October 2014 Trinity School


Dear Parents and Carers

As the days begin to get shorter it is incredible to think that more than six weeks of this school year have flown by already. Our new Year 7 students are very well settled now and we have seen them grow in confidence as they take part in the daily life of the school. We look forward to celebrating their first half term at Trinity with them in the Cathedral service next week, at which parents are very welcome.

It has been a busy and productive half term. As a senior team we spend a lot of time in classrooms on our learning walks and we have seen students taking their learning seriously, showing a very positive approach and making real progress. A number of school governors have joined us in our visits to classrooms and all have commented on the engagement of the students and the buzz in our classrooms. We have also had families of Year 6 children touring the school during the day and your children have represented our school very well indeed.

We have been delighted to welcome Caroline Kennedy as Chaplain to cover Jen Milligan’s maternity leave. She joined us towards the end of September and has spent time so far meeting students and staff, visiting lessons and assemblies and looking with us at ways that we can best continue to develop as a Church of School with the distinctive ethos that brings.

We will be writing to you again shortly after half term to ask for your help in improving the school. Every two years we organise a comprehensive survey to gather the views of parents, students and staff on all aspects of school life; this helps us to plan for further improvements to what we do. The more responses we receive the more useful and meaningful an exercise it is. You will receive a paper copy of the survey for each child you have at the school on Monday, 17th November. We would be very grateful if you could complete this for each child, and then return it to us by the end of the following week. Please encourage your son/daughter to complete their copy of the survey too. They will be given this to complete as homework on Friday, 24th November. We will share the results of the surveys with you when we receive them.

Thank you to those who have already joined us for Information and Tutor Evenings, and we look forward to welcoming you into school for events in the next half term. We have Parents’ Evening for Years 11 and 12 coming up, Tutor Evening for Years 7 and 8, and then, just before the end of term on Monday 15th December, we have the Carol Service in the Cathedral, which you are all warmly invited to.

Thank you for your continuing support.

Yours sincerely

Co-Headteachers Sheila Johnston and Derek Kay



I have very recently been appointed as School Chaplain at Trinity, so rather than tell you what I have done I would like to introduce myself, mention what is already happening in connection with chaplaincy and explain some of my hopes and aims for the future.

My name is Caroline Kennedy. I have a background in secondary teaching and university and college chaplaincy. I am also an ordained minister in the Church of England. School chaplains work in the world as a visible sign of the life of the Church. I see my role as being to do with support, facilitation, communication and bridging the worlds of school and Church. Chaplains are (ideally!) people who notice and listen, who work to help the flourishing of life within their context and who also ask questions of that life when appropriate. Trinity’s status as a Church school means, among other things, that it has links with the community of Cathedral and is committed to a particular set of values that come out of the Christian story.

The idea of demonstrating care and respect for others is one of these and I have been struck by the calm and caring atmosphere that hangs in the air of Trinity despite its size. Students are generally open and friendly and I have already had some good conversations about faith and doubts and atheism. Although I haven’t yet gone into assemblies, I am looking forward to doing so after half term, both in Houses and Sixth Form.

Next week Year 7 students have a Welcome Service at Carlisle Cathedral. This will build on their visits earlier this term and is part of encouraging them to develop a connection with the spiritual life of the Cathedral Chapter and of helping them to see the building as a place that is accessible and available to them outside school.

Long term I would like to see the development of a permanent prayer space in a central location in school; somewhere that is open and accessible to staff and students as a place of rest, retreat, reflection and comfort. I would also like to get to know as many students as possible and to be part of the process of helping them to make informed choices about faith and of getting to know and respect themselves.

I hope that your relationship with Trinity as parents and carers is and will be good, and that you will sense through it some of the things that make the school distinctive.

Caroline Kennedy School Chaplain


Registered Address: Strand Road Carlisle CA1 1JB

T 01228 516051 Trinity School F 01228 516052 E [email protected] Trinity School

A Church of England Sheila Johnston and Derek Kay Co–Headteachers

14th October 2014

Dear Parent/ Carer

Year 7 Service of Welcome at the Cathedral

On Tuesday 21st October, Year 7 have a service of Welcome and Thanksgiving at Carlisle Cathedral. They have already visited the Cathedral this term and the service adds to these visits and forms part of what makes us distinctive as a school. As a Church School we hold a certain set of values and we hope that you and your child/children will sense these as your experience of Trinity develops. We believe in the importance of welcoming and respecting all our students and a Welcome Service at the Cathedral is one way of doing this formally.

Our links with the Cathedral are a visible sign of a connection to the life of the Church and of a commitment to providing a full and rounded education for our students. We believe that to encounter history, beauty and prayer is beneficial. The Cathedral staff are equally committed and delighted to make space and time for us. You too are very welcome. Unfortunately, there is no parking available in the Cathedral grounds but there are always spaces in West Walls car park.

The service will be led by Canon Michael Manley and our students will take an active part through singing, reading, contributing to prayers and wishing each other good things by sharing ‘the Peace’. Please encourage them to be open to this and to enjoy the experience and the privilege of spending time in a historic and beautiful place.

We will be leaving school at 2.15pm so that we can be at the Cathedral by 2.30pm. Students will need coats if the weather is cold and rainy. Staff will walk students back to school if they need to be collected from there. Please let us know if this is the case, otherwise we will allow students to make their way home on leaving the Cathedral.

During the next week we invite you to make a donation to the Harvest for the Hungry appeal. This is launched each year by James, Bishop of Carlisle, and is in support of projects in Uganda and Cambodia. If you feel able to contribute, please send what you can with your child to be handed to his/her form tutor. (Donations by cheque are payable to ‘Harvest for the Hungry Appeal’). Whatever is collected will be offered during the Welcome Service and form representatives will be involved with this.

Finally, thank you for your support and cooperation. It is very much valued. If you have concerns about your child/children attending this event please contact the school and ask to speak to the appropriate Head of House or myself.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Kennedy School Chaplain

3 17 October 2014

To all Parents & Carers

Re: Parent Governor Nominations

Vacancies have arisen for two new Parent Governors to join our Governing Body in January 2015. The usual period of office is for four years. Parent Governors must be someone with parental responsibility for a child at the school.

What do Governors do? The Governors’ role is not about fundraising, neither is it about cheerleading for the school. School Governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. They are responsible for both the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards.

The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, and its key functions are to:

 Set the aims and objectives for the school  Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives  Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives  Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives  Be a source of challenge and support to the staff (a ‘critical friend’)

The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.

The Governing Body of our school currently consists of 22 Governors, comprising 2 Parent Governors, 4 Staff Governors, 15 Governors appointed by the Members of the Academy Trust, and 1 Governor appointed by the Local Authority.

What would I be expected to do? Governors need not be experts in the field of education. What they do need is an interest in the school and in the welfare of our students, and the time and willingness to get involved. The skills you have can be very useful to the Governing Body.

Governors also need what are known as ‘soft skills’ – the ability to be able to build relationships with a range of people, to be able to work as part of a team, to be able to question, and to make connections between different types of information.

All Governors also need to be able to read straightforward budget reports and data on school standards.

The Governing Body expects Parent Governors to:

 Attend 5 termly meetings of the full Governing Body over the course of the school year.  Sit on a committee of the Governing Body and attend the meetings, which are usually 3 per year.  Visit the school formally at least once or twice per year (i.e. to observe an assembly or form session, or to attend a Parents’ Evening as a representative of the Governing Body).  Visit the school informally wherever possible to attend events and prize givings etc.  Commit to attend Governor training courses, as appropriate.

If you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to governance at our school, I would be very happy to hear from you and can arrange an informal chat, without any commitment, with our Chairman of Governors, Mr D. Brian Armstrong.

The closing date for nominations is: Friday 5 December 2014.

Yours sincerely

Janine Whitfield Secretary to the Academy Trust & Governing Body

Tel: 01228 516051 Ext: 296 Email: [email protected] 4


Changes to School Admissions Policy After consulting with the Diocese, the Governing Body of Trinity School has drafted its Admissions Policy for entry in September 2016 for Years 7 and 12, and during the school year September 2016 to July 2017 for all in-year admissions.

Details of the policy will be posted on the school website just before half term for your perusal. The formal consultation process is from 1 November 2014 for 8 weeks. Any representations should therefore be made to the Secretary to the Academy Trust & Governing Body, Janine Whitfield during this period, with the closing date being 27 December 2014.

Parking As ever we ask that all users of school, parents collecting their children from after school events/clubs, hirers of the school facilities or Adult Education tutors and users show consideration towards our neighbours in Strand Road, who have reported parking issues to the local Council.

Continued parking on the street in the evenings could affect the delivery of Adult Education classes and out of hours use of the school facilities. Please help us to continue to deliver these services by not parking on the residential side of Strand Road when attending evening classes/activities. Please use the school car parks. If parents collecting children from after school clubs/events could wait for them in the school car parks or on the school side of Strand Road that would be very helpful. Thank you for your co-operation. Mrs Karen Rosary, Business Manager

Instrumental Fees 2014/15 A reminder to parents/carers to return consent forms and relevant deposits as soon as possible, if these are not received the student may not be allowed to continue with lessons. The charge for an individual half hour lesson is £20.00 and a group lesson is £10.00. We will be preparing the invoices for music fees and these will be sent out by the end of October. If you have a music query or you require further information please contact the Finance Office on 01228 516051 ext. 215.

Mrs A Larking, Finance Manager

Please Note: New Arrangements for Keyboard/Piano, Flute, Violin, Singing and Drums From September 2014 the peripatetic teachers who teach the above instruments will be charging and invoicing for their particular lessons. Parent/Carers will receive information directly from them at the start of September.

Payment for School Meals: Please ensure you give your children the correct change for topping up their school meal a/c’s at the revaluers as change is not given and is not available in school. Payment by cheque is acceptable but please make payable to ‘Mellors Catering Services Ltd’ and hand into reception before morning break. Parents/carers are reminded that topping up can also be done via ParentPay with a credit or debit card.

Cheque Payments: Just a reminder that if you are sending a cheque payment into school you should write clearly on the back the students name, form and the reason for payment. Mrs A Larking, Finance Manager

The News at Trinity Issue 11 of The News at Trinity can now be found on the school website. This includes lots of photographs and news of events, written by students and staff that have taken place at Trinity over the last year. If you would like a printed copy please send a request to Mrs Waddell, Senior PA, via [email protected]


Year 7 Information Evening and Year 7 Freeze Day - Wednesday 24th September Thank you to the parents and carers who were able to attend the expectation evening on 24th September. Year 7 students enjoyed showing you their work from the freeze day. There was an opportunity to listen to members of the senior leadership team, to talk about our expectations of Year 7, the year ahead and what students have been doing in Learn to Learn so far. The main purpose of the evening was to discuss how we can work together to make the students’ time at Trinity School as happy and successful as possible. We have put the slides from the presentations on our website if you were unable to attend.

World War I Centenary Commemoration and Exhibition On Thursday, 25th September a special event took place in the Devonshire Hall to commemorate the unveiling of a new plaque to two former Carlisle Grammar School students and a teacher who lost their lives in WWI but whose names were missed off the original War Memorial. We were delighted to welcome The Bishop of Carlisle, The Right Reverend James Newcome, who kindly performed the unveiling ceremony for us, as well as our other guests, many of whom are descendants of or related to former students who lost their lives in WWI. Displays of student work, research projects, an excerpt from “Killed” by our A Level Theatre Studies students, and a musical recital added to the poignancy of the occasion. Our special thanks go to Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Lee Adamson for organising the event. Their book, “The Stars of Night” telling the story of the young men from Carlisle Grammar School who lost their lives in WWI, is available to purchase, with all proceeds going to charity.

RBS Inspiring Youth Enterprise Event 35 of our students took part in the Inspiring Youth Enterprise Event, which was held at Carlisle Racecourse on Thursday 9th October. The day was filled with workshops and activities ranging from financial planning, branding and marketing, business start-up and talks by young entrepreneurs, who have successfully started up their own businesses. Our students ranged from Year 9 through to Year 13. They all had a very active and industrious day, with many aspiring to have their own business in the future. Well done to Sam Ling, Year 11, and Theo Tindall, Year 9, who were presented with University of Cumbria sweatshirts during the final round up.

“Explore GCSE RS” with Dr Peter Vardy and Charlotte Vardy - Monday 6th October 2014 Trinity School was privileged to welcome back Dr Peter Vardy and his wife Charlotte Vardy to run an RS study day with our Year 11 students and Year 10/11 students attending from Caldew, William Howard, Ullswater Community College and Queen Elizabeth School. Peter and Charlotte and the visiting schools were welcomed by Mrs Sheila Johnston, Co- Head teacher and Mrs Andrea Shore, Subject Leader for RS. Once again, we were treated to a thought provoking and jam packed day. There was no doubt that Peter had lost none of his energy and enthusiasm and his short, pacy lectures on key exam topics gave the students the opportunity to reflect on complex ideas which he linked to wombats, Harry Potter movies and famous paintings! The sessions were supremely well organised, timed to perfection and students were issued with a full set of study notes and revision materials. Peter and Charlotte covered Christian and other religious issues on War, Medical Ethics, The Environment, Marriage and Relationships. The areas covered were stimulating for staff and students alike as well as being ideal for getting students thinking about issues and pushing them to consider the wider implications of Ethics and Philosophy. Peter posed interesting and provocative questions to the audience, and it was incredible to see the students discussing topics in thoughtful and empathetic ways. Many of the sessions linked directly to specific exam coaching and how to tackle exam questions to achieve the higher grades. The day ended with the opportunity for students to debate the Assisted Dying Bill currently being discussed in the House of Lords.

Macmillan Cancer Trust Cake Sale A cake sale took place on Friday 26th September as part of the “World’s Biggest Coffee Morning” annual fund raising. The event was well attended and we hope that the funds raised will be even more than last year!

6 World War I Lecture Peter Hart, Oral Historian of the Imperial War Museum and author of several books on the First World War, came to speak to the Sixth Form Historians earlier this month. He spoke about the limitations of a variety of sources including official War Diaries, soldiers' letters, newspaper accounts, oral history, films, poetry and others. He also spoke about the dangers of neglecting any source and cited a book he had reviewed on Palestine which had ignored oral history. As most soldiers suffered from dysentery and diarrhoea whilst there but often did not write about it, not using oral interviews was a mistake, as a key feature of the war in the Middle East was consequently neglected. Mr Hart then moved onto to discuss the reputation of Douglas Haig and did his utmost to defend the man he claimed was the "greatest British General". He maintained that Haig's reputation had been sullied due to his disagreements with powerful politicians of the time, Lloyd-George and Churchill, and later due to the "Lions led by Donkeys" myth and the Blackadder version of World War One. He claimed that, contrary to the long peddled view, Haig had embraced new technology and new techniques. He had adapted to modern warfare until, by 1918, the British army was capable of effective assaults, which combined and integrated all the array of weapons and methods available. Aerial reconnaissance, artillery, tanks, infantry combined to prove a formidable fighting force in the closing stages of the war. The talk was never dull and the students were surprised by the informal approach, controversial statements and jokes, which littered the presentation. Penny in Year 12 said: "'I found the talk very interesting. It told me a lot about trusting sources, but the fact it was kind of funny (thanks to the speaker) certainly made it better! It was good to see what a lecture is, so I know what they're like”. Steven Barker, Year 13, said "The talk was very interesting and really made us think in a new aspect about how WWI was fought and the provenance of a variety of historical evidence. Our speaker was very enthusiastic and energetic and made us want to listen. If university lectures were like this talk, then I can't wait to get to university."

Theatre Trip On Thursday, 2nd October thirty Year 12 and 13 students, accompanied by school staff, travelled to Newcastle to see Live Theatre’s production of ‘Wet House’. This highly acclaimed play is a debut for its writer Paddy Campbell and is based on his own experience working in a “wet house”, which is a residential facility for chronically alcoholic and homeless men and women. A comedy mixed with tragedy, it reveals a darker side of modern life that few have seen or experienced. Extraordinary writing and powerful performances made it compelling viewing for all.

European Day of Languages This year’s European Day of Languages took place on Tuesday 23rd September. At break there was a free food tasting event in the Margaret Sewell Courtyard and for the rest of the week there were treasure hunts around school based on European foods – with prizes of cinema tickets for the correct entries drawn. There was also a quiz during MFL lessons on Friday, and “Being Creative with European Food” for Year 7 classes on Friday. The events were much enjoyed by all who took part.

Oxford Trip Forty two Year 10 students, accompanied by staff, set off for Oxford on Thursday. The students stayed in the Cardo Building of The Queen’s College (founded in 1341); an Oxford college with specific links to Northern schools, in part following the bequest of Lady Elizabeth Hastings in 1731. After, for some, an early morning run around Christchurch meadows, we spent Friday attending the university Open Day where students were able to visit a wide range of colleges and look at the faculties of interest to them; ranging from Art through History, Law, Languages, Medicine and Science all the way to Zoology. It was an opportunity for them to meet both tutors and current students, to find out all they need to know about studying at a top university and, most importantly, to inspire them to the highest levels of aspiration. They were given guided tours of the halls, libraries and grounds along with a talk on student life before attending the Hastings Dinner in Queen’s College Hall. Some students were able to attend sample lectures, whilst others watched a mock prospective student’s interview, demonstrating the process which some bright students perceive as a barrier to applying. On the Saturday, students were able to spend time at the Pitt-Rivers, University and Ashmolean museums before a brief foray into the cities shops and heading north again. Students came away very impressed by what they had seen, and the college staff were very impressed by them as well!

Year 12 Information Evening The Year 12 Information Evening took place on Wednesday, 17th September. Parents and carers of Year 12 students, and the students themselves, were invited to attend. It provided an opportunity to explain school support and intervention procedures in Sixth Form, and how parents and carers can support their child in their final two years of school.

‘In The News’ – Year 10 GCSE Drama Students On Tuesday, 14th October, Year 10 GCSE Drama students presented an evening of Devised Theatre in the Margaret Sewell Hall. Loosely based on the theme of The News, it was a very enjoyable evening and well done to all who took part. 7 Visit to Tullie House It was a treat for me to accompany 8 of our Year 9 students to Tullie House on Friday 10th October. The students were Bethany Patterson, Emilie Livingstone, Calum Taylor, Jasmine Metherell, Thomas Grimshaw, Daniel Ransley, Nathan King and Zach Irving. They were great company, polite and enthusiastic throughout the day. They are interesting individuals who then showed a great interest in the subject and tasks presented. Together they wrote the following account of the day’s events.

On Friday we went to Tullie House to write labels for the new exhibition on World War 1. On arrival we met Mark Gibbs and the curator, Edwin Rutherford. A presentation was showcased to the group and afterwards we were shown a collection of artefacts which are going on display in the museum. Although I am not a war enthusiast I found the presentation interesting and fascinating. I have a lot more information now about this war. The artefacts included medals, photographs and letters. The museum curator told us a lot about WW1 and introduced us to Joseph Hall. Joseph Hall was the original owner of the artefacts. He was a Lance Corporal in WW1. We worked in pairs on the task of producing labels to describe the artefacts. We viewed a letter from Joseph Hall, two medals awarded to him and a telegraph informing the family of his death. He was a young soldier from Carlisle and his last letter to his mum was preserved. It was a privilege to read and analyse the letter and to write a label for this and the formal, impersonal telegraph. My friend and I picked Joseph Hall’s medals and a photograph of him and his mother with the family dog. Writing the labels was very hard as the items were really indescribable. It was weird how these items were all that is left of someone’s life. Throughout the day we were all interviewed in front of a greenscreen about our views on what we had experienced today, the work we were asked to do and the decisions we made. Before we left we did a presentation on our labels to Mark Gibbs and the curator to see if they were suitable to be used in the museum. Not much needed to be changed and the labels will be made and used with the artefacts as part of the WW1 centenary exhibition.

Katie Bowes, Kilimanjaro House Tutor



Team Trinity in the Cumbrian Fun Run Over 20 students and staff finished the race - 1.5 miles around the Sheepmount and Bitts Park. Well done to all of the finishers - there were some excellent individual performances, with many students managing to complete the race in personal best times. Ellis Solomons was rewarded with a photograph with CFM's Robbie Dee. Individual successes: James McDougall (Year 11) = 2nd place and James Hale (Year 7) = 3rd place.

Football Under 18 City Tournament Trinity 3 RRCA 0 Trinity 0 William Howard 1 Under 16 National Cup Trinity 0 Caldew 1 Caldew 1 Trinity 6 Trinity 0 Ullswater 0 Under 15 League Trinity 0 QEGS 0 Caldew 2 Trinity 4

Under 16 Carlisle Schools Tournament Boys (Boys) Under 13 Trinity 0 William Howard 1 RRMA1 Trinity 9 Trinity 1 RRCA 0 Under 15 Trinity 7 Newman 0 RRMA 3 Trinity 1 Trinity 3 RR Morton 1 Trinity 1 Caldew 0 Girls Trinity now play William Howard at Brunton Under 15 7 a-side Tournament Park later in the season. Trinity 6 Richard Rose Morton 0 Trinity 6 Ullswater 0 Under 13 Carlisle Schools Tournament Trinity 3 Caldew 0 (Boys) Trinity 2 Richard Rose Central 0 Trinity 3 Penrith GS 1 Trinity 2 Newman 0 Trinity 1 RR Morton 0 Trinity 3 William Howard 1 Semi-Final Winners: Trinity School Trinity 1 Caldew 1 (Unfortunately Trinity lost on penalties) Under 13 City 7 a-side Tournament Trinity 3 William Howard 0 Under 15 Carlisle Schools Tournament Trinity 5 Richard Rose Academy 0 (Boys) Trinity 2 Richard Rose Morton 0 Trinity 3 RRMA 0 Trinity 2 Caldew 0 Trinity 1 QEGS 1 Winners: Trinity School Semi-Final Trinity School 1 William Howard 2 National Cup (Girls) Under 13 National Cup Under 18 Competition Trinity 1 Nelson Thomlinson 0 Trinity 3 RRCA 1 Under 14 Trinity 13 Richard Rose Morton 0 Under 16 County Cup Under 15 Ullswater 1 Trinity 4 Trinity 4 Nelson Thomlinson 2

Under 15 County Cup Carlisle Schools Football: Congratulations to Ullswater 2 Trinity 4 the following Year 8 boys who have been selected to represent Carlisle Schools Under Under 16 Boys National Cup 13 team: Trinity 5 QE Kirkby Lonsdale 0 Michael Williamson, Joe Halvorsen, Charlie Birch, Ben Gill, James Best and Harry Hetherington.


Hockey Under 14 Congratulations to the U14 Hockey team who have been successful in the first round of the National Cup beating teams from Appleby, Caldew, and QEGS to qualify for the County finals which was held on Wed 15th Oct at Kirkbie School. The tournament came down to the final match with the result deciding the winner - The Trinity players had an outstanding game making some excellent runs and demonstrating fantastic team work to beat QEGS 2-0. Team: Caleigh Allison, Sophie Mason, Holly Falder, Kaitlin Reeves-Brown, Hannah Wharton, Jade Airey (Capt), Grace Foster, Darienne Boyd, Casey Marsh, Roslyn Mackie, Jess Machin, Megan Hanson, Alex Collins, Emma Shepherd and Molly Park

Trinity Year 9 v Caldew Year 10 A fantastic first match for the Year 9 hockey girls. The action was end to end, Trinity were unlucky not to score with some good shots on goal saved by the excellent Caldew goal keeper. Jess Machin was most improved player in the match and Captain Jade Airey controlled the midfield well. Alex Collins and Darienne Boyd never stopped running, their work rate was first class. At the back Sophie Mason, Megan Hanson, Holly Falder and Emilie Livingstone were calm and controlled and Caleigh Allison in goal kept her concentration for the duration of the match, keeping a clean sheet. Grace Foster, Molly Park and Roslyn Mackie made some important tackles to stop the Caldew attack. Evie Atkinson made her debut for the team and made a positive difference as did Casey Marsh and Emma Shepherd who created many chances up front. A 0-0 score line was a great result against an older team. Well done to all the girls.

Year 10 Trinity 7 Caldew 0 Team: Kyra Walton (Captain), Lucy Jefferson, Lucy Brown, Imogen Longcake, Eve Driver, Catherine Philip, Imogen Clark, Rachael Davidson, Jodie Leeson, Chloe Watson, Ella Crook, Ashleigh Ritchie and Emma Little.

Netball Under 15 Trinity 12 Newman 2 Team: Jodi Leeson, Ella Morley, Grace Tyson, Grace Singleton, Meg Burns, Jessica Elliot. Girl of the game: Jodi Leeson. Under 16 Trinity 12 Newman 2 Team: Lily Wilson, Chloe O’Neill, Sarah Frame, Abigail Crooks, Phoebe Wilson, Dayna Goodall, Kate Lawson, Elle Walsh. Girl of the game: Chloe O’Neill.

Under 16 Trinity 28 William Howard 12 Squad: Sarah Frame, Phoebe Wilson, Chloe O’Neill, Kate Lawson, Dayna Goodall, Abigail Crooks and Elle Walsh. Girl of the game: Sarah Frame. Under 18 Trinity 38 William Howard 8 Squad: Libby Sander, Hannah Hayes, Jenna Graham, Liz Emmerson, Phillipa Harmison and Anna Lightfoot. Girl of the game: Phillipa Harmison.

Under 13 v Caldew 6=17L Squad, Emily Wright, Emma Athroll, Megan Suniga, Robyn Conkey, Lucy McCrone, Anna Bainbridge and Ebony Thornton. Girl of the game, Emily Wright. Under 16 v QEGS 21-12 w Squad, Lily Wilson, Dayna Goodall, Phoebe Wilson, Kate Lawson, Chloe O’Neill, Abigail Crooks, Sarah Frame and Elle Walsh. Girl of the game, Dayna Goodall. Under 19 v QEGS. 16—20 L Squad, Libby Sander, Anna Lightfoot, Caitlin Adam, Liz Emmerson, Jane McMillan and Hannah Hayes. Girl of the game, Liz Emmerson.

Netball v QEGS ‘B’ Under 14 Trinity 8 QEGS 9 Squad: Iona Cunningham, Caitlin Field, Rose Wilson, Megan Smith, Megan Hansen, Ella Edmunds, Kaitlin Reeves-Brown, Grace Foster. Girl of the Game: Caitlin Field. Under 12 Trinity 5 QEGS 4 Squad: Brooke Mitchell, Abbie Thornton, Emily Monkhouse, Lucy Eagling, Elise Todd, Jessica Hetherington, Sophie Huggon, Grace Graham, Daisy Wilson. Girl of the Game: Lucy Eagling


Cumbria Schools Under 16 Sevens Rugby Competition held at Keswick Rugby Club Under 14 County Cup Trinity 12 Keswick 24 Trinity 57 Austin Friars 10 Trinity 29 Cockermouth 17 Under 13 County Cup Trinity 17 St Benedict’s 26 Trinity 7 Austin Friars 48 Under 15 Under 15 Trinity 12 Nelson Thomlinson 22 Trinity 55 Ullswater 12 Under 14 Under 14 Trinity 60 Nelson Thomlinson 10 Trinity 25 Ullswater 47 Under 13 Under 13 Trinity 26 Nelson Thomlinson 7 Trinity 0 Ullswater 33 Under 13 Under 15 Cockermouth 26 Trinity 12 Trinity 14 Penrith GS 50 Under 14 Under 14 Cockermouth 29 Trinity 17 Trinity 47 Penrith GS 10 Under 15 Under 13 Cockermouth 41 Trinity 0 Trinity 26 Penrith GS 28 Under 15 Nat West Cup Trinity 46 Netherhall 14


11 SIXTH FORM NEWS Macmillan Coffee Morning On Friday 26th September Sixth Form students set up stall with a bake sale to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Students, parents and staff contributed a wide variety of delicious bakes which were sold throughout the morning. Many thanks go to all our bakers and those who came along to purchase raising an impressive £121.68. Thanks also to Emma Patching & Katie Richardson who manned the sale throughout, along with Shani Brooks who also gave up time to help.

Peers in School On Wednesday 8th October the Sixth Form hosted a talk from a member of the House of Lords, to encourage students to engage more with the political and parliamentary process. The visit was arranged through the Lord Speaker’s “Peers in Schools” outreach programme, which has been running across the UK since 2007 and which sends members of the House of Lords into schools and colleges across the country to give talks in support of the citizenship curriculum. The Earl of Mar and Kellie met with Law, Sociology and Citizenship students for an hour to talk about the work and role of the House of Lords. This was followed by a question and answer session on various aspects of the parliamentary process and life at Westminster generally. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to interact with someone who knows the parliamentary system as it can sometimes seem far removed from their daily lives.

Lessons from Auschwitz Two Year 13 students have made successful applications to take part in the Holocaust Educational Trust’s ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’ Project. Based on the premise that ‘hearing is not like seeing’, the four-part course explores the universal lessons of the Holocaust and its relevance for today, highlighting what can happen if prejudice and racism become acceptable. From October to December Will James (CRO) and Peter Simons (IBA) will hear a Holocaust survivor speak, learn about pre-war Jewish life and prepare for a visit to Poland for one day to tour the former Nazi extermination and concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. After time spent reflecting on their visit they will carry out a plan to spread the lessons to the school and their community.

UCAS applications Year 13 students have been busy with finalising their UCAS applications. The school deadline for completed applications is Friday 17th October.


Teen Gym Training Are you 12 - 15 years old? Want to use Trinity Leisure Centre gym outside of school hours with your friends? The benefits: develop your health and fitness, improve sports performance, build self- confidence, improve stress resilience and enhance general wellbeing. Low cost: Normally the price is £14 however come along with a friend and we will arrange a gym induction at 2 for the price of 1 so you pay just £7.00 each. Once you have completed your induction you can then use the gym for £1.70 per visit after school and on Saturday mornings and during school holidays. Visit the leisure centre reception after school and book a place for you and a friend today. Offer ends 19th December 2014.

Half Term - Schools Out! Tuesday 28th October 11.00am – 12.30pm: Come along to our Seasonal Pool Party Spectacular when the pool water will mysteriously turn a delightful shade of purple. Music will play and all will have a monster of a good time never to be forgotten. Price: £3.50 per person / no need to book. A unique event not to be missed, you will be amazed! The gym and pool will be open from 1.00pm - 4.30pm Monday to Friday in addition to our regular timetable. Telephone: 01228 403565 12


Tuesday 21st October Year 7 Cathedral Service at 2.30pm Thursday 23rd October Year 12 - Interim 1 home Friday 24th October Year 12 Geography Fieldtrip to Liverpool Friday 24th October BREAK UP FOR HALF TERM Monday 3rd November Back to School

Monday 3rd November – Year 12 and 13 Resit exams Friday 7th November Wednesday 5th November Theatre trip – ‘Lord of the Flies’, Newcastle Thursday 6th November Year 9 – Interim 1 home Friday 7th November Hospice at Home – Sir Chris Bonington talk at 6.30pm Thursday 13th November Year 11 – Interim 1 home Friday 14th November Year 10 ESH Assembly Wednesday 19th November Year 11 Parents’ evening Thursday 20th November Year 8 – Interim 1 home Wednesday 26th November Girls’ HPV Immunisations Year 8 Tutor evening

Thursday 27th November Year 7 – Interim 1 home Year 13 – Interim 2 home

Wednesday 3rd December Year 7 Tutor evening Thursday 4th December Year 12 – Interim 1 home Monday 8th December – Year 11 Mock exams Thursday 18th December Tuesday 9th December Debating Competition Thursday 11th December Year 10 – Interim 1 home Year 12 and 13 Careers Workshop Year 12 Parents’ Evening

Friday 12th December Year 10 ESH Assembly Monday 15th December Carol Service at Carlisle Cathedral Thursday 18th December BREAK UP FOR CHRISTMAS Monday 5th January Inset – Staff Training Day Tuesday 6th January Spring Term Begins


DATES for the 2014/2015 School Year

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week

2014 Autumn Term Thursday 18th Monday 27th October – Wednesday 3rd September December 2014 Friday 31st October

2015 Spring Term Friday 27th March Monday 16th February – Friday Tuesday 6th January 2015 20th February

Good Friday 3rd April Easter Sunday 5th April 2015 Summer Term Friday 17th July Monday 25th – Friday 29th May Monday 13th April 2015 Early May Bank Holiday - Monday 4th May

DATES for the 2015/2016 School Year

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week

2015 Autumn Term Thursday 17th Monday 26th October – Monday 7th September December 2015 Friday 30th October

2016 Spring Term Thursday 24th Monday 15th February – Friday Tuesday 5th January March 2016 19th February

Good Friday 25th March Easter Sunday 27th March 2016 Summer Term Thursday 21st July Monday 30th - Friday 3rd June Monday 11th April 2016 Early May Bank Holiday - Monday 2nd May