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342 Patr•cs,Fellows, Members and Associates ofthe [April[Auk PATRONS, FELLOWS, MEMBERS, AND ASSOCIATES OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION, APRIL, 1938' COMMENT ON THE LIST OF MEMBERS Rumor has it that someof our members,impressed by the length of the Union's directory,have made certaininferences as to incomethat have led them to become dissatisfiedwith returns in the way of paginationof 'The Auk.' These impressions surelywill be modifiedif membersrealize that the list alwayscontains more or less 'padding.' For instanceall Emeritusand Honorary Fellowsand Honorary Asso- ciates (a total of 66) pay no dues. CorrespondingFellows (86 in number) also do not contributeto upkeepof the Union exceptas individually a smallnumber of them subscribeto 'The Auk.' Padding further resultsfrom inclusionin the list, for a variety of reasons,of the namesof delinquents,in numbersthat havesometimes been very considerable.Efforts have been made to eliminatethese, culminatingthis year in the most drasticstep yet taken, namely, cullingof practicallyall of those delinquentfor more than a year. Under the By-laws, the droppingof even these recent delinquentsseems to be warranted but that action has been deemedinex- pedient. Omissionof namesfrom this printed list does not mean that the persons Concerned have beendroppod from the Union. Dues are receivedat all times of the year but eompfiationof the directorymust stop at somedefinite date. A membermay be restoredto good standingthe day after the list goesto pressbut the fact cannot then be recordedin print. The Treasurer'scard-file is the real rosterof the Union and that officer is authorized to restore to the roll to original date regularly elected membersof any classupon payment of back dues. The printedlist, therefore,should not be taken too seriously,either as a recordof the standing of individualsor of the number of paid-up membersof the Union. To makethe latter considerationclear, the Treasurerdesires to statethat asof March 15, 1938,the numberof paid-upmembers of all classeswas 1,268 and of subscribers 145. At the same date the number of 'Auks' sent gratis to honorary membersand exchangeswas 109. The list augmentsthrough the year and reachesits maximum at the time of the annual meeting (usuallyOctober or November)when a large number of new associatesis elected. For many years that number has run from 200 to 300. Neverthelessthis apparent gain is offset by lossesso that increase in membershipin the Union hasbeen very gradual. The financialdepression reduced receiptsfrom duesand subscriptionsto belowthe 1921level and only in the past year did they reattain the level of 1930. The Sisypheannature of the task of finding200 to 300 new memberswhen an equal numberare lost eachyear is somethingour more permanentmembership should recognize. Help in buildingup the rosteris needed and is always much appreciated. In any event, returning to the theme expressedin the opening sentence,it is apparentthat thosewho havebeen speculating about a membershipof 2,000and an incomefrom duesin excessof $6,000have beenindulging in fantasies.--W. L. M. • By order of the Council names of Members are given in full. Members are requested to advise the Secretary of any errors and to furnish information regarding any names or addresses still incomplete. Members of the Union and subscribers to 'The Auk' are requested to notify the Treasurer, W. L. McAtee, 3200 N. 22d St., Arlington, Va., immediately in case of any change of address. Vol.1938 55] / AmericanOrnithologists' Union 343 PATRONS DEANE, MRS. RUTHWN, 830 Hibbard Road, Winnetka, Ill ................. 1935 MERRIAm,DR. CLINTONHART, 1919 16th St., N.W., Washington,D.C. (Founder) 1937 FELLOWS *Life Fellow Date of Election ALLEN, DR. ARTHURAUGUSTUS, Fernow Hall, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y ................................................... (1909) 1922• ALLEN,DR. GLOVERMORRILL, MUS. Comp. Zo61.,Cambridge, Mass .... (1896) 1921 B•ILEY, MnS. FLORENCEMERRIAm, 1834 Kalorama Road, Washington, D. C ................................................... (1885) 1929 *BALDWIN,D•. SA•CELP•ENTISS,11025 East Boulevard,Cleveland, O.. (1917) 1934 *BArBOUR,DR. THOMAS,Director Mus. Comp. Zo61ogy,Cambridge, Mass................................................... (1903) 1929 BATC•ELDE•,CHARLES FOS•R, Peterborough,N. H .................... Founder BEEBE,DR. CHARLESWILLIAm, 33 W. 67th St., New York, N. Y ...... (1897) 1912 *BENT, ARTHURCLEVELAND, 140 High St., Taunton, Mass............ (1889) 1909 *BIsHor, DR. Louis BENNETT,450 Bradford St., Pasadena,Calif ....... (1885) 1901 BROOKS,MAJOR ALLAN CYRIL, 0kanagan Landing, B.C., Can......... (1902) 1921 CHArIN, DR. JA•ES PAUL, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y ...... (1906) 1921 CHAr•AN, DR. FRANKMICHLER, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y.(1885) 1888 FISHER,DR. ALBERTK•NRICK, The Plymouth, 1236 11th St., N. W., Washington,D. C ........................................... Founder FLE•ING, JA•ES HENRY,267 RusholmeRoad, Toronto 4, Ont., Can.... (1893) 1916 FRIEDaANN,DR. HERBERT,U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington,D. C ....... (1921) 1929 GRINNELL,DR. GEORaEBIRD, 238 E. 15th St., New York, N. Y ............. 1883 GRIStmiLL,DR. JOSErH,Mus. Vert. Zo61.,Univ. Caiif., Berkeley, Calif.. (1894) 1901 GRisco•, LUDLOW,MUS. Comp. Zo61.,Cambridge, Mass .............. (1908) 1925 GROSS,DR. ALFREDO•ro, Bowdoin College,Brunswick, Maine ....... (1907) 1930 HERRICK,DR. FRANCISHOBART, 2863 Noble Road, Cleveland,O ...... (1913) 1934 HOWELL,ARTHUR HOLMES, 2919 South Dakota Ave., Washington, D. C ................................................... (1889) 1930 JONES,DR. LYNDS,352 West CollegeSt., Oberlin,Ohio ................ (1888) 1905 KALeBACH,EDWIN RICHARD,2654 Forest St., Denver, Colo........... (1910) 1927 *LINCOLN,FREDERICK CHARLES, Biol. Survey, Washington,D. C ...... (1910) 1934 LLOYD,HOYES, 582 Mariposa Ave., RockcliffePark, Ottawa, Can...... (1916) 1932 *MAILLIARD,JOSErH, 1815 Vallejo St., San Francisco,Calif ........... (1895) 1913 MAYR,DR. ERNST[WALTER], Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y .... (1929) 1937 McA•E, WALDOLEE, BiologicalSurvey, Washington,D. C .......... (1903) 1913 *MERRIAm,DR. CLINTONHART, 1919 16th St., N. W., Washington,D.C.. Founder MILLER, DR. LOYEHOLMES, Univ. Calif. at Los Angeles,Calif ........ (1918) 1930 MURrHY, DR. ROBERTCUSHMAN, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N.Y. (1905) 1920 NICE, MRS.MARaARET MOSSE, 5708 KenwoodAve., Chicago,Ill ...... (1920) 1937 *OBERHOLSER,DR. HARRYCHURCH, Biol. Survey, Washington,D. C ..... (1888) 1902 OSaOOD,DR. WILFREDHUDSON, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago,Ill .... (1893) 1905 Date in parenthesis indicates year of joining the Union. Patrons,Fellows, Members andAsso•gates ofthe [April[Auk *PALMER,DR. THEODORESHERMAN, 1939 Biltmore St., N. W., Washing- ton, D. C ............................................... (1888) 1901 PETERS,JAMES LEE, Harvard, Mass............................... (1904) 1927 *PHILLIPS,DR. JOHNCHARLES, Wenham, Mass...................... (1904) 1925 PRESLE,EDWARD ALEXANDER, 3027 Newark St., N. W., Washington, D. C ................................................... (1892) 1935 RILEY, JOSEEllHARVEY, U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington,D. C .......... (1897) 1919 ROSERTS,DR. THOMASSADLER, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis,Minn ......... 1883 SXUNDERS,DR. WILLIAM EDWIN,240 Central Ave., London, Ont., Can........ 1883 STODDARD,HERBERT LEE, SherwoodPlantation, Thomasville,Ga ...... (1912) 1936 *STONE,DR. W1TMER,Acad. Nat. Sciences,Philadelphia, Pa.......... (1885) 1892 SUTTON,GEOROE MIESCH, Pebble Hearths, Bethany, W. Va .......... (1910) 1936 TAVERNER,PERCY ALOERNON, National Mus., Ottawa, Ont., Can...... (1902) 1917 TODD,WALTER EDMOND CLYDE, Carnegie Mus., Pittsburgh, Pa........ (1890) 1916 VAN ROSSEM,ADRIAAN JOSEEll, Calif. Institute Technology,Pasadena, Calif ................................................... (1923) 1934 VAN TYNE, DR. JOSSELYN,Mus. ZoSl.,Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich... (1922) 1936 *WETMORE,DR. ALEXANDER,U.S. Nat. Mus., Washington,D. C ..... (1908) 1919 ZIM•mR,JOHN TODD, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., New York, N. Y .......... (1908) 1933 FELLOWS EMERITI ANTHONY,ALFRED WEBSTER, 433 Nutmeg St., San Diego, Calif ....... (1885) 1934 Bnow•, NATHANCLIFFORD, The Lafayette, Portland, Maine...... (Founder) 1936 FISHER,PROF. WAL•ER KENRICE, Hopkins Marine Sta., PacificGrove, Calif ................................................... (1899) 1920 STEJNEOER,DR. LEO•ARD, U.S. Nat. Mum, Washington,D. C ....... (1883) 1911 HONORARY FELLOWS ARRIOONIDEOLI ODDI, COUNT ETTORE, Univ. of Padua, Padua, Italy.. (1900) 1930 BAEER,EDWARD CHARLES STUART, 6 Harold Road, Upper Norwood, London,S. E. 19, England................................ (1918) 1920 BUTURLIN,SEROIUS ALEXANDROVICH, C/O Prof. S. I. Ognev, Zo51. Mus., 1st University, Moscow,U.S. S. R ........................ (1907) 1916 CLARKE,DR. WILLIAMEAOLE, 8 GrosvenorSt., Edinburgh, Scotland.. (1889) 1921 DABBENE,Dn. ROBERTO,Calle Corrientes2988, BuenosAires, Argen- tina ................................................... (1916) 1918 DELAC0UR,JEAN THEODORE, Chateau de Cl•res, Seine Inf•rieure, France (1920) 1928 EVANS,DR. ARTHURHUMBLE, Cheviot House,Crowthorne, ReEks, Eng- land ................................................... (1899) 1917 GYLDENSTOLPE,COUNT NILS [CARL GUSTAFFERSEN],Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum,Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm 50, Sweden... (1918) 1934 HAAGNER,ALWIN KARL, Director JardimZo61., Caixa Postal395, Beira, PortugueseEast Africa................................... (1916) 1918 HALL, ROSERT,Tasmantan Museum, Hobart, Tasmania.............. (1916) 1923 HELLMAYR,DR.