Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe

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Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe International Technology Scanning Program Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe Sponsored by: In cooperation with: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials National Cooperative Highway Research Program MARCH 2011 NOTICE The Federal Highway Administration provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. FHWA-PL-11-004 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic March 2011 Management in Europe 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Jeffrey C. Jones, Martin C. Knopp, Kay Fitzpatrick, Mark A. Doctor, Charles E. Howard, Gregory M. Laragan, James A. Rosenow, Brooke A. Struve, Barton A. Thrasher, and Elizabeth G. Young 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) American Trade Initiatives 11. Contract or Grant No. P.O. Box 8228 Alexandria, VA 22306-8228 DTFH61-99-C-005 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Office of International Programs Federal Highway Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code U.S. Department of Transportation American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 15. Supplementary Notes FHWA COTR: Hana Maier, Office of International Programs 16. Abstract Continued growth in travel on congested urban freeway corridors exceeds the ability of agencies to provide sufficient solutions and alternatives based on traditional roadway expansion and improvement projects. Several countries are implementing managed motorway concepts to improve motorway capacity without acquiring more land and building large-scale infrastructure projects. The Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program sponsored a scanning study of England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain to examine the use of innovative geometric design practices and techniques to improve the operational performance of congested freeway facilities without compromising safety. Managed motorways are a combination of active or dynamically managed operational regimes, specific designs of infrastructure, and technology solutions. The concept uses a range of traffic management measures to actively monitor the motorway and dynamically control speeds, add capacity, and inform road users of conditions on the network with the objective to optimize traffic and safety performance. Examples include shoulder running, variable mandatory speed limits, lane control signals, and driver information using variable message signs. Managed motorways increase journey reliability and throughput of a motorway by speed management and increase capacity by shoulder running. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Active traffic management, driver information, No restrictions. This document is available to the increased capacity, lane control signal, managed public from the: Office of International Programs, motorways, plus lane, shoulder running, speed FHWA-HPIP, Room 3325, U.S. Department of control, variable mandatory speed limits, Transportation, Washington, DC 20590 variable message sign [email protected] 19. Security Classify. (of this report) 20. Security Classify. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 92 Free Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized Freeway Geometric Design for Active Traffic Management in Europe March 2011 Prepared by the International Scanning Study Team: Jeffrey C. Jones Gregory M. Laragan For (AASHTO Cochair) Idaho Transportation Tennessee DOT Department Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation Martin C. Knopp James A. Rosenow (FHWA Cochair) Minnesota DOT American Association of State FHWA Highway and Transportation Brooke A. Struve Officials Kay Fitzpatrick FHWA (Report Facilitator) National Cooperative Highway Texas Transportation Institute Barton A. Thrasher Research Program Virginia DOT Mark A. Doctor FHWA Elizabeth G. Young Parsons Brinckerhoff Charles E. Howard Puget Sound Regional Council International Technology Scanning Program The International Technology Scanning Program, The International Technology Scanning Program has sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration resulted in significant improvements and savings in (FHWA), the American Association of State road program technologies and practices through- Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), out the United States. In some cases, scan studies and the National Cooperative Highway Research have facilitated joint research and technology- Program (NCHRP), evaluates innovative foreign sharing projects with international counterparts, technologies and practices that could significantly further conserving resources and advancing the benefit U.S. highway transportation systems. This state of the art. Scan studies have also exposed approach allows for advanced technology to be transportation professionals to remarkable advance- adapted and put into practice much more effi- ments and inspired implementation of hundreds ciently without spending scarce research funds of innovations. The result: large savings of research to re-create advances already developed by dollars and time, as well as significant improvements other countries. in the Nation’s transportation system. FHWA and AASHTO, with recommendations from Scan reports can be obtained through FHWA free NCHRP, jointly determine priority topics for teams of charge by e-mailing [email protected]. Scan of U.S. experts to study. Teams in the specific areas reports are also available electronically and can be being investigated are formed and sent to countries accessed on the FHWA Office of International Pro- where significant advances and innovations have grams Web site at been made in technology, management practices, organizational structure, program delivery, and financing. Scan teams usually include representa- tives from FHWA, State departments of transporta- tion, local governments, transportation trade and research groups, the private sector, and academia. After a scan is completed, team members evaluate findings and develop comprehensive reports, including recommendations for further research and pilot projects to verify the value of adapting innovations for U.S. use. Scan reports, as well as the results of pilot programs and research, are circulated throughout the country to State and local transportation officials and the private sector. Since 1990, more than 80 international scans have been organized on topics such as pavements, bridge construction and maintenance, contracting, intermodal transport, organizational management, winter road maintenance, safety, intelligent transportation systems, planning, and policy. iv INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY SCANNING PROGRAM International Technology Scan Reports International Technology Scanning Program: Bringing Global Innovations to U.S. Highways n Safety n Planning and Environment Assuring Bridge Safety and Serviceability in Europe Reducing Congestion and Funding Transportation (2010) Using Road Pricing In Europe and Singapore (2010) Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility in Linking Transportation Performance and Europe (2010) Accountability (2010) Improving Safety and Mobility for Older Road Users Streamlining and Integrating Right-of-Way and in Australia and Japan (2008) Utility Processes With Planning, Environmental, and Safety Applications of Intelligent Transportation Design Processes in Australia and Canada (2009) Systems in Europe and Japan (2006) Active Travel Management: The Next Step in Traffic Incident Response Practices in Europe (2006) Congestion Management (2007) Underground Transportation Systems in Europe: Managing Travel Demand: Applying European Safety, Operations, and Emergency Response Perspectives to U.S. Practice (2006) (2006) Transportation Asset Management in Australia, Roadway Human Factors and Behavioral Safety in Canada, England, and New Zealand (2005) Europe (2005) Transportation Performance Measures in Australia, Traffic Safety Information Systems in Europe and Canada, Japan, and New Zealand (2004) Australia (2004) European Right-of-Way and Utilities Best Practices Signalized Intersection Safety in Europe (2003) (2002) Managing and Organizing Comprehensive Highway Geometric Design Practices for European Roads Safety in Europe (2003) (2002) European Road Lighting Technologies (2001) Wildlife Habitat Connectivity Across European Highways (2002) Commercial Vehicle Safety, Technology, and Practice in Europe (2000) Sustainable Transportation Practices in Europe (2001) Methods and Procedures to Reduce Motorist Delays in European Work Zones (2000) Recycled Materials in European Highway Environments (1999) Innovative Traffic Control Technology and Practice in Europe (1999) European Intermodal Programs: Planning, Policy, and Technology (1999) Road Safety Audits—Final Report and Case Studies (1997) National Travel Surveys (1994) Speed Management and Enforcement Technology: Europe and Australia
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