SmallTalk Tutorial for Java Programmers! SmallTalk Tutorial for Java Programmers! Giovanni Giorgi <
[email protected]> Jan 2002 A small paper to teach yourself the incredible Smalltalk language! It's so easy, it's so fun! 1. Introduction ● 1.1 Revision history ● 1.2 Conventions used in this paper ● 1.3 Distribution Policy ● 1.4 Why Smalltalk? ● 1.5 Background Required 2. Why Smalltalk is so strange? (or a brief history of Smalltalk) ● 2.1 Download Right Now! ● 2.2 Hello world in Smalltalk ● 2.3 Big Numbers ● 2.4 Code Blocks ● 2.5 The while loop 3. Main Differences between Java and Smalltalk (1 of 2) [1/7/2002 20:44:13] SmallTalk Tutorial for Java Programmers! ● 3.1 Java Versus Smalltalk ● 3.2 Types? No thank you!! ● 3.3 The Squeak base library compared with Java ● 3.4 The Smalltalk Code database ● 3.5 Multiple-Inheritance 4. Ending Words ● 4.1 Going on ● 4.2 Commercial and free products list ● 4.3 References (2 of 2) [1/7/2002 20:44:13] SmallTalk Tutorial for Java Programmers!: Introduction 1. Introduction This paper will teach you the basics of Smalltalk80 language. This tutorial suites the needs of C and Java programmers. But the tutorial can be understanded by everyone knowing a bit of C and/or OOP concepts, as we'll see. Because I will refer a lot to other books and use a lot of technical terms, I'll try to enjoy you while reading.