CCDC 05 May 2018.Pdf

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CCDC 05 May 2018.Pdf May 2018 Culver City Democratic Club Democrat Find us at Culver City Democratic Club on General Meeting — Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Focus on June primary election: Endorse propositions and/or candidates President’s Message by Amy Cherness: Monthly General Welcome to a new progressive City Council Membership Meeting: On April 30, 2018, we swore in a new shelters and giving vouchers for motels 7:00 PM Wednesday, progressive City Council. We have the Getting progressive new members May 9, 2018 first African-American City Council- on boards and commissions 6:45 PM — Refreshments man in Culver City’s history, Daniel Rotunda Room Lee. These are two great changes to our Our Club once again was instrumen- city for the better. Some of the import- tal in getting out the vote for our new Veterans Memorial Building ant issues that will be coming up are: City Council members, Alex Fisch and 4117 Overland Avenue, Daniel Lee. I am very proud that our The Inglewood oil field and increas- Corner of Overland Ave. Club will have an influence in our city and Culver Blvd. ing the surety bond becoming a more progressive city. Moving the oil wells a greater dis- Let me know what is important to you, tance from resident’s homes and I will pass it on to the City Coun- What’s Inside? Banning fracking in Culver City cil. The people of this city will have a greater voice in city government than Changing the oil field to a park Di’s Corner before. Let’s use it to get progressive Helping the homeless by building causes heard and passed. —Page 2 Dave Jones for In the June 5 primary election the Culver City Democratic Club endorses: Attorney General—Page 2 Governor ...................... John Chiang Kevin de Leon for Attorney General ........ Dave Jones US Senate —Page 3 U.S. Senator ................ Kevin de León John Chiang for Governor Judge, Seat #60 .......... Tony Cho —Page 4 Tony Cho for Judge By Cynthia Hart it was clear to me right away that he was a for-real Democrat who shared our values. The Culver City Democratic Club and the For example, as a Deputy District Attorney Los Angeles County Democratic Party have he not only prosecuted cases of elder abuse, endorsed Tony Cho for Los Angeles Superior he went on to volunteer working with Com- Court Judge Seat No. 60. And so have I. munity Outreach volunteers to train them to spot elements of elder abuse. That’s going be- As you would expect, Tony Cho has 17 years yond crime prosecution to crime prevention! legal experience (civil, criminal, and mili- I sometimes worry when I am asked to vote tary) and has almost 70 trials to his credit. for a prosecutor running as a judge. Can a But that’s not the best part. When Tony Cho former prosecutor be fair to defendants? came to speak at our meeting last month (See TONY CHO on page 4) Culver City Democratic Club: Active Democrat May 2018 — Page 2 Dave Jones for Attorney General sioner, Jones leads law enforcement At the United States Department of officers who investigate insurance Justice, Jones served as a senior ad- crimes, including corrupt CEOs and visor to United States Attorney Gen- public officials. Over 7,500 have been eral Janet Reno, who led the nation’s convicted under Jones’ leadership. largest law enforcement agency. After graduating from Harvard Law School, Jones is a strong consumer advocate. Jones refused to work for high paying He has saved California consumers corporate law firms and instead served over $3.1 billion by rejecting unfair as a legal aid attorney, providing free insurance rate increases and fighting legal representation to the poor. He insurance companies. was named one of “California’s Top 100 Jones has been a leader in the imple- Lawyers” and “Consumer Champion.” mentation of the Affordable Care Act, expanding healthcare access. He made Dave Jones is independent. He refuses sure insurers paid claims of Califor- to take contributions from the insur- nians devastated by wildfires. ance, oil, bail, and tobacco industries. Jones successfully sued drug compa- Dave Jones is the only endorsed can- nies for fraud. Jones was named Cali- didate by the California Federation of fornia’s “Most Effective Legislator.” He Teachers and Consumer Federation secured billions for safety-net hospital of California. Jones is also the only Dave Jones, a proven statewide law care, protected seniors from financial endorsed candidate by the National enforcement leader, is extremely abuse, and created one of the nation’s Organization for Women (NOW), Cal- well-qualified to serve as our next At- largest early childhood education pro- ifornia. For more information, go to: torney General. As Insurance Commis- grams. Di’s Corner: by Diane Rosenberg The club is saddened by the death Culver City Democratic Club of club member Mim Shapiro who Application/Renewal Form passed away on March 12, 2018, ending 71 years of marriage to her Name: ______________________ Phone: ________________ husband Hank Shapiro. She is sur- Email: _____________________________________________ vived by her husband Hank Sha- piro, her son Richard Shapiro and Address: ___________________________________________ his wife, as well as her sister Edith ___________________________________________________ Joyce and her brother Marvin. I declare that all the individuals listed for membership are registered Democrats On Tuesday April 10, 2018, Culver City held an election for City Coun- Signed: ____________________________________________ cil. Two seats were open and both Membership Dues: Dues may be waived for financial hardship seats were filled by club members that the club endorsed. They are Member $30 Student $20 Daniel Lee and Alex Fisch, and we Supporting Member $75 Sustaining Member $125 congratulate them both. Lifetime Member $500 Additional Contribution: $______ A new era has begun for the citizens of Culver City. Daniel Lee is the Please make your check payable to: first African American in the 100 Culver City Democratic Club years of this city to be elected as our P.O. Box 4254, Culver City, CA 90231-4254 Council member. OR Click “Join/Renew” on our web site The April 11, 2018, General Meet- For questions please call Membership Secretary Diane Rosenberg at ing was candidates night. The club (310) 398-5328. endorsed John Chiang for California Governor, Kevin de Leon for United Please renew for 2018 if you haven’t already done so. States Senator, Dave Jones for Cal- The dues period runs concurrent to the calendar year. ifornia Attorney General, and Tony Renewals are due by January 1, of each year. Cho for Judge Seat Number 60. Culver City Democratic Club: Active Democrat May 2018 — Page 3 Kevin de León for U.S. Senate to you. Only in America could an im- and civil rights, a $15 minimum wage, migrant housekeeper’s son, like me, debt-free higher education, and mak- grow up to lead the California Senate. ing California a world leader in the I’ve shared your life experiences— fight against climate change. struggling to pay for housing, worry- ing about college tuition and covering We need new leadership in the Senate health care costs. to get this country headed in the right direction, with an economy that works It’s a struggle too few Washington DC for all of us, not just the super wealthy. leaders understand. With millionaires I will bring proven California leader- occupying two thirds of the Senate, ship to the U.S. Senate. it’s easy to understand how they have gotten so out of touch with everyday Endorsed by: (partial list) Americans. Despite their rhetoric, Teamsters Joint Council 42 DC Democrats are dragging their feet ILWU Locals 13, 63 and 94 The President is hellbent on dividing on universal healthcare and climate SEIU California our people and demeaning our Cali- change, fearing oil and drug company California Nurses Association fornia ideals. The Washington status lobbyists. The DC playbook of pander- UFCW Western States Council quo is either unwilling or incapable of ing and procrastinating is obsolete. California Labor Federation digging in and fighting back. Califor- nians deserve a Senator who will fight As your Senate leader, I never settled For more information go to: tirelessly for their futures with passion for small thinking. I led historic efforts and independence. to improve the lives of everyday Cali- 3530 Wilshire Blvd. #1250 Like many of us chasing the American fornians by taking action on univer- Los Angeles, CA 90010 dream, I understand nothing is handed sal healthcare, pay equity, immigrant Email: [email protected] Propositions that will be on the June 5 ballot in California These will be open for discussion and/or endorsement at May 9 membership meeting Proposition 68 — purposes and generally prohibits Leg- Proposition 71 — Bonds for Environment, islature from diverting funds to other Ballot Measure Effective Date Parks and Water Bond Measure purposes. Fiscal Impact: No direct ef- Constitutional Amendment Authorizes $4 billion in general ob- fect on the amount of state and local Provides that ballot measures ap- ligation bonds for: parks, natural re- revenues or costs but could affect how proved by a majority of voters shall sources protection, climate adaptation, some monies are spent. take effect five days after the Secretary water quality and supply, and flood Proposition 70 — of State certifies the results of the elec- protection. Fiscal Impact: Increased Cap-and-Trade Amendment tion. Fiscal Impact: Likely little or no state bond repayment costs averaging Constitutional Amendment effect on state and local finances. $200 million annually over 40 years. Beginning in 2024, requires that cap- Local government savings for natural and-trade revenues accumulate in a Proposition 72 — Taxes for resources-related projects, likely aver- reserve fund until the Legislature, by a Rainwater Capture Systems aging several tens of millions of dollars two-thirds majority, authorizes use of Constitutional Amendment annually over the next few decades.
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