[email protected] January 31, 2020 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Public Utility Commission of Oregon Filing Center P.O. Box 1088 201 High Street SE, Suite 100 Salem, Oregon 97301 Re: Docket No. LC 74 2019 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") Amended 2019 Integrated Resource Plan and Appendices C and D Attention Filing Center: On July 19, 2019, Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") filed a letter with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") providing notice that the Company had identified the need to perform supplemental analysis to confirm the accuracy of its 2019 IRP's conclusions and findings. The Commission subsequently issued a Notice of Application in Order No. 34410 suspending review of the filing until the supplemental analysis was filed. Having now completed the supplemental analysis, Idaho Power is submitting for filing twenty (20) copies of Idaho Power Company's Amended 2019 IRP and Appendices C and D. As described in greater detail in the Amended 2019 IRP, the Company identified eight modifications to its modeling inputs to ensure more accurate modeling results including: 1) the addition of renewable energy certificate values for Jackpot Solar, 2) updating transmission interconnection costs for Jackpot Solar, 3) removing Franklin Solar from the list of available resources, 4) correcting the online date for Jackpot Solar, 5) allowing the model to correct the peak credit for new solar if Jackpot Solar is not selected, 6) introducing costs associated with natural gas supply expansion, Filing Center Public Utility Commission of Oregon January 31, 2020 Page 2 of 2 7) returning to the previous method of utilizing an after-tax discount rate for net present value calculations, and 8) including third-party transmission revenues associated with the Boardman-to Hemingway transmission line.