U>£ is strongly encouraged that letters to the editor be submitted on a S0GK5 OFF THESE BQBOs/ Macintosh disc (3.S inch discs using any release of the Macwrite "3Tstisms**" application). Typed and neatly written letters will still be accepted. The MHItf.NO EMS (W Thresher will not edit content or ideas. However, we reserve the right naouroHO*n>yOUUKEy no rarecrK kk. to edit for clarity, grammar, and length, and we reserve the right not to TCUEwnpnasnii*WKPUTV r print all the letters we receive. •Misclassified submissions need not be signed. Unsigned editorials will be run as misclass. Again, we reserve the right to edit or not print all submissions. We will not print personal attacks. We will not keep misclass off the backpage solely because it contains "off-color" lan- guage; however, we will not print submissions solely because they contain "off-color" language. The backpage editor and co-editors will determine the content of the backpage and their decisions are final. •Normally, the deadline for letters to the editor will be noon on the Wednesday prior to publication. The deadline for backpage material, including announcements, will be 5 p.m. on the Monday prior to pub- lication. THRESHER Opinion Friday, May 13, 1988 3 Stanford nixes "Optimal Health and Fitness5 5 The Dean of Undergraduate Studies Thomas 50 departments or programs in the arts and sci- president," Schmidt said. "I'm looking forward Wasow at Stanford University is disturbed by BEYOND THE HEDGES ences, engineering and professional schools by to a close partnership with Turner." the anti-intellectual tone of the organization and 1993. Turner's primary responsibility will be the promotion of "Optimal Health and Fitness," a by Ross Goldberg Currently, the university's policy is to provide development and implementation of a capital popular four-unit fitness class. Wasow has also vate universities. Funding for the two programs, incentives for departments to achieve the hiring renovation plan. Yale recently alloted $300 mil- barred its instructor, Jack Martin, from teaching which were created by the state legislature last goal. Such incentives would include giving ad- lion to a 5-10 year campus improvement plan. at Stanford as a result of his "unethical behav- year, must be renewed every two years. ditional funds to departments that hire blacks. Another concern of Turner's will be the diffi- ior," George Bittner, a UT professor of zoology, Departments that do not meet the goal would be culties many teaching assistants say they are Waso w became concerned about the class after received$178,000 for study into the rapid repair subject to a review. having meeting their financial responsibilities. reading fliers used to advertise it on campus. of nerve axons. Bittner hopes to use a combina- The resolution proposes that the administra- "I'm not prepared to commit to anything at this The fliers claimed that the class would not focus tion of certain chemicals such as polyethylene tion require each department to hire an addi- point," Turner said. "[I believe] the most impor- on tests, problem sets or papers because "we glycol and high-frequency electromagnetic tional black member before the fall of 1993. tant thing for graduate students is to complete don't think they are healthy for you." fields to repair damaged nerves. Departments that fail to meet the goal would be their education. That would point toward less Martin asserts that Wasow has based his objec- subject to a review. teaching [by graduate students] and perhaps tions solely on the fliers circulated and that he Duke students protest more stipends." made no effort to learn more about the course or Students at Duke University became agitated Turner named provost Turner believes that his training as a historian contact Martin personally. Martin notes that the over the Academic Council's recendy adopted History professor Frank Turner was recendy will help him in the position of provost "There course meets the University's standards for policy on hiring additional black faculty mem- named the new provost at Yale University. are certain things that dealing with history al- credit in "every way." The class includes three bers. Student leaders gathered 2,550 signatures Turner will assume his new responsibilities on lows you to do," he explained. "We don't live in lectures a week, weekly tests and required atten- for a petition and organized a rally on campus in July 1. a world where all the lines are clearly drawn; dance at an exercise session. support of an alternative proposal. Yale President Benno Schmidt named the new everything is a litde rough around the edges. The large turnout for the course—over 600 Both proposals support the addition of at least provost without the aid of a search committee. University administration is very much like students—was disheartening, Wasow said. one new black faculty member to each of about "The provost must be the total partner of the that." UT awarded funds The University of Texas received almost $18 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU million in funding for science research after a preliminary vote by the Texas Higher Education SO! WHAT HAVE YOU WELL, YOU WHAT? THAT'S Coordinating Board. TWO KIPS BEEN UP KNOW I'M QR5AT! NO, I I DIDN'T The board received more than 3,200 proposals TO LATELY? PREGNANT, P/PN'T KNOKJ! for research grants through the Advanced Re- OF COURSE... \ S3g£ search and Advanced Technology programs, KNOMf ™ two state-funded science research programs totaling $60 million. The largest single award—$900,000—will be directed toward an energy project involving fusion. Other fields of study that received pre- liminary funding approval include agriculture and aquaculture, manufacturing, engineering, aerospace and biomedicine. The Advanced Research Program was open to researchers at Texas public higher education institutions, while the Advanced Technology Program was available to both public and pri- A FATHER! GUYS, I'M DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHATS YOU HAVE TO TAKE LAM ATE! YOUYOU HAVE TO YOU HAVE TO NOT READY TO BE A INVOLVED7 ALL THE THINGS YOUHAVE TO GET A BIGGER. APART- RE-REGISTER RE-REGISTER FATHBR! J HAVE TOPO BEFORE THE KIP MENT! YOU HAVE TO GETLIFE AS A REPUB- AS A REPUB- EVEN SHOWS UP? INSUR- LICAN. LICAN! ANCE! YS / •R Editorial Staff if 3

Editor-in-Chief Joel Sendek Managing Editor Patrick McGarrity News Editors Michele Wucker, Sue Yom Fine Arts Editor Jen Cooper Sports Editor Wes Gere Production Manager Harold Turner Copy Editor Wynn Martin NICDLB, I JUST NO IT IS, BUT NOT FOR YOU AND Feature Editor Michele Wucker FOUNP OUT SOME-KIDDING? ME. IT CHANGES EVERYTHING. WELL, BOY, IT'S A Backpage Editor Laura Dew THING EXTRA- OH, MIKE, YOU CAN SEE THAT, CAN'T THAT'S GOOP THING Photo Editor James Yao ORDINARY. I'M THAT'S YOU? I CANT THINK ONLY THAT. YOU HAP A Senior Editor Lisa Gray GOING TO BE WONDER- OF MYSELF NOW. TM ABOUT TRUMP CARP A FATHER! FUL! TO BECOME A FAMILY MAN ! HANPY! \ Assistant News Editor Ross Goldberg Assistant Photo Editor Lawrence Cowsar News Staff Anu Bajaj, Lisa Gray Fine Arts Staff John Mcntag, Russell Ross Brad Tyer, Eric Salituro. Sports Staff David Cumberland, Steve Nations, Anthony Wills, Scooter Yee. Photography Staff Michael Gladu, Harold Turner Production Staff Satanne Bullen, Aron Dan burg Amy Sayle, Ed Stewart, Judd Volino. Business Staff Business Manager Lee Finch For the normal Friday publication, ad copy and space reserva- THANKS FOR WELL, YOU'RE SURE OF COURSE ME, TOO, NICOLE. TERRIBLE tions must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the previous Friday, and BEING SO THINGS THERE ARE NOT. BUT BY THE WAY, MOVIE. COMPLETE camera-ready copy by 5 p.m. Monday. Orders for cancella- CHANGE, NO HARP I CANT SAY HAVE YOU SEEN NO, WASTE OF TIME- ]HANK5 tion of ads must be received one week in advance of publica- UNPER9TANP- I ING, NICOLE. MIKE... FEELINGS? I'M NOT PIS - 'FATAL ATTRAC- WHY? / IHI& tion date. The next three issues of the Rice Thresher will be 77* July IS, August 26, and September 2. APPOINTED. T/ON"?

The Rice Thresher, the official student newspaper at Rice Uni- versity sincel916,is published each Friday during the school year, except during examination periods and holidays, by the students of Rice University. Editorial and business offices are located on the second floor of the Ley Student Center, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77251. Telephone (713) 527-4801 or527-4802. Advertising information available upon request. Mail subscription rate per semester: $15.00 domestic, $30.00 international (via first class mail). The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of anyone except the writer. Obviously. For a copy of the graduation speech, take a look at the July 23,1986 issue of the Rice Thresher. (PB — © 1988 The Rice Thresher. All rights reserved. 4 Friday, May 13.1988 THRESHER News LaRouche supporter ousted from lecture by Sue Yom Dessler thought there had been six As Dejean was being led out, he campus at any time, he could be sub- Voswinkel said. At the Rice President's Lecture people in the audience who were af- shouted, "Is this America or is this the ject to charges of criminal trepass. "It all happened very quickly, and April 27, a man was removed from the filiated with the group, though Dejean Soviet Union? Are you American or Provost Neal Lane said that the some of the audience had the percep- audience, handcuffed, frisked, and said there were four. Rice Chief of are you Soviet citizens?" police "acted according to approved tion that the action was very abrupt. It given a trespass warning for directing Police Mary Voswinkel estimated Dessler said that the audience was procedures when the police realized was unfortunate that this happened," an unduly aggressive question at a "ten or fifteen." Dessler said that "split; some were cheering, but seme that the speaker wanted the ques- said Lane. visiting Soviet cosmonaut. Joel De- "they weren't sitting all together; they didn't like the idea that even a rude tioner to stop." Dessler said the cosmonaut had jean, a salesman for Southwest Lit- spread themselves through the audi- and offensive question could result in "We acted according to state law, been "puzzled, as this was the first erature Distribution Company, had ence." police action." which says that persons are not al- time he had ever seen anything like arrived early with friends before the After Dejean was recognized by Dejean said he was released about lowed to disrupt public gatherings. this during his tour of America." lecture and was helping to distribute Dessler, he rose, welcomed the cos- an hour after the campus police took The questioner was asked three times Atkov, after Dejean was taken out, pamphlets associated with presiden- monaut to the U.S., and accused the his picture and warned him not to to relinquish the microphone, so the said he hoped that "you understand tial hopeful Lyndon LaRouche and Soviet government of lying about come back on campus. Voswinkel officers acted when they realized that me and my situation. If it's possible, I Rice posters overwritten with politi- their laser-based defense system, a said that if Dejean comes back on he [Dejean] would not stop," will not answer this question." cal statements. system similar to America's Strategic According to Professor of Space Defense Initiative. Dessler rebuked Physics Alexander Dessler, who him and pressed him for a question. University replies to lawsuit moderated the discussion between A tape of the lecture recorded by Lisa Gray suit for punitive damages from Eng- According to Lopez, thenextmajor Soviet cosmonaut Oleg Atkov and Dejean's question, "Being that your Rice University this week offi- lish Professor Alan Grob, chairman of step in the class-action suit will occur Apollo astronaut Walter Cunning- country has lied about having the SDI cially replied to a class action lawsuit the department from winter semester in four to six months, when the court ham on the future of American-Soviet program and—Being that your space charging that the university has dis- 1981 through spring semester 1986. "will determine whether a class ac- cooperation in space, the campus program is 85 percent military, how criminated against women in pay and The lawsuit charges Grob with "in- tion suit is appropriate and whether police had received numerous threats can we trust your peaceful inten- career advancement. sulting, demeaning and harassing" Dr. Chance is an appropriate repre- of disruption prior to the lecture. tions?" Audience uproar followed. Chance "in reprisal and retaliation sentative of the class." Dessler said that the LaRouche group English Professor Jane Chance "I didn't see anything that made it for" her demands for promotion and a In a related event, the Rice "had overprinted the Rice posters filed the lawsuit in mid-April, claim- necessary to evict the man, but I was salary equal to that of men in the Commission on Women still plans to with inflammatory material and were ing that Rice is in violation of the located far from where he stood, so department. present to President George Rupp a distributing it without any identifica- Equal Pay Act and of Tide IX of the the campus police might have seen study on the gap between the salaries tion, so it looked like our poster." Education Amendments of 1972. In Both Chance and Grob have re- something I didn't," said Dessler. its reply. Rice denies such discrimina- fused to specify the alleged inci- of men and women at Rice later this Before the lecture, the campus "I didn't know at Rice, a university tion, acording to Chance's lawyer, dences of harassment. summer. "It will go to the president, police had warned the group passing which is known for hosting academic David Lopez. Grob also officially denied we hope, in July," said Hallie Beth out flyers against disruptive action. discussion and freedom to speak, Assistant to the President Carl Chance's charges this week. He says Poindexter, head of the Commission. Dejean, 29, described the New Feder- there was such a police state kind of MacDowell said that Rice will make Rice is providing his attorney, and The Commission indicated that the alist, the publication, as "dealing with thought," said Dejean. Dejean said no comment on the suit that the attorneys estimate the lawsuit study was not prompted by any legal international news, published by as- that this had been a result of his at- At the same time, Chance filed a will not come to court for months. action. sociates of Lyndon LaRouche." tempt to "tear the mask off glasnost." Davis, Jackson receive award PRIVATE Two graduating seniors, Janet Because of this addition to the Jackson of Hanszen and Bill Davis of NEWSBRIEFS project, the reference desk has been PARTY LINE Wiess, received this year's Hugh moved temporarily to the south side Scott Cameron University Service to encourage the development of of the present reference room. The Award. leadership potential in all college circulation desk will occupy the south The award, given to "the individu- students and to better prepare the side of the first floor. als of the Student Association past participants for leadership. It includes Workmen are replacing ceilings 976-GALS and present, who have been most activities at the Center for Creative that were removed earlier in the year f«57) exemplary in rendering service to the Leadership in Greensboro, North to enlarge ducting for the heating and Rice University student body," is an Carolina; at Colorado Outward cooling systems. Because of this inscribed bronze medal, given tradi- Bound in Leadville, Colorado; in work, some shelves have been placed tionally at the graduation ceremony. Dallas, Texas; and in Washington, in plastic cocoons to protect them 24 hour Jackson was chosen because of her D.C. from dust. The circulation desk will work in helping found the Peer Coun- Colvin is a history, math, and pol- handle retrieval of books in those ar- yhti could U (jOU/l selors program. She has also served as icy studies major planning a career in eas. Hanszen Orientation Week coordina- public policy. She is a Truman Construction on the city-approved $2.00 plus toll, if any tor and Student Association Senator Scholar. construction plans for the Center for TUmitof and has been active in intramural Scholarship and Information begins sports. Work progresses this month. The facility will open on Davis was selected for his work in Work on Fondren Library is ahead the first day of classes this fall. Special Student and Youth Fares to developing and promoting accep- of schedule, and the staff should oc- tance of the alcohol policy. As a for- cupy the renovated space by August Editor chosen mer Wiess College Social Chairman 1, according to University Librarian Wiess junior Leigh Killian is the and President, he has attempted to Sam Carrington. new 1988-89 Campanile editor. Kil- maintain emphasis on student respon- The front entrance of the library lian was the Wiess section editor for EUROPE sibility and has been vocal in express- closed May 9 and will remain closed the 1987-8 Campanile. from Texas on Scheduled Airlines ing to the administration a student until August 1. During that time, the Although the Campanile editor is perspective on alcohol policy. back entrance will be the only public DESTINATIONS normally elected by the students, a SA OW RT entrance and exit committee chaired by 1987-8 co-edi- LONDON from $225 $439 Colvin selected The space occupied by the refer- tor Lawrence Cowsar made the selec- PARIS 265 499 ence and circulation desks has been tion because no candidates submitted ROME Brown senior Elizabeth Colvin is 345 689 one of 50 students selected to partici- added to the area being renovated. their names for election. FRANKFURT 340 639 MADRID pate in the second class of Leadership LEBRIS (computer card catalogs) The 1987-8 Campanile will be 310 595 terminals and printers will be in- ATHENS • 395 America. Approximately 1,000 stu- distributed in the first few weeks of 749 dents nationwide competed for places stalled around the perimeter of the classes this fall. Students can pick up WORLDWIDE in the program. room and a large reference desk will their yearbooks in front of Fondren DESTINATIONS OW RT The ten-week program is intended be placed in the center of the room. Library. TEL AVIV from $450 $859 NEW ZEALAND 495 879 SYDNEY 530 979 ST. THOMAS 135 265 BANGKOK 560 975 Similar low fares from most major U.S. cities are available. We have SKYDIVE special Student and Youth fares to all major worldwide destinations. We also issue Eurail Passes and International Student i.D. Cards. 20-30% Discount with Student I.D. CALL OR WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF THE STUDENT TRAVEL You can learn in just one day. HANDBOOK AND RESERVATION INFORMATION TO: Licensed instructors. THE STUDENT TRAVEL NETWORK SAFE AND EXCITING! (214) 360-0097 6609 Hlllcrest Ave. 481-0541 Dallas, TX 75205 HOUSTON / CONROE, TEXAS (512) 474-1512 2002 A Guadalupe St. STA TRAVEL AIRILLUSIONS AIRSHOWS Austin, TX 78705 THRESHER News Friday, May 13.1988 5 Rupp, Karsner mandate judicial examination by Sue Yom appointed to the panel. "I've heard it would affect the way independent sources would make "students take year, will be renamed the SA In a May 2 meeting with Student said that the role of the Honor Council action is viewed. A greater sense of the court more seriously." Committee on Campus Justice and Association President Andy Karsner, should be examined in the context of fairness would result, even though "An effort is being made to find will address considerations similar to President Rupp agreed to form a blue- judicial procedures, but it would be some students will be harder on fel- space for the University Court, but those scheduled for discussion by the ribbon panel to study current campus premature to label that a specific is- low students than the proctor would space is at a premium, and no positive panel. justice and the roles of the University sue," Stebbings said. have been." results have been achieved," Steb- "I think through all this that we will Court, the college courts, the proctor, At present, the proctor has prior Stebbings denied that any special bings said. manage to redefine the relationship the University Review Board, and the jurisdiction over all cases. The proc- issue would center on the role of the The panel will be separate from the between the proctor and the courts president in determining penalties for tor asks students whether they want to proctor, saying, "In the fall there is to current Student Association Judiciary and redefine the proper role of the disciplinary infractions. According to be judged by the University Court or be established an ad hoc committee Committee. The Judiciary Commit- proctor in determining punishment," Student Affairs Vice President by himself. Karsner says that "some which will address something to the tee, which is reorganizing for next said Karsner. Ronald Stebbings, "Their charge will students have complained of an at- effect of examining the judicial proc- be to look carefully at the judicial mosphere of intimidation in the proc- ess at Rice University. It will review process and the judicial code itself, as ess, so relatively few have taken their in particular the relationship between it stands, and come up with recom- cases to University Court." Several the University Court, the college John McGovern premedical mendations to send to the president" cases this year handled by Proctor courts, the proctor, the University Re- Karsner sees the current judicial E.C. Holt have been surrounded by view Board, and the president. Re- student award established procedures followed by the Honor controversy and accusations of un- viewing the role of the proctor is one The Office of the Premedical tending Johns Hopkins Medical Council as the "optimum in the judg- fairness. Past complaints about the of many areas which the panel will School in the fall. ing process." Karsner would like to role of the proctor have centered on an address." meat of the John P. McGovem The award recognizes outstand- see the University Court develop "independent action clause," which "President Rupp has agreed that Outstanding Premedical Student ing scolaxship and leadership of a procedures modeled on those of the has been used this year to allow in- the optimal is students judging stu- Award on Wednesday. Anna Honor Council, stressing anonymity volvement of the proctor contrary to dents by maximizing involvement of Lukaszewski, graduating Summa ing medical school. The recipient is and confidentiality. He hopes one student preference. a student court. He is keenly aware of Cum Laude with a B.A. in Bio* presented with a plaque and $500 conclusionof the panel will be that the Karsner hopes the panel will rec- what it takes to establish an atmos- chemistry, is the 1988 recipient of cash. Hie award was established to University Court should have prior ommend that students be summoned phere of fairness," Karsner said. the award. Lukaszewski will be at- ":i— jurisdiction over all cases relating to by the University Court first, then The University Court will obtain student discipline. have the option of waiving that trial in new facilities next year, underwritten Stebbings thought it would be pre- favor of a meeting with the proctor. by SA funds. Karsner mentioned an mature to discuss specific issues of "Since the University Court would be office, stationery, computer, and a SUMMER JOBS NOW!!! the panel. No one has been formally the first place of jurisdiction, this telephone. Karsner said greater re- Consider applying with us NOW for your summer job. We have opportunities to work and become involved Renovations include colleges in a variety of rapidly growing Houston companies. Our jobs are within business hours so your evenings and continued from page 1 ments, possibly including campus • Repairs and replacements in the weekends are free. We are hiring secretaries, recep- Construction and renovation in the police squad cars and Central Kitchen gymnasium and pool area in Autry tionists, data entry operators and general clerical who colleges this summer will not be as trucks Court have six months office experience. extensive as in the past because of a • $350,000 in further renovations in • Improvements of the furniture, lack of funds, according to Director of the air conditioning of Fondren garden, and inside furnishings at Call our office nearest you for an appointment. Food and Housing Marion Hicks. Library's fourth floor Cohen House THE TEMPORARY CONNECTION Instead, efforts will focus on several • Upgrades of various buildings • $20,000 in installation of light- West Alabama: 622-2022 Galleria: 961-0202 small renovation projects and com- around campus to meet the Houston ning protection on unprotected build- Westi 493-4300 pleting larger projects already begun. life safety code, scheduled for com- ings A number of smaller renovations pletion in January 1989. These in- include repairs to the residential col- clude enclosing stairwells, making leges, with the main thrust of the more exits, installing new fire and renovation in the new section of Will smoke detectors, and installing door Rice College, according to Hicks. closers to prevent fire propagation THE BLACK Hicks said he is not certain of the • Extension of the utility tunnel exact construction schedule. (known to students as "the steam "It's typical to do a little bit more tunnd") to the site of the planned (renovation) in terms of the dollar Shepherd School builiding. Samfield amount We had hoped to do all of says that the tunnel, which will in- WRC. However, we have a program clude phone, water, steam and elec- where we hope to do major renova- tricity services, will be large enough tions on one of the colleges every to accomodate other buildings in the summa, and touch-up, fix-up, and area, should Rice decide to build patch-up work on all of the colleges," more. Hicks said. • $600,000 in asbestos removal Core changes, which mainly con- from the colleges and academic sist of the installation of new locks, buildings will take place in Jones, Lovett, Will • $100,000 in renovation in the Rice, and Wiess Colleges. The roof at biology and. organic chemistry labo- Sid Richardson College is being ratories, including new biochemistry fixed, and a number of other small labs and offices jobs will take place at other colleges, • $49,000 to convert Anderson218 according to Hicks. to a computer graphics laboratory Physical Plant projects for the • $200,000 to insure an summer include: uninterrupted power supply for the An Authentic English Pub • A new $26,500 pre-fabricated Mudd computer center, and possibly Good Food • Good Spirits building for the Physical Plant to the Herman Brown building and service vehicles from all depart- Abercrombie laboratories The Black Labrador Pub INSTANT Announces Its New University Menu...

PASSPORT PHOTOS BOWL OF HOMEMADE SOUP (with Coke) $2.00 Get two full-color passport photos FISH AND CHIPS (with Coke) $3.50 while you wait! HAMBURGER (with fries and Coke) $3.50 CHICKEN TENDERS (with fries and Coke) $3.50 kinko's Offer Good All Day, Everyday - Student ID. Required Great copies. Great people. 2368 Rice Blvd. Open 24 Hours In The Village 4100 Montrose Boulevard 521-9465 529-1199 (Parking in Rear) 6 Friday. April 22,1988 THRESHER News Wiljy's movement top news story of the year compiled by Michele Wucker and Lisa Gray

Food and Housing and the reduced board meal plan: To give students the option of eating off campus instead of paying for Cen- tral Kitchen food, the Department of Food and Housing instituted a new "reduced balance" system. By the end of the fall semester, however, it be- came apparent that students were eating off campus more often than they were staying on, and Food and Housing reported a $378,000 loss. In an attempt to cut losses on a Campus food alternatives. -G. Stafford shrimp dinner, Food and Housing announced this spring that students would be required to pay a $ 1 surcharge in addition to the regular $3.30 charge for that meal. Reacting to rumors of a possible boycott, the department changed its plans for the dinner, offering instead a six-shrimp dinner for the regular price with an option to purchase five more pieces for $1. Despite this change, more than half of the students boy- ootted the dinner. Food and Housing's other attempts to alter the food plan to reduce their losses were not met well either. A proposed meal plan for next year had to be scrapped after students expressed dissatisfaction with it {see story, page 1). Complaints about the quality as well as the price of Central Kitchen food came to a head late this spring when Lovett member Gaurav Goel wrote a column in TheTkresher about boxes of green, rancid, 10-month-old meat he had seen. Central Kitchen Director Joyce Rubash replied to his charges, saying that the meat was within health standards.

Alcohol Policy: Since the drinking age was raised to 21 in September 1986, the university has had to take measures to protect Willy watches as professional movers return him to his normal position. -J. Yao itself from liability for underage drinking. Alcohol policy became an Willy's Statue: Using an A-frame, a pick-up truck, and their ingenuity, a SWllllllfift: group of Wiess College students and alumni rotated Willy' s Statue, the 2,000-lb. statue that sits on the tomb of ISP the university's founder. To avoid being caught, the group painted the A-frame black and disconnected a floodlight every night for a month so the campus police wouldn't be suspicious when the light was off. Despite the group's efforts, however, the important issue last fall when campus campus police did catch one of them as he drove away from the scene. police officers were sent to parties with checklists to make sure that party That student, Patrick Dyson, was placed on disciplinary probation and told to pay the costs of organizers were trying to prevent returning Willy to his original position facing Lovett Hall. To raise the money, Dyson and his friends underage drinking. The checklists sold t-shirts printed with white line drawings of 'he statue and the device used to turn it. Although were not well received, partly be- it cost only $400 to rotate the statue the first time, the cost of turning it back was $2,081. Dyson and cause social coordinators were given the other pranksters also had to pay $1,466 in other repair costs. short notice. The university has installed four lug bolts at the corners of the statue to prevent other students from moving it again.

Women at Rice: Last year, the university established a Commission on Women to investigate possible inequities and how to correct them and educate the community. This year, that Commission has undertaken projects includ- ing a report on improving working conditions for sum- mer employees, an open house to introduce itself, a survey on sexual harrassment at Rice. Continuing the improvement of awareness of women at Rice, a group of students laid the groundwork this spring for a new women's group that will apply forStudent Association recogni- - teW: tion next fall. • •/!' 1 /lii * A lawsuit filed in April focused atten- tion on the issue of inequities between men's and women's salaries at Rice. Eng- lish Professor Jane Sociology professor Chandler Davidson moderates a debate on minority affairs at Rice. -D. Kelly Chance filed a suit against Rice, alleging Minority Affairs Office debate: that the university is in After the administration's initial reluctance last spring to pursue the possibility of a minority affairs violation of the Equal office, Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs Ronald Stebbbings, with input from many people Pay Act and of Title on campus, drew up plans last fall for such an office. Following the Student Association's expres- DC of the Education sion of support for the office, Jones sophomore Dave Russell wrote a letter to the Thresher criticizing Amendments of 1972. the office for discriminating against "anglo-saxon males." That letter resulted in a deluge of angry She hopes that her suit responses and a debate held at Baker College. will become a class This March, former Associate Admissions Director Catherine Clack was appointed to head the action suit on behalf new office, located in the cloisters of the Rice Memorial Center. She officially assumes he new po- of female Rice faculty and staff members. sition June 1. English Professor Jane Chance. -L Cowsar f? mon tues wed thur fri sat sun ktru 91.7fm stereo Non Profit Org. rice university radio 7 am U.S. Postage p.o. box 1892 PAID sonlite Houston, texas 77251 8 Permit No. 7549 9 Houston, TX 10

noon . classics 1pm on the rice radio 2 radio reggae 3 4 5 women's knitting 6 factory 7 calendar calendar calendar calendar calendar MNMHNMI1IMW jazz 8 treasures chicken s&m ot skin show 9 the sixties music new classic Saturday "To" salHtitn •Ihlim night 11 special osmosis midnite hardcore no one 1 am expects fctru91.7fm may programming guide JJ

from the station with the longest classicfeature running jazz show in town. Kevin, On Thursday evenings at 10pm, Vince and Keith present more ktru airs an worth hearing programming notes progressive and mainstream jazz again (and again), a decade or than you can shake a stick at, with more after its original release. a little help at 7pm from a re- Tune in for: broadcast of Garth Jowett's "The cficfgn skin music very un-funny every Friday Sounds of Jazz" program 5/12 Carlene Carter Blue Nun evening, 7 to 10pm. (sponsored by AllRecords in the 5/19 B-52's (first album) This is David John's show, and he River Oaks Shopping Center). plays pretty much what he wants. If you absolutely have to classify no one expects... women s music it, "folk", "blues", and "bluegrass" At lam Saturday night (Sunday live from the What is Women's Music? At ktru, are the labels to use, but "celtic", morning), we present you with a it's music written and performed "zydeco", and "country" and just little humor. Monty Python, fitting factory by women, ranging from acoustic about everything else slip in from National Lampoon, and Emo Live perfomances of jazz, and and a capella to the hardest of time to time. Phillips have all been broadcast other experimental music, hard rock and the steamiest of the into the night, as have some recorded at the Knitting blues. locally produced gems like the Factory, in New York City, are reggae Adventures of Owlman and the aired in two half-hour sets, nezvfeature album Friday from 1 to 4pm, get a head Stupid Peoples Court. Tune in, beginning at 6pm Saturday night. start on the weekend with a few Every Monday, ktru broadcasts a but don't expect anything... Listen for artists the week of the positive vibrations. A repeat of a broadcast. Previous performers great new album, from beginning Reggae Beat International to end, in the traditionally have included Miracle Room and program begins the show, and sonlite Hugo Largo. approved manner. Tune in and then Donny and Lisa will dj you Life, the universe, and everything. find out what Julie thinks is the into your very own special rasta It's music you might not hear best-new release of the week. reality. anywhere else. It's popular osmosis Christian artists, but it's also new Wonders with which to wind down treasures cftHe sixties or obscure or unusual Christian the week. Soft sounds to soothe Saturday nigHt special artists. Each Sunday at 7am, the soul. Maria's mellow music, Stan plays music that originated Something a little different here... before the freshlings were a gleam Sonlite starts with a feature much better than a sharp stick in Maybe an interview, maybe a album and continues until 9am. the eye. in their collective or separate concert recording. fathers' eyes. That's right, classics Take a listen— you might be from that long-lost era of free love, surprised! classics legal acid, and good ten-cent s&m 0 Distinctly not the top forty of cigars. You love 'em, or you hate 'em, but jazz classical music. Something old, nobody is indifferent. Marilyn and Every Sunday afternoon, from something new in the form of mutant hardcore the gang and the guests talk and about 5:00 until 11:30, there is serious music, from 9am to 5pm Is there mutant hardcore after Ray? play records and get funny and get real jazz broadcast direct to you, every Sunday.

//,Y IthilO folio I'l'lt/ f\hji I <; D r— - f-zvord stuff from davicC

Hey! You may not be aware of it, but in the cool halls of academia, yet another money to pay for my education, which hasbeen desperately lacking these 8 years, year is drawing to a close. Around ktru. this means that the chief trashman is as my father (& mother, when she felt like it) worked for the Federal replaced by another sucker. This year, that's me. How, you might ask, does one Administration for Integrity and Truth, which, as you all know, has been become ktru head trashman? Well, it's a long strory. It started freshman year rendered superfluous by the exemplary Reagan Administration.). (not so long ago, it was at least 1979), when I decided as part of a breeding At any rate, I grew like mold in the ktru offices, supporting censorship with program for a better America to climb the transmitting tower in order to an effort comparable in amount to the CIA's commitment to democracy and irradiate my testicles so that I could father three-legged kids that would run human rights. Before I knew it, we were planning the annual ktru elephant toss, faster than Communists. That attempt failed when the Campus Police caught in which the person with the fewest number of broken bones is chosen to become on and attempted to incarcerate me in a cement coffin on the bottom of Buffalo the new Hazardous Waste Disposal Engineer and General Manager. That was Bayou. Fortunately, it was dark and raining hard, so they didn't see me just weeks ago, and we somehow made it through this year with only one death substitute Don Trump's ego. However, I did become mutated enough to be and eight emergency room visits. I, due to my mixo-amoeban qualties, was accepted into the ktru cadre, where I have been spreading like a disease ever unfortunate enough to escape with only an abrasion, and so was elected to make since. this world a better place. So what does this mean for the radio station that is so beloved of the So, here's to a new world of homogeneity, free of all the unpleasant pluralities harbingers of mediocrity and poor taste everwhere? Well, in short, we are going so prevalent in today's society. All Hail repression of freedom of expression!! to be switching to a Christian Rock/Heavy Metal format, alternating with every The Statement below is False. song between the two genres of musical expression (repression). This will not The Statement above is True. happen until I have returned from my summer vacation, in which I will be vacant —David in Boston (The story behind this is also a long and sad one—I am in sore need of General Manager

E.I.E.I.O. That Love Thang Frontier Thunder Before Dawn Indestructible Beat of Soweto Vol. 2 Virgin Jandek Blue Corpse Corwood Legendary Pink Dots Any Day Now Play It Again Sam may p Cay Cists Trisomie 21 Million Lights Play it Again Sam Kottke, Leo Regards from Chuck Pink Private Music Sharkey, Feargal Wish Virgin Wild Ones Crossroads Pow Wow heavy compiled by Juliw Wroble Triffids Calenture Island Woodentops Wooden Foot Cops on the Highway Columbia Downy Mildew Mincing Steps Texas Hotel Beat Happening Jamboree K/Rough Trade Cynics Twelve Flights Up Get Hip / Skyclad Various Artists Hoe Butcher For the World Mad Queen Walkabouts See Beautiful Rattlesnake Gardens Pop Llama Alice Donut Donut Comes Alive Alternative Tentacles Chills, The Brave Words Homestead Naked Raygun Jettison Caroline Murphey, Peter Love Hysteria BMG Spikes Colour in a Black Forest Zinger Salem 66 Natural Disasters, Natural Treasures Homestead Thin White Rope In the Spanish Cave Frontier Coolies Doug DB Recs Pop Will Eat Itself Box Frenzy Rough Trade Pontiac Brothers Johnson Frontier Carnival Season Waiting for No One What Goes On heavy ep's and singles Slammin' Watusis A Subtle Plague America Shops for Truth Elvis Hitler Disgraceland Wang Head 1 Shudder To Think It Was Arson Sammich Drivin' N Cryin' Whisper Tames the Lion Island Dough Boys Your Related MTL Sister Double Happiness — S ST My Eye Empty Box C/Z Pogues I Should Fall From Grace With God Island Lizard Train Thirteen Hour Daydream Zinger/Greasy Pop Pixies Surfer Rosa 4AD / Rough Trade Marias, A. C. Time Was/Some Thine Mute Records Didjits Hey Judester Touch and Go Laughing Hyenas Merry Go Round Touch and Go Sonic Youth Master Dik SST Dickies Killer Klowns Enigma medium Nixon's Head Traps, Buckshot & Pelt Groove Disques House Tornado Sire Fourwaycross Shimmer Motiv Various Artists Sorority Sampler Sorority Material Issue Big Block Blue Aeroplanes Spitting Out Miracles Restless Kilkenny Cats Hammer Texas Hotel Green Elaine MacKenzie Pravda Fall Palace of Swords Reversed Rough Trade Playhouse Gazebo Princess Twin/Tone medium ep's and singles Algebra Suicide . Secret Like Crazy RRR/DOM Toothpaste Oh Yeah, Come On Splunge/ Paste Felt Gold Mine Trash Passport Pagans Dead End America Treehouse CoW8 Taint Pluribus Taint Unum Treehouse Scenekillers Sheila's Boom Box Killdozer Little Baby Buntin' Touch and Go Detonators Hang Ten Pravda Blue Hippos Forty Forty TwinTone Wire Kidney Bingos Restless Phantom Tollbooth Power Toy Homestead Scruffy the Cat Boom Boom Boom Bingo Relativity Missing Foundation 1933-Your House is Mine Purge Red Lorry Yellow Lorry Open Up Situation Two Young Caucasians Shroud of Elvis Top Crocodile Shop Head Susstones Splatcats Feelin' Bitchy Moving Target Lunch, Lydia & Moore, Thurston The Crumb Widowspeak /Rough Pajama Slave Dancers Blood, Sweat, and Beers Restless That Petrol Emotion Genius Move Virgin Burnett, T-Bone The Talking Animals CBS Echo and the Bunnymen Bedbugs and Ballyhoo Sire Rollins Band Life Time Tesax Hotel Fishbone It's a Wonderful Life Columbia Pell Mell Bumper Crop SST Ism Nightmare at Noon Raw Power Various Artists Live from Ireland MCA Grinning Plowman Days of Deformity Carlyle Dredd Foole and the Din Take Off Your Skin PVC Soundgarden Screaming Life Sub Pop Dancing Bear Diamond Picnic Circle Sarm o Monks of Doom Soundtrack to the Film Pitch - A - Tent Treat Her Right BMG eclectic Glass Eye Love Gone Wrong/Cecilia (CART) Glass Eye HeyWire (CART) light Souled American Learn From Your Life (CART) Abecederiana Resin Caroline Miracle Room Mother of Desruction (CART) Cabaret Voltaire Eight Crepuscule Tracks Giant Various Artists Hairspray Soundtrack MCA Tackhead, Gary Clail's Tackhead Tape Time Nettwerk Indigo Girls Strange Fire Indigo Talking Heads Naked Sire Sprawl Criss Cross Specs (CART) Morrissey Viva Hate Sire Darned, the Hoarse Opera Lumpin IceT Rhyme Pays Sire Various Artists Less Than Zero Soundtrack Def Jam Arms Akimbo This is Not the Late Show *. 688 All That Jazz Virgin Mighty Lemon Drops World Without End Sire 1 Reprise Various Artists Mash It Up RazorBeat Smithereens Green Thoughts Enigma Commander Cody & Various Artists Head Over Ears Debris / Red Rhino the Lost Planet Airmen Sleazy Roadside Stories Relix Church Starfish Arista Various Artists First After Epiphany Ron Johnson Zodiac Mind warp Tattooed Beat Messiah Vertigo G ricc radio folio may a few words fromjutie, new JvCD

Greetings Radioland! Cool bands. Groovy clubs. Wait. Something's missing. I've finally begun my long-awaited reign as Music Director here at Houston's I wonder. . . . finest. Some new great music that crossed my desk includes: Naked Raygun, Oh. That's it. Michelle Shocked, Cows, Sister Double Happiness, Pell Mell, and Hog Butcher Where's the crowd? for the World (WNUR compilation lp). Much more new stuff will be added to Home? playlist all summer long. Stay Tuned. What? Why?! In Austin, people see bands. In Houston, people who claim to be into music sit home and listen to CD's - jutie's Soapbox: UGH! Get out and party! Live a little! A Commentary on Houston s Music Scene Please support live music in Houston before it becomes a thing of the past. (An insider's view) O.K. That's all I have to say for this month. I'd greatly appreciate any I recently handed over the promotions crown to willin' and illin' David Cole. comments or suggestions regarding playlist, new bands, good restaurants. I'ts Over the course of my nine months as promotions director, I saw a lot happen going to be a long and busy summer. Love / Hate mail will be read and with respect to Houston's music scene. The Axiom opened and has hosted some appreciated. really great obscure bands—local and otherwise. Fitzgerald's, #'s, Powertools, Thanks for your support. and Rockefeller's have had their share of incredible shows as well. So, what's Your M.D. with a cause - the problem? Let's see.. .. Julie (the other one)

XYMOX 4 AD Bangs, Lester & the Delinquents Jook Savages on the Brazos Live Wire Cry Before Dawn Crimes of Conscious Epic Couch Flambeau The Day the Music Died It's Only A Record Junk Monkeys Firehouse Happy Face Wild Swans Bringing Home the Ashes Sire Anti-Nowhere League Profile Shamen, the Drop Communion The Perfect Crime 1 Head A Snog On the Rocks Demon Stetsasonic A J JlJ.CiA. Tommy Boy Himmelman, Peter Gematria Island Celtic Frost Into the Pandemoniom Combat Combo Limbo Drip Dry Tonio K. Notes From the Lost Civilization A&M World At a Glance Island Surf Punks Oh No! Not Them Again! Enigma Mahlathini The Lion of Soweto-Earthworks Virgin Michael Gordon Philharmonic Neutral Bad Checks Innocence Black Park X Ray Pop Psychedelik Dolls RRR Baby Boom Driven Too Far Cheese Various Artists Out Among the Cows Off Track Astley, Virginia Hope in a Darkened Heart Geffen No Trend w/Lydia Lunch Heart of Darkness Widow speak Sad Lovers and Giants The Mirror Test Midnight Music chicken skin music compiled by David John Scribner Happy Mondays Twenty Four Hour Party People Factory Records adams, johnny room with a view rounder Circuit Breakers You Know What Fm Talkin About Vibratone albion band rise up like the sun carthage Skinny Boys Skinny & Proud Jive battlefield band celtic hotel temple Tear Garden Capitol block, rory house of hearts rounder Idle Strand "Blackberry Way" Blackberry Way coughlan, mary tired and emotional green linnet Sudden, Nikki and crowell, rodney diamonds and dirt Columbia Rowland S. Howard Kiss You Kidnapped Charabanc Creation dane, barbara gipper gate blues arhoolie Colored Stone Black Rock from the Red Center Rounder delgado brothers the delgado brothers hightone Rumbtes,the Jump to Confusion AFM denny, sandy the north star grassmen carthage Personal Effects Mana Fiesta Earring doucet, michael and cajun brew & cajun brew rounder Wolfgang Press, The Water Bad erwin, randy cowboy rhythm four dots Party Boys In Daddyland We Buy gilmore, jimmie dale fair square hightone Chinese Dog Girls Wednesday Is Missing Medical Records gorka, john i know red house Raines, Claude Hype griffith, nanci little love affairs mca Glazer, Howard 313 Pull I light grissman, david w/s.asmussen svingin' with sven zebra /accoustic Serratelli, Carmine Change Is Gonna Come Little Hill jim and jesse in the tradition rounder Bodhi-Beat Poets White Light Dead Man's Curve jorgenson, john after you've gone curb Jive Boogie Down Productions By All Means Necessary keller, tim no stranger to wishes chamisa Bears, The Rise and Shine Primitive Man koloc, bonnie with you on my side flying fish Divinyls Temperamental Chrysalis kottke, leo regards from chuck pink private music Twice Shy All the Right Noises Mad Rover kweskin, jim & the jug band jug band blues mountain RR Art Phag Wanghead lovett, lyle pontiac mca curb Restless Top Jimmy & the Rhythm Pigs Pigus Drunkus Maximus mc cutcheon, john gonna rise again rounder Polygram Children metamora morning walk Play It Again Sam windham hill Borghesia No Hope No Fear nrbq god bless us all rounder Various Artists School Daze Soundtrack EMI redbone, leon no regrets sugar hill Antena, Isabelle En Cavale Les Disques Du Crepuscule delighted with harps Children, The mister HaHa records sileas green linnett Maximum America aS We See iT Randall Recordings smith, darden darden smith epic Blue Rodeo Outskirts Risque Disque stevens, johnathan creationland flying fish Red House There is a Window Random terry and the pirates walk the planxty thereown Girls, the Reunion Brasch thomas, irma the way i feel rounder Sheriff Jack What Lovely Melodies Midnight Music turtle island string quartet turtle island string quartet windham hill Williams, Victoria Happy Come Home Geffen various artists best of ron records vol 1 rounder Evening in Torpor Comm3 various artists best of ric records vol 1 rounder Electric Peace Medieval Mosquito Barred Records various artists folked again/best of mtn rr mountain railroad Justice League Reach Out LSR walker, joe louis the gift hightone Popular Front Falling Out Midnight Music warner and davis traditional american folksongs flying fish Rythm Sisters Road to Roundhay Pier Oval williams, robin and linda all broken hearts are the same sugar hill Various Artists The Gospel at Colonus Elektra Nonesuch wills, bob and his texas playboys tiffany transcriptions v. 7. kaliedescope Front Line Assembly Corrosion Wax Trax winter, cathy travelling home flying fish Olatuqji, Babatunde Dance to the Beat of My Drum Blue Heron young, neil & the bluenotes this note's for you reprise Siberry, Jane The Walking Reprise Accelerators, The Profile Dr. Black's Combo Close to the River Limborations jazz compiled by Kevin Long Perkins, Phillip Hall of Flowers/Flame of Ambition Fun Music Blythe, Arthur Basic Blythe Columbia Steppes, the Drop of the Creature Voxx Daniels, Eddie Memos From Paradise GRP Astorians, the Guffahw Peg In Hole Four & Larry Slezak Public Pub KTRU original Big Pig =- Bonk A&M Itchy Fingers Quark Venture Ranaldo, Lee From Here To Infinity SST Kuhn, Steve Trio Life's Magic Black Hawk Carmine Burana The Apocryphal Dances Midnight Music Sheppard, Andy Andy Sheppard Antilles/New Directions Keita, Salif Soro Mango Stern, Mike Time in Place Atlantic Bags, the Rock Starve Restless Torm6, Mel & George Shearing A Vintage Year Concord Graceland First Snack Paris i folio imuj mv pihjcs 9 tru nezus C concert \ Finals are over and ktru is ktru T-shirts continue to be of this has been done. In the fall, shifting to the summer mode of available at Half-Price Books and we will be in search of material, operations. Our broadcast Records (at University at Kirby) both from ktru staff, Rice caCetuiar schedule may be a tad erratic, but and Whole Earth Provision students, and our beloved Mon. 7 the Adolescents we probably will settle into a 7am Company (Shepherd at Alabama). listeners. Interested contributors Axiom to lam schedule with a few late It's an all cotton, heavyweight should contact Stu Derby or Stan Thur. 12 Thin White Rope night shifts in between. News will shirt, and should last all you Barber in early September. Fitzgerald's be on hiatus, but we're planning faithful listeners years and years. Finally, the dreaded mailing list Fri. 13 Scruffy the Cat for increased coverage of news and New colors are now available, but purge will really finally happen. Fitzgerald's other special events in the fall. the price is still the same, $9.17, We've been warning you the last Don Sanders Also, this will be the last Folio and all profits go to support us. two issues (though we sort of Anderson Fair until September, although we We have been rebroadcasting fudged the date, just to encourage Sat. 14 Robert Earl Keen, Jr. might mail out a playlist in the Dr. Garth Jowett's excellent Jazz you not to put off writing us), and Anderson Fair middle of the summer to the series, "The Sounds of Jazz," a lot of you have responded. industiy types. originally broadcast on KUHF. However, 300 of you are still on Thu. 19 Richard Dobson We've finally got our own CD Pretty soon now, Dr. Jowett (of the list of doom. If your mailing Anderson Fair player (we've been using a UofH) will be returning from label has an 'X' above your name, Fri. 20 Drivin' and Cryin' borrowed one off and on), courtesy sabbatical in New York and we are this will really, honestly, and Fitzgerald's of Allrecords (thanks Fred), and hoping to begin production of new truly, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to- Glass Eye will be integrating CDs into our episodes. Listen for them in the die be the last Folio we mail to Axiom broadcast schedule. Jazz, Classics, late summer or early fall. you, unless we hear from you. Sat. 21 the Banks and Osmosis will be using CDs Also, we hope to resume Please write, since phone Rudyard's immediately, but a lack of CDs production of original non-musical messages are error-prone and all. Banded Geckos will delay this for regular music. material, primarily comedy. In The address is: ktru Folio, Anderson Fair However, we remain committed to years past, we have done a lot of PO Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251. Wed. 25 Mission U.K. vinyl, because of our extensive this, from full series to one-shot Sorry to make you do this, but we Fitzgerald's collection of older material and our shows to commercial parodies (the get tired of sticking on 1500 commitment to support quality Blears Paint and General mailing labels while knowing that Sat.28 Camper Van Beethoven music from independents who Vietnamics commercials are still a bunch of you have moved or gone Axiom don't produce CDs. popular), but lately not too much out of business, wasting our time and what little money we have. Check Public News for Last but not least, we always more complete and up-to- appreciate hearing from you, and date listings. We do. random Brainwaves listeners' comments concerning Listen to Julie when she Well, the school year ends, and So, again, why does anyone do programming (both musical and tells you to support local the curtain is swiftly falling on my it? I guess because they think otherwise) are particularly time as interim publicity director, whatever it is that makes us valuable. Please write to us clubs. If you don't, they'll all (none too soon), but before I buffle different from the other stations in anytime, tell us what you like and go out of business and then off to Shufalo, I'm going to crawl town is worth the effort. It is for hate, and make our lives more ywhere will you have fun? ^ up onto a soapbox and say a few me. interesting. things about ktru. Of course, you • Stu, listeners know all about how we erstwhile publicity director k play great music, etc., etc. (at least that's what y'all say), but there's more different about us than what we play. Unlike the commercial feru news stations, we are run totally by volunteers, drawn from the recruiting news student body at Rice. That's right, ktru News has been back on George / JVC nobody gets paid, not the DJ's and the air regularly for about a jazz not the General Manager. semester now, and we're hoping So why does anyone do it? Of to continue to develop the news BENSON course, it can be fun to be a DJ, department next year. but it takes a lot more than ON SALE NOW spinning platters to keep a radio Any Rice student interested in station running. Somebody has to becoming a reporter, a news wade through all the junk records jock, or somehow helping us to find the gems, somebody has to expand the news program (ideas keep the equipment happy and gratefully accepted) should see healthy, somebody has to pay the Eric Davis, news director, bills and balance the books, ^sometime early next semester^ somebody has to select which public service announcements to run, etc. etc., and somebody has to manage it all. In fact, for every hour of broadcast time, there are ^tra staff probably two spent "behind the David Stivers <> GM scenes," making it work. Tony Rossini <> Asst: GM Eb Keshavarz <> Business Mgr. using the phone Kris Naumann <> Program Dir. ^ Lee Stu Derby <> Managerial Advisor ktru does not have a Craig Dial <> Chief Engineer goodness-golly expensive Julie Wroble <> Music Dir. ^ RITENOUR phone system that can Tonia Lucio <> DJ Dir. I i ;; r ERNIE WATTS transfer calls or ring in such Eric Davis <> News Dir. ARENA THEATRE • FRIDAY JUNE 10 • 8 PM a way that the dj can hear all Howard Huang <> Production Mgr. the lines. Please call in David Cole <> Promotions Dir. requests only on 527-4050. Stan Barber <> Special Prog. Dir. Margaret Lewis <> PSA Dir. JVC CHARGE by PHONE: 713/526-1709 requests 527-4050 Kevin Long <> Jazz Dir. news 527-4088 David Ottenhouse o Classics Dir. business 527-4098 ^Michfele Wucker <> Publicity Dir^

IS hi,hi' U'hi - mail 1 'W Piu/tD -1 THRESHER News Friday, May 13,1988 Rupp gives graduates advice, honors retirees continued from page 1 between criticism and cynicism, cit- that's due the next day to think that ing a caring attitude as part of aiming these are supposed to be the best years high. "By all means, be dubious about of your life, but they really are." the conventional wisdom, the taken for granted verities, the unquestioned assumptions of the times... Such con- I can frame the structive criticism is the opposite of cynicism." advice in pithy Rupp added that discipline was necessary for the sake of achieve- form: first, aim ment, explaining, "To aim high re- quires enough of a critical sense not to high; second, let be totally submerged in satisfying immediate needs and wants. To aim go; third, keep high entails a certain reserve about the roles society will ever more insis- moving. tently be assigning to you. To aim high is to engage in a lover's quarrel —George Rupp with our world, a quarrel that ex- presses resdessness with what is on In his remarks, Rupp gave the behalf of what might be." graduates three basic pieces of ad- But Rupp encouraged the gradu- vice, challenging them to "first, aim ates to relax and play as well. "If you high; second, let go; third, keep set your sights, your goals, your aspi- moving." rations high, you will have to be on Rupp delineated the difference guard against the temptation to be so

Baker senior Mary Lowery tips her cap to Mom and Dad -L. Cowsar

vigorously engaged, so earnestly you find compelling... I hope that ited this commitment as what "will searching, so deeply caring that you each of you will over time continue to give shape and substance to your take yourself too seriously. Don't do find communities that elicit your en- lives." that. Crucial as your contribution is, thusiastic participation. Through At the closing of his remarks, Rupp everything does not depend on you... trust in and commitment to such com- recognized three professors who re- Here you certainly have had occasion munities you will be able to keep tired a^ie end of this academic year, to experience the delights of relaxa- moving beyond preoccupation with officiOT^naming them as Professors tion, play, celebration of all sorts. The your own concerns and projects. You Emeritus. The three professors were counterpoint to the satisfaction of will collaborate with others in causes Professor of Piano Mary Norris, Pro- involvement is the pleasure of letting that enrich your own love and work." fessor of Geochemistry John A.S. go-" Rupp noted the success of the Rice Adams, and Professor of Physics Rupp emphasized commitment, Student Volunteer Program as evi- Gerald C. Phillips, who served as descibing it as the integration of aim- dence of this "spirit of commitment." Director of Bonner Nuclear Labora- ing high and letting go. "To integrate He also mentioned the "care and tories from 1966 to 1987. the satisfaction of involvement with support evident in the corporate life of St. Paul's United Methodist the joy and gratitude of letting go the colleges" as "moving beyond Church Associate Minister Terry Jay requires commitment to a cause that individual preoccupations." He cred- Thompson gave the benediction.


! > s n ' 2. < : * - Jf " °m MOlAJHft BEST ^ StopovertV Mom whistles for her favorite graduate —J. Yao

chattel 0,30

Osevo 0 experience ^ «ua\\f\es V ^ ^ ^al\ona\ W ,0,9'N and \oans ^ the sa®\^ otters For a resume that can do the job, Student Loans- toe,y>u «'^p,We thatVtSt* depend on Kinko's. kinko's join „ „n MlSfk' 1 Copies Office Supplies wssss* c,UC v0, 1 Binding Convenient Hours 1 Floppy Disks Resume Papers \j\STMsa 2368 Rice Blvd. Open 24 Hours In The Village 521-9465 8 Friday, May 13,1988 THRESHER Fine Arts New Garcia Marquez novel abandons Latin tradition Love in the Time of Cholera wait lasts over fifty years. Love in the of forgetting." She does not forget, mina and the doctor grow to love each The novel is definitely a departure Gabriel Garcia Marquez Time of Cholera is a departure from but is nonetheless disillusioned by the other, have children, and grow old from Latin American mainstream fic- Gabriel Garcia Marquez often the traditional mainstream of Latin chasm between the memory and the together. He watches as Dr. Urbino tion. That literature is sometimes la- comes across as the grandfather of American literature in that all the tra- reality of love when she returns. She falls from a tree while reaching for a belled apocalyptic, destructive in a Latin American literature, if not be- ditional themes—time, solitude, the tells Florentino to "forget it." parrot and dies. After more than fifty non-morbid sense. In Love in theTime cause of his age, because of his influ- mythic consciousness—can be found But Florentino does not forget. He years, Florentine's unrequited love of Cholera, Garcia Marquez regresses ence. His much observed use of in the book, but they are only in the holds tight to his hope of regaining bursts forth in tactless opportunity on into an unabashedly romantic tradi- "magic realism" and subtly circular background. It is a nostalgic book, a Fermina with a perserverance that is Fermina's first night as a widow. tion where love can be eternal. Garcia time structures have helped to put romantic novel of unrequited love. only possible in fiction. He watches He eventually wins her over as Marquez transcends the specifically forth the specifically Latin American Florentino Ariza is the contradic- with wounded pride as Fermina suc- they slowly overcome guilts and re- Latin American genre he helped to mythic consciousness, a common tory protagonist: a pale thin anachro- cumbs to the marital overtures of Dr. grets and grow close to each other. define and enters the realm of the truly thread binding most South American nistic man-poet who glides into an Urbino, a man of considerable means. Garcia Marquez seems optimistic universal novel. literature. Time and solitude have awkward social prominence at the He looks on from the sidelines as Fer- about the twilight years of life. —Brad Tyer also been common themes of Garcia head of an inherited river-boat con- Marquez's work, tying him to other cern and a romantic dreamer who Latin American writers like Jorge seduces everyone from withered Dana Cooper rocks the Red Lion Louis Borges and Octavio Paz. To- widows to his fourteen-year-old niece gether these writers present a unified as he saves his emotional virginity for FRIDAY front to the world: Latin American lit- his first true love. That love is Fer- •The Kerrville Folk Festival erature. mina Daza, a woman elevated to so- plays tonight in Miller Theatre from 8 p.m. to 11 p jn. The concert is free and Garcia Marquez's new book, Love cial grace by the sacrifices of her features performances by Allen intheTime of Cholera, offers a theme none-too-scrupulous father and a Damron, Lindsay Haisley and the that's classic, and not specifically prudent marriage to Dr. Juvenal Shake Russell Band. Latin American. Boy meets girl, they Urbino, a respected physician. fall in love, boy loses girl, boy waits Florentino and Fermina fall in love •Dana Cooper jams tonight at the for girl, boy gets girl back, and, voila, when she is only 18. Her father, deter- Red Lion Restaurant and. Pub a happy ending. Of course, there are mined that she should marry into (7315 Main). some twists. For instance, the boy's wealth, takes Fermina on a "journey SATURDAY •Rockefeller's presents Eric THERE'S A JOB FOR YOU IN A SUMMER CAMP Johnson tonight with Tommie T ay lor and Kyle Brock. The American Camping Association (NY) will make your application avail, to over 300 camps in the" SUNDAY Northeast. Exciting opportunities for college students •The Institute of Hispanic Culture and professionals. Positions avail: all land and water is sponsoring the Great Hispanic The Residency Troupe of the Texas Opera Theater will perform Wednesday. sports, arts & crafts, drama, music, dance, tripping, Community Festival from noon until 6 p.m. today at the Sacred Heart COMING UP nature, R.N.'s, M.D.'s, Aides, kitchen, maintenance. Co-Cathedral (1111 Pierce). Admis- the week in fine arts COLLEGE CREDIT AVAILABLE. CALL OR sion is free. WRITE FOR APPLICATION. AMERICAN TUESDAY Montrose) opens an exhibit entitled CAMPING ASSOCIATION, 43 W. 23 St., Dept (RU), MONDAY •The Red Lion features Lasagna "Crossing Borders: Four Dutch Art- New York, N.Y. 10010,1-800-777-CAMP. •Tonight is Shepherd's Pie Happy Happy Hour Buffet tonight ists" today. Hour Buffet at the Red Lion. WEDNESDAY ONGOING •The Residency Troupe of the •Main Street Theater runs Pride Texas Opera Theater will perform and Prejudice Thursdays through "In the Mood," a musical salute to the Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 4 swing era, today on the 1600 Smith p jn. through May 22. Call 524-6707 Plaza from 11:45 a.m. until 12:45 for more information. p.m. •Stages Repertory Theatre runs Carnal Knowledge through May 28. Call 52-STAGE for more informa- THURSDAY tion. •Rockefeller's features political •The Comedy Workshop (2105 activist Abbie Hoffman tonight. He San Felipe) performs Hot Checks and will speak on "Student Activism: Frozen As sets every Friday and Satur- 60's to the 80's." day. Call 524-7333 for ticket informa- •The Glassell School of Art (5101 tion. •The Contemporary Arts Museum runs their exhibit Joan Nel- son: Paintings through June 5. Dear LSAT •The Watermelon Flats Show exhibits works of Houston artists lifesaver, through May 29. The show is held on (Excerpts from actual letters* the north bank of Buffalo Bayou be- Stanley H. Kaplan has received tween Preston and Sabine Streets in from satisfied LSAT-prep takers.) downtown. "... I was quite pleased when •The Company Onstage (536 < I received my score (99th per- Westbury Square) presents Clifford centile). I am certain that I Odets" The Flowering Peach every would not have done that well Friday and Saturday at 8 pan. through k without taking the Stanley H. May 28. Call 726-1219 for more in- Kaplan course." formation. —Student from Gainesville, FL "...Thank you' I was hoping to score close to the 90th per- centile, but that was a dream. a DISCOUNT .g^J Well, thanks to Stanley H. H TRAVEL#' Kaplan, that dream has come O^TTr T ¥ I y hnroll now ,md put fitness on your curriculum true." Lowest prices on any —Student from Seattle, WA tifcket, anywhere, to ^3 X 1 ./i\/l \l I this summer. During, kmc. July and August Kaplan has more "over 40' anyone at anytime v v ~m. -w full-time students get lull use ot the LSAT grads than any one any- I You make the reservation where. So if you want the best I You save the money. Lif || \\ V UPf | T /\ | Downtown Y lor just $20 per month. and most experienced in test I A 5% rebate on any prep—call Kaplan today! reservation you give us1 JL \'Nno joining fee. Studentt ID requirerrmnrvJd I And—the whole thing •IF YOU'D IIKE TO READ MORE IETTERS LIKE THESE. COME VISIT US may be done on the phone' Last^ear, TRAVEL TRENOsT paid Rice, ,U.T.. and Baylor people over $25,000 in rebates! JKAPLAN THE RULE: You must give u:> complete STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER IJD. riirhne reservation data ar,d tell them TRAVELTRENDS will ticket 'Southwest 10/1 LSAT exam classes to begin Airlines is excluded) The Downtown Y is for Every Body. We supply boarding passes, hotel, car. in June, July, and August passport information etc CALL FOR STARTING DATES! S( IRIn^i , \( 1 ( 1 IhCKS' 988-4700 522-5113 I RAVEL I RENDS 659-8501 7011 SWFrwy #100 5925 Klrty #214 1740 SUNSET BLVD Registered as a sponsor of CE in TSBPA THRESHER Fine Arts Friday. May 13,1988 Colors features LA gang wars and serious drugs Colors There it was, a flash of almond Jo Garnsbuckle could still remember Directed by Dennis Hopper HAROLD BUNNIEMEISTER yellow just ten rows away. She yelled last week's game where they might For weeks, the world dreaded its at Jenny and Sam to drop as she pulled have come back from 21 points be- arrival. It was threatened with a boy- movie review out the MAC-10. Bursts of gunfire hind if only that jerk from Green- cott Never before had people been Maria Conchita Alonzo is the land warefare. erupted from the long nozzled stown hadn't tripped her little Jimmy. afraid of a movie before it even obligatory Hispanic love interest that Best Boy... weapon and sparks flew from the Makeup... opened. Penn can't handle, who also provides Two rows up, Mrs. Beth Smith is metal seats. A line of holes appeared in the Quietly, it showed up in theaters the necessary T&A during the slow standing up, scanning the theater. Her Steadicam Operator... screen. In front, Mrs. Smith stood for across the country. Quietly, people parts of the movie. little girl had,suggested the family The woman kept low as a rain of a second looking at the four holes in sat down, saw it and went away. Essentially, Hopper chose to join outing for Mother's Day. Before the plaster and seat cushion material fell her chest, all in a line. Then she Nothing happened. the story of gangland warefare, a show started, she saw someone go on her. Damn, she thought, she's min- pitched forward into a Hot Tub of Did the filmmakers do it on pur- subject done as a subplot at least a into the theater wearing the almond ing my new perm! ($49.95 Supercuts) Popcorn. ($5.17 with tax) pose? Was the controversy just an hundred times, (double that if you live white colors of the rival subdivision When the deafening noise subsided, Lighting... advertising gimmick? Who can say? in LA) as Penn joins the L.A.P.D.'s Greenstown. she jumped into the aisle, did a three- The woman with the UZI had Ever since Colors was first re- CRASH (Community Response Assistant to Mr. Hopper... point roll, silently congratulating freaked out and was shooting any- leased, fear and loathing would pre- Against Street Hoodlums) team. This The woman from Greenstown was herself for wearing pants, stood up thing that moved. cede it from town to town. What kind is supposedly an elite group of guys crouched behind fifteenth row left and opened up on the avocado green Key Grip... of movie would be made by a guy who and gals who go into the streets and hoping to get a better shot at the figure near the front. As I turned I saw the muzzle of an seemed to delight in playing drug- make the world safe against the hun- woman from West Sharpwood. Care- Key Grip... UZI swing my way. induced motion picture crazies? What dreds of gangs in LA. fully she cradled the UZI in her LeB ag The folks from Albaster Acres had Sound... kind of character would "Bad Boy" As we see in movie, there is almost totebag ($45 at Foleys). about had it with Greenstown con- Click. Sean Perm play? Why a movie about no hope to stop the circular violence Clapper Loader- stantly beating them in soccer. Billy —Harold Bunniemeister gangs for God's sake? Would vio- that exists there and so CRASH and lence and gangsterism be glorified? its Sheriffs Department counterpart The answer to all these controver- come across more like a clever P.R. sies would be a resounding yes. Un- tool whose goal is to placate a nervous less of course, yes was an unsuitable populace that is really sick of re- I m so answer. Then no would be the answer. painting its garage doors. I knew something was up when I Perm rides with Duvall though the paid for my ticket ($4.95 with a 1% barrios of L.A., tries to arrest every- discount before 6 p.m.) at the body, drives a carload of UZI-laden Eastglen Drive-thru-Park 44 1/2 (just gang-bangers into Simon Rodia's fat outside of town, behind the Dairy Watts Towers, and beats up a lot of Queen and the mall where 1-99 meets drug dealers. This is exciting stuff, US 42 and FM 917) but on the down side, it gives Penn a It was an icky day, the kind of icky bad name in the neighborhood. After day that makes you want to go to a an accidental shooting, Perm ends up could just theater that's showing gang movies on a gangland hit list. He is removed and take along your favorite set of somehow, but not until after two of numchucks for fun. That's what the these gangs, the Homeboys and the guy a couple of seats away from me Crips, nearly destroy a whole city did. block with automatic weaponry. die It was also one of those days that We learn that in this world of drugs encourages you to wear a bandanna and" poverty, the War Against Drugs She's awfully right, you know. on your head just like a member of a and "Just Say No!" are jokes, the gang would, even though you are police really have no control over an The strange, dreadful illnesses categorized probably not a gang member but want insurmountable situation, most of the as eating disorders — anorexia, bulimia everybody in the theater to think are. those people don't want your help, and compulsive overeating — can be liter- That's what the guys a couple of rows and children keep it going after the ally life-threatening. People die from them. away from me did. adults get too old or die. Malnutrition, low blood pressure, hair loss, Colors stars Sean Penn as Officer Penn learns that he can only deal kidney damage, serious cardiac problems: McGavin of the L.A.P.D., a young, with the situation one guy at a time, macho cop with an ego as big as an but that the real justice is that which is all these also occur. Earth Ball who spends as much time meted out on the street. People afflicted with anorexia see them- preening as he does beating the shit What kind of positive outlook does selves as overweight despite any rational out of young gang punks who proba- Colors offer? How the hell should I evidence to the contrary. They may be bly deserve it This role, like those know? I suspect that since no solu- earlier roles, is essentially a young tions are offered as feasible to a set of almost painfully thin, yet they see gross fat. man who lacks a certain maturity; you players who actually. enjoy doing Anorexics center their lives on food, diet, know, Sean Penn in real life. drugs and shooting at rival gangs, we calories and a frightening pursuit of thin- Officer Hodges, his partner, is are left sympathize for the police offi- ness. Bulimia sufferers undergo a compul- played in subdued fashion by Robert cers Who are sent out to "Serve and sive, upending series of binge eating epi- Duvall. He is the father figure who Protect" and not get their asses shot sodes and subsequent purging. Laxatives teaches his new partner how to sur- Just as the credits are rolling I no- and diuretics and forced vomiting are used vive in the twisted urban landscape of tice what everyone had feared: the to purge. Compulsive overeaters are sim- West Los Angeles. effects of the glorification of gang- ilar, without the purging. They may eat to rAiaa UI^UI rum ni\»n' the point of clinical obesity, with conse- quent health risks. Victims share a dreadful secret. All can be WANT MORE helped. But forceful and determined inter- vention is often required. To begin, you THAN A need facts. You get those by calling us and DESK JOB? asking for a free, confidential consultation about your specific concerns. Don't shrug Looking for an exciting and this off. challenging career Read the headline again. where each day is different? Many Air Force people If you're concerned about eating have such a career as Pilots disorders, yours or a loved one's, and Navigators. Maybe you call now: 367-4422. Most insur- can join them. Find out ance programs cover our services. if you qualify. Contact your Air Force recruiter today. Call Laurelwo>cU // o 713-664-5246 COLLECT

Affiliated with Mental Health Options The Woodlands, Texas (713) 367-4422 10 Friday, May 13,1988 THRESHER Sports Sluggers fight for last-ditch shot at SWC tourney by Wes Gere there they beat Arkansas 8-1. Cougar pitcher, but he was enough to Battina Stats The Owl baseball club has just Op April 22-23 they played a triple keep Rice down to seven hits and (55 games) three games to go in the regular sea- at home against Houston and won the three runs, which wasn't nearly son, all of them against Arkansas first, but the other two weren't pretty enough to match Houston. BAvg. AB R H RBI today and tomorrow in Fayetteville. at all. • What hurt the game so much was If they loose any of them, they In that first one Rice got five runs that U of H actually came out with Steve Ramharter .411 73 36 30 13 come home for the year. If they man- in by the end of the fifth without the more runs scored than balls hit Two Jay Knoblauh .354 192 56 68 54 age to hit a really good hot streak and Cougars bringing in any. They started homers with enough people on, as sweep the series, they still come to come alive in the top of the sixth well as some well-placed sacrifices Michael Grace .322 180 38 58 40 home, but then Coach Hall's crew with three runs, but the rest of the gave them fourteen runs with only also gets to play in the Southwest game was held scoreless, and the twelve hits in the seven innings. They Tim Vannaman .311 183 39 57 51 Conference tournament, which this Owls came out on top 5-3. came up with six in the second, and Ben Mathews .307 199 52 61 23 year will be held at Rice's own Both teams kept only one pitcher in Rice responded with two and kept it Cameron Field on May 19-22, as for the whole nine-inning game, John there for a couple of innings before Sean Broderick .291 182 26 53 39 Rice's conference record is 6-12 so Polasek for us, but it looks like they getting smothered for the rest of the far. held up well since the last three in- 14-3 game. Tim Vannaman did hit a Hugh Woolever .268 56 9 15 6 The Rice team last participated in nings didn't see any scoring. homer. We went through five pitchers the conference toumey in '84, and The next game again had just one in that one. Greg Campbell .228 57 8 13 6 The last game was the real bum- Chris Feris .208 106 10 22 9 mer, though. Houston put a man past home plate every inning of the first five innings, with no strikeouts until Pitchina the fourth, while keeping the Owl folk ERA R H ER SO scoreless until the eighth. At the bot- John Polasek 4.11 51 88 44 66 tom of the seventh, when the score stood at 16 - zip, Rice fans must have Mike Cooper 5.33 39 58 29 29 been wondering what was going on that day. Philip Strohbehn 5.66 32 36 22 33 But in the eighth they finally got John Pope 5.70 53 51 42 78 on the board, and the funny thing is ^ that the only two runs Rice got in the Kyle Schultz 6.16 25 3.1 21 22 game were two home runs, one by Merritt Robinson and one by Greg Chris Jones 6.46 43 46 28 25 Campbell. If that isn't strange enough, both Robinson's and Rob Howard 6.47 77 99 58 57 Campbell's homers were the only times at bat either of them had. They've had a week off to prepare for the final showdown this weekend, LIFE ENHANCEMENT SEMINARS so they should at least be well-rested Enjoy More Success Find and Get More Dates to take on the SWC third-place Razor- May 18 or June 15 June 1 or July 6 backs. $20 $15 As of Wednesday, when this issue Enhance Your Self-Esteem Attract the Dating gets finished, the Rice baseball record May 25 or June 22 Relationship You Desire is 31-24, which doesn't count $20 June 8 or July 13 Thursday's Oral Roberts match-up, $20 however that turned out Develop More Emotional Intimacy This is better by far than lastyear's June 29 final 24-23. The 6-12 conference $20 record isn't really as bad as it seems,' All seminars are 7-10 pm because we play in a monster confer- Ramada Hotel 6855 SW Freeway ence. The overall record against divi- Reservations are required sion -I teams is a more encouraging 27-23. Call 975-1752 We had some strong players this Dr. Chuck Gray - Psychologist - Coordinator year who made some impressive ac- Life Enhancement through Applied Pshchology complishments. Seminars Jay Knoblauh has made the fifth mostruns and RBIs in the conference, with 56 and 54, andhis 68 hits put him at seventh in the SWC. Also, he and Tim Vannaman are both in the top ten for number of home runs. But my favorite SWC record is for rribst bases stolen, and first place for that was achieved by Rice's own Ben Mathews, with 33 throughout the season. Whatever our SWC win-loss record, we can still outfox them. Next year Rice will continue at least to steal as many bases as pos- Michael Grace grabs one at third -L. Cowsar sible, and maybe bat a few more home, too. Even though we'll be los- CHILI'S in River Oaks ing some strong leaders like Jay Kno- AIR SALE SPECIAL blauh and Ben Mathews, many of our 1952 West Gray better players are freshmen, like 6% Discount Cash Rebate on Domestic Flights Merritt Robinson and Chris Feris, 20% Discount on some International Flights who'll get better in years to come. So 528-6443 look for Owl baseball to come out Tel Aviv $900 Rome $771 swinging in '89. Amsterdam $570 Madrid $599 Athens $72 i Geneva $700 Sales Representative APPLY IN PERSON MON.-THURS. 2:00-5:00 Positions are available > Paid vacations •Training programs Frankfurt $620 throughout the Houston • Insurance plan • Advancement •Tuition assistance opportunities area marketing Profitable program • Quality environment All packages, tours, and cruises discounted Consumer jprodupt^nd FOR A GREAT PLACE TO WORK... NO PLACE ELSE IS up to 8% Services. Unlimited In- CWW Travel RT from Houston come Potential. Call s 2016 Main ** No Restrictions (713) 277-1707 and ask • 651-0947 J 1 year guarantee for Anthony Collins or ckj$k> Ask for Tammy, a pleasant girl and expert leave your name and (H MBURGEgjpBRjn 'BAR) EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER agent for overseas travel. address on the recorder. THRESHER Sports Friday, May 13,1988 11 Track teams look toward to conference meet Saturday by Wes Gere is an incredible :52.08 set in Califor- him last year of :45.29. , While most sports have finished up nia last summer. Tony Martinez did the 10 kilome- their seasons already, the Rice track Other *88 conference bests for the ter run in 31:07.38, third best so far. team still has tracks to make this women are the 400-meter relay team Aside from the Conference meet summer, with the Southwest Confer- of Mcintosh, Mary McCoy, Michelle and the Houston Invitational, there ence Championships on Saturday and Lynch, and Robyn Bryant, which is are the June NCAA Championships Sunday in Austin and the Houston In- third by six hundredths of a second in Oregon which some Owls may vitational on the 21st. under UT and A&M, and Wendy qualify for. As of now, Patrick Gor- Last year the women's team fin- Miller's 47*9 1/4" shot put, good for don has made it in the 400-meter, and ished third overall at the SWC meet, second (these last are as of May 2). Tanya Mcintosh for the same event and this time they look even stronger. The men's team hasn't had as much Diane Sommerville has the longest luck in the conference meet, but they Rice records triple jump in the conference this have their share of top times. The year, at'41,2'\ which she held even 1600-meter relay team has the second broken this year before she broke her own record on best season time of 3:06.21, behind Men the fourth of this month. Baylor. The team is Darrell Buckley, Alfredo Gomez Tanya Mcintosh is third in the Patrick Gordon, Robbie Timmons, Steeplechase 8:51.8 SWC in the 200-meter dash with a and Courtney Brown. time of -.23.60, which she set on the Alfredo Gomez holds the second Distance medley 9:32.7 seventh. Three days earlier she beat top time in the steeplechase behind a Eric Dom the second place mark for the 400- Razorback, and Patrick Gordon is 198*9" meter by .4 seconds, clocking in at second in the 400-meter dash, but this Women :53.24. Her Rice record for that event does not break the Rice record set by Tanya Mcintosh Pam Klassen 5000 meter ...16:31.62 Diane Sommerville Long Jump ..19*9 1/2" Triple Jump 41'2" Ian Lyn tnes to spear an opponent -L. Cowsar

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• All classes taught by and individualized admission counseling with Practicing Texas Attorneys and MBAs.

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• An unconditional top 20% guarantee on each section of the exam or TELEMARKETING - students can retake any one of the next three Bar/Bri preparation Money motivated, articulate owls needed for evening courses free of charge. telephone fund raising project. $6.00 per hour to start during training. Salary plus commission or 20% straight commission-your choice!! Hours: Monday thru Fri4ay5:30 to 9:00 pm. CALL BAR/BRI TODAY AT 739-9482 TO ENROLL AND TO FIND OUT DATES, Convenient location in southwest Houston. TIMES, AND LOCATIONS OF SEMINARS AND CLASSES. Call Mr. Smith immediately for all the details! This is the PERFECT job for students! 952-6702 BAHBRI BAR REVIEW • UT t-ISTHIBtrrORS • GILBERT I.AW SUMMARIES • GILBERT LAW PRINTING CO • LEGALINES We give a hoot! CONV1SER MILLER CPA REVIEW a PROFESSIONAL CENTERS (I.SAT, GMAT. MCAT, GRE) Friday, May 13,1988 THRESHER Back Page Look for a Summer Job Paid Ads Hang Out By the Pool and Get a Tan Misclass

For Sale: Waterbed. King sized, summer staff in 60 cities including Poohing of Rupp know what? WE'RE NOT FUCK- First law of Houston driving: the semi-motionless with quality frame Boston, DC, Chicago, Seattle, ING IMPRESSED! The next time least expensive car has the right of of solid maple wood, easy to move Berkeley, San Diego, Boulder. Ca- Dedicated to the Archies of '88 your skinny comp pal says something way. cool in the summer, warm in the reer opportunities also available. who discovered the Tao of Pooh like: "I should get P.E. credit for all *** winter. With accessories. Paid $900, Call Kate toll-free 1-800-622-2202. Second law of Houston driving: *** and were fed on Cottleston Pie the Parity Errors I got on this run," asking $325. 529-0167 always drive the speed that the car in *** and you prepare to break into insane Wanted: Gardener/ Handyman/ Man Aim High! Aim High! O Why? laughter, stop a minute and think. front of you is driving. Large 2 BR Montrose apartment for Friday for good boss, good money, 0 Why? How would you like it If we made **# lease, $350/mo, bills paid. Ceiling good hours in West University. Call You'll miss the mark on such a obnoxious jokes whose punchlines Going to SMU for the education is fans, hardwood floors, fence, break- 665-2914. try. hinged on knowing arcane elements like going to New Jersey for the scen- fast nook, high ceilings. Call 880- *** Aim High! Aim High! Aim Highl of Wordsworth's poetry? How ery. 8934. PR Writer/ AE.... Account position So the low won't really satisfy. would you like it if we never washed %** *** in Houston PR agency open for re- Aim High! Aim High! O My! O OUR hair? Moral crusades and political repres- A Superstar is Wanted: to write and cent graduate with strong writing My! *** sion often go hand in hand. edit marketing copy, business plans, skills and high GPA. One-year pre- You'll syncopate and electrify. For $500, I'd like to buy an'S'. So reports, proposals, special projects, vious Houston residency required. Commencement, commence- would Wie—. computer required. Full or part- Send resume only to Wanda Wat- ment, commencement pie! *** by time. 1 yr commitment. Send res- kins, 5615 Kirby, Suite 440, Hous- Biden was guility of plagiarism, the ume and salary range to: Expert ton, TX 77005. Let Go! Let Go! Oh No! Oh No! un-original sin. Eat Ice Cream Notes Technologies, 3618 Burlington, *** You'll surely then fall well below *** and Notices Houston, TX 77006. Female roomate wanted to share nice Let Go and know and know There once was a girl from Edina *** apartment behind Summit, 10 mins The way to loosen the old ego. Who had a very large vagina. Part time job: 10-6. 2 to 3 weekdays to Rice. Ne^t, upper-level or gradu- Let Go! Let Go! and cry and cry It could hold all your meat; The following Rice students each per week, $20.00 per day. 6/1 -7/31. ate student prefered. 175/ month and "Let's liberate and diversify." She'd grind to the beat; received a $1,000 scholarship from Be a big brother/sister to a 12 yr. old utilities. Great security. Available Commencement, commence- And call out her own name, Ina. the Institute of Hispanic Culture, for boy. 3 blocks from campus. Call May 26. Call Valerie at 623-6432. the purpose of supporting continued *** ment, commencement pie! evenings 669-5802. Then one day she met Rick study of Hispanic language, litera- *** Sharp, Aggressive, Money Moti- Move on! Move on!, but at what Who had a fourteen-inch dick. ture, history, and culture: Cheryl Adoption: Happily married physi- vated individual needed as sales pace? It was love at first thrust; Gager, Kreg Gillman, George cian and psycologist deeply wish to repersentative for 18 year old com- It just might be a marathon race. She felt she might bust Gonzalez, Tammy Hobbs, Kathleen adopt white newborn. Warm family pany. Earn over $30 an hour. Full Move on! Move on! with ease Oh, how she loved that huge stick. Loomes, Laurie Nienhuser, Reyna *** circle, love, opportunities! Medical training provided. For immediate and grace Sirias, and Stuart White. expenses paid. Legal, confidential. consideration contact Mr. Rumpza to For lies and stresses to displace. Perhaps Central Kitchen should stick *** Call Ellie and Alan collect 212-724- schedule an interview @ 531-6630. Move on! Move on! and fly and to serving yogurt, cheese, sorghum, Bach Cantata #76, Die Himmel 7942. Roommate needed to share second fly beer, and other foods that are sup- erzahlen die Ehre Gottes will be *** floor 2-bdr 11/2 bathroom apartment To recreate and magnify. posed to have things growing in performed by Christ the King Bach Summer Job: FT or PT help needed two miles from Rice; nice, sunny, Commencement, commence- them. Choir and Orcestra at Vespers on for lawn service company. Call 729- quiet, convenient washer/dryer and ment, commencement pie! *** Sunday,May 15,1988 at5pm. Chris! 4278. parking location; $195 per month OK Alex, here it is: I'm sorry for the King Lutheran Church, 2353 Rice *** plus utilities; avaliable July. Call This form is to Rupplicate calling you a peon. But after all, there Boulevard. *** Need someone to read clinical nutri- Alex 660-6997 or x2472. are things a lot worse I could have tion books 3 -5 hrs/week to blind. Hrs *** 1 want to study metallurgy, so on called you. The Jewish Theater Festival begin,' arranged day or night. Pay $4.00 per Pt. time position with Building Serv- the weekends I can look at a *** its season with Neil Simon's Bilox hour. Call 796-8009. Near Rice. ices Company. Approx. 8-10hrs. per platinum blonde and tell whether To the tune of 'TV Dinners" by Blues on June 2. For ticet informa *** week. 3 days per week. Mon-Wed- ZZTop: tion call the Jewish Community she is a virgi**n* or a common ore. Summer jobs for the environment. Sat 10:30 pm- 1:00 am Call 796- Central Kitchen, taters like a brick. Center, performing arts department Earn $2500-$3500. ^PIRGs hiring 2094 M-F 2-5 pm only. When our parents went to college, Central Kitchen, I'm feeling kind of 729-3200, ext. 231. a girl got pinned. Today, she gets sick. *** nailed. Ten month old fajitas-they be look- The National Black MBA Associa *** ing kinda green. tion is now accepting applications fo THRESHE— R SUBSCRIPTIONS «A Why do computer geeks at Mudd I guess it's the Rice version of Nou- its 1988 National Scholarship Pro Seniors! Have the actions of Rupp find it necessary to discuss their velle or Haute Cuisine. gram. To receive an application and all the gang left you hanging? programs with each other SO contact: The National Black- MB/ There's no need to be in suspense. LOUDLY? We academs, sitting Association, c/o 1988 Scholarships Just tune in next year quietly at our MacWrite, are aware The Democrats claim that Jones beat 111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 60^ Same bat time, Same bat channel. of the fact that you know how to do Veselka because of his common Chicago, II 60621. more than manipulate abuser name. I guess that's why Jackson is *** Keep in touch with the RICE community friendly word processor, and you doing so well-against Dukakis and The Spanish Department would lib why Gore is in the lead. But...what to announce a concert given by Tei Subscribe to the Rice THRESHER. NOT the hell, I'm a Republican. esa Parodi on Friday, May 20,8 pm s > Only $15 per semester ($30 overseas) *** Hamman Hall. The concert is free t> ALL MBA'S What do you get when you cross a Rice students, staff, and faculty. Oth Send check or money orders to: Grinch and Frank Burns? I don't erwise, tickets are $8 in advance an. ARF know, but it fines minors caught $10 at the door. For more informa . drinking. tion, call Beverly at 527-8101, Subscriptions CREATED *** The RiceTHRESER She's so frigid, when she spreads her P.O. Box 1892 EQUAL. legs a little light comes on. Houston, Texas 77252 ***

Watch Old Brady Bunch Reruns Paid Ads Non-Profit Org. THE RICE THRESHER Tutor position available for couple or The Rice Thresher is looking for a few U.S. Postage P.O. Box 1892 2 individuals starting July 1, 1988, good men-and women. The July 15 th PAID Houston, Texas 77251 traveling to Canada and Hawaii with issur is an excellent opportunity to Permit No. 7549 I KAPLAN learn the skills of publishing. Call STANK Y H K API AN fDUCATlONAl (!N7!B ITD 3. boys,ages 12,11,5. Need strict Houston, Texas supervision and math tutoring. Also, 527-4801 for more information. 10/15 GMAT exam classes to September 1988 through July 1989 *** begin in June, July, and daily tutoring in Houston, 2-8 pm Brand new 2,ljedroom condo at 242.^ September weekdays. References, experience Holly Hall. W/D and all appliances. CALL FOR STARTING DATES! with children, swimming, and educa- Garage, Cathedral ceiling, security, - tion degrees required. Send resume 988-4700 522-S113 pools, tennis, overlooking courtyard 7011 SWFrwy #100 5925 Kirby #214 and photo to Saroc, Inc., Five Post and pool. Very attractive complex Oak Park, Suite 1820, Houston, $450/ month, 790-9017, 656-2946. Registered as a sponsor of CE in TSBPA Texas 77027. ^ Hurry! Won't last! %