Atlantic Climate Variability and Its Associated Cells

CHUNZAI WANG Physical Oceanography Division, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, NOAA, Miami, Florida

(Manuscript received 1 May 2001, in ®nal form 19 October 2001)

ABSTRACT Phenomena important for Atlantic climate variability include the Atlantic zonal equatorial mode, the tropical Atlantic meridional gradient mode, and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). These climate phenomena and their associated atmospheric circulation cells are described and discussed using the NCEP±NCAR reanalysis ®eld and the NCEP sea surface temperature (SST) from January 1950 to December 1999. Atmospheric divergent wind and vertical motion are used for the identi®cation of atmospheric circulation cells. During the peak phase of the Atlantic equatorial mode, the Atlantic weakens and extends eastward, which results in surface westerly wind anomalies in the equatorial western Atlantic. These westerly wind anomalies are partly responsible for warming in the equatorial eastern Atlantic that occurs in the second half of the year. The Atlantic equatorial mode involves a positive ocean±atmosphere feedback associated with the Atlantic Walker circulation, similar to the Paci®c El NinÄo. The tropical Atlantic meridional gradient mode is characterized by a strong SST gradient between the tropical North Atlantic (TNA) and the tropical South Atlantic. Corresponding to the meridional gradient mode is an atmospheric meridional circulation cell in which the air rises over the warm SST anomaly region, ¯ows toward the cold SST anomaly region aloft, sinks in the cold SST anomaly region, then crosses the equator toward the warm SST region in the lower troposphere. The analysis presented here suggests that the Paci®c El NinÄo can affect the TNA through the Walker and Hadley circulations, favoring the TNA warming in the subsequent spring of the Paci®c El NinÄo year. The NAO, characterized by strong westerly air¯ow between the Icelandic low and the Azores high, is also related to an atmospheric meridional circulation. During the high NAO index, the atmospheric Ferrel and Hadley cells are strengthened, consistent with surface westerly and easterly wind anomalies in the North Atlantic and in the mid-to-tropical Atlantic, respectively.

1. Introduction phase. This interannual phenomenon is called the At- lantic zonal equatorial mode (or the Atlantic El NinÄo). Atlantic climate variability shows many important Early studies, using empirical orthogonal function phenomena on different timescales. Similar to the trop- (EOF) analysis or correlation of rainfall indices with ical Paci®c, the tropical Atlantic exhibits an equatorial SST ®elds, suggest that the tropical Atlantic also dis- cold tongue, and northeasterly and southeasterly trade plays a ``dipolelike'' variation for SST, wherein the trop- winds converging into an intertropical convergence ical regions to the north and south of the ITCZ are zone (ITCZ) north of the equator, all of which display antisymmetric (e.g., Weare 1977; Hastenrath 1978; a seasonal cycle. Unlike the tropical Paci®c, the seasonal Moura and Shukla 1981; Servain 1991; Nobre and cycle dominates the ocean±atmosphere signal in the Shukla 1996). Recent modeling studies demonstrate the tropical Atlantic. Superimposed on the seasonal cycle possibility that an ocean±atmosphere feedback mode is climate variability on interannual to interdecadal time- may produce such antisymmetries on the decadal time- scales. A phenomenon similar to but weaker than the scale (e.g., Chang et al. 1997; Xie 1999). The existence Paci®c El NinÄo also occurs in the Atlantic. The warm of such a dipole is controversial, however. For example, events reach their maximum strength in the second half of the year, with manifestations focused primarily near studies such as Houghton and Tourre (1992), En®eld the equator (e.g., Zebiak 1993; Carton and Huang 1994; and Mayer (1997), Mehta (1998), En®eld et al. (1999), Latif and Grotzner 2000). During a warm phase, trade and Dommenget and Latif (2000) suggest that the trop- winds in the equatorial western Atlantic are weak and ical North Atlantic (TNA) and tropical South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) is high in the equatorial (TSA) SST anomalies occur independently and dipole eastern Atlantic. The converse occurs during a cold con®gurations are not ubiquitous. Nevertheless, the in- dex formed by the SST anomaly difference between the TNA and TSA (Servain 1991), sometimes referred to as a dipole index, has proved to be an invaluable in- Corresponding author address: Dr. Chunzai Wang, NOAA/AOML/ PhOD, 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149. dicator of the meridional gradient in SST anomaly that E-mail: [email protected] is correlated with north±south displacements of the

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ITCZ and with strong climate anomalies over the sur- 7 document atmospheric circulation cells associated rounding land regions. It thus can be more usefully re- with the Atlantic zonal equatorial mode, the tropical garded as a meridional gradient index. Moreover, much Atlantic meridional gradient mode, the remote in¯uence evidence exists for an ocean±atmosphere couplingÐ of the Paci®c El NinÄo on the TNA, and the NAO, re- stronger in the TNA regionÐthat causes reinforcement spectively. Section 8 provides a discussion and sum- and persistence of meridional gradient anomalies mary. through positive feedback involving the and associated surface ¯ux anomalies (e.g., Carton et al. 2. Data 1996; Chang et al. 1997; Xie 1999). This meridional antisymmetry appears to work preferentially at the de- The major data source in this study is the NCEP± cadal timescale (Mehta and Delworth 1995; En®eld et NCAR reanalysis ®elds from January 1950 to December al. 1999), though it explains little of the total SST anom- 1999. The NCEP±NCAR reanalysis ®elds use a state- aly variance. In view of this and the possibly misleading of-the-art global data assimilation system on a 2.5Њ lon- nature of the term ``dipole,'' we prefer to refer to this gitude by 2.5Њ latitude grid [see Kalnay et al. (1996) for variability simply as the tropical Atlantic meridional details]. Variables used in this study are monthly sea gradient mode. level pressure (SLP) and monthly atmospheric horizon- Another important Atlantic climate phenomenon is tal wind velocity, vertical velocity, and velocity poten- the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (e.g., Hurrell tial at levels of 1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 1995, 1996) and its possible relationships and interac- 300, 250, 200, 150, and 100 mb. The vertical component tions with the tropical Atlantic. Much of the climate of wind ®eld in the reanalysis ®elds is pressure vertical variability over the North Atlantic and surrounding con- velocity. In our presentation, we multiply the pressure tinents has been correlated with changes in the intensity vertical velocity by Ϫ1, so positive values of the vertical of the NAO. The NAO is associated with the variations velocity indicate an upward movement of air parcels. of surface westerly wind in the midlatitude Atlantic, of Since we are interested in tropical atmospheric circu- the Icelandic low, and of the subtropical anticyclone lation and northern midlatitude atmospheric circulation centered near the Azores. Xie and Tanimoto (1998) sug- associated with Atlantic climate variability, our analyses gested that extratropical variability drives tropical var- in this paper are shown from 30ЊSto75ЊN over the iability. Using an atmospheric general circulation mod- Atlantic and the eastern Paci®c. Note that our analyses el, Robertson et al. (2000) suggested an in¯uence of the were performed globally and results associated with Pa- southern Tropics on the NAO. This may not be consis- ci®c ENSO are reported in a companion paper (Wang tent, however, with the fact that the NAO index does 2002). not signi®cantly relate to the TSA SST anomalies. Horizontal wind velocity can be divided into a non- Deque and Servain (1989) emphasized the importance divergent (or rotational) part and a divergent (or irro- of the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic tational) part (e.g., Mancuso 1967; Krishnamurti 1971;

١␺ ϩ midlatitudes in tropical Atlantic SST. Ruiz-Barrades et Krishnamurti et al. 1973): v ϭ v␺ ϩ v␾ ϭ k ϫ -١␾, where ␺ is streamfunction and ␾ is velocity po -al. (2000) recently concluded that the extratropical At lantic does not affect the tropical Atlantic, but that there tential. The ®rst part does not contribute to atmospheric are some impacts of the Tropics on the extratropics. divergent ®elds associated with atmospheric vertical As summarized above, all of these Atlantic climate motion (it is nondivergent). It is well known that the phenomena have been previously studied through either Walker and Hadley cells are thermally driven, associated data analyses or numerical models. However, variations with atmospheric convergence±divergence. Atmospher- of the atmospheric Walker, Hadley, and Ferrel circula- ic heating associated with convection induces atmo- tion cells associated with these Atlantic climate phe- spheric convergence±divergence that drives atmospher- nomena have not been documented and they have been ic vertical motion and circulation. What matters to at- little studied. The recent availability of the National mospheric cells associated with atmospheric conver- Centers for Environmental Prediction±National Center gence±divergence is the divergent part of the wind, for Atmospheric Research (NCEP±NCAR) reanalysis although the rotational part is usually larger. Therefore, ®elds provides a good opportunity to investigate the atmospheric divergent wind and vertical motion are used atmospheric circulation cells. The present paper ana- for the identi®cation of atmospheric circulation cells lyzes the Atlantic Walker, Hadley, and Ferrel cells as- (Hastenrath 2001). sociated with Atlantic climate phenomena, using recent Monthly SST data are also used in this study. SST available oceanic and atmospheric data. It also discusses data are taken from the NCEP SST dataset on a 2Њ possible linkages and mechanisms of these Atlantic cli- latitude by 2Њ longitude grid from January 1950 to De- mate phenomena. The rest of the paper is organized as cember 1999. These SST ®elds were produced by using follows. Section 2 introduces the data used in this paper. a spatial interpolation method employing EOF analysis Section 3 shows the annual variability of the atmo- [see Smith et al. (1996) for the detailed description]. spheric circulation patterns associated with the Atlantic With all of these data, we ®rst calculate monthly cli- Walker, Hadley, and Ferrel cells. Sections 4, 5, 6, and matologies based on the full record period (1950±99)

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 08:38 AM UTC 1518 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 15 and then anomalies are obtained by subtracting the gion. However, the Ferrel cell shows a deep-tropospher- monthly climatologies for each dataset from the indi- ic circulation during the boreal winter. The zonal wind vidual monthly data. shows a core of maximum westerly wind (jet stream) just below the tropopause around 200 mb in both the 3. Annual variability west and east (Figs. 1f and 1h). The jet stream in the east is more intense and is closer to the equator. The To better understand anomaly variations of atmo- lower troposphere in both the east and the west shows spheric circulation cells associated with Atlantic climate easterly winds in the Tropics and westerly winds in the variability, we ®rst examine annual variability of tro- midlatitude. In the east, the lower troposphere also dis- pospheric circulation patterns. Figure 1 shows the boreal plays westerly winds near the surface just north of the winter (January) climatologies of tropospheric circula- equator. tion. Centers of low (high) velocity potential are as- The boreal summer (July) climatologies of tropo- sociated with divergent out¯ow (convergent in¯ow) spheric circulation are shown in Fig. 2. The centers of winds. Figures 1a±c show that divergence (conver- upper-tropospheric divergence and lower-tropospheric gence) in the upper troposphere corresponds to con- convergence associated with midtropospheric ascent vergence (divergence) in the lower troposphere, and is shift to the Northern Hemisphere (NH). For example, associated with upward (downward) vertical motion in the ascent over the Amazon (during the boreal winter) the midtroposphere (three levels of 200, 500, and 850 now shifts to the Intra-Americas Sea (IAS). This is as- mb, are chosen as representative of the upper, mid-, and sociated with variability of the tropical Western Hemi- lower troposphere, respectively). Centers of upper-tro- sphere warm pool (WHWP) that extends from the east- pospheric divergence and lower-tropospheric conver- ern North Paci®c to the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, gence over the Amazon and tropical Africa are char- and the western tropical North Atlantic (Wang and En- acterized by midtropospheric upward motions. These ®eld 2001). As showed and discussed by Wang and patterns are consistent with three of the known major En®eld (2001), the WHWP is dominated by SSTs in global heat sources over: the Amazon, tropical Africa, excess of 28.5ЊC at that time, associated with eastern and the Maritime Continent of the western Paci®c [the North Paci®c and Atlantic hurricane activities, and rain- western Paci®c maritime continent heat source associ- fall from northern South America to the southern tier ated with Paci®c ENSO is described in the companion of the United States. Consistent with these northward paper of Wang (2002)]. The tropical South and North shifts, the Atlantic Walker circulation (Fig. 2d) shows Atlantic is associated with upper-tropospheric conver- a weaker upward motion and a stronger downward mo- gence, lower-tropospheric divergence, and midtropos- tion (compared to the boreal winter) in the west and pheric downward vertical motion. The extratropical North Atlantic also shows a strong ascending motion. east, respectively. The strong midtropospheric ascent of Figure 1d shows the east±west circulation cell near the the boreal winter in the North Atlantic now disappears equatorÐthe Atlantic zonal Walker cell. The air ascends (Fig. 2c). in the west, diverges eastward aloft, sinks in the east, Associated with the northward shifts during the boreal and returns toward the west. However, the sinking and summer, the Hadley circulation in the west also shows westward ¯ows do not reach the lower troposphere dur- a northward shift, with a strong upward vertical motion ing the boreal winter. near the equator. The Hadley circulation in the west has As suggested by Figs. 1a±c, the meridional circulation double cells: one in the tropical NH and the other one in the western Atlantic is different from that in the east- in the tropical SH. In the east, the Hadley circulation ern Atlantic. Thus, we separately plot meridional±ver- cell now becomes a deep tropospheric circulation. Both tical circulations in the west (60Њ±40ЊW) and in the east the east and the west show cross-equatorial ¯ows from (10ЊW±10ЊE) as shown in Figs. 1e±h. In the west, the the SH to the NH in the lower troposphere. During that meridional circulation has two cells: the Hadley cell and time, the NH jet stream weakens and moves northward. the Ferrel cell. The Hadley cell comprises air rising over The reason for weakening and northward movement of south America, then diverging northward in the upper the jet stream is due to the change of the atmospheric troposphere, descending over the northern subtropical temperature gradient (Holton 1992). The pole-to-equa- Atlantic, and ¯owing southward across the equator to tor temperature gradient in NH troposphere is much the Southern Hemisphere (SH) in the lower troposphere larger in the boreal winter than in the boreal summer. (Fig. 1e). The Ferrel cell has upward motion in the mid- Since the zonal wind and temperature ®elds satisfy the and high latitudes, and downward motion in the northern thermal wind relationship to a high degree of accuracy, subtropical Atlantic. In the east, the tropical meridional the maximum zonal wind speed in the NH is much larger circulation cells are shallow (constrained to the lower in the boreal winter than in the boreal summer. Figure troposphere) during the boreal winter (Fig. 1g). Air rises 2f also shows a low-level easterly jet located at about around 10ЊN, diverges northward and southward near 700 mb over the western subtropical Atlantic around 700 mb, descends in the north and south subtropical 15ЊN. Westerly wind of the eastern Atlantic near the Atlantic, and then returns to the surface convergent re- surface north of the equator is further developed during

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FIG. 1. The boreal winter (Jan) climatologies of tropospheric circulation patterns. (a) 200-mb velocity potential (106 m2 s Ϫ1) and divergent wind (m sϪ1), (b) 850-mb velocity potential (106 m2 sϪ1) and divergent wind (m sϪ1), (c) 500-mb vertical velocity (10Ϫ4 mb sϪ1), (d) zonal±vertical circulation cross section by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity between 2.5ЊS and 2.5ЊN, (e) meridional±vertical circulation cross section in the west by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity between 60Њ and 40ЊW, (f) zonal wind cross section in the west between 60Њ and 40ЊW, (g) meridional±vertical circulation cross section in the east by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity between 10ЊW and 10ЊE, (h) zonal wind cross section in the east between 10ЊW and 10ЊE. The vertical velocity is taken to be the negative of the pressure vertical velocity in the reanalysis; i.e., positive values indicate an upward movement of air parcels. Positive values are shaded.

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FIG. 2. As in Fig. 1, but for the boreal summer (Jul).

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FIG. 3. Three-month running means of (a) SST anomalies in the ATL3 region (3ЊS±3ЊN, 20ЊW±0Њ) and (b) SST anomalies in the NinÄo-3 region (5ЊS±5ЊN, 150Њ±90ЊW). The straight dashed line in (a) represents SST anomalies of 0.7ЊC. the boreal summer (Fig. 2h), associated with the African to be phase-locked to the seasonal cycle. Notice that the . mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo warm events occurs in the boreal winter except for the 1986±87 event that 4. The Atlantic zonal equatorial mode has double peaks with the major one in the boreal sum- mer. As discussed in Zebiak (1993), Carton and Huang We calculated the lagged cross correlation between (1994), and Latif and Grotzner (2000), an interannual the ATL3 and NinÄo-3 SST anomalies. The maximum phenomenon similar to but weaker than the Paci®c El negative correlation of Ϫ0.15 and positive correlation NinÄo also occurs in the Atlantic. The largest near-equa- of 0.26 occur when the ATL3 SST anomalies lead and torial SST anomalies occur in the equatorial eastern At- lag the NinÄo-3 SST anomalies by 9 and 18 months, lantic. Figure 3 shows the SST anomalies in (Fig. 3a) respectively. However, these values are below the 99% the ATL3 region (3ЊS±3ЊN, 20ЊW±0Њ) and (Fig. 3b) in signi®cance level of 0.32. Notice that in all of our cor- the NinÄo-3 region (5ЊS±5ЊN, 150Њ±90ЊW). Despite relation calculations, degrees of freedom are determined smaller amplitude, the ATL3-SST anomalies also show an interannual oscillation. During the 50-yr period since by the integral timescale after Sciremammano (1979). 1950 there are 11 signi®cant warm events in which the The low correlation suggests that local ocean±atmo- ATL3 SST anomalies exceed 0.7ЊC and last more than sphere coupling may play a role in the variations of the 1 month. The maximum ATL3 SST anomalies in Fig. Atlantic equatorial mode. Zebiak (1993) showed that 3a for these warm events are centered in July 1963, July the interactions between the tropical and 1968, January 1973, November 1981, August 1984, Au- atmosphere can produce an interannual oscillation sim- gust 1987, July 1988, June 1995, July 1996, January ilar to the Paci®c El NinÄo mode, despite a non-self- 1998, and July 1999. Among these 11 warm events, the sustaining feature (a damped oscillation). Delecluse et peak phase of the ATL3-SST anomalies occurs in the al. (1994) and Latif and Grotzner (2000) emphasized boreal summer for 8 events and in the boreal winter for the remote in¯uence of the Paci®c El NinÄo on the At- 3 events. Thus, the Atlantic equatorial mode also seems lantic equatorial mode. It is possible that both the local

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FIG. 4. The composite of SST anomalies and atmospheric circu- lation anomalies during the peak phase of the Atlantic equatorial mode. (a) SST anomalies, (b) 200-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies, (c) 850-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies, (d) 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies, (e) zonal±vertical circulation anomalies cross section by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity anomalies between 2.5ЊS and 2.5ЊN, (f) meridional± vertical circulation anomalies cross section by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity anomalies between 40ЊW and 0Њ, (g) zonal wind anomalies cross section between 40ЊW and 0Њ. The composite is calculated by averaging the 11 warm events of 1963, 1968, 1973, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999 for the peak month.

coupling and the remote forcing contribute to the At- by compositing the 11 warm events mentioned above. lantic equatorial mode. Figure 4 shows the distribution of SST anomalies and Three-dimensional atmospheric circulation patterns atmospheric circulation anomalies during the peak phase associated with the Atlantic equatorial mode can be seen of the Atlantic equatorial mode. The entire tropical and

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 08:38 AM UTC 1JULY 2002 WANG 1523 subtropical Atlantic show positive SST anomalies, with torial mode may be forced both locally and remotely. maximum SST anomalies con®ned to the equatorial Both the Atlantic Walker and Hadley circulations show eastern Atlantic. Negative and positive SST anomalies high correlations (in Fig. 5b,c) with the ATL3 SST appear in the central mid-Atlantic and in the northeast anomalies (Ϫ0.66 and 0.67, respectively). Thus, cor- Atlantic, respectively. The upper-tropospheric anoma- responding to the Atlantic equatorial mode is a weak- lous divergent out¯ow in the tropical western Atlantic ening of the Atlantic Walker circulation and a strength- corresponds to the lower-tropospheric anomalous con- ening of the Atlantic Hadley circulation. vergent in¯ow, whereas the equatorial eastern Atlantic, speci®cally, the Gulf of Guinea, and the eastern tropical 5. The tropical Atlantic meridional gradient mode Africa land region show the upper-tropospheric anom- alous convergent in¯ow and lower-tropospheric anom- Many studies have de®ned indices for measuring the alous divergent out¯ow. Associated with these anom- tropical Atlantic meridional gradient mode (e.g., Ser- alous divergent±convergent ¯ow ®elds are midtropos- vain 1991; Rajagopalan et al. 1998; Xie and Tanimoto pheric anomalous ascending motion near the region of 1998; En®eld et al. 1999). We de®ne a tropical North the equatorial Atlantic, anomalous descending motion Atlantic (TNA) index (5Њ±25ЊN, 55Њ±15ЊW) and a trop- in the subtropical Atlantic (along 15ЊN), and anomalous ical South Atlantic (TSA) index (0Њ±20ЊS, 30ЊW±10ЊE) ascending motion in the North Atlantic (north of 25ЊN). to measure SST anomaly variations in the tropical NH The equatorial zonal circulation shows anomalous as- and SH, respectively. In Fig. 6a, the time series of the cending motion in the equatorial western Atlantic (Fig. TNA and TSA SST anomalies are shown and in Fig. 4e). Although Fig. 4e does not seem to show a clear 6b the SST anomaly difference between the TNA and anomalous zonal cell, we know that the Atlantic Walker TSA regions is shown. The calculation of cross corre- cell is weakened and extended eastward during the peak lation shows that the TNA SST anomalies do not sig- phase of the Atlantic equatorial mode if we consider the ni®cantly correlate with the TSA SST anomalies at any mean state of the Atlantic Walker cell in Fig. 2d. The time lags, in agreement with Rajagopalan et al. (1998) anomalous Hadley circulation shows ascent near the and En®eld et al. (1999). However, about half the time equator and descent in the subtropical region near 15ЊN. either TSA or TNA (but not the other) may be anom- The zonal wind in Fig. 4g shows that the equatorial alous, while 12%±15% of the time they may be both troposphere above 850 mb has zonal easterly wind anomalous and of opposite sign (En®eld et al. 1999). anomalies, whereas the surface exhibits zonal westerly Thus, under most circumstances, even in the absence of wind anomalies. This is similar to the wind distribution anticorrelation, the anomalous meridional gradient of during the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo. The SST is likely nonzero and can be associated with at- troposphere also shows westerly wind anomalies cen- mospheric climate departures (e.g., Moura and Shukla tered around 70ЊN, 30ЊN, and 25ЊS and easterly wind 1981; Folland et al. 1986; Nobre and Shukla 1996). The anomalies around 45ЊN and 10ЊS. SST anomaly difference between the TNA and TSA To see whether or not these atmospheric circulation regions is thus de®ned to measure the meridional gra- patterns are evident in every warm event over the period dient mode. Figure 6b shows that the main feature of of record, we plot the time series for evolution of the the interhemispheric SST gradient is a slow variation Atlantic equatorial mode. Based on the composites in on a decadal timescale. The meridional SST gradient is Fig. 4, we calculate and plot in Fig. 5 the following mainly positive for the periods of pre-1970, 1976±83, time series: (Fig. 5a) 1000-mb zonal wind anomalies in and after-1990 but prevailingly negative during 1971± the region of 2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW (the ATL4 region) 75 and 1984±89. for measuring the zonal wind variations, (Fig. 5b) 500- The structure of SST anomalies and atmospheric cir- mb vertical velocity anomalies in the region of 2.5ЊS± culation anomalies for the meridional gradient mode can 2.5ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW for measuring the Atlantic Walker cir- be seen by calculating the anomaly difference between culation, and (Fig. 5c) 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly a positive phase and a negative phase. Figure 7 shows difference between the regions of 12.5Њ±17.5ЊN, 40ЊW± the anomaly difference between the period of 1966±70 0Њ and 2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 40ЊW±0Њ for measuring the Hadley and the period of 1971±75. The tropical Atlantic SST circulation. These time series are compared with the anomalies show opposite sign: the TNA is warm and ATL3 SST anomalies, as shown in Fig. 5. When the the TSA is cold, with the TNA being stronger than the equatorial eastern Atlantic is warm, westerly wind TSA. The mid-Atlantic along the east coast of the United anomalies usually appear in the equatorial western At- States and the North Atlantic show cold and warm SST lantic. The correlation calculation (in Fig. 5a) shows anomalies, respectively. The upper (lower) troposphere that the maximum correlation of 0.28 (which is below shows anomalous convergent in¯ow (divergent out¯ow) the 95% signi®cance level) occurs when the ATL3 SST in the equatorial region and anomalous divergent out- anomalies lag the ATL4 zonal wind anomalies by one ¯ow (convergent in¯ow) in the TNA and midlatitude month. Thus, the ATL3 SST anomalies do not highly (Figs. 7b and 7c). Correspondingly, the midtroposphere and signi®cantly correlate with the ATL4 zonal wind is associated with anomalous descending motion in the anomalies. Again, this suggests that the Atlantic equa- TSA and over the Amazon, anomalous ascending mo-

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FIG. 5. Comparisons of the ATL3-SST anomalies with (a) 1000-mb zonal wind anomalies in the ATL4 region (2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW), (b) the Atlantic Walker circulation cell index, and (c) the Atlantic Hadley circulation cell index. The Atlantic Walker cell index is de®ned by 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies in the region of 2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW. The Atlantic Hadley cell index is de®ned by 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly difference between the regions of 12.5Њ±17.5ЊN, 40ЊW±0Њ and 2.5ЊS±2.5ЊN, 40ЊW±0Њ. All of the time series are 3-month running means. The ␥ represents the correlation coef®cient. tion in the TNA and in the midlatitude, and anomalous tively. The zonal wind anomalies associated with the descending motion in the North Atlantic (Fig. 7d). The meridional gradient mode are plotted by subtracting meridional anomalous circulation shows that the air ris- 1000-mb zonal wind anomalies in the TSA region from es over the TNA warm waters, diverges southward and those in the TNA region, and the Hadley circulation is northward aloft, converges in the upper troposphere to measured by 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly differ- feed the strong subsidence and lower-tropospheric di- ence between the regions of 2.5Њ±7.5ЊS, 40Њ±20ЊW and vergence in the equatorial TSA, then crosses the equator 25Њ±30ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW. The maximum correlations of the toward the TNA in the lower troposphere (Fig. 7e). This zonal wind anomaly difference and the Hadley circu- meridional cell is northern; that is, it corresponds more lation with the meridional SST gradient are 0.67 and closely to the NH Hadley circulation. The zonal wind 0.59, respectively when the meridional SST gradient in the lower troposphere shows easterly anomalies in mode lags the zonal wind anomaly difference and the the southern TSA and westerly wind anomalies in the Hadley circulation by two and one months, respectively. TNA and near the equatorial region (Fig. 7f), consistent Thus, the tropical Atlantic meridional gradient mode is with trade wind weakening (strengthening) in the TNA associated with the variations of the NH Hadley cir- (TSA). The upper-troposphere wind shows an alternat- culation and of the zonal wind in the TNA and TSA. ing pattern of positive±negative zonal wind anomalies near 15ЊS, 15ЊN, 30ЊN, and 60ЊN. 6. The remote in¯uence of the Paci®c El NinÄo on The time series of the zonal wind anomalies and the the TNA Hadley circulation cell associated with the meridional Previous studies have shown that the TNA SST anom- gradient mode are shown in Figs. 8a and 8b, respec- alies are related to the Paci®c El NinÄo (e.g., Curtis and

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FIG. 6. Three-month running means of (a) SST anomalies in the TNA region (5Њ±25ЊN, 55Њ±15ЊW) and SST anomalies in the TSA region (0Њ±20ЊS, 30ЊW±10ЊE), and (b) SST anomaly difference between the TNA and TSA.

Hastenrath 1995; En®eld and Mayer 1997; Klein et al. quent TNA warming is larger than 0.5ЊC. The 1957/58, 1999; Hastenrath 2000). We calculate the lagged cross 1982/83, and 1997/98 El NinÄo events and their asso- correlation between the TNA and NinÄo-3 SST anoma- ciated subsequent TNA warmings satisfy these criteria, lies. The maximum positive correlation of 0.47 occurs and they are used to calculate the composites. Figure 9 when the TNA SST anomalies lag the NinÄo-3 SST shows the composites during the mature phase of the anomalies by ®ve months. (Correlation between the Paci®c El NinÄo (December) and the subsequent spring TSA and NinÄo-3 SST anomalies shows that the TSA (May). During the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo, does not signi®cantly correlate with the Paci®c El NinÄo.) the centers of upper-tropospheric anomalous divergent Since the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo occurs out¯ow are located in the equatorial eastern Paci®c and around December of the Paci®c El NinÄo year, the TNA the southeast of the United States, and the center of SST anomalies thus tend to peak in the subsequent May upper-tropospheric anomalous convergent in¯ow is over of the Paci®c El NinÄo year. Curtis and Hastenrath (1995) South America and TNA (Fig. 9b). Accompanied with and En®eld and Mayer (1997) have suggested that the the upper-tropospheric anomalous divergent out¯ow Paci®c El NinÄo affects TNA northeast trade winds that (convergent in¯ow) is midtropospheric anomalous as- reduce latent heat ¯ux and then increase the TNA SST, cending (descending) motion (Fig. 9a). The strong consistent with Figs. 7a and 7f. The questions are how anomalous ascent and subsidence are over the regions the Paci®c El NinÄo affects the TNA trade winds and of the northern Atlantic subtropical high and the TNA, why the TNA warming occurs ®ve months later, rather respectively. These patterns do not favor SST warming than in the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo. Next, during that time, but lead to the TNA warming in the we consider the remote in¯uence of the Paci®c El NinÄo subsequent spring. During the subsequent months, the on the TNA SST anomalies from a Walker and Hadley Paci®c El NinÄo begins to decay as evidenced by a de- circulation point of view. crease in the anomalous ascending motion and divergent We compute composites of the midtropospheric ver- wind anomalies in the equatorial eastern Paci®c. How- tical velocity and the upper-tropospheric divergent wind ever, anomalous ascending motion and divergent wind ®eld in the tropical eastern Paci®c and Atlantic. The in the far equatorial eastern Paci®c are intensi®ed (Figs. composite calculation is based on the criteria in which 9c and 9d). This anomalous intensi®cation results in a the NinÄo-3 SST anomalies exceed 1ЊC and the subse- change in atmospheric cells over the tropical Atlantic.

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FIG. 7. The structures of SST anomalies and atmospheric circulation anomalies for the meridional gradient mode. (a) SST anomalies, (b) 200-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies, (c) 850-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies, (d) 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies, (e) meridional±vertical circulation anomalies cross section by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity anomalies between 50Њ and 10ЊW, (f) zonal wind anomalies cross section between 50Њ and 10ЊW. The structures are calculated by the anomaly difference between the positive phase period of 1966±70 and the negative phase period of 1971±75.

The anomalous Walker and Hadley cells over the trop- Paci®c, diverges eastward and westward in the upper ical Atlantic in the subsequent May of the Paci®c El troposphere, and then descends over the equatorial At- NinÄo year are shown in Figs. 10a and 10b, respectively. lantic (Fig. 10a). Associated with this anomalous At- The air anomalously ascends in the far equatorial eastern lantic Walker circulation is an anomalous Hadley cir-

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FIG. 8. Comparisons of the tropical Atlantic meridional SST gradient with (a) the zonal wind anomaly difference between the TNA and TSA, (b) the Hadley circulation cell index. The Hadley cell index is de®ned by the 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly difference between the regions of 2.5Њ±7.5ЊS, 40Њ±20ЊW, and 25Њ±30ЊN, 40Њ±20ЊW. All of the time series are 3-month running means. The ␥ represents correlation coef®cient. culation cell in the Atlantic (Fig. 10b). The Hadley cell 1996) de®ned a NAO index as the difference of winter shows an anomalous subsidence over the equatorial At- (December±March) SLP anomalies between Lisbon, lantic and the TSA. The air crosses the equator and ¯ows Portugal (38.43ЊN, 9.08ЊW), and Stykkisholmur, Iceland from the TSA to the TNA in the lower troposphere. The (65.06ЊN, 22.48ЊW). Figure 12 shows the NAO index TNA is thus associated with a strong anomalous as- calculated from the NCEP±NCAR reanalysis ®elds. A cending motion as shown in Fig. 10b. The TNA ascent striking feature of the NAO index has been the reversal is associated with low SLP anomalies that push the sub- from the weak meridional SLP gradient to predomi- tropical anticyclone northward and decrease the north- nately positive index values starting near 1970. The win- east trade winds and latent heat ¯ux (e.g., Curtis and ters of 1972/73, 1982/83, 1988/89, 1989/90, 1992/93, Hastenrath 1995; En®eld and Mayer 1997), and then and 1994/95 are marked by high positive values of the increases the TNA SST anomalies during that time. The NAO index. connection between the Paci®c El NinÄo and the TNA The structures of SST and atmospheric variables for during the subsequent spring of the Paci®c El NinÄo year, the high NAO index can be calculated by compositing observed from the NCEP±NCAR reanalysis ®elds, is anomalies of the 1972/73, 1982/83, 1988/89, 1989/90, schematically summarized in Fig. 11. Further discus- 1992/93, and 1994/95 winters. Figure 13 shows the sions of the TNA warming [including possible effect of composites of (a) SST and (b) SLP anomalies. The At- the Paci®c±North American (PNA) pattern] are given lantic shows an alternating pattern of zonally oriented in section 8. positive±negative SST anomalies. The coolings appear in the North Atlantic and in the TNA. The warmings occur in the mid-Atlantic with centers located at the east 7. The North Atlantic Oscillation coast of the United States and the west coast of Europe, Another important climate phenomenon in the Atlan- and in the TSA. As shown later (Fig. 16c), the TSA tic is the NAO whose positive phase is characterized by SST anomalies do not signi®cantly correlate with the strong westerly air¯ow between the Icelandic low and NAO index [also see the regression ®gure of Visbeck the Azores high, particularly in winter. Hurrell (1995, et al. (1998)]. Thus, in spite of seemingly being a quad-

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FIG. 9. Atmospheric circulation patterns during the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo (left) and subsequent May of the Paci®c El NinÄo year (right). (a) 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies averaged over Dec of 1957, 1982, and 1997. (b) 200-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies averaged over Dec of 1957, 1982, and 1997. (c) 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies averaged over May of 1958, 1983, and 1998. (d) 200-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies averaged over May of 1958, 1983, and 1998. ripole pattern, the spatial Atlantic SST pattern of the the Ferrel cell and the Hadley cell, respectively. These NAO is a tripole (e.g., Rodwell et al. 1999; Seager et anomalous cells have the same rotations as the mean al. 2000). The SLP anomalies simply show a meridional Ferrel and Hadley cells, indicating that during the high seesaw pattern, with low SLP anomalies in the North NAO index, both the Ferrel cell and the Hadley cell are Atlantic and high SLP anomalies south of about 55ЊN. strengthened. Zonal wind anomalies display westerly During the high NAO index, upper-tropospheric wind anomalies in the North Atlantic and easterly wind anomalous divergent out¯ow centers are over the Am- anomalies in the subtropical Atlantic (Fig. 14e), con- azon and the North Atlantic, whereas an upper-tropo- sistent with the strength of the Icelandic low and the spheric anomalous convergent in¯ow center is located Azores high during the high NAO index. These wind in northern Africa and Europe (Fig. 14a). Corresponding anomaly patterns extend throughout the whole tropo- to these upper-tropospheric anomalous divergent and sphere, with the maximum zonal wind anomalies oc- convergent centers are the respective lower-tropospheric curring in the upper troposphere. The distribution of the anomalous convergent and divergent ¯ows. The mid- wind patterns seems to suggest that wind speed asso- troposphere shows anomalous ascending motion in the ciated with latent heat ¯ux is responsible for the SST North Atlantic and over the Amazon, and anomalous anomaly patterns shown in Fig. 13a (we will discuss descending motion in the central to eastern mid-Atlantic this issue in detail in the next section). (Fig. 14c). Note that Europe and Africa also show anom- The change of the wind and atmospheric circulation alous descending motion. The anomalous meridional cells associated with the NAO can be further seen from circulation shows a counterclockwise circulation cell in the time series. Based on Fig. 14, we choose 1000-mb the North Atlantic and a clockwise cell in the tropical zonal wind anomalies in the region of 50Њ±60ЊN, 30ЊW± mid-Atlantic (Fig. 14d). These two cells correspond to 0Њ for the surface westerly wind change; 1000-mb zonal

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over tropical Africa; and the largest one is over the Maritime Continent, which comprises Indonesia, Ma- laysia, the surrounding islands, and adjacent oceanic regions. It is widely known that zonal excursion of the Maritime Continent heat source is associated with the Paci®c ENSO phenomenon. The present paper discusses the heat sources of the IAS±Amazon and tropical Africa and their associated Atlantic climate variability. The heat sources move seasonally, generally, being most north and west in the boreal summer, and south and east in the boreal winter. For example, the heat source of the IAS±Amazon is centered over the Amazon in the boreal winter, whereas it migrates to the IAS in the boreal summer. Associated with the seasonal move- ments of the heat sources are the seasonal variations of the atmospheric meridional Hadley cell and Ferrel cell, and Atlantic Walker cell. The NH jet stream is strong and southernmost in the boreal winter, whereas it weak- ens and moves northward during the boreal summer. Interannual east±west motion of the Paci®c Walker circulation, associated with large changes in atmospher- ic convection, plays an important role in the evolution of the Paci®c El NinÄo (e.g., Philander 1990; Neelin et al. 1998). We found a similar relationship between the Atlantic Walker circulation cell and the Atlantic equa- torial mode. During the warm phase of the Atlantic equatorial mode, ascending motion associated with the IAS±Amazon heat source extends eastward. This east- ward extension weakens the Atlantic Walker circulation FIG. 10. The anomalous (a) Walker and (b) Hadley circulation cells cell and thus decreases surface equatorial easterly wind in the subsequent May of the Paci®c El NinÄo year. The Walker cell in the western Atlantic, which increases SST in the is plotted by averaging divergent wind and vertical velocity anomalies between 2.5ЊS and 2.5ЊN over May of 1958, 1983, and 1998. The equatorial eastern Atlantic. Thus, the positive ocean± Hadley cell is plotted by averaging divergent wind and vertical ve- atmosphere interaction associated with the Paci®c Walk- locity anomalies between 55Њ and 15ЊW over May of 1958, 1983, er cell, being responsible for the Paci®c El NinÄo, is also and 1998. operating in the Atlantic. However, since the IAS±Am- azon heat source is primarily over land and the basin size of the tropical Atlantic is smaller, the positive feed- wind anomalies in the region of 25Њ±35ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ for back associated with the Atlantic Walker circulation is the surface easterly wind change; 500-mb vertical ve- not as strong as that in the Paci®c. This may explain locity anomaly difference between the regions of 35Њ± why the Atlantic equatorial mode is weak and the cou- 40ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ and 60Њ±65ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ for the Ferrel pled ocean±atmosphere mode of Zebiak (1993) is a cell; and 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly difference damped oscillation. In fact, this is also consistent with between the regions of 35Њ±40ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ and 15Њ± the fact of the low correlation between the ATL3 SST 20ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ for the Hadley cell. These time series and ATL4 zonal wind anomalies. In addition to local are compared with the NAO index, and shown in Figs. coupling, the remote forcing may also play a role in the 15a±d. All of these indices are highly correlated with Atlantic equatorial mode (e.g., Servain et al. 1982; Latif the NAO index. Every NAO event is associated with and Grotzner 2000). For example, the Paci®c El NinÄo westerly wind anomalies between the Icelandic low and may force the Atlantic equatorial mode (e.g., Delecluse the Azores high and easterly wind anomalies south of et al. 1994). During the warm phase of Paci®c ENSO, the Azores high. Both the Ferrel cell and the Hadley easterly wind anomalies prevail over the equatorial At- cell are also closely related to the NAO index, sug- lantic. These depress (raise) the thermocline in the equa- gesting that the meridional circulation cells may be im- torial western (eastern) Atlantic. The equatorial Atlantic portant for the NAO. will adjust slowly to these low-frequency wind varia- tions and the western equatorial signal will propagate 8. Discussion and summary slowly eastward, thus warming will appear later in the equatorial eastern Atlantic. In nature, both local and There are three major localized tropical heat sources: remote effects are responsible for the Atlantic equatorial one migrates between the Amazon and the IAS; one is mode. Since none of these effects is dominant, the ATL3

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FIG. 11. Schematic diagram showing how the Paci®c El NinÄo affects the TNA SST anomalies. The anomalous Walker and Hadley cells are drawn, based on the data presented in Fig. 10.

SST anomalies are not well correlated with either of the erly) over the warm (cold) anomaly regions in the lower ATL4 zonal wind anomalies and NinÄo-3 SST anomalies. troposphere. These anomaly winds will decrease (in- The Atlantic is unique in having the tropical merid- crease) wind speed in the warm (cold) anomaly regions ional gradient mode. The meridional gradient mode is that, in turn, decreases (increases) latent heat ¯ux (e.g., characterized by when the TNA is anomalous or when Curtis and Hastenrath 1995; En®eld and Mayer 1997) the TSA is anomalous, or when both conditions exist and thus results in further increase (decrease) of SST nearly simultaneously and are opposite in sign. Corre- in the warm (cold) SST anomaly region. sponding to this meridional mode is an atmospheric me- The TNA SST warming occurs about ®ve months ridional circulation cell in which the air rises over the after the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo. There are warm SST anomaly region, ¯ows toward the cold SST two possible ways for the Paci®c El NinÄo to affect the anomaly region aloft, converges in the upper tropo- TNA SST anomalies: 1) through the PNA pattern; 2) sphere to feed the strong subsidence and lower-tropo- through the Walker and Hadley circulations. Wallace spheric divergence in the cold SST anomaly region, then and Gutzler (1981) and Horel and Wallace (1981) found crosses the equator toward the warm SST anomaly re- that equatorial Paci®c warming is accompanied by a gion in the lower troposphere. Since the lower-tropo- PNA pattern that shows alternating pos- spheric air always crosses the equator toward the warm itive and negative geopotential height anomalies ema- SST anomalies, the Coriolis force will de¯ect air to the nated from the Paci®c, directed poleward, curved east- east (the west) over the warm (cold) SST anomaly re- ward, and then equatorward. It is possible that the Pa- gions. Tropical zonal wind anomalies are westerly (east- ci®c El NinÄo affects the northern Atlantic subtropical

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FIG. 12. The NAO index calculated by the difference of winter (Dec±Mar) SLP anomalies between Lisbon, Portugal (38.43ЊN, 9.08ЊW), and Stykkisholmur, Iceland (65.06ЊN, 22.48ЊW). high through the PNA pattern. Changes of the Atlantic subtropical high induce variations of the northeast trade winds on its southern ¯ank and then affect the TNA SST anomalies. Our analysis in this paper focuses on the Walker and Hadley circulations for linking the Pa- ci®c El NinÄo and the TNA. During the mature phase of the Paci®c El NinÄo, the TNA is associated with anom- alous descending motion and anomalous ascending mo- tion is located in the region of the northern Atlantic subtropical high. However, during the subsequent months, when the Paci®c El NinÄo begins to decay, the Atlantic Walker and meridional Hadley circulation cells are stronger and weaker, respectively. The atmospheric circulation cell change results in anomalous ascending motion in the TNA that decreases SLP and pushes the subtropical anticyclone northward, then decreases the northeast trade winds and latent heat ¯ux, and thus in- FIG. 13. The structures of (a) SST anomalies and (b) SLP anomalies creases the TNA SST anomalies. for the high NAO indices of the 1972/73, 1982/83, 1988/89, 1989/ We have discussed the relationships of the ATL3, 90, 1992/93, and 1994/95 winters. The two dots in (b) are Lisbon, TNA, and TSA SST anomalies with the Paci®c El NinÄo; Portugal (38.43ЊN, 9.08ЊW) and Stykkisholmur, Iceland (65.06ЊN, 22.48ЊW), which are used to calculate the NAO index. however, we have not addressed relationships among the Atlantic modes. First, we consider relationship be- tween the Atlantic equatorial mode and the tropical At- also associated with positive winter ATL3 and TSA SST lantic meridional gradient mode. The lagged cross cor- anomalies. However, our calculations show that the cor- relation between the ATL3 SST anomalies and the me- relation coef®cients of the NAO index with the NinÄo- ridional SST gradient shows a maximum negative cor- 3, ATL3, and TSA indices are 0.09, 0.26, and 0.25, relation of Ϫ0.55 at zero time lag (not shown), respectively, all of which are below the 95% signi®cance suggesting that there may be a possible linkage between levels. Thus, the NAO seems not to signi®cantly relate the Atlantic equatorial mode and the meridional gradient to the Paci®c El NinÄo, the Atlantic El NinÄo, and the mode (Servain et al. 1999, 2000; Sutton et al. 2000). TSA on interannual timescales. Our calculations also In order to investigate possible relations of the NAO show that the correlation coef®cients of the NAO index with other modes, we calculate the winter (December± with the TNA and TNA minus TSA indices are Ϫ0.33 March) indices of NinÄo-3, ATL3, TSA, TNA, and TNA and Ϫ0.41, respectively, which are both above the 95% minus TSA. The resulting time series are compared with signi®cance levels. The NAO is signi®cantly correlated the NAO index, as shown in Fig. 16. The Paci®c decadal with and is out of phase with the TNA and the tropical oscillation (PDO) is evident in the winter NinÄo-3 index Atlantic meridional gradient mode. Recently, Rajago- (Mestas-NunÄez and En®eld 2001). The warming phase palan et al. (1998) and Robertson et al. (2000) suggested of the PDO occured around 1976. The timing of the possible interactions between the NAO and the tropical reversal to a strongly positive NAO index since the and subtropical Atlantic. However, our calculations do 1970s seems to be coincident with the climate shift in not show a signi®cant relation between the NAO and the PDO. The positive NAO index since the 1970s is the TSA, consistent with the result of Visbeck et al.

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FIG. 14. The structures of atmospheric circulation anomalies for the high NAO indices of the 1972/73, 1982/83, 1988/89, 1989/90, 1992/93, and 1994/95 winters. (a) 200-mb velocity potential and di- vergent wind anomalies, (b) 850-mb velocity potential and divergent wind anomalies, (c) 500-mb vertical velocity anomalies, (d) merid- ional±vertical circulation anomalies cross section by averaging di- vergent wind and vertical velocity anomalies between 30Њ and 10ЊW, (e) zonal wind anomalies cross section between 30Њ and 10ЊW.

(1998) who showed a low-regression coef®cient of the anomalies in the North Atlantic and easterly wind anom- TSA SST anomalies with the NAO index. alies in the mid-Atlantic, consistent with the strength of The SST pattern during the high NAO index shows the Icelandic low and the Azores high during the high a tripole, with cold SST anomalies in the northwest NAO index. The zonal wind anomaly distribution is also Atlantic and in the TNA and warm SST anomalies in consistent with the meridional Ferrel and Hadley cells. the mid-Atlantic. Accompanied by this SST anomaly The strengthening of the Ferrel and Hadley cells is as- pattern are a stronger Ferrel cell and a stronger Hadley sociated with anomalous descending motion over the cell. The zonal wind anomalies display westerly wind mid-Atlantic. Near the sea surface, sinking air is di-

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FIG. 15. Comparisons of the NAO index over the period 1950-99 with (a) 1000-mb zonal wind anomalies in the region of 50Њ±60ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ; (b) 1000-mb zonal wind anomalies in the region of 25Њ±35ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ; (c) the Ferrel cell index; and (d) the Hadley cell index. The Ferrel cell index is de®ned by 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly difference between the regions of 35Њ±40ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ and 60Њ±65ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ. The Hadley cell index is de®ned by 500-mb vertical velocity anomaly difference between the regions of 35Њ±40ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ and 15Њ±20ЊN, 30ЊW±0Њ. All of these are calculated as winter (Dec±Mar) anomalies. The ␥ represents the correlation coef®cient at zero lag.

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FIG. 16. Comparisons of the NAO index over the period 1950±99 with (a) the NinÄo-3 SST anomalies, (b) the ATL3 SST anomalies, (c) the TSA SST anomalies, (d) the TNA SST anomalies, and (e) the SST anomaly difference between the TNA and the TSA. All of these indices are calculated as winter (Dec±Mar) anomalies. The ␥ represents the correlation coef®cient at zero lag.

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 08:38 AM UTC 1JULY 2002 WANG 1535 vergent and ¯ows both northward and southward as low (NOAA) Of®ce of Global Programs and by the base branches of the Ferrel and Hadley cells, respectively. funding of NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Mete- The northward (southward) ¯owing air is de¯ected to orological Laboratory. I thank D. En®eld for scienti®c the east (west) by the Coriolis force, resulting in west- discussions and encouragement. Comments by D. En- erly (easterly) wind anomalies in the North (mid) At- ®eld, D. Mayer, R. Molinari, J. Servain, and an anon- lantic. Since the mean zonal winds are westerly in the ymous reviewer help improve the manuscript. J. Harris North and mid-Atlantic (see Fig. 1), this zonal wind assisted with the initial processing of the NCEP±NCAR anomaly distribution increases (decreases) the wind reanalysis ®elds. speed in the North (mid) Atlantic. 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