7 bus time schedule & line map

7 Town Centre View In Website Mode

The 7 bus line (Blackpool Town Centre) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Blackpool Town Centre: 10:57 PM (2) Blackpool Town Centre: 11:05 PM (3) : 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM (4) St Annes: 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 7 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 7 bus arriving.

Direction: Blackpool Town Centre 7 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Blackpool Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:57 PM

Monday 10:57 PM Bus Station, Cleveleys Stringer Road, Blackpool Tuesday 10:57 PM

Rough Lea Road, Cleveleys Wednesday 10:57 PM St Andrew's Court, Blackpool Thursday 10:57 PM Victoria Square, Cleveleys Friday 10:57 PM

Lauderdale Avenue, Saturday 10:57 PM

Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme

Jem Gate, Anchorsholme Jem Gate, Blackpool 7 bus Info Direction: Blackpool Town Centre Russell Avenue, Anchorsholme Stops: 24 Trip Duration: 23 min Wilson Square, Norbreck Line Summary: Bus Station, Cleveleys, Rough Lea Road, Cleveleys, Victoria Square, Cleveleys, Mossom Lane, Norbreck Lauderdale Avenue, Anchorsholme, Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme, Jem Gate, Anchorsholme, Guildford Avenue, Bispham Russell Avenue, Anchorsholme, Wilson Square, Norbreck, Mossom Lane, Norbreck, Guildford Avenue, Bispham, Red Lion Hotel, Bispham, St Red Lion Hotel, Bispham Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck, Bispham Devonshire Road, Blackpool Roundabout, Bispham, Bromsgrove Avenue, North Shore, Galway Avenue, North Shore, Kylemore St Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck Avenue, North Shore, Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore, Warbreck Hill Road, North Shore, Devonshire Bispham Roundabout, Bispham Arms, North Shore, Manseld Road, Central, A587, Blackpool Devonshire Road, Central, Greenhill, Central, Buchanan Street, Central, Talbot Road, Blackpool Bromsgrove Avenue, North Shore Town Centre Devonshire Road, Blackpool

Galway Avenue, North Shore

Kylemore Avenue, North Shore Devonshire Road, Blackpool Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore

Warbreck Hill Road, North Shore Warbreck Hill Road, Blackpool

Devonshire Arms, North Shore

Manseld Road, Central

Devonshire Road, Central

Greenhill, Central Hardman Street, Blackpool

Buchanan Street, Central Whiteside Street, Blackpool

Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre Direction: Blackpool Town Centre 7 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Blackpool Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 10:05 PM

Monday 11:05 PM Square, St Annes Tuesday 11:05 PM Beach Road, St Annes Wednesday 11:05 PM St Leonards Road West, St Annes Thursday 11:05 PM

Cavendish Road, St Annes Friday 11:05 PM

Norwood Road, St Annes Saturday 11:05 PM Summerelds, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes

Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes 7 bus Info Direction: Blackpool Town Centre Thursby Home, Stony Hill Stops: 28 Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Square, St Annes, Beach Road, St Clifton Drive North, Stony Hill Annes, St Leonards Road West, St Annes, Cavendish Road, St Annes, Norwood Road, St Annes, Kilgrimol New Road, Stony Hill Gardens, St Annes, Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes, Thursby Home, Stony Hill, Clifton Drive North, Stony Starr Gate, Squires Gate Hill, New Road, Stony Hill, Starr Gate, Squires Gate, Squires Gate Lane, Blackpool , Airport, Abbey Road, Airport, Halfway House, Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field, Blackpool Airport, Airport Higheld Road, Fishers Field, Arnold Avenue, Hawes Squires Gate Lane, Blackpool Side, Watson Road, Hawes Side, South Shore Academy, South Shore, Waterloo Hotel, South Shore, Abbey Road, Airport Baron Road, Bloomeld, Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld, Rigby Road, Central, Princess Street, Halfway House Central, Chapel Street, Central, New Bonny Street, Promenade, Promenade, Corporation Street C4, Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field Blackpool Town Centre

Higheld Road, Fishers Field

Arnold Avenue, Hawes Side

Watson Road, Hawes Side Yeadon Way, Blackpool

South Shore Academy, South Shore

Waterloo Hotel, South Shore Saint Annes Road, Blackpool

Baron Road, Bloomeld

Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld

Rigby Road, Central

Princess Street, Central Chadwick Street, Blackpool

Chapel Street, Central 57 Central Drive, Blackpool

New Bonny Street, Promenade New Bonny Street, Blackpool


Corporation Street C4, Blackpool Town Centre Corporation Street, Blackpool Direction: Cleveleys 7 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Cleveleys Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:03 AM - 9:05 PM

Monday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM Square, St Annes Tuesday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM Beach Road, St Annes Wednesday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM St Leonards Road West, St Annes Thursday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM

Cavendish Road, St Annes Friday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM

Norwood Road, St Annes Saturday 6:10 AM - 10:05 PM Summerelds, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes

Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes 7 bus Info Direction: Cleveleys Thursby Home, Stony Hill Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 69 min Clifton Drive North, Stony Hill Line Summary: Square, St Annes, Beach Road, St Annes, St Leonards Road West, St Annes, Cavendish Road, St Annes, Norwood Road, St Annes, Kilgrimol New Road, Stony Hill Gardens, St Annes, Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes, Thursby Home, Stony Hill, Clifton Drive North, Stony Starr Gate, Squires Gate Hill, New Road, Stony Hill, Starr Gate, Squires Gate, Squires Gate Lane, Blackpool Blackpool Airport, Airport, Abbey Road, Airport, Halfway House, Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field, Blackpool Airport, Airport Higheld Road, Fishers Field, Arnold Avenue, Hawes Squires Gate Lane, Blackpool Side, Watson Road, Hawes Side, South Shore Academy, South Shore, Waterloo Hotel, South Shore, Abbey Road, Airport Baron Road, Bloomeld, Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld, Rigby Road, Central, Princess Street, Halfway House Central, Chapel Street, Central, New Bonny Street, Promenade, Promenade, Corporation Street C4, Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field Blackpool Town Centre, Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre, Buchanan Street, Central, Spencer Court, Higheld Road, Fishers Field Central, Devonshire Road, Central, Manseld Road, Central, Devonshire Arms, North Shore, Warbreck Hill Arnold Avenue, Hawes Side Road, North Shore, Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore, Kylemore Avenue, North Shore, Galway Watson Road, Hawes Side Avenue, North Shore, Bromsgrove Avenue, North Yeadon Way, Blackpool Shore, Bispham Roundabout, Bispham, Post Oce, Bispham, St Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck, Red South Shore Academy, South Shore Lion Hotel, Norbreck, Guildford Avenue, Norbreck, Mossom Lane, Norbreck, Wilson Square, Norbreck, Waterloo Hotel, South Shore Russell Avenue, Norbreck, Jem Gate, Anchorsholme, Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme, Lauderdale Saint Annes Road, Blackpool Avenue, Anchorsholme, Crescent, Cleveleys, Nutter Baron Road, Bloomeld Road, Cleveleys, Bus Station, Cleveleys

Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld

Rigby Road, Central

Princess Street, Central Chadwick Street, Blackpool

Chapel Street, Central 57 Central Drive, Blackpool

New Bonny Street, Promenade New Bonny Street, Blackpool


Corporation Street C4, Blackpool Town Centre Corporation Street, Blackpool

Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre

Buchanan Street, Central

Spencer Court, Central Spencer Court, Blackpool

Devonshire Road, Central Devonshire Road, Blackpool

Manseld Road, Central

Devonshire Arms, North Shore

Warbreck Hill Road, North Shore

Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore

Kylemore Avenue, North Shore Devonshire Road, Blackpool

Galway Avenue, North Shore

Bromsgrove Avenue, North Shore

Bispham Roundabout, Bispham

Post Oce, Bispham Devonshire Road, Blackpool

St Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck

Red Lion Hotel, Norbreck

Guildford Avenue, Norbreck

Mossom Lane, Norbreck

Wilson Square, Norbreck

Russell Avenue, Norbreck

Jem Gate, Anchorsholme

Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme

Lauderdale Avenue, Anchorsholme Crescent, Cleveleys Crescent West, Blackpool

Nutter Road, Cleveleys

Bus Station, Cleveleys 5 Princess Road, Blackpool Direction: St Annes 7 bus Time Schedule 53 stops St Annes Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:28 AM - 8:57 PM

Monday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM Bus Station, Cleveleys Stringer Road, Blackpool Tuesday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM

Rough Lea Road, Cleveleys Wednesday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM St Andrew's Court, Blackpool Thursday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM Victoria Square, Cleveleys Friday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM

Lauderdale Avenue, Anchorsholme Saturday 5:14 AM - 9:57 PM

Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme

Jem Gate, Anchorsholme Jem Gate, Blackpool 7 bus Info Direction: St Annes Russell Avenue, Anchorsholme Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 63 min Wilson Square, Norbreck Line Summary: Bus Station, Cleveleys, Rough Lea Road, Cleveleys, Victoria Square, Cleveleys, Mossom Lane, Norbreck Lauderdale Avenue, Anchorsholme, Anchorsholme Lane, Anchorsholme, Jem Gate, Anchorsholme, Guildford Avenue, Bispham Russell Avenue, Anchorsholme, Wilson Square, Norbreck, Mossom Lane, Norbreck, Guildford Avenue, Bispham, Red Lion Hotel, Bispham, St Red Lion Hotel, Bispham Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck, Bispham Devonshire Road, Blackpool Roundabout, Bispham, Bromsgrove Avenue, North St Bernadettes Rc Church, Norbreck Shore, Galway Avenue, North Shore, Kylemore Avenue, North Shore, Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore, Warbreck Hill Road, North Shore, Devonshire Bispham Roundabout, Bispham Arms, North Shore, Manseld Road, Central, A587, Blackpool Devonshire Road, Central, Greenhill, Central, Buchanan Street, Central, Market Street, Blackpool Bromsgrove Avenue, North Shore Town Centre (Ma2), Bank Hey Street, Promenade, Devonshire Road, Blackpool Central Coach Station, Blackpool Town Centre, Chapel Street, Central, Gymnasium, Central, Rigby Galway Avenue, North Shore Road, Central, Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld, Baron Road, Bloomeld, Waterloo Hotel, South Shore, Kylemore Avenue, North Shore South Shore Academy, Hawes Side, Watson Road, Devonshire Road, Blackpool Hawes Side, Arnold Avenue, Hawes Side, Higheld Road, Fishers Field, Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field, Shaftesbury Avenue, North Shore Halfway House, Morrisons Superstore, Squires Gate, Abbey Road, Squires Gate, Blackpool Airport, Squires Warbreck Hill Road, North Shore Gate, Stony Hill Avenue, Squires Gate, Squires Gate Warbreck Hill Road, Blackpool Station, Squires Gate, Starr Gate, Squires Gate, Clifton Drive North, Squires Gate, Thursby Home, Devonshire Arms, North Shore Stony Hill, Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes, Cross Street, St Annes, Fleet Street, St Annes, Sandhurst Avenue, Manseld Road, Central St Annes, St Annes Road East, St Annes, Square, St Annes, Square, St Annes Devonshire Road, Central

Greenhill, Central Hardman Street, Blackpool Buchanan Street, Central Whiteside Street, Blackpool

Market Street, Blackpool Town Centre (Ma2) West Street, Blackpool

Bank Hey Street, Promenade

Central Coach Station, Blackpool Town Centre Spine Road, Blackpool

Chapel Street, Central Central Drive, Blackpool

Gymnasium, Central Revoe Street, Blackpool

Rigby Road, Central Queen Victoria Road, Blackpool

Bloomeld Road, Bloomeld

Baron Road, Bloomeld

Waterloo Hotel, South Shore

South Shore Academy, Hawes Side

Watson Road, Hawes Side

Arnold Avenue, Hawes Side

Higheld Road, Fishers Field

Stadium Avenue, Fishers Field

Halfway House

Morrisons Superstore, Squires Gate

Abbey Road, Squires Gate

Blackpool Airport, Squires Gate

Stony Hill Avenue, Squires Gate Bridge Side, Blackpool

Squires Gate Station, Squires Gate

Starr Gate, Squires Gate

Clifton Drive North, Squires Gate

Thursby Home, Stony Hill

Kilgrimol Gardens, St Annes

Cross Street, St Annes St David's Road North, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish Fleet Street, St Annes 174 St David's Road North, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

Sandhurst Avenue, St Annes 18 St David's Road North, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

St Annes Road East, St Annes 22 Glen Eldon Road, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

Square, St Annes Saint Anne's Road West, Saint Anne'S On The Sea Civil Parish

Square, St Annes 7 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved