New Thoughts on the Public Sphere in Aotearoa New Zealand
SCOOPED: THE POLITICS AND POWER OF JOURNALISM IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND CHAPTER !: NEW THOUGHTS ON THE PUBLIC SPHERE IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND Wayne Hope The idea of a public sphere is made possible by the guaranteed freedoms of association, expression and publication. Citizens, groups and intellectuals are able to confer without restriction on matters of shared interest. In principle, public sphere activities should proceed independently of state prerogatives, religious authority and commercial influence. In practice, public sphere activities may fall short of these underlying principles. As Jurgen Habermas noted in his early writings, the Western, 18th-century bourgeoisie saw itself as the bearer of Enlightenment reason and constitutional freedoms. By the mid-19th century, however, non-property owners made their own public sphere claims against the bourgeoisie. Trade unionists and the early women’s movement, for example, demanded a fully franchised electoral system (Habermas, 1992). Furthermore, rights of representation and public argumentation were directed against private owners of capital and the bourgeois state. Early industrial capitalism and the bourgeois public sphere were vulnerable to oppositional challenge from socialist points of view. In Western societies the subsequent formation of representative political parties, trade union organisations, and tax funded institutions of health, education and social welfare were the outcomes of political struggles for universal rights and entitlements. Public sphere activities can be evaluated within legal environments, artistic and literary communities, political parties, the scholarly commons, legislatures and media institutions. Overlapping manifestations of the public sphere reflect the structures and instabilities of political-economic power. At given historical conjunctures, oppositional public spheres may crystallise.
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