Campus Job Centre Plays the Gov't Waiting Game -Former CEC Office Sits Idle While Perspective Employers Want to Hlre Students

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Campus Job Centre Plays the Gov't Waiting Game -Former CEC Office Sits Idle While Perspective Employers Want to Hlre Students


••• EAN 77' iv. I' VOLUNTEERS Frt^ i.. ✓ LIBRARY SERVICES AT THE COLLEGE J '11 OCT 15 1991. STUDENTS' JOURNAL NEWS • DIVERSIONS • SPORTS wINN PEG, MANITOBA A Ukrainian speaking volunteer Library has information to help students successfully complete class assignments, research projects, who enjoys visiting seniors is and presentations. We offer a wide array of materials including books, newspapers, government PERIODICALS required at a Senior Centre in the publications, videos and films. At the Library, there are a number of services you may take advantage LIBRA downtown area. of such as: Promised Library Lost uffle Volunteers are needed on a casual -Photocopiers basis to enjoy and plan activities -Orientation sessions to help you use the library By Sherrie Ladanyi U of W, all hell would break loose," fora recreational group for d isabled CD-ROM searches that give you magazine articles on your - Red River has been the victim of he added. adults. topic broken promises. Hillman said Red River had Microcomputers and various software packages hoped to receive funding from the If you like sports and would enjoy - In 1986, a new $4 million NDP because they are a labor working with mentally -Audiovisual equipment to view material Learning Resource Centre was government, and should therefore handicapped youth and adults there -Information desk that is staffed throughout the day and promised to the college by then have strongly supported the needs are several positions available. evening Minister of Education for the NDP Bowling, swimming and track and government, Maureen Hemphill. of a technical vocational college. -Interlibraryloan service that borrows books and In a 1986 press release sent out He said the college field are only three of the sports periodical articles from other libraries when the material where help is needed. by the government, Hemphill administration has been requesting is not available at our library acknowledged that, "a new a new LRC since 1979, in hopes to A volunteer is required Wednesday -Study carrels resource centre at the college has alleviate the problem of overcrowding in the present library. evenings to call parents of children been badly needed for some time." Hours of service "This college was designed for to set up dates for hospital tours. A "A new centre was made top Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 9:00 pm 2000 students. It now holds 6000, good command of the English priority and will become a reality and therefore we have a surplus of language and a pleasent telephone Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm in the near future," the release also 4000 students that the building manner is required. Downtown Saturday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm said. simply cannot accommodate." said area However, Red River, which does Audiovisual Distribution Section is located in the Library but has slightly different hours of not work on a grant funding basis Hillman adding, "there's a real need like the U of M and the U of W, has for study facilities in here." Volunteers who are comfortable operation. with sexuality issues including constantly been the victim of pat Bozyk, the library director, AIDS are required for several Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 7:30 pm government cutbacks, and agrees that the library is too small positions in a Winnipeg Clinic. Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm therefore has not yet received the to accommodate student's needs Students at Red River Community College will have to make do with the present library. Positions available are in public Saturday 8:30 am - 10:30 am promised LRC. and said she is disappointed that a space without dividing up it's library. only one meeting so far and no speaking, telephone information or "We get cutbacks two or three new library has not been various services. Arden Carroll, the committee decisions have been made. in buddy support system. times a year and the public doesn't constructed. even know about it," said Don Bozyk said some plans fora new A committee has now been chairperson, said the committee is "Right now it's all proposals," Hillman, executive director of the facility have been developed, but developed to review the space looking to go at the space problem said Carroll. Students' Association. have not received approval. needs of the college as a whole and with a new approach, such as "If the government tried to cut However, she said she is still look at designing a building that building a multipurpose room. back grants from the U of M or the hopeful the library will get more would provide more than just a However, the committee has held Campus Job Centre Plays The Gov't Waiting Game -Former CEC Office Sits Idle While Perspective Employers Want to Hlre Students

By Viv Draward were not fitting the direction of the brought in to run the employment kept open for an additional year," disappear. An important service for Red local CEC programs. centre. said Davies. Todoruk said a bulletin with River College students is being Ted Davies, supervisor of the "(Last year) the federal Davies said the employment various job opportunities is located held up over some provincial Student Counselling Centre, said government in their infinite centre cannot become fully next to the stairwell leading to the FRIDAY, OCT. 4th government red tape his office will be fielding calls and wisdom, deemed to close all on- operational until money is in place bus loop. The Canada Employment Centre requests from prospective campus centres across the country, to hire staff. Any requests that come in from campus office was officially closed employers for students until such reneging only on the decision for He said the college has forwarded various employers for students of

3:30 - 7:30 in the South gym. last June because it's operations time that fulitime staff can be the Quebec offices which are being a treasury board submission, and the college, will be forwarded to request for funding in order to pay the appropriate department and Register your team of 10 in the SA office two replacement staff salaries, to students will be informed on the the provincial treasury board details. Room DM20. Teams of 10. offices. Davies said services for Davies said they've had the assistance in resume writing and TICKETS: $6 submission returned unsigned on interview skills have always been several occasions asking that in place at the counselling centre rim% changes to the submission be made and will continue to be offered out and then returned to treasury board of that office. He said, the latest submission But, he said the centre is there to has been returned, yet again "first and foremost" provide unsigned, with a request for counselling services to students. MOLSON changes. Davies said he was disappointed He also said once the submission at the closing of the CEC office, is signed and approved they will and said he feels these services are Scavenger hunt 1st Prize $300.00 have one employment counsellor an integral part of the college 2nd Prize $100.00 and one support person housed in system. during the day, the former CEC office, within as "Had the college had the 3rd Prize $50.00 little as one week. authority to keep the CEC office $6.00 hunt fee Wayne Todoruk, SA President, open, there'd be no question as to is currently cooperating with what the answer would have been," includes Pub ticket. Davies' office to ensure that said Davies. services such as an on-campus It is not known when the latest recruitment program and labor submission will be returned by the market information do not treasury board.

Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 2 Tuesday , October 15, 1991 Page 3 NEWS Campus Overun By 'Worst' "*JA:\calitailtitsis heelers \ Mice Infestation In Years Mean

4$1 SA> \ \ ' Nursing Students •\ • \\A NNLS%‘••. x. \ \„,...'s;•;‘.>„ By Robert Elias services staff who have told him years at R.R.C.C. he placed a total Red River Community College's that they can handle the problem. of about 20 wooden traps. Over • Family Night N;•% annual mice invasion is the worst Exterminators have not been the last few years he has placed ••••• some facility officials have called in, said Carroll, but about 100 glue traps. -.A.:.: 1 :<\•19?•••": tp.• .1t4 `';,••• 3 .•\\`> sitt witnessed in years. government services does hire The glue traps, small white trays t‘' them to come in on a monthly filled with a strong glue and a .t ;S:C..k.t.,, . ,\ Ted Davies, Chairperson of the ■,...\\\ N•4 Daycare Board of Directors said in basis. mouse attracting odor, have created Proves effective ' ''` 'xt'i. .:...., • 411 .4i . .kz1+. ,N.SC\ his nearly 20 years at the college, "This is an issue," said Carroll, . some controversy in the past. •>:.•\% I. ‘‘. . :t>, ....,,,. ‘'`''..& " - ..:N ••••••55s:),,Iskft, ....*:, ‘D. ;...,.A„.,.1„. this year is the worst he's seen. but not a major problem." Glen Opponents have accused them of By Diane Maytwayashing ....>.. N,...,:.:„;:. • '• "•• 1 JKlit .:::. ` ■ k*::::I•:;•%->"4:::•as.,..:: 4" \%si \r: . MacRae, Department of being inhumane, but MacRae The second annual R.R.C.0 "It also helped us to see how \''.;;;:•:-::::;;;;;;•: :‘,..i.,74W Don Hillman. executive director - nursing student family night was little time we will be spending as a C '-‘,4 of the Students' Association agrees. Government Building Services justifies their use by pointing to family and how our time together ■ "The last few years have been supervisor, predicts this year won't their cost and efficiency. held last month, at the college. , '::11.rane.: ...... ,.:...., !tt ft be as bad as 1990. A plastic snap trap costs about "I got the idea of family night is precious," Adurshko said. ‘?..,Z,4, \ \ ':.:: >;:::;•:§;t;\ kn... a. really bad...and it's getting worse." - :::kit • iiIM . 011 after realizing the stress students Wall said some of these students ,.••••••::..-....: :11),..s.:.< Davies said on Tuesday, October MacRae said he feels the issue $3.10per trap and can only catch -..,.....:. ..&t%'• ,• one mouse at a time he said. The go through while taking the nursing coming into the program had • " '. ..Wc;::. . `••:• ::•>.:' 1 a daycare staff killed a mouse has been blown out of proportion. .:•::::1\:: . uit ' ‘S ••:•:•:•:•••••:::_ .. ■:;:•:‘ glue traps cost $.50 each and can program." said Karen Wall started their families and had been ...-.:5::•\.:•:%5•••w•:•:,•••:••••:•5•••., ... ,.%‘. with a broom. Staff at the daycare He maintains that a one-million Student special, Single Futon and Frame $199.00 • Curiculum Co-ordinator. out of school for years. :..ii:..:,:",.':,:.;..‘.:.,, said they often see mice droppings square foot prairie facility, in a trap as many as 3 to 5 mice said some assembly required. :.:11131143: MOO "The nursing program is intense "Ninety eight percent of the ..•. x...::-.::::;.2: .:::::>..::::?.::$;: :::::: ...... s: -::,.,...::::V;::3::::,::;-...,:!.... in the kitchen and food storage harsh climate with only 35 MacRae. ..;..` . :: errOP:* , StrjaibtAik Mon. thru Sat. 10 - 5, Thurs. and Fri. 10 - 8 Sun. 1 - 5 and students can spend up to 35 things said were to prepare us for .f..: t... ik.''...;.?.s.:?C:%-?.,si::;::::kk:<:.:.iss.“ areas. maintenance staff, will always have He said about twenty glue traps hours a week studying," said Wall. the negative," said Adurshko.

Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 5 Page 4 Tuesday, October 15, 1991 EDITORIALS • RRCC Students Reveal Now open at the Do You Think Of Red River's Used Bookstore Hal!talk: --What What Bugs Them The 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. By Tom Kapac Food Services? Most Movie We'll sell your C.D.'s Rentals LR's, and Tapes Now available for you! at The EITO Booth vroTH !; E . Right Beside The • !USED' 111047K Crazy Ox Store... RE; RE!) RfIVER Vf1)13411N o Interviews by Andrea Wendy's "Apt. 3 Wendy's Carluck Scott T 0 smile - • 1 snack Jeff Hildahl 1st year Business 1st year Business Administration Administration "Most of the instructors are Wendy's "My instructors are too hard to knowledgeable but not very good sport 0 at explaining things. I might as Sue Caughlin - Creative James Ridgway - Business get a hold of. Some of them didn't MikeSpringhetti-Nursing Brian Dennis - Machine Rod Carleton - Aboriginal tell us their office hours or even well be taking this course by Communications Shop Administration Journalism Program where their offices arc. It would be correspondence." a good idea to set up a study lab and Mike Rogan I find the quality of the food at Usually I'llbring my own lunch, I find the gourmet cooking in the Overall the quality of the food is The food services aren't too bad; maybe some kind of tutorial service 1st year Business PARTICIPACTION MAKES PERFECT but when I do eat here I find the the Voyageur to be quite good, but Assiniboia quite good and the good, and the prices arc fair. It's it's the prices I find problem with. for the students who are having a Administration food to be decent. However, I do I do think it's a bit too expensive prices are reasonable. As for the the service however that I find I don't think they should be making hard time in Business "The Bookstore line-ups are think they charge too much for when you take into account that a food in the Buffalo, it's not too bad poor. At lunch I often have to wait their profits off the students to begin Administration." terrible. We should be able to get what you got. The portions should majority of their business comes either, although the food is in line because they've already shut with...every little thing you want Colleen Head our books earlier. They should from students. be bigger. As for the service, the sometimes cold. The only down one of the cashier lanes, they charge you extra for. It's a 1st year Business also change their summer hours. set up is efficient with the volume complaint I have is with the coffee which leaves only the one to handle very difficult time for students right It would be more convenient if Letters: Speaking Administration they do. I think the Students machines. The coffee in those the long lineups. A better variety in mow., The food services should be "There isn't enough parking they opened earlier." Association should have some things is horrible. the Voyageur with their entrees run by the Student's Association available. There are never any Heidi Manchester input in how food services are run. would be good. so that the money spent by the spots left in the West lot. In the Secretarial students stays in the college and winter I won't be able to get a stall "Prices have gone up in the Out On Native doesn't go to some independent with an outlet. Why did I pay all Buffalo. Things were cheaper business. that money if I can't even find a last year. Another thing that 7, good place to park?" bugs me about the buffalo is that Ousted class, and is still in therapy almost campus become one where female Andy Kray they don't post the menu at the a year later. This student had students can be harassed and 2nd year Commerce C&I Sales front anymore. You have to go Rights complained to security about an nothing will be done about it? Will "I would like to see couches or wait in line before you even know I would like to respond to the incident and was told, "He's been the students feel safe going to any benches in the hallways for more what they are serving." While reading the report of the Quebec has the only "distinct two students who are looking for drinking and having fun, it's event sponsored by the Students' relaxing surroundings. The big Kirsten Andrews Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of society" in Canada is a slap in the AIDS Info in TO an apology from the Students' nothing to be concerned about." Association if incidents are allowed tile blocks they have just aren't 1st year Creative Manitoba, I remember a time when, face to every single aboriginal If you have Association over the pub security This was the attitude held by the to happen and nothing will be done? very comfortable." Communications in March 1983, 200 angry people person in this country. White The following are corrections to Choices following the regulations. pub personnel even after the police The real question is whether or Anonymous "Some cafeteria staff are protested in front of the Winnipeg Canadians have cared little for the something you the article (Sept.30 issue) "October Dear Projector Editor: (Students look for apology from were called. He was Slowed to not you will apologize to the Secretarial CB incredibly incompetent. I Sun building because of what aboriginals in the past; it is hard to is AIDS AWARENESS MONTH" So James Ridgway, the S.A.'s SA, Monday, September 30, 1991, stay at the sponsored event. T he Students' Association and other "The instructors' attitudes understand it may be their first columnist Peter Warren wrote believe that their token efforts will want to say, or 1. Lynnette Dueck and Mike public relations director, doesn't page 4) student who complained, a young students for your narrow-minded haven't been that good since the time serving the public in such a regarding native rights. The people be taken seriously now. Quebec's D'Amour are part of the POST want Choices to put their signs up I happen to think that in this woman, was sexually assaulted. view of society and students who budget cuts to my course. In manner, but how difficult is it to protesting showed that while they goals will be accommodated almost just want your SECONDARY AIDS on campus...signs that say "this instance they acted properly in Are you advocating that this follow the regulations. general, the course is a mess. They make a sandwich or a sub without "supported' native rights, they had immediately, and the aboriginals AWARENESS peer education financial institution is financially controlling the situation before it incident and others where rules Sincerely, should try to organize it better. We butter? They don't even know only a loose understanding of what will have to wait a decade for their voice heard, project on campus. This project is impaired by the government of got out of hand. The Students' were not followed should continue? Chris Hill need more instructors. Everybody enough to put the mustard on the form these rights should take in the self-government. say it in the funded by the MANITOBA Manitoba". Presumedly this refers Association happens to be Are you advocating that this feels the same way. meat side!" context of Canadian policies vis a Former Indian Affairs Minister DEFT. of HEALTH. They do not to the funding cutbacks that force responsible to all the students who vis the dead horse multiculturalism Jean Chretian's White Paper (how Projector. Drop work for the MANITOBA us to pay tuition fee increases at the attend any of the sponsored Editor's Note: Bitcher's Block is a new weekly column featuring ad campaign. As John Diefenbaker ironic the title, or was it HEALTH ORGANIZATION. same time Red River C.C. lays off functions and have to act for the opinions from around the college. The issues covered are the warned the Conservative Party indicative...?) of June 1969, pretty off letters in 2. University of Brandon should staff. That would seem to be a safety of all. If Mr. Yackoboski choice of the speaker and the ideas are not prompted by against adopting the dual nation well outlined the federal rear Brandon University. statement of fact! and Mr. Kapac from Creative Projector staff. Expressed opinions do not reflect those of the concept simply for French votes, government's patriarchal attitude Trailer K or so was Mr. Warren against splitting toward native land claims and Assiniboine College should read I say let's welcome a group like Communications had been Projector. Assiniboine Community College. "Choices" that takes the time and responsible then nothing would Canada into "whites" versus native rights, and this "we can smooth it DM20. 3. SAFE SEX SOCIAL will be energy to demonstrate what's not have happened. as a means of weakly placating a out" attitude has permeated held after Christmas. quite right about the status quo The kind of reaction that you group that can never be adequately throughout for the past 22 years. 4. Ken Berezowski is a Public here in Manitoba. More plain talk suggest the Students' Association repaid for the injustices they have Native rights have been eclipsed Health nurse for the province of and less "public relations" would Security take to your activities was suffered at the hands of the by the desperate need to polarize believed that Mr. Warren's idea of Manitoba. He does not work for be refreshing. I choose "Choices". followed last year. Because of the conquering invaders for 500 years. view points and do away with those a unified state was not the ideal KLINIC (not spelled Klinik). Yours truly' lax attitude that you suggest a USA 3. CANADA 1. How can the great white leaders of that do not fit into the tortured version, and, in a way were correct: 5. One information area at Dianne Slimmon student had psychological Did vou km Ay the t the average Canada expect to be taken seriously vision of one Canada - one people. it is now conceivable that Quebec Buffalo Cafeteria will be set up the 1st year student problems, was unable to attend American donates three times when they piously state that Mr. Warren was correct when he may become independent in 1992; week of October 28 during AIDS No re to charity than the average reparations to aboriginals are stated white people view natives and other provinces may become AWARENESS WEEK. Canadian? And it's not because uppermost in their thoughts, and as the stereotypical "drunk...on part of the United States in the 6. The AIDS information line is they earn more money either. then behind closed doors, secretly Main Street... asking for quarters..." future. out of VILLAGE CLINIC, not concoct the Meech Lake Accord, Unfortunately, these views still What is certain is that we must KLINIC. Telephone 945-AIDS. which left out the needs of the persist. Those who protested stop treating aboriginals as second- Thank-you Aboriginal Community!? Some against Mr. Warren's column (and class citizens, no matter what kind Phyllis Law people cynically think that the because Mr.Warren has' t changed of country Canada becomes in the Health Centre Mulroney Government's latest his views very much eight years future. constitutional proposal is "Meech later, many people disagree with The giving begins with you. Lake, Part 2." Declaring that him over the radio airwaves) Tom Bode Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 7 Page 6 Tuesday, October 15, 1991

Crazy OX Provides For The Thrill

ion. t a lic b u p

Valuable Student his

UNICEF offers a wonderful t

d by Of The Hunt ide

selection of gifts just for children. ov r p is

Service d a

unicef his t By Lynne Gendron

t collected by a 5:00 p.m. deadline. Pizza employee in uniform. lo For a new full-colour brochure, contact: What do a live parrot, a triple- The hunt provided quite a

ace Some teams went to great By Diane Maytwayashing Services Lam Johannason, also UNICEF Canada, 443 Mount Pleasant Rd. Toronto, Ontario M4S 2L8 (418) 482.4444 sp x porn movie and a fifty pound challenge with such unusual items lengths for some items like

from Child Care Services said she The Red RiverCommunity College's OR call toll•free 1.800-288-3770 (Operator 741) pumpkin all have in common? as a brown orange crush bottle, an travelling to a Hutterite farm to has no complaints about the store convenience store, the Crazy Ox is That's easy; they are just a few ice fishing auger and a Dominos collect a live turkey while others specifically meant to provide because there is a variety of cheap of the items collected by items. used such lazy tactics as ordering service to students. The Ox has participants in the 1991 annual Jost said that students can expect a pizza to the College and been around since 1972 and Students' Association Scavenger various sales throughout the year, convincing the Domino's received its name from the logo on Hunt. like a sidewalk sale, a blow out Employee to stay for judging. the Red River cart. The "Hilary Pickering" team Scavenger Upon return to campus, the sale, a Christmas sale where sale "We're here to service the (team #9) was declared champion teams signed in at the South Gym items are marked down by 30 per- Free Tv! SA students not to make money." The collecting 31 of the 50 items and hunt produces where they joined in on the cent and a year-end sale. It's getting so you can't even give away a TV these days. This one sat unattended in the parking store makes just enough money to were consequently awarded the festivities at the Scavenger Hunt Jost said the store is there to live turkeys, a remain in business," store manager lot for hours last week. Now If only we could convince Videon to be so generous... $300 cash prize while team #8 Pub. service the students in any way Bill Jost said. finished second with 29 items. As for the turn-out of the event, possible. parrot, and a Convenience and good service Expands To Teams 6 and 7 tied for third place. Wayne Toduruk, president of the Ronda Siska, Business are the qualities of the Ox according A total of nine teams registered Administration, said the store's porno Students' Association, said he had to the students. In an informal for the hunt at the Tower Lounge anticipated mare participation, but only fault in servicing students is to purchase clothing at the Ox. survey of ten students, all ten at 9:00 a.m. where they were he said, overall everybody had a the lack of cashiers. The Ox has a clothing selection The students said that they were happy given the list of items to be great time. with the store service and satisfied When students were asked if they of sweat pants, shorts and shirts New Trailer with the basic school supply needs had any suggestions for better with the Red River logo design on Projector Is service, only one had a unique idea. them. The Ox also has stationary and more. By Maureen Winnicki "It's unfortunate that I have to Jerry Martin, from Nursing said a supplies, and convenience items "I bought my bus pass here when Always The Students' Association has be separated from my fellow layaway plan would be a better such as cards, mugs, back packs, I didn't have time to run and look been granted the use of trailer L to executives, said Ridgway," but service to students and it would computer disks, stuffed animals, for one somewhere else," said house a new office for their Public given the circumstances, I'm very give low income students a chance candies, chips and drinks. Looking Paula Wysocki from Child Care Relations Director, James pleased with my new space." He Ridgway, and a conference room, noted that his previous office in Civil Tech For: to be used for Student Council trailer K, which houses the meetings. projector, and the S.A. offices in Ridgway said it won't cost the building D, had been very crowded. Auto Shop S.A. a cent. All the furniture and "There had just been no room equipment being moved into the for me." Naos new trailer is second-hand, used Ridgway said there are a few Students Win before in S.A. offices elsewhere. drawbacks to the new trailer, Trailer L had been used in the however. It does not have a past as a native counselling centre, bathroom. And the walk from main Gets Nissan according to S .A. President, Wayne campus to Trailer L in winter's -40 Toduruk, but when it moved into weather will certainly test the the college, the S.A. put in a request dedication of Ridgway and Student Top Honours Tips for the trailer. Council members. From Dealer By Maureen De'Ath Congratulations to four Civil 632-2479 Technology students from Red By Kim Powell RRCC, Toyota Look For Agreement River Community College who took top honors in the 1991 The latest addition to the auto/ Talks between R.R.C.C. and shop space and Toyota would Canadian Construction Research diesel department at R.R.C.C. is a Toyota Canada Inc. continue in contribute repair manuals, training TH E RED CROSS SAYS Board "Innovations in 1991 Nissan Sentra donated an effort to establish a joint materials, the training of college WE'RE Too virile To Construction" Competition for directly by the manufacturer. training centre. staff as well as vehicle donations. GIVE BLOOD... AN' RUFF students. Donations to the college and The proposed training centre J. Derek Trinke and Don P. other educational institutes occur ATTENTION: DON'T COUNT 'CAUSE FIE'Sy would be within the auto/diesel The centre would be run by Chuby won the first place award, as vehicles become available and JUST A 49,964.... department but act as a separate R.R.C.C. but "equipped and worth $500, in the category to where the manufacturers think a branch where, Toyota and decorated by Toyota" said auto/ Commerce Industry and involving reports, investigations car will be used for instruction, R.R.C.C. would work together to diesel department head Roy and research papers prepared in Department Head Ron Malyon edurqte students strictly on Toyota Malyon. Sales Marketing compliance with the requirements said. products, according to an of a Manitoba community college. The donation of cars is mutually R.R.C.C. and Toyota press The talks are now in a second The two RRCC students entered beneficial to the manufacturers and release. phase. Class #1 a project that explored "D- the students; it is an "invested The release said R.R.C.C. The new centre is scheduled for Cracking in Manitoba." interest in education" for the would supply the classroom and opening in the fall of 1991. In the same category, Nathalie company Malyon said. EXCITING Emond and Scott Davies took the He said if these cars were not second place award of $250 for donated, the students would not quickly and more PRESENTATION cars have reassemble and conduct various their entrance entitled "The Role have current cars to train on. sophisticated electrical systems, procedures as required. of Geosynthetics in Civil Malyon said the manufacturers making new cars vital to The donations come directly OCTOBER 16, 1991 Engineering." contribute these vehicles so there demonstrate new procedures and from the major manufacturers such The CCRB, in co-operation with will be trained technicians in the techniques," Malyon said. as Nissan, General Motors, Ford, Manitoba construction companies, field who know their brand of He said cars like the Nissan 2:00 P.M. Room D-308 THE "LITTLE nom" DEPEND ON YOU Chrysler, Honda, Hyundai, sponsor the annual competition for vehicle. Civil Tech. Award Winners from left to right: D. Chuby, D. Sentra are used for training Volkswagon and Mazda, not from students registered in construction "The car industry is changing 10)000 1AV & MT& Trinkle, N. Emond, S. Davies. purposes to disassemble, the dealership said Malyon. related programs. Tuesday, October 151 1991 Page 8 Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 9 DIVERSIONS Soul Music Comes Shocking Film Should To Dublin In New Parker Film

By Karen Sapinski Shake Canadians Into Action The Commitments, now playing requisite first gig in the community at the Garrick, grabs your interest center. The three girls Jimmy By Tom Bode in the first ten minutes and never recruits provide lots of sparks - lets go. It's a gutsy, funny, vulgar, from the band members as well as Uranium is one of the most the industry will have dumped 200 poignant and totally captivating their audiences. powerful films you could borrow million tonnes of solid and liquid film. If that weren't enough, the The lead singer, Deco (Andrew from the National Film Board (245 waste by the year 2000. These music is great. It's the kind of Strong), chooses his own name. Main Si). In this film, the viewer waste products will continue to music that bridges the generation He sure can sing, but everyone learns that the extraction of uranium poison the ecosystem fora hundred gap and pounds in the blood; the hates him offstage. "He's a pig," ore, whether to produce atomic thousand years. kind that makes you want to sing say the girls. Through conflicts of weapons or generate electricity, is The film warns that while we along. ego, personalities, and sex, they unique in the mining industry in cannot see it, smell it, or feel it, low A non-star cast makes the film manage to get it together for their one important and terrifying way. level atomic radiation can damage all the more believable. From gigs. While other mines leave scars that living cells. It is a contributing Jimmy (Robert Arkins), the central Some of the musical numbers may last a few centuries, uranium cause of lung cancer, leukemia, character who auditions and puts are powerful enough to give you mining leaves a legacy of deadly bone diseases, kidney damage and together the band, to a lead singer chills. "Try a Little Tenderness" radioactive pollution that will last birth defects. Without uranium, who is reminiscent of Joe Cocker, starts out soft and rouses to a for a hundred thousand years - Hiroshima, Three Mile Island, and it has a solid cast. When Jimmy rushing, stirring climax. People sat many times longer than the total Chernobyl would not be household finds Joey "The Lips" (Johnny in the theatre after the movie span of recorded human history. names. Murphy) an old down and out listening to the sound track as the Some of the worst of this Among the people interviewed trumpet player who played with credits rolled. devastation lies in Canada's so- in this film are research scientists, greats like Wilson Picket and Otis Somehow, director Alan Parker called unspoiled wilderness: miners, doctors, Native trappers, Redding, he finally has all the manages to keep the film cohesive including the Northwest and others whose livelihood members of the band together. through a fast-moving script. Territories, and northern parts of depends on Canada's rivers and This is a look at life as it really is, Instead of looking like it's choppy Saskatchewan and Ontario. lakes. All of Canada's operating with a hundred things going on in and patched together, it all flows The film shows scenes of uranium mines are on lands which every scene. If you miss something, together well. The only drawback destruction that would shock and are ancestral homes of Native no matter, the film moves along at is the dialogue in the film's first outrage every Canadian, as people. Native rights activist Photo by Magnus Isacssoo such a pace, there are ten more few minutes, as the Irish accents powerless victims are once again Winona LaDuke warns, "A lot of Winona LaDuke speaks with Homer Seguin of the United Steelworkers of America things to keep you glued to your are heavy enough to distract. After paying the price of technology and people think what happens to scat. a few minutes, however, you get short-term economic gain. Indian people doesn't matter to to see that Canada's Native people, to all Canadians, and especially to land our children and grandchildren It is a realistic look at how bands used to them. Canada's nuclear industry them, but the fact is that when our with their renewed sense of pride Winnipeggers, who are only will one day inherit; maybe get started. It shows them The film supplies so much action, promotes itself as the clean water is destroyed, when our people and leadership, are now saying "no" recently realizing that there is a learning from films like Uranium scrambling around to get you could see it several times and alternative energy source; the start dying from cancer, that's to proposed mine openings. significant pollution problem in is a place to start. The NFB is open equipment from a less than savory still catch things you hadn't noticed eventual replacement for fossil exactly the same thing that's going Uranium is a fascinating and the Red, Assiniboine, and Seine from 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to character. It follows them to the before.This is a must-see movie! Deco (Andrew Strong) and The Commitments play to a music-hungry crowd fuel. But, as Uranium informs us, to happen to white people." thought-provoking film which Rivers. Something has to be done Friday, and you can borrow videos if mining continues at 1988 levels, Viewers will find it encouraging could be an eye-opener and a lesson now before pollution chokes the for only $2 per day. Shout Nothing Fink Is Flick You Won't Forget

To Shout About By Sandy Gousseau Barton Fink (Garrick) is a gives Fink an unshakable case of By Arthur Pearson refreshingly original film, with writer's block. An occasional "Rock 'n roll can change your students can't groove on the old Shout also suffers from having brilliant cinematography, breath of fresh air to his dreary life" is the theme of Shout, playing traditional American anthems, Robbie Robertson and John Hiatt marvelous imagery and flawless writer's dungeon comes in the form at the Garrick. Cabe introduces the lads to the music in a film based in the 50s. performances. But what would one of Charlie Meadows (John Based in a small Texas town in world of grassroots rock and roll. But let's be fair; it did have two expect from the Coen brothers, who Goodman), the insurance salesman 1955, the movie begins with James Enter the proper, spoiled, and good parts. First, after Jesse slings gave us such unforgettable movies from next door. Goodman redeems Dean clone Jesse Tucker (James pretty Sara Benedict (Heather dirt at Sara, Cabe comes merrily as Raising Arizona and Blood himself with this performance after Walters) swinging from the town's Graham.) The romance begins soon walking down the dirt road making Simple? the disappointing King Ralph. church bell. Jesse is supposedly thereafter with Jesse displaying his up some lyrics about Jesse's sad Producer Ethan and director Joel There are plot and character trying to alert the town that it's on interests in Sara by abusing her state, but more importantly playing Coen co-wrote the screenplay, twists aplenty, and the film is its last leg, but by pelting police luggage and throwing shovelfuls some really gutsy harmonica riffs. maintaining their flair for the loaded with characters that literally officers with empty beer bottles, of dirt on her feet. It's no surprise Second, throughout the movie, unusual, the eerie and the shocking. ooze with substance. These unusual Jesse comes off as more of a that the main love storyline is as Alan (Glenn Quinn) is attracted to The story centers around a New characters were totally believable trouble-making no-good than a predictable as in all the other 30 a girl in the town's finishing school, York playwright, Barton Fink and absolutely absorbing. Even community savior. million teen love films we've and the scene where he finally (John Turturro), who is shot off to Pete the fossilized elevator operator Jesse is carted back to the already seen. declares his love is one of the Hollywood in 1941 on the spark of (Harry Bugin), managers to steal a Benedict Home for Boys where Shout did have some strong funniest ten seconds you'll see on rave reviews of his latest Broadway scene or two while hardly uttering we meet Eugene Benedict (Richard possibilities with a veteran actor film. play. a word. Jordan ) Eugene is a forceful, strict, like Travolta, a young heartthrob Too bad that's not enough to Fink gets a contract with a studio Barton Fink has achieved iron-fisted headmaster who rules like Walters, and the taboo rock save this boring, stupid flick. Shout run by the eccentric Jack Lipnick international recognition, having the boys like a tyrant. He is also music angle, but it's all delivered isn't even a rental option, so be (Michael Lerner) who is the won three awards including best one of the only fully developed in a sluggish, uninteresting fashion. warned and stay away. epitome of the 1940s movie mogul. picture at the Cannes Film Festival. characters of this story. One wonders at what point Travol ta On the sign entering Benedict Fink is then faced with the If you enjoy the absurd and unique, Jack Cabe (John Travolta) is adds credibility to the movie and at Home for Boys, it read 'hard dubious task of churning out a thenBarton Fink will stay with you brought in as the boys' music what point it takes credibility away' - someone should Fink (Turturro) and his talkative next-door neighbor (Goodman) try to cure writer's block formulated "B-picture" which long after the movie has ended. Jesse (James Walters) and Sara (Heather Graham) teacher. When his new band of from him. have told the director that. Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 11 Page 10

■•••••• •

• alio. SH oek J' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Give Up Cycling • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • By John K. White • Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, addresses the audience like an old Or Give Up Morals Natives...sounds like roll-call at friend, sharing his thoughts and the UN, but actually, these groups providing the glue that holds the have all co-existed on one play together. Winnipeg street for years. The audience follows Harold as By Dale Barbour I see no other way to deal with the So there I was whizzing along to sidle my way past a truck. (One about it. That inaction had eaten attracted as much attention as Selkirk Avenue is that street, he encounters several characters, contradiction. between two lines of backed-up foot, because there wasn't enough away at him like a cancer. He had possible to what I had just done, and the folklore that surrounds it is including his love interest, Mary So to all the people I have cars, and then weaving over in room for my pedals to turn.) lain awake nights silently and then after one final spiteful approached with great insight and Lobchuk, amusingly played by angered in my recent cycling For the first time, I even got a screaming at the biker who had cut volley, he would have stocked off humor by local playwright Bruce Cheryl Swans. front of the cars that couldn't move. excursions, I can only say, in all pedestrian pissed off. him off; cursing the forces that without waiting fora rebuttal. (OK, McManus in his play Selkirk "I pray for you every night, but I realized in that moment that I had honesty, "Too Bad!" After all, it's become what I as a driver had It all started innocently enough. prevented him from getting so maybe I have had this happen Avenue, running at the Prairie still you live," Mary Lobchuk wryly not like I'll ever meet myself on always hated most. I was cycling along a one way revenge. And then like a bolt from before.) Theatre Exchange until Oct. 20. quips to Harold. the road. All the same though, I I was one of...those...cyclists. street, minding my own business, the blue, I rolled into this The trouble is, though, he was As Selkirk Avenue opens, the The most humorous moments of think I'll invest in some protective And just who are those cyclists? not doing nuthin, when the light maelstrom. right. Although my turn was legal, audience is quickly taken to street the play occur when Granma clothing, helmet, shoulder pads, They are the people who don't stop (for no apparent reason) changed. Anyway, he was pretty mad, so I hadn't stopped at that red light. level, joining Harold, played Sawatzky, played by Mariam bulletproof vest- that sort of thing. at stop signs...the people who will There was a one way street going I did what any responsible right- People could have been killed due effectively by Tom McBeath, as Bernstein. look both ways and then run a red the other way, so I checked to see minded individual would have to my irresponsibility. he introduces himself and his street. Granma is the babba of all light...the sort of people who will if there were any cars coming, and done in the same situation. I sped Lately I've been making * * * Harold gives an overview of the babbas. She has a penchant for take the sidewalk if it looks easier turned. I turned directly in the path up and got the hell out of there, manoeuvres on the road that would people who make up the street, shopping - especially in the Eaton's of be physically impossible for a car. basement. than the road...the type of cyclists of an oncoming pedestrian! A leaving him fuming at the edge As this column draws to a close, walking around the small stage glance toward him showed me the the street, his lust for revenge only I realize; I know that I'm abusing The petite actress said her own who really make a pain of I would like to thank the single flipping through pictures he has anger, the seething rage he was slightly sated. my privileges as a cyclist. I'm in taken over the years as a two babbas were natural coaches themselves in rush hour traffic. object that has made it possible. feeling. I knew at once that I had Alright, so it was a trifle the wrong. So what should I do photographer. for the role. At times it was hard to They are the people who all around Yes, you guessed it. God bless you made a mistake. cowardly, I admit. But honestly, about it? The set itself is simple, using believe Bernstein is really about give a bad name to anybody who my little Raleigh l2-speed...God "Hey!" he growled, "That was a what would my motivation for I pondered the problem for a hundreds of black and white photos 60 years younger than the babba has ever set foot to pedal bless you. It was rather a startling red light!" stopping be? He would have just long time, and finally struck upon of nameless inhabitants placed on she was so delightfully depicting. realization. True. I could tell by the tone of raged at me for five or ten minutes, what I see as the only viable the floor surrounding the stage, The pulse of the play is steady, I felt quite guilty as I moved his voice that this had happened to called me every name under the solution. • with miniature replicas of well- kept beating by the recurring theme towards the curb and used one foot him before and he had done nothing sun (and some that weren't), I must become morally bankrupt known rooftops poking through of identity, and how people the sea of faces to identify specific constantly struggle to find and areas of the street. maintain it. The only constant on the set is a Selkirk Avenue is full of humor bottle of whisky that is dipped into and genuine humanity, which on more than one occasion by the almost everyone can not only characters. identify with, but reflect upon for Harold interacts with members hours after leaving the theatre. The makes contribution to expert fund-raiser Mrs. Dube (Bernelda Wheeler) Wingfield's Third Offering of the cast directly, and then play is a bargain at $11 for students.

- You'\ c tai -tcci tikatinii again?" Fast-Paced And Fun-Filled "Yes. I . in %■.orking on a nc%\ figure.-

By Don Edwards Wingfield's Progress, at the conceive and carry out his own MTC Warehouse, stands up well clever plan to prevent the on its own, even though it's actually condominiums from being part of a trilogy. It is an extremely completed. humorous, fast-paced play, which Beattie's acting range is quickly seems, as all good things, to end made apparent by his incredible too soon. transformations from one character Walt Wingfield (Rod Beattie) to another, and another, and then discovers that leaving the hectic back. Beanie changes his voice, pace of the city for a new life in the laugh, stance, walk, slouch, and country does not always insure even his neck to portray all the tranquility, or even an easier different townspeople. lifestyle. He quits his job as CEO Working on the sparsest of sets, for a Bay St. brokerage firm to with both the minimum of props move to southern Ontario, to live and wardrobe, Beanie, in as a farmer. sometimes an almost mime-like I Wingfield tells of his daily and fashion, conveys not only the look, ■ -•,-. 4 ii , 411••• \-:-.,::::::,:ci:Mt::::::::::::::::s.X. :::::::::M§:::::::;::: ::<—:-.:-:: • c.4,:;:k•::::::t•'-‘ . weekly activities through letters but also the personalities of many .-: :::.4**.tN':it4:%:•\b4:k: sc:--ta::!ft- • sent to Ed, the editor of the local people. .0%N.N. intneleat.\‘''s:*:2sv'; n:-: paper. These letters are acted out in In the scene at the town council -; .:. ;.: :,..,- . \ in::::::::.>,gest:i$,:::::V:,.J,(42 -;;;:t.. t.kv:.:thelt),.\;::NeSex:W:::4%.*t atte.:4:::::::-:.> -. the form of short vignettes in this meeting, Beattie portrays so many - o:: bilkitthelk:-. one-man, two-act play. fascinating characters so quickly, .0.1,..-•:::& `kk.S:44.a:c The play's central themes were that it is easy to forget there is only Wingfield's acceptance into the one person on stage. community, and his attempts at Wingfield's Progress and the preventing construction of other two plays in the trilogy, Letter

condominiums on the property From Wingfield Farm and ,'.f.tV4*,,,,, ; • 4-Ja:-..,^1t. IST:1 Put winter on ice. adjacent to his. Wingfteld' s Folly will be presented Go to your neighbourhood rink. - • The two acts take place over a until Oct. 26. Show times are 8 Catch up with old friends year. The first act introduces all the p.m. Monday to Friday, with and meet new ones! key playas and shows Wingfield's afternoon matinees on Wednesday initial reactions to the and Sunday. Admission is only condominiums, ending with a town $12 with your student card; check council meeting. with MTC for dates of the The second act sees Wingfield individual plays. Rod Beattie, playing one of his half dozen or so characters Pholo by Bra Monk

9 1


Look For Pearls Amid Peppers

Red Hot Chili Peppers: debut Rising out of the ashes of as does the multi-tortured voice of Mr. Patton - well, it often f, I (0 v tat "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" Mother Love Bone, a band whose only album "Apple" sounds like sounds like it hurts. (WEA) Guns 'n Roses would if they were No, this is no alternative rock On the follow-up to the highly any good, "Ten" proves that hard fantasy band, it's more like the successful "Mother's Milk" rock can be intelligent as well as robots Bill and Ted make an album, the Peppers move back album, sort of a soundtrack to a • having all the distortion and angst \''{‘t ".1%,•• \ \ \ \ •kiisx • • • • •;...*•:.N into their 'more funk, less rock' which separates it from mainstream broken-down ride at the Ex - Ye\ mode. It's a bit of a surprise to respectability. In fact, Pearly Jam "Let me off! No, I don't want to see the band re-emphasize the passes the good song test on this go faster!" Cha-cha bass lines funk again after becoming the record, which is: would it still be wrestle with out-of-kilter young hipster's alternative powerful if performed keyboard runs, changing tempo Fi ••\xx • •••••-••:::A•m\ delight. Of course, the band acoustically? These songs can seemingly on a whim, grinding makes some other interesting stand on their own; the band has guitars run in and out, a funk/ decisions on this album. disco segment clashes with an kv....w•xxzybc:\•., simply made a decision to use their LI \w-k•-•• One tune, "Breaking the Girl," own epic edge. Some tracks seem industrial piece; all this in the FEATURING SW'S is a beautiful acoustic tune on to make use of anti-metal same song. At least, it seems which a flute-flavored mellotron instruments like viola and timpani, that's what's going on; all of the FRIDAY OCTOBER 25 is featured prominently, but it yet they add color to a basic hard songs are loosely joined by little also evokes memories of rock/alternative sound. Prime musical bits or stolen soundbites, dinosaurs like Zeppelin and guitar alongside lyrical and vocal so it's often hard to tell where Jethro Tull as well as newer intensity make this album; if you're one is ending and the next one is 8:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. groups like Extreme. looking for something new, you beginning. The group also chose to use might want to consider skipping Lyrically, this one ain't for the producer Rick Rubin, a man the G 'n R and picking up P.J. weak of heart. Sex, John formerly famous for producing Travolta, necrophilia, bodily SOUTH GYM Slayer and the Beastie Boys wastes, the death of one's pet, era -w t Mr. Bungle (WEA) M l:•:cf• .;•:•-•••••::& " WA among others. It was a wise ••;•:12.•.) • . ..;;;s. ":.:...,:ct.t...\•,N:sx‘...... "..•&.,.N...x . • WN'::::•:::, one ultra-heavy impressive schizophrenic bass lines dominate, sludge. costume rental •:•:::;:::,•%:•:::•:::::4 ..) . . b...: \\::..:: •...: f., . %.\:}feklifff. , \ :\:::•%.,K,fx,f::::::•.• \ ::::::•::•:::.::::•.i:X5 :::` \ N. C>-C.:::::::<•:,...\ „ .... ■•.:; ..:5:5..5:Az■ tt f\l:■%:.■*.a\ CS:1A%.-.\\a•ttagatC■aab‘•:.: h\S■%:Xl.:*.4tif %%:.1.:.:• :a Bits N - Pieces CASH PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES

Rock Me Amadeus range from the novice to the French Films by Women Dale Amundson Tapestries of Hope Winnipeg Singers present a professional, representing all A series of French films directed Ace Art (24-221 McDermot) Appliqued tapestry on sack cloth Mozart Gala ion Sunday, Oct. 20 mediums. Gallery hours are by women will be presented at the presents recent works of Dale made by low-income women in at the Walker Theatre. Music will Tuesday to Saturday, 11 a.m. to WAG. All films are in French with Amundson. These pieces expand Chile are featured at the Museum include Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, 5:30 p.m. daily. Admission is free. English subtitles, with the on the artist's concern with the of Man and Nature's Urban Missa Brevis in F Major and They're in the Artspace building at exception of L' adolescente, which provocative and/or interactive; they Gallery. An imaginative diversity Divertimento. Featured Guests will 121 - 100 Arthur St. is in French only. Clementine are characterized by their of materials, like plastic pill lids, be the Elmer Iseler Singers and Tango (Wed. Oct. 23) is about a technological components. match sticks, soup bowls, and Amadeus String Ensemble. The Author Readings mysterious teenager who turns a Admission is free. pieces of tin foil help depict the concert starts at 8p.m. and although Readings by three well-known middle class snobby man on to the daily struggle to survive under the price is $15 for students (we try Manitoba writers will take place at shady world of cabarets and L.A. Punk injustice and oppression. Museum to stay under ten bucks in this the WAG on Wednesday, Oct. 16. transvestites. Defense de savoir The definitive film about the admission is $2.50 for students. column) the value for your dollar Featured are Doug Melnyk, George (Thurs. Oct. 24) is about a lawyer L.A. punk scene in 1980, with the is excellent. Morrisette, and Maara Haas. The who defends a prostitute charged Circle Jerks, Black Flag, X, Alice Meteor Showers setting is informal cafe-style and with murder. L' adolescente (Fri. Bag Band, Germs and Fear. It On Oct. 21 at 5 a.m. CDT the an hors d'oeuvre buffet will be First come...first hung Oct 25) is set in 1939, and tells the features interviews with club Orionid meteors peak at about 25 presented. Admission is only $3 story of a 12-year-old girl's view owners, concert footage, and band per hour. Admission is free. The Main/Access Gallery will for students. of a world on the brink of war. interviews. At Cinematheque Oct. present their "Access Show" Each film is only $3.50 with your 18-20, 9 p.m. and midnight. exhibition until Oct. 26. Exhibitors student card. Students get in for $3.50. * * DRINK SPECIALS Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 14 Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 15

SPORTS Is riwilr Grey Cup Volunteer Super Mario's Positions Still Spectacular Available Sports Trivia By Mario Colonnelli By Linda Lawrence presides over a very large staff "As of September 18, we're close Anderson including four full-time employees to having enough qualified 1.Who did Payne Stewart defeat in a one round play-off to win the By Mario Colonnelli find it hard to imagine that officials After many years of traveling to and the approximately 1000 volunteers already," said Ezerins. 1991 Masters golf championship? Isn't it wonderful? The stunning just noticed them this week. It see the Grey Cup game or settling volunteers needed for the game "Volunteers are recruited by word 2. Who led the National League brilliance of Canadian football continues to amaze me that a league down in front of the television to and the activities during the week of mouth, friends or sometimes off in batting this season? League officials has once again which calls itself professional can watch it, Winnipeggers finally get which lead up to it. the street." 3. Who are the only two gone further to determine the employ officials who seem to have to host and attend it here on Ezerins is responsible for public Many people who volunteered American league players to play outcome of a game than it should. a penchant for calling random November 24th at 1:30 p.m. relations functions, budgets, and for the Grey Cup Festival '91 have every inning of every game for Countless times this season the penalties during the course of a Leo Ezerins, General Manager accounts receivable. also been volunteers for other their teams this season? referees have done more to game. From holding to clipping, of Grey Cup Festival '91, and his He works with Art Mauro, Winnipeg sporting events. 4. Who is the manager of the determine the winner of a game the penalty calls in this league staff are already working long President of the Grey Cup Festival "However," Ezerins says, Flag Waving! Atlanta Braves? than the teams involved. I am of remain inconsistent at best. hours to prepare for one of the '91 and the board of directors. "We're always looking for What city will host the 1996 course referring to the Bomber Perhaps CFL officials should be most important Winnipeg events Each of the four full time qualified people. Applications can 5. Flag football season is in full swing. These guys aren't exactly James West and Rocket Ismail, summer Olympics? game of last Saturday. checked for use of illegal ever. employees has their own area of be made at the Grey Cup Festival but they're trying hard. 6. Who holds the American With a few minutes left in the substances as well. Ezerins is a former Winnipeg responsibility and oversee the office at 200-155 Carlton." •sowE8 ims * * * * League record for saves in a single game, and Toronto set to punt the Blue Bomber and Hamilton volunteers within their area. Applications for entry in the Grey Ili VZ u! paArid youra °Aug UOILT season? ball away on a third down, Matt Plain and simple the Jets have to Tigercat and has much experience Volunteers must apply as if for Cup parade on Saturday November luEH PuusAIN °HUM `ItignIA4 urlS 7. What is the eastern most team Pearce and Eric Streater were pay Phil Housley $1 million per as a volunteer for the Special any other job and must have some 23 are still being accepted. :10dUM1s;Slon00:3 1 SE0L0100:MAS.UVo in the CFL? penalized for wearing/using an season. Olympics. skill or experience suited to the If they do not give Housley what 8. Who is the career leader in unscug 'Cure-1 6 Candid Convo With illegal substance, a sticky cloth As general manager, Ezerins needs of the festival staff. he wants and do lose him after this Canada Cup points? biziarD ouArm .8 used by carpenters to pick up dust. season, they will set a precedent 9. Who is the coach of the San &ram mSnoN EMEttO Instead of getting the ball and "1, which could mean the end of them. Antonio Spurs? uod2RL Aqqog •9 possibly running out the clock to What professional sports preserve their 21 - 16 lead, Toronto Winnipeg will get the reputation North Gym Workers 10. ulakYJD tiLrePV 'S Jets GM as a cheap city (heaven forbid), team holds the record for the most xop Aqqog was awarded a first down. They that won't pay its players. Some consecutive losing seasons with 11031dIN TED per lamp ao f *E proceeded to kick a field goal on people simply will not be willing 15? ualsorpuod A.uoi • that drive and a second with :41 Stumper: Who are the only two left to give them a 22 - 21 win. to play here. I don't think that a six Make Life Easier For uosduns Bon •1 Smith Worried About men to both play and coach in 1000 Whether or not the penalty hundred thousand dollar increase NBA games? snittsuV sPod S should have been called is not the in the teams payroll will Increasing Costs, Salaries issue. Both players were warned dramatically effect them. I don't Students by head coach Daryl Rogers and know what the total payroll of the told not to wear the towels. The team is, but I can't see giving a Sports Question Of The By Steven Aronovitch privacy and enjoys eating at the of his job is trading players. He raise to Housley to keep him in By Jeff Newman approximately thirty volunteers in these sports, it's not feasible to point is the two players were deli in his apartment building, said it's hard to take a good player wearing the tack towels for the Winnipeg as being the downfall of When using any of the facilities who frequent the weight room. have co-ed leagues. Mike Smith, the General rather than go to a place where he's who's making the team better and entire game. So why wait until the Jets. found here at Red River's North Quality and good service is the The area of the gym that they Week Manager of the Winnipeg Jets What Do You Think Of The going to be noticed. uproot him, and his family. such a crucial moment to call a Phil Housley is a world class Gymnasium, there are two people motto they have, and Jamer says would most like to improve is the wants to see the team become a Smith works hard, often putting It's hard to tell a player that he's penalty? talent and must be paid accordingly. that will do their best to make sure their goal this year is to offer as weight room, and over the past Jets This Year? dominant force in the National in 18 hour days. He's an avid made great contributions, and he I am not saying that the call was If the Jets fail to pay Housley people get exactly what they need many programs as possible, and three or four years, steps have been By Tom Kapac Hockey League. listener of classical and jazz music, now has to do it for a different the only deciding factor in the and he does take offafter the season, for any particular sport. meet or exceed the (number of taken to make it better for the This is Smith's third yearas G.M. and he tries to keep in shape. team," said smith. game. It wasn't. The Bombers take heed in the fact that if the Jets June Graham, department head student) entries. students, such as reupholstering Christine Cummins Jim Marion . Smith said it was never his "I play music every morning to Smith says he's concerned about self-destructed far too many times finish last next season without him, and Karen Jamer, facility attendant, Jamer says in previous years, the the machines, and creating the I.D. "I think the Jets are going to "If the Jets can get all their ambition to become a G.M.. help get me through the day," said the direction in which the game is in Argo territory. Troy Westwood Eric Lindros may again be available are always trying to provide average number of intramural bracelet system. have to be more aggressive around lines going this year like in the He had a good opportunity to Smith. going, in regards to the increases in missed two very makeable field in the draft. You may ask what students with the best service participants has been in and around Only students and staff are the net if they're going to do first few games, then they should take the top job in the organization. He said he tries to fit in some sort costs, salaries and ticket prices. goals. Robert Mimbs fumbled on would make Lindros play for the possible, and say they get a feeling the 1500 mark, a number they are permitted to use the weight room, anything. They don't have do alright. By the looks of things, Smith's educational background of workout everyday. "With ticket prices going up, the Toron to five yard line and threw Jets considering they couldn't even of frustration when they can't be proud of, especially when and perspective users must auend outstanding talent but if they play I can see the Jets finishing third is quite extensive. He's Acquired "It helps reduce the stress." people will eventually stop buying an interception deep in opposition pay Housley? I think that Eric everywhere at once. considering the age range found an orientation session where they as a cohesive unit there is a chance in the division." three college degrees, the last being The desire to work hard is them," Smith said. territory on a halfback option play. would have a marvelous time The two say they're trying to here at the college. will receive an entry card. they'll make the playoffs." a doctorate in Russian Studies from something that Smith says he likes Smith says a second concern of Players in the C1-L have been playing hockey in southern maintain service without losing Jamer believes that everyone Every time students wish to use The last word: Syracuse University. to see in people. his is that hockey at the youth level wearing these towels for years. I California...for the San Diego Jets. quality, but for that to continue, should be involved in some type of the room, they have to hand in the Coney Myco I was surprised to find a huge "The Ph.d has given me the He says he likes people who are is becoming a game that only rich they could really use more help physical activity here, because it entry card along with a student "The Jets are going to do the majority of individuals weren't ability to learn how to think Editor's Note: Please take notice of the asterisks/stars honest, show integrity and display and middle class kids can play from students with things like "helps the students bum off energy card, to receive an I.D. bracelet to s**** this year..I think acquiring the least bit interested in the analytically," he said. seperating ideas in this column. humbleness. because of the costs of equipment officiating intramural games. and have fun." gain access. This system has Housley was a positive move. He's Winnipeg Jets or hockey for that Smith never played hockey at a "Hockey players are humble, and and fees. Their wide range of duties She says most of the sports are proven very successful according probably our only offensive threat matter. I always thought hockey professional level. Instead he they have to realize that they're "There is just no room for a Are you leading a include: maintaining all the locker divided into all male and all female to Jamer. and he's a defenceman, figure that was Canada's favorite pastime. worked his way up in the contribution to the group is the working class parent to pay for rich and famous rooms, handling all gym equipment leagues, and no co-ed leagues start Students interested in using any one out. I don't think they'll make It doesn't really matter where organization through coaching and most important thing in their their kids hockey," said smith. Heart Smart and weight facilities, as well as until the spring, when they of the other equipment, such as a the playoffs; they can't even beat the Jets finish because they won't serving as the teams Assistant G.M. hockey careers. One needs to be Smith says he finds the game of lifestyle? trying to cater the needs of all the introduce co-ed volleyball and basketball or volleyball, simply Vancouver. They do have nice be here next year anyway! Don't "I enjoy being involved in If you are exercis- humble in order to learn," said hockey to be an addiction, with the students who come and go during softball. have to present a student card to uniforms though, but they're no get me wrong the Jets do have hockey, and like making my living ing more, eliminat- smith. constant speed and movement the course of a day. She says the reason for the either Graham or Jamer at the gym as nice as the Sharks." some good talent and there is a through it," said Smith. ing unnecessary fat Smith said success within an being the main contributors. He On top of their everyday duties, separation of the sexes is because office. chance they might sneak into the However, he said he doesn't from your diet, consuming less organization is entirely based on says there is always a new they also have to set up and co- in many sports such as flag-football Although the repercussions of Terry Hope playoffs, but it there's no fan enjoy being a public figure, even alcohol, and have abandoned smok- everyonecontributing to the group. dimension being added to his job, ordinate all intramural activities, and floor-hockey, the men like to the budget cuts the college is "I think it's a make it or break it support there's no team. There though he's in a high profile ing, then you have joined the Heart "One needs to compromise their like acquiring a new player. which Jamer says can take up to 30 "go all out," making it difficult for experiencing this year are affecting year for the Jets. Either they prove might be Jet playoff hockey in position. Smart way of life. individuality, as that a person's He says he likes to keep his own hours for one sport. That means many of the girls to enjoy them, Graham and Jamer are being themselves on the ice, or they'll Winnipeg this year, but after that "My predecessor (John success can only come from within future plans limited to short time For more information and a poster on setting up schedules, divisions, and themselves when they have a resourceful under th e literally be drummed out of this there won't be any playoff Ferguson) enjoyed it. I'd rather be the group," he said frames. further famous Heart Smart lifestyles, playing time that's compatible to sweaty, two hundred and fifty circumstances. town. The Oilers are on their way hockey period! walking through an airport and "hockey is important to "You can't make a lot of plans in contact your Heart and all the students' class time. pound defenseman chasing them Overall, they are experiencing down, the Flames are floundering; have people not recognize me," Manitoba and Winnipeg, and I this business, because of job Stroke Foundation of To help relieve some of their while swinging a hockey stick. an eventful and exciting , ,:ar in now is the time for the Jets. They're said smith. Manitoba, 301-352 Donald would like to contribute in the best security and the nature of the Jamer also said because of the He is still the same person he HEART duties, they have a pan-time weight sports, and make sure it is enjoyable poised...all they have to do is just Street, Winnipeg, MB, AND STROKE manner possible," Smith said. business." FOUNDATION room instructor, as well as low registration number of women for all participants. do it!" was before he became G.M. R3B 2H8, 942-0195. OF MANITOBA He's a man who enjoys his Smith said the most difficult part Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 17 CARRIBEAN CRAWL 1/100A0S- SPRING BREAK "Irs-44/ - tart "Fir L J kSJI • GET A WAY RttrinvErs—POWER--STATtON MARCH 6 - 13

By "Door-Step-Baby" The Vancouver-based band What the heck is a bodhran? played the "It's just a hand-held drum very

SY" • Walker this month, and granted similar to a Native Canadian drum,

Ise CMOR an interview before their and it's been in Irish music for concert. They are currently on tour probably about 50's to promote their latest album "Go played with a double-ended stick Figure." with the right hand, and held in the left hand. It's a very simple drum." BUS $525.00 What is the significance to the name "Spirit of the West," and how did How does your latest album differ you come up with it? from the others, and how did you "Originally when we started get is name? writing songs for the band, a lot of "'Go Figure' is a lot more AIR $900.00 the songs dealt with issues that electric. It's a lot more crunchy. were pertinent to the west coast of Hopefully, the lyrics are better, Canada, and so we were actually and I think a lot of the issues are Includes transportation called Eaves Dropper before that, masked a bit more behind an and Geoffrey came up with the abstract lyrical structure as opposed and accomodations title "Spirit of the West" for the to a lot of songs in past albums album because of the songs' topical which are very direct, and to the west coast nature. We decided we point, and very two-dimensional. I 3 DAYS DAYTONA liked that name better, so we kept think with this album, you have to it and that's the history behind the listen to it a few times before you

5 _1 name." can actually grasp everything that • • • is being said." An example, they BEACH, 3 DAYS Mow long have you been together, said, is "Goodbye Grace" which and how did you decide on Celtic/ sounds like a lover saying goodbye Folk music? to someone special, but was FREEPORT BAHAMAS They said they basically got actually written by Geoffrey about together when Geoffrey and his his son who was born premature friend Jay, another friend who was and spent three months in the Grace in the band at the time, met up with Hospital. John the night before they were to do a gig at Whistler and asked John Would you consider the thought of For More Info Attend to go along. The music just someone writing songs for you? happened to be Celtic. Geoffrey They agreed the answer was an was into Irish folk, Jay was from a emphatic NO! Because their songs more rock and roll background, are their way of expressing and John had written some of his themselves so they would rather The Organizational Meeting own stuff. The three ideas were not have someone else write for just thrown together, and the band them. was formed. Although they had drums throughout the history of Art Bergmann, who records with their band, they acquired their Polygram, opened the concert at Wednesday October 23, permanent drummer Vince Ditrich the Walker. This was an enjoyable Spirit of the West appeals to young and old alike about a year ago. Vince was able to band who has already released at give them more of a powerful least two albums. When Spirit of sound; they wanted to make what the West appeared, however, the they could hear in their heads fans really came alive - dancing in 4:00 p.m. Black available to the people who came the aisles and screaming like mad. DON'T WAIT 10 READ IT to listen to them. The age range of the fans came as a slight shock, though; there were IN TIE PAPFRS, How long has Spirit of the West a lot of young people, but there Edward - Suddenlying Fe husband been around? were also some of the older David Mtl in his 4r.4th yea David, lovof Lecture Theatre. generation as well, which shows AD0A' ne. Proud tattier Patridf. an d trio They said the band started the toElizabeth. Catherit oyed sec of Doro th y and Me Reg- end William Adams. Vflil be sadlyr ari(missed of Cartes\ 3'416 and sometime in 1983. Their first that Spirit of the West is not just for le Judy. and On. MeGail The ot tam4Y Hex will receivethe trendsMonday at , Laurie tti si al' Friennd- 1 this generation, but for the last and , James nntMask, 1211 Main West on 7-9 P-1 ( album, "Tripping up the Stairs" Wi ape sister of Unfit 9 p.m. A came out in 1986, "Labour Day" maybe even the next generation mdersn horn 4- Jon .peA, trom was released in 1988, then came too. a in the in nterrne nt "Old Material 1984-1986" which From Winnipeg, they were was released in 1989, "Save this headed to Northern Ontario and On Satufday, in her 55th ttu DECKER!,ear. Beloved sally *lie ot Christopher. Dear House" in 1990, and their latest eventually on to New York. Good lohn frottber of James and Ifjmbertipaughter of album "Go Figure" in 1991. In all luck, guys! of their songs there is a special IMPROVING flavor of folk music showing PLEASE GIVE YOUR ODDS through their vast amount of AGAINST musical instrument knowledge. GENEROUSLY HEART AND STROKE CANADA'S This includes a flute, accordion, FOUNDATION mandolin, guitars, bass, drums, and NOW. OF MANITOBA #1 KILLER. a bodhran.

Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 19 CLASSIFIEDS

La Riviere 3M CANADA INC. BURSARY iT 4 4 tr1/1 nit ■ I Two bursaries of $500.00 each are available to full time Ski Club GENERAL students attending Red River Community College. One MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES MERCHANDISE will be awarded to a second year Business Administration student and the other to a second year Citizen Advocacy seeks out For thumbs up work and all your 1980 Pontiac Sunbird V6, Aft, P/ volunteer citizen advocates and typing call Betty at 338-1956. S, P/B, good tires, new battery, Electronic Engineering Technology student. matches them with another person Reasonable rates. runs great! Asking $1100 OR will with special needs, who needs swap for IBM-XT compatible with The selection of recipients will be based on financial friendship, support and/or WORD PROCESSING: We do all peripherals. Call Larry at 237- need and academic progress. assistance. Through this proposals, reports, manuals, or 3188 relationship the advocate can help whatever you need! Efficient, ensure that his/her protege is friendly, personalized service, Application forms are available from the Student receiving the services, letter quality printing, affordable Awards Office, building C, Room 306. Be sure all opportunities and acceptance in the rates. Hours of business 9 a.m. to October Is sections of the application are completed before community that he/she is entitled 9 p.m. Proposals, reports, manuals, UNICEF Month submitting it for consideration.. Incomplete applications Off to. Those wishing more Delivery service available. Call will not be considered. information as to how they can 895-1108. become involved should call La Riviere Community Centre 475-9262. Completed application forms will be accepted at the Student Awards Office up to and including MONDAY, The Big Sister Association needs USE YOUR OCTOBER 28, 1991. women volunteers of all ages, over eighteen years old to provide a HEAD, SAVE Saturday, October 26 special, supportive friendship to young girls in need, through a one- YOUR HEART to-one relationship. If you feel you have 4-6 hours a week for a year to Get your blood "'PROJECTOR offer a Little Sister, there may be pressure checked Have Your Coins STUDENTS' JOURNAL NEWS • DIVERSIONS • SPORTS WINNIPEG, MANITOBA 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. a girl waiting for the difference CALLING ALL ADVERTISERS: you can make in her life. Other and know it 14 Maite- Ready On * Pre-owned Ski Equipment meaningful volunteer opportunities Halloween Did you know that the classified section of Ski Wear Fashion Show are also available through the Big * Pre-owned Clothing The Projector is free to all Staff and Students Saturday, October 26 — 12:00 noon Sister Association. For further Improving * New Ski Equipment and Clothing information, please call us at 942- your odds at Red River Community College? See the Latest Fashions from Sun Ice Columbia, 1490, between the hours of 9arn to against HEART unicef AND STROKE Canada's from .. . Pembina Valley Sports Ltd. 5pm. FOUNDAnoN Mobius, etc. "Great Looks and Much More" OF MANITOBA Sampsons #1 killer. All copy must be turned in at Trailer K Eurosports Unlimited Volunteers are needed to supervise For heartening information, call Winnipeg needs... Monday at 4:00 p.m. week prior to groups of children and youth at a 949-2000 Gord's young people's theatre. Weekday The United Way Monday's issue. Vertical Sports (A new shop in Morden) mornings or afternoons on an 1 occasional basis. Experience with Olympic Sports large numbers of young people a necessity. For more information NOTE: These shops will have display booths at our contact the Volunteer Centre of Swap Meet. Talk to the ski experts! Winnipeg at 477-5180 Volunteers are needed to assist seniors in various crafts such as sewing, knitting and others of your Largest Ski Equipment Sale choice? Friday mornings in St. James area. For more information contact the Volunteer Centre of "GATENIGHT" in Rural Manitoba Winnipeg at 477-5180

Volunteers with fundraising ideas Holiday Mountain Ski Resort Information Display Booths and skills are required by several OCTOBER 30 Winnipeg agencies. For more * Pre-season lift ticket sale * La Riviere Ski Club, membership and programs information contact the Volunteer 6 P.M. 2 A.M. * Courtesy free coffee all day * Manitoba Alpine Division, provincial program information Centre of Winnipeg at 477-5180 * Holiday Mountain Ski Resort * Lunch available via Holiday Mountain staff Data Entry volunteers are required. IN THE SOUTH GYM These are mainly during the day and in the downtown area. For more information contact the MOVIES INCLUDE: We need your equipment! Volunteer Centre of Winnipeg at 477-5180 -TERMINATOR 1 & 2 House to share, $200.00 per month utilities included. Phone Pattie at -NIGHT OF THE LIVING NOTE: All consignment merchandise Friday, October 25: Clinics for Fitting Skis, 837-2073 must be pre-registered Friday, Oct. Poles and Boots will be held at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. DEAD 25, from 4:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the La in the lobby. Useful information for the whole family! 3I•teefoli& into someone's future -ROCKY HORROR Riviere Community Centre. In remembrance. In tribute. In celebration. Breathe life into someone's future with a gift to the Manitoba Lung Association. PICTURE SHOW Manitoba Lung Association Community Centre, La Riviere 242-2246 t For more information phone: 242-2548 (Manitou) 242-2219 (Manitou)


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