A monthly publication of the Pine Brook Jewish Center. Serving the needs of our diverse Jewish community for more than 120 years. CANDLESTICK

Clergy and Staff Mark David Finkel, Rabbi Menachem Toren, Cantor Dr. Asher Krief, Rabbi Emeritus Michelle Zuckerman, Executive Director Arlene Lopez, Office Administrator Karen Herbst, Office Administrator Mary Sheydwasser, Educational Director Lisa Lerman and Jill Buckler, Nursery School Co-Directors Robin Mangino, Religious School Administrator Esterina Herman, Bookkeeper

Synagogue Officers Evan Zuckerman, President Michael Weinstein, 1st Vice President Jonathan Lewis, 2nd Vice President Betsy Steckelman, 3rd Vice President Seth Friedman, Treasurer Barry Marks, Financial Secretary Mike Singer, Corresponding Secretary Jay Thailer, Men’s Club President Fran Simmons and Ilene Thailer, Sisterhood Co-Presidents

Religious Service Times Friday Evenings at 8:00 p.m. The family service is held on the first Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. instead of 8:00 p.m. from September though June. Saturday Mornings at 9:45 a.m. with preliminary prayers at 9:30 a.m.

Emergency Contact Information Please use the following protocol in the event of an emergency or if you lose a loved one: Call the synagogue office at 973-244-9800. If the office is closed, call Rabbi Finkel at (973) 287-7047 (home) or (973) 407-0065 (cell). If you are unable to reach the Rabbi, contact Cantor Toren at (973) 980-7777 or Michelle Zuckerman at (973) 886-5456.


Havdalah by the Light of the Moon Some years ago when I was returning home after my graduate year of study at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, I took the opportunity to take a stop in Scandinavia (travel was simpler at that time). I got into a conversation with the concierge at my hotel in Stockholm about visiting the city at various times of the year. I mentioned that I would like to return, someday, during the Nobel Prize awards. The concierge said that it is a special time of the year, but the awards ceremony along with a number of other events are purposely scheduled during the winter, so that people do not go into seclusion (and sometimes depression) because of the long, dark winter nights. In fact, most of those evening winter events take place in well-lit indoor venues with light colored walls to try to compensate for the Scandinavian winter’s scarcity of daylight. As we compare and contrast various winter religious celebrations, a consistent theme of lights and candles runs through them. Even in the Talmud there is a strong disagreement between Rabbis Hillel and Shamai on how to light the Hanukkah candles and the psychological and spiritual implications of each Rabbi’s opinion. If we were to add in the pressure of remaining in our homes during the current pandemic, indicators point to this coming winter being especially tough. So for those who are looking for an excuse to get out of the house for only a short respite, read on…

On the Saturday evenings in November and December, closest to the full moon, we offer: Havdalah by the Light of the Moon. We received many positive comments about our gathering outdoors for havdalah at the conclusion of Yom Kippur. Granted the weather was warmer, and it was the culmination of the most powerful 25 hours of the Jewish year, but maybe trying it in November and December will bring back some warm memories. Congregants are welcome to bring their own mix of sweet spices and a havdalah candle (or 2 candles of any kind: it is considered meritorious to have multiple wicks, so that the week ahead will be extra bright), but more importantly: Come dressed warmly and wear a mask! November 14 and December 12, 5:30-6 PM by the giant menorah. It will also be live streamed. In the event of inclement weather, it will exclusively be live streamed. Those attending in-person need to register in advance. Rabbi Finkel

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 1 EVAN ZUCKERMAN President

During the summer, I was working with my mother and brother to clean out my childhood home since my mom was selling her house after forty-eight years. As we started to go through closets and files, I found a lot of documents from my childhood. We found very old albums, article clippings, and art projects from my grade school years. While I enjoyed looking through my middle school yearbook and seeing the progression of my hair loss over the years, there was a surprising discovery that we made in a closet in my father’s home office that has had a great impact on me. We noticed two albums in a corner on the top shelf. I pulled them down and we saw that it said “for Evan” on the cover of one and “for Lyle” on the cover of the other. I was a bit nervous to see what was inside. When we opened the albums, we saw family history going back to the mid 1800’s with pictures of my great-great grandparents all the way up to the birth of my children. My father, in his retirement, had started to document the genealogy of our family with pictures, history, dates of births and deaths, and occupations. I learned that one of my relatives came from Liverpool, England and was a professional boxer. I have since vowed that I will take over the torch from my dad and build out the genealogy and history of both my family and Michelle’s family. I know that this project will take many years, but I believe my father realized the importance of understanding and appreciating one’s family history, and I will honor his legacy by working to continue to document our family’s history.

While the majority of both Michelle’s family and my family were fortunate to come through Ellis Island before the Holocaust (many before the turn of the century), some of Michelle’s extended family were still in Europe and did not make it out. Our ancestors found homes in America, settled into towns, and began to build lives and families here. My grandfather once said to me that while growing up during the depression was difficult, he was so grateful that he was in the and not in Europe in the 1930’s. As I looked through these albums, I realized that the lives in these books could have taken a very different path and that the books could have been much shorter.

On November 9th and 10th of 1938, Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass” began the wave of violent anti- Jewish sentiment and in . At this time, Nazi German authorities made it very clear to Jews that they were coming for us. The Los Angeles Examiner headline on November 23, 1938 said, “Nazis Warn World Jews Will Be Wiped Out Unless Evacuated by Democracies.” Unfortunately, most countries, including the United States did not open their borders to the Jewish population of Europe and we all know how history played out for our ancestors. It is so important that we never forget events like Kristallnacht. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are currently 21 hate groups in New Jersey that deny that the Holocaust ever happened. I am proud that our Religious School is sponsoring a meaningful Kristallnacht program on November 10th at 7:00 PM via Zoom. I encourage each and every one of you to attend the event so that we can ensure that we, indeed, will never forget.

Please also be sure to read the weekly announcement emails and visit our website to see the many events and programs that we are running via Zoom and live stream. You can take adult education classes with Rabbi Finkel, do some cooking with Cantor Toren, hear compelling speakers and enjoy fun musical events with the Betty Crane Friendship Club, play BINGO, exercise, and enjoy additional programming with Sisterhood. Look for more fun and interesting programs and events coming your way throughout the year.

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. I know that I have much to be thankful for, even during this very difficult time in the world.

Stay strong, stay well, and stay safe. Evan


November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 2

The past month has been especially busy at PBJC Nursery School as the children enthusiastically continue to learn about and celebrate the holidays! Our halls and classrooms are filled with holiday stories, songs, marching with the Torah and visits to the sukkah where we even munched on apples and honey. In addition to all of the holiday excitement, we jumped right into our classroom activities. Fall is definitely here and there are signs of it everywhere we look! From squirrels to leaves to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, there are so many great learning opportunities and projects. We wish you could take a look at the creative artwork hanging from our ceilings and bulletin boards to see what we mean! The children are excited and already beginning to prepare for our very special Thanksgiving Feast. We will share the story of the pilgrims and taste some holiday treats. This month is Fire Prevention Month! The children have been practicing what to do in case of a fire… Just ask us to show you how to Stop, Drop and Roll. We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the Intro to Preschool class for children who will be 18 months old by January 1, 2021.This unique class will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30am to 11:00am. The program enables children to gradually gain confidence and independence in a classroom setting. The children in this class will be eligible to attend PBJC summer camp and the 2’s class in September 2021. As always, our door is open to anyone who would like more information about any of our fantastic nursery programs.

Warm Regards, Lisa Lerman / Jill Buckler Nursery School Co - Directors

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 3 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL

MARY SHEYDWASSER Educational Director

As educators, we are all being confronted with the following questions (during this pandemic): How can we keep our students connected and engaged with our community? Are we able to give our children the Jewish education that they deserve? Our seventh graders are now facing very different challenges when celebrating their Bar / Bat Mitzvah milestones. Parties are being rescheduled, there is limited socialization, and one must now stand on the bimah wearing a mask and not be able to see their friends dance around them singing “mazel tov”! How can we make them feel special during this time? These challenges have been met with so much support by our faculty and parents! The idea is for every child to be congratulated by the Kitah Hey class, the week of his/her Bar/Bat Mitzvah, with a celebratory gift basket and drive-by. Supplies have been purchased, and every student will have the opportunity to help put the basket together and share in this important commandment of “Love your fellow as yourself”. May I be the first to wish each Kitah Hey student a hearty Mazel Tov and Kol Hakaod, “a great job”! Our students have also met with Mark Shonwetter, from the Adopt a Holocaust Survivor Program through Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest. Forced to flee from their home, his family was herded into a four-block ghetto, and defied death in those horrific conditions. As near skeletons, they lived in the forest, having to take refuge wherever they could find it. From living under haystacks in attics, to living in graves under pigsties, this became their new normal. This is certainly a quite different “new normal” that we are living through right now. We look forward to having Mr. Schonwetter spend more time with our students as they now have the obligation to share his story.

We are honored to have Naomi Miller perform a virtual program for Kristallnacht scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. She is a singer, actress, recording artist, and educator, and is also the child of survivors. Born in a displaced person’s camp in Landsberg, Germany, she came to the United States when she was two years old, along with her parents, the sole survivors of their families. Naomi was privileged to perform her program, “You are the Future” at the Terezin Concentration Camp’s theater where the imprisoned children who perished once sang. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending this incredibly special program. She will evoke hope, laughter and understanding. We also have a responsibility to help our next generation to “Never Forget.” B’YACHAD, the Hebrew word for “together,” is a fitting title for our Hebrew High School. Our unique program for 8th to 12th grade students has grown tremendously, and we are looking forward to another wonderful season of bonding, learning, discussing a wide variety of topics, and embarking on new adventures. Our students learn to embrace and Jewish values as they relate to their lives and the world- at- large. We encourage an atmosphere of acceptance and respect with a commitment to open sharing without judgement. My wish list still includes a weekend trip to . I hope and pray that this can be fulfilled! As always, please call me at 201-704-3469 if you have any concerns or questions. B’Yachad, “Together,” we can make our school the absolute best it can and should be! B’Shalom, Mary Sheydwasser Educational Director

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 4 B’NAI MITZVAH

Jacob and Brody Hammer November 14, 2020

Jacob and Brody Hammer were born on November 15, 2007, both happy and smiling. They are kind, smart, and well-rounded young men. Jacob and Brody are in 7th grade at Lazar Middle School where they are excellent students and well-liked by their peers. Jacob loves to play basketball, soccer, and baseball. His baseball team is regionally ranked and has played in many high level tournaments. Brody loves basketball, lacrosse, and baseball, and has become quite an amazing chef. As much as both boys love their organized activities you can often find them at the Montville Rec fields playing with their friends and enjoying their time. For their B’nai Mitzvah project they raised money for the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund during quarantine with a virtual basketball shooting contest. They combined their love for basketball and helping others in need. Jacob and Brody are ready to become B’nai Mitzvah and although they will not be performing the service in the usual way they both are excited and we are very proud of them.

Alexis Handler November 21, 2020

Alexis Devyn Handler gave her parents, Staci and Adam, the most incredible gift of parenthood when she was born on November 21, 2007. Although her entrance to the world was somewhat dramatic, it was the first step in preparing her parents for life in a house filled with three daughters! Alexis is the biggest sister to Marielle and Drew, who she laughs with, sings with, snuggles with and Tik Toks with on the regular. She is an amazing leader of the sister squad, listener and giver of advice. She also loves her big pup Mac endlessly. Her bond with him has inspired her to collect much needed supplies for the Montville Animal Shelter as her Mitzvah Project.

A Lazar student, Alexis is a skilled writer and reader, who enjoys acting, tap dancing, gymnastics, and tennis. She can successfully nail many impersonations and can fake a British accent with ease. She is a refreshing reminder to laugh often and enjoy life, and to not take yourself too seriously. Most of all, Alexis has an indisputable ability to make those around her feel included, important and cared for.

We wish Alexis the best of luck along with her grandparents, great grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins as she prepares to become a Bat Mitzvah (the first grandchild on both sides to accomplish this milestone!). We love you Lex and are endlessly proud of you!

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 5 Chase Garb November 28, 2020

Chase Alexander Garb was born to proud parents Stacey and Larry on October 12, 2007. He is adored by his older brothers, Jake and Brady. Chase is a student at Lazar Middle school, is an avid sports fan and spends most of his spare time talking about games he has either played or watched, including the New York Jets. For his mitzvah project he helped create a virtual foul shooting contest during quarantine for his friends, which raised more than $2,000 and was donated to the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund. Chase also packed snacks and lunches for healthcare workers at Morristown Medical Center and Homeless Solutions. Today, he continues with his efforts to support both organizations and has learned the true meaning of dedication, hard work and responsibility. Chase’s happy and spirited character brings everyone he is surrounded by joy and laughter. Our family is so proud of him and

can’t wait to celebrate this special milestone.

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 6 ELIOT SAKOLSKY AARON MELZER SCHOLARSHIP

Arlene and David Sakolsky, along with their three sons, Eliot, Harvey, and Bill, were pillars of the Jewish community. Eliot was the United Synagogue Youth (USY) leader at Congregation Beth Shalom in Pompton Lakes. He passed away at the age of thirty-one. A scholarship fund was established by Congregation Beth Shalom in Eliot’s memory. The goal of the fund is to provide financial aid to youth participating in Jewish activities, such as Kadima, USY, Camp Ramah, trips, and other Jewish educational activities. Congregation Beth Shalom has transferred the fund to Pine Brook Jewish Center, where it will continue to perpetuate Eliot’s memory. May his memory be a blessing to your youth. Eliot’s brothers, Harvey and Bill, are current members of Pine Brook Jewish Center. Upon learning of the sudden and tragic loss of Aaron Melzer, a Pine Brook Jewish Center Religious School student, Congregation Beth Shalom honored the Melzer family by rededicating the fund as the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer Scholarship Fund. Aaron is the son of Margo and Jason Melzer, and the older brother of triplets, Anna, Brielle, and Brian. Aaron was a Religious School Student at Pine Brook Jewish Center, beginning at the age of two in its Nursery School. Aaron was a kind, loving, thoughtful and empathetic young man who was looking forward to his Bar Mitzvah. It was Aaron’s dream to travel to Israel, but he never did, as a result of his sudden passing at the age of eleven. The Melzer family shares the Sakolsky family’s mission to offer financial assistance to Religious School students so that they can further their Jewish studies at home and abroad. In memory of Eliot Sakolsky and Aaron Melzer, this fund will continue to financially assist Jewish youth to obtain a meaningful Jewish education and to fulfill their own individual dreams. Please note that recipients of this scholarship must be members of Pine Brook Jewish Center and students in high school or college. All decisions related to this fund will be governed by the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer Scholarship Fund Committee. Please contact the Eliot Sakolsky Aaron Melzer Scholarship Fund Committee chairperson, Beverly Berkowitz, at [email protected] with any questions.


November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 7 SISTERHOOD


Hi Ladies, We hope you are all doing well and staying safe. We again wish you all a year filled with joy, love, and good health. We enjoyed services together streaming through the computer and in person for some in the parking lot. Sisterhood once again provided the beautiful white flowers that were displayed on the Bimah. Most of us did not get to enjoy a meal in the sukkah or carry a Torah during Simchat Torah this year - which brings a little sadness to us. While Sukkot is a “time of rejoicing”, which is one translation, it can also mean “moment of acceptance”. So we need accept that this is a difficult time and know that better times will come, and Sisterhood will be back with our usual activities and we will be together for holidays and more! We would like to thank our programming chairs Erin Wilner and Rachel Ehudin for putting together the Zoom Bingo night on October 21. We had a fun night and hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Congratulations to all our winners! We plan to schedule some more virtual BINGO nights throughout the year. We are working on putting together a Zoom exercise class. So please stay tuned for more information on when that will be. We will also be doing a “Paid Up” virtual night and will send more information on what and when that will occur. The information to join Sisterhood has been emailed to the congregation. We hope you will consider joining us this year and filling out the information online. Click Here for the Sisterhood section of the PBJC website, including the online registration form. If you need membership information and a form mailed to you, please contact one of us or call the office and speak with Arlene Lopez. We are still sending out tribute cards to commemorate mitzvahs, birthdays, and other joyous occasions, as well as those in mourning. To send a card contact: Marlene Scheinthal, [email protected], if your last name begins with A-Go; Melinda Kraus, [email protected], if your last name begins with Gr-M; Estelle Stein, [email protected], if your last name begins with N-Z. We are currently looking for volunteers for Tribute cards, Torah Fund, and Gift Shop, so please contact us if you are interested in helping out. We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you on Zoom or in person!

Fran Simmons (973) 650-0566 [email protected] Ilene Thailer (201) 658-4244 [email protected]

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 8 BETTY CRANE FRIENDSHIP CLUB


On October 27 Dr. Phil Mundo from Drew University did a presentation via Zoom on "Political Polarity." He gave us something to think about. November brings a lighter and most enjoyable program. Lloyd Kishinsky is coming back to PBJC via Zoom to present a very entertaining program on the Life and Music of Zero Mostel. Lloyd is scheduled to do his presentation on Tuesday, November 17 at 7:30 PM. As the time draws closer, Michelle and I will send out the Zoom address and password needed for this program. Hope you can tune in. I look forward to seeing you. I look forward to the day when we can all be at PBJC and enjoy each other's company as well as the program. Join us on November 17th.

B'Shalom, Sheila & Elaine



SASS hopes everyone has had a wonderful High Holiday season. Albeit things were surely different this year, but the same feelings of love and tradition were as strong as ever. SASS’s outdoor Bingo worked out great! We were blessed with beautiful weather and everyone had a great time. We talked, we played bingo, everyone won at least one prize, we laughed and some of us who did not want the afternoon to end, went out for salad and pizza at a local Italian restaurant’s patio. It was so wonderful being able to see each other LIVE even though we were wearing masks and sitting socially distanced apart from each other. It was a wonderful day and I hope we can arrange something else outdoors soon before the cold weather sets in. I am open to all suggestions. SASS wishes everyone at PBJC a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, whether it be socially distanced live or by Zoom, much like many of us did for Passover. Please call me with any questions about SASS (Socially Active Single Seniors). As always, remember to be safe and therefore be well.

Elaine Nachshen [email protected] 973-263-0407

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 9 IMPORTANT LINKS AND INFORMATION

Click Here for the PBJC Calendar

Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00 PM - Kristallnacht program with Naiomi Miller, via Zoom Click Here for the Kristallnacht Program Information

Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 PM - Adult Education with Rabbi Finkel: Six Classical Prophets, via Zoom

Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 PM - Cooking With Cantor Toren: Thanksgiving Recipes, via Zoom

Thursday, November 12 - Last day to donate shoes for the Soles4Souls Shoe Collection Click Here for the Soles4Souls Shoe Collection Information

Sunday, November 14 at 5:30 PM - Havdalah by the Light of the Moon

Tuesday, November 17 at 10:00 AM - Adult Education with Rabbi Finkel: Six Classical Prophets, via Zoom

Tuesday, November 17 at 7:30 PM - Betty Crane Friendship Club Program: Lloyd Kishinsky presents the life and music of Zero Mostel

*Be sure to check the calendar on the PBJC website as updated flyers and event/program information will be added.

Shabbat Services

All congregants may sign-up to attend in-person services on (on Friday evening and Saturday morning). Per current PBJC COVID-19 operations and policies, all indoor in-person services have a maximum attendance of 28 people. You may sign-up to attend services on the Services section of the PBJC website. If you need help with the online registration process, please contact the PBJC office. Please note that registration will close if the maximum attendance allowed for a service is reached. Registration will close by 12 PM on Fridays for that weekend's services. Services will continue to be live-streamed on the home page of the PBJC website at https://www.pbjc.org/. Congregants will also be able to participate in services via Zoom on Friday evenings and on Shabbat mornings when a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is not being held.

Havdalah by the Light of the Moon Services

Join us as we come together to say farewell to Shabbat with a beautiful outdoor havdalah service. The services will take place in the PBJC parking lot in front of the large menorah from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Feel free to bring your own havdalah candle and spices. Be sure to dress warmly and wear your facial coverings. The havdalah service will be live-streamed for those not attending in-person. Saturday, November 14 – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Saturday, December 12 – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 10 DONORS/SPONSORS

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND ELIOT SAKOLSKY/AARON MELZER SCHOLARSHIP FUND By: Randee and Glenn Fox In appreciation of the great job Rabbi Finkel By: Susan Charnet does every day In memory of her beloved aunt, Mary Rosenberg

By: Marcia Grossman By: Sohini Ganguli In memory of her beloved husband, Mort Grossman In honor of Aaron Melzer

By: Karen & David Kraut By: Karen & David Kraut In honor of Matthew Kraut becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Margo Melzer becoming a Bat Mitzvah

By: Melanie and Keith Lewis By: Melanie and Keith Lewis In honor of Logan Lewis becoming a bar mitzvah Logan Lewis’s mitzvah project, a swim-a-thon which is dedicated in memory of his best friend, By: Marlene Scheinthal Aaron Melzer In appreciation of making the High Holiday services beautiful and meaningful By: Mary and Frank Sheydwasser In honor of Matthew Kraut’s mitzvah project, a swim-a-thon which is dedicated in memory of his CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND friend, Aaron Melzer

By: Karen & David Kraut By: Eden Stotsky-Himelfarb In honor of Matthew Kraut becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Logan Lewis

By: Melanie and Keith Lewis By: Ilene and Jay Thailer In honor of Logan Lewis becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Logan Lewis & Matthew Kraut’s mitzvah project, a swim-a-thon which is dedicated By: Marlene Scheinthal in memory of their friend, Aaron Melzer In appreciation of making the High Holiday services beautiful and meaningful By: Rochelle Weinstein In memory of Aaron Melzer


By: David & Esther Kosofsky In appreciation of the virtual Yom Kippur Service

By: Karen & David Kraut In honor of Matthew Kraut becoming a Bar Mitzvah

By: Barry Marks and Isabel Margolin In honor of Matthew Kraut becoming a Bar Mitzvah


By: Karen & David Kraut In honor of Matthew Kraut becoming a Bar Mitzvah


November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 11

By: Dean Baker By: Jan Myers In memory of his beloved mother, Sally Baker In memory of her beloved father, Samuel Stieber

By: Beverly Berkowitz By: Elaine Nachshen In memory of her beloved grandfather, Benjamin In memory of her beloved father and mother, Axelrod Irving Markowitz and Ruth Markowitz

By: Diane Dalton By: Marlene Rosen In memory of her beloved father and aunt, Martin In memory of her beloved mother, grandfather Gitomer and Henrietta Friedman and father-in-law, Sylvia Kostner, Morris Kostner and Samuel A. Rosen By: Irene Davis In memory of her beloved father, Myer Lenner By: Marge Rostoker In memory of her beloved father, Armin Taube By: Ronnie Drewke In memory of her beloved sister, Linda Colfin Alex By: Patty Shwartz In memory of her beloved uncle, Irving Kobre By: Marcia Falk In memory of her beloved mother, Bernice Kleinman By: Hervey Sicherman In memory of his beloved father, Milton Sicherman By: Stacey Garb In memory of her beloved parents, Donna Greenberg By: Shellie Stone and Stephen Greenberg In memory of her beloved father, Archie Gellman

By: Miriam Gitomer By: Myra Sumka In memory of her beloved husband and sister, Martin In memory of her beloved husband and mother, Gitomer and Henrietta Friedman Malvin (Mal) Sumka and Fannie Horowitz Diener

By: Abe Goll By: Fran Tsukroff In memory of his beloved father, Sol Goldberg In memory of her beloved mother, Doris Bernstein

By: Ivan and Robin Jacobs By: Len Wallach In memory of their loved ones, Rose Stein Shuster, In memory of his beloved father, Bernard Wallach Benjamin Harrison Shuster, Harry Jacobs, Jessie Jacobs and Anita Gumnit By: Toby Wolfman In memory of her beloved husband, Edwin By: Barry Kaufman Wolfman In memory of his beloved mother, Florence G. Kaufman By: Lester Wolfson By: John Kruger In memory of his beloved grandfather, Louis In memory of his beloved parents, Irving & Hanna Lieberman Kruger In memory of his beloved uncle, Sam Siegel

By: Randi Kruger By: Shelley Zemel In memory of her beloved mother, Doris Schaechter In memory of her beloved mother, Eleanor Alper

By: Margaret Miller-Sanders By: Ann Zych In memory of her beloved father, David A. Miller In memory of her beloved father, Gilbert Kempner

By: Michael and Beverly Miller In memory of their beloved fathers, David Miller and Raymond Lichtenberg SISTERHOOD TRIBUTES November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 12

To: Dean Baker – To: Meredith and Scott Rosen – In appreciation of your time and dedication to PBJC Mazel Tov on Elias and Rebecca’s B'nai Mitzvah From: Arlene Lopez From: Sisterhood

To: Howard Chesler – Wishing you a speedy recovery To: Lisa and Rob Rosenhouse – From: Natalie and Len Wallach Mazel Tov on the birth of your new grandson From: Paula and Ed Kadushin To: Diane Dalton – In appreciation of your kindness From: Arlene Lopez To: Lisa and Rob Rosenhouse – Mazel Tov on the birth of your new granddaughter To: Marcy and Alan Guilder – From: Paula and Ed Kadushin Mazel Tov on Lee and Stacy’s engagement From: Judy and Art Eisen To: Erika and Don Rosenthal – Mazel Tov on your anniversary To: Bea and Seymour Katz – From: Sue Charnet; Bev and Ilysa Berkowitz Mazel Tov on the birth of your new granddaughter, Kenna Elle To: Esther Soussa – From: Arlene Lopez; Ilysa and Bev Berkowitz; Mazel Tov in your new home Sue Charnet From: Sue Charnet; Marlene Scheinthal; Gail and Ray Feldman To: Melanie and Keith Lewis – Mazel Tov on Logan’s Bar Mitzvah To: Alan Warren – From: Andrea and Mitch Goldsmith and Family; In appreciation of your time and dedication to PBJC Sisterhood From: Arlene Lopez

To: Margo Melzer – To: Michelle and Evan Zuckerman – Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Thank you and the Board for making the services so From: Alice Gordon enjoyable and meaningful From: Sue Charnet To: Hilary Miklacki – In memory of your father, Alexander Greenfield From: Judy and Steve Gothelf; Andrea and Mitch Goldsmith; Judy and Art Eisen; Alice Gordon; Janice and Fred Aibel

If you want to send a tribute card, please contact a member of the tribute team according to your last name.

Tribute cards may be sent to synagogue members and non-members, but only members will be listed in the Candlestick.

Email notification is preferred. No calls on the Sabbath, Jewish holidays, before 9:00 AM, or after 9:00 PM please.

A-GO Marlene Scheinthal [email protected] 973-227-5142 (only if not sending email) GR-M Melinda Kraus [email protected] 973-656-1986 (only if not sending email) N-Z Estelle Stein [email protected] 973-588-7332 (only if not sending email)

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 13 YAHRZEITS

READ ON FRI/SAT, 11/6 and 11/7

11/7/20 - 20 Heshvan 11/8/20 – 21 Heshvan 11/9/20 – 22 Heshvan 11/10/20 – 23 Heshvan George Weiss Sylvia Youngman Elizabeth Anghel Frances Kadushin Harry Simon Alex Fenster Bernard Dover Bessie Mintz Ida Osur Louis Lieberman Ida Weiss Sarah Smith Anna Tsukroff Manny Elkin Meyer Frey Armin Taube Gussie Srulovitz Samuel Ganz Herman J. Halpern Sarah Nochenson Esther Tornow Gloria Janis Katie Levine Sarah Winkler

11/11/20 – 24 Heshvan 11/12/20 – 25 Heshvan 11/13/20 – 26 Heshvan Alexander Steinberg Linda Ginsberg Irving Gold Beatrice Gerstein Minnie Manzbach Samuel Post Morris Green Max Abrams Irving Netkin Herman Schwartz Jean Lieberman Charles Schnitzler Ann Zimmerman Gerald Darrow Hyman Rosenstein Sophie Fox Alfred Person Rose Fischer Rhoda Marrus Bernard Landers Samuel Leibowitz Bella Bailynson Meyers Frank Alexander Sylvia Basem

READ ON FRI/SAT, 11/13 and 11/14

11/14/20 – 27 Heshvan 11/15/20 – 28 Heshvan 11/16/20 – 29 Heshvan 11/17/20 – 1 Kislev Albert Martin Schottenfeld Anne Fabricant Ben Mendelsohn Lillian Cohen Shirley Rauch Anita Bruskin David Lewis Mazzola Sid Gilbert Regina Wolfman Theodore Schulman Rebecca Felzenberg Henrietta Waxberg Mollie Rand Joseph Mager Manya Landau Esther Shoflick Jerome Siegfried Maurice Soussa Sarah Stoll Anna Halperin Ben Steck Steven Reich Jacob M. Bloom Judith Lippa Hanna Kruger Ben Gold Joseph Wasserman Ida Katz Julius Bernstein Lester Denenberg Michael Ehudin

11/18/20 – 2 Kislev 11/19/20 – 3 Kislev 11/20/20 – 4 Kislev Charles Allman David Gerkin Leonard Cohen Lois Sanders Joseph Goldberg Samuel Bernstein Samuel Fabricant Sally Zemel Abraham Sheinker


November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 14 11/20 and 11/21 11/24/20 – 8 Kislev 11/21/20 – 5 Kislev 11/22/20 – 6 Kislev 11/23/20 – 7 Kislev Abraham Salton Jessie Kaufman Jacobs Isaac Bornstein Dorothy Schram Anna Schenerman Samuel Gladstein Clarise Minzenheimer Allan Berger Debby Frieder Mamie Tarter Reuben Jankowitz Saul Smolar Sam Siegel Jack Rosenberg Leo S. Weiner Marvin Striziver Anna Brenner Bernard Kirsch Max J. Sarver Solomon Oshrowitz Yetta Massarsky Joan Howard Harry Robbins Tillie Lewis Millie Gnapp Rose L. Cohen

11/25/20 – 9 Kislev 11/26/20 – 10 Kislev 11/27/20 – 11 Kislev Abraham Rynski Rose B. Moroch Charlotte Bornstein Morris Treiser Benjamin Zimmerman Jack Feinbloom Sophie Grossman Fannie Iglowitz Gertrude Richman Max Blank Abe Konner Lillian Levine Louis Seman Max Rubin Harry Gottesman Solomon Kleiner

READ ON FRI/SAT, 11/27 and 11/28 12/1/20 – 15 Kislev 11/28/20 – 12 Kislev 11/29/20 – 13 Kislev 11/30/20 – 14 Kislev Rebecca Levy Martin Seidman Arlene Sakolsky Ruth Schulman David Bauman Maurice Toub Harold Solomon Levin Lisa Olsen Gertrude Kleiner Rachel Dina Dabrowski Joseph H. Friedman Zimmerman Tillie Bohana Rose Saul Donald Davidson Naomi Rebecca Newman David Alboum Dorothy Urbach Monte Brief Nathan Leibowitz Emily Jane Hirsch Mildred Fabricant Frances Freeman Charles Liboff Clara Halprin Lillian Fenton Josef Hoch Rose Bloom Edward Rubin Roye David Abramson Abe M. Finver Jane Russnow Edna Morenstein Miriam Simon 12/2/20 – 16 Kislev 12/3/20 – 17 Kislev 12/4/20 – 18 Kislev Abe M. Levine Samuel Soled Isaac Schwartz Esther Harris Dora Morris Sam Bader Beatrice Freedberg Samuel Albin Joan Konner Kass Estelle Krinsky Ida Gurr Sheryl Ferguson Louis Premock David Engel Alan Rose Arnold Unger Sol Rosenblatt Reuben Marine Dezider Benau Saul Landau

November 2020 Heshvan - Kislev 5781 15