Honoree Lt. Dan Choi Talks Equality. Nikkei Conference

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Honoree Lt. Dan Choi Talks Equality. Nikkei Conference Honoree Lt. Dan Choi talks equality. Nikkei Conference: the state of being JA. • , ,. " ,, " .~ ... to The future of Power of Words. # 3171 VOL. 153, NO. 2ISSN: 0030-8579 W'N'N.PACIRCCITI~.ORG JUL. IS-AUG. 4, 2011 THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF THE JACl 2 JJ LY 15-AUG. 4, 2011 SPECIAL CONVENTION ISSUE PACIFIC ~ CITIZEN SPRING CAMPAIGN NATIONAL DIRECTOR'S REPORT PAcIAc~cmZEN HOW TO REACH US Background on the NPS Grants E-m ail p::: @paci ficcitizenorg Olline: www paci ficcitizenag TeL (213) 62(). 1767 By Floyd Mori Fax (213) 620- 1768 Mail 2SJ E F i r~ Street. Suite 301 The following information is taken from Los Angees. CA SOJ 12 the National Parks Service (NPS) website at STAFF http://www. n ps. gov Ihisto ry Ih ps/h P gl JA CSI Exectltive Ed ta Card in e Y Aoyag -Stcm index.html: Congress established the Japanese A Si: ;i ~a n t Ed ta American Confinement Sites grant program Lynda Lin (Public low 109-441, 16 USC 461) for Rep::rtff the presel\lation and interpretation of Nalea J. Ko u.s. confinement sites where Japanese Busi ness Manager Thanks to Spring Campaign donors, PC. was able to hire web reporter Americans were detained during Wo rld War Stad Hisa yasu Nalea J. Ko who recently won a first place New America Media award. II. The law authorized up to $38 million Orcul ah rn for the entire life of the grant program to identify, research, evaluate, Eva Lau-Tin g interpret, protect, restore, repair, and acquire historic confinement sites in Thank You Spring Campaign Donors! order that present and future generations may learn and gain inspiration The Pacific Citizenn ewspapff (ISSN 003 0-8579) is pJbli stled from these sites and that these sites will The Pacific Citizen staff would like to thank all of our generous clonom sEnl~mrnth l y (except rnee in De­ demonstrate the nation's commitment to cember and Janu ary) by the Japa­ to the 2011 annual Spring Campaign fundraiser. To date we have raised 'The JACL has equal justice under the law. For Fiscal nese Amffican O tiZ8llS LeagJe, close to $62,000 and donations still continue to come in. As always, mon­ Pacific Citizen, Year 2010, Congress appropriated $3 ies from the Spring Campaign help to fund the print and website. With long felt that 2 ~ E. 1 ~ Street, Sui te 301, Los million for the use of this grant program; Angees, CA SOJ12 past and current donations we've been able to fund our popular Pc. web­ an increase from the $1 million Congress Pe ri cdcal po~age paid at L. A, CA site and hire a full-time web reporter. the preservation POSTMASTER SBIl d actless appropriated for fiscal year 2009. Recently, our web ranter Nalea 1. Ko was honored with a filSt place changes to Nahrnal JAQ, 1765 of the campsites These grants do not simply materialize SUlt ff SI, San Franciso:J , CA 94 115 New America 11edia prize for excellence in writing. Her article, "Fbrmer but are the result of a lot of ham work. Asian American Gang Members E rase Tattoos, Their Past," took a look J AQ Pres id8llt Davi d Kawamoto is important as The JACL played a vital role in bringing Natirnal Di rector Floyd Mai at Asian American former gang members who are working to erase their about this NPS grant program. The JACL P C. EDITCftIAL BOAR D gang tatoos and thus their past gang life. Because of your generous dona­ a reminder of has long felt that the preservation of the Jud th Arno, ch airpffsrn: Paul tions, we are able to continue to provide you with award-winning cover­ Ni wa. EDC: Kevin Miyazak i, MDC: · t ' campsites is important as a reminder of age and stories from JACLand the Asian American community. our hIS ory ... Booo Hanam, eeoC: va cant, NC­ our history and to ensure that this travesty Vv'NP DC: Hu!1l Burl eSO"l , PNVvD C: Please take a look at our Wall of Fame donors ($150 and above) listed of injustice is not repeated. Jeff Itam i, IDC: Ondi Harb:Jltle, below. This year's winner of our Mexican cruise package, generously do­ PSVvD C: Srnya Kuki, Yooth Some years ago while on personal business in Washington, D.C., I met nated by the JACL Credit Union, is Bobbi Hanada. Congratulations to SU BSCRIBE with an ok! friend, then Congressman Bill Thomas from Bakersfield, her. Thank you again to our donors and your continued support over the Get a on e-year su b SCf i ~ i rn of the Calif., a strong Republican leader and chairman of the powerful Ways Pacific Citizen new spapff at years. and 1-1eans Committee. Bill and I served in the California State Assembly 1'11'11'1 . pacificcitiz8ll a g a call ~A¥f-~ (OOJ) 966- 6157 Executive Editor SEE MORI/PAGE 16 ADVERTISE To advfftise in the Pacific Citizen, call (OOJ ) 956- 6157 a e- mail pc@ paci fi cc itiz8ll.ag LEGAL Spring Campaign Wall of Fame Donors No part ct tn s pu blicatirn may be reprcd uce d witrout th e expre83 per­ mi soi m ct the Pacific Citizen. BOObi Hanada Setsuko Handa Sam & Harue Ozaki Judith Aono Ed taials, news m d the cpini rns ex­ George Shimizu Kim & Arnold Maeda Mitsugi Kasai Lori Matsukawa & Larry pre 83ed by ro um ri ~ s ethe r than the IW Group Inc George Hiraga Teruko & M.Jtsuk Ikuta Blackstock natirnal JAQ president a nst ia"lal d­ recta do rd nece=rily reflect JACL Grace Sakioka Richard Horiuchi Raymond Nogawa Dr & M"s Richard Matsuishi pd icy. Events md prcd uct s oove rtised Teruko Fujikawa carol & David Fujita Hiroshi Kusakai lsamu & Teruko Uyehara in the Pacific Citizen do net cary the Walter W. Nakashima Shu Miyazaki Yoichi A rvlitsutome Rick Johnson im pl icit oo dase moot ct the JACL a tn s pu bli catirn. We reserve the right to Ernest Urata Dr. Kaworu C. Nomura Greg rvliyake May Sakai edit Clt ici es <0 3J11 Endow-Hatanaka Family Yaeko Kawasaki Stan & Irene Kaneshiki Milo and Reiko Yoshino Frank Ogata Paul I Terasaki Richard Hirayama Carl Yamada Pericdcals paid at Los Angees, Cali f and mailing cffiee Ray & Marianne Kyono Tsutomu Ige Ted T. Ura Kanji Sahara Frank Ikenaga Nathaniel Tashima Gail Sueki Shoji S Yamada George Takei Eddie Jonokuchi M" & Mrs Eugene Kimura Mary H Suzuki JACL MEMBERS Masaye Nakamura Fred Okimoto Tomi Kobara Hitoshi Shimizu Change of Lee Kusumoto Jean Kurasaki Ken Takeuchi Mke Namba Address Susan Hirasuna Taro Kimura Winston &Jan Asal Fred & Mtsue Salador Roy Zukeran Kit Mizukami Masa F Sato Carolyn Nayematsu If you've moved, Edgar Fukutaki Wesley 0 Mnami Joe & Kikue Shikami Kent M Matsuda please send new Ted Yasuda A. HirotoSli Nishikawa Mr & M"s Mike Hamachi Peter Sakai information to: Yoshiko Edith Ichiuji Shig Suyeyasu Wendy Wilber Myeko Helen Nakasako National JACL Asa Yonemura Lilian Kimura Imo Yoshito & Hatsue Susan Sakai-McClure 1765 SUtter st. George Ogata Toshimasa Konya Alice Yoshikawa Jeanne MTanaka Francisco, CA 94115 Valerie Yasukochl Kazuo Utsunomiya In memory of our parents Fred Chiyo N. Horiuchi Allow 6 weeks for Joe & Nellie Saito Richard Kushino T and Yukiko Yonemoto Harold Katsura address changes. William Shimamoto Hugh L. Burleson Kaoru & Yuri Masuda Arizona JACL Ard K Kozono In memory of Bea Terusakl tv1erilynn Yamada Harry Hiruo To avoid interrup­ Dr Himeo Tsumori Tad Nakauchi Hizeko Yoshimura Florence DobaSli tions in delivery, Keith Fudenna Kazuko Kay Nakao Karen Nunotani Kern Kathy Inoshita please notify your Harue Okazaki Ron & Jane Katsu yama Ben T Kayashima Susan Matsumoto postmaster to Dorene Tsukida Reiko Powers Karen Sasahara Soyo Takahashi include periodicals David Kawamoto Ted & Mchele Namba Ann Kusumoto Shigeko Yokota in your change of carol Kawamoto William Hirabayashi Bob &Janet Julie Takahashi address (USPS Helen Kawagoe Gordon Yoshikawa Cynthia Harbottle Henry Yamate Form 3575) PACIFIC e CITIZEN SPECIAL CONVENTION ISSUE JULY 15- ALG . ~ , 20 11 3 Emergency Resolution to Accurately Implement 201 0 Power of Words Resolution Passes The emergency resolution pushes to officially recomm end words like "American concentration camps" in the Power of Words handbook to describe the incarceration of JAs duringWWll. By NaleaJ" Ko Rep<rter In an overwhelmmgjyvolce cf suppcrt, the JACLnational council voto:! to aocuratd y Implement the 2010 Power cf Wcrd resolution, specdically asking that the current draft Power of Words haootook offuially rocommend the use cf \IXlrds soch as Amencan coocentration camps to de scribe the Wcrld War II mcarceratioo cf Japanege Amencans In a vote of SS to 17, with one split vote aoo three abstaimng. the nati ooal coonal passed an emergency resolution to aocurately Implement a 2010 resolution to d ,mmate government euphemISms to de scribe the mcarceration cf some l2O, CDJ Japanege Amencansdunng W'NII. Fl-oronents of the emergency resolutioo say the current draft handtook differs frem the ongmal2010 resclution The emergency re9Cllution state s that terms like "Amencan concentratIOn camps, mcarceration camps and illegal detentioo centers" are preferro:! over usmg mternment camp, assemtly centers or rd ocation centers. The draft handtook Andy NOJ-Icti cJ the Flcrin ampler intro:ilces the Power d Wcrds Ernergell CY Res u L1 ioo at the natimil ccrNenti oo dces not reocmmend the specdic terms oothned m the 2010 Power of Wcrds resolution "I oon"t know why yoo \IXluld want to 00 that when there to be rejlaced. Terms like relocatioo camp, assemtl y center, The rocommendatioo to use the term ooncentration camp are other terms that are oot there that can adequately oonvey relocation aoo evacuatioo are identi fied as JXoblematic sparked a telepoone cooference with the Jewi sh Amencan what hafgened and that doo"t noed a quali fie r of Amencan The haootook iooicates that "should your chap ter cho ose oommunity dunng the JACL natiooal ooard meeting on July coocentration camp'."" to us e th e term" It IS recommend ed th <t th e complete term 8 Those In favor of passmg the emergency rescl uti oo said 'Amencan conc entrati on camp" be us ed:" to avoid coofus!On "Not with staooing the dictiooary definitions of the term terms like mternment camp aoo rd ocation camps do not between the JA and JeWi sh expenence ooncentration camp I think has oome to be associated aocurately convey the JA expenence dunng W'NII.
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