A Bayesian Latent Variable Mixture Model for Flitering Firm Profit Rates
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SCHWARTZ CENTER FOR ECONOMIC POLICY ANALYSIS THE NEW SCHOOL WORKING PAPER 2014-1 A Bayesian Latent Variable Mixture Model for Filtering Firm Prot Rates Gregor Semieniuk and Ellis Scharfenaker Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis Department of Economics The New School for Social Research 6 East 16th Street, New York, NY 10003 www.economicpolicyresearch.org Suggested Citation: Semieniuk and Scharfenaker, Ellis. (2014) “A Bayesian FEBRUARY Latent Variable Mixture Model for Filtering Firm Prot Rates.” Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis and Department of Economics, 2014 The New School for Social Research, Working Paper Series. * This research benefited from discussions with Duncan Foley, Sid Dalal as well as from suggestions by Mishael Milakovíc, Amos Golan, Anwar Shaikh, Sid Chib, Fernando Rugitsky, participants in Sid Dalal’s Columbia course “Bayesian Statistics”, at the ASSRU seminar in Trento, at the New School Economics Dissertation Workshop and at the meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis at Duke University. We are grateful to Columbia University Library for access to the COMPUSTAT dataset. Gregor gratefully acknowledges financial support from INET. † Both Department of Economics, New School for Social Research, New York City, USA. Email addresses Email address: [email protected] (Ellis) and [email protected] (Gregor). Abstract: By using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods we select the proper subset of competitive firms and find striking evidence for Laplace shaped firm profit rate distributions. Our approach enables us to extract more information from data than previous research. We filter US firm-level data into signal and noise distributions by Gibbs-sampling from a latent variable mixture distribution, extracting a sharply peaked, negatively skewed Laplace-type profit rate distribution. A Bayesian change point analysis yields the subset of large firms with symmetric and stationary Laplace distributed profit rates, adding to the evidence for statistical equilibrium at the economy- wide and sectoral levels. Keywords: Firm competition, Laplace distribution, Gibbs sampler, Profit rate, Statistical equilibrium JEL codes: C15, D20, E10, L11 1 Firm Competition and Bayesian Methods We propose Bayesian computational methods, in particular Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations for selecting the subset of firms for analysis of firm profitability under competition. This enables us to extract more information from firm level data than the exogenously selected subset yielded in previous research by Alfarano et al. (2012) on profit rates and e.g. Stanley et al. (1996); Bottazzi et al. (2001); Malevergne et al. (2013) on firm growth rates. We obtain striking results of Laplace- shaped profit rate distribution by applying our selection method to US firms in the COMPUSTAT dataset from 1950-2012 . This confirms the findings by Alfarano and Milakovi´c(2008) and Alfarano et al. (2012) for a much larger economy-wide dataset. Moreover, we extend the sectoral results of Bottazzi and Secchi (2003a) for growth rates to profit rates. The formation of a general rate of profit, around which profit rates gravitate, takes place through competition and capital mobility. This point was stressed by classi- cal political economists beginning with Adam Smith, who theorized that through competition capital would instinctively move from one area to another in its end- less search for higher rates of profit. From this instinctive movement, a tendency of the equalization of profit rates across all industries would emerge. Excluded from 2 this process of equalization would be industries that are shielded from competition by legislative measures and monopolies or public enterprises that strive for other objectives than profitability. Recently, Alfarano et al. (2012) in this journal and also Alfarano and Milakovi´c (2008), examine firm-level data and find that private firms in all but the financial services participate in the competitive processes as described by Adam Smith, which they call \classical competition." Interested in determining the shape of the distri- bution of profit rates, Alfarano et al. (2012) fit a generalized error distribution also known as the Subbotin distribution to a sample of firm-level data. They find that throughout their sample the Subbotin's shape parameter is close to one for a subset of long-lived firms, implying profit rates are distributed as a Laplace distribution. The Laplace distribution is already a common result in research on firm growth rates. Stanley et al. (1996); Amaral et al. (1997); Bottazzi et al. (2001); Bottazzi and Secchi (2003a,b) find Laplace distributed, or nearly Laplace distributed (Buldyrev et al., 2007) firm growth rates in particular industries. These studies are part of a larger literature that examines distributions of various firm characteristics (Farmer and Lux, 2008; Lux, 2009). A preview of our results in Figure 1 shows that for our data we find strong evidence for Laplace distributed profit rates by sector as well as for the total economy. One problem in many such analyses is selecting the proper subset of the data. Some papers examine specific sectors, e.g. the pharmaceutical sector in Bottazzi et al. (2001) or use preselected datasets such as the Fortune 2000 (Alfarano and Milakovi´c,2008). For more general datasets, subsets are commonly selected using an exogenously determined lower size bound or minimum age. For example, in their 3 Figure 1: Profit rate histograms on semi-log plot with maximum likelihood fit in the class of Laplace distributions. Data is pooled over the years 1961-2012, with filtering by Bayesian mixture and change point models having endogenously removed noise and entry and exit dynamics, as described in sections 3 and 4 of this paper. Results look similar for plots of single years. àààìì àæìòàòìì ìòæòòì àò òì àì àæì æòì àòì òì àòì àæòì òòì ìò àì àìæ òæì ì 1 ì àìòò àòì ì àòì ìæ ààæì à òìòæ àòì ì æ à ì ì Agriculture ì òì ì à ìò æ òìì à ìòò à ìòò ò D ààìæ æ à r òììà àààììò Construction @ 0.1 à àì òææ p ìòò ì ò ìòì àìì ò ìò ì ò àà ìàì ìààò òììòì ììì ì ììì ò Manufacturing òæ æòòæìòòìæòææ æ æà ààààìààà àààà ììì òìì ò ò ò ò ì ì ò æòæò æò òòòòòììò ì òò ò ò òò Mining 0.01 ìì ìììì ì ìì ì æò òò òòæòòìòìòòììò òòòæò òòì æò ììì ì ììììì ìì ì ììì ìì ìì ììì ìæìæ ì ìììæìæììì ì ììììììììììæìæìæìììììæìæìæ ìæ -2 -1 0 1 2 ì 10 ìì ìòòàì àòàæòàòàò ìàòæææìòà æò ìæòàò ìàò ìæòà æìàò òàæ àò ìàò àò àæò æò ìàò àòì æò æàòì ìàòæ æò ìòà 1 àòìì òæ òì ìàòæ æòà ìàòæ æòàì ìàò òàì ìòæ ææòà ìàòæ æ òòìàì àòæ Services æìò ìòà æòìà ìàò òòììà ìòàæ D æòìòà ìàòæ r ò ìàæ @ ò ææòòàìàìàà òæ à p ò òà 0.1 æòòòàà ìòàòò Trade ææòìì ìààòææ òòòìàì àòò æòòòàà ìòàòòàòæ æòæòììì òòææ æòæòòàààìà ààòòà ì æòòòàà ììàòòæàæææ Transport æòòòìòìì ì òòòæ òòòòà à àààòòòààà æ àòìòòìà ì ò òææàæ òòììì ìòòòòò æ æ æ æàòæìæìàìà ìàìààòààòòàæà ò 0.01 òæòòòòò òòòæòòò æ All Industries òìæòì ìì ì ì òìòòìæ ò æààæà æòàæòæàòæòàòòàòàæòàààà àòàòàòò ææàòæææàææææòæà æà ìæ ìæ ò òòìæòìòìòòìæòòòòììììì ìììæìììòòìæòòìæòìæòòìæòìæìæìæìæ ò ìæ æ æò ææò ææòòææòæòòæòòòò æòæò òòòææòæòòòæòòæòæòæòò òæòæò æ æòæò òòæòæòòæòæòæòæòæòòòæòòæòòòòòò òòòæòòòòòæòòòæòòæòæòòòæòòæòòòæòæòæòæò -2 -1 0 1 2 r seminal paper on the statistical theory of firm growth rates, Simon and Bonini (1958) disregard firms with a capital stock below a lower bound. Subsequently, Hymer and Pashigian (1962) investigate only the thousand largest U.S. firms, and Amaral et al. (1997) and Malevergne et al. (2013) subset their data using various lower bounds on firm revenue. These exogenous cut-offs appear to be necessary to rid the dataset of noise as well as of new or dying firms, which distort the distribution of firms engaged in the competitive process. In their analysis of profit rates, Alfarano et al. (2012) 4 consider only firms that are alive at least 27 years or for the entire period spanned by the dataset. While their approach is a good first approximation, they necessarily discard valuable information. In this paper we argue that instead of a more or less arbitrary cut-off, a Bayesian approach enables us to extract more information from the data. As a natural starting point our prior is based off of the previous research which takes the distribution of profit rates as Laplace. This we take as one of two components of a mixture distribution into which all firms are mapped, regardless of whether they partake in competition or are disruptive noise. In order to decide for each firm whether it is in the Laplace distribution, which we designate as the signal distribution, or confounding noise, we will give a latent variable to each firm observation that is one if the firm belongs to the signal distribution and zero if it does not. We then compute each latent variable's posterior probability of taking on the values one or zero, and thus the firm’s probability of being part of the competitive process. If the probability of its being in the signal distribution is not sufficiently high, we discard it. For our dataset, after discarding the noise, we retain nearly 97% of all observations regardless of age or size. Unlike previous studies, this allows us to analyze the profit rate distribution throughout the entire competitive process preserving significantly more information. As a second step, we apply a Bayesian change point analysis to filter out small firms not subject to entry-exit dynamics, again using the Laplace distribution as our prior, to demonstrate an alternative way of obtaining a subset of stationary Laplace distributions.1 Both steps are made possible by using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. 1After this more restrictive selection we discard 45% of our original data compared toAlfarano et al.