LCS report for Thursday 28 th October

Before starting a brief rundown of the night. The LCS committee would like to pass on our thanks to the widow, of one of the LCS founder members, Mr John Ball, Mrs Ball as donated, John’s collection of books to the society, for use in the raffle and on the book stall.

The second meeting of the winter brought Peter Bowler, ex Leicestershire, Tasmania, Derbyshire and Somerset, to entertain us. And what a job he made of it, I’m sure that everyone, of the 110 plus people who were there Thursday night, will join with me in sending Peter a very large vote of thanks for making this meeting one of the memorable ones.

The audience for the night, 110 members, when this meeting started.

Peter had travelled from Taunton and was going back after the meeting, which alone, deserves the appreciation the members showed for Peter at the end of the evening.

Peter talking to Howard before the Meeting. Just about to be so well entertained by Peter.

Peter started his talk by saying that at a very tender age, his parents had taken him to live in Tasmania. (During the Q&A session later, one of our members asked the reasons for going to Australia. Peter’s very quick response, his mother stole a loaf of bread. That will give you some idea as to how good and how funny a speaker Peter is)

He went on to talk about his time at Grace Rd and the fact that at times he was dropped in favour of some bloke called , so he spent a lot of time in the seconds. He was very proud to be in a very select group who have scored a century on début, doing this feat again when he joined Derbyshire. He spoke about his style, in his own words,

Right arm off break FILTH.

Peter told us one anecdote about Dickie Bird, and his bowling. Peter, playing, for Derby against Leics. Nigel Briers on strike. Peter, bowled a JAFFA, that pitched just outside leg, according to Mr. Bowler, only by a fraction, Nigel went down on one knee, swept, missed the ball, Peter appealed, Bird gave Nigel , then Dickie, shouted to Nigel DON’T sweep thou’ll be out SWEEPING. A couple of balls later, same thing, but this time, PLUMB. Bird, lifted the finger, and then shouted again, I TOLD THOU NOT TO SWEEP. A lot funnier when told by Peter.

Peter spoke about some of the fast bowlers, who were around when he started playing and during his cricketing career, , , , , and , just some of the memorable names. According to Peter, they all wanted to do you some serious harm.

Peter during his talk, getting into his stories, as you can see.

He told us about Devon Malcolm, from Peter’s time at Derby. He said Devon had all the attributes of a fast bowler, big, strong, athletic and very fit. Except he could not see very well, according to Mr. Bowler, Devon had three pairs of spectacles, all like the bottoms of milk bottles, one pair to bat, one pair to bowl and one pair to find the other two if they got lost.

Peter spoke about being in Tasmania, he said one of the captains he played under during his time there, was David Boon, Five feet fives inches tall, five feet wide and legs that came from a snooker table. He told us of meeting , when Ponting was just 8years old. Even then, Ponting was far above the rest.

Peter talking about his son.

Then he moved on to his time at Taunton, and a tale from the Somerset dressing room. Peter and his wife had a son. Marcus Threscothick asking Peter, to tell the rest of the Somerset lads, what the baby’s name is? Peter says TOM, and the Somerset lads fall about laughing.

TOMBOLA, you needed to be in the room on the night, the members were in hysterics.

Peter said that in Tasmania, it seemed a good name. Then he and his wife, spent ages trying to get the youngster to answer to his middle name instead. A great night was had by all.

Margaret Richardson counting the money after another very successful Raffle.

Many thanks to each and everyone who takes part.

The next LCS meeting is on Thursday 18 th November, when author Mark Rowe will be our guest.

Phil Veasey

On behalf of the LCS committee.