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UNIVERSITY of GOTHENBURG School of Global Studies UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG School of Global Studies A host society’s perception of changes in its young peoples’ cultural identity due to tourism: A case study in Bagan, Myanmar Master thesis in Global Studies Spring Semester 2014 Higher Education Credits: 30 HEC Author: Anna-Katharina Rich Supervisor: Anja Karlsson Franck Word Count: 19 528 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................ 4 Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 5 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6 2. Aim and research questions............................................................................................ 7 3. Relevance to global studies ............................................................................................ 8 4. Delimitation ................................................................................................................... 9 5. Theoretical approach.................................................................................................... 10 5.1. Cultural identity ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.1.1. (Cultural) identity in post-conflict societies.............................................................................................. 12 5.1.2. (Cultural) identity in young people............................................................................................................... 13 5.2. Tourism development............................................................................................................................................ 14 5.2.1. Perceptions of tourism’s impacts in host societies ................................................................................. 15 5.2.2. Tourism development in post-conflict societies ...................................................................................... 16 5.3. Cultural identity and tourism development................................................................................................. 17 5.3.1. Tourism’s ways of influencing cultural identity...................................................................................... 17 5.3.2. Tourism’s influence on cultural identity..................................................................................................... 18 6. The Burma/Myanmar Case........................................................................................... 21 6.1. The country ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 6.2. (Cultural) identity in Burma/Myanmar......................................................................................................... 23 6.3. Tourism in Burma/Myanmar ............................................................................................................................. 25 6.4. The study region: Bagan ....................................................................................................................................... 26 7. Methodology................................................................................................................ 27 7.1. Research strategy .................................................................................................................................................... 27 7.2. Data collection........................................................................................................................................................... 28 7.2.1. Sampling................................................................................................................................................................... 28 7.2.2. Observations ........................................................................................................................................................... 28 7.2.3. Semi-structured interviews .............................................................................................................................. 29 7.2.4. Interview situation and interviewees........................................................................................................... 29 7.3. Data analysis.............................................................................................................................................................. 31 7.4. Methodological concerns...................................................................................................................................... 31 8. Results ......................................................................................................................... 32 8.1. Specific areas of tourism’s influence on young peoples’ cultural identity...................................... 33 8.1.1. Style of dressing..................................................................................................................................................... 33 8.1.2. Taste of food............................................................................................................................................................ 35 8.1.3. Consumption of alcohol and cigarettes....................................................................................................... 35 8.1.4. Use of Internet/Facebook.................................................................................................................................. 37 8.1.5. Taste in films and music..................................................................................................................................... 37 8.1.6. Freetime activities................................................................................................................................................ 38 8.1.7. Use of Thanaka/Make-Up ................................................................................................................................. 39 8.1.8. Consumption of betelnut.................................................................................................................................... 40 8.1.9. Importance of education ................................................................................................................................... 40 8.1.10. Attitudes towards relationships/marriage ............................................................................................ 41 8.1.11. Importance of religion ..................................................................................................................................... 43 8.1.12. Prevalent values.................................................................................................................................................. 44 8.1.13. Importance of money........................................................................................................................................ 45 8.2. General tendencies/connections ...................................................................................................................... 45 9. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 48 2 10. Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 55 11. References.................................................................................................................. 58 12. Appendix.................................................................................................................... 69 3 Acknowledgements I would like to express my greatest thanks to my supervisor Anja Karlsson Franck, who has guided me through this project intensely despite her busy schedule and plenitude of projects. Every meeting gave rise to new ways of thinking and viewing my project. It has been highly inspirational working with her and sharing our fascination for Myanmar. My gratitude towards Mr. Thuratow is unlimited. He has not only been a very professional interpreter, but also a great help in recruiting suitable interview partners and an amazing friend, who helped me through all my ups and downs during my time of research in Bagan. Mr. Thuratow, without you I would have not been able to do this project. Thank you! I am incredibly thankful for having the best parents in the world, who always supported me in my private as well as professional decisions and have never failed to believe in me and encouraged my, not always straight-lined academic decisions. Mami and Papi, I would not be where I am today without you. And last but not least I want to thank the School of Global Studies of the University of Gothenburg for enabling me two years of extremely interesting studies, which opened my eyes in many ways and proved that I have finally found my area of passionate interest. 4 Abstract After the democratising steps following the 2010 election, Myanmar has evolved from a highly isolated country to an emerging tourist destination. As tourism’s impacts are more extreme in previously isolated countries, severe influences of tourism – both positive and negative
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