ANNIVERSARY REPORT 1979-2009 THE J. F. COSTOPOULOS FOUNDATION ANNIVERSARY REPORT 1979-2009 THE J. F. COSTOPOULOS FOUNDATION 9, Ploutarchou Street GR - 106 75 Athens Τ: +30 210 729 3503 F: +30 210 729 3508 Ε:
[email protected] W: © 2010 The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation ISBN: 978-960-87225-6-9 ATHENS 2010 Anniversary Report 1979-2009 List of contents Editors: Hector Verykios, Katerina Koskina Message from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman 9 Texts: Anastasia Costopoulos, Hector Verykios, Katerina Koskina 1. The Foundation, then and now – An Introduction 11 Layout: Michalis Paparounis Material research and collection: 2. Cultural Heritage and Tradition 25 The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation Secretariat 3. Contribution to Society 45 Text editing: Meni Strongyli Research and compilation of financial statements: 4. Science and Research 51 Athanassios Efthimiopoulos 5. Education and Studies 57 Production coordination: Lambros Papanikolatos 6. Arts 65 Scientific research on the Carl Blegen residence: Vassiliki Florou 7. Productions Material gathering and archiving: Co-productions – Co-organisations – Collaborations 77 Magda Tzepkinli Logistical support: Charalambos Andrianopoulos, APPENDICES Myrto Andrianopoulou Text translations: Tony Moser i. Evolution of the Foundation’s portfolio (Greek to English) of Alpha Bank shares 138 Digital image processing: ii. Comparison of 1982 and 2009 Balance Sheets 140 Photolab - E. N. Aktidis, Sophia Gida iii. Number of supported activities per year 142 Printing: Baxas Graphic Arts A.E. iv. Distribution of donations per category 144 v. Donors 147 Acknowledgements: vi. Institutions supported by the Foundation 155 The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation would like to vii. Persons supported by the Foundation 170 thank Demetrios Katsikis, Director from 1979 to 2002, Filanthi Melea, Alexandra Kotseli and Angeliki Marinou for their longstanding and substantial contribution.