Palestinian Olive Agony 2018 ( a Statistical Report on Israeli Violations)
Palestinian Olive Agony 2018 ( A Statistical Report on Israeli Violations) Prepared by: Monitoring Israeli Violations Team Land Research Center Arab Studies Society - Jerusalem March 2019 ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 1 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02 -2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail:, URL: The olive tree have always been a thorn on the Israeli occupation’s side Deep rooted in the history of this land.. its oil is still sacred enlightening its temples Its branches play with farmers’ children.. and suffer from agonizing pain when touched by a settler’s saw That is, the Palestinian olive tree.. standing still on the face of the Israeli occupation’s sadism Burnt.. but reborn from its dust like a phoenix Cut.. but grows anew from its roots Stolen.. and when planted in their settlements. .becomes darkened and cloudy The Israeli occupiers tried to contain the olive tree , but it refused.. so they decided to uproot it from the land of Palestine , but failed and will fail The olive trees are a constant tar get by the occupation but they are still steadfast and refuses to surrender .. The olive tree stands for Palestinians' very existence, and their cultural identity and civilization, it is a testimony from history on the Palestinian land’s Arabism. Jamal Talab Al -Amleh LRC general manager Jerusalem – Palestine ARAB STUDIES SOCIETY – Land Research Center (LRC) – Jerusalem 2 Halhul – Main Road, Tel: 02-2217239 , Fax: 02-2290918 , P.O.Box: 35, E-mail:, URL: In 201 8, Land Research Center documented attacks that targeted olive trees, though daily monitoring: • 117 attacks took place , 90 of them were perpet rated by settlers from settlements nearby olive groves, while 27 were perpetrated by the occupation forces.
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