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Central Florida Future, Vol. 37 No. 37, January 27, 2005

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 37 No. 37, January 27, 2005" (2005). Central Florida Future. 1805. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1805 ~ Oft a FREE ·Published Monda sand Thursda :s ~~~~~~~:::..:::=::~~~~~~~· .'.:'.::• ~~_J·~~~~~~~w~w~w.~.U~a~n~ew~:s~.w~m~·~T~hu~r~sd~ay~,J~a~nu~a~ry~2~7,~2~00~5 EIGHT ISN'T ENOUGH . DOUBLE THREAT IF IT'S BROKEN, WOMEN PUSHING ON SIERRA AND ROSEN LEAD MEN'S TENNIS TH EN DON'T FIX IT - SEE SPORTS, AS - SEE SPORTS, AS - SEE the indie, INSIDE

', Two fraternities still homeless I .Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Phi Epsilon await ~e-code repairs

TAN NGUYEN awaits fire code upgrades and construc­ Pi Kappa Alpha also was forced to News Editor tion repairs in the wake of damage from shut down after being found in violation last surruner's hurricanes. The fire code offire codes by Orange County fire mar­ Members of two UCF fraternities are violations turned up in an inspection last shals. II 1~1 ... counting the days until they can return month, and were related to the removal According to Knisel, Pike members to their homes - although in one.case, of drywall and problems with a mal­ had illegally built attic-like spaces above members fear their home may be closed functioning fire panel, said Patrick · bedrooms to house clandestine activi­ indefinitely. Knisel, alumni board president ofvolun­ ties. ''There wa5 enough space to put a The houses of both Sigma Phi teer housing for the fraternity. . mattress in there," he said. Epsilon and Pi Kappa Alpha were shut~ The Sig Ep house is slated to reopen Pike member Charles Stimack said tered last month prior to the start of the no later than Aug. I, Knisel said. the fraternity could be closed indefinite­ spring semester. ''It will be a brand new house by the ly. "We don't know when we'll reopen, Sig Ep voluntarily closed and moved time it reopens," he said. "We're doing MICHAE LSNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE . its 39 tenants out while the fraternity so much to it" PLEASE SEE SIG ON AS The Pik~ house was closed earlier this month due to fire code violations. They may be closed indefinitely. ' Residents·miss housing deadline Yepes, a finance major, was Students aren't told that he could still turn in a late deposit, but at this point it guaranteed place was unlikely the foursome would be able to live together on cam­ pus. in dorms next fall The Department of Housing NATHAN POEKERT and Residence Life reserves 85 Senior Staff Writer percent of the beds for incoming freshmen. With that many beds On-campus residents who already set aside, it was impor­ missed the deadline for prepay­ tant for current residents to pay ment are starting to consider off­ their deposits on time in hopes of campus living options after living on campus again this fall. ' learning they may not be able to Many residents, including secure dormitory housing again Yepes and his friends, were sur­ next fall. prised to find they had missed Freshman Christian Yepes the deadline. and three friends had hoped to "I don't remember getting any move in together into a four-bed­ sort of notification,~ said Josh room, two-bath apartment at Yates, a freshman chemical engi-., Lake Claire. But when Yepes neering major and one of those went to the Lake Claire office who had planned to share quar­ Monday to pick up the paper­ ters with Yepes. "I didn't receive work and deposit information, he anything in the mail or by e-mail lear~ed the Jan. 15 deadline for deposits had passed. PLEASE SEE FRIENDS ON A6

1 Wanted: Leader with integrity for $18,000 Looking for new student body president KATE HOWELL Trustees, which debates and Senior Staff Writer approves all the major decisions on campus - such as the pro­ ., With candidates for Student posed on-campus stadium. It's a MICHAEL SNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Government Association presi­ role that Peters has especially The concert bands ptactice in the main room in the Rehearsal Hall yesterday afternoon. The group has to fit everybody into the tight seating schedule because of limited space. dent set to step forward starting enjoyed. "It's great to be in the middle of things," he said, though .,. Monday, students are beginning to consider what makes a good if he had to do it over again, he Music'g outdated Pregnant woman president; what the president admitted that he would have does and exactly how much this pushed sooner for a dental clinic. facilities hit a low person gets paid. Said Bentley: "The president ~ jumps from elevator, The answers: integrity, a lot has the great privilege of being in note: Rehearsal Hall other horror stories and $770 every two weeks. a position to make a difference in MONICA PANAKOS Current Student Body Presi­ the lives of students and to work Senior Staff Writer NAOMI RINGER dent Kevin Peters said "integrity, with the administrators to really Contributing Writer honesty and affect the university." Nestled between the UCF Book­ good delega­ In addition, the president stor~ and Colbourn Hall sits a heavily Don't take the elevator - take the Petitions for candidacy tion skills" appoints all student cabinet offi­ used building that goes unnoticed by stairs.·That is the warning almost every­ are available this week are crucial cials and justices and sits on the the average student. one working, studying and teaching in in the SGA office. to the office. committee that recommends how Inside, the once vibrant carpets are Colbourn Hall will give. Dec!aration of candi­ His vice the $11.5 million generated by the flecked with fadeµ stains. Ripped apri­ They will share elevator stories and dacy lasts from Monday president, the Activity and Service Fee is cot-colored curtains hang from the laugh, but they also wonder when the until Feb. 3. The elections· Willie Bent­ spent The president also has the cracking ceiling, and ' an untuned problems will end. themselves run from Feb. ley Jr., chance to speak at convocations, piano rests on the stage. A musty Colbourn Hall elevators have been a 21 until Feb. 23, and agreed: orientations and open houses. ~ smell lingers in the air like one of the continuous concern, which UCF has runoffs, if necessary, last "The most Both.Peters and Bentley say an sour notes plucked from the piano's been trying to fix without success. from Feb. 28 until March 2. important effective president needs more keys. Percussionists mingle about the Barbara Stevens, the English Depart­ duty or obli- than a solid handshake. The pres­ lobby as the band warms up in the ment secretary, remembers when she gation of an ident needs to connect with stu­ Rehearsal Hall's main room. MICHAEL SNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE was trapped in the elevator. "I was in effective SGA president is a com­ dents by being accessible and Oliver Molina, one of the percus­ Tito Blanes, 25, practices his guitar outside the hall. there over the summer and the phone mitment to lead with integrity." attending crucial campus events. sionists, has learned to cope with the didn't work," she said. "Finally the police SGA Supervisor of Elections The president is also expected to Rehearsal Hall building for the past but he changed his mind when he saw came and got me out" Brent Fieser has a behind-the­ put in between 30 and 40 hours four years. Each morning, he arrives at the run-down Rehearsal Hall. Instead, Students are also hesitant to use the scenes working knowledge of per week at the office. 7 a.m. to assure that he will have time he now attends Florida State Universi­ elevators. Aida Latorte, a political sci­ presidential elections. Of past "It has become obvious to me to practice; 18 percussionists must ty which has two state-of-the-art ence major, works in the Political Sci­ candidates, he said, "Every indi­ that the students crave a welcom­ .,. share only three practice rooms. / music performance buildings. ence Department office on the fourth vidual has possessed excellent ing, diverse SGA where all stu­ He has witnessed the building's In fact, compared to Florida'.s U · floor and said she had to pry the elevator leadership qualities. With each dents' voices are taken into neglect firsthand. However, that neg­ state universities, UCF's music facili­ doors apart last week. "The elevator was candidate, the views on how UCF account," Bentley said. lect is no fault ofthe music students or ties are the worst, according to Johnny on the first floor," she said. "But the will progress are pretty unani­ Peters' list of practical skills ~ faculty. Pherigo, chairman of the Music doors wouldn't open." mous." includes networking and time "The carpets are old,'' he said. "I've Department. The Rehearsal Hall has Another student, Miriam ,VanderMey, Fieser also said that there is management, which he describes ;iever actually seen the stage area vac- been refurbished only once since it said the elevators are "questionable." some con.fusion among students as "the ones I use most." , 1:1.umed ever [by janitors]. We usually was built in 1974. But most memorable is the· time as to what the president does. ''A Competence is also necessary, have to do it ourselves when concerts Even so, the music program has Kathryn Seidel, now dean of the College lot of students aren't sure what so the president would benefit ¢omeup." been resilient in the face of adversity. of Arts and Sciences, was trapped SGA is all about," he said. from experience in both 11?-e exec- '. One of Molina's friends considered The student body president is .,. ~ttending UCF for its music program. PLEASE SEE MASTER ON A7 PLEASE SEE ELEVATORS ON A7 a voting member of the Board of PLEASE SEE CURRENT ON A6 • Around Campus Voice·of God calls Evans to teach Nation &World • News and notices for Keep current with headlines • the UCF community Religion prof found church had no funny bone, left it for classroom you may have missed Achance to show off largo judge orders defendant's The CAB Comedy and Vari­ moilth taped shut in court . • ety Committee will be having LARGO -A judge ordered auditions for a talent show. The CIOS$A~ officers to tape shut the mquth auditions are from 1 p.m. to 4 of a convicted killer who was p.m. today in the Student Union VANESSA FERNANDEZ spouting insults and expletives • Key West Room 218A Contributing Writer during a court appearance. For more information, con­ Judge Brandt Downey had tact Diana Perry at 407-823-6471 Five minutes into Doug sentenced Emory Carter to life Evans' religion class, students in prison last month for mur­ .• Trading perspectives become engrossed in a discus­ der during an appearance that Glenda Hood, Florida Secre­ sion of Judaism, including its saw Carter curse and spit at tary ofState, will be on campus at origin, some basic beliefs and the judge. • 2 p.m. today as part of the "Free the intermediaries. A few days later, Downey trade in the Americas" forum in Teaching a class of more realized he had forgott;en to the Student Union Cape Florida than 150 students - and keep­ ask Carter, who represented Room316. ing them interested - is not himself during trial, ifhe want­ For more information, con­ easy, but Doug Evans; 46, takes ed an attorney for his sentenc- tact the Office ofGlobal Perspec­ it one step at a time. Evans uses ing. tives at 407-823-0935. entertainment to keep the So corrections deputies attention of his students. "I use brought Carter, 25, back to • Farulty planning a lot of drama and comedy. It's court Monday in a Hannibal The Faculty Senate Commit­ a performance," he said. Lecter-like restraint chair. tee will be meeting at 4 p.m. "You can present informa­ Again, Carter began hurling today in the Student Union Key tion in a dull way or in an expletives and insults. • West Room 218A and B. entertaining way. However, This time, Downey told For more information, con­ neither of which should substi­ bailiffs to get out the duct tape. With Carter's mouth tact Latrecia Rice at 407-823- tute for substance." MICHAEL SNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE • 0318. He has spent six and a half Evans, an animated speaker, teachl!S about religions by using dramatic gestures and humorous lectures. He spent years serving in the church. · sealed, Downey asked him if years here at UCF, and on a he wanted an attorney. Carter Proper dissent two-year rotating cycle he you have no idea what you're island by yourself. If I had to to take one to two trips a year," shook his head side to side and As part of the Spike Lee film teaches World Religions, talking about." read that story of David and Evans said. He has been to Bar­ offered a muffled "uh-uh" • festival, the movie Malcolm X Humanistic . Tradition I, Evans has had some stu­ Goliath one more time ... " he bados, Greece and the Grand sound, Downey said. will be shown at 7 p.m. today in Humanistic Tradition II, dents change their majors after sili.d. Canyon, and this year he the Welcome Center Auditori­ Christian Thought, Ancient taking his class. However, the He added, "That is why I would like to make it to either Rap mogul, drug kingpin surren­ um. Humanities, Modern Huinani­ courses he teaches also love humanities. I'm all over Italy or back to Greece. der in drug money investigation • For more information, con­ ties and Classical Mythology. enhance students' skills for the place. I wanted to feel free NEW YORK· - The hip­ tact Mary Price at 407-823-4195. their current major. For exam­ to .draw conclusions. Churches Family man hop label behind music super­ Teaching with style ple, he had a student who was were literalists. Humor, One thing he is looking for­ stars Ashanti and Ja Rule was Internationally known One aspect of teaching that a business major take his class metaphor and satire just'didn't ward to this year is becoming a part of a murderous criminal Graduate students in the he is not fond of is the modern one semester. "In business, you exist. They had no funny bone. grandfather. In fact, Evans is enterprise that protected its instructional technology pro­ technology that is slowly tak­ get mechanics. I give them the I felt chained." encouraging all to donate to his interstate crack and heroin gram in the College·of Education ing over traditional methods. social perspective. The more "grandchild fund." operation with calculated • were rewarded when they deliv­ "The best education and the · you understand human beings, Branching out Being surrounded by street assassinations, federal ered a record number of aca­ most effective is when you can the more you can commercial­ During his time not spent women all his life (he has three authorities charged Wednes­ demic presentations at the inter­ pick up on emotions." Instead ize something and get the prac­ teaching at UCF, he enjoys sisters and two daughters) has day. national conference of the of having students send him e­ tical side of it," Evans said. playing guitar, diving and sur­ definitely affected his persona Label head Irv "Gotti" Association for Educational mails, he prefers they talk to prisingly enough, Latin danc­ and his way of life. Lorenzo and his brother Communication and Technolo- him face-to-face. ''After five The preacher in him ing. "I'm not Hispanic, but I He was married at 19 and Christopher surrendered to gy held in Chicago. . minutes, they feel better about Evans has a bachelor's love the music. It's on a four­ was a father by 20. the FBI on money-laundering • The students walked away the material," Evans said. degree in ministry, his master's count, so it's not difficult to "Things develop in you that charges Wednesday as federal with two awards in recOgnition Candice Delgado, a fresh­ in religion and a doctorate in do." you are not aware of until you prosecutors unsealed an ofthe professionalism and quali- · man who took his world reli­ humanities. Evans also enjoys reading, become a parent," he said. "It is indictment seeking to confis­ ty of their work. . gions class this past semester, He spent eight years in with science fiction being his a transforming experience. So cate all the assets oftheir label, Students in the advanced said, "It was great taking Dr. church service, but by the age favorite genre. He is a fan of ·much of our culture is artifi­ The Inc. studies program delivered 14 Evans' class. Not only is the of 30 he was ready to move on. the Lord of the Rings series, cial. You have to worry about Their childhood friend, presentations related to the material extremely interesting, "It was too confining. There both the books and the movies. yourself, your money, your Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff, • design of innovative training and but he cracks jokes and light­ was more I wanted to do than His favorite-book? "Dare I say retirement, etcetera" one of New York's most noto­ instruction ens up the classroom atmos­ study the Bible. Reading a the Bible?" he asked. However, he does give a rious drug kingpins, was phere." She said, "If you think Bible in a world of books, it's More recently, he has warn.hig: "If you're a psy­ charged with murder, racket­ Corrections: his class is going to be boring, like choosing to live on an enjoyed some traveling. "I try chopath, don't have children" eering and other crimes that The cost for an apartment at prosecutors said were intend­ Boardwalk Apartments was list­ ed to eliminate and intimidate ed at $520 a month [Cost for potential witnesses. campus housing rises again, Jan He already is in prison on a • 24 ]. Boardwalk Apartments Police Beat relatively minor gun charge. charges $500 a room. The $520 Prosecutors believe figure came from the UCF McGriff and the Lorenzos fun­ • Department ofHousing and Res­ neled hundreds of thousands idence Life. Lawyers, students told him ·'Just say no' of dollars in drug profits through The Inc., a chart-top­ Bryan Council, ofthe Student ping label owned partly by Government Association, was AMBER FOSTER ~ said that he is 'friends group of students drinking ing under the influence after Island Def Jam, a Universal referred to as an SGA senator Staff Writer with lawyers and law alcohol in the parking lot. he ran over a median curb and MusiclabeL [Impeach senator, says SGA affi­ . '3~~@1'/!/J.·1,,,·~~ students, who all told The officers asked Tidwell went through a red light. His · davit, Jan 20]. He is actually a Francisco Aponte was ''t/i[ ti~~ //)~ him not to submit to and Simon Collins to step out breathalyzer test scores were Marine helicopter crashes in member of the cabinet charged with driving ·.. ,{fj,pfl the tests. of Collins' red Honda Accord. .138 and .119. western Iraq, kills 31 under the influence after He was transported to As Tidwell got out of the car, Officers Earl Cowan and BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. It was reported that the date failing to cooperate with the Orange County DUI test Cowan npticed her struggling Erik Lashinsky also noticed military transport helicopter for the Jan 7 Board of Trustees police offi,cers during a traffic center. The breathalyzer test with her purse. that Krauss' tag light was crashed during sandstorms in meeting was a last-minute stop. · resulted in a .000 BAC, and Officer Erik Lashinsky burnt out and his license tag Iraq's western desert Wednes­ change [Taking to the streets, Officer Mario Jenkins Aponte would not take a urine asked Collins to sign a con­ was expired. day, killing 31 people, all Jan 20]. Tom Evelyn of the UCF stopped Aponte in the Pega­ test. He was then taken to the sent to search form and pro­ The officers pulled him believed to be Marines, while News and Information Office sus Landing apartment com­ Orange County Central Book­ ceeded to search the vehicle. over after he turned onto Cen­ insurgents killed five other said that the change to the date munity Jan. 23 because of. an ing FacilitY: Lashinsky found a small taurus Drive. American troops in the dead­ was discussed at the November expired license plate. Officer plastic container filled with a When Cowan asked for liest day for U.S. forces since Board of Trustees meeting and Anthony Lupo assisted. Don't drink and loiter substance that tested pre­ Krauss' ·registration, Krauss the Iraq war began. was placed on the UCF news According to the police Officer Earl Cowan arrest­ sumptive positive to be mari­ handed the officer his owner's Militants waging a cam­ Web site in November. report, Aponte acted annoyed ed University ofNorth Florida juana. manual and an expired Wis­ paign to derail Sunday's elec­ and would not make eye con­ student Dominique Tidwell She was placed under consin registration card. tion carried out.at least six car tact with the officers. He for possession of ma:i;ijuana arrest and taken to the Orange Throughout the pre-arrest bombings and a flurry of other would not allow the officers under 20 grams Jan. 8. County Central Booking period, Krauss denied he had attacks on schools to be used to search his car or perform Cowan, along with Sgt. Facility. anything to drink. as polling stations, political Let us know - field sobriety tests. Hugh Carpenter, was He failed all of the field party offices and Kurdish sites, Lupo warned Aponte of the patrolling the Pointe Burnt out and expired sobriety tests and was trans­ killing or wounding more than The Future wants fo hear consequences of not submit­ apartment community when Full .Sail student Timothy ported to the Orange County from you! If you have a club, ting to sobriety tests. l,\ponte Carpenter· pointed out a Krauss was charged with driv- DUI test center. PLEASE SEE NATION ON A4 . organization or event and want • your information to ·be consid­ ered for the Around Campus column, send a fax to 407-447- January 27, 2005 •Volume 37, Issue 38 • 16 Pages 4556 or an e-mail to • Editorial: 407-823-6397 (UCF-NEWS) • Advertising: 407-447-4555 • Fax: 407-447-4556 [email protected]. Dead­ www.UCFnews.com • 3361 Rouse Road, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32817 lines are 5 p.m. Tuesday for the Thursday edition, and 5 p.m. The Student Newspaper Serving UCF Since 1968 The Central Fkirida Future publishes on Mondays and Thursdays in fan and spring and Wednesdays during summer. • Friday for the Monday edition One free copy of the Central Rorida Future permitted per issue. If available, additional copies may be purchased from our office with_prior approval for $1 each. Newspaper theft is a crime. Violators may be subject to dvil and criminal prosecution and/or university discipline.


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407-3 6 5-33 0 0 .__I_s_ER_v1c_E _DE_PT_oP_EN_sA_ru_RD_AY_9_.- 5----' '""~~~ - Higher Education Nation &World OPSN CjlSDNli Cjll.l. What's in the news at college$ around the country Fr1d~g - .January BB, BODS Bill would give refund if teacher is not understood BISMARCK, N.D. - Stu­ dents should get their money Made For You Fitness is having an open casting call for Morphoplex back if they can't understand Xtreme promotional talent. Requirements ~re as follows: lectures delivered with thick accents and quirky pronun­ ciations, says a lawmaker Female talent ages 18+ who wants to outlaw unclear English in the classroom. Physically fit body type, appropriate for Legislation is being spon­ sored that would bar teach­ a fitness product endorsement ers from undergraduate courses if they cannot clear­ F_un and outgoing personality ly speak English. Students who complaip in writing Flexible availability required about a teacher's diction would be refunded their Must provide resume and headshot tuition and fee payments for that course. Prepare to demonstrate various workout techniques Party features bikinis and baby The auditions will begin promptly at 9am and will end at 2pm oil in Duke fraternity house DENNIS COOK I ASSOCIATED PRESS DURHAM, N.C. - In National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, left, talks to Sen. Barbara Boxer, 0-Calif.,Jan. 19. with same day call backs. (May be asked to stay as late as what was probably not a film Rice was confirmed as the new seqetary of state yesterday by a Senate vote of 85-13. class assignment, partying 8pm). Auditions will be recorded ·and call backs will be ' Duke University students FROM A2 diplomat and becomes the first required to wear a two piece swimsuit. were found re-en

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MICHAEL SNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Members originally closed the Sig_Ep house voluntarily, but now it needs fire code updates. They hope to open by the end of the semester.

FROM Al In both cases UCF officials built in 1992, will be rebuilt to assisted fraternity members in meet codes from 2000, the latest but we're hoping our national their search for housing. year for fire code revisions. ''We 1 chapter will help us out," he said. Even so, Pike Vice President need to do what's safe for our Pike President Steven Tom Mangar voiced his unhap­ members so that the building is Mogerman conceded the frater­ piness at having to find another safer than before when they nity had limited financial place to live on short notice. return," Knisel said. .. resources to repair the house~ "I've been crashing on a Sig Ep President Matthew but said· he believed the viola­ friend's couch for the past three Haehl, who now bunks with a tions were related to the frater­ weeks," the sophomore busi­ friend off-campus, also talked nity's antiquated fire alarm sys­ ness major said. "I was awak­ about the struggle to find anoth­ tem ened at 8 am and told to leave er place to call home two weeks "The 14-year-old fire alarm in the house just four days prior to before classes started. He said Oak Tree the house didn't work," the the spring semester." his fraternity brothers have 11 sophomore accounting major For now, the university also is taken up refuge in various said. 'We were not given notice · helping Pike members find a places. Some are staying with we were living in a house that place to hold chapter meetings. friends or renting apartments or violated fire marshal codes." Sig Ep has been holding its . homes off-campus. Apartments Although he doesn't blame weekly chapter meetings inside "It's like you're stuck the university for displacing the the CommUnication Building. between a rock and a hard fraternity members, Mogerman Mangar said he was disap­ place,'' the business major said. said he wasn't aware of certain pointed the university didn't ''No one wants to be in this posi­ things before he became presi­ help the Pikes stay current on tion. It's kind of hard to find a dent of Pike. fire codes. "UCF was supposed place to live, especially short­ John Jackson, UCF's building to he~p us fix the fence and other tenn." FURNISHED inspector, said he would not parts ofthe house, but didn't," he Additional reporting for this comment' on the fire code viola­ said. article provided by Senior Staff tions. The Sig Ep house, which was Writer Nathan Poekert. 2 Bedroom I 1 Bathroom

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I was recently watching a news program and I heard the term "drug-food interactions." What does this mean? Should I be wor­ .untvcr~Jty of ried ifI am currently on medica­ central tion? Florida Medicines can treat and cure many health problems. But they must be taken properly to give • CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE you the greatest benefit A drug­ Supervisor of Elections Brent Fieser, SGA Vice President Willie Bentley, Jr. and Student Body President Kevin Peters are preparing for election. foodinteraction occurs when the FROM A1 The time frame for candi­ introduce candidates to voters. food you eat affects the ingredi­ dates to announce their inten­ "It might be debate-style or ents in a medicine you're talcing utive and legislative branches tions begins at 5 p.m Monday town-hall-style - where stu­ so the medicine can't work the of SGA, they said. and closes at 5 p.m. Feb. 3. Bent­ dents get to ask the questions way it should But the office isn't all duty ley said he has collected the - but we're definitely having The optimal effect of a drug and obligation. To quote required 500 signatures to run. it," Fieser said. The Elections may not be achieved and could Peters, "there are a few perks." "Come Monday everyone will Commission will also distrib­ result in an underdose or an He points out the "nice know for sure whether I'll be ute fliers advertising a candi­ overdose. Furthermore, because office" in the Student Union as taking that next step," he said date meet-and-greet. "It's not these food interactions can pre­ one of them. Another is the Fieser and his Elections my job to get them out there to vent you from receiving the biweekly salary of $770 - Commission will host a presi­ meet the students/' he said, intended dosage of medication working out to more than dential forum a week before "but I do want to-help them do needed, your illness may be pro­ $18,000 a year. the Feb. 21-23 election to help that." longed It's important to realize that drug-food interactions can occur with prescription medica­ ' . tions, nonprescription or over­ KEGS TO GO the-counter medications, vita­ mins and herbal products. Friends move off campus Domestic/Imported How do interactions occur? Not all medicines are affected FROM A1 planned Convocation Center. the time." by the food itself: but many can That number represents only Yates said he was actually •Budweiser be affected by what you eat and letting me know of the dates." about 10 percent of the UCF hesitant to -live on campus when you eat it. Some medi­ Peter Mitchell, associate student population. ' again and was happy that he • Coors Lite • Bud Lite cines, when taken with a meal, director of Housing and Resi­ The campus Master Plan, and his friends would still be may interfere with the way they dence Life, said notifications which was approved last able to live together in off­ • Miller Lite • Ice House & are absorbed in the stomach and were sent on Oct. 1 and Nov. November, included expand­ campus housing. He said liv­ • intestines. 23 to every on-campus mail­ ed on-campus housing for stu­ ing on campus was too expen­ The food delays or decreases box. "There were also dates in dents. The number of new sive in his first year. Domestic Kegs. •• '46" + the.absorption of the drug. On the calendar which every resi­ beds and the date of the "The rent isn't the expen­ 5 9 9 the other hand, some medicines dent receives. We also put up expansion were not deter­ sive part," he said. "The expen­ Kirin lchiban ... 99 . + are easier to tolerate or better fliers in the housing halls and mined, however. sive part is meal plan." Rolling Rock ___ 5 7999 *" absorbed with food, so they on our Web site," he said. Many freshmen, like Yepes Currently, the cheapest 5 99 should be taken with a meal or "Students can still turn in and his friends, are now find­ meal plan at UCF's Market­ Killians Red ___ 66 -+- snack, rather than on an empty their deposits late," he added, place costs $295 per semester 99 ing themselves searching off IY\ichelob Lite ___ 5 60 -+- stomach. "but the $100 deposit does not campus for housing. for 50 meals. That's the a How to stop interactions: guarantee that they will get in The fourth member of the "commuter" plan, designed Yuengling ___ 5 6799 -+- 1 Make sure your doctor and a dorm." for those who life off campus. group, Doug Brown, a biology 5 99 pharmacist know about every Freshman business man­ major and Yates' current The cheapest recommended Heineken ___ 1 24 _+ drug you are taking, including agement major Greg Smith, roommate at Lake Claire, was plan for those in campus is New C::astle ___ 5 1 5999 -+- nonprescription drugs and any however, doesn't remember disappointed because he $1306.27, or roughly $325 . a dietary supplements such as receiving any of those notices. wanted to live on campus for month. This includes 12 meals " vitamins, minerals and herbals. Smith is another member of another year. every week. The drawback is GOOD QUALITY ·WINE 2. Read the prescription label the group of four freshmen ·"Living on campus is con­ that the meals don't rollover if CffiARffiES •CHIPS• CANDIES on the container. If you have who had hoped to move in venient because you can come you don't eat them. They are questions, ask your provider or together; he and Yepes cur­ home between classes, and simply lost. On top ofthat, res­ pharmacist rently are floor-mates in the you are just a walk away from ident dining plans require a DOMESTIC BEER SPECIAL 3. Read all directions, warn­ Apollo dormitories. everything," he said. , "You two-semester agreement. ings and interaction precautions · "No one ever said anything don't need to drive anywhere "I'm looking forward to 12 PK. Kirin lchiban 12 PK. BUDWEISER printed on medicine labels and to me about the renewal date," usually, which is good. Addi­ h.aving a refrigerator," Brown bottles packaging. Remember, even he said. "My resident adviser tionally, partying is more min­ said. "Buying food will be a lot over-the-counter medicines can never said anything about it imal on campus because most cheaper than eating at the ONLY ~799 ONLY $899 cause problems. during our building meetings." of us are freshmen, so it's Marketplace every day." 4. Don't stir medicine into Housing is a major concern never too loud most of the Although he· and Smith your food or take apart capsules fot UCF students. Beginning time." would have preferred to stay unless told to do so. This may next fall, UCF will be able to Added Smith, "I'm not on campus, the four are talk­ BEST WAY BEVERAGE MART chaiige the way a drug works. house 4,300 students, which looking forward to battling for ing about moving into Jeffer­ Corner of University &Dean Rd., Next to Duffy's Subs 5. Don't take vitamins at the will include the new housing parking spots. I hear that it is son Lofts for the next school 407-678-4443 same time you take your medi­ under construction near the really har4 to find parking all year. cine because vitamins and min­ Hours: Mon. - Sun.11 am - 2am erals can cause problems when taken with some medication. 6. Don't mix medicine into hot drinks because the heat may prevent the drug from working. 7. Never take medicine with alcoholic drinks. • ) Ifyou have problems or expe­ rience side effects relzted to medication, call your health care provider immediately. It js also important to remember that many drUgs may cause serious medical conditions when used ,, with other drugs. Are beverages a problem? Some ingredients in bever­ ages can interact with your med­ c· ication and cause harm and/or prolong illness. Be sure to c:Peck the labels of the medications for precautions and the label of the beverages for a complete list of ingredients. It's best to take most medica­ tions with water. In addition, alcohol should always be avoid­ ed Because alcohol is actually a drug, not a food, when con­ sumed while taking certain med­ ications it can be extremely dan­ gerous. There are many "hidden" sources of alcohol: cough medicine, mouthwash and food flavorings such as vanil­ la and almond extract A good rule is to avoid alcohol while taking any medication, unless your provider or pharma­ cist tells you that the combina­ tion is acceptable. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda, chocolate and some med­ ications, can also affect the action , ofsome drugs.

E-mail your questions to [email protected] : A • ~(eutraf;:...:.o.;_;_;.;.;....::;.:Jforiba...:.:...:....:':...:.:....::::Jutu-=::~"-'~Ja~n~ua~ry~2~7,~20~05=------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A7 .• Master Plan delays music rooms Elevators FROM Al are fixed, Despite the outdated Rehearsal Hall, the program is growing, along with the rest of the university. Next year, but break i> the Music Department will begin a graduate program and will hire more faculty. This makes the need for new facilities more crucial than ever. once more ii The future FROM Al · On the surface, the administration appears to be doing something ab~ut between the fourth and fifth floors. the Rehearsal Hall. The Master Plan The door operied and the next floor. lists two new performing arts build­ was about eight or nine feet down, she ings - Arts II and III - to be built at · said. the end of the decade. Those struc­ "People gathered around and asked tures would include the badly need­ me why I couldn't jump," Seidel said. ed practice rooms, offices and per­ She told them she was six months preg­ formance space that the Music nant. "I was waiting about 45 minutes Department has been seeking for and getting anxious because I didn't years. know how I was going to get out of The department seems to have there,'' she said. "Then Wyatt Wyatt, grown accustomed to being over- one of the English professors, looked ' looked. Some .music faculty claim up. He said, 'Kathy, jump and I'll catch that UCF seems to prize other you.' So I did. And he caught me.'' degrees, such as business, over music The incidents have been frequent degrees. Some professors even spec­ over the years, said Edmund Kallina, ulate that this results in more "lucra­ Colbourn Hall building manager and tive" buildings being pushed ahead History Department chairman. "There of arts buildings. have been ongoing problems, malfunc­ They point to the constant reshuf­ tions for 25 years," he said. "[There are] fling of the Master Plan over the past MICHAEL SNEAD I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE some inherent problems with the ele­ couple of decades as evidence. Each The Rehearsal Hall has limited practice rooms big enough for groups, like the concert band, to practice in. Individual players are sometimes forced to practice outside. vators and building. We have problems year the message is the same: the once a week or so." ') Music Department is promised facil­ presidential forum last semester and necessarily choose one building over enough practice rooms, but there are William Bode, a 79-year-old adjunct ities and then told to wait. asked President directly another. a lot of times when the practice English professor, wears braces on his Jeff Moore, associate professor of why the music facilities have ·not Instead, funding is provided based rooms aren't full,'' he said. "I actually knees and walks up three flights of percussion, shares·his corner office improved. on a formula, which determines the practice two instruments, piano and stairs to his office. "Walking is difficult,'' in the Rehearsal Hall with a set of "He didn't really take me serious­ need. Each state university has a clarinet, and I find time.'' Bode said. '~d it's hard for me to climb percussion equipment. When he first ly at first,'' she said, frustrated. He board, and that board presents the "[The music program] is not a the stairs.'' But he doesn't want to be the arrived at UCF in 1994, he was told a joked with her, "Do you not like the university's plan to the· legislature, very big program. I don't know if it's main character in a Colbourn Hall ele­ ) new music performance space would color of the carpet?" which makes the final decision. fair to ask someone for a lot of vator horror story. l!>e built by 1999. More than 10 years She added, "But eventually, I got Julie Trom, a graduate music edu­ money when you're not running out Rosemary Monroy, facilities coordi­ later, there is still no new music facil­ my point across." cation major who graduated last of practice space," he continued. nator for the College of Arts and Sci­ ity, only a glimmer of hope that fades As a result of that forum, the semester, said the Rehearsal Hall is "The biggest factor is whether you ences, said complaints and mainte­ each year along with the hall's worn music. practice rooms in Colbourn an "embarrassment" to the Music can get a good education. I don't real­ nance requests are filed with the UCF carpet. Hall had their carpeting cleaned. It is Department and the school. She ly think the [new arts bllildings] are a Physical Plant. After the Physical Plant As he speaks, the air conditioning a small step but one for which thinks the facilities are holding the necessity because I think anyone receives an e-mail or phone call, they grumbles overhead; the cacophony Chavarria is grateful. However, she program back. "I always thought if who comes to school here to get a send a maintenance worker to the site. of instruments blaring from the main added, "I wish [the administration] you build it, they will come. If you good education can get it." 'We know there are people who cannot room must be spoken over. The com­ would pay more attention to the want to attract a higher caliber of stu­ Even though he thinks the pro­ climb the stairs," Monroy said. "I'm bination of those noises frustrates Music Department." dents, then a new building is what we gram is strong without the buildings, pleased by [the Physical Plant's] quick him. ·~coustically, [the· Rehearsal When told that a new perform- need," she said. he still feels the current Rehearsal response." Hall] is not designed well,'' he said. . ance facility would be built, Chavar­ Hall is "lousy." Sometimes the problems do not That makes .recording in the studio ria responded, "It doesn't really give Colboum Hall "I certainly don't think the. facili­ have a quick fix. A UCF-hired contrac­ difficult. me that much hope." She knows sev­ Across from the Rehearsal Hall, ties are attracting people. It would be tor maintains the elevators on campus Because of the lack of space, eral, UCF music alumni who have the bottom floor of Colbourn Hall nice if we had something else, but I but has 120 other elevator clients in the . Moore has capped the number of told her, "They've been saying that houses the music practice rooms and don't think the facilities are a good Orlando area, Monroy said percussionists admitted at 18. Percus- since I was here." offices which often double as class­ reason for someone to not come Faculty members agree the mainte­ , sionists are not permitted to practice For that reason, Moore no longer rooms. here. I don't think the Rehearsal Hall nance workers are not to blame. "I in the Rehearsal Hall while the tells his students about the arts bu,ild­ At the end of the hallway, music is going to fall down anytime soon,'' think the workers are wonderful,'' said orchestra is performing in the main ings. He doesn't want to elevate their performance and composition major he joked. Paolo Giordano, chairman of the For­ room. Therefore, they must coordi- hopes prematurely, as his were. Andrew Marinelly sits reading his Even so, each year that passes eign Languages and Literatures Depart­ 11 nate their schedules around that "The question is, where do we fit Bible, his clatj.net by his side. Even without any improvements to the ment. "I think it's just the building while vying for th~ three practice in the Master Plan? How soon in the though a saxophone lesson is being buildings, the Music Department itself." rooms. sequence will this happen?" asked conducted at the opposite end bf the continues to lose more and more Colbourn Hall, one of the oldest Music majors used to alleviate the Moore. "It's not about will they make hall with the door closed, he can potential students. buildings on campus, was dedicated in '.I problem of space by playing in the a new music facility, it's when." make out every note and even the "We do know from the students June 1972, and is still referred to by its Rehearsal Hall's lobby or outside of Pherigo said the plans have conversation going on inside. who audition. here that the facilities former name as the Humanities and the building. However, Pherigo alreaqy been scheduled, but they are None. of the practice rooms are are often the reason they decide to go Fine Arts Building in some places on recently banned that practice due to waiting for funding. "The university soundproof. some~here else," Pherigo said the UCF Web site. It was renovated " noise complain.ts from non-music makes plans, but sometimes things Since departments other than Many of the music students chose about 10 years ago, and the elevators faculty in Colbourn Hall. happen and those plans have to music also use the building, the to study at UCF because they were were rebuilt then, Monroy said. Each semester Moore's students change," Pherigo said. "We're in the Music Department receives many familiar with one or more of the "It's like a car - you take it in, they 1 list similar comments on their course process of deciding what needs to be complaints about the noise. Without music teachers. The faculty seem to analyze it and fix it," Monroy said. "But evaluation forms. ·~ pretty over­ done to · renovate [the Rehearsal soundproofing, there is nothing that be the lifeline holding the music pro­ it could need work again." whelming majority say, 'better facili­ Hall] and what we can afford and can be done other than to post signs gram together. The elevator-facing .the Education ties,'" said Moore. "I take that to when." warning students not to practice in Molina, who will graduate next Building was fixed earlier this week, " heart. We all in the Music Depart­ One of the renovations would the hallways. On one of those year, appreciates those professors. but the elevator facing the Rehearsal ment take that to heart, but we just .include new soundproof curtains, notices, a student has scrawled his He said, "Despite the facilities, the Hall was still broken. Kallina said the don't have that kind of power." which alone cost between $12,000 own note: "Build more practice teachers are great. If it weren't for contracting company ordered parts and • But now the music students are and $15,000. rooms!" them, many people probably would­ is working to fix the elevator this week. .. beginning to speak out in a larger Joe Castrillo, space utilization and Marinelly doesn't see what all the n't be here anymore. I wouldn't be But if history' is any indication, the way. Ashley Chavarria, ;i freshman analysis coordinator for the Physical fuss is about. "One of the biggest here either. I'd probably transfer to Physical Plant will get a phone call next music performance major, attended a Plant, said the administration.doesn't complaints is that we don't have another school." week. •;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::::;::;::::::::::::::::;

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The 2nd Annual showcase of Diverse Student Research

March 22, 200 UCF Orlando C

Hosted by the UC Graduate Student will include poster tations of student research and creati open to UCF graduate students ommunityis welcome to attend.

The submission d

Visit www.gra www.UCFnews.com ·Thursday, January 27, 2005

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FILE PHOTO I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE : Antonio Sierra is one of five seniors competing for UCF men's tennis this season. Sierra and doubles partner Rhett Rosen have stepped up as co-captains of this year's squad and are comfortable with their roles as leaders both on and offthe tennis court. • • ' . . . Sierra and Rosen t git to court :.. :· Men's tennis seniors lead a veteran squad into Atlantic Sun battle Third-ranked Gators put ' a hurting on men's tennis ASHLEY BURNS Sports Editor , Tennis with win in Gainesville briefs Men's tennis is playing with an advantage. NATHAN CURTIS Actually, this year's team is playing with Contributing Writer ,lve advantages. · ·This year's men's tennis Seniors are the key to the Knights' run at team has five seniors as Last Sunday marked the beginning of a one last Atlantic Sun Conference title, and opposed to only three new season for UCF men's tennis. leading the way are Antonio Sierra and Rhett last season. Unfortunately, it also marked the begin­ Rosen, two of the team's five senior leaders. ning of a new season for the University of But while the doubles partners are both occu- • Despite recovering Florida's men's tennis team, which hosted the ' pying the same role as mentor to the younger from a back injury, Knights at the Ring Tennis Complex in players and leaders on the court, they're get­ Antonio Sierra returns as Gainesville. 11 '· ting their jobs done in completely different the teams No. l singles Ranked third in the nation, UF handily j manners. player. defeated UCF 7-0. The Gators have won their Sierra is the team's No. 1 singles competi­ last 17 opening-day matches, including Sun­ tor· and sets -an example with his racket, qui- ·The men are looking to day's lopsided shutout of the Knights. , etly doing his job. Rosen, however, sets an defend their back-to­ Senior Antonio Sierra played his first example for his teammates not only by per~ back A-Sun titles and match since his injury to his back that side­ forming well, but by speaking his mind, too. lined him for most of the fall season. bri~g home afinal con­ ( Regardless of their opposing natures, they are ference crown this sea­ "The technique never goes away,"- said ready to use their skills to take this team to son. Sierra of the injury's effect on his game. "But I the top once again. missed the conditioning required to maintain "Our main goal is to win pretty much success in this sport." ·There are only two every match," Sierra said. "The team has In Sunday's top-seeded singles match, Sier­ become pretty strong over the past few years. freshmen, one sopho­ . ra withdrew in the second set, losfug 3-0 after We're pretty deep with our lineup this year. more and one junior on he dropped the first set 6-2 to UF's Hamid That doesn't make us weaker, only stronger, this year's team. Mirzadeh. and I think we can take the (A-Sun) champi­ After Sierra's loss, his teammates were quick onship this year." to follow suit. Joel Allen and Ener Gursoy pro- BRITT HART I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE PLEASE SEE ROSEN ON A10 Rhett Rosen, right, has set examples on and off the court for his younger teammates like Ener Gursoy, left. PLEASE SEE GATORS ON AlO Eight wins in a row goal Losing streak increases to·three Poor shooting leaves men's 39 points in the first 37 minutes of the for women's basketball game, the Knights' offense woke up • basketball high and dry and poured in 24 points in ~he final tinue to do what they do best, and against mediocre Lipscomb three minutes. . Depleted roster protects that's shoot. Anytime we can hit those At the same time Lipscomb was in < half gam·e lead in A-Sun perimeter shots on offense it opens up ANDY VASQUEZ the midst of a collapse. As UCF caught the floor a lot." · Staff Writer fire, the Bisons were only able to against Stetson Hatters Center Ali Roberts · has taken 'muster four points. advantage ofthe space to work with on It was a whole lot late on Tuesday Knights closed the gap to 61-60 with ' MATT DUNAWAY the interior. She is posting 11 points per for UCF - but it was still too little too six seconds remaining. Senior Staff Writer game while hitting 51 percent of her late. . Lipscomb then hit two free throws shots. Despite a frantic run by UCF (12-7, to regain a three-point lead, but made The UCF women's basketball team ''You kind ofoverlook her [Roberts] 5-6 A-Sun) in the final three minutes of another critical miscue. Kingsley ' puts its six-game winning streak to the because you are beginning to expect Tuesday night's game against Lip­ Edwards was intentionally fouled by test at Stetson tonight. Tip-off is slated .that from her every night," Striegler scomb (10-7, 5-5 A-Sun), the Knights the Bisons' Joe Peters with four sec­ for 7 p.m. at the Edmunds Center. said. "She has been our steady person dropped their third consecutive game onds left. The foul gave Edwards two The Knights will be short-handed, all season long, and you can count on by a score of 64-63. free throws, which he made, and the •, only playing eight players in the rota­ her for at least 10 to 15 points a game." With only 3:33 left in the second. Knights the ball back and a chance at a tion. Guard Shayla Smith is out with an But it's the things that don't show· half, it seemed a mere formality that last shot to win the game. injury while backup forward Jeralynn up in the stat book that impress Lipscomb would walk away with an Edwards took the inbounds pass, Campbell has been dismissed from the Striegler. easy victory. The Bisons' Corey King but missed the shot. It would have team. Whereas Roberts leads the team had hit a-pair offree throws to give Lip­ completed one of the biggest come­ Guards Celeste Hudson and and is tied for 29th in the nation with scomb what seemed to be an insur­ backs in UCF men's basketball history. Francine Houston combine for 21.4 2.23 blocks per game, she has altered mountable 57-39 lead, but the Knights Instead, the Knights are left to ponder " points a game and are both shooting many .more shots than that. Her speed stormed back. another frustrating loss and wonder more than 30 percent from behind the also allows her to help her guards on Lipscomb committed four what they must do to get back on track. 3-point line. the outside. turnovers in the final two and a half The loss, UCF's third consecutive in . "Celeste and Francine are shoot-­ BRITT HART I CENTRALFLORIDA FUTURE minutes, and the Knights capitalized .. ers," Striegler said. "They need to con- PLEASESEE HOUSTON ON A9 Junior Celeste Hudson leads the women in scoring. with four 3-pointers. After scoring only PLEASE SEE BAKANOWSKY'S ON A9 Houston and Roberts key in win streak State & Nation High school coach allegedly bribed FROM AB MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Mem­ court, took his college entrance "Our success has phis defensive tackle Albert exam for him, and he acknowl­ Roberts also puts her team­ Means said his high school edged lying about that to a mates in spots to shine, as for­ coach picked the college he grand jury. ward Shelby Weber is right been residing would attend, while testifying "I was afraid," he said. r behind Roberts with 27 blocks Tuesday in the federal trial of While entering his guilty this season. around the an Alabama booster. plea in 2002, Lang · said he Center Takira Allen has Logan Young is charged arranged for a stand-in to take • allowed found her stride, fin­ defense. We've with paying a $150,000 bribe to Means' college entrance exam. ishing with ll points and a high school Coach Lynn Lang Means wrapped up his eligi­ team-high nine rebounds been winning , get Means to sign with Alaba­ bility to play college football against Georgia State last Satur­ ma. this year and expects to gradu­ day. Allen filled in for Roberts with strong Means said he signed with ate in May. He said he hopes to who was in early foul trouble the Crimson Tide because have a professional football I against the Lady Panthers. ·defense." Lang told him to, but he never career. r' "That just proves what the met Young, a millionaire from ,-' definition ofa team is when, we --WOMEN'S BASKETBAU COACH Memphis. Leinart's boo-boo better GAIL STRIEGLER 11 r' have other players step up like Lang has pleaded guilty to LOS ANGELES - Southern I Tater [Allen] did," Striegler taking a bribe to send Means to California quarterback Matt said. "She has come to play, Alabama and is awaiting sen­ Leinart underwent successful whether she is getting 30 min­ league games, including two tencing. He was expected to tendinitis surgery Tuesday on utes a game or 20 minutes a games at the buzzer in the testify against Young on Tues­ his throwing elbow. game. She's playing hard every Edmunds Center. day. "We removed the tendinitis single minute she gets." Center Kristy Brown is the Defense lawyers say Lang is on the inside of Matt's elbow UCF has clawed its way to only player in the A-Sun aver­ a liar and is the foundation of through a small incision. The the top with the A-Sun's aging a double-double. Brown the government's case against surgery went fine and there strongest defense, allowing the paces the A-Sun, pulling down Young. were no problems,'' Dr. James opposition just 56.9 points per 10.2 rebounds to go with her Authorities say Means did Tibone said in a statement game. That's more than five 15.3 points per game. The Hat­ not know Lang was brokering ·released by the university. "We points better than any other ters welcome point guard his football skills. found what we expected, a team. Joann Smith back into the fold. Means signed with Alabama small degenerative part of his "Our success has been resid­ She averages ll.9 points in her in 2000 but transferred to the tendon. He'll be in a splint for ing around the defense, and first seven games back. the fol­ 10 days, then he'll start to we've been winning with UCF has won its last two lowing year after reports of a rehab." · strong defense,'' Striegler said. games at the Edmunds Center payoff to Lang became public. Tibone said the Reisman I 1 "That leads to transition bas- by 23 and 24 points, posting big Alabama's recruitment of Trophy winner, who passed up > kets on offense, and that's what second halves in both contests. Means became part of an · a chance to turn pro to return UCF basketball is all about." UCF edges out Stetson 30-25 in NCAA investigation that led to to USC for his senior year,.­ The Knights also top the A­ the all-time series. sanctions against the Crimson should be able to resume­ Sun in defense, holding oppo­ Jacksonville University (3- Tide in 2002. throwing "in several months." nents to 36 percent shooting,· ll, 0-7 A-Sun) has already The player told jurors he "We expect a full recovery," but Striegler knows that every­ matched its win total from a depended totally on Lang to he said. • one begins to step up their season ago, but has not got the deal with college recruiters. The two-time defending game in conference play. breaks in conference play "He took care of everything national champion Trojans "Stetson is doing a lot of the under first-year Coach Jill else," Means testified. "That's begin spring practice March 6. same things that we are doing, Dunn. The Dolphins had a why I trusted him." The university said the sur- . and that's winning with their three-game road trip, but will Means also said someone defense," Striegler said. "Kristy take on FAU tonight at home else, who was not identified in PLEASESEE MICHIGAN ON A10 Brown is a fantastic post player, before welcoming UCF to she's a banger on the outside. Swisher Gym on Saturday. · She's one of the most well­ Three players average in rounded post players we have double figures for the Dol­ in the conference." phins, but leading scorer Yol­ Here's a closer glimpse at isha Jackson has missed the , Stetson and Jacksonville. last four games due to an I '- injury. Guards Sheena Car­ Scouting Stetson and Jacksonville penter and Nakina Alfred lead The Hatters (7-7, 3-4 A-Sun) the way, averaging ll.6 points picked up a huge 63-61 victory per game. at Lipscomb, snapping the UCF swept the season Bisons' 12-game winning series a year ago and holds a 6- streak at Allen Arena Stetson BRITT HART I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE 4 advantage in the ·overall has won four of its last five Sophomore Francine Houston is second in scoring for women's basketball this season. series.

J3qkanowsky'~ return to hoops lineup clouded by loss

FROM AB ered from a concussion, getting UCF back into the A­ tecting the ball. The Bruins returned to the lineup to play Sun playoff picture. are ranked second in the A­ the A-Sun, dropped the for the first time since Jan. 9 Parity has been the theme Sun in turnover margin, aver­ Knights to a tie for ninth iil the against Jacksonville. He had in the A-Sun to this point. aging 2.6 fewer turnovers conference standings at the five points in 15 minutes. The There are nine teams within than their opponents. midpoint in conference play. status of guard Justin Rose, two games of second place Last Sunday the Knights Only the top eight teams who was injured against Stet­ including UCF. Gardner­ fell to Belmont 67-52 despite make the conference playoffs son, is still not certain. Webb has pulled out in front holding an 11-point first-half at the end of the season. Lipscomb guard Brian Fisk with a record of 8-2 in the lead. Belmont was able to Anthony Williams contin­ burned the Knights for a conference. Belmont, Mercer take away the 3-point chances ued his solid play with 14 game-high 25 points. and Troy are tied for seco'nd from the Knights, which points, 13 rebounqs and five UCF returns to UCF Arena with a record of 6-4, and Lip­ allowed the Bruins to get blocks. Josh Peppers had 12 on at 7 p.m. Saturday to face scomb, Jacksonville, Stetson back in the game and domi­ points and Edwards chipped Belmont. Belmont is tied for ·and Troy are tied for fifth, all nate the Knights in the sec­ in with 13 points and six second in the A-Sun stand­ with a record of 5-5. ond half.

' I assists. ings with a conference record In order to beat Belmont The Knights will need to Forward William of 6-4. A win against the Bru-· Saturday night, UCF will score from the inside to avoid Bakanowsky, having recov- ins would go a long way in need to do a better job pro- the same fate on Saturday. DAMIAN OOVARGANES I ASSOCIATED PRESS National champion USC quarterback Matt Leinart, left, underwent successful elbow surgery.

INSIDE THE N Who's hot The UCF women's basketball team, which has won six straight games and have yet to lose in 2005. Number of top 25 teams that the UCF softball Who's not team will play against this season. The UCF men's basketball team, which has lost its last three , games and is now tied for ninth in the A-Sun. 1, Upcoming Place a classified ad in the 39 Women's basketball travels to Deland to face Stetson tonight and travels to Jacksonville to face the Dolphins on Saturday afternoon ... The men's. (eutraf 1foriba '1tture Points for the UCF men's basketball team returns to the UCF Arena to Face Belmont at 7 p.m. on basketball team in the first Saturday and hosts Lipscomb at 7 p.m. Monday at the UCF Arena .. . Softball 37 minutes ofTuesday's opens its season with a double header at Bethune-Cookman on Saturday ', game. afternoon .. _Women's tennis travels to Florida today . _. Men's tennis travels (jl/~ ~-· (all text in Red) to Alabama to face Alabama on Friday and UAB on Saturday.

Quotables •, "They need to continue to do what they do best, and Roses are Red that's shoot." Tommy: Violets are Blue Points for the UCF men in - UCF COACH GAIL STRIEGLER Dear Suzie, Happy Valentine's Day! the final three minutes of ON CELESTE HUDSON AND FRANCINE HOUSTON Will you be my Valentine? I couldn't have gotten through Tuesday's game. I love you more than Johnny Freshman year without you! chocolate. "Part of college tennis is knowing right away that teams Love, Bobby are afraid of you." Love, Kelly - MEN'S TENNIS SENIOR RHETT ROSEN '. (407) 447-4555 ext. 251 ~ (407) 447-4556 (fax) 12 Next issue [email protected] Days un~il the start of the •, I ~ Check out Monday's issue for the 2005 qaseball and . UCF menls baseball season softball previews. 1 Deadline February 11th, Sp.m. *Ask ford ~ails and ad options. In • Rosen returns for final season • with men's tennis as co-captain FROM A8 • I I !While the team is already playing on tilt after a jilting 7-0 • loss 1 to No. 3 Florida, the Knights won't let themselves be phased by one tough loss. Rosen and Sierra know that the · games that really matter are the very same that will make thein A-Sun champs· once again. They also know that their play . ' as 1 a doubles team is equally important as· their individual performances. They know it, but they're not worried. They don't think there's much rooin for improvement. When asked what they need to do to step up their doubles game, Rosen quickly answered: ''Not much.". It's his outgoing confidence that makes Rosen a standout team leader; but Sierra's quiet certainty is equally prominent. "I like it," Rosen said of his role as a leader. "I've been here the longest, I red-shirted and was the only one here five years ago. Every up and down you can go through, I think I've · experienced. We've got some good younger guys who are • willing to learn. College tennis isn't just your talent level. It's winning the mind games over the other teams." Standing in the way of the Knights' hopes to repeat are a Februarv 2nd handful of teams that Sierra believes possess the talent to defeat UCF. But he doesn't Pegasus Ballroom believe they're better. "This year is pretty tough," Sierra said. "For example, BRITT HART I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Georgia State has some new Rhett Rosen is the only men's player who has been with the program for the past five years. transfers that are pretty good ·· players, and that's going to be a ·. tough team to beat. Troy State this weekend and beat UAB, Np. 37 Alabama, No. 48 Miami Central Florida's hottest professional sports teams has a pretty deep team. They and we play Rollins and the and No. 52 South Florida and UCF's varsity and ·club teams are joining have very good top players. It's Division II schools and just kill Rosen ·and Sierra believe, a dangerous team." them, and then go in and beat though, that the true measure· together ·at SGA's second annual Sports Expo. Rosen agrees with Sierra the crap out of Georgia State, I of being leaders is showing the Students, Athletes, and Sports Fanatics; this is your that their A-Sun opponents think teams will be scared of younger players of the team not chance to get closer to the action. Stop by the should never be taken lightly. us." to be concerned with rankings. Pegasus Ballroom for free giveaways and food and ( Whether or not the men can However, he also feels that con­ Moreover, they also want the opportunities to become a part of UCF athletics. For fidence is the deciding factor. put that fear into their oppo­ younger players to know that "Last year I think we lost nents has yet to be seen. With how they conduct themselves more information log on to www.sga.ucf.edu ., that attitude that we had the fall competition behind them on the court is equally as y'e;rr before of just knowing and one blowout loss under important as they conduct that we were going to win their belts, the Knights know themselves off the court. every match that we played," they need to be ready and "We have to be all over said Rosen of the difference healthy when Troy comes them," Sierra said of his between this year's team and knocking Feb. 18 for the men's approach as a mentor to the last. "Granted we've had first A-Sun competition of the younger players. "We teach injuries, and that happens. I season. them everything as co-cap­ want to be able to go into every For Sierra, team chemistry is tains. We try to teach them ' match this year, even if its the driving force. The Mexico­ from tennis to their attitudes close, and know that somebody native is certain that his veter­ on the court to doing well in is going to pull it out every an core is tighter than any of school. I don't do great in ') time. Throughout last year, the Knights' rivals. school, but I try to motivate the even when we were playing "There's pretty good chem­ guys to do great." STONEYBROQK terrible teams, I didn't see the istry with .this team,'' Sierra Rosen's concern with the · confidence we had the year said. "Everyone gets along very younger players' development before. I think we can do really well. What makes a good team lies more within the difference well this year and actually put is the chemistry. There are a lot between high school and col­ fear into people." . of guys on Top 10 teams that lege. He acknowledges that col­ : f l Rosen believes that intimi- , don't get along with each other lege is a whole new world for dation showd drive his team. and they start falling apart." an 18-year-old man, filled with Maybe even fear. He feels that Added Rosen: "I've never millions of vices. As he has the men need to make their seen everybody so happy to see made his way through college, opponents afraid of them each other like when we came he has paved a path for the oth,­ IT'S YOUR before they even step foot on a back from Christmas break. ers to follow. court. The Knights' competi-. I've never seen that. People "If they see that we're party­ tion needs to be scared. respect what me and Tony ing every night and with a dif­ "Part of college tennis is [Sierra] have to say." ferent · girl every night, they knowing right away that teams Perhaps the toughest chal­ might want to do the same,'' are afraid of ym1," Rosen added. lenge the men will face is Rosen said. "But if they follow "If teams are afraid of you a knocking off A-Sun opponents me and see how diligent I am HOME match can be over really quick. · with a bevy of ranked teams with my schoolwork and stay­ There's not much time to think lined up in between the confer­ ing in and keeping a steady girl­ about things. And if we set a ence matchups. The Knights friend, then I feel like they'll standard and go to Alabama will take on No. 25 Tennessee,· succeed." COURSE!!! Gators start Knights' season on sour note FROM A9 came in the doubles matches, No. 2 Gators as well. when Allen and Simon Jaeger "UF is among the top five vided the toughest competition triumphed over Chris Brandi and is a previous NCAA for the Gators, as Allen forced his and Mirzadeh 9-7. champ," UCF women's tennis opponent, Vladimir Obradovic, "This team has a lot of sen­ Coach Patricia Allison said. into a tiebreaker in the second set iors on it," UCF Coach Bobby "Playing in front of them and a after a 6-3 loss in the first set. But Cashman said of the silver lin­ crowd under those 'lights is he finally gave way when ing to the loss to UF. ''.A team exciting, and that's what we are Obradovic scored four consecu­ with as many leaders on it with all about." tive points for the win. impact players like Sierra, Gur­ .The men have a chance to Gursoy gave Gator Nestor soy, and Jaeger, is destined for improve to .500 when the Briceno a run for his money, but good things." Knights take on the Alabama fell 6-4 in each set. The women's team opens Crimson Tide in Tuscaloosa The lone victory of the day their season today against the tomorrow. Michigan player.suspended for alleged choking Monday- Friday ANYTIME/ FROM A9 violence for allegedly choking "I understand the severity of his girlfriend. the sittiation I'm in," Horton said FOR YOU MATH MAJORS THAT'S gery didn't require Leinart be "Given the seriousness and in a statement released by the hospitalized. sensitivity of the situation, we school. "I feel embarrassed ONLY 20 BUCKS AFTER 2:00 The quarterback feel it is in everyone's best inter­ about it and I'm very sorry that announced last week that he est that we suspend Daniel my family, team and school have Offer Expires 1I31/ 2005 planned to have minor surgery pending further review," Coach to deal with it, too. I understand on his left elbow, and said it Tommy Amaker said in a state­ why the consequences hap­ had nothing to do with his ment. "We feel this is the right pened and I will continue to do decision to stay in school. course of action at this time." whatever I can to help the situa­ Horton was arraigned Mon­ tion." Call the Pro Shop for tee times Michigan hoops player suspended day and released on $5,000 Horton has been one of the ANN ARBOR, Mich. - bond, court administrator Keith Wolverines' best players the - ~ Point ,guard Daniel Horton was Zeisloft said. If convicted of the past three seasons. He had 16 suspended from Michigan's bas­ misdemeanor charge, Horton points and five assists for the k~ball team Tuesday, a day after could f~Fe up to three months in Wolverines .(12-7) in a 72-61 ._ 407-384-6888 _. ______( being charged with domestic . jail and'8.!;$500 fine. loss to Wisc®sin on Saturday. J ~ • J .. -..:: . I , • • .... •

1n1ons www.UCFnews.com ·Thursday, January 27,2005 r •

OUR STANCE Professors must speak properly hat is the number one would be refunded their tuition received dozens of responses W problem with taking for that course in full. from students' reporting experi­ classes at UCF? Park­ The legislation would ences with teachers who have ing, overcrowding and availabil­ .require instructors to prove . trouble speaking English. ity are all major problems. If their ability in using the English NDSU administrators claim you get by all that you may . language in a hiring interview that the students have plenty of think you are set for the semes­ before they are allowed to set opportunity to complain but ter, but sometimes it still isn't foot in the classroom. If more they feel a state law would be the case. Sometimes you can't than 10 percent of the cl~s intrusive to the hiring process understand the professor. The complains about the professor's of professors. Beck believes that :..i1r material isn't too hard, you can oration capabilities, then that_ students need to adapt to the read the book just fine but you professor would be removed different ways teachers speak

have no idea what the professor from the course. For those non­ and not expect every teacher to '----'----~------'------'------,,,BE"'"N-:HE-ND"'ER-,,SO_N_iC""'EN-::-TR,...,-AL:--:F:--:LO""RID,-,.A"""FUc:'.'TUc=:'RE·- :'­ is saying due to his thick accent math majors, that means in "speak with a Midwestern ''11'

or odd pronunciation. class of 30 students, if three accent." '~I . Well the complaints aren't complain then the professor is "The current process may be READER VIEWS ·Jt just confined at UCF, they are removed. accomplishing the goals of ~t{ happening nationwide. Every Administrators of higher research and diversity, but the j of commercials. student would be in agreement education have stated that they question needs to be asked History deoartment The most disturbing aspect of reality televi- "'~ that if you can't understand the whether these need to be a pri­ Kudos to sliannon Bennett for her - par­ believe the measure would sion in general is that people consciously con- 'W don the pun - reflective and interesting arti- lecture then students should get cause a flood of students with ority over educating students,'' sume what is sold as reality when they know itu;;i . de on the history of UCFs Reflecting Pond [A their money back. Well now questionable refund requests. Grande told members of the is false, and ~y do it without complaint, with ~ '4 moment of reflection at the pond, Jan. 24]. Ms. there may be some actual con­ What is to stop students from House Education Committee of passive acceptance or with a cynical shrug. · ': . Bennett and the F'uture's ''UCF History" fea­ gressional support for the argu­ reporting every foreign teacher? North Dakota. Does the ubiquity and.apparent popularity ture once again remind us all that this univer­ ment. Nothing. If the decision of Assuming this bill does pass (or ironic consumption) of these shows say ,;~_ sity and the Central Florida community do Rep. Bette Grande of North refunds is left up to the con­ it would be the first of its kind something about American culture as a .s-· "I.. have a history ...,.... and it didn't begin the Dakota wants to ban professors sumer, students, then corrup­ anywhere in the country. Would whole? vi that do not speak clear English tion will be rampant. "Our stu­ other states follow suit? Teach­ moment we showed up. in the classroom. "The No. l - RYAN RIVAS :'~ dents· are very bright and will ers are a rarity despite the low - RICK BRUNSON -"'-' priority of higher education is soon learn to use this law as an mandatory qualifications. Many JOURNALISM INSTRUCTOR . instructing the student, the pay­ excuse to drop any class with a teachers are not native-born, Big questions ~)· ing customer,'' said Grande. bad grade to receive a complete and that's because most of the Fei~flop ~e article on Big Man On Campus ""Tv She is proposing a legislative refund," Michael Hillman, a educated in America choose to Big Man on Campus [BMOC flop, Jan. 24], [BMOC flop, Jan. 24] answered some theories : •.• bill that would bar those teach­ university system vice chancel­ make more money than the should be a lesson to us all We cannot take concerning manipulative producers; but noth- , :., . ers who cannot speak English lor,. said in an Associated Press low-level pay teachers receive. ing we haven't all come to expect from "reali- ~ • our desires for reality television ty'' TY. . , ~~ . clearly from instructing under­ article. If other states decided to start As the winner herself confessed: She faked .. ~ graduate courses in North Lobbyist for North Dakota firing foreign teachers for it, acted in order to win the contest for a prize The truly relevant and topical questions, r - ~ Dakota. Students who formally State University, Sarah Beck, improper English, then expect she was never interested in, the same girl the however, have not been raised: r • complain about a professor's has been researching the issues classes to become a lot more Big Man himself claimed ''was so real." Who, in particular, authorized the WB to diction in a Writing course through email surveys. Beck crowded. Perhaps his statement is a testament to the produce a show using UCF's image? What , • . negative side effects of too much reality TY. benefit did the school (or certain individuals) • , But I suppose if the manipulative camera had stand to receive? Was the administration hop- , ,~ OUR STANCE realized one of its subjects was manipulating ing to increase attendance in the coming two . ~. it, the entire universe would have imploded. to four semesters? If so, are they aware of the · · community destruction that their wreckless The article portrayed the female contest­ - ~ ants as uninterested in the competition, bound increase in enrollment will cause? Did tuition . , ,. by contract or trying to get a foot in the door. money pay for all those police cars and motor- -~; Their reflections on the experience surprised cyles in the motorcade featured in one of the ,;"f at Condi me and raised some questions: · episodes? Were the officers driving the vehi- ; ~,; Did they really expect accurate representa­ des on the clock or paid by the production? : :_; tion from a TV show? Did any of the several And, above all else, did you really think this . .1 communication majors expect the WB press nationwide show would bolster UCF's aca- :::~ release to read, "This feisty broad abhors the demic credibility, or were you willing to sacri- ;; media oligopoly," rather than the easily con­ fice everything just to make Playboy's top 10 ~~rt must overcome sumable, "feisty broad"? party schools of2007 list? -:. .., I'm not sure why this was the front-page -ANTHONYSCom .:r ondoleezza Rice is the for national security adviser. that can't change with time or story, especially considering the overall first black woman to There was no fuss about her admit mistakes are scary - and ·ambivalence toward not just participating in, C ever be secretary of state. role - she was smart (a Rice is one of those politicians. · Remembering Nader again but watching the show. This also raises ques­ While Nader's stance on issues were '.!~:5 \ ' Not only was she confirmed by provost at Stanford University) Now, Rice is the face of tions: Why did the people who watched the almost completely in line with my own ~i',""'° the U.S. Senate, she was easily and experienced (as an adviser America for the rest of the show, knowing how shallow, predictable and (except for gun control), a plurality voting sys- 1 A confirmed - 85 to 13 for Rice. for the first Bush administra­ world. She inherits a bloody melodramatic it was going to be, watch it? tern makes it very difficult to elect someone as ·~~ However, the new face of tion). war (that half the country still Ironic consumption can be a fun pastime, but "radical" or revolutionary as Nader is. i;5; American foreign policy has And then there was Sept. ll, disagrees with), tense relations it doesn't yield much personal satisfaction ' In a system that can't achieve a majority some barriers to overcome - 2001. When the country needed with all Arab countries and Both true BMOC fans and TV hecklers like the disdain from some consolation, they got rhetoric. most European nations, and a wasted siX hours and were subjected to loads PLEASE SEE READER VIEWS ON A1 2-'I'"' hard-and-fast liberals. And some of rhetoric came country of bitter liberals. Ai Despite the re-election ofW. ------Top Senate Democrats like straight from Rice. (~':) (which he used as proof of ' The Future encourages comments from readers. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and must include Barbara Boxer (California), Included in the rhetoric full name and phone number. We may edit for length, grammar, style and libel. Send letters to [email protected], l rl Edward Kennedy (Massachu­ were excuses for not having any approval of his Iraqi war), a submit them online at www.UCFnews.com or fax them to 407-447-4556. Questions? Call 407-447-4555. IJ:J setts) and John Edwards (North prior knowledge of Osama bin new Washington Post poll puts Carolina) aren't going to easily Laden's plans for America (in disapproval of the war at 58 · forget that Rice was one of direct contrast to a memo she percent. George W. Bush's top advisers distributed weeks before). There's no doubt that the throughout the whole calamity They included lies that con­ Senate thinks Rice is up for the that is the Iraqi war. nected the tragedy of Sept. ll job. Even 30 Democrats voted MAN ON THE STREET And hardcore Democrats and Saddam Hussein (though to promote her to secretary of back at home aren't likely to she later denied it, like the rest · state. : •. l ,,~ forget Rice's stunningly stupid of the Bush administration). But the experience may T H E W o· R D A ROUND statements caught on tape and And they included the con- embitter Rice to working in aired in movies like Michael . stantly changing reasons for the politics ever again - something ...... Moore's Fahrenheit 9/ll. war in Iraq - including outgoing Secretary of State Rice is neither cruel nor stu­ revenge for Sept. ll, phantom Colin Powell is now dealing J pid. But she does have a record weapons of mass destruction with. 'Where. . is. the dirtiest of poor judgement - though and finally the liberation of If Rice is interested in unit­ that may be just percieved from Iraqis. ing the country (something that · all the Bush failings. When Colin Powell was con­ Bush expressed interest in dur­ place on campus?' The former national security firmed by the Senate four years ing his acceptance speech), adviser was actually Bush's for­ age;>, he received bi-partisan she's going to have·to do more eign-policy teacher in 1998 - support. Now, because Democ­ work than the average secretary George Bush Sr. asked her to rats held up the confirmation of of state. coach his son on world politics Rice, conservatives like Ann Unlike the first female secre­ • and the such. Bush still couldn't Coulter are accusing them of tary of state, Bill Clinton's name the president of Pakistan racism. Madeline Albright, Rice will during an interview with a It's not that the 13.senators have to do more than talk about Boston reporter about the mili­ who voted against Rice are her accessorizing to win the tary coup that instilled the dic- racist. They're still upset from hearts of the country. tator. · her past lies. And they're afraid She's going to have to spend Yet Rice's resume and con­ that sh~, as a figurehead, may the next four years making up represent an oppressive and for Bush's foreign-policy short­ JOHN TOWNSEND RYAN SPENCER JOHN SMITH ,, nections were impressive .._ enough to lead to a nomination unapoligetic regime. Politicians comings. Organizational communications Business Business "The Pike house is most definitely the "Reflecting Pond. The Spirit Splash is "Kitchen cafeteria. Ijust eat the food nastiest. I mean, it was so bad that UCF more like a spirit orgy. I can't imagine and try not to think about it." (entral 11oriba :future had to evict them." what is in there." The C8nJraJ Florida Ft1h1re ls a free independent campus newspaper sening lhe University of Central Rodda. OpinJons in lhe Fuh1re are those of lhe indhidual columnist and not necessarily !hose of the editorial Slaff or lhe Unilmity Adm!nistratlon. All control is property of die Gen/ml Plorida F11turo and may not be reprinted in pan or in whole \\11hout permission from lhe publlshei:

MANAGING EDITOR ...... Heidi A. De Vries EDITORLIJ. AoVISBR ...... : ...... Jeff Truesdell 407-823-6397 (UCF-NEWS) NEWS EDITOR ...... Tan Nguyen AoVEllTISING DIRECTOR ...... Mark Lanaris News Desk x213 OPINIONS EDITOR ...... Shannon Mau MARKBTING DLRECTOR...... Miia Manlnson [email protected] SPORTS EDITOR ...... Ashley Bums GBNBRAL MANAGER ...... Brian linden ASSOCATEO Entertainment Desk x214 COUEGIATE PHOTO EDITOR ...... Michael Snead PuBUSHER ...... Reissam Jebailey [email protected] PRESS SBNIOR STAFF WRITBRS: Matt Dunaway, Kate Howell, Monica Panakos, Nathan Poekert, Sports Desk x215 Naseem Sowti [email protected] STAFF WRITBRS: Jordan Crudo, Amber Fosler, Carissa Graze!, Andres Healy, Jeff Sharon, Advertising; 407-447-4555 Andy Vasquez Classified Sal~s x251 0 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Charlie Benton, Breu Hart [email protected] RACHEL DOWNEY BRITTANY SAYLOR GONZALO ZEGARRA lw!STRATOR: Ben Henderson Nursing Elementary education Civil engineering Corv EDITORS: Jill Caramella, Eric Chuk, Tiffany Chuk, Brandon Hai;din, Mike Izzo, Display Sales x252 Ap \) [email protected] ~ Patrick McCoy, L~1zaheth Murray ' Associatad "Meal plan bathrooflts, especially on "Athlete dorm room. Bad hygi e and "Math and physics bathrooms. Nerds PRoDucnoN: Ryan Dallsay, Ben Henderson, Shannon Mau, Jerrod Rockhill Fax; 407-447-4556 Pr8ss chili day." dirty jock straps." are smart but also really dirty." .- I\~ . •

READER VIEWS • You've been told you FROM A11 2000 and Ross Perot in 1992: · elections could be done in one Both had enough votes to election making everyone - I with two or more candidates, change the outcome of the am sure, having volunteered need work experience minor party candidates (Nader, election. for candidates in the past - Cobb, Badnarik, Peroutka) are There is a simple solution to happier. before getting labeled as spoilers and we are this: Implement instant runoff IRV is supported across par­ told that voting for them is voting or some other form of tisan lines because it quite wasting our vote. preferential voting that can frankly makes government your MBA. However, in a plurality sys­ accommodate multiple candi­ more representative and makes tem, ifyou have say three dates. elections simpler for candi­ • viable candidates, two ''liber­ In IRV, candidates are dates. als," and one conservative, if ranked numerically in order of Dennis Kucinich, Howard "That's not the case for the Early the vote is split evenly among preference: Nos. l, 2 and 3. Dean,.Ralph Nader, the Utah Advantage MBA Program at Rollins • the liberals and the conserva­ Votes are tabulated in rounds, Republican Party, the Florida tive manages to get 34 percent much like a runoff, until a can­ Green Party, the Florida Liber­ College Crummer Graduate of the vote, the conservative didate has a majority of the tarian Party, Common Cause of wins, even though the majority support Florida, and the Florida School of Business." • of 66 percent, would have pre­ UCF students should be Humanists all support IRV in ferred someone else. pushing their SGA representa­ this state. More information is So it is the system that tives toward exploration of IRV available at James Park, University ofFlorida 1998, excludes more voices. Exam­ for SGA elections, and ulti­ http://www.cirv.org. 2000 MBA Rollins College Gradu,ate ples of this are Ralph Nader in mately implementation. SGA -ANTHONY LORENZO Program Manager, Radiant Systems

The Rollins two-year Early Advantage Don't rate my professors MBA program is specifically designed for high-potential students with little or if you're a lazy student no work experience. The site was an open things such as, "His tests are forum for students to rate not easy. You really have to AVAILABLE CONCENTRATIONS: their professors on different know the information inside Finance, International Business, attributes such as easiness, and out." Or: ''You have to go helpfulness and even hotness. to class every time to get an Management, Marketing,

The site appeared to be an A" Entrepreneurship ( ) answer to my prayers. Some Let's think about these professors I took, according to statements for a second. Why the site, were good picks. would you think that you Some were not. don't need to know all the COMMENTARY My next semester, I was information covered in class? NATHAN POEKERT trapped into taking a professor Also, what is the point of pay­ . Staff writer for business ethics who ing more than $1,300 a semes­ received a bad rating on the ter and not going to class? Oh, how I remember those site. Yes, the class was diffi­ The ratings on this site days. Being at a new school cult. The professor, however, reveal two types of students. and not really knowing which was extremely helpful and Students who give good professors to take for certain great about working with you reviews are students who classes. outside of class. She replied to study, go to class and probably At first, I thought I wollld every e-mail I sent her within contact the professor more just use deductive reasoning. hours. After that semester, I than once throughout the Any professor who had a last decided not to look at the site semester, outside of class. Please join us for Preview Saturday on name like Xi or Surya­ for help anymore. I just took The other type are students Febrµary 5, 2005. narayana, I would try to avoid. classes that fit my schedule who expect to not study or ,, Classes taught by professors best. work and hope their profes­ with "friendly" names like Once the semester was sors baby them into under­ Johnson or White were the complete, I decided to go back standing the material. For more information, please contact Catharine Schram at: to the site and post good feed­ ones I wanted to take. Welcome to college. Learn 407-646-1547 or [email protected] •.I After my first semester at · back for my professors. I was to study from time to time. If St. Petersburg College, I stum­ shocked to see that many not, start getting used to tak­ bled onto the Web site teachers whose classes I did ing No Doze pills and drinking http://www.ratemyprofes­ well in were given bad ratings. lots of Red Bull and coffee Florida's Most Prestigious MBA sors.com. A lot of the replies said before a test.


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100 Help Wanted: General 375 ForSale:Pets Monday - Friday By Phone: (407) 447-4555 5 p.m. Fri. for Mon. issue 125 Help Wanted: Part·Time (euttaf 1htriba hture 400 Services 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. By (407) 447-4556 S p.m. Tues. for Thurs. issue. 150 HelpWanted:Full·Time Fax: UCF's award-winning newspaper Serving Oviedo and Winter Springs, 500 Events ' 175 Business Opportunities 525 Event5: Greek Life By E-mail: [email protected] published twice-weekly. distributed every Friday. 200 For Rent: Homes 550 Events:UCF · OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS PAYMENT METHODS In Person: University Court, Suite 200 •Classified line ads are published in both the Future and the Chronicle 225 For Rent: Apartments 600 Travel 3361 Rouse Road #200 Cash, Check, Mastercard 250 Roommates 700 Worship Univ. Blvd. & Rouse behind Chick-Fil-A Orlando, FL 32817 VISA, AMEX, Discoyer • Local rates from only $8 a week, student rates from $4 a week 275 Sublease 800 Miscellaneous • Economic way to be placed in up to 40,000 weekly issues 300 For Sale: General 900 Wanted • Reaching Oviedo, Winter Springs, UCF and East Orlando 325 For Sale: Automotive 999 Lost & Found 350 For Sale: Homes (407)447~555 • [email protected] ·Ads also viewable online 24 hours a day

Bartenders wanted. Shipping Clerk - Conscientious Busy Warehouse work. Must be able to $300 a day potential. Orange County Staffing individuals to pack and ship high quality lift 50 lbs. Need someone who can work Good for st1,1dents. gift item. $8/hour, flexible hours. hard and pay attention to details. Must FREE WEIGHT TRAINING Training provided. No exp. needed. Goldenrod and University area. Respond be well spoken and can help customers. Call 1-800-965-6520 ext 107. NOW HIRING in writing with resume and references to: Sat 10-5:30, Sun 12-5. Can work around The Exercise Physiology Lab at UCF is looking for healthy, male and [email protected] school on weekdays. Drug test and Need Assistant or After-School (emale volunteers (ages 18-35), to participate in a research study to or fax 888-543-5577 background check. Call 407-896-7252 Teacher with experience. SALES/MARKETING examine how genetics affects the way a person responds to weight UCF area. 407-340-4221. training. · positions 'I will HIRING NOW Participants receive: Preschool In Oviedo

College Math 101: HARD. ~Of

' Callers Needed! CMG Telemarketing! CHEER COACH NEEDED Info verifying for mortgage products. Teach childrens cheerleading Work at home- or from our call center. program in Orlando. Be a Hero. to· $7/hr mini email: [email protected] Call toll free 866-236-2767. 407-365-3334 x102 PIT Doggy Daycare Position. Tropical Smoothie Cafe is looking for Must Love Dogs. • outgoing and energetic people. Please Vet/Kennel Exp. a plus! Our· Soldiers. apply in person at · •••www.dogdayafternoon.net*** 7561 West·Sand Lake Rd Call 407-628-3844. (407)248-0707 Looking for Programmer Earn between $2500 & $3000 before end With skills in Visual Basic, of semester. On campus promotions. html, asp.net, or .net. Donate Plasma Work your own hours assisting fellow Flexible hours, Mon-Fri. students, no sales. Call Al (ext. 115) or 407-339-2626 ext. 226, ask for Bobbi (ext. 122) for phone interview Dave. between 2-9p.m. 800-449-8680. Servers wanted PT/FT. No exp. Your plasma donations can necessary. Energetic people with positive attitudes. Only 2q min. from directly save the lives of our UCF. Come in between 10 ar:id 2. Summer Jobs The Briarpatch Restaurant troops wounded in combat. 252 Park Ave N. Call 407-628-8651 Pre-school afternoon teachers needed . • • $2100 2:30-6:00 Mon. - Fri. No experience necessary. Close to UCF. 407-282-0551 ask for Nancy or Pat. Your plasma is manufactured into a derivative called ·Co-Ed Camp Custbmer Service Reps PT Fax resume to 407-207-4330. No exp. necessary but always a plus. Albumin.This critical fluid is used to treat battlefield • Seven Weeks Bilingual a plus. Must be able to type at Cheerleading instructors to teach • Room and Board Included ample speed. Located near Orlando Intl. children in Orlando and Winter Park . ~I injuries including shock, burns and blood loss. Airport. Flexible Schedule + great pay. area, PIT evenings, must have exp. AM/PM positions available. Call Brandon teaching children & have car, great @ 407-243-6150 EXT 2106 pay! Call Kristen at 866-273-AAYA ' Get Paid to Play! · or e-mail: [email protected]. or fax resume to 813-964-8806 • The Florida Elks Youth Camp PATIO CAFE NOW HIRING BABYSITTER NEEDED Small restaurant wants someone who 1-year-old boy near UCF. Tues (FEYC) needs male and female likes variety & making people happy. We 11AM~6PM, Wed 8AM-12PM, Thur Summer Camp Counselors ages genuinely care about our customers & 11AM-5PM. $6/hr, references needed. ·Earn up to $170 a month donating regularly. know most by name. Flex sched, Please call 407-737-6826 18 and up. FEYC is an overnight 20-30hrs/wk, counter service & some camp located off of Highway cooking. Call 407-281-4700 to apply. When you donate plasma, you are helping save lives. 450 in Umatilla, FL. The camp MERCHANDISERS & runs June 6 - July 23. Please INVENTORY AUDITORS • Take being a hero to another level. Donate Now! Immediate Openings. Monday-Friday Recruiting Special Education Teachers contact Krys Ragland at Daytime & Weekends, $8/hour lnteryiew with Colorado Springs School 1-800-523-1673 250 or ' Reliable transportation/local phone, District 11. Feb. 10th & 11th, ext. PIT. Call RGIS Inventory Specialists: 4pm-6pm: University of Central Florida, f ) 352-669-9443 ext. 250 . . . 407-678-6558 Education Building Complex Rm 305. An Equal Opportunity Employer Contact Ed Paulovich at 719-520-2173, 719-649-613~ or •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Female in wheel chair needs assistance [email protected] to schedule an with daily living activities, driving van, interview. Drop-ins welcome. and some lifting. Nights and weekends, • 125 downtown. Call 407~835-8190. Salesperson · New arid Return Donors: Bring this ad and receive Needed for the Oviedo/UCF area to hand out flyers for local firm. Contact Ill an extra $5 on your 2nd and 4th donations. Involves Updating online calendar and 407-737-1848 or moving to new server. [email protected] Call Les at 407-898-5989 Sunny Future · Phone Sales I I Entry level sales position w/ , Experienced, Money Motivated. expanding & progressive sun care in· Only 20 hrs/wk. 5-9p.m. Mon.-Fri. Orlando. Base + commission. Ops for $350 base + comm & other bonuses. Mgmt & relocation. Call Nick 407-467-4102. DCI Biologicals Orlando,LLC. Call Tim 888-8n-7338 Office assistant needed for downtowri law firm. $7.50/hour, bilingual a plus! 1900 Alafaya Trail,- Suite 500 Fax resume to 407-254-0031 SALES POSITION Orlando, Fl. 32826 · Available with mortgage company in .... Maitland. Part-time, flexible hours, $2500PT/$6000FT. .... with generous incentives. Position Will train, need computer. involves phone sales and extensive www.abetterlife101.com (321) 235-9100 training is provided. Call 1-800-353-6947 407-628-0440 or email resume to Place your ad in minutes! Call [email protected] us at 407-447-4555 or e-mail your ·www.dciplasma.com Gymnastics Instructor Needed. ad to [email protected] Prior experience in gymnastics required. View all classifieds online anytime Must be Energetic & Creative. at www.OCFnews.com! Excellent pay. Call 407-679-6620 •

b) Job line Please apply 9AM·4PM M·f 13-1311 , 12111 81ienc1 lit" • Jlrlanda, fl 12121 , EO~/DFWP .alk Ins welcome! 1 . S' • z ' .{) '--- • ,, •• • h ·k~, •• 2/2.5 Townhouse for rent Room available, 15 minutes from UCF. · PEGASUS CONNECTION How KNIGHTRO 1 mi. from UCF, W/D, dishwasher. Utilities included! Only $400/mo. Female needed for fully '·• $595/mo. Call Amanda at 407-207-5380 Call 407-227-7579 furnished 2/2. $575/mo •••• or 352-625-9206 incl all util. Free tannlhg. places Classifieds in the Roommate Needed ASAP!!I Contact Laura 352-258-8980 •• · UCF AREA HOME FOR RENT '· Available now: 1E!R/1 BA in a 2/2 house [email protected] ,I.• 3/2 split plan, Winter Park schools, very off Alafaya Trail. Short drive from UCF & ,. • clean. Fenced yard, remodeled Valencia. $450/month including rent, FIRST MONTH RENT FREE! (entraf 'foriba :future ,,.. kitctien/bath, wood floors, fireplace, and W!D, Road Runner, cable, water, & Female roommate. $439/mo incl all IJtil, •• garage. $1175/mo. Call 8111407-678-2160 electric. Seeking M or F 18-25. internet, cable w/ 3 HBO's, sewer, trash, for as low as $4 a week! ,. pest control, gym, computer lab. Lease $315/mo. Avail. Now! Room in house for If interested call Chris @ 407-252-1735 er:ids July '05. 1/2 mile from UCF, 5 from 1: rent. Screened pool, high speed Internet, •• F UCF student seeking clean resp., SeminoleNalencia. 321-271 -6770. •• cable, W/D, garage & full kitchen. · F roommate. No pets. $450/mo incl. By Phone By E-mail ,, Clean, drug free, NS. Mins to UCF & furnis.hed BR in a very nice subdivision. ,1 Valencia. Call 321-243-7170 or 6 mf. from UCF and 2 mi. from Waterford •. '~ email [email protected]. Lakes. Util., cable, Internet access, and I~ Awesome Brand New Home local phone service. Also incl. pool and tennis court access. Call Nicole at ,.-··'~ Great rooms avail Jari, near UCF, pool, 407-616-2221. Starts February 1 l! tennis courts, lake. $500/mo, yearly Great.Apartment Avail ASAP! lease. Call Sherry/Todd @ Ii Jan - July. Jan rent free. 1 F needed I• • 954-753-3032 or 407-482-4969 for 2BD/2BA. Walk in closet, prvt bath, lakeside view. $425/mo. il Home For Rent ~ ; Call 407-721-4275 1: 3BD/2BN2 Car Garage in Hickory Cove Minutes to UCF, $1, 100/mo, w/d hook­ FIRST MONTH RENT FREEll '• I! Pegasus Connection (Jefferson up, pets ok. American Dynasty Realty •I •, 407-677-1177 UCF Cypress Bend Commons) sublease. $510/mo incl. util. 1 BR with private bathroom out of a 4/4. '· UCF AREA HOME 4 Two-Story Homes - 513 and •• 41311 One Story. Gated/Brand New Includes carport. 407-234-1.324 'I·, .... Very clean 312/1 w/ ceramic tile. 2005. Prof. roommates. Room's for '· $1200/mo plus util. Nice Room at Pegasus Pointe $390/mo + util. $600/mo for Huge Clean room wl friendly roommates :· neighborhood. Roommates welcome. Master. Util. avg = $80. Photo: Model 1: Ready to move In. Please call I will pay for Jan and transfer fee, 3rd 407-447-4555 [email protected] home. Anette 407-716-0848. •• 407-712-4709 or 407-619-6417. floor, close to entrance Contact Adam @ By Fax In Petson Furnished room avail in 312 house. 561-504-3035 or [email protected] i: • HOMES FOR RENT Bathroom shared with UCF student. I' UCF area 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes $335/mo irtcl util, broadband Sublet @ University House I' and apts. for rent. $649 to $1295. internet, w/d, and kitchen privileges. $429/mo, lease ends 08/04/05. Call 407-629-6330 or 407-923-9186 or 407-282-7529 $1 move in. UCF shuttle, utilities, cable & www.ORLrent.com to view our ethernet included. Available for Spring 05 .j~ • ROOM FOR RENT rentals. RE/MAX 200 Realty. Call 1 (321) 720-6752 I• 3BD/2BA home, room has private BA. I• 3 mins from UCF. $405/mo + utils. NORTHGATE LAKES APARTMENT .. Contact Andy @ 305-978-8025 Rm for rent in 412, McCulloch Rd., 112 mile from UCF. $399/mo Incl 1: Roommate Needed For Fall '05 1. Unfurnished 3BD/3BA apt at nvoli. Less all util, internet, cable, w/d. I, . UCF Apartment than 5 mins from UCF. $460/mo, Contact [email protected] or I· Very Large 3BD/ 2BA. 1 min from everything incl. Looking to sign lease 352-346-5477. ,. UCF. New floors. $750/mo some ,. ASAP. Contact Kacie 954-415-3595 or NEED A GREAT APARTMENT? ,. utlls Incl Call Bryan @ 407-595-6752 ,. • Melanie 954-263-8474 Looking for F to take over lease ASAP @ or email [email protected] Pegasus Connection. 4BD/2BA $465/mo. 1: 3 HOUSEMATES NEEDED i' UCF AREA Condo for Rent (or purchase) Please contact Kelly @ Brand new 4 bedroom lakeside Large 212 with screened porch, club hs, 407-694-3820 home. 5 mins from UCF. Everything University Court, Suite 200 f. • pool. $950/mo. Call 407-977-8085 incl: all utll, maid service, gardener, PEGASUS LANDING APARTMENT 407-447-4556 (Universi Blvd. & Rouse Rd.) WINTER PARK AREA wireless web, w/d, etc. $450/mo. 1 bd ·& ba avail in 4/4. $450/mo incl all jj 2/2.5, excellent condition. W/D, water, Call my cell 561-213-1805. util, ethernet, cable, swimming pools, and patio included. Minutes to UCF. No gym, and free shuttle. Call 863-956-4029 i pets. Community pool and playground. evenings 9r 893-519-8330 ext.11,05. 1: ·.~ FOR RENT: I• Winter Park schools. Avail 1/28. l[[i]J SERVICES h I ~Sublease Crossword I• 407-359-2058 ~FOR SALE: .. Pegasus Landing Apartment ( NEED HELP MOVING? ACROSS I• ~General 1 Dandies Looking for female/$490 mo. truck loading & unloading, packing, trailer 5 Prison rooms ..•• Includes: Private room & bath/ W&D/ LOOKING FOR DISCOUNTS? towing (up to 5000 lbs), & more services 1O Browse the Web '· Internet access/ cable/ utilities/ furniture TV'S & ELECTRONICS avail Fri thru Sun to (or from) anywhere 14 October •'·• FREE RENT First Mo. Free/ short term. lease, but can including but not limited to video games in FL Email: [email protected] birthstone renew. Contact Nicole at (407) 399-2273. DVD's/players, Digital cameras etc. 15 Ryan or '· Certified Persona! Trainer $20/hour. '· • 1 & 2 bedroom •••••.. wwvy.BUYTVSNOW .COM•••••••• Shaquille Room at University House Very flexible hours. Anyone willing to 16 Tried and _ '· 17 "Educating _~ I'·· Floor Plans Master bed and bath avail NEW YEAR NEW YOU .lose 20 lbs. for your New Year's ,. Resolution contact John Sechser 18 3-time National ,. immediately for Fin 413. $519/mo Lose up to 30 lbs. Gives tremendous League MVP ,. We Take Co-Signers! incl all util and fully furnished. energy. 30-day supply. $39.95, money­ 904-669-2640. 20 Novelist I ' • Brookner •• Transfer fee only $1 before Feb. back guarantee. FREE SAMPLES. ..::: RECORDING STUDIO::: .. 1• Call 954-993-2474. www.behealthynow101 .com 22 Gear feature I' $30 1st Hr/$10 every additional 23 Bothered DISCOUNTED RENTI Must sublease 1-866-418-9502 FREE mixing & mastering 24 Increments in ,~j.l· immediately! Lease runs through 7/31/05 COMPUTER FOR SALE - HP, color 15" ::pure.•• crisp••• quality:: the family of man 1• 1 room for M with priv, BA available in 4/4 www.EarDrummahz.com/studio/. 27 Graphite I• Heather Glen monitor with printer, scanner & software. eliminator at Pegasus Landing. Shuttle to UCF incl! Fully restored, running Windows ME. 28 Ones belonging ••• Contact Heather @ 561-637-4050 Great starter. $300. Call 407-929-6630 Lose Fat? Gain Muscle? to them i1 We can help you! .. Apartments 33 Model Elle ( • ROOM IN 313 AVAILABLE DINING TABLE & ETC. Safe, Effective Personal Training 37 Fragrant bed? t , Pegasus Landing, $510/mo Incl all New table, cherry w/ black glass top, ONLY $20 per session! 42 Theater signal ,, util, ethernet, W/D, pool, and free fits six, $390. Washer and dryer, 407-970-5431 43 Jacket part ...'_ • 407-657-0011 shuttle. Lease ends July 31st. runs well, $175 for both. 44 One-sided 47 Mussolini's first Call 406-683-4221. Call 407-823-0091 TopGradeTutoring.com © 2006 Tribwie Media Scrvices, Inc. 01127flii Tutors available in ALL math, science, name All rights reserved. 1 BDRM/1 BA in a 2/2 @ Pegasus Futon with black metal frame with Full 48 African ...... ,._,... English & foreign language courses. antelopes Connection. $575/mo all utils incl. W/D, 3 sized mattress, maroon color. Only $501 Single sessions and group rates ·-==- HBOs. Fully furnished & all amenities 54 Drunkenness 10 Cease - Presented by Call 407-322-5768 evenings only. available. Contact 407-427-0067. 58 Brown pigment incl. Immaculate, new carpet, patio! 11 Coffee servers TEXTBOOKS - Buy/Sell/Trade 62 Buck's mate 12 Boorish Student Credit Cards! ~ FOR RENT: Avail. ASAP. Call Kean @954-658-6161 . Piano Lessons 63 Lake Volta 13 Suffix with gab • Get $$$ - List unwanted books Reward Credit Cards! I~Roommates Children, Adults & Seniors. All levels. location or slug NORTHGATE LAKES WWW.QUEUES.COM Play your favorite songs. $16 per class, 64 Hook-and-ladder 19 FotJr pecks F sublease, 1/1 in a 4x4 avail Dec 12. truck 21 Is plural? Less than 10 mins. away from UCF GARAGE SALE includes books. Waterford Lakes area. $470/mo all inclusive, no move-in fees. 67 _ Khayyam 25 Provide with (REDITFN.COM $250/mo. plus util. 1 small rm avail. for F 1,000 families, jewelry, furniture,. Call Helen@ 407-380-1268 • First month FREE. Call Sarah @ 68 Evangelist weapons to share with females in 4/2 home. antiques, collectables, electronics, Roberts SHOP FOR YOUR CREDIT! 321-501-1363 26 Utmost degree Clean, quiet, W/D, furnished. N/S, no clothing, and morel St. Stephen Church, 69 Painter's tripod 29 Bullpen stat pets please. Call 407-319-3751 Apartment for Sublease: University 575 Tuskawilla Rd., Winter Springs. 70 Apportion (out) 30 AOL, e.g. 71 Speaks out Jan. 28-29, 7a:m-5pm, Jan. 30 31 Fish eggs 1 room avail for female in spacious 4/2.5 House $430/mo. Utils & Internet incl. 72 Kilmer classic 32 L. Michaels' house. All included + internet & cable. Prvt bath, Will pay the 1st month's 10am-1pm, Info 407-699-5683. 73 Watched closely show :; Only 5 miles from UCF. Contact Maritza rent. Contact Ash for more info @ 34 Top card· 850-685-2601 DOWN 35 Mongrel ••~ EmJ '" 954-290-3564 -or- email · 1 Search for food 36 Green color Balance Transfer Credit Cards! [email protected] Room for rent: Northgate Lakes 2 One with two 37 Massage 1 M needed, 4 BR, private bath, utils cents to put in 38 Ace, when not • LOOK 3 Bronze coat ' incl, washer/dryer/spacious patio, across eleven 1 bdrm avail. in a large house close 4 Roofing pieces 39 Misdeed 51 Capital of Niger 58 Space saucers, to UCF. Includes in-ground pool, the street from campus. $475 a mo. obo 5 Male swan 40 Lilly or Wallach 52 Give briefly W/D, full kitchen. $360/mo. + Call Andrew @ 305-522-4348 UCF Butokukan Club 6 Put into effect 41 Sarcastic wit 53 Trapped 59 Ms. Sorvino Art, Sport, Self Defense 7 The king of 45 Heavy weight 55 J. Hoover 60 Donkey lament split util. Call 407-641-4205. Sublease PEGASUS LANDING Co-Ed Beginner's classes now France 46 Hilo garland 56 Capital of Idaho 61 Morays 414 Female or 414 Male $425/mo!! 8 Florida key 57 Zellweger of 65 Butterfly snare Room avail. behind UCF. forming ... 49 Trail behino Private bath, cable, ethernet, W/D, 9 Guileful 50 Receiving callers "Jerry Maguire" 66 Golfer Ernie $300/mo. incl. all util. (except NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! utils, shuttle. May 31 • July 31 98' Camry V6 LE phone), use of W/D and kitchen Classes are M 8:30·10PM & W 7-9PM Call 407-461-9942 4 door, all power, excellent condition, privileges. Call 407-484-7889. In Education Complex, Room 174A 115k, $4800 obo Call Kyle at 407-227-7511 or see VILLAGE AT SCIENCE DRIVE Call Enrique@ 407-902-5888 ROOM FOR RENT-MALE · http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/-ams Bed & bath avail ASAP for M In 414. or email [email protected] 312 home, 10 mins from campus. for more info. Tiled floors in great rm, fenced yard, $520/mo incl util, cable w/ 3 HBOs, 1997 lnfiniti J30. 95k miles. Airbag, I· cable/roadrunner, 2 car garage, w/d. ethernet, w/d, and fully furnished. ,. ABS, cold NC, Pwr steering, pwr seats, $425/mo + 1/4 util. 407-222-2895 January rent paid for! Spring Break 2005 with STS, America's pwr windows, pwr mirrors, tilt,. Leather ' Call 407-353-1)949. #1 Student Tour Operator. Hiring Rooms for rent, 5 min. from UCF In seats (heated), tinted, Bose stereo. campus reps. Call for group discounts. new 4 bedroom house, new neigh. Pegasus Pointe Apartment sunroof. 407-366-0153. $6900 080 Info/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 Lg. rooms, back yard faces preserve. Available for Summer term. Female The ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma $500! www.ststravel.com. House furn., bedrooms not. Sec. sys., needed for 4BR unit. Quiet & private. would like to wish good luck to all the Police Impounds I Cars, trucks, .SUVs, ~· high-speed wireless Internet. Room I WILL PAY ALL TRANSFER FEES!ll fraternities and sororities participating in 0 t' from $5001 Por Info and listings $181° 15 oavs/ 4 Nights ,. w/other students. $500/mo. all util. Call 321-604-9029 Spring recruitment. SPRING BREAK IN BRAZIL 800-749-8116 ext V502 0 Trips to. Rio de Janeiro VIP club incl. 954-816-3127 The ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma *139° 1Days/6 Nights r · FEMALE ROo"MMATE WANTED ·, Passes, airfare, hotel, & more 1997 Mercury Sable - V6, Auto would like to welcome Alpha Epsilon Phi ~ · Roommate Needed! Beautiful 3/2/2 I Bed & bath avail in 4/4 at Pegasus I Prices include: Limited seats; Call 877-456-WILD ~ transmission, low miles. ln excellent and Theta Chi on campus and also good Round·trip luxury cruise wi1h food. Atcommoda1ions t house with pool, fireplace, W/D, fencd. I Landing. $495/mo, Jan. rent is free. I www.springbreakbrazil.com condition! Pwr doors, locks, steering & on the islan~ at your choice of ten resorts. '[ yd, 5 min from UCF. Pets ok. $450/mo Lease runs through Aug. Move-in luck on their Spring recruitment. 1 cruise control. AM/FM & Cassette Free V.1.P. party package upgrade. 11 immediately. Call 239-848-0281 includes cable/internet+ 1/4 power. Call $2800 080. Call 407-691 -0097 Brad @ 407-808-8039 I 407-509-8632 L·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ·-·~ AIJpatachla Traval F roomie needed 1 bdr/1 ba avail. in 4/4 1998 Chevy Blazer, 4x4, Auto 1-800-867-5018 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED wl 3 fun loving girls @ Pegasus Landing. transmission, VS, cold A/C. Fully $400/mo·plus util. Jan '05-July 'OS. 5 - www.Bahamasun.com Fully furn. All util. incl. except phone. loaded with CD/Cass and new tires. BAHAMA SPRING BREAK Wanted: Idealists, Environmentalists, mins from UCF. Polos East Cable, ethernet, WID, gym & shuttle. Rm $5700 OBO. Call 407-691-0097 Apartments. Call Ann Marie and Patriots - itching for a fight. avail. now! Lease ends in May. $480/mo. BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK CRUISE 954-854-0553. 96' Honda Passport $189 5-Days/4-Nights"' http://BreakThelink.org Please call Kaycee 407-'443-5795. 5 days, $299. Incl meals, celebrity 4WD, grey, aufomatic, 100K Ml, $239 7-Days/6-Nights FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED parties! Panama City, Daytona $159! Village at Alafaya Club· excellent condition, selling for $4,900 EDUCATED ENOUGH to Rule the For immediate occupancy in spacious Cancun, Jamaica, Acapulco, Nassau Room avail In 313. $500/mo incl all Call 321 -235-1099 Prices include: World? 4/2 home in Waterford Lakes. $475/mo ·$4991 Award winning company! util, w/d, trash service. First month's Round-trip luxury cruise With food. Free Massive MultiPlayer Realm Mgmt • incl all util & .high-speed internet. Won't www.SpringBreakTravel.com rent free. Rent negotiable, ready Accommodations on the island at your and War Strategy Game. last longl 407-282-7774 or 863-398-6398 ~ FOR SALE: 1-800-678-6386 immediately. Call 786-302-0511 choice of ten resorts. Armageddon is Here - fight to dominate ~Homes Free V.l.P. party package upgrade. www.KingdomGames.com Large Spacious Home I SPRING BREAK IN THAILAND Village @ Alafaya Club 2 mins from UCF, prvt bdrm, 10 days for $9501 Jan-Aug 4BD/4BA Huge walk in closet, Appalachia Travel $525/mo all utlls Incl. Call Katie @ Tour island of Phuket with a UCF student W!D, cable, ethernet, valet trash. 3 great 1-800-867-5018 941-720-1,886 Accommodations, tours, & meals roommates brand new furniture $490/mo www.BahamaSun.com included nckets to shows, parties, UCF AREA-Female to share furnished Call John @ 321-217-5264 islands & more 407-766-0578 or Assistant needed for wheelchair 312 house with female $600/mo utll. WE WILL BEAT ANY PACKAGE PRICE! Female Christian Roommate Wanted! [email protected]. bound student start - Start ASAP. Incl. Also incl. cable, pool, office. CONDO FOR SALE MWF 9a.m. - 4p.m. Avg. $8/hr. Serious student or professional only. Pegasus Connection. Furn 4BD/ 2BA. $365/mo (already includes $100/mo Hunters Reserve, near UCF. 2/2 full Comp. skills a MUST. Call ASAP 321-277-3851. disc). All utils incll Lease now - July 31. bath. All appliances, W/D, 3 fans. Tiie, Call Anna Meeks 407-8~7"0788 Rooms in new house. Fully furn., Screened balcony, new roof. Pool, hot ' Contact Mandy @ 863-409-4196 Place your ad in minutes! Call heated pool. Barbecue grill, pool tub, tennis. $11 5,000. 407-365-8721 BAHAMAS PEGASUS POINTE APARTMENT us,at 407-447·4555 or e-mail your ·table, sec. sys., garage. NS/NP. 3rd floor, raised ceilings. $435/mo, $100 Avoid Foreclosure!!! ad to [email protected] Female only. All util. incl. $600/mo. cash back. Move in immediately!ll Mortgage Payments Behind? View all classifieds onllne anytime Call Nikki @ 561-212-6291. Call Chris 727-385-3546 We'll Take Over Payments at www.UCFnews.com! REGENCY PARK HOUSE Sell your house in 48 Hours 2 ROOMS FOR SUBLEASE ~! PARTY No-Equity-OK/Pay No Fees 3 rooms avail for M or F In 412.5/2. Pegasus Pointe furn 4/2, move in ASAP, 0 3A3 •S 331:l.l lSAVS $550-$450/mo incl all utll, cable, Any Condition/Price/Liens M or F. $465/mo incl all util, ethernet, Call 800-803-6386 3 .l 3 W• 1 3 S V 3 1 V l:l 0 l:l I ,i wireless internet, and furnished. w/d, free shuttle. Lease ends July 31st. l:l v W O - 3 N I 9 N 3 3 V N V H 3 0 H 3 a V'l n Current tenant very laid-back. Jan rent free. Call 727-488-8460. · CRUISE 9 • o • Relaxed neighborhood. Call N 0 I .l V I l:l 8 3 N I 305-310-6588. NO MOVE-IN FEEi s a N V l 3 • O .l I N 3 8 Room and bath avail in 2/2. Rent incl all 1 1 ·-v 1:1 3 .l v 1 I N n Seeking F housemate for beautiful home util, w/d, ethernet, free shuttle, vaulted l 3 d v ., . 3 n o • s 3 s 0 l:l 2191 N O l:l 3 H d 0 v; off Econ Trail near UCF & VCC. Kitchen ceilings. Quiet neighbors. Move-in ASAP. s v s l:l I 3 H .l 3 s v l:l 3 & laundry. Single mother of one 6-yr. old Call for details. 239-822-6632 - l:l HOMES FOR SALE www.Spr:ingBreokTravel.com Includes Port, Hotel & Departure S N --01 l. v l:l 3 N 3 El would consider lower rent for live-in PIT 111 Apt Close to UCF Looking to Buy or Sell Real Estate? Call Toxes, Transfers &Tips! .!. 3 s d n • El 0 O • v .l I N V babysitting. Available immediately. s a N 0 8 A l:l 1:1 8 l. I 1:1 Ca\ Autumn Adam @ Home ~y Real Estate Recognized In 2002 For v v ... haracter ref. & backg1 und checks. 1-saa-618-6386 3 n l:l J. • l v 3 N 0 1 v d 0 407~92 -5762 (407)275 : 0633 Outstanding Markelploce E • 407-277-2265 or [email protected]. ~ l:l n s 1 1 3 0 s d 0 ~ Your UCF Realtor - s be as l .


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