WORD Did you ever pause to think how around town for some time, has laid many people there are in the world aside the saw and hammer and left TO FARMERS: M, S. C. who probably never heard of you? for Florida Sunday to pick oraDges Lexingl Rev. G. S. Bearden will preach his for shipment. farewell sermon as pastor of Pisgah Waen you go to the State Fair be IUNION HOUSE Evan. Lu. near Barrs, on CO., church, sure aod call and see the merchants the 5fch Sunday. Everybody is who advertise in the Dispatch. Tell of N m Perfect Fit. invited to attend. cordiallythem where you saw their aDd they will do a littleadvertisementbetter Columbia, S. C., than good for you. is Latest Style. Are Yon Col. D. J. Griffith, Superintendent to Coming? of the State Penitentiary was here prepared All your neighbors are Coming. on business. He us a I! not before, they will be sure to Thursday, gave Store Cotton call and we were to in be here Fair Week If you are not pleaeant glad Highest Quality. <Lowest cyij^ing read this aloud so friends notice that he was looking hale and Standard Warehouse f^p pan hear yen- It you want hearty- He is in attandance at cu: for $ Pf§§ent or for youranything and to arrange own'use. don't buy it before fait. A i if at qur stock c>£ looking Farmers in Flour is cash advances ^jm Prices. g put grain ^ proper high and will be higher. <J. JL> Jtsarr, JEWELRY, of Leesville, is agent for The if you desire to ^^\-><J!l ilk Thomas and Enterprise Buckley,Grain hold cotton. DIAMONDS' your v.f all are and L v these embodied in the ^ afli in &is!/cd and Fertilizer Drills, Smoothing \ | UUft.SU Vibfkllj Phe Harrows, Carry stock on hand Details will be gladly ^ § GUT GLASS, at factory piices.