Campus Job Centre Plays the Gov't Waiting Game -Former CEC Office Sits Idle While Perspective Employers Want to Hlre Students
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••• EAN 77' iv. I' VOLUNTEERS Frt^ i.. ✓ LIBRARY SERVICES AT THE COLLEGE J '11 OCT 15 1991. STUDENTS' JOURNAL NEWS • DIVERSIONS • SPORTS wINN PEG, MANITOBA A Ukrainian speaking volunteer Library has information to help students successfully complete class assignments, research projects, who enjoys visiting seniors is and presentations. We offer a wide array of materials including books, newspapers, government PERIODICALS required at a Senior Centre in the publications, videos and films. At the Library, there are a number of services you may take advantage LIBRA downtown area. of such as: Promised Library Lost uffle Volunteers are needed on a casual -Photocopiers basis to enjoy and plan activities -Orientation sessions to help you use the library By Sherrie Ladanyi U of W, all hell would break loose," fora recreational group for d isabled CD-ROM searches that give you magazine articles on your - Red River has been the victim of he added. adults. topic broken promises. Hillman said Red River had Microcomputers and various software packages hoped to receive funding from the If you like sports and would enjoy - In 1986, a new $4 million NDP because they are a labor working with mentally -Audiovisual equipment to view material Learning Resource Centre was government, and should therefore handicapped youth and adults there -Information desk that is staffed throughout the day and promised to the college by then have strongly supported the needs are several positions available. evening Minister of Education for the NDP Bowling, swimming and track and government, Maureen Hemphill. of a technical vocational college. -Interlibraryloan service that borrows books and In a 1986 press release sent out He said the college field are only three of the sports periodical articles from other libraries when the material where help is needed. by the government, Hemphill administration has been requesting is not available at our library acknowledged that, "a new a new LRC since 1979, in hopes to A volunteer is required Wednesday -Study carrels resource centre at the college has alleviate the problem of overcrowding in the present library. evenings to call parents of children been badly needed for some time." Hours of service "This college was designed for to set up dates for hospital tours. A "A new centre was made top Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 9:00 pm 2000 students. It now holds 6000, good command of the English priority and will become a reality and therefore we have a surplus of language and a pleasent telephone Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm in the near future," the release also 4000 students that the building manner is required. Downtown Saturday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm said. simply cannot accommodate." said area However, Red River, which does Audiovisual Distribution Section is located in the Library but has slightly different hours of not work on a grant funding basis Hillman adding, "there's a real need like the U of M and the U of W, has for study facilities in here." Volunteers who are comfortable operation. with sexuality issues including constantly been the victim of pat Bozyk, the library director, AIDS are required for several Monday - Thursday 7:45 am - 7:30 pm government cutbacks, and agrees that the library is too small positions in a Winnipeg Clinic. Friday 7:45 am - 4:30 pm therefore has not yet received the to accommodate student's needs Students at Red River Community College will have to make do with the present library. Positions available are in public Saturday 8:30 am - 10:30 am promised LRC. and said she is disappointed that a space without dividing up it's library. only one meeting so far and no speaking, telephone information or "We get cutbacks two or three new library has not been various services. Arden Carroll, the committee decisions have been made. in buddy support system. times a year and the public doesn't constructed. even know about it," said Don Bozyk said some plans fora new A committee has now been chairperson, said the committee is "Right now it's all proposals," Hillman, executive director of the facility have been developed, but developed to review the space looking to go at the space problem said Carroll. Students' Association. have not received approval. needs of the college as a whole and with a new approach, such as "If the government tried to cut However, she said she is still look at designing a building that building a multipurpose room. back grants from the U of M or the hopeful the library will get more would provide more than just a However, the committee has held Campus Job Centre Plays The Gov't Waiting Game -Former CEC Office Sits Idle While Perspective Employers Want to Hlre Students
By Viv Draward were not fitting the direction of the brought in to run the employment kept open for an additional year," disappear. An important service for Red local CEC programs. centre. said Davies. Todoruk said a bulletin with River College students is being Ted Davies, supervisor of the "(Last year) the federal Davies said the employment various job opportunities is located held up over some provincial Student Counselling Centre, said government in their infinite centre cannot become fully next to the stairwell leading to the FRIDAY, OCT. 4th government red tape his office will be fielding calls and wisdom, deemed to close all on- operational until money is in place bus loop. The Canada Employment Centre requests from prospective campus centres across the country, to hire staff. Any requests that come in from campus office was officially closed employers for students until such reneging only on the decision for He said the college has forwarded various employers for students of
3:30 - 7:30 in the South gym. last June because it's operations time that fulitime staff can be the Quebec offices which are being a treasury board submission, and the college, will be forwarded to request for funding in order to pay the appropriate department and Register your team of 10 in the SA office two replacement staff salaries, to students will be informed on the the provincial treasury board details. Room DM20. Teams of 10. offices. Davies said services for Davies said they've had the assistance in resume writing and TICKETS: $6 submission returned unsigned on interview skills have always been several occasions asking that in place at the counselling centre rim% changes to the submission be made and will continue to be offered out and then returned to treasury board of that office. He said, the latest submission But, he said the centre is there to has been returned, yet again "first and foremost" provide unsigned, with a request for counselling services to students. MOLSON changes. Davies said he was disappointed He also said once the submission at the closing of the CEC office, is signed and approved they will and said he feels these services are Scavenger hunt 1st Prize $300.00 have one employment counsellor an integral part of the college 2nd Prize $100.00 and one support person housed in system. during the day, the former CEC office, within as "Had the college had the 3rd Prize $50.00 little as one week. authority to keep the CEC office $6.00 hunt fee Wayne Todoruk, SA President, open, there'd be no question as to is currently cooperating with what the answer would have been," includes Pub ticket. Davies' office to ensure that said Davies. services such as an on-campus It is not known when the latest recruitment program and labor submission will be returned by the market information do not treasury board.
Tuesday, October 15, 1991 Page 2 Tuesday , October 15, 1991 Page 3 NEWS Campus Overun By 'Worst' "*JA:\calitailtitsis heelers \ Mice Infestation In Years Mean
4$1 SA> \ \ ' Nursing Students •\ • \\A NNLS%‘••. x. \ \„,...'s;•;‘.>„ By Robert Elias services staff who have told him years at R.R.C.C. he placed a total Red River Community College's that they can handle the problem. of about 20 wooden traps. Over • Family Night N;•% annual mice invasion is the worst Exterminators have not been the last few years he has placed ••••• some facility officials have called in, said Carroll, but about 100 glue traps. -.A.:.: 1 :<\•19?•••": tp.• .1t4 `';,••• 3 .•\\`> sitt witnessed in years. government services does hire The glue traps, small white trays t‘' them to come in on a monthly filled with a strong glue and a .t ;S:C..k.t.,, . ,\ Ted Davies, Chairperson of the ■,...\\\ N•4 Daycare Board of Directors said in basis. mouse attracting odor, have created Proves effective ' ''` 'xt'i. .:...., • 411 .4i . .kz1+. ,N.SC\ his nearly 20 years at the college, "This is an issue," said Carroll, . some controversy in the past. •>:.•\% I. ‘‘. . :t>, ....,,,. ‘'`''..& " - ..:N ••••••55s:),,Iskft, ....*:, ‘D. ;...,.A„.,.1„. this year is the worst he's seen. but not a major problem." Glen Opponents have accused them of By Diane Maytwayashing ....>.. N,...,:.:„;:. • '• "•• 1 JKlit .:::. ` ■ k*::::I•:;•%->"4:::•as.,..:: 4" \%si \r: . MacRae, Department of being inhumane, but MacRae The second annual R.R.C.0 "It also helped us to see how \''.;;;:•:-::::;;;;;;•: :‘,..i.,74W Don Hillman. executive director - nursing student family night was little time we will be spending as a C '-‘,4 of the Students' Association agrees. Government Building Services justifies their use by pointing to family and how our time together ■ "The last few years have been supervisor, predicts this year won't their cost and efficiency. held last month, at the college. , '::11.rane.: ...... ,.:...., !tt ft be as bad as 1990. A plastic snap trap costs about "I got the idea of family night is precious," Adurshko said. ‘?..,Z,4, \ \ ':.:: >;:::;•:§;t;\ kn... a. really bad...and it's getting worse." - :::kit • iiIM . 011 after realizing the stress students Wall said some of these students ,.••••••::..-....: :11),..s.:.< Davies said on Tuesday, October MacRae said he feels the issue $3.10per trap and can only catch -..,.....:. ..&t%'• ,• one mouse at a time he said. The go through while taking the nursing coming into the program had • " '. ..Wc;::. . `••:• ::•>.:' 1 a daycare staff killed a mouse has been blown out of proportion. .:•::::1\:: . uit ' ‘S ••:•:•:•:•••••:::_ .. ■:;:•:‘ glue traps cost $.50 each and can program." said Karen Wall started their families and had been ...-.:5::•\.:•:%5•••w•:•:,•••:••••:•5•••., ... ,.%‘. with a broom. Staff at the daycare He maintains that a one-million Student special, Single Futon and Frame $199.00 • Curiculum Co-ordinator. out of school for years. :..ii:..:,:",.':,:.;..‘.:.,, said they often see mice droppings square foot prairie facility, in a trap as many as 3 to 5 mice said some assembly required. :.:11131143: MOO "The nursing program is intense "Ninety eight percent of the ..•. x...::-.::::;.2: .:::::>..::::?.::$;: :::::: ...... s: -::,.,...::::V;::3::::,::;-...,:!.... in the kitchen and food storage harsh climate with only 35 MacRae. ..;..` . :: errOP:* , StrjaibtAik Mon. thru Sat. 10 - 5, Thurs. and Fri. 10 - 8 Sun. 1 - 5 and students can spend up to 35 things said were to prepare us for .f..: t... ik.''...;.?.s.:?C:%-?.,si::;::::kk:<:.:.iss.“ areas. maintenance staff, will always have He said about twenty glue traps hours a week studying," said Wall. the negative," said Adurshko.