2013 ANNUAL REPORT Like us on Facebook: U of T School of the Environment Follow us on Twitter: @UofTEnvironment

2013 Annual Report Contents School of the Environment 33 Willcocks St., #1016V, Earth Sciences Building (ES) Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 3E8 1 Message from the Director tel: 416-978-3475; fax: 416-978-3884

[email protected] Research http://www.environment.utoronto.ca 2 Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank 3 Metals in Toronto roadside gardens Adminstrative Faculty Metal dynamics & ecotoxicity in Ross Lake near Flin Flon mine Director and Graduate Director 4 Studying Canadian environmental policy on climate change and sustainable Kimberly Strong transportation (and Professor, Department of Physics) ES 1020; tel: 416-978-6526 5 Monitoring contaminants in fish in the Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River [email protected] Areas of Concern Academic Associate Director Research Day: Annual event showcases research of the School’s faculty and students Douglas Macdonald, Senior Lecturer, Environment 7 Graduate Students’ Research: ES 1049B; 416-978-1558 Environmental Studies & Environment and Health Collaborative Programs [email protected]

Coordinator, Environment and Health Undergraduate Programs Collaborative Graduate Program 10 Message from the Academic Associate Director Clare Wiseman, Assistant Professor, Environment ES 2097; 416-978-2972, [email protected] Changes to undergraduate core program offerings: New Environmental Science major created with University engagement 11 Undergraduate Programs and Courses Other Appointed Faculty Christian Abizaid, Assistant Professor, 14 Students on a Summer Abroad: Geography/Environment Undergraduates study ecology and conservation in Australia and Ecuador Karen Ing, Senior Lecturer, Environment 15 Students study urban sustainability: W. Scott Prudham, Professor, Geography/Environment Stephen Scharper, Associate Professor, Undergraduate course provides group research experience on topical issues Anthropology UT Mississauga/Environment Independent research projects and professional experience 14 Undergraduate Students’ Awards: Adjunct Professors New scholarships in memory of Rodney White and Skip Willis Jane Ambachtsheer, Partner, Mercer Brad Bass, Nutrient Initiative Program Officer, Environment Canada Graduate Programs Satyendar Bhavsar, Research Scientist, 15 Collaborative Graduate Programs: Ontario Ministry of the Environment Environmental Studies & Environment and Health Collaborative Programs Paul Helm, Senior Research Scientist, 16 Graduate Faculty and Graduate Courses Ontario Ministry of the Environment Susan McGeachie, Market Leader, Ernst & Young LLP 17 Graduate Students’ Awards Paul Muldoon, Vice Chair, Environmental Review Tribunal

Professional Development Administrative Staff 18 Online Distance Education Programs Director’s & Communications Assistant 19 Professional courses and events: Mona El-Haddad Presented in collaboration with leading businesses and organizations ES 1016V; tel: 416-978-6526; [email protected] Business Officer Outreach Activities Laurane Harding 21 Jane Goodall Institute: Partnership provides learning opportunities for students ES 1016V; tel: 416-978-2584; [email protected] 22 Environment Seminar Series Undergraduate Student Advisor and 23 Memorial Lectures Placement Coordinator Environmental Career Day: David Powell An annual spring event for university and community college students ES 1049A; tel: 416-946-8100; [email protected] 24 Environment and Health Seminar Series Graduate Student Advisor and Program Assistant Pavel Pripa 25 Post Doctoral Fellow Joanne Moyer: ES 1021; tel: 416-978-3475; [email protected] University of alumna studies faith-based organizations in Canada Manager, Program & Partnership Development Visiting Professor from Beijing: Donna Workman Yujun Li studies Canadian environmental policy and Toronto waste management ES 1022; tel: 416-978-7077; [email protected] Information Technology Coordinator Profiles Aniss Zakaria 26 Faculty ES 1047B; tel: 416-550-3153; [email protected] Bill Vanderburg retires: Assistant, Program & Partnership Development Engineer passionate about preventing environmental problems Samara Carter 30 Other Instructors & Sessional Lecturers ES 1016V; tel: 416-946-5403; [email protected]

Printed February, 2014. Mona El-Haddad, Editor. allow themtocontribute tosocietyinamultitude ofways. engage theirinterest andprovideameaningful educationthatwill students understand theimportanceofenvironment. Weneedto currently enrolledinenvironmental programs,itisclearthatour about 7.5%ofundergraduatestudents inFAS(St.Georgecampus) environmental knowledgetouse inmanypositiveways.With We wanttotrainthenextgeneration, enablingthemtoputtheir interdisciplinary environmental scholarshipthatisunderwayhere. beyond theUniversity,providing accesstoallofthediverseand and programsinthisfield;asaportalforthewidercommunity students interestedintheenvironment,offeringthembest courses of collaboratingandinteractingwithcolleagues;asamagnet for disciplines, strengtheningexistinglinks,andcreatingnewways for faculty,bringingtogetherscholarsfromawiderangeof offering high-qualityprofessionaldevelopmentopportunities. maintaining sustainability-relatedco-curricularopportunities; and undergraduate teachingprograms;developinggraduate enhanced researchopportunities,withafocusonrebuildingshared in environmentalprograms,includingacademicadvisingand disciplinary strengths.Itprovidesanintellectualhomeforstudents and tosupportresearchscholarshipthatbuildsonexisting units inofferingenvironmentalprogramsassharedendeavours teaching andresearchwithinFAS.Itaimstoinvolvemultiple kindly agreedtoserveasAcademicAssociateDirectorthisyear. students whowelcomedme,particularly people, anditsprograms.I’dliketothankallthefaculty,staff, was initiallyledbyInterimDirector process withintheFacultyofArtsandScience(FAS).TheSchool previous CentreforEnvironmentafteranextensiveconsultation know, theSchoolwasestablishedinJuly2012,emergingfrom in mynewroleasDirector,whichbeganJuly2013.Asyoumay between humansandtheenvironmentinwhichwelive. contribute tounderstandingandimprovingthecomplexrelationships the widercommunitybeyondUniversity,wearewellplacedto from manydisciplines,studentsinterestedintheenvironment,and opportunity tomakeadifference.Bybringingtogetherscholars interdisciplinary studies,theSchoolofEnvironmenthasareal The needforsolutionshasneverbeengreater.Withitsfocuson air quality,conservation,water,resourceuse,health,andmore. mitigation andadaptation,extremeweather,biodiversity,landuse, the globalscale–issuesofsustainability,energy,climatechange, Environmental issuesareeverywhere,rangingfromthelocalto Inaugural Director, School ofthe Environment. BY KIMBERLY STRONG, the Director Message from Biology. Wewishhimeverysuccessinhisnewposition. to becometheChairofDepartmentEcologyandEvolutionary through thisprocess.Dondidsuchagreatjobthathewasrecruited and veryablysteeredtheCentre,subsequentlySchool, to theSchool.Donwasathelmduringaperiodofuncertainty, thank himforhisleadershipduringthetransitionfromCentre I envisiontheSchoolasadynamicunitthatservesnexus The School’smandateistoenhanceandexpandenvironmental Since thesummer,IhavebeengettingtoknowSchool,its I amdelightedtohavebecomeanactiveparticipantintheSchool Don Jackson Doug MacDonald,who

, andI’dliketo

Experimental ClimatePhysicswiththeDepartmentofPhysics. the DepartmentofEcologyandEvolutionaryBiology,onein underway, oneinAquaticEcologyandEnvironmentalSciencewith are verypleasedtohavetwosearchesforjointfacultypositions to thinkaboutdevelopingnewstand-alonegraduateprograms.We that complementstheirdiscipline-baseddegrees,andwearestarting provide studentsfromdifferentdepartmentswithabroadperspective programs inEnvironmentalStudiesandEnvironment&Health the GalápagosIslands,andAustralia.Ourgraduate our studentsparticipatedinfieldcoursestheAndes,Amazon, more easilyidentifyopportunitiesforstudyabroad.Thispastyear, we arenowrollingout“structuredpathways”toenablestudents universities inSingaporeandHongKongNovember2013, with working toexpandinternationalopportunitiesforourstudents, Science thatisconsistentwiththenewmajor.Weareactively strong. WesubmittedaproposalfornewminorinEnvironmental and ourrevamped we rolledoutthenew So whathavewebeendoinglately?Ontheundergraduatefront, At thisevent,weawardedtheinaugural with leadersinthefieldofenvironmentalfinanceandmanagement. Finance AdvisoryCommittee,wasaThoughtLeadershipPanel milestone. Onerecentevent,organizedwithour program iscelebratingits10thbirthdaythisyear,whichamajor with abigline-uporganizedfor2014.OurDistanceEducation has offeredarangeofin-classanddistancecoursesthispastyear, you tomakethe SchooloftheEnvironment a greatsuccess. wonderful opportunity, andIlookforwardto working withmanyof the pastyear.Looking ahead,there is plenty to do!Iseethisasa donors whohavecontributed to theseover theyears. of otherendowedscholarships, andI’dalsoliketoacknowledge the established at theSchool.Weareveryfortunate to have anumber in memoryofSkipandRodney enabled these scholarshipstobe would like to thankthemanypeople whose generous donations Studies, helpedinthefoundingofCentreforEnvironment. I scholar, who,asDirector of theformerInstitute for Environmental memory of ProfessorRodneyWhite, an internationally renowned Rodney WhiteEnvironmentalStudiesScholarship,setupin Advisory Committee. This coming year,wewillawardthefirst climate change and valued member of ourEnvironmental Finance “Skip” Willis, who wasaninternationally recognized expert in Major andPsychologyMajor.TheawardisinhonourofErrick Scholarship toLauraHeintzman, a3rdYearEnvironmental Studies Our ProfessionalDevelopmentProgramcontinuestothrive,and Thank-you toeveryonewhohas supportedtheSchoolover Karen Ing taking theleadonthis.Shevisitedanumberof School of theEnvironment 2013 Annual Report School major inEnvironmentalStudiesisgoing major inEnvironmentalScience Skip Willis Environmental collaborative Undergraduate



Factuly of Arts and Science RESEARCH Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank Partnership aims to encourage more cycling for short trips in Toronto

BY TRUDY LEDSHAM Left: Daniel Rother Left: LEFT: The Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank project partnered with BikeChain and the Charles Street Graduate Residence to hold a free bike tune-up clinic in the spring to help residents get ready for a summer of cycling. RIGHT: Elena Jusenlijska (left) of Delta Management Group presents project leader Beth Savan with the Clean16 and Clean50 awards in recognition of her contributions to sustainable development or clean capitalism.

The Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank, funded by a SSHRC yourself educational bike repair shop on campus (http://bikechain. Partnership Development Grant, combines expert practitioners and utoronto.ca), and with the Charles Street Graduate Residence. The academics to address an important gap in knowledge about building second worked with CultureLink settlement services and with new more sustainable cities: how experience from the behavioural Canadians. These projects are just winding up and results will be change field (applied to building occupants) can be transferred analysed and published in late 2013. to the field of active transportation. Active (or human-powered) Knowledge mobilization has been a focus for the project and transportation has been identified as one of the solutions to early results have been widely dispersed through several local congestion in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, which is workshops and conferences including Velo-City 2013; the Garrison significant and increasing. The project’s goal is to encourage more Institute’s Climate, Mind and Behaviour and Climate, Cities and people to cycle as their primary means of transportation, particularly Behaviour symposia; Complete Streets Forum 2013; ExpoCycle for the short neighbourhood trips that comprise approximately half 2013; and the project’s extensive website. In the fall of 2013, of all travel in Toronto. Dr. Savan presented at the Behaviour, Energy and Climate Transportation behaviour is extremely complex and creating Change Conference in Sacramento. On November 6, 2013, she change is challenging. In order to leverage both academic and gave a seminar in the School’s seminar series at which she was practical knowledge of cycling for transportation, Dr. Beth Savan, presented with Delta Management Group’s Canada’s 2014 Senior Lecturer Emerita at the School of Environment and former Clean16 (education category) and Clean50, in recognition of her Director of the U of T Sustainability Office, has partnered with the contributions to sustainable development or clean capitalism. Toronto Centre for Active Transportation, 8-80 Cities, Fourth Floor, As part of the project’s outreach to the public, blogs by research BikeChain, Evergreen, Spacing, and Dandyhorse magazine. team members are regularly published in Spacing magazine. In cities like Toronto, political support for planning, programs Additionally, the cycling magazine Dandyhorse published an and physical infrastructure for cycling has lagged behind world article on the project’s mapping work. In recognition of the leaders. In spite of this, cycling’s share of short daily trips has relevance of the project’s work to transportation policy, the Ontario grown dramatically in Toronto and differences by ward reveal that Transportation Minister invited the group to participate in the social and behavioural factors are crucial in determining where and Minister’s Working Group to develop a new cycling strategy for how cycling adoption takes place. Because social infrastructure is Ontario, #CycleON. Released in late summer 2013, it looks ahead a key factor in creating behavioural change, the Toronto Cycling 20 years and outlines steps to promote cycling as transportation Think & Do Tank’s research focuses on this critical component. across the province (www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/pubs/cycling). Reports available on the project’s website (torontocycling.org) With seven official partners and several more organizations include the frequently requested Tool Kit to Accelerate the Adoption interested in participating, the Cycling Think & Do Tank has of Cycling for Transportation; Mapping Cycling Behaviour in engaged more than 20 students and research assistants (with plans Toronto which analyzes cycling behaviour to understand who for more) through coursework, internships, part-time research cycles, how, where and why; and the summary report A Snapshot assistantships, and work study positions. Four articles are currently of Cycling Behaviour in Toronto. Soon to be released are Cyclists, being prepared for academic publication and a number of future Bike Lanes, and On-Street Parking: Economic Impacts and a report research projects are under consideration. on how cycling retailers can act as agents of social change. Trudy Ledsham is Project Coordinator of this project. For more Two behaviour change pilot projects were undertaken in the information, please visit www.torontocycling.org or contact her at summer of 2013. The first worked with BikeChain, a do-it- [email protected] or Dr. Savan at [email protected]. 2 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Metals in Toronto roadside gardens Study tracks traffic-related metals and uptake in plants grown in Toronto


metal accumulation in soils and uptake by plants is highly variable. Certain elements, most notably cadmium, were found to be highly mobile in soils and accumulate in the root zone of plants, which contributed to a higher tissue uptake. Metal concentrations in the root zone of plants turned out to be better predictors of plant tissue levels, providing evidence that soil quality guidelines based on total metal concentrations for bulk soils are poor indicators of hazard.1 Soil samples which have been collected along with plant tissues since the first phase of this research (from 2011 to 2013) were analyzed in the Summer of 2013 by Dr. Wiseman at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany, during her stay as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Atmosphere and Environment (funded through U of T Faculty of Arts and Science’s Germany/Europe Research and Study Fund). The particular focus of this sub-study is to determine how traffic-related metals and metalloids have accumulated at the locations of interest since 2010, C. Wiseman as a function of both depth and proximity to traffic. Visiting Masters student Imke Stamme, from the Goethe University In addition, this line of research has been recently expanded of Frankfurt, samples at Foodshare’s headquarters, as part of Clare Wiseman’s project assessing metal uptake in plants close to traffic. to include three other locations in Toronto, involving gardens cultivated by Dr. Wiseman’s community partners Foodshare and A research study led by Professor Clare Wiseman (see page 29) the student-led Dig In! UofT Campus Agriculture Network. of the School of the Environment since 2010 is assessing the fate of These locations are the foci of a Master’s research project of a traffic-related trace metal and metalloid emissions and their uptake visiting student from Goethe University in the Fall of 2013, Imke by plants grown in Toronto. The overarching goal is to elucidate Stamme. Her research is being supervised by Dr. Wiseman and how soil trace metal behavior and bioaccessibility are influenced by Professor Dr. W. Püttmann, as part of a larger initiative to stabilization processes, as determined by primary physicochemical strengthen our international ties and provide enhanced opportunities soil parameters and changing field conditions over time. A wide for student exchange and study with our partner university in range of trace metals are being examined, ranging from lead, copper Frankfurt. The particular focus of Imke’s research is to examine the and nickel to lesser known elements such as cerium. The ultimate emissions of arsenic and antimony in an urbanized environment and aim is to assess the hazard potential of gardening in close proximity their fate in roadside gardens. to traffic and provide a knowledge basis for decision-making in the 1 Wiseman et al. 2013. Traffic-related trace element fate and uptake by establishment of community gardens in Toronto. plants cultivated in roadside soils in Toronto, Canada. Science of the Total The first phase of this research, which involved the analysis of Environment 442: 86-95. cultivated oregano, beets, and eggplants cultivated at four locations with variable traffic-related metal inputs in 2010, demonstrated that For more information, please contact Professor Clare Wiseman at [email protected]. Metal dynamics & ecotoxicity in Ross Lake near Flin Flon mine

Professor Miriam Diamond of the adapted to assess metal dynamics and metal to be responsible for toxicity to algae and Department of Earth Sciences (see pages ecotoxicity in Ross Lake as part of the fish. An important source of concern is 30 and 31) and her lab recently completed nearby mine’s closure plan. (Although the dips in lake pH in spring-summer due to the a three-year project in collaboration with mine is not closing, government regulations microbial breakdown of sulphur compounds Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. demand that they develop a closure plan.) from the tailings pond. (HBMS), administered by the School of the In addition to modelling, then Master’s In late March 2013, Sumera successfully Environment. The project assessed metal student Sumera Yacoob (Chemical produced her Master’s (M.A.Sc.) thesis and dynamics and ecotoxicity in Ross Lake, Engineering and Applied Chemistry) a baby girl who was delivered one week located in Flin Flon, Manitoba. worked with personnel from Hudson Bay after her thesis defense. Sumera is now Ross Lake has received zinc-enriched Mining and Smelting at their Flin Flon devoting her full attention to her daughter mine tailing effluents for over 50 years. site, and also worked in collaboration and has put aside debates about mines and Due to resuspension of sediments, the with Professor Celine Gueguen of Trent metal toxicity. lake is a source of zinc to downstream University, Bob Santore of Hydroqual Inc., waterbodies. In this project, the general and members of Stantec consultancy. For more information, please contact model of metal speciation and fate Results indicate that despite very high Professor Miriam Diamond at developed in Dr. Diamond’s lab has been levels of zinc in Ross Lake, copper appears [email protected].

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 3 RESEARCH Studying Canadian environmental policy on climate change and sustainable transportation BY DOUGLAS MACDONALD

The following projects on environmental goal of reducing GHG emissions to 17% policy are led by Dr. Douglas Macdonald, below 2005 levels by 2020. The next post- Senior Lecturer at the School of the 2020 target, to be established by 2015, will Environment (see page 27). For more be equally hollow unless governments can information, please contact him at start to work together. The report lays out a [email protected]. pathway for politically viable steps which Canadian governments can take to achieve co-ordinated, effective national policy built Allocating Canadian GHG upon a basis of agreement for equitable emission reductions amongst sharing of costs amongst provinces. Copies have been sent to all Canadian federal and sources and provinces provincial governments, relevant trade This recently completed four-year project associations, ENGOs, think tanks, and the was funded by SSHRC and studied the news media. Academic papers have been allocation of Canadian greenhouse gas and will continue to be published. (GHG) emission reductions amongst sources and provinces, learning from the European Union (EU), Australia and Germany. Governance innovation Done in collaboration with researchers and the transition to a at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) and Wageningen Universiteit low-carbon economy (The Netherlands), it addressed the This project, funded by Carbon Manage- inability of Canadian federal and provincial ment Canada, examines innovation in governments to reach agreement on one governance practices to address climate national climate change program, including change and accelerate the transition towards Dr. Doug Macdonald, Senior Lecturer at the allocation of cost amongst sources and a low-carbon Canada. Done jointly with School of the Environment, addresses an provinces, in comparison to programs in the Professors James Meadowcroft and Glen audience at a seminar presentation. Toner of , the U of T EU, Australia, and Germany. At U of T, Dr. Macdonald worked with portion examines distributive effects of the transition to a low-carbon economy which Ph.D. candidates Amir Ganjavie (then motivate some actors to stall or divert the Geography) and Scott Sams (Political transition from full effectiveness. Science) to examine decisions made since The focus is on regional/ intergovern- 1946 respecting capital construction of the mental, industrial, and social dimensions Toronto subway, and to examine policy of climate-related political conflict in instrument decisions made by the City of Canada. Case studies have been done of Toronto and the Governments of Ontario the proposed National Energy Strategy, and Canada which were intended to shift cross-border hydro-electricity transmission, transportation toward sustainability. political activity to influence policy and The study attempted to determine why thus maintain market share by the coal and the majority of existing subway lines renewable energy industries, resistance to were decided upon in the first half of the electricity price increases and the role of post-war period to gain insight into the distributive justice in wind-turbine siting. workings of Toronto and regional urban transportation multi-level governance. An The final project report was completed Papers are being published and the final report will be sent to governments in 2013. article by Macdonald, Sams and Ganjavie in April 2013: Allocating Canadian (draft title: “Why did Toronto stop building Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions subways? Understanding multi-level transit Amongst Canadian Sources and Provinces: Policy instrument choices governance in the City of Toronto”) is Learning from the EU, Australia and currently being written, with assistance Germany. It is available online at influencing sustainable from Shazeen Tejani and Brina McMillan, http://www.environment.utoronto.ca/ transportation in Toronto recent Bachelor’s alumni majoring in AllocatingGHGReductions2013 This recently completed project was part of Environment programs. The authors argue that the fact that a SSHRC-funded project led by Professor The Laval team is amalgamating all Canadian federal and provincial Jean Mercier with co-investigator the Toronto case findings with those of governments are making climate policy Professor Mario Carrier (both from Seattle, Boston and Montréal to provide a unilaterally is a major factor explaining why Université Laval) to look at factors generalized understanding of transportation Canada is expected to reach only half its influencing urban transportation policy. policy decision-making.

4 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Monitoring contaminants in fish in the Great Lakes & St. Lawrence River Areas of Concern


Professor Donald Jackson, of the Dept. Fellow, EEB), and Jennifer Robinson of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (recent Bachelor’s alumna, majors in (EEB) and Interim Director of the School Environment & Science, and Zoology), of the Environment from July 2010 to June it accessed the long-term temporal trends 2013, has had an active collaboration with of fish mercury levels from 1975 to 2011. the Ontario Ministry of the Environment The fish mercury problem in the AOC, in (OMOE) in studies of contaminants in fish. comparison to other Ontario water bodies, Many areas in Ontario underwent was also evaluated for the first time. environmental degradation over the past Results show that AOC fish mercury century (by persistent organic chemicals levels have declined by 33-59%. Although or mercury) resulting in their being recent high fish mercury levels in the AOC “listed” as significant Areas of Concern indicate that recovery is still ongoing, levels by the International Joint Commission. are not the worst in the province. Results Considerable efforts have been underway to were published in the Journal of Great rehabilitate these areas in order to “delist” Lakes Research: them. Although many contaminants were Bhavsar S. Neff, M.R., J.M. Robinson, and banned or highly restricted, their persistent Dr. Satyendar Bhavsar (Research Scientist, S.P. Bhavsar. 2013. Assessment of fish OMOE; and Adjunct Professor at the School) nature has led to their longevity. on a research boat used in the study of fish mercury levels in the upper St. Lawrence One of the collaborative projects funded mercury levels in the upper St. Lawrence River. River, Canada. JGLR 39: 336-343. by OMOE studied the condition of fish in the upper St. Lawrence River Area of Dr. Satyendra Bhavsar (Research Scientist For more information, please contact Concern (AOC) to determine if levels meet at OMOE, and Adjunct Professor at the Dr. Bhavsar at [email protected] or the objectives for delisting them. Done with School), Dr. Margaret Neff (Post-Doctoral Dr. Jackson at [email protected]. Research Day Annual event showcases research of the School’s faculty, post-docs, & students The following presentations were made at Research Day, held on April 17, 2013. The annual event showcases research conducted by some of the School of the Environment’s faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students. Research Day 2014 will be held on April 16. Please visit www.environment.utoronto.ca/ResearchDay.aspx for details.

JENNIFER MURPHY, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Dept. of Chemistry; Full graduate faculty member, School of the Environment. Chemistry and Climate, from the City to the Country. This talk highlighted research on the role of nitrogen oxides in controlling smog production in Toronto, the coupling of ammonia and acidic particles with implications for human and ecosystem health, the atmospheric fate of amines, and the linked carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles at an Ontario forest.

JOANNE MOYER, Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of the Environment. Faith, Sustainability, and Learning in Kenya and North America. This talk was on doctoral research investigating learning among individuals within faith- discussed doctoral research that uses a plant mutant deficient in cellulose based organizations (FBOs) engaged in environmental and development synthesis, to better understand how the secondary cell wall is formed.

work in Kenya. Post-doctoral research will explore FBOs in North DAVID HOULE, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Political Science/Environment. America to study the worldviews of FBOs, and their place in the journey Canadian Provinces’ Action or Inaction on Climate Change: Does Policy from learning and transformation to action on sustainability. (See page 25.) Capacity Explain Use of Market-Based Instruments? Climate change HEATHER WHEELER, Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Cell and Systems Biology/ policy-making in Canada has been increasingly dominated by actions at the Environment. Plant Cell Wall Deposition and the Future of Biofuels. provincial level using a diversity of approaches to reduce greenhouse gas Cellulose is abundant in the secondary cell wall that surrounds certain (GHG) emissions. This presentation discussed doctoral research looking at plant tissues. Because it is tightly bound to other cell wall components, it the differences in climate change policy capacity among provinces and the needs a large energy input for extraction and biofuel production. This talk different paths that exist for climate change capacity building.

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 5 RESEARCH Graduate Students’ Research

The School of the Environment is pleased to have students enrolled in its collaborative graduate programs in Environmental Studies and Environment & Health who are conducting interesting and important research. Pages 6-9 contain condensed abstracts of theses or research papers of 2012-13 alumni and listings of research topics of 2012-13 new and continuing students.

Environmental Studies Program (noted below as ES) distribution in its non-native range, predictive accuracy when species Doctoral Students: 2012-13 Alumni distribution models are built using varying ranges of environmental GABRIEL EIDELMAN, Ph.D., June 2013, Political Science/ES. Supervisor: variables and applied to broader spatial extents, and the potential for Richard Stren, Political Science. Landlocked: Politics, Property, and the and limitations of model transferability between native and non-native Toronto Waterfront, 1960-2000. Despite three extensive revitalization regions. Two modelling approaches and three climate change and land plans in the second half of the 20th century, Toronto’s central use change scenarios were used to predict future habitat suitability. waterfront, an area roughly double the city’s central business district, has remained mired in political gridlock for decades. This thesis argues XIANMING ZHANG, Ph.D., Nov 2012, Chemistry/ES. Supervisor: Frank that above and beyond political challenges typical of any major urban Wania, Physical and Environmental Sciences, UT Scarborough. Passive Air redevelopment project, issues of public land ownership were pivotal in Samplers for Semivolatile Organic Compounds: Experiments, Modeling, defining the scope and pace of waterfront planning and implementation and Field Application. Although passive air samplers have been widely in Toronto. From 1961 to 1998, no less than 81% of all land in the used for monitoring semivolatile organic compounds in air, chemical central waterfront was owned by one public body or another, dispersed mass transfer processes involved in passive air sampling have not across a fragmented patchwork of public agencies, corporations, and been fully understood. While many studies have investigated factors authorities within multiple levels of government, thus adding a layer of potentially influencing passive sampling rate, many of those influences complexity which effectively crippled implementation efforts. could not be explained or predicted with the understanding of the mass transfer processes that was prevalent in prior research studies. KATE MOSS GAMBLIN, Ph.D., June 2013, Curriculum, Teaching and In order to fill these knowledge gaps and to gain further insight into Learning (OISE)/ES. Supervisor: Dennis Thiessen, OISE. Becoming a the mechanism of passive air sampling and into the factors that may Sustainability Chef: An Empirical Model of Sustainability Perspectives influence passive air sampling rates, a series of studies combining in Educational Leaders. This study explored adult engagement with controlled laboratory experiments, mass transfer process modeling, with sustainability learning practices in EcoSchools-certified secondary a field sampling campaign was conducted in this research. schools in Canada, Lithuania and Sweden. The study design was initially based on an interest in revealing specific practices of sustainability education as a means of improving the relationship between environmental impact and wealth. Primary data collected in Doctoral Students: Continuing Ramsey Rasheed Affifi, Adult Education and Community Development, 2006 were recorded semistructured interviews. Findings may provide OISE/ES, supervisor: Eric Bredo, OISE. Ecologizing education research. some insight into a means of shaping a sustainable future through an Simon Appolloni, Religion/ES, supervisor: Stephen Scharper, Anthropology individual’s sustainability perspective: a living responsiveness based on UTM/Environment. Christian thinkers and the environmental and a sense of connection, supported by improved sustainability cognition, liberationist ethic. and realized through sustainability practice and considered engagement. Graham Carey, Electical and Computer Engineering/ES, supervisor: Edward Sargent, ECE. Colloidal quantum dot photovoltaics. PETER RELAVIC, Ph.D., June 2013, Forestry/ES. Supervisor: Tat Smith, Aurel Cristian Ches, Geography UT Scarborough/ES, supervisor: William Geography. Evaluating the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential and Gough, Physical and Environmental Sciences, UT Scarborough. Cost-Competitiveness of Forest Bioenergy Systems in Northeastern Climate change policy in Canada. Ontario. This study evaluated the magnitude and temporal variation Beth Jean Evans, Political Science/ES, supervisor: Steven Bernstein, of ecosystem carbon stock changes resulting from harvest of roadside Political Science. Sustainable development aspect of the Clean residues and unutilized whole trees for bioenergy using the Carbon Development Mechanism. Budget Model and Biomass Opportunity Supply Model. Forested Muhammad Ferhan, Forestry/ES, supervisor: Mohini Sain, Forestry. landscape was found to be a net sink for carbon following the 20th year Enzymatic treatment of lignin and characterization, bark or lignin based of roadside residue harvest, compared to whole-tree harvest, where the polyurethane foam. forested landscape remained a net source of carbon over the 100 year Columba Gonzalez, Anthropology/ES, supervisor: Hilary Cunningham, rotation. The cumulative ecosystem carbon loss from whole-tree harvest Anthropology. Political ecology analysis in El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve was 11 times greater than from roadside residue harvest. One finding of in Baja California, Mexico. net GHG reduction analysis conducted found 67% and 16% reduction Mark Hathaway, Adult Education and Community Development, OISE/ ES, supervisor: Stephen Scharper, Anthropology UTM/Environment. when roadside residues and whole trees were used to displace coal, Ecological worldviews education and action for sustainability. respectively. For GHG mitigation, the study recommends bioenergy Shaik Hossain, Forestry/ES, supervisor: John Caspersen, Forestry. Branch deployment strategies focus on utilization of roadside residues. and crown dynamics in tolerant hardwood forests. David Houle, Political Science/ES, supervisor: Grace Skogstad, Political JENNIFER WEAVER, Ph.D., November 2012, Geography UT Mississauga/ Science. Climate change policy in Canadian provinces: multi-level and ES. Supervisors: Tenley Conway, Geography UTM; Marie-Josée Fortin, regional governances. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Invasive Species Distribution Models: An Smita Kothari, Religion/ES, supervisors: Analysis of Scale, Sample Selection Bias, Transferability and Prediction. Christoph Emmrich, Religion; Stephen Scharper, Anthropology UTM/ This research examines distributions of mute swans in parts of their Environment. Dana and Dhyana in Jaina Yoga: a case study of native range of Britain and their non-native range of Ontario by Prekṣādhyāna and the Terāpanth. studying environmental variables at spatial scales which best explain

6 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment

Ph.D. candidates in the Environmental Studies collaborative program present their research at Research Day (see page 5) and in the Environment Seminar Series (page 22). LEFT: Simon Appolloni (Religion) speaks on his research on Christian thinkers and the new environmental and liberationist ethic. MIDDLE: David Houle (Political Science) compares Canadian provinces’ policy on climate change in his research talk. RIGHT: Heather Wheeler (Cell and Systems Biology) speaks about plant cell wall deposition and the future of biofuels.

Pradeep Kumar, Forestry/ES, supervisor: Shashi Kant, Forestry. Payment put an end to the oppression resulting from large scale environmental for forest ecosystem services. destruction perpetuated by war. Zen Mariani, Physics/ES, supervisor: Kimberly Strong, Physics. High Arctic radiation and trace-gas variability from infrared emission TAYLOR BINNINGTON, M.Sc., March 2013, Geography/ES. Supervisor: measurements. Danny Harvey, Geography. Optimal Siting of Distributed Wind Farms in Joseph Mendonca, Physics/ES, supervisor: Kimberly Strong, Physics. Ontario, Canada. Increasing wind penetration adds to the importance Exchange of carbon between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. of enhancing the reliability of wind, to mitigate the magnitude and Justin Mok, East Asian Studies/ES, supervisor: Richard Guisso, East Asian frequency of changes in electricity generation. This work addresses Studies. Humans and the environment in Chinese history. how improvements can be made to reliability through the geographic Amy Bliss Mui, Geography/ES, supervisor: Yuhong He, Geography. dispersal of wind farms in Ontario using modeled North American Examining Blanding’s turtle habitat using remote sensing and GIS Regional Reanalysis data. Optimal configurations of wind farm approach to habitat suitability modelling. locations by selecting combinations of wind farms that maximize the Renata Ramasra, Geography/ES, supervisor: Thembela Kepe, Geography. difference between the energy price and the cost of electricity, and Role of tourism in conservation schemes, La Fortuna, Costa Rica. minimize the coefficient of variation in the aggregate output. This study Keven Roy, Physics/ES, supervisor: Richard Peltier, Physics. The impact of found that there are no wind regimes in Ontario that match demand continental ice sheet on the rotational state of the Earth: simulations under climate change. sufficiently for a viable development strategy, but that combinations of Javad Sameni, Forestry/ES, supervisor: Mohini Sain, Forestry. Bonding as few as three locations can reduce the coefficient of variation by over mechanism of modified lignin on lignocellulosic fibers. 30%, compared to a single region. Daniel Weaver, Physics/ES, supervisor: Kimberly Strong, Physics. JONATHAN FUNG, M.Sc., Geography/ES. Supervisor: Jing Chen, Geography. Atmospheric water vapour in the High Arctic environment. Atmospheric Inversion of the Global Surface Carbon Flux with Consider- Cynthia Whaley, Physics/ES, supervisor: Kimberly Strong, Physics. The ation of the Spatial Distributions of US Crop Production and Consumption. trace gas time series of the Toronto Atmospheric Observatory. Carbon dioxide is taken up by crops during production and released Heather Wheeler, Cell and Systems Biology/ES, supervisor: Malcolm back to the atmosphere at different geographical locations through Campbell, CSB. Development of the plant secondary cell wall and respiration of consumed crop commodities. In this study, spatially potential application in the production of sustainable biofuels. distributed county-level US cropland net primary productivity, harvested Rachel York-Bridgers, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development, biomass, changes in soil carbon, and human and livestock consumption OISE/ES, supervisor: John Wallace, OISE. Eco-literacies and media: the data were integrated into the prior terrestrial biosphere flux generated by process and student engagement. the Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator. A global time-dependent Bayesian synthesis inversion with a nested focus on North America was Master’s Students: 2012-13 Alumni carried out based on CO2 observations at 210 stations. MARYAM ADRANGI, M.Ed., June 2013, Adult Education and Community BRANDON LAW, M.Sc.Pl., November 2012, Planning Program, Geography/ Development Program OISE/ES. Supervisor: Angela Miles, OISE. ES. Supervisor: Pierre Desrochers, Geography UT Mississauga. Eco-cluster (Un)Critical Understanding of the Environment: The Canadian War at Initiatives: Benefits and Best Practice. The last decade has witnessed Home and Abroad Fueled by the Tar Sands. This paper argues that the emergence of dozens of private sector initiatives around the world because Alberta Tar Sands are directly connected to North American that attempt to harness the benefits of clusters in order to catalyze eco- military operations, movements to oppose Tar Sands projects should innovation. So far, these Eco-Cluster Initiatives (ECIs) have shown not be separated from a larger imperial project of war, militarization great promise, however, they are far from realizing their full potential. and displacement. It argues that because environmental stewardship Moreover, few guidelines and best practices have been established for often relies on individual behaviour rather than collective responsibility, the field, leaving far too much up to trial and error. This report outlines Tar Sands opponents may not develop critical and systemic analysis of 15 recommendations that hope to improve the productivity of new environmental destruction and which industries may be doing the most and existing ECIs and also to assist in the development of formal best damage. By developing a more critical understanding of environmental practices for the field. These include: build on existing regional compe- issues, environmental stewardship can create movements for justice that Continued on page 8... School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 7

L. Nichilo Application in theCity of Toronto. Development ofBuilding Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and its Potential Supervisor: Engineering. ES. KimPressnail,Civil and providingcostrelief to large volume electricity users). (reducing peakdemand,improving the efficiency of theprice signal, has made significant progressinachieving three of itspolicy objectives direction future researchshouldtake.ResultssuggestthattheGAM policy objectives, short-term andlong-termobjectives, and what peak consumption.Thispaperevaluated the GAManditsintended separated customers intoeither Class AorBdepending on their average government introduced the GlobalAdjustment Mechanism (GAM)that GA wasproportionaltotheir consumption. In2011,theprovincial a volumetric allocation methodology, i.e. acustomer’sshareofthe 2005 to2010,theGAwascollected fromOntarioconsumersusing Ontario energyprice (HOEP) andtheGlobalAdjustment (GA). From the commodity costofelectricity includes two charges:thehourly 8 Water Source Protection Planning inOntario. Supervisor: ES. DebMcGregor, Geography. HARLEEN LIVIO Adjustment Mechanism (GAM): Evidence from 2011-12. Supervisor: DannyHarvey, Geography. SEAN on eachtechniqueECIsarecurrentlyusingtostimulateeco-innovation. report alsorecommendsthataquantitativeanalysisshouldbeconducted involve business,universities, tencies; startextremelyspecialized;strategicallyselectmembers;and Continued frompage7. Environmental Studies Program challenges and opportunities of ashareddecision-making framework for future CityofTorontoprojects. policy and financial programsareneeded in ordertointegrate BIPV in aesthetics, along withinitiatives in theareaofeducation, training, roles that thebuildingskinwillplayinabuilding’sperformance and and interior comfortbenefits. An understanding of all of theimportant integrated into theoverall building system canleadtosignificant energy demonstrates that improvements in thewayglazing is designedand materials. A casestudyoftheHarbourfrontCentre in Toronto while alsoperformingtheimportant functionsofstandardbuilding innovative ways tocapture the sun’senergyforelectricity generation (BIPV) isanewrenewable energy technology that allows formany RESEARCH M.Eng. alumni Livio Nichilo inhisstudyofbuilding integrated photovoltaics. Solar cellsCentreweredesignedandimplemented at Harbourfront by Toronto’s 2013 Annual Report


PANESAR , M.Sc.Pl., June2013,M.Sc.Pl., Program,Planning Geography. M.Eng., June 2013, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering/ June 2013,andIndustrial M.Eng., Mechanical , M.Sc.Pl., June 2013,Program, M.Sc.Pl., Planning Geography/ School of the Environment of theEnvironment School and governmentintheirinitiatives.The Building integrated photovoltaics An Evaluation of Ontario’sGlobal First Nations Communities and This researchexamined the The International InOntario

Education Materials Written for GhanaianPublic School Students. ACritical Lens ofDevelopment: Discourse Analysis of Environmental Ratto, Information. in Working towards UrbanSustainability Radovic, STEPHANIE DANIEL Cooper, Forestry. NAZMUS SAADAT, M.Sc.,November 2012,Forestry/ES. Paul Supervisor: RAMONA SANSAIT ing envelope components frombiodegradation. distance movedbydiffusion andvolumetreatedindifferent directions. quantity requiredtoprotectaspecificvolumeofwoodconsideringthe cients werecalculatedandsomerecommendationsmadeaboutthe be significantfactors. A mouldtestwasperformed,thediffusion co-effi- ing surfacedrying.Graindirectionsandmoisturecontentwerefoundto keep thepreservativeonsurfaceandenhancediffusion byreduc tions wereappliedandanovelapproach(boratebandage)wasusedto refractory specieswereinvestigated. Two highlyconcentratedformula direction, formulationandspeciesthataffect thediffusion ofboratein as structuralcomponents.Inthisresearch,woodmoisturecontent,grain even intherefractoryspeciescommonlyusedconstructionindustries as ithaslowtoxicityandcanpenetratewoodwithoutpressuretreatment, candidate toprotectbuildingenvelopecomponentsfrombiodegradation alternative solutions tosolvinglocal environmental problems. the teaching andlearning of environmental education in Ghanalimits that the pervasive influence of development discourses andpractices in the discursivefeatures ofenvironmental education texts. a significant roleinGhana’spublic education system, andevaluates governmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations to play It outlines thesocio-historical processes thathaveallowedinternational inequality between “developed countries” and “developing countries”. ideological assumptions that naturalize the powerrelations and social environmental education learning materials that are available support in acontemporary Ghanaianpublic university. It arguesthat the on theteaching and learning practices of environmental education paper examinestheideological influence ofdevelopment discourses organization, but onthenature of environmental education itself. undertaken, in ordertoshedlight not onlyonagrowingenvironmental large-scale community environmental centre, and theinternship projects and headquartersattheBrickWorks inToronto,Canada’sfirstever been asimperative asitistoday.This paperdiscussesEvergreen’swork Nations), Evergreen’s assertion that “Cities Need Nature” expected to beanurbanized population by theyear2030(United 50% onaglobal scale. With 60% oftheentire human population population resides inurbanareas,afigurethat translates to morethan urban planningandecological stability as 80%ofthecurrentCanadian organization’s mandate is important for boththepresentandfutureof reconnect urban communities with nature. This paperarguesthat the summer internshipworkdoneatEvergreen, a charity that seeks to of FirstNationspeoplesareequitably considered. shared modelofdecision-making, in whichtherightsandknowledges pertaining to powerandjustice need tobeaddressedindeveloping a has beenmade to operationalize this mandate. Furthermore, issues and theinclusionofTKismandated, resultsindicate that little progress Although FirstNationsparticipation in environmental decision-making on existing anddeveloping legislation, policies, and regulations. public policy in Ontarioregarding source watergovernance by focusing the studywastoidentify linkages among Indigenouspeoples,TKand for 84%ofFirstNationscommunities in Ontario.Akeyobjective of drinking wateradvisories,continue to poseserioushealth concerns and Westernknowledge systems. Water quality issues, suchasfrequent relationships and moreeffectively combine traditional knowledge (TK) First Nationspeoplesandnon-Firststakeholderstoimprove water governance in Ontario,asthere have beenongoingeffortsbyboth Maximum Wetbulb Temperatures. Danny Harvey

TRAYNOR, English.

VANTHOF, , Geography.

Imagining Cities with Nature:AnExperiential Study Factors affecting distribution ofborate toprotect build , M.I., June2013 M.A., Understanding the the EnvironmentThrough M.Sc., November 2012, English/ES. Future Heat Stress inUrbanAreasBased on

November 2012, Supervisor: Geography/ES. , This researchassessed themaximum Information/ES. Supervisor: Matt Information/ES. . This paperisbasedon Borate canbeapotential Supervisor:

It suggests has never Stanka

This - -

- wetbulb temperature for five global cities. This temperature is the lowest that can be reached by evaporating water into the air and can be used as a threshold for human adaptability to heat stress. Wetbulb Environment & Health Program temperatures were calculated for Toronto; Istanbul, Turkey; Harare, Zimbabwe; Bangkok, Thailand; and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Results indicate that Toronto could face increased risk of heat stress Doctoral Students: 2012-13 Alumni resulting from increased wetbulb temperatures and both Bangkok and BENITA TAM, Ph.D., November 2012, Geography/E&H. Supervisor: Buenos Aires have projected wetbulb temperatures that are within the William Gough, Physical and Environmental Sciences, UT Scarborough. survivability limit used in this study. Aside from the health-related The Effects of Weather and Climate Variability on the Well-Being of a impacts, these wetbulb temperatures could also have an impact on Rural and Urban Aboriginal Group in Ontario. This study explored the work productivity. Though passive and active cooling techniques may role of weather and climate variability on the health of Aboriginal people be used for adaptation, preventative measures should be taken now to in Fort Albany and Toronto. First Nations may be more vulnerable to climate change because their health, culture and land use practices are reduce CO2 concentrations and associated temperature increases. closely intertwined with the environment. Changes in the environment have affected harvesting and community infrastructure, and thus increased health risks in First Nations, who have exhibited adaptation. Master’s Students: Continuing Susan Beazley, M.I., Information/ES, supervisor: Nadia Caidi, Information. Use of GIS in environmental assessments. Doctoral Students: Continuing Jessika Berns, M.A., Political Science/ES, supervisor: Victor Falkenheim, Dolon Chakravartty, Ph.D., Public Health/E&H, supervisor: Donald Cole, Political Science. Environmental refugees. Public Health. Pathways delineating potentially higher environmental Ryan Burke, M.Sc., Anthropology/ES, supervisor: Shawn Lehman, exposures among visible minority women in Canada. Anthropology. Edge effects and interspecies competition: case of two Isaac Darko, Ph.D., Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education microcebus species in Ankarafantsika, Madagascar. (OISE)/E&H, supervisor: George Dei, OISE. Environmental stewardship and Meagan Curtis, M.F.C., Forestry/ES, supervisor: John Caspersen, Forestry. indigenous African philosophies: implication for school and health in Ghana. Ecological restoration. Bryan Dale, M.A., Geography/ES, supervisor: Scott Prudham, Geography/ Environment. La Vía Campesina, food sovereignty and climate justice. Beth Denaburg, M.A., Geography/ES, supervisor: Lino Grima, Geography. Virtual water savings from international agricultural trade: the water-energy food nexus. Martyn Forde, M.A., Geography/ES, supervisor: D. Harvey, Geography. Renewable energy & tourism in small island developing states. Joel Fridman, M.A., Geography/ES, supervisor: Harriet Friedmann, Geography. Food system and governance in the City of Toronto. Kelsey Gerbrandt, M.A.Sc., Chemical Engineering/ES, supervisor: Brad Saville, Chemical Eng. Adding value to cellulosic pthanol biorefineries: xilotol co-product production & analysis with life cycle assessment. Jessica Gibson, M.A., Adult Education & Community Development, OISE/ES, supervisor: Jennifer Sumner, OISE. Food as a tool for personal and community transformation. Matt James Hodgson, M.A., History & Philosophy of Science & S. Cardoso Technology/ES. How scientific theory-construction and modelling impact Master’s student Melanie Fortune (Public Health/Environment & Health) presents her research poster on occupational heat stress at the social values. Partners in Prevention Conference & Trade Show in Toronto. Arndis Johnson, M.I., Information/ES, supervisor: Matt Ratto, Information. The position of nature in the Internet of things. Afeefa Karim, M.A., Political Science/ES, supervisor: Victor Falkenheim, Political Science. Regulating hydraulic fracturing in Ontario: lessons Master’s Students: 2012-13 Alumni from across Canada. Practicum/Coursework Program (M.P.H. with Public Health): Emily Groot, Social and Behavioural Health Sciences. William Kurth, M.A., Adult Education and Community Development, OISE/ES, supervisor: Jack Quarter, OISE. Social economy and Research Program: environmental corporate social responsibility. MELANIE FORTUNE, M.P.H., June 2013, Public Health/E&H. Supervisor: Michael Modeste, M.A., Adult Education & Community Development, Shelly Harris, Public Health. Spatial Variation of Heat-Related Injuries OISE/ES, supervisor: Jack Quarter, OISE. Socially responsible investment in a pension plan: a case study of the Ontario Teachers’ and Illnesses Among Workers in Ontario. This study examined spatial Pension Plan. variation of injury and illness arising from excess heat exposure in the Michael Pickering, M.Sc.Pl., Planning (Geography)/ES, supervisor: Alana Ontario labour force. Cases of emergency department visits for work- Boland, Geography. Marine spatial planning in the UNESCO Cat Ba related heat stress were interpolated to census division using spatial Biosphere, Vietnam. overlay and weighting based on the underlying labour force. Heat-related Daniela Serodio, M.A.Sc., Earh Sciences/ES, supervisor: Miriam illness and injury rates exhibited a spatial pattern, which may correlate to Diamond, Earth Sciences. Fate of novel flame retardants in the urban underlying variation of occupational characteristics or weather patterns. environment. Vishma Lisa Singh, M.Eng., Chemical Engineering/ES, supervisor: Master’s Students: Continuing Timothy Bender, Chemical Eng. Physical and chemical processes Practicum/Coursework Program (M.P.H. with Public Health): affecting air quality, in natural environments and processes of treatment. Morris Komakech, Social and Behavioural Health Sciences Program. Jiamin Su, M.Eng., Chemical Engineering/ES, supervisor: Charles Jia, Michelle Ng, Epidemiology program. Chemical Engineering. Waste water treatment, water purification, and David Paterson, Social and Behavioural Health Sciences Program. water resource management. Daniel Vandervoort, M.A., Adult Education & Community Development, Research Program: OISE/ES, supervisor: Roxanna Ng, OISE. The social organization of Gillian Lee, M.A., Geography/E&H, supervisor: Dana Wilson, Geography, UT ecological agriculture knowledge. Mississauga. Crime youth health and well-being in the Region of Peel. Ge Wang, M.A., Economics/ES. Environmental regulations and Renata Musa, M.P.H., Public Health/E&H, supervisor: Shelley Harris, Public companies’ competitiveness. Health. Environmental etiologies of breast cancer. Ning Yin Zhou, M.I., Information/ES. Green information technology. School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 9 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Message from the Academic Associate Director BY DOUGLAS MACDONALD

learning opportunities both inside and FOR MORE INFORMATION: outside the classroom. Some options www.environment.utoronto.ca include internships, work placements, or David Powell, and volunteer opportunities in the Undergraduate Student Advisor, ENV 440H Professional Experience 416-946-8100, [email protected] course and ENV 421Y Environmental Research course (see page 13), as well I am pleased to serve as the School’s new as international course opportunities collectively review ongoing and emerging Academic Associate Director from July 1, in Australia, Ecuador, Germany, Israel, research and teaching interests around the 2013, a new position co-ordinating both and Singapore. Newly offered in 2013, environment. The results brought changes undergraduate and graduate programs and the Australian Environment, Wildlife, to our core Environmental Studies major course offerings. Thanks to Karen Ing, and Conservation course (ENV 396Y) and to the newly named Environmental former Undergraduate Coordinator, and is our second collaboration with Summer Science B.Sc. major (see article below). We Don Jackson, former Interim Director and Abroad at Woodsworth College (see page are making corresponding changes to the Graduate Director. 12). We also sent two students to a month- Environmental Science B.Sc. minor. The School of the Environment’s long renewable energy course offered One of the primary objectives of the new undergraduate programs continue to witness by the University of Bonn, Germany. School is to offer stand-alone Masters and healthy enrolment numbers with 619 A Transboundary Water Conflict Ph.D. programs. As a first step, we have students in our two core programs and 252 Resolution course was successfully begun planning for a stand-alone Masters in our collaborative programs in 2012-13; launched in the summer of 2012 with and over 3000 students taking our ENV Hebrew University of Jerusalem and of Environmental Studies program and courses, both offered at the School and we anticipate offering two new summer we now look forward during the coming by other units on our behalf. A total of field courses in 2014 on the diversity of year to working with students, faculty and 70 students were enrolled in our graduate ecosystems in the Middle East. other units to make this a reality. collaborative programs (see page 15). With the launch of the new School last During the past year we strengthened year, we took the opportunity to re-engage Douglas Macdonald is Senior Lecturer at our continued commitment to experiential with the larger University community to the School of the Environment. (See p. 27.) Changes to undergraduate core program offerings New Environmental Science major created with University engagement


The launch of the School of the Environment in July 2012 served • a Physics course designed to integrate physics concepts and as an opportune time to review its two existing core programs. The methods with environmental science issues: ENV 237H/238H consultation process with individuals and cognate departments was Physics of the Changing Environment, new in 2013-14); extensive and supported and led by the Faculty of Arts and Science • a course that examines how the chemistry of the Earth system (FAS) through the efforts of Vice Dean Sandy Welsh. has changed through geologic time: ENV 233H Earth Systems

Chemistry, newly offered in 2013-14); Environmental Studies B.A. Major • a course in laboratory and field methods techniques commonly With only minor modifications, the Environmental Studies major used by environmental scientists: : ENV 316H1 Laboratory now consists of a series of second year core courses to provide and Field Methods in Environmental Science; and students with a common preparatory background, a minimum • two new fourth year seminar courses: ENV 432H1 Urban single course in each of three core areas (environmental policy, Ecology and ENV 452H1 Environmental Science Seminar. law & society; environmental thought & ethics; environmental science), and 3.5 FCEs (Full Course Equivalents) of electives from In summary, the review of our undergraduate programs and an approved list of environment related courses offered through the extensive consultation process has allowed us to tweak an School and other environment related departments within FAS. already successful B.A. program and reinvigorated interest and Environmental Science B.Sc. Major commitment to undergraduate environmental science teaching. More extensive discussions and revisions were done in the We are looking forward to building upon this momentum to further explore opportunities for new courses and collaborations. Environmental Science major program. These discussions resulted in the creation of new courses, and revised admissions and core Karen Ing is Senior Lecturer and former Undergraduate course requirements. New courses include: Coordinator (2010-13), School of the Environment. (See p. 27.)

10 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Undergraduate Courses Undergraduate 2013-14 School of the Environment undergraduate offerings and instructors. Programs For profiles of Faculty, Instructors and Sessional Lecturers, see pages 26-33. For more information, please visit ENV 100HF Introduction to Environmental Studies ww.environment.utoronto.ca.­ (Stephen Scharper, Anthropology UT Mississauga/Environment) SII 199HF Debating and Understanding Current Environmental Issues * (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, FAS, first-year seminar course) Core Programs: SII 199HS Sustainable and Just Futures: Environmental Politics in an Age of Global The School of the Environment offers three core Warming * (FAS first-year seminar course) interdisciplinary undergraduate programs: 1. NEW: Environmental Science (B.Sc. Major) ENV 200HS Assessing Global Change: Science and the Environment 2. Environment and Science (B.Sc. Minor) (Romila Verma, sessional) 3. Environmental Studies (B.A. Major or Minor) ENV 221HF Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Environment (David Pond, sessional) ENV 222HS Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (Douglas Macdonald, Environment) Collaborative Programs: ENV 223HF Fundamental Environmental Skills The following collaborative programs combine (Christian Abizaid, Geography/Environment) the School’s interdisciplinary core with a set of ENV 233HS Earth Systems Chemistry NEW (Bridget Bergquist, Earth Sciences; and discipline-specific courses: Jessica D’eon, Chemistry) ENV 234HY Environmental Biology (Hélène Cyr, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) Specialist Programs: 1. Environmental Chemistry ENV 237/8HS Physics of the Changing Environment NEW (Kaley Walker, Physics) (B.Sc., with the Department of Chemistry) JGE 236HY Human Interactions with the Environment * 2. Environmental Geosciences ENV 299Y Research Opportunity Program (Brad Bass, sessional) (B.Sc., with the Dept. of Earth Sciences) ENV 307HS Urban Sustainability (David Sider, sessional) 3. Environment and Health (B.Sc., with the Human Biology Program) ENV 320HF National Environmental Policy (Douglas Macdonald, Environment) 4. Environment and Toxicology JGE 321HS Multicultural Perspectives on Environmental Management (B.Sc., with the Department of Pharmacology (Joint course with Geography; Christian Abizaid, Geography/Environment) and Toxicology) ENV 322HS International Environmental Policy (Erich Vogt, sessional) Major Programs: ENV 323HS Ontario Environmental Policy (Russ Houldin, sessional) 1. Environmental Ethics JGE 331H1S Resource and Environmental Theory (B.A., with the Department of Philosophy) (Scott Prudham, Geography/Environment) 2. Environmental Geosciences ENV 333HF Ecological Worldviews (Mark Hathaway, PhD candidate, OISE) (B.Sc., with the Dept. of Earth Sciences) 3. Environment and Health ENV 334H1S Environmental Biology: Applied Ecology (Hélène Cyr, EEB) (B.Sc., with the Human Biology Program) ENV 335HS Environmental Design (Sheila Waite-Chuah, sessional) Minor Programs: ENV 336H Ecology in Human Dominated Landscapes * 1. Environment and Behaviour ENV 341HF Environment and Human Health (Clare Wiseman, Environment) (B.Sc., with the Department of Psychology) ENV 346HF Terrestrial Energy Systems (Ian Sinclair, Civil Engineering sessional) 2. Environmental Ethics ENV 347HF The Power of Economic Ideas (Russ Houldin, sessional) (B.A., with the Department of Philosophy) 3. Environment and Energy ENV 350HF Energy Policy and Environment (Keith Stewart, sessional) (B.Sc., with the Department of Geography) ENV 395Y Special Topics Field Course. Ecology and Conservation in the Amazon, Galápagos, and Andes (See article on p. 12; Barbara Murck & Monika Havelka, Geography UT Mississauga) Directed Minors: ENV 396Y Australian Environment, Wildlife and Conservation The following directed minor programs are (See article on p. 12; offered by the University of New South Wales) offered by other departments and are for ENV 399Y Independent Experiential Study Project * students interested in acquiring a limited body of knowledge in a specific discipline. ENV 421HY Environmental Research (See article on page 13; David Sider, sessional) 1. Environmental Anthropology (B.A.) ENV 422HF Environmental Law (Paul Muldoon, sessional) 2. Environmental Biology (B.Sc.) ENV 430H Environment and Health of Vulnerable Populations * 3. Environmental Chemistry (B.Sc.) 4. Environmental Economics (B.A.) ENV 431H Urban Sustainability and Ecological Technology * 5. Environmental Geography (B.A.) ENV 440HF Professional Experience Course (See article p. 13; David Sider, sessional) 6. Environmental Geosciences (B.Sc.) ENV 451HS Current Environmental Debates (Erich Vogt, sessional) 7. Geographic Information Systems (B.A.) JEH 455HS Current Issues in Environment and Health 8. Life and Environmental Physics (B.Sc.) (Ron Wilson, Human Biology Program, New College) 9. Physical and Environmental Geography (B.Sc.) ENV 481/2H Special Topics in the Environment I/II * ENV 492/3H Independent Studies Project (See page 13; staff)

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 11 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Students on a Summer Abroad Undergraduates study ecology and conservation in Australia and Ecuador

BY ROSALIE CHAPPLE, BARBARA MURCK, MONIKA HAVELKA Left: Sarah Latimer; Right: Shuhong Luo ENV 395Y students studying ecology and conservation, and having fun in the Andes and Galápagos. LEFT: Lilly Woodbury and other students while climbing Chimborazo Volcano in the Andes. RIGHT: Students snorkelling at Kicker Rock in the Galápagos.

The School of the Environment is pleased to offer enriching field and dramatic landforms, flora and fauna of the area. Weeks three courses in the University of Toronto’s Summer Abroad Program. and four were based at UNSW, located 20 minutes from downtown For more information, please visit www.summerabroad.utoronto.ca. Sydney. While there, they went to a University field station north of Sydney where students immersed themselves in the bush and NEW IN SUMMER 2013: Australian surveyed wildlife. The course then moved to the tropical far north of Australia with a stay in the Daintree Rainforest, the only place in Environment, Wildlife and Conservation the world where reef meets rainforest. The course then concluded in ENV 396Y: June 21 - July 26, 2013 Cairns with an exploration of the Great Barrier Reef. Summer 2013 Instructors: Rosalie Chapple, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of New South Wales; Brad Nesbitt and Geoff Ross of New South For more information, please visit the Summer Abroad website Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. above or contact Dr. Chapple at [email protected]. Hosted by the University of New South Wales (UNSW), this 5-week course was the first offering of U of T’s Summer Abroad Ecology and Conservation in the Andes, program in Australia, providing an unparalleled opportunity for 16 Western Amazonia and the Galápagos U of T students, and 28 students from the U.S, and an introduction ENV 395Y: May 16 - June 16, 2013 to Australia’s environment and wildlife by local experts. Summer 2013 Instructors: Barbara Murck and Monika Havelka, Senior Lecturers, Starting in Darwin, at the ‘Top End’ of Australia, it included Dept. of Geography, U of T Mississauga (see pages 31-32). a three-day camping expedition to the World Heritage-listed This year was the eighth run for this field course and our second Kakadu National Park to experience its spectacular scenery and its time as instructors. This year’s group of 28 students was different distinctive plants and animals. Students then journeyed to the World from last year’s, but every bit as fantastic. Heritage-listed Blue Mountains National Park to explore the ancient Starting with a brief orientation at Universidad San Francisco de Quito, we had day tours of Quito and a visit to the Equator at Mitad ENV 396 students from U of T and the U.S. at the lookout of World del Mundo. Then the three main field segments of the course took Heritage-listed Blue Mountains National Park in Australia. us to the Andes, the Amazon, and the Galápagos islands. But nature has its own way of doing things. This year we missed seeing the giant armadillo, tapir, ocelot, and pygmy marmoset at Tiputini Biodiversity Station – but we made up for it with multiple sightings of pink freshwater dolphins, Brazilian wandering spiders, and howler monkeys. In the Galápagos, instead of hammerhead sharks again, we saw white-tipped reef sharks, huge schools of eagle rays, and breaching whales, in addition to the ubiquitous sea lions, marine iguanas, giant tortoises, sea turtles, blue-footed boobies, and penguins. And instead of only a few vicuñas (wild relative of llamas and alpacas) spotted from a distance last year in the Andes, we saw at least 40 of them in packs. Next year the course will stay the same – and it will be completely different. We are looking forward to it already. For more information, please contact the instructors at barbara. [email protected] or [email protected]. R. Chapple

12 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Students study urban sustainability Undergraduate course provides group research experience on topical issues


ENV 421H Environmental Research was apparent that many garden initiatives aimed at reducing exposure air pollutants, 2012-14 Instructor: David Sider, Sessional face multiple challenges or barriers such as especially in vulnerable populations. Lecturer (see p. 32); [email protected]. lengthy bureaucratic processes, limited land The sustainable buildings group found availability and expense of soil testing or that municipal policies such as the Toronto In 2012-13, senior undergraduate students securing ongoing funding. Green Standard and Green Roof Bylaw are carried out group research projects on five City green spaces were found to promising steps towards more sustainable topics relating to urban sustainability in contribute ecologically, socially and forms of building in the city. However, Toronto: community gardens, green spaces, economically to urban sustainability. In they also found that the policy environment environmental health, sustainable buildings particular, increasing adoption of green needs to become more enabling, such as and urban transportation. Nineteen students, roofs, protection of the ravine system from through greater provision of incentives or working in small groups, conducted back- development and investment in new green the introduction of a carbon tax, which may ground literature and internet searches and spaces, like Rouge National Urban Park, reinforce the energy cost savings of green undertook primary research in the form of were seen as important strategies to ensure buildings and increase adoption. interviews, surveys, and use of primary ecological processes and access to nature. The fifth research group studied the UP documents. At the final meeting of the The environmental health group created Express, the rail link between Union Station class in late March, groups presented their an online survey to ascertain the level of and Pearson International Airport under research projects to the rest of the class. public awareness about two types of urban construction and slated for completion for The research groups generated important air pollution: smog and dioxins. Findings the Pan American Games in 2015. Although and interesting findings. For instance, revealed a good awareness of air pollution less environmentally friendly, it appears besides greening urban spaces, community and knowledge of sources, while familiarity political pressure to have the link ready for gardens were found to have benefits such as with air quality measurement tools (e.g., the Games may have been a factor in the increased physical, social and psychological Air Quality Index) and relevant government decision in using diesel-powered instead well-being for participants; increased social policies was limited. The group identified of electric trains. The group recommends cohesion within communities; and greater a need for more preventative public health electrification following the Games. access to fresh produce. Nonetheless, it initiatives, such as educational programs Independent research projects & professional experience

ENV 440H Professional Experience Course 2012-14 Instructor: David Sider, Sessional Instructor (see page 32). This course provides an opportunity for students to gain practical work experience in the environmental field through placements with various organizations and agencies. The course has an academic component as well that is geared towards reflection on the placement experiences of students from a broader perspective. The Fall 2012 class had 42 students who had summer or fall placements at non-profit organizations (e.g. Access Alliance Multicultural Health & Community Services, Evergreen, Foodshare, High Park Nature Centre, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Toronto Green Community, Toronto Renewable Energy Cooperative, and Sustain Ontario), government agencies

(e.g. Toronto Environment Office, Ministry of the Environment), E. Cancelliere private sector (National Silicates, Zizzo Allan), and U of T units Bachelor’s Student Emma Cancelliere with children in Uganda (Dig In! Campus Agriculture Network, Sustainability Office). where she completed an independent project and participated in an internship with the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada (see page 21). ENV 492/493H Independent Studies Project Independent research projects completed in 2012-13: Conservation. 2) Conservation and Development: Changing Daniel Arancibia, Environmental Studies, Ecology and Evolutionary Perspectives Towards Primates in Uganda. Supervisor: Ingrid Biology. 1) Freshwater Mussel Population Assessment in the Rouge Stefanovic, Philosophy. River and Little Rouge Creek. 2) Historical and Geomorphological Julia Ercolani, Major in Biology, and Minors in Psychology and in Context of Freshwater Mussel Distribution in Rouge River Watershed. Environmental Studies. Rainforest Conservation in Peruvian Amazon: Supervisor: Hélène Cyr, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Are Stage, NGO and Private Actors Unified to Protect Tropical Emma Cancelliere, Specialist in Biological Anthropology, minor Ecosystems and Those That Depend on Them? in Environmental Studies. 1) Community Development and Primate Supervisor: Christian Abizaid, Geography and Environment.

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 13 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Undergraduate Students’ Awards

FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.environment.utoronto.ca or contact David Powell, 416-946-8100, [email protected]

Congratulations to the latest recipients of the following School of the Environment undergraduate awards. (n.b.: Environmental Policy & Practice and Environment & Society programs indicated are no longer offered and have been replaced by the Environmental Studies program.) Frances L. Allen Scholarship: Awarded to second or third-year students in a School of the Environment specialist or double major program. The recipient was Jennifer Robinson (Environment and Science). Chachra Family Scholarship in Environment and Science: Awarded to students in a School of the Environment B.Sc. specialist or major program. Recipient was Carolyn Franklin (Environment and Science). Dr. Stanley Allan Cord Scholarship in Environmental Studies: Awarded to School of the Environment students in their third or fourth year. The recipient was Alexandra Robertson (Environmental Ethics). Jane Goodall Scholarship: Awarded to one or more outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in a School of the Environment program. Preference is given to students studying environment and development. The recipient, awarded at a presentation in April 2013 (see p. 21), was Meghan Babin (Environmental Policy & Practice). Peter John Hare Memorial Scholarship in Environment: This is awarded to students in a School of the Environment specialist or major program. The recipient was Wenjie Zeng (Environment and Science). Robert Hunter Scholarships: These are awarded to outstanding School TOP: Douglas Pimlott’s granddaughter Jolise Beaton and daughter Jan of the Environment students in memory of Robert Hunter, journalist Pimlott (left) join award recipients Lily Woodbury, Usman Javed, Alissa and co-founder of Greenpeace. The recipients, recognized at the Saievia, Amy Kikuchi, and presenter and WWF President Emeritus Monte 2013 Hunter Memorial Lecture (see page 23), were Frances Tufford Hummel (back far right). BOTTOM: Professor Stephen Scharper (far left) joins Hunter recipients (Environmental Studies), and Alison Greey (Environmental Studies). Frances Tufford and Alison Greey, Bill Allison (speaker), and Bobbi Hunter and Will Hunter (far left) at the Hunter Memorial Lecture. New scholarships in memory of Jane Joy Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Environmental Rodney White and Skip Willis Sustainability: This is awarded to a student specializing or majoring In memory of the late Professor Rodney White who passed in Environmental Science at the School of the Environment who has away in July, 2012 and served for 10 years as Director of the demonstrated involvement in sustainability issues. The recipient was Rachel Bokhout (Environment & Health Specialist). former Institute for Environmental Studies (predecessor of the School), his family and the School have established a new Douglas Pimlott Awards and Scholarships: Awarded to School of the scholarship in his name. Rodney was an internationally renowned Environment students with excellent levels of academic achievement authority on transdisciplinary and international research in urban and a commitment to social involvement in environmental issues. The and environmental infrastructure and management, adaptation recipients, recognized at the 2013 Pimlott Lecture (see page 23), were: Pimlott Award: Alissa Saieva, Emily Sykes, and Lilly Woodbury to climate change and environmental liability and the insurance (Environmental Studies); industry. The inaugural Rodney White Environmental Pimlott Entrance Scholarship: Usman Javed (Environment and Science) and Scholarship will be awarded in 2014 to a third year student Amy Kikuchi (Environmental Studies). enrolled at the School, with preference given to those studying Pimlott Graduating Scholarship: Ben Normand (Environmental Policy & topics relating to environment and international development. Practice), Indra Noyes (Food Security/Environmental Studies). As a founding member of the Environmental Finance program Kathryn S. Rolph Scholarship: Awarded to outstanding School of at the former Centre for Environment (predecessor of the Environment students who have achieved a high mark in a specifc School), Errik (Skip) Willis helped the Centre develop a link to course on environmental issues. The recipient was Rylee Raeburn- the business community and a role in the carbon finance niche Gibson (Environmental Studies). (see pages 18-20). He was a much sought-after consultant as Sidney and Lucille Silver Scholarship: Awarded to a third-year student Principal of the Willis Climate Group and passed away in January in a School of the Environment or Geography specialist or major 2011. The inaugural Skip Willis scholarship was awarded program. Recipient was Lisa Nick Smith (Environmental Geography). in December, 2013 to Bachelor’s student Laura Heintzman School of the Environment Undergraduate Student Award: Awarded (Environmental Studies and Psychology majors). The award is to a School of the Environment student and is based on financial need for an undergraduate student at the School with demonstrated and academic achievement. The recipient was Evelyn O’Rourke interest in adaption and mitigation of climate change in Canada, (Environmental Ethics). market based instruments, and carbon offset projects.

14 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment GRADUATE PROGRAMS Collaborative Graduate Programs

Graduate Program Director: FOR MORE INFORMATION: DOUGLAS MACDONALD, Associate Academic Director, School of the Environment www.environment.utoronto.ca The School of the Environment offers two collaborative programs or Pavel Pripa, Graduate Student Advisor, at the Master’s and Doctoral level: 1) Environmental Studies, 416-978-3475, [email protected] and 2) Environment and Health (see article below). Students who are admitted to a “home” unit apply to the collaborative program History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Mechanical and and pursue course work and research in environmental areas. Industrial Engineering, and Social Work, and have a recent alumna Through these programs, students have the opportunity to pursue who was also enrolled in South Asian Studies. interdisciplinary, graduate work in the field of the environment. Program requirements vary with each home unit or program. Along with a core course in Environmental Decision Making Environmental Studies Collaborative Program (ENV 1001H), students are typically required to take an elective One of the compelling strengths of this program is the course and conduct research on an environmental topic which also interdisciplinary environment in which teaching and research is fulfills the requirements of their home unit (i.e. thesis or research conducted. In this program, students are both able to specialize paper). Non-thesis Masters students are required to also complete in an area of environmental research and gain exposure to a wide an internship and Doctoral students are also required to present a range of intellectual and methodological disciplines focused on seminar on their research. environmental issues. In 2012-13, the School of the Environment was pleased to have The Environmental Studies program currently has students from 16 alumni graduate from this collaborative program (5 Ph.D. and 11 across the disciplinary spectrum. In 2012-13, the School was Masters). The School also welcomed 19 new students (5 Ph.D. and pleased to add the Master of Global Affairs offered by the Munk 14 Masters), bringing the total number students enrolled last year to School of Global Affairs to its collaborating units and programs 61, including alumni. (See pages 6-9 for abstracts of alumni theses which include Adult Education and Community Development and papers and for continuing students’ research topics.) program (OISE/UT), Anthropology, Chemical Engineering and It is our goal to continue to uphold and strengthen the tradition, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, which goes back to establishment of the initial Institute for Economics, Earth Sciences, Forestry, Geography, Information, Environmental Studies in the 1970s, of providing a home for Management, Philosophy, Physics, Program in Planning graduate students and faculty engaged in interdisciplinary (Geography), Political Science, Religion, Sociology, Sociology in environmental studies research and teaching. One of the primary Education program (OISE/UT), and Women and Gender Studies. objectives of the new School is to offer stand-alone Masters and Students may also be admitted from other units on an individual Ph.D. programs. As a first step, we have begun planning for a basis. For example, this past year, we welcomed new students from stand-alone Masters of Environmental Studies program and such diverse home units as Cell and Systems Biology, Electrical we now look forward during the coming year to working with and Computer Engineering, and English. We also currently have students, faculty and other units to make this a reality. students enrolled in Chemical Engineering, East Asian Studies,

Environment and Health Collaborative Program BY CLARE WISEMAN

The School’s collaborative graduate chemical, biological and radiological pollution impacts the respiratory health of program in Environment and Health exposures in the indoor and outdoor urban cyclists to the role of environmental is offered in conjunction with various environments can affect the health of factors in contributing to increased rates of graduate degree programs at the University. individuals and communities, as well as obesity among children. (See page 26 for In 2012-13, the doctoral program offered the social, policy and ethical dimensions of seminar abstracts). by Physical Sciences and Environmental environment and health issues. Current and past students of the program Sciences at U of T Scarborough was The public Environment and Health have contributed greatly to the field of recently added to its collaborating Seminar Series and Spring term core environment and health, researching programs. Others include doctoral and course (ENV 4001H) seek to bring in top a broad range of highly pertinent and masters programs offered by Geography academics and experts from a wide range interesting topics. (See page 9 for more and Planning, Medical Science, Public of fields, backgrounds and affiliations on research conducted by 2012-13 alumni Health, and Women and Gender Studies. to present their research and introduce and continuing students.) The program provides an inter- students to a variety of interdisciplinary disciplinary perspective to the field of perspectives, methods and concepts. Topics Dr. Clare Wiseman is Assistant Professor environment and health for students which were discussed as part of last year’s and Coordinator of the Environment & interested in studying how various series, for instance, ranged from how air Health Program (see p. 29).

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 15 GRADUATE PROGRAMS

Graduate Faculty Graduate The following individuals currently have W. Scott Prudham, Geography/Environment graduate faculty appointments at the School Douglas Reeve, Chemical Eng. & Applied Chem. of the Environment. Membership is subject Helen Rodd, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Courses Rowan Sage, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology to change. For information on appointments 2013-14 School of the Environment Mohini Sain, Forestry and student supervision, please contact Pavel graduate course offerings and instructors. Pripa at [email protected]. K. Richard Sandbrook, Political Science Andrea Sass-Kortsak, Public Health For profiles of Faculty, Instructors and Lawrence Sawchuk, Social Sciences, UTSC Sessional Lecturers, please see pages 28-33. Full Members Stephen Scharper, Anthropology, For more information, please visit www. Jonathan Abbatt, Chemistry UT Mississauga/Environment environment.utoronto.ca or contact Pavel Grant Allen, Chemical Eng. & Applied Chemistry Barbara Sherwood Lollar, Earth Sciences Pripa, [email protected]. Robert Andrews, Civil Engineering Frances Silverman, Medicine George Arhonditsis, Physical & Environmental André Simpson, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC Sciences, UT Scarborough (UTSC) Myrna Simpson, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC Core Courses Spencer Barrett, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Grace Skogstad, Social Sciences, UTSC ENV 1001HF Environmental Decision Making Steven Bernstein, Political Science C. Tattersall Smith, Geography (D. Macdonald, Environment and Alana Boland, Geography Sandy Smith, Forestry B. Raboy, Ecology & Evol. Biology) Michael Bunce, Social Sciences, UTSC Mark Stabile, Management; Public Policy & ENV 4001HS Seminars in Environment and Health (C. Wiseman, Environment) Jing Chen, Geography Governance Tenley Conway, Geography, UT Mississauga Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Philosophy Paul Corey, Public Health Kimberly Strong, Physics Other Courses Sharon Cowling, Earth Sciences Susan Tarlo, Medicine ENV 1002HS Environmental Policy Hilary Cunningham, Anthropology Ross Upshur, Medical Science (D. Macdonald, Environment) Amrita Daniere, Geography Willem Vanderburg, Civil Engineering/ ENV 1004H Urban Sustainability and Ecological Technology* George Dei, OISE Leadership, Higher and Environment Adult Education ENV 1005H Business and Environmental Sarah Wakefield, Geography Politics* Donald Dewees, Economics Denis Walsh, Philosophy Miriam Diamond, Earth Sciences ENV 1008HS Worldviews and Ecology Frank Wania, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC (S. Scharper, Anthropology UTM/ Maria Dittrich, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC Peter Wells, Pharmacy Environment) Birsen Donmez, Mechanical and Industrial Eng. Kathi Wilson, Geography, UT Mississauga ENV 1444HS Capitalist Nature* Steve Easterbrook, Computer Science ENV 1701HF Environmental Law Elizabeth Edwards, Chemical Engineering & (P. Muldoon, sessional) Applied Chemistry Associate Members Christian Abizaid, Geography/Environment ENV 1703HS Water Resources Management Mark Engstrom, Ecology & Evol. Biology/ROM Kerry Bowman, Bioethics and Policy Greg Evans, Chemical Eng. & Applied Chemistry Andrew Green, Law (A.P. Grima, Geography; retired) Nick Eyles, Phys. & Environ. Sci., A.P. (Lino) Grima, Geography ENV 1704HS Environmental Risk Analysis UTSC and Management Paul Helm, Ont. Ministry of the Environment Roberta Fulthorpe, Physical & Env. Sci., UTSC (C. Ollson, sessional) H. Roland Hosein, Public Health William Gough, Phys. & Env. Sci., ENV 1707HF Environmental Finance and Marney Isaac, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC UTSC Sustainable Investing Andy Kenney, Forestry Mart Gross, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (J. Ambachtsheer, S. McGeachie, Douglas Macdonald, Environment L. Danny Harvey, Geography sessionals) Barbara Murck, Geography, UT Mississauga D. Linn Holness, Public Health JEI 1901H Technology, Society and Dennis O’Hara, St. Michael’s College Ken Howard, Physical & Env. Sci., UTSC Environment* Matthew Ratto, Information Donald Jackson, Ecology & Evolutionary JEI 1902H Technology, Society and Beth Savan, Environment Biology Environment II* Helene Wagner, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology JGE 1212H Fate of Contaminants in the Charles Jia, Chemical Eng. & Applied Chemistry Clare Wiseman, Environment Environment* Shashi Kant, Forestry Cindy Woodland, Pharmacology JPV 1201H Politics, Bureaucracy and the Bryan Karney, Civil Engineering Environment* Chris Kennedy, Civil Engineering JGE 1413H Environmental Assessment* J. Gary Knowles, OISE Leadership, Higher Members Emeriti JGE 1420H Urban Waste Management: and Adult Education Paul Aird, Forestry An International Perspective* Scott Mabury, Chemistry Terry Blake, Forestry JGE 1425HF Livelihoods, Poverty and Laurel MacDowell, History, UT Mississauga Frances Burt­on, Social Sciences, UTSC Environment in Developing Virginia Maclaren, Geography Philip Byer, Civil Engineering Countries (C. Abizaid, Heather MacLean, Civil Engineering Catherine Chalin, Public Health Geography/Environment) Jay Malcolm, Forestry Frank Cunningham, Philosophy JGE 1609H Cities, Industry and the David Martell, Forestry Brian Greenwood, Physical & Env. Sci., UTSC Environment* Patricia McCarney, Political Science William Michelson, Sociology ENV 2000H Independent Study Andrew Miall, Earth Sciences Edmund O’Sullivan, OISE Leadership, ENV 2002H Special Topics: Eric Miller, Civil Engineering Higher and Adult Education Environmental Studies Carl Mitchell, Physical & Envir. Sciences, UTSC Henry Regier, Environment JVP 2147H Environmental Philosophy* G.W. Kent Moore, Physics, UT Mississauga D.N. Roy, Forestry JNC 2503H Environmental Pathways* D. Scott Munro, Geography, UT Mississauga Richard Stren, Political Science ENV 3000H Special Topics: Environment and Health Jennifer Murphy, Chemistry Wayne Sumner, Philosophy Joseph Whitney, Geography ENV 4002H The Environment and Health of Michelle Murphy, History Vulnerable Populations * Blake Poland, Public Health Dudley Williams, Physical & Env. Sci., UTSC Anthony Price, Physical & Environ. Sci., UTSC G. Ronald Williams, Biochemistry * Not offered in 2013-14

16 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Graduate Students’ Awards

LEFT: Labatt Graduate Fellowship recipients from left: Simon Appolloni, Christian Ches, Beth Evans, Heather Wheeler, Sean Lemon, Peter Ralevic, Rachel York-Bridgers, with Interim Director Don Jackson. RIGHT: Michael Leman presents Sean Lemon with the Alexander B. Leman Award.

Congratulations to the latest recipients year’s recipient was Renata Ramasra, Ph.D. of School of the Environment graduate student in the Dept. of Geography and the FOR MORE INFORMATION: awards, most presented at Research Day School’s Environmental Studies program, www.environment.utoronto.ca on April 17, 2013 (see page 5). researching the role of tourism and tourists to Pavel Pripa, Graduate Student Advisor, conservation in La Fortuna, Costa Rica. 416-978-3475, [email protected] John Brown Prize Arthur and Sonia Labatt Fellowships This prize was established in memory These fellowships were established through of the late John R. Brown, Professor of combines excellence in research and a generous donation from Arthur and Sonia contribution to the work of the School. This Environmental Health and Medicine. This Labatt. This year’s recipients, all in the year’s recipient was Natalia Mykhaylova, year’s recipient was Mark Hathaway, Ph.D. School’s Environment Studies program, student in Adult Education and Community Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Chemical were: Simon Appolloni (Ph.D. student, Engineering. Her research is on the design Development (OISE) and the School’s Religion), Christian Ches (Ph.D. student, Environmental Studies program. His research of portable personal devices for monitoring Geography), Beth Evans (Ph.D. student, air pollution and using this data to improve is on ecological worldviews, transformative Political Science), Sean Lemon (M.Sc.Pl. learning, and engagement for sustainability. environment and occupational health. student, Geography’s Planning Program), Sperrin Chant Award in Toxicology Harleen Panesar (M.Sc.Pl. student, Alexander B. Leman Award This award is given to a School of the Planning), Peter Ralevic (Ph.D. student, This inaugural award was established Environment graduate student doing research Forestry), Heather Wheeler (Ph.D. student, in memory of Alexander B. Leman, an in toxicology. This year’s recipient was Cell and Systems Biology), and Rachel architect and urban planner. This year, it was David Paterson, Master’s student, Public York-Bridgers (Ph.D. student, Curriculum presented by Michael Leman, Alexander’s Health and the School’s Environment and Studies and Teacher Development, OISE). brother, to Sean Lemon, a M.Sc.Pl. Health program. He is studying the effect of student in Planning program (Geography) George Burwash Langford Prize and Environmental Studies program. His mercury contamination on marginalized This prize is awarded to a School of the populations in Latin America. research evaluates policy implications of Environment graduate student who best Ontario’s Global Adjustment Mechanism. GreenSaver Fairweather Award This award was established in memory of LEFT: Brown Prize recipient Natalia Mykhaylova and presenter Professor Clare Wiseman. Alastair Fairweather, a member of the Board RIGHT: Chant Award recipient David Paterson and Interim Director Professor Don Jackson. of Directors of GreenSaver. This year’s recipient was Jessika Berns, a Master’s student in the Dept. of Political Science and the School’s Environmental Studies program. Her research focuses on China’s environmental governance system and its environment and public health quality. Eric Krause Graduate Fellowship This fellowship is in memory of the late Eric Krause, a U of T Masters graduate of Geography and Environmental Studies and is presented at a Memorial Lecture held annually in the Spring (see page 23). This

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 17 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Online Distance Education Programs

GEM 400 Introduction to GIS for Environmental Management FOR MORE INFORMATION: (Michael Govorov) GEM 401 Advanced GIS for Environmental Management http://learn.environment.utoronto.ca (Michael Govorov) or contact Donna Workman, GEM 402 Geospatial Technologies for Environmental Mapping with Manager, Program and Partnership Development GIS 416-978-7077, [email protected] GEM 403 Environmental Remote Sensing (Gennady Gienko) GEM 404 GIS Modeling for Environmental Applications (M. Govorov) The School of the Environment offers unique and completely online distance learning courses and certificate programs. The applied and professional programs are developed in collaboration with industry Certificate in Renewable Energy Renewable energy is becoming one of the fastest growing experts and taught by leading industry practitioners ensuring current industries in the face of the current environmental crisis, resulting and leading edge knowledge and skills. Courses are developed for from dependence on fossil fuels and unprecedented global rate mid-career professionals and entrepreneurs who need to enhance of development. In this program students will explore historical their expertise, internationally educated professionals augmenting and current perspectives on forms of renewable energy, their credentials for the Canadian context and recent college and current usage in developed and developing nations, drivers in university graduates seeking to advance their careers. forming markets, and political will. The interdisciplinary approach Graduates of the certificate programs may be eligible to apply challenges students to pursue an interdisciplinary view of the impact for the Environmental Professional in Training designation, EPt, of renewable energy on the current global energy picture. It aims under ECO Canada’s national certification program for Canadian to develop strategic, consensual, and inclusive solutions to the environmental professionals. renewable energy and environmental management case studies. CRE 400 Principles of Renewable Energy (Lucy Sportza) Programs and Course Offerings CRE 401 Biofuels (Ian Sinclair) The following is a list of 2013-14 course offerings and Fall CRE 402 Wind Energy 2013 and Winter 2014 instructors. Please visit the website CRE 403 Urban Energy Systems (Ian Sinclair) for course schedules and descriptions. For profiles of course CRE 404 Solar Energy (Ian Sinclair) instructors, please see page 33. Certificate in Carbon Finance Certificate in Environmental Management This certificate provides a thorough grounding in a new field which Environmental management includes impact assessment, and also aims to help society meet its need to reduce greenhouses gases involves other strategies and tools, such as adaptive management, (GHGs) as rapidly as possible. “Carbon” is the short form used risk assessment, environmental site audits, assessments, remediation to refer to all the GHGs targeted by the Kyoto Protocol. Carbon and conflict resolution. The objectives of this program are to Finance is a subfield within the broader subject of Environmental develop an understanding of environmental management and to Finance which itself is the assessment of the ability of market provide insight into the systems approach which can be employed instruments to achieve various environmental objectives such to mitigate a wide range of environmental problems. Grounded in as clean air and water, effective solid waste management, the a holistic approach to sustainable development, it aims to develop remediation of contaminated land, the preservation of biodiversity, strategic and inclusive solutions to resource and management and the stabilization of the climate through GHG reduction. case studies. It also covers the complexity of risk management in ECF 400 Environmental Finance (Oliver Bussler) addressing health, economics and conservation. ECF 401 Carbon Finance (Oliver Bussler) CEM 400 Fundamentals of Environmental Management (David Sider) ECF 402 Environmental Finance Case Study: European Union CEM 401 Urban Water Issues (Lucy Sportza) Emissions Trading System CEM 402 Strategies in Environmental Management (Lucy Sportza) ECF 403 GHG Reporting and Accounting (Tom Johnson) CEM 403 Environmental Risk Assessment CEM 404 Environment and Human Health (David Sider) CEM 405 Global Environmental Change and Human Health Certificate in Water Resource Management CEM 406 Climate Change and Human Health (David Sider) Renewable water resources at both the global and local levels will undergo marked changes in our lifetime. Population growth in urban centres, climate change and an increasingly dependent energy Certificate in GIS for Environmental Management infrastructure on water creates a dynamic and challenging context Environmental Geographic Information System (GIS) describes for ensuring adequate financing and responsible development the use of geo-spatial management methodology and tools in order for use of water. This new certificate program aims to increase to assist in developing an environmental management strategy. As participants’ “water IQ”, as well as provide a basis for learning GIS applications reach a broader audience, and the utilization of about current and emerging water issues at the global, regional and GIS spreads into new industries every day, the demand within the local scale. private and public sectors continues to grow. GIS has become a WRM 400 Water Resource Management (Lucy Sportza) primary means of communicating spatial information in a multitude CEM 401 Urban Water Issues of settings in environmental applications. The objectives of this CEM 405 Global Environmental Change and Human Health program are to build a foundation for understanding of GIS and CRE 400 Principles of Renewable Energy (Lucy Sportza) Remote Sensing theory and techniques, and develop GIS software GEM 400 Introduction to GIS for Environmental Management skills to solve practical tasks related to environmental management. (Michael Govorov) 18 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Professional courses and events Presented in collaboration with leading businesses and organizations

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://learn.environment.utoronto.ca or contact Donna Workman, Manager, Program & Partnership Development, 416-978-7077, [email protected]

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies: ISO 14064-2 2013: October 24-25, Toronto; 2014: February 25-26, Toronto Instructor: Bryce Conacher (see above) Developed by CSA Group and delivered by the School of the Environment, this two-day course provides the fundamentals of greenhouse gas (GHG) project quantification, monitoring and reporting concepts and techniques. Participants explore projects that reduce emissions and enhance emission removals. Also reviewed is ISO 14064-2, which specifies the requirements and provides guidance for quantification, monitoring and reporting of activities Bryan Conacher (Toronto Regional Director, Offsetters Director of intended to cause GHG emission reductions or removal. Business Development for Ledcor Renew) instructs participants in a GHG Inventory, Accounting and Reporting course, held in Toronto. Energy Courses: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Courses: Implementing Energy Management Systems: GHG Inventory, Accounting and Reporting ISO 50001 2012-13: Toronto, Calgary and 2013: April 25-26, June 20-21, October 3-4, Toronto 2014: Toronto: January 20-21, March 18-19; 2014: February 18-19, June 2-3, Toronto Calgary: May 1-2; Vancouver: June 5-6 (subject to change) Instructor: Ian Sinclair, consultant focusing on the built environment. Instructor: Bryce Conacher, Toronto Regional Director, Offsetters; With current and anticipated regulations, as well as voluntary Director of Business Development, Ledcor Renew. corporate and association commitments to sustainability, energy One of the challenges organizations will face is how to determine consumers and producers are compelled to develop greenhouse gas the competency and credentials of staff and/or consultants engaged management plans to minimize production/use costs and reduction to compile greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories or provide GHG of greenhouse gas emissions. Topics covered are an overview of professional services. A Certified GHG Quantifier Professional ISO 50001, energy management systems requirements, policy & mitigates these concerns by engaging professionals. planning, implementation & operations, checking, monitoring and The School of the Environment has partnered with CSA group auditing and management Review. to offer a course designed to prepare students to undertake the globally recognized CSA GHG Inventory Quantifier Certification New Energy Courses offered in 2014: examination that will demonstrate competence to develop, quantify, • Energy Strategies for Optimizing Building Operations: assess and report GHG inventories. CSA Standards is a leading Recommissioning (ReCx): Feb 21, 2014 • Renewable Energy Systems: March 7 and June 13, 2014 North American developer of standards, codes and personnel certification programs. Continued on page 20.... Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Accounting and Reporting Advisory Committee

The School of the Environment established an Advisory Committee • Bryce Conacher, Regional Director, Offsetters; and of experts in the carbon and energy sectors who provide expertise Director of Business Development, Ledcor Renew and strategic guidance to the program to ensure that students have • Barbara Hendrickson, Counsel, Miller Titerle LLP an outstanding learning experience in the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) • Tom Johnson, Project Manager, GHG Emission Reduction Inventory, Accounting and Reporting Certificate Program. Program, Ontario Ministry of the Environment The committee also oversees the curriculum development to • Bryan Karney, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, U of T ensure that it meets and exceeds CSA’s learning objectives to • Valerie Madarasz, Business Development Manager, CSA group prepare students for the GHG Inventory Quantifier exam, while • Katie Sullivan, Canadian Director, International Emissions preparing learners to succeed as internationally recognized Carbon Trading Association Professionals. Members are as follows: Please visit http://learn.environment.utoronto.ca • Brian Bower, Manager, Education Partner Programs or contact: Donna Workman, Manager, Program & Partnership Development, 416-978-7077, [email protected]

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 19 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Continued from page 19.

New Energy Courses Offered in 2014 (cont’d): • Energy Management I: Energy Management Process: April 24, 2014 • Energy Management II - Energy Reduction Strategies: May 30, 2014

Water Courses: Sustainability Skills Lab: Water Footprinting October 10, 2013, Mississauga Instructors: Ian Sinclair (see above) and David Wilcox, Project Manager, Water Resources, Partners in Project Green The School collaborated with Partners in Project Green to offer a new workshop on mapping and managing your water footprint. Participants learned how to develop a water management process to help develop a baseline, benchmark their consumption and understand their stormwater impact, and learn best practices to help Often referred to as the “father of carbon futures”, Dr. Richard Sandor presented the keynote address at a special panel discussion “2014 and reduce their overall water footprint. Beyond: Is Your Business Ready” in December, 2013. Water Auditing 2014 and Beyond: Is Your Business Ready? 2013: May 30-31, October 17-18, Toronto December 4, 2013, Toronto 2014: January 28-29, June 19-20, Toronto Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Sandor, author of “Good Derivatives: A Instructors: Ian Sinclair (see above) and Bryan Karney, Professor, Dept. Story of Financial and Environmental Innovation” of Civil Engineering and Chair, Division of Environmental Engineering & Moderator: Susan McGeachie, EY’s Sustainability Services. Energy Systems, University of Toronto. Speakers: Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights; Paul Dickinson, The Carbon An expanding population, urbanization, escalating standards of Disclosure Project; Erik Haites, International Climate Finance; Ed living and climate change all place pressure on the world’s water Waitzer, Stikeman Elliott LLP. resources. This two-day course provides a background to understand This panel discussed the development of environmental finance and and manage issues facing the world’s water supply, including management as they identified Canadian actions to mitigate risks current best practices to manage and reduce a water footprint. and capitalise on opportunities. It offered a review of the successes and failures of the global environmental markets, efforts to resolve Water Finance: How Blue is Your Bottom Line? carbon pricing, financing mechanisms for sustainable solutions, and October 18-19, 2013, Toronto innovative opportunities for business and society. Instructors: Lois Corbett, Ont. Min. of Environment; Joanna Barrington and Eric Mysak, WWF; Renee Chu and Kimberly Wright, City of Environmental Finance Advisory Committee Toronto; Andrew Dooner, BMO Financial Group; Kerry Freek, Water Canada; Faisal Mirza, then with Tangerine Tango; Prof. Bryan Karney, The School of the Environment is pleased to have members of Civil Engineering, U of T; Tim Nash, Strategic Sustainable Investments; the business community plan professional events and courses Nicholas Parker, Blue Economy Initiative; Jeff Stal, Fileco/ Teknion; designed to promote dialogue on leading edge initiatives relating Carla Stevens, Stratos; Christine Zimmer, Credit Valley Conservation. to environmental business risks and opportunities. This two-day certificate course was presented by the School in • Michael R. Barrett, Partner, Corporate, Bennett Jones LLP collaboration with Water Canada magazine and Tangerine Tango. • Alex Chamberlain, Managing Partner, Investeco Capital Participants learned how water affects their business’ bottom line • Elisabeth (Lisa) DeMarco, Partner, Norton Rose Fullbright and how risks can be mitigated. They were provided with tools to • Julie Desjardins, Advisor, Canadian Institute of Chartered develop opportunities associated with water scarcity and learn how Accountants to build a proactive and engaging water strategy. • Toby Heaps, President and Co-Founder, Corporate Knights • Barbara Hendrickson, Counsel, Bax Securities Law • Peter Johnson, Senior Manager, Environmental Risk, TD Bank Environmental Finance Events: • Patricia A. Koval, Partner, Torys LLP These seminars and workshops are offered to promote dialogue on • Sonia Labatt leading edge initiatives in sustainable investment opportunities. • Todd Latham, President, Actual Media • Rosemary Martin, Chief Sustainability Officer, First Capital Producing Fossil Fuels with Hydraulic Fracturing: Realty Evaluating Global and Local Risks, & Opportunities of Fracking • Susan McGeachie, Market Leader, Climate Change and April 18, 2013, Toronto Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young (Committee Chair) Moderator: Mike Barrett, Partner, Bennett Jones LLP. • Susan McLean, Director, GreenEdge Capital Speakers: Wally Braul, lawyer, Bennett Jones LLP; Professor Andrew • Kimberly Strong, Director, School of the Environment Miall, Dept. of Earth Sciences, U of T; and Aaron Miller, Northern • Katie Sullivan, Director, North America Policy and International Canada and Natural Gas, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. Climate Finance, IETA This seminar brought together representatives of industry, finance, • Gray Taylor, Partner, Corporate, Bennett Jones LLP academia and environmental non-governmental organizations to • Bill Tharp, CEO, Climate Change Infrastructure Corporation discuss the facts and issues associated with hydraulic fracturing (or • Donna Workman, Manager, Program & Partnership “fracking”) which makes available seemingly limitless quantities of Development, School of the Environment low priced and arguably “cleaner” natural gas, but is accompanied by debates on its environmental impacts, including groundwater For more information, visit http://learn.environment.utoronto.ca or contact Donna Workman, 416-978-7077, [email protected] contamination of groundwater and use of scarse water resources. 20 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Jane Goodall Institute Partnership with the School provides various learning opportunities for students


Founded in 1994 in Montréal, JGI Canada has seen tremendous growth since it moved its offices to Toronto in 2007 with the support of a partnership with the School of the Environment at the University of Toronto. Although the survival of chimpanzees in the wild is at the heart of our work, the Jane Goodall Institute’s mission acknowledges that, to protect chimpanzees and other wildlife, we must also help people to live more sustainably and empower our youth to become better environmental stewards of our planet. Our success this past year in expanding our community-centred conservation work in Africa to work with people to live more sustainably, and the broadening reach of our education program, has been in part to our continued partnership with the School. Our connection to U of T continues to grow every year, with more students and faculty J. McArthur getting involved in our programming. Dr. Jane Goodall addresses students and faculty at University of Toronto Mississauga in 2012. We are embarking on an exciting new phase of growth and development as we In April, 2013, the Jane Goodall welcome Andria Teather, the new CEO of Undergraduate Scholarship was awarded FOR MORE INFORMATION & JGI Canada effective August 2013. to Meghan Babin, (Environmental Policy VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Emma Cancelliere (Bachelor’s student, & Practice) at the joint School and JGI www.janegoodall.ca; Biological Anthropology, Environmental Environment and Development Seminar. 416-978-3711; [email protected] Studies) and Mark McKay (Master’s The panel on primate and community- student, Forest Conservation) participated centred conservation featured Professor in JGI Canada’s first field internship Shawn Lehman and Travis Steffens (Ph.D. Fall 2012 tour as part of its Snider Lecture opportunity in the summer of 2012, assisting Student) of the Dept. of Anthropology, and Series. Dr. Goodall returned to U of T in with an assessment of our conservation and Emma Cancelliere. October, 2013 to present her lecture Reason development initiatives in western Uganda. JGI also hosted a number of Environment for hope: Exploring the Role of Youth Emma has presented her findings to various work study students throughout the year. in a Changing Climate, co-presented by U of T audiences and continues to be an For example, Michelle Mockus who started student group U of T Environmental Action engaged contributor to JGI’s Change is in in work study then continued beyond her and the School. JGI Program Coordinator You blog (janegoodallcanadablog.org). placement. Also Sarah Samwel volun- Sara Hsiao also presented a lecture to UTM Also new this year was JGI’s collabora- teered with JGI and is an active member of Anthropology students in February, 2013 tion with U of T Scarborough to train nine JGI’s Youth Leadership Council. on primate conservation and engagement student volunteers to deliver Let’s Talk JGI was pleased that U of T Mississauga through volunteering and research. Science to engage youth in classrooms. (UTM) hosted Dr. Jane Goodall during her We look forward to continuing a long and fruitful partnership with the University, to work on our conservation, development and education programs in Africa, and engagement of students in education, conservation and community development. Sandra Pimpao is Director, Development & Marketing, JGI Canada.

LEFT: Emma Cancelliere (Bachelor’s student) and Travis Steffens (Ph.D. student) present their research at the Environment and Development seminar. RIGHT: Don Jackson, Interim Director of the School of the Environment, presents Meghan Babin (Environmental Policy & Practice Major) with the Jane Goodall Undergraduate Scholarship. School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 21 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Environment Seminar Series

The following seminars were presented in created a “hybrid market” which created an Toronto. Beijing is facing a major garbage this series in 2012-13. Condensed presenters’ electricity bill that is largely incomprehensible. crisis. This talk discussed ways to reduce abstracts are included below. HOWARD HU, Director and Professor, Dalla Beijing’s volume of solid waste and a study of Lana School of Public Health, University waste management strategies currently used in Coordinated by Donna Workman, Manager, of Toronto. The Environment & Public Toronto. (Visiting Professor; see page 25.) Program & Partnership Development Health in a Research-Intensive University: DAVID SCHINDLER, Killam Memorial Professor Opportunities for Scholarship. This talk of Ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, FOR MORE INFORMATION: explored the opportunities for new initiatives University of Alberta. The Dilemma of www.environment.utoronto.ca/Events.aspx and collaborations with the Dalla Lana School Controlling Cultural Eutrophication. This talk or contact Donna Workman, of Public Health and the establishment of the argues that recent studies finding that nitrogen 416-978-7077, [email protected] new School of the Environment. as well as phosphorus must be controlled BRYAN KARNEY, Professor, Dept. of Civil in order to reverse eutrophication of lakes SIMON APPOLLONI, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. Engineering, University of Toronto. Balancing are erroneous, because they are based on for the Study of Religion and School of the Conflicting Demands at a Major Hydro short-term approaches. New results of whole Environment, U of T. When Other Worlds Are Facility: Mist, Flow, Tourism and Power, lake experiments were presented, and a new Taken Seriously: Identifying a New Typology summary of how climate change and increased and Niagara Falls. Almost all large scale- in the Religion-Science Nexus. Within context water projects have created a complex set human activity in the watershed have of deepening global poverty and a planetary of interacting benefits and costs. This talk combined to cause the rapid eutrophication. ecological crisis, some Christian thinkers have examined the division of water between SAPNA SHARMA, Assistant Professor, Dept. formulated what this talk argued represents a power production and the visual appearance of Biology, York University. The Impacts new typology in the religion-science nexus. of Niagara Falls which influences the rates of of Climate Change and Invasive Species This presentation described its key features. rock erosion and the production of mist. on Aquatic Ecosystems: A Landscape

LEA BERRANG FORD, Assistant Professor, GAIL KRANTZBERG, Professor, Dept. of Civil Perspective. This talk examined three Department of Geography, McGill University. Engineering; Director, Centre for Engineering potential impacts of climate change on aquatic Tracking Adaptation: Climate Change, Global and Public Policy, McMaster University. ecosystems: the spread of invasive species, the Health, and the Methodological Messiness Great Lakes Great Responsibilities. This talk extirpation of native species, and alterations in of the Adaptation Challenge. There has been examined the Canada-US Great Lakes Water lake ice dynamics. This talk provided evidence relatively little attention given to methods for Quality Agreement which is committed to the that climate change has impacted lakes and tracking adaptation at a global scale, which restoration and maintainance of the chemical, forecasted the impacts on the spread of is constrained by the complexity of defining physical and biological integrity of the waters invasive species and the loss of biodiversity. what adaptation looks like in practice and of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. BARBARA SHERWOOD LOLLAR, University identifying indicators of success. YUJUN LI, Associate Professor and Director, Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University DON DEWEES, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Environmental Economics and of Toronto. Emerging Trends in Stable Department of Economics, U. of Toronto. Management, Chinese Academy of Social Isotope Investigations for Environmental Energy, Environment and Economics: When is Sciences. The Growing Problem of Garbage: Forensics and Microbiology. This talk Green Energy Affordable? Concern about the What Should We Do? — from Beijing to examined Compound Specific Isotope environmental consequences of burning fossil Analysis (CSIA), the characterization of fuels, particularly coal, to generate electricity stable isotope compositions of individual David Schindler, Killam Memorial Professor of has led to policies that encourage the use Ecology at the University of Alberta, discusses contaminant compounds dissolved in of renewable energy. This talk discussed an the dilemma of controlling eutrophication of groundwater. CSIA provides a novel method economic framework for evaluating green lakes in Canada and elsewhere in the world. for investigation of both abiotic and biotic power projects and how it applies to the remediation potential at contaminated sites. energy choices that Ontario faces. Recently, coupling of both carbon and

STEVE EASTERBROOK, Professor, Dept. of hydrogen isotope effects is providing deeper Computer Science, University of Toronto. insight into microbiological remediation of Systems Thinking and Climate Change: contaminants through information of microbial Understanding the Dynamics of Societal activity levels and enzymatic efficiency. Inertia. To the general public, solutions to KIMBERLY STRONG, Professor, Department of climate change are typically presented either Physics, University of Toronto. Up in the Air: as a set of personal behavioral changes or Understanding Our Changing Atmosphere. a question of global governance. This talk Air quality, climate change, ozone depletion, explored this problem using the conceptual and extreme weather are all issues that receive toolkit of systems thinking with examples. considerable attention, given their potential RUSS HOULDIN, Former Policy Advisor, impact on the economy and public health. Ontario Energy Board. Understanding Your Accurate and timely measurements of trace Electricity Bill: An Archaeology of Policy gas concentrations are crucial to understanding Failure. This talk examined Ontario’s the chemical and physical processes that drive electricity system, and its failed policies. atmospheric change. This talk provided an The bill reflects “electricity restructuring” overview of some of the current challenges which used to be known as “deregulation, in atmospheric science, and described how competition and privatization”. Policies have measurements of trace gases may be used to address them. 22 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Memorial Lectures

The following Memorial Lectures were presented in March, 2013 in conjunction with special student awards and scholarships. For photos and details of awards presented, please see pages 14 and 17. For more information, please contact Donna Workman, Manager, Program and Partnership Development, at [email protected].

Robert Hunter Memorial Lecture Eric Krause Memorial Lecture Douglas Pimlott Memorial Lecture This annual lecture is held in memory of the This annual lecture in held in memory of This annual lecture is held in memory of Dr. late Bob Hunter, co-founder of Greenpeace Eric Krause, a U of T alumnus in Geography Douglas Pimlott, first Director of the former and former Ecology Specialist at CityTV. and Environmental Studies and former Environmental Studies Program, Innis College. environmental planner at the City of Toronto. WILLIAM ALLISON, Aquatic Biologist and BECKY RABOY, Assistant Professor, Renewable Natural Resource Manager. ERIC MILLER, Professor, Department of Civil Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Implications of Rapid Global and Local Engineering, University of Toronto. Towards Biology, U of Toronto. Small Monkeys, Big Change for the Maldivian Atoll System. Urban Transportation Sustainability: Problems: Golden-Headed Lion Tamarins’ The continued existence of the Maldive The Third Urban Revolution. Prior to the Prospects for Surviving in the Complex islands, located in the Indian Ocean, continues Industrial Revolution, cities were compact, Agricultural Landscape of Southern Bahia, to depend upon coral reef growth matching limited by how far a person could walk or a Brazil. Golden-headed lion tamarins are or exceeding erosion, especially in a time of horse could travel in a reasonable period of small-bodied Neotropical primates restricted sea level rise. This talk discussed the global time. Steam railways, followed by electric to the Atlantic forest of Southern Bahia, and local forces inhibiting coral reef growth streetcars and subways revolutionized the Brazil and are threatened by extreme habitat and their implications. Global forces include urban landscape. The automobile brought loss and fragmentation. This talk discussed greenhouse gas driven global warming and a second revolution that has permitted the transdisciplinary population, ecological and ocean acidification. Local forces include almost-unlimited growth of our cities. This behavioural studies, and Dr. Raboy’s research sewage discharge, groundwater pollution auto-based city has very low density, single- which places emphasis on spatially and and seepage, sediment loading, coral mining, use neighbourhoods which are becoming temporally explicit approaches to predicting inappropriate coastal development, and increasingly dysfunctional. The 21st-century future population trends. The need for quite likely pesticide use. Once the growth revolution requires a cultural and political proactive conservation measures was stressed, of a coral community has been sufficiently shift in how we view our cities and a re-think such as the protection of forest in key areas to inhibited by such factors, erosion exceeds of how we design and build them, in order to serve as future habitat linkage, reforestation growth, the reef’s sea defense capacity is create more sustainable, attractive “homes” in areas lacking current connectivity and impaired, and islands erode. for people and firms. managed translocation to maintain gene flow. Environmental Career Day An annual spring event for university and community college students


The School of the Environment was pleased to co-present Environ- mental Career Day, an annual spring event open to all registered university and college students, at U of T and elsewhere. The co-presentation with the Toronto Undergraduate Geography Society (TUGS), the Forestry Union of Students (FUS), and the Environmental Students’ Union (ENSU) was held on March 2, 2013 in the Hart House Great Hall with 250 students in attendance. It included a career expo with 21 exhibitors from government, consulting and non-governmental organizations, and U of T graduate programs, who provided students with information, career advice and many potential career, job and volunteer opportunities. In addition to the career expo, the day also included presentations by speakers from various sectors in the environmental field. They discussed and answered questions from students, in particular, the key next steps leading up to and after graduation for advancing one’s career; how students should prepare for future opportunities, Association; Glen Matadeen, Career Educator, U of T Career and how to stay positive and focused in a difficult job market. Centre; and Claire Westmacott, fourth year undergraduate student. Speakers included U of T alumna Josephine Archbold, The School of the Environment looks forward to continuing to Environmental Health Policy and Research Consultant, Toronto offer this event, which assists our students as they plan their futures. Public Health; Dr. Bryan Karney, Professor of Civil Engineering, U of T; Dr. Ray Clement, President, EnviroAnalysis; Jessica David Powell is the School’s Undergraduate Student Advisor and Kaknevicius, Program Development Manager, Ontario Forestry Placement Coordinator. For more information, please email him at [email protected]. School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 23 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Environment & Health Seminar Series

The following seminars were presented in Studies of Environmental and Genetic in this series in 2012-13. Condensed Causes of Cancer. Research in recent decades presenters’ abstracts are included below. has yielded unprecedented advances in the understanding of the human genome and MONICA CAMPBELL, Director, Healthy Public factors related to cancer progression and Policy, Toronto Public Health. Healthy Toronto treatment. However, gains have been more by Design: The Making of a More Walkable modest regarding the effects of environmental and Equitable City. Toronto Public Health factors and ways to improve disease is playing a leadership role in influencing prevention. This seminar explored reasons the development of healthy public policies behind this dichotomy and new approaches for that integrate social, environmental and research on health effects of the environment. economic factors in building a healthier, more BLAKE POLAND, Associate Professor, Dalla equitable and liveable city. This presentation Lana School of Public Health, University of highlighted the research findings and policy Toronto. Community Resilience in the Face implications for three major initiatives of the of an Uncertain Future: Understanding an Healthy Toronto By Design framework: 1) Emerging Landscape of Transition Towns The Walkable City: Neighbourhood Design in Canada. Originating in 2004 in the UK and Preferences Travel Choices and Health, and spreading rapidly around the world, 2) The Road to Health: Improving Walking the Transition Town movement seeks an and Cycling in Toronto, and 3) The Toward Monica Campbell of Toronto Public Health integrated and community-based response to Healthier Apartment Neighbourhoods. presents a seminar on the City of Toronto’s economic instability, climate change, peak oil, initiatives to make Toronto a more walkable DAVID FISMAN, Associate Professor, Dalla and equitable city. environmental degradation and the erosion Lana School of Public Health, University of of community. Movement leaders argue that Toronto. It’s Gettin’ Hot in Here: Climate guideline values. Priorities for future work successful transition to a low-carbon society Change and Implications for Communicable were discussed with special emphasis on two requires grassroots action to build community Disease Control. Direct links between the new projects underway this year. resilience. There are now over 20 Transition physical environment and infection are KRYSTAL GORDI, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Towns in Canada and another 65-70 at earlier readily observable in low-income countries Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied stages of development. This presentation with limited health-enhancing infrastructure. Chemistry, University of Toronto. Air reported on preliminary findings of a study on As climate and weather continue to shift, an Pollution Cocktail: Which Pollutants Are the emergence of the movement in Canada. improved understanding of the impact that Responsible for Health Effects? Long- SUE WATSON, Research Scientist, Watershed climate change may have on infectious disease term exposure to poor air quality is strongly Hydrology and Ecology Research Division, dynamics in both high- and low-income associated with the onset of various chronic Environment Canada. Algal/Cyanobacterial countries is needed. This seminar discussed the cardio-respiratory diseases. Isolating the Odour Compounds in Surface Water: concerns and methodological tools that relate biological mechanisms which underpin these Chemical Communication or Chemical Waste to change in the epidemiology of vectorborne diseases is challenging from a toxicological The water industry has tended to treat algal diseases, food- and waterborne illnesses, and perspective. This talk discussed a synthetic odour compounds (AOCs) as metabolic waste, the health implications of climate change for cell-free model was developed to replicate with a focus on their identification, sources already-vulnerable populations. the antioxidant-rich fluid that coats the lung and removal. Yet AOC outbreaks still remain ELISABETH GALARNEAU, Research Scientist, and acts as the airway’s first defence against highly unpredictable. This talk presented Air Quality Research Division, Environment radical-generating airborne pollutants. This recent work that shows that some AOCs Canada. Air Toxics in Canada (ATiC): toxicity metric was designed to quantify the play active roles in ecological processes, Assessing Hazardous Air Pollutants in airway’s ability to tolerate pollutant exposures functioning at microscale levels in grazer guts Canadian Air. Compounds known as air and to predict acute oxidative stress responses. or in biofilm matrices. This has major applied toxics or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) BRUCE LANPHEAR, Professor, Faculty of implications, and demonstrates a fundamental are implicated in a variety of adverse health Health Sciences, . need to adopt a more mechanistic approach to effects and have been assessed most notably Crime of the Century: The Failure to Prevent algal-derived odours in freshwater ecosystems. in the U.S. through the National Air Toxics the Lead Pandemic. Over the past century, Assessment (NATA) program. No analogous KUE YOUNG, Professor, Dalla Lana School of the use and environmental dissemination of Public Health, University of Toronto. Health program existed in Canada before the recent lead has increased sharply. Lead toxicity is initiation of Environment Canada’s Air and Environment in Circumpolar Indigenous one of the leading public health problems, People. This talk discussed the circumpolar Toxics in Canada (ATiC) project which found but its contributions are often ignored or that several pollutants exceed or approach region, overall health status of its indigenous under-appreciated. Lead is a risk factor for the populations in terms of several key comparable development of ADHD, has been linked with indicators, highlighting the substantial Coordinated by Professor Clare Wiseman the rise and decline of violent crimes over the disparities that exist across populations and (see page 29). past century, and is a largely unrecognized risk regions. Environmental health problems can be factor for cardiovascular disease, but the focus broadly divided into “old” problems such as FOR MORE INFORMATION: has been on drug therapy, incarceration, and sanitation, water supply, solid waste disposal www.environment.utoronto.ca lifestyle choices, respectively. and housing. Superimposed on these are or contact Pavel Pripa, JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, Professor, Dalla Lana “new” ones such as the long-range transport of 416-978-3475 School of Public Health, University of Toronto. contaminants and warming of the Arctic from [email protected] Rebalancing the Focus to Achieve Impact which health impacts are difficult to assess. 24 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment Post Doctoral Fellow Joanne Moyer alumna studies faith-based organizations in Canada

BY JOANNE MOYER I came to the School of the Environment from Kenya”. In April 2013, I presented at in January 2013 with a two-year SSHRC- the School’s Research Day (see page 5), funded post-doctoral fellowship. The describing both my PhD research and the broad focus of my research is faith-based research I intend to pursue for my post-doc. organizations doing environmental work in I returned to Winnipeg for the summer of Canada, exploring their role in the environ- 2013, where I taught a course, The Study mental movement and ways in which of Voluntary Simplicity, at Menno Simons learning for sustainability is transferred College. I also conducted research on an through the organizations to their target event planned by the Mennonite community audience. I am working under the super- in Winnipeg for Earth Day last year. vision of Professor Stephen Scharper In Fall 2013, I helped teach the Ecological of the Department of Anthropology at Worldviews undergraduate course (ENV University of Toronto Mississauga, and the 333H) with Dr. Scharper, and continued School of the Environment. with my main research project. This entails During the first months of my fellowship, connecting with faith-based organizations I spent time getting to know the School J. Moyer doing environmental work across Canada and planning my research. I observed and I have also been finishing some papers by interviewing leaders and participants participated in Dr. Scharper’s Worldviews from my Ph.D. thesis at the University of in their programs, and observing and and Ecology graduate class (ENV 1008H), Manitoba. Two papers are now in review: participating in some of their programs. during which a highlight was a visit to “Learning for sustainability among faith- the Evergreen Brick Works, a community based organizations in Kenya”, and “Faith- To contact Dr. Moyer, please email her at environmental centre in Toronto. based sustainability in practice: case studies [email protected]. Visiting Professor from Beijing Yujun Li studies Canadian environmental policy and Toronto waste management

BY YUJUN LI I was pleased to receive funding to be a Visiting Professor at the School of the Environment from August, 2012 to January, 2014. At the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, I am an Associate Professor and Director of the Department of Environmental Economics and Management at the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies. One of my research interests is Canadian environmental policy and Toronto municipal waste management. Being here gave me an opportunity to do a comparative study of Toronto and Beijing. The School of the Environment provided an excellent place for my research, given related interests of some of its appointed faculty, and also faculty members from other units at the University. While at the University, I participated in several courses and also presented a seminar in the School’s Environment Seminar Series

(see page 22) on the growing problem of garbage in Beijing. Y. Li I met with managers and engineers in the City of Toronto offices of Solid Waste Management Services, and Engineering and My main general research interests are in environmental policy, Construction Services. sustainable development, municipal solid waste management, I also visited several facilities such as the Dufferin Garbage environmental management, environmental impact assessment, and Transfer Station which is an organic processing and also a recycling environmental standards. I have led over 20 research projects and facility, the Disco Road Green Bin Processing Facility, and the published 35 papers, particularly relating to China and Japan. Green Lane Landfill. I now have a general idea of the whole process of solid waste management in Toronto. To contact Ms. Li, please email her at [email protected].

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 25 PROFILES: FACULTY Bill Vanderburg retires Engineer passionate about preventing environmental problems

BY PHIL BYER, BRYAN KARNEY AND BARRY ADAMS first engineers to study the interactions of have been made. With his knowledge and technology, society and the biosphere and passion, he was an inspiring teacher to a the development of preventive approaches generation of students, and was one of the in engineering design. first recipients of Engineering’s Faculty Bill joined the University in 1978 Teaching Award. His courses on the after completing degrees in mechanical social and environmental implications of engineering at the University of Waterloo, technology have been taken by thousands and post-doctoral studies in science- of engineering and environmental students. technology-society interactions at the Bill was Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin University of Bordeaux. He was among of Science, Technology and Society. the first to teach courses on the social Among his numerous scholarly addresses impacts of technology, and in 1986 he and writings, he authored four books established the Centre for Technology and published by University of Toronto Press, Social Development within the Faculty of including the recent book Our War on Applied Science and Engineering, and was Ourselves: Rethinking Science, Technology its Director until his retirement. In 1991, he and Economic Growth (2011). The retirement of Professor Willem became cross-appointed to the Institute for Although Bill has retired, his passion and (Bill) Vanderburg in June 2013 from Environmental Studies (IES), a predecessor inspiration continue through the numerous Engineering and the School of the of the School of the Environment. students and colleagues he has touched. Environment leaves a big hole in teaching Bill has been a passionate promoter and research in preventing environmental for engineers, educators and students to Phil Byer and Barry Adams are Professors problems rather than trying to fix them understand and address environmental and Emeriti, and Bryan Karney is Professor in after they occur. Bill was among the social issues up front, not after decisions the Department of Civil Engineering.

Multicultural Perspectives on Environmental Community Location, Geographical Poverty Management, and JGE 1425H Livelihoods, Traps, and Community-based Programs. Poverty and Environment in the Developing This project is in collaboration with Yoshito Countries (joint course with Geography). Takasaki (University of Tsukuba), Oliver Coomes (McGill University) and Pablo Research Interests: Human-environment Arroyo (McGill). It uses remote sensing interactions, environmental conservation imagery and community/household surveys and development, cultural ecology, peasant to study the determinants and implications of livelihoods in tropical forests, environmental geographical location of rural settlements in change, human responses to natural the Peruvian Amazon as a new approach that hazards and vulnerability, human-induced promises to improve our understanding of environmental change, land use & land cover geographical poverty traps and community- change, Latin America, Amazon, Mexico. based conservation and development.

Featured Research Projects: Recent Publications: Floodplain Dynamics, Socioeconomic Takasaki, Y., O.T. Coomes, C. Abizaid, Change, and Traditional Livelihoods in and S. Brisson. 2013. An efficient the Upper Amazon. This project examines nonmarket institution under imperfect Christian Abizaid the prospects for economic livelihood markets: labor sharing for tropical forest Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography within the context of rapid environmental clearing. American Journal of Agricultural and School of the Environment. and socioeconomic change. As part of my Economics (In press.) Office: Dept. of Geography, Room 5055, dissertation, I studied the origins, and the Coomes, O., Y. Takasaki, C. Abizaid and 100 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 3G3, (social and economic) consequences of a B. Barham. 2010. Floodplain fisheries tel: 416-978-3373, fax: 416-946-3886; recent meander cutoff along the Ucayali as natural insurance for the rural poor in [email protected]; River in Peru. Since then, South American tropical forest environments: evidence http://www.geog.utoronto.ca; governments announced important from Amazonia. Fisheries Management & http://www.environment.utoronto.ca infrastructure projects in the Amazon, Ecology. 17:513-521. Licenciatura (International Relations), which are likely to change the prospects Coomes, O.T., C. Abizaid and M. Lapointe. Iberoamericana, Mexico; M.A. and Ph.D. for economic livelihood in my study area. 2009. Human modification of a large (Geography), McGill. Building on my earlier research, I document meandering Amazonian river: genesis, long-term livelihood responses to river ecological and economic consequences of 2013-14 Instructor of ENV 223H Funda- channel dynamics in a socioeconomic the Masisea cutoff on the central Ucayali, mental Environmental Skills, JGE 321H context that is rapidly changing. Peru. Ambio 38(3): 130-34. 26 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment relevant policy changes related to the Karen Ing provision of ecosystem services, at the Senior Lecturer, School of the Environment. national, provincial, and municipal levels. Office: School of the Environment, Room 2098, 33 Willcocks St., Toronto, Ecosystems and Human Well-Being (UNEP). Ontario, M5S 3E8; tel: 416-978-4863; fax: In collaboration with Professor Shashi 416-978-3884; Kant (Faculty of Forestry, U of T), the [email protected] goal of this project is to increase awareness M.Sc. (Zoology), Toronto. and understanding of the links between http://www.environment.utoronto.ca ecosystem and human well-being, especially in developing countries. Workshops have On sabbatical leave July 1/13 to June 30/14. been offered in China and Vietnam.

Research Interests: Team Teaching: Does It Strengthen Or Environmental education, interdisciplinary Undermine a Learning Community? team teaching, valuing ecosystem services With a cross-disciplinary group of U of T and well-being; incentive mechanisms for colleagues, this study explores the extent and provisioning of ecosystem services. variety of team teaching models at U of T. Over 64 team taught courses were surveyed Recent Publications: Featured Research Projects: in the Faculty of Arts & Science to assess the perceived advantages and disadvantages Rosatte, R., M. Ryckman, K. Ing, S. Incentive Mechanisms for the Provision of Proceviat, M. Allan, L. Bruce, D. Donovan, Ecosystem Services in Ontario. of team teaching both from the faculty and student perspective. J.C. Davies. 2010. Density, movements, The provision of ecosystem services poses and survival of raccoons in Ontario, challenges similar to as those associated Survey of Raccoon Movement in the Niagara Canada: implications for disease spread and with the provision of public goods. These Region from 1994 to 1997. management. Journal of Mammalogy 91(1): challenges become more serious when This project was a critical component 122-135. the providers are private landowners. In in developing Ontario’s strategies on Neumann, M, S. Browning, J. Clarke, partnership with conservation authorities management and potential disease spread J. Harlow, D. Harrison, K. Ing, L. Kushnir, in Southern Ontario, this project is of raccoon rabies into Southern Ontario. It C. Kutas, J. Pitre, R. Serbanescu, M. Wall, being undertaken to enable community analyzed data from the Trap-Vaccinate- and R. Wilson. 2008. Serial team teaching organizations to implement the most Release program in the Niagara Region and the evolving scholarship of learning: appropriate incentive mechanisms by to study movement trends associated with students’ perspective. Collected Essays on enhancing their capacities, and to facilitate variables such as sex, age, and seasons. Teaching and Learning 1: 28-34.

in governance practices to address climate Douglas Macdonald change and accelerate the transition towards a Senior Lecturer and Academic Associate low carbon Canada. It addresses the particular Director, School of the Environment. issue of distributional conflicts, focussing Office: School of the Environment, Room on three dimensions of climate-related 1049B (5 Bancroft Ave. entrance). Mailing political conflic: regional/inter-governmental, address: 33 Willcocks St., Toronto, ON, M5S industrial, and social. It examines innovative 3E8; tel: 416-978-1558; fax: 416-978-3884; measures for such things as mobilizing capital [email protected] for low-carbon investment being implemented http://www.environment.utoronto.ca in leading European jurisdictions. Hon. B.A., M.A., Toronto; Ph.D. (Environmental Studies), York. Allocating Canadian Greenhouse Emission Reductions Amongst Sources and Provinces: 2013-14 Instructor of: Learning from the European Union (EU) and ENV 222H Interdisciplinary Environmental Germany (SSHRC, 2009-12; with Jochen Studies, ENV 320H National Environmental Monstadt from Technische Universität, Policy, ENV 1001H Environmental Decision Darmstadt, Germany and Kristine Kern, Making, ENV 1002H Environmental Policy. Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands.) Research Interests: Politics of Canadian This project studies the failure of the Canadian environmental policy making; waste and federal government and provinces to reach Recent Publications: pollution policy; the business firm and trade agreement on one effective, coherent national Macdonald, D. and M. Lesch. 2013. association as environmental policy actors, climate change policy stating the portion borne Competing visions and inequitable Canadian national, federal-provincial climate- by each province and studies lessons learned costs: the national energy strategy and change policy; environmental legitimacy as a from Germany and the EU. (See page 4 for regional distributive conflicts. Journal of source of political power; distributive effects, details on the final project report.) Environmental Law and Practice 25: 1-17. conflict and justice norms associated with the Macdonald, D. 2012. State interest as an transition to a low-carbon economy. Carbon Province, Hydro Province: The Tragic explanatory factor in the failure of the soft- Failure of Canadian National Climate Policy. path energy vision. Energy Policy 43 (April Research Projects: (See page 4 for details.) This is the working title of a book examining 2012): 92-101. Governance Innovation and the Transition to the effort by Canadian federal and provincial Macdonald, D. 2007. Business and Environ- a Low Carbon Economy (Carbon Management governments to develop co-ordinated national mental Politics in Canada. Broadview Press, Canada, 2010-13; with James Meadowcroft climate-change policy from 1992 to 2002 and Peterborough, Ontario. 240 pages. (Winner and Glen Toner of Carleton University). the subsequent unco-ordinated policy making of the Donald Smiley Prize.) This project is concerned with innovation by all fourteen Canadian governments.

School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 27 PROFILES: FACULTY

Research Interests: The commodification capitalism and their (temporary?) resolutions of nature; market-based and neoliberal (with Mike Ekers); and mechanisms for dealing with environmental 3. A book project on the historical political problems; political ecology, political economy ecology of neoliberalism with James and environmental change; industrial and McCarthy, Department of Geography, alternative forestry in western North America; Penn State University. social regulation of commercial biotechnology in agriculture and forestry. Recent Publications: Prudham, S. 2013. Men and things: Karl Recently Completed Research Project: Polanyi, primitive accumulation, and Double Movements: A Political Ecology of their relevance to a radical green political Land, Labour and Livelihoods in British economy. Environment and Planning A Columbia (SSHRC, 2008-12). This project 45(7) :1569-1587. examined the inter-connected political, Prudham, S. 2012. Pimping climate change: ecological, economic and cultural aspects Richard Branson, global warming and the of commodification in ’s performance of green capitalism. In: S. Eldon forest economy. The goals were to et al (eds.) Environment and Planning: Five understand trajectories of commodification, Volume Set. Volume 1: Cities and Regions. specifically relating to forest based work Prudham, W.S. 2012. The political economy W. Scott Prudham and forest products production, but also of a crisis. In: N. Castree and D. Gregory Professor, Department of Geography and to examine opportunities and constraints (eds). Human Geography. Volume 4. Sage School of the Environment. facing sustainable livelihoods based on forest Publications, Thousand Oaks, California. Office: Dept. of Geography, Room 5007, appropriation. Prudham, S. and W. Coleman. 2011. 100 St. George St., Toronto, ON, M5S 3G3; Introduction: Property, autonomy, territory, tel: 416-978-4975; fax: 416-946-3886; Current Projects: and globalization. In: W. Coleman (ed.) 1. A themed collection of journal articles [email protected]; Property, Territory, Globalization: Struggles (with Mike Ekers, Department of Human http://www.geog.utoronto.ca; Over Autonomy. University of British Geography, U of T Scarborough), dealing http://www.environment.utoronto.ca Columbia Press, Vancouver. Pages 1-28. with the concept of socio-ecological “fixes” B.A.& B.Sc., McMaster; M.A. (Geography), Prudham, S. 2011. Making forests “normal”: for capitalist crises and crisis tendencies, Victoria; Ph.D. (Energy and Resources), Sustained yield, improvement, and the drawing on and extending the work of California, Berkeley. establishment of globalist forestry in British David Harvey and Neil Smith; Columbia. In: W. Coleman (ed.) (See 2013-14 Instructor of JGE 331H Resource & 2. An article length conceptual development above.) Pages 80-100. Environmental Theory (joint with Geography) of the notion of socio-ecological crises of

2013-14 Instructor of ENV 100H Introduction around ecology has entailed ontological, to Environment and ENV 1008H Worldviews doctrinal, and cosmological or “worldview” and Ecology. questions, there have also been religious responses that take issues of class, race, Research Interests: Environmental ethics, gender, poverty, and justice seriously. The environmental worldviews, liberation question has emerged whether the ecological theology and ecology, religions and contributions of the world’s religions are environmentalism, ecological worldviews. chiefly in the realm of worldviews, doctrine, Research Projects: and cosmology, or in the realm of a political Water: From Resource to Elemental and economic critique. This research Foundation of Life (with Tim Leduc focussed on the theology of liberation, a (Environmental Studies, York University). theology that takes poverty, and increasingly, Investigates the importance for environ- ecological destruction, seriously. mental thought and policy of reflecting on water not just as a precious resource, but as a Recent Publications: vital element, foundational to all life. Scharper, S. B. and H. Cunningham. Lifeform, livelihood and lifeway: reflections Cosmological Underpinnings of Urban on urban and planetary futures. In D. Nonini Sustainability. This research has explored (ed). The Future of Cities, Blackwell Stephen B. Scharper some of the cosmological and spiritual Publishers. (Forthcoming.) Associate Professor, Department of presuppositions that lie behind the integration Anthropology, U of T Mississauga and Scharper, S. B. 2013. For Earth’s Sake: of urban ecological thought and planning, Toward a Compassionate Ecology. Toronto: School of the Environment. involving the work of wildlife biologist Aldo Offices: 1) School of the Environment, Room Novalis. 224 pages. Leopold and cultural historian and Passionist 2103, 33 Willcocks St., Toronto,ON, M5S 3E8; Stefanovic, I.L. and S.B. Scharper (eds.) priest Thomas Berry. tel: 416-978-7433; fax: 416-978-3884; 2012. The Natural City: Re-Envisioning the 2) Dept. of Anthropology, U of T Mississauga, Religion and Ecology: Exploring the Built Environment. University of Toronto Rm 118, 3359 Mississauga Rd. N., North Interconnection of Liberationist and Press. 356 pages. Building, Mississauga, Ont. L5L 1C8; Ecological Theologies (recently completed Scharper, S. B. 2012. From community to tel: 905-569-4912; fax: 905-828-3837; SSHRC project). On the integration of communion: the natural city in biotic and [email protected]; liberation theology and newer religious cosmological perspective. In The Natural http://www.environment.utoronto.ca approaches to environmental questions, such City: Re-envisioning the Built Environment B.A. Hons., Toronto; M.A. (Theology), as the new cosmology of Thomas Berry. (see above), pages 89-103. Toronto; Ph.D. (Religious Studies), McGill. While much of the religious conversation 28 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment 2005. In 2013, the PEARL team was awarded Kimberly Strong funding from NSERC’s Climate Change and Professor, Department of Physics Atmospheric Research program for the project Director, School of the Environment. “Probing the Atmosphere of the High Arctic Office: School of the Environment, (PAHA)” to support our science activities for Room 1020, 33 Willcocks St., Toronto, another five years. PEARL houses about 20 tel: 416-978-6526; fax: 416-978-3884; instruments, four of which are run by students [email protected]; and postdocs in my group. I am leader of the http://www.environment.utoronto.ca Composition Measurements theme, which http://www.atmosp.physics.utoronto.ca/ is acquiring trace gas time series to improve people/strong/strong.html our understanding of processes and trends B.Sc. (Physics), Memorial; D. Phil. related to the carbon cycle; ozone depletion; (Atmospheric Physics), Oxford. biomass burning; and clouds, aerosols, and Research Interests: Atmospheric remote precipitation. sounding using ground-based, balloon- The Canadian FTIR Observing Network borne, and satellite instruments for studies of (CAFTON). With support from the Canadian stratospheric ozone chemistry, climate, and air Space Agency, we are establishing a network quality. Founder of the University of Toronto of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Atmospheric Observatory; Theme Leader for spectrometers that will serve as a “ground- validating, and interpreting geophysical data the Canadian Network for the Detection of based satellite” for atmospheric measurements from these missions. Most recently, this has Atmospheric Change, which runs the PEARL over Canada. Measurements of a suite resulted in new data products, including NO facility in the high Arctic; Co-I on the ACE of chemical species are being integrated density profiles in the upper atmosphere. and Odin satellite missions; PI of the Canadian with models to characterize atmospheric Recent Publications: FTIR Observing Network, and Director of the composition, determine transport pathways, Mariani, Z., K. Strong, et al. 2013. Year-round NSERC CREATE Training Program in Arctic and identify pollution sources. In 2013, retrievals of trace gases in the Arctic using Atmospheric Science. we signed a ten-year loan agreement with the Extended-range Atmospheric Emitted Environment Canada for four new instruments. Featured Research Projects: Radiance Interferometer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., Arctic Atmospheric Science. Our group Satellite Remote Sounding. We are involved 6, 1549-1565. has been making measurements at Eureka, in the Odin/OSIRIS and ACE satellite Whaley, C., K. Strong, et al. 2013. Using Nunavut since 1999 and were involved missions, both of which have been making FTIR measurements of stratospheric in establishing the Polar Environment global observations of the atmosphere for composition to identify mid-latitude polar Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) in over a decade. We have contributed to the vortex intrusions over Toronto. J. Geophys. development of new methods for deriving, Res. Atmos., 118 (2): 12766-12783.

soil accumulation and fate of metal emissions Clare Wiseman over time, their bioaccessibility and potential Assistant Professor and Coordinator, health risks of consumption. The research was Environment and Health Collaborative expanded in 2013 to include several other Graduate Prog., School of the Environment. gardens cultivated by Foodshare and U of T’s Office: School of the Environment, Room student-run group Dig In! Campus Agriculture. 2097, 33 Willcocks St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S (See page 3 for more info.) 3E8; tel: 416-978-2972; fax: 416-978-3884; [email protected]; Platinum Group Element Emissions: http://www.environment.utoronto.ca Environmental Concentrations, Exposure B.E.S. Hons., Waterloo; M.Nat.Res.Mgmt., Levels and Human Health Risks (Ongoing Simon Fraser; Dr. phil.nat., Frankfurt. collaboration with Fathi Zereini, University of Frankfurt). Investigates platinum group 2013-14 Instructor of ENV 341H Environment element (PGE) emissions from automobiles, and Human Health and ENV 4001H Graduate equipped with catalytic converters, and Seminars in Environment and Health. how their environmental concentrations have increased over time. Potential human Research Interests: Metal emissions exposures and health impacts are also assessed in urban environments and their human using simulated lung fluids to determine Recent Publications: health impacts, contaminants and urban the bioaccessibility of PGE associated Zereini, F and C.L.S. Wiseman (Eds.) 2014. gardening, environmental health of vulnerable with airborne particulate matter sampled in Platinum Elements in the Environment. populations. Germany. Toronto soil and road dust samples Springer, Berlin (Forthcoming.) were collected in June 2013 to examine PGE Featured Research Projects: Wiseman, C.L.S., F. Zereini, W. Püttmann. concentrations in a large Canadian urban Urban Gardening & Airborne Particulate 2013. Traffic-related trace element fate and centre, which has not yet been documented. Matter: Exploring the Fate of Traffic- uptake by plants cultivated in roadside soils Related Emissions and the Effectiveness of Children and Contaminants in Public Settings: in Toronto, Canada. Science of the Total Risk Reduction Measures. This research Assessing Dermal Exposure Levels and Risks. Environment 442: 86-95. examines the fate of traffic-related metal Preliminary research is underway to assess Zereini, F., C.L.S. Wiseman, W. Püttmann. emissions in the urban environment, their the feasibility of dermal wipe techniques to 2012. In vitro investigations of platinum, uptake by commonly cultivated plants and the determine contaminant exposures in children palladium and rhodium mobility in urban effectiveness of soil remediation measures. playing in public parks and playgrounds. airborne particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5 Since 2010, different plant species have been Focus of the study is on metal exposures from and PM1) using simulated lung fluids. cultivated at several locations in Toronto, local emission sources and through contact Environmental Science & Technology 46(18): with variable traffic densities to assess the with various construction materials in Toronto. 10326-10333. School of the Environment 2013 Annual Report 29 PROFILES: OTHER INSTRUCTORS & SESSIONAL LECTURERS


Jane Ambachtsheer Christopher Ollson Adjunct Professor and Sessional Lecturer Sessional Lecturer ENV 1707H Environmental Finance and Sustainable Investing ENV 1704 Environmental Risk Analysis and Management Ms. Ambachtsheer is a Partner of Mercer, Dr. Ollson is VP Strategic Development with based in Toronto. She leads Mercer’s global Intrinsik Environmental Sciences, Mississauga. responsible investment business, and consults He has been practicing in the field of environ- to North American and international investors. mental risk and toxicology for 15 years and She was a consultant to the United Nations has an active research program in the oral bio- in developing the principles for responsible availability of contaminants and potential health investment, and is a global advisor to the carbon effects associated with living in proximity to disclosure project and sits on the investment wind turbines. He is also Adjunct Assistant C. Ollson Mercer committee of the Toronto Atmospheric Fund. Professor, Royal Military College of Canada.

Miriam Diamond David Pond Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, U of T Sessional Lecturer JGE 1212H Contaminants in the Environment (2012-13) ENV 1001H Environmental Decision Making (2012-13) Dr. Diamond is interested in chemical Dr. Pond teaches environmental politics, contaminants from source to health effects, Canadian politics and public policy in the including measuring and modelling sources, Department of Political Science at U of T, at fate and exposure of the plasticizers phthalates both the Mississauga and St. George campuses. indoors to advancing methods in Life Cycle His most recent publication is a comparative Impact Assessment, policy and practice for study of the federal Commissioner of the minimizing exposure to contaminants. She Environment and Sustainable Development and also taught the undergraduate course JGE 236H the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario M. Diamond Human Interactions with Environment. D. Pond (Canadian Study of Parliament Group, 2010).

A.P. Lino Grima Becky Raboy Associate Professor (retired), Geography, U of T Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology ENV 1703H Water Resource Management and Policy and Evolutionary Biology, U of T Dr. Grima has taught environmental/water ENV 1001H Environmental Decision Making (2013-14) resources management at the University of Dr. Raboy’s research spans ecology, behaviour, Toronto since 1972. His research and advocacy landscape ecology, and conservation biology. of Great Lakes water quantity and quality issues She uses Geographic Information Systems, go back to the 1970s. He has published over 60 Population Viability Analysis (PVA), simulation scientific papers and several books on natural modeling and field work to study the ecology of resources and environmental management. endangered species (particularly the primates of He has also served as a consultant for public Brazil) and their habitats towards the develop-

and private bodies. B. Raboy ment of sustainable management plans.

Susan McGeachie Sarah Wakefield Adjunct Professor and Sessional Lecturer Associate Professor, Department of Geography ENV 1707H Environmental Finance and Sustainable Investing and Programme in Planning, U of T Ms. McGeachie is the Central Canada leader JGE 1413H Workshop in Environmental Assessment of EY’s Climate Change and Sustainability Dr. Wakefield’ s current research explores Services practice. She advises companies on community and policy responses to food managing risks associated with environmental, insecurity and food system sustainability social and governance issues, as well as concerns at a variety of scales, from the local developing appropriate governance and to the global. She is interested in critical social management models. She is chair of the School theory and its application to food system and of the Environment’s Environmental Finance environmental health/justice issues. S. Wakefield S. McGeachie Advisory Committee (see page 20).

Paul Muldoon Adjunct Professor and Sessional Lecturer ENV 1701H Environmental Law Mr. Muldoon is Vice-Chair of the Environ- mental Review Tribunal, a body that adjudicates appeals, applications and referrals under 12 statutes. He is the former Executive Director of the Canadian Environmental Law Association. He has graduate degrees from McMaster University and McGill University and has written and co-written books and articles on

P. Muldoon Canadian environmental law and policy.

30 2013 Annual Report School of the Environment www.chem.utoronto.ca S. Appolloni

www.eeb.utoronto.ca www.es.utoronto.ca UNDERGRADUATE INSTRUCTORS/SESSIONALS Studies collaborative program atUofT. PhD isinChemistry andtheEnvironmental significance of the fluorinated aldehydes. Her in ordertobetter understand thetoxicological via alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) enzymes fluorinated alcohols to fluorinated aldehydes and thebody.Herfocusison oxidation of xenobiotic chemicals both intheenvironment Dr. D’eon’sresearchisonthedisposition of ENV 233H Earth Systems Chemistry Department ofChemistry,U Lecturer, ofT Jessica D’eon environmental variability). distribution, allometric relationships, scaling of and algae), andmacroecology (body size communities, especially between invertebrates (feeding interactions in planktonic and benthic of habitats andbenthic communities), foodwebs areas inlakes(spatial and temporal distribution Dr. Cyr’sinterests areintheecology oflittoral ENV 334H Environmental Biology: Applied Ecology ENV 234H Environmental Biology Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto Associate Professor, Dept.ofEcology and Hélène Cyr and calcium weatheringandtransport. biogeochemical cycling and bioaccumulation, researches theironcycle of theocean, mercury stable isotope geochemistry. Specifically, she over time throughtheuseoftrace metal and on Earth and howthesecycles have evolved cycles ofmetals that areimportant for life to increaseourunderstandingofbiogeochemical The primaryaimofDr.Bergquist’sresearchis ENV 233H Earth Systems Chemistry Assistant Prof., Dept. of Earth Sciences, U of T Bridget Bergquist community energy systemsplanning. simulation with emergent computing, and cognitive maps, ecological and socio-economic modelling phosphorus flowswithfuzzy loads fromurbanareas,greeninfrastructure, practices and policies forlimiting phosphorus His researchinterests include best management Canada’s GreatLakesNutrient Initiative team. Dr. Bassisamember of theEnvironment ENV 299Y Opportunity Research Program Sessional Lecturer Brad Bass tourism ethicsatBrockUniversity. environment for hisdepartment, and hastaught He alsoteaches a courseonreligion, ethicsand liberationist agenda withanenvironmental ethic. engaging with “newscience” in ordertounite a investigates how Christian thinkers are of theEnvironment. Hisdoctoral dissertation Dept. fortheStudyofReligion and theSchool Mr. Appolloni is adoctoral candidate in the ENV 222H Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (2012-13) Ph.D. candidate, Religion/Environment Simon Appolloni


A. Martin B. Karney R. Houldin S. Liu M. Hathaway School of theEnvironment 2013 Annual Report School finalist in theTVOBestLecturer Competition. Arctic. Shewastwiceasemi-finalist and oncea and field courses inEcuador,Ontario,andthe biology, ecology and environmental science, taught a widevarietyofcoursesinevolutionary the UniversityofWesternOntario.Shehas Dr. Havelkareceived herPh.D.inZoologyat Conservation in the Andes, Western Amazonia & Galápagos ENV 395Y Special Topics Field Course. Ecology and University of Toronto Mississauga Senior Environment Lecturer, Programs, Monika Havelka justice issues inCanada and Latin America. extensive experience in social and ecological The TaoofLiberation(Orbis,2009).Hehas and engagement for sustainability. He co-wrote transformative learning, ecological worldviews, researches therelationship between adult UT) andtheSchoolofEnvironment. He Education and Community Development (OISE/ Mr. HathawayisaPh.D.candidate in Adult ENV 333H Ecological Worldviews Ph.D. candidate, OISE UT/Environment Mark Hathaway in engineeringeducation and ethics. water distribution systems. Heisalsointerested and pumpedstoragesystems,pipenetworks energy systems,withemphasisonhydroelectric optimization of variouswaterresourceand considers thedesign,analysis,operationand Science and Engineering.Hiscurrentresearch Disciplinary Programs intheFaculty ofApplied Dr. KarneyisalsoAssociateDean,Cross- ENV 346H Terrestrial EnergySystems Professor, Dept.ofCivil Engineering, U of T Bryan W. Karney regulation, and Ontario environmental policy. systems, environmental and economic and ecological economics, sustainable electricity consultant. His interestsinclude environmental continues to work as an energy and environment senior advisertotheOntarioEnergyBoard.He Service forover30years.Herecentlyretired as Mr. HouldinhasworkedintheOntarioPublic ENV 347H Power ofEconomic Ideas ENV 323H Ontario Environmental Policy Sessional Lecturer Russ Houldin tropical forest carbon dynamics. also maintainsactive research projects examining respond tochanges inclimate and land-use. He Ontario, tounderstandhowterrestrial ecosystems term vegetation monitoring program in southern His currentresearchfocuseson designing along- Faculty of Forestry,University Toronto. Dr. Martinrecently completed his Ph.D. inthe ENV 223H Fundamental Environmental Skills (2012-13) Post-doctoral Fellow,FacultyofForestry,UT Adam Martin 31

D. Sider

32 D. Pond J. Nugent B. Murck P. Muldoon PROFILES: FACULTY 2013 Annual Report Malaysia, and Canada. with environmental organizations in Nicaragua, income urban settlements. Hehasalso worked sanitation, and solidwastemanagement inlow- community-based approaches towater supply, carried out hisfieldwork inIndia,focusing on Environmental Studies atUofT, for whichhe Dr. Siderreceived hisPh.D.inGeography and Research, ENV 440H Professional Course Experience ENV 307 Urban Sustainability, ENV 421H Environmental Sessional Lecturer David Sider (Canadian Study ofParliament Group, 2010). the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Environment and Sustainable Development and study ofthefederalCommissioner of the campuses. Hisrecently published acomparative at UofT,theMississaugaandSt.George public policy in theDept.ofPolitical Science Dr. Pondteaches environmental politics and ENV 221 Multidisciplinary on Perspectives Environment ENV 320H National Environmental Policy (2012-13) Sessional Lecturer David Pond production of environmental ideologies. an environmental justice lens andinthe(re) interested in biological conservation through the dawnof“greeneconomy”. He isalso viewed throughclimate change politicsand current dual ecological and economic crisis examines the responsesoftrade unions tothe Department of GeographyatUT.He Mr. NugentisaPh.D.candidate in the JGE 331H& Resource Environmental Theory (2012-13) Ph.D. candidate, Dept. of Geography, U of T James Nugent books ingeologyandenvironmental science. Teaching Award 2010)andhaswritten many She isanaward-winninglecturer (President’s ment projects inAfrica, China, andSEAsia. development, through environmental manage- from UofT.Shehasfocusedoninternational from Princeton U. andherPh.D.inGeology Dr. Murckreceived herundergraduate degree Conservation in the Andes, Western Amazonia & Galápagos ENV 395Y Special Topics Field Course. Ecology and Senior Geography, Lecturer, U of TMississauga Barbara Murck Canadian environmental law andpolicy. written and co-written books andarticles on University andMcGillhas He hasgraduate degrees fromMcMaster the CanadianEnvironmental Law Association. statutes. HeistheformerExecutive Director of appeals, applications and referralsunder12 mental Review Tribunal,abodythat adjudicates Mr. MuldoonisVice-Chair of theEnviron- Environmental Law 422H ENV Adjunct Professor and Sessional Lecturer Paul Muldoon School of the Environment of theEnvironment School

R. Cunha S. Waite-Chuah E. Vogt R. Verma D. Pond pollution and climate change. stratospheric ozone depletion, tropospheric air measurements are thedata needed toinvestigate and satellites. Theseatmospheric composition ground aswellthosecarried by balloons atmosphere. They useinstruments on the composition and chemistryofthe Earth’s and remotesoundingtechniques to studythe Dr. Walker’s researchgroupuses spectroscopy ENV 237H Physics ofthe Changing Environment Associate Professor, Dept.ofPhysics, U of T Kaley Walker solution towatercrisisinSahelregionofAfrica. in India.Currentinterest is findingasustainable hydrological parameters in Mahanadi river basin of environmental change inLake Simcoe, and variables on municipal water use,indicators source waterprotection plan, impact ofweather and International issues including Ontario’s Geographer. ShehasworkedonCanadian Dr. VermaisanEnvironmental and Physical ENV200 Assessing Global Change: Science & the Environment Sessional Lecturer Romila Verma co-author ofthebook efficient use ofrenewableenergy.Heisthe for Greenpeace Canada wherehepromotesthe groups foroveradecade and currentlyworks analyst and advocate for variousnon-profit Mr. Stewarthasworkedasanenergypolicy ENV 350H Energy Policy and Environment S Keith Stewart change policy andpolitics. numerous articles, reports andopedsonclimate Fall of Ontario’sElectric Empire andauthorof Ontario College of ArtsandDesignUniversity. She alsoteaches sustainable design atthe Environmental Studies fromYorkUniversity. and globalcontexts. Shereceived a Mastersin with sustainable development, in bothlocal interest in sustainable design isintimately linked mental/sustainable design for15years.Her Ms. Waite-Chuah hasbeenteaching environ- ENV 335H Environmental Design Sessional Lecturer Sheila Waite-Chuah of WorldBank-incubated Development Gateway. multilateral policy advisor andmanagingeditor in Washington,D.C.andwasIUCN’ssenior Washington University andAmerican University governance innovations. He hastaughtatGeorge international environmental issues andglobal politics of climate change,contemporary Dr. Vogt’sinterests addressthepolicies and ENV 451H Current Environmental Debates ENV 322H International Environmental Policy Sessional Lecturer Erich Vogt essional Lecturer

Hydro: TheDecline and


S. Greenberg M. Govorov G. Gienko

O. Bussler B. Baser DISTANCE EDUCATION INSTRUCTORS Serbia, andTrinidadTobago. in suchcountriesasChina,Poland,Nigeria, Impact Assessment servicesforcompanies has specialized in international Environmental up international joint ventures.Since2003,he and projectmanagement for companiessetting market assessment, strategic alliance creation providing international business servicesin Mr. Baserisanindependent consultant CRE 403 Urban Energy Systems Distance Education Instructor Bob Baser and RyersonUniversity. currently teaching at theUniversityofToronto eliminating the need fortoxic metals. Sheis environmentally friendly chemical species, and pesticides,theyrelyon more manufacturing electronics, pharmaceuticals technologies. Thesetechnologies are usedin involved designing newpolymers and Dr. Greenbergisachemist whose research CEM 403 Environmental Risk Assessment Distance EducationInstructor Sharonna Greenberg courses attheVancouverIslandUniversity. and preparesundergraduate and postgraduate for overeight years andcurrently teaches and remotesensingintheonline environment initial development. He hasbeenteaching GIS since itsadventandwasinstrumental in its Environment Management distance program GIS (geographic information systems) in Dr. Govorovhasinstructed in theSchool’s GEM 400 - 404: GIS for Environmental Management Distance Education Instructor Michael Govorov geomatics and photogrammetry. international experience in geospatial science, sensing andphotogrammetry. Hehasextensive systems, geospatial image analysis, remote graduate courses ingeographic information develops andteaches undergraduate and University ofAlaskaAnchorage,wherehe Geomatics, School ofEngineering at the Dr. GienkoisaProfessorintheDept.of GEM 403: Environmental Remote Sensing Distance Education Instructor Gennady Gienko development and carbonoffsetacquisitions. of environmental and carbonfinance, project and hasdeveloped abroadskillsetintheworld involved with Canadian environmental policy programs. Hehasspentthepastdecade TransAlta’s emissionsreportingandcompliance currently leads thegroupresponsiblefor Development at TransAltaCorporation.He Mr. BusslerisDirector, Sustainable ECF 400, 402: Environmental Finance and Case Study Distance Education Instructor Oliver Bussler

L. Sportza I. Sinclair D. Sider A. Moser T. Johnson School of theEnvironment 2013 Annual Report School protected areas as partofurbansustainability. current interests focus ontheuseofparksand Toronto’s urbanparksandprotected areas.Her Her doctoralresearchfocusedon planning for in PlanningfromtheUniversity of Waterloo. University ofGuelph.Shehasa M.A.andPh.D. environment and undergraduate program atthe Dr. Sportzaalsoteachesintheonline Renewable Energy, WRM 400Management Water Resource CEM 402, 404: Environmental Management, CRE 400, 401: Distance Education Instructor Lucy Sportza Management Systems:ISO50001 in Water Auditing andImplementingEnergy instructs theSchool’s Certificate Programs engineering andprojectmanagement.Healso measurement andverification,greencertification, retrofits, recommissioning,renewableenergy, which includesenergy andwater audits,building management, focusingonthebuiltenvironment Mr. Sinclairworksinenergy andwater CRE 403 Urban Energy Systems Distance Education Instructor Ian Sinclair Malaysia, and Canada. with environmental organizations in Nicaragua, income urban settlements. Hehasalsoworked sanitation, and solidwastemanagement inlow- community-based approaches towatersupply, carried out hisfieldwork inIndia,focusingon Environmental Studies atUofT,forwhichhe Dr. Siderreceived hisPh.D.inGeographyand Water; CEM405 Global Environ. Change & Human Health CEM 400 Environmental Management; CEM 401 Urban Distance EducationInstructor David Sider the distanceeducation programforfiveyears. Nuernberg, Germany.Shehasbeenteaching in Engineering from theUniversityofErlange- has aMasterofAppliedScience in Chemical in windturbineaerodynamics at U projects. She isalsocompleting doctoral research developing large scale wind andsolarenergy consulting firm inOntario,andisinvolved Ms. Moserisanengineering analyst with amajor CRE 404 Solar Energy Distance Education Instructor Anne Moser 14964 GHGAuditorbyEnvironment Canada. McGill University, and isQualified asanISO a B.A.inGeographyandEnvironment from implement its CapandTrade system. Heholds and iscurrently helping theprovinceofOntario accounting and reportingtocarbonfinance, He hasheldseniorrolesrelated to bothGHG the environmental and greenhousegassectors. Mr. Johnsonhasover13yearsofexperience in ECF 403 GHG Reporting and Accounting Distance Education Instructor Tom Johnson

(see page20).

of Tand 33 33 Willcocks St., Room 1016V Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E8 416-978-3475 [email protected] http://www.environment.utoronto.ca

Cover photos, clockwise from top left: 1. Undergraduate student Emma Cancelliere in Uganda where she studied conservation and development for an independent research project and internship with the Jane Goodall Institute (credit: Emma Cancelliere); 2. Views from Ubirr Rock in northern Australia’s World Heritage-listed Kakadu National Park, seen by students in the ENV396Y summer field course (credit: Rosalie Chapple); 3. Alpacas at Mount Chimborazo in the Andes seen by students in the ENV395Y summer field course (credit: Julia Bellehumeur); 4. Ph.D. candidate Dan Weaver (Physics/Environmental Studies program) measuring atmospheric trace gases in the high Arctic using Fourier transform spectroscopy (credit: Dan Weaver); 5. Solar cells at Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre were designed and implemented by recent M.Eng. alumni Livio Nichilo in his study of building integrated photovoltaics (credit: Livio Nichilo); 6. Students walking in the El Junco highlands of the Galapágos in ENV 395Y summer field course (credit: Sarah Latimer).