yv M E R F. B . E Y

” A nth ol' of Li h t on Life 5 Du ties T h e S ec et g . r

of Gu ida n ce, etc.


K N ew Y O R . C HIC A GO

P u bl ish e r : o E v a n el ic a l L ite r a f g tu r e .



“ S E OO N D AD D R ES S : M A R R ED : S O B E M A D E IT ”







’ N H AD D R D T O M E N S EVE T ES S : GO S W .



T E N H A D s T T D R ES S : H E AR T RE S .

FIR ST AD DR ES S A C AST AW AY I invite your attention to a few words found in 1 “ I Cor . Lest that by any means , when have ”

I . preached to Others , myself should be a castaway Paul was too eager and too practical a man to dally with a bogy dread . Since then he intimates that it was his daily fear lest , after having preached to others , I he might himself be a castaway , suppose that there were but few hours in his life when this dread did so not haunt him . After he had founded many

e so church s , written so many epistles , and exercised wide z s r ea d wa s p an influence , in his quiet moments he perpetually face to face with this awful nightmare , that the day might come when he would be a casta wa y; and the thought drove him almost to madness . wa s ZE ea n When he traveling over the blue g , when wa s he sitting making his tents , when he was engaged h is t in dictating epis les , the thought would come back “ and back upon his heart : I may yet be a casta way . Have you ever feared this ? I am not sure that a man ever reaches his highest development without of I something the element of fear , and ask you now if in your life you know something O f this haunting dread ? May I confess to you that it has become a of ? great dread my own and if many days pass , and n o on e writes to tell me of help derived from : m y 5 6 A CA S TA WA Y

n o on e to ou r ministry, and comes join church , and n o on e to or I seems be influenced by my life word , sit myself down and sa y h a s Good God , the time come at last to me when ” f r to ? o some reason I , too , am be a castaway bu t I And reverently, humbly , most searchingly , bea r er n ot ask you , my , whether it may be possible ou that this very moment y are already a castaway .

“ ” A CA S TA WA Y —I N W HA T S EN S E ?

I s it to be supposed for a moment that the Apostle thought that when once the believer has fled to Christ he can be cast ou t into the outer darkness a of where there is weeping , and w iling , and gnashing teeth ? Is it possible for a limb to be torn from the for to mystical body Of Christ, a jewel be snatched

ou t of His for h e to from crown , a s ep be devoured from His flock ? Are there any unfinished pictures ’ in God s gallery , any incomplete statues in His workshop ? Does God begin a work in the soul and leave it incomplete and unperfected ? We cannot believe it . of It is said Rowland Hill , my great predecessor at

Christ Church , London , that when an Old man of ei h t s fou r On e g y and just before he died , Sunday night ou t when the lights had been put in Surrey Chapel , the verger in attendance heard him g o to and fro in t the aisle , singing o himself

’ Wh en I a m to die R ec e v e m e — I ll c r , i y, F or " e u h a s ov e m e I c a n n ot te wh s s l d , ll y; B u t th I do fi n d we two a r e so o n e is , j i d , ’ ” H e n ot b e in h ea v en a n d e v e m h n ll l a e b e i d .

I of s rd s f you have faith as a grain mu ta eed , if it A CA S TA WA Y 7

is directed toward Christ, a union has been formed between Him and you which neither heaven nor earth nor hell n or time n or eternity can ever break . And yet the Apostle feared he would be a casta ? way . What did he mean

I on One day was calling a brother clergyman . He took me ou t into his garden to an ou t

a of on e of house , gainst the side which was resting

oldz fa sh ion ed I the bicycles with a very tall wheel . said to him : D o you ever ride this ? “ b e : I n ot Said No ; see how rusty it is . have

on for I ot n been it many months . have g somethi g better , something that suits my purpose better , pointing to another and a newer bicycle on the other of side the house . “ I : t said to myself Then this is a cas away .

ou t I When stylographic pens first came , pur chased on e in the hope that it would serve me per fectl I wa s y. But sadly disappointed . Sometimes I o when attempted t use it , it was unwilling to serve

fi n me . At other times it was profuse in inking the

F in a ll I ger . y discarded it in hopelessness and pur on e I chased another pen . The now hold serves me I n o f perfectly , and have di ficulty whatever in per forming by its means any writing upon which I ' set I have my heart . But keep the other one . It of I lies in the drawer my bureau , and often when am putting my things together to go upon some journey , I think I hear it saying to itself as it lies there “ is " Ah , he going away without me again There

' was a tl m e when he n ever left h om e with ou t taking 8 A CA S TA W A Y me with him ; he never wrote a letter without me ; he never composed an article but that I first knew its contents ; but for these many days and months I have ” been lying here unused . That disused stylographic pen is my conception of what Paul meant when he said he feared being a castaway . m to You ust know that this man loved save men .

It was the passion of his life . Send him to Philippi , and he not be there a day before he has turned the devil out of the poor demoniac girl . Let him be put in jail , and before midnight he will have bap tized to his jailor . Send him Athens , and though he ’ is all alone , he will gather a congregation upon Mars

or o Hill within a week two . Put him alongside f

Aquila and Priscilla at the bench , and he will make tents and talk to them in such good wise that they will become Christians . Stand him before his judge , “ and the latter will cry : Almost thou persuadest me ” " h im to to to be a Christian Let go Rome , tied a

W l ll on e Roman sentry , and he speak to these men , h after anot er , in such fashion that the whole Pretor ian camp will be infused with the love Of God . His I passion was to save men . do not believe that if he

d streetz ca r or were alive to ay , he would be in a , a ra ilwa z c a r or on y , board a steamer without button holing some man and speaking to him about his soul h is of and Savior . The whole passion the man was to save some ; but he feared that unless he took good care , the hour might come in his life when Christ would sa y “ Thou hast served me well , but thou shalt serve a n me no more . Of late thou hast become indolent , d A CA S TA WA Y 9

I ch oked with pride , and have not secured thy whole I obedience . am now compelled to call upon some

soul more alert , more obedient than thee ; and that man I will use to do the work that thou mightest a ccom have done , but which thou didst fail to lish p . I This comes home upon us , brother ministers . am speaking to some wh o I n their earlier life were won drou sl of sou l z win n in y used God in g , as they went or from the seminary the college , and took their first

in u ir z room wa s church . Sunday after Sunday the q y

crowded . The simple villagers , from their lips , heard

of com the Word God , and were converted , and the ’ m u n i a n t s wa of c roll s weekly increased . The boys w won s the neighborhood ere attracted , and like jewel I wh o for Christ . Am not Speaking to women in their first burst of love to Christ wore the signs of of holy earnestness in their circles society , so that all who came in contact with them were made to feel the power Of a genuine love to God ? May we not all look back to days upon days , long passed , when we were the channels through which Jesus spoke and a n d ? wrought , the Holy Ghost was poured upon men But what has happened ? We preach the same old in difl eren t sermons , but Christ is apparently to them .

We go through the same mechanical routine , but of there is no stir life . These many days have passed , and there have been no additions to our church roll . won We have men to ourselves , but not to Christ . so And it seems as though whilst men flattered us , and whilst we had a certain complacency in their applause , heaven passed on unheeding , the souls of en a o m were Unreached, n d u r ch urches were just 1 0 A CA S TA IVA Y

on to dying of inanition ; the Old passing God , but the young untouched , unsaved . May n ot the question therefore come to us n ow a ll " Perhaps , after , Christ has ceased to use me Christ has no further purpose for me " I am too clum s too y, too obtuse , too disobedient , too full of myself, much ou t of touch with Him " And so I am to be ” put on the shelf " Like those great stones in the B a a lbec— quarry at almost completely quarried , but yet the temple was finished without them " May n ot “ this question go through th e audience : Am I a cast ? I to I I away belong Christ , and when die believe I I will go home to Him . know that He has saved me by His precious blood ; but has He ceased to u se me ?” for O f Look a moment upon the pages Scripture , and see h ow they are

LITTER ED WITH OA S TA WA Y S " h Let us then understand w y men are .

I of take the first case , that Esau . He comes in from hunting . He is born to the birthright . The birthright includes the power of standing between

od . G and the clan , speaking to God for men He is of famished . Yonder is the steaming mess pottage prepared by his brother Jacob . “ ” Give me that red lentile pottage , he cries . “ : Jacob , crafty in heart , bargains Give me your ” spiritual birthright . n ot Is there here some Christian , who in the past has had some steaming mess of pottage appealing to the senses ? There is not one of us who has not been

to . A e tempted by some temptation sense y , it may A CA S TA W A Y 1 1 be there is many a man wh o is glancing back into wh o his past life , and knows that he has yielded

— not once or twice , but oftener to the appeal to the

senses . He has taken a drink , or indulged some oth h a s . er appetite , and despised his birthright I once heard a story that made my heart ache , of a

ra s h ea ded wh o g y man had been greatly used of God . In his home he had fallen into one gross act of im of morality . Another went to accuse him his .

a s ta l They were Sitting together at the te b e . His por tion wa s not sufficiently sweet ; and in the midst of this talk upon which depended whether or not the

on e should be held guilty , and whether he should be

permitted to continue in his ministry , he said slight in g ly

My tea is sour . Give me some more sugar . He cared more at that awful moment of his life or wa s or whether not the tea sour sweet enough , ’ while his power as a minister of God s holy gospel

wa s n . trembling in the bala ce He did eat and drink ,

and despised his birthright . ou Have y never eaten and drunken , and despised your birthright ? Are you quite sure that some Silent and beautiful form has n ot come into your life and destroyed your heart ’ s true love ? Are you quite sure that there is not in you some hungry appetite that has sought satisfaction ? “ I I Give it me . must have it . cannot live with ou t it E I . ven though have not quite the spiritual I ” power that had , give it me .

So men despise their birthright still , and they are E cast away . sau became a prince in this world , and o of fl a t the father f a line dukes , and all the world 1 2 A CA S TA W A Y tered him and thought him a prosperous and success ful man , but God wrote over him the awful epitaph

This man is a castaway . He did eat and drink ,

: h is and rose up , and went his way thus he despised birthrig ht . I turn the page of Scripture , and come to the first

of A king Israel , Saul . noble man in many respects , a s he w sent by God to fulfil His mission , but he put h is a reserve upon obedience , and told Samuel with a kind of pious blarney ° “ Blessed be thou of the Lord : I have performed the commandment of the Lord . The old prophet at that moment detected the low

of of ing the herd and the bleating the flock , and said very significantly “ Performed the commandment of the Lord " What means then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears , ” and the lowing of the oxen which I hear ? of sin I am not here to denounce specific forms .

If I did , the result would be that the people who were n ot directly attacked would hold up their umbrellas and let my words drip upon some others whom they w think they ould fit , and they would suppose there I fore that they passed muster . But am here to bring you face to face with the eternal God , to lead your consciences before the great White Throne , and let the light of the eternal purity of God blaze like a h flas light upon them . It will be for you to deter mine if under the profession of Obedience there are some flocks and herds that you are reserving for ’ o yourselves , It is possible when you g to a man s or home , or when you even smell his breath , when ou e r to o n t a y h a him speak, know whether r o he h s A CA S TA WA Y 1 3

od given up all for G . Some unfortunate sheep starts bleating . Saul professed obedience , but kept back od something for himself ; and G rejected him . He on wa s lingered ten years more the throne , but he a to castaway . A young David was already anointed succeed him . So when I pass through the Word of God and take case after case , my heart bleeds and cries out because I I know not who may be here . would speak with I all tenderness and all pity and all love . have not I come to scathe anyone . have not come to denounce . I is It is because know what the horror of that pit , and ’ what the horror of being cast away from God s serv I in a Y w . ou ice means , that now speak this y ex p ected that I would bring you a system of spiritual

— I truth , and have such a system to present ; you ex p ected that I wa s going to teach you how to receive h so t e Holy Ghost of Pentecost , that every day might

— I to be a Pentecost, and have that blessed message tell you ; but I dare n ot come to those deep and bless ed subjects until I have introduced into your heart a

f lfs cru tin Spirit o se s y and searching , that everyone may a sk himself “ I or otfi Can it be that though am a minister , an of cer the church , and bear around the holy elements on Sunday at the Communion service , and give my money to philanthropic objects— can it be that in God ’ s sight I am a castaway ?” Coming ou t of a meeting recently a brother min ister came up to me , took me by the hand, shook it warmly , and said “ o I have enjoyed your meeting s much . I I Directly he said that knew that had failed . 1 4 A CA S TA WA Y

When a man says that he has enjoyed a meeting like I I n ot this , know that have touched him . Y ou remem ber when Jacob g ot down into the Jab bok h o ford, w beneath those Syrian stars he wrestled with the angel , and the angel with him . Presently the angel put forth his hand and touched the sinew of h is D O ou is strength , and he limped . y think it possible that Jacob could have limped into the camp n a n d h is next morni g, going to loved Rachel , have said to her 0 I Rachel, we have had a lovely time all night . have enjoyed it "” “ Rather he must have said to her : I have h a d a night which has blasted my strength , which has left 0 wo a scar upon me which I shall carry till I die . ’ ” I of " man , have fought with the angel God s love This may be the beginning of


But we must begin at the bottom ; we must begin

ou r selfs con fi den ce at the root of . The prime cause of all failure in private life as well as in public ministry is the assertion of self . As long as men and women think it is all right with them , nothing can be done

" for them . It is only when there is excited within them a fear that after all things may n ot be quite so a s m a well they seem , a dread that after all they y

elfs decei ed is have made a mistake and be s v , it only then that in the secret of their own chambers they be ” gin to ask God : Am I just what I expected ? It i m a be is then that the heart s laid open , and they y brought to understand h ow a man may be almost a castaway and yet be taken back to the bosom O f A C’A S TA WA Y 1 5

Christ as Peter wa s ; for within six weeks the man wh o wa s nearly cast away became the Apostle of Pen tecost . “ : I Paul said Lest should be a castaway . There fore , though I have a perfect right to go to an idol I temple , shall not go for fear other men seeing me o go may follow me , and what might be innocent t me might be death to them . Lest I should ruin any ’ I I man s soul by going , will abstain . have a perfect I I right , if choose , to take a wife ; but shall not do it . I will live a bachelor life , and toil with my a n I hands , bec use by bei g lonesome myself may wh o touch some other man is lonesome too , and by working with my own hands I shall stay upon the bench beside others wh o will be drawn to me by sym pathy . There are many things which this body of

I n ot mine may have in innocence , but shall take I them because wish to keep my body under , lest it ” should master me and cause me to be a castaway .

— of God Christ waits the sweet , strong, pure Son , His heart yearning over men and yearning to pour of itself through us to save them . But many us have choked Him , resisted Him , thwarted Him . One feels like asking the whole audience to fall before Him in confession , and to ask that this holy day may not pass until He h as restored us to fellowship with Him self . ' M y friend , Dr . Harry Grattan Guinness , told me once that all the water supply had become of choked out their college in Derbyshire , England . They could not obtain on e drop of water from the of e bottom to the top the house . They s arched the cisterns , and inspected the taps and the whole ma 1 6 A CA S TA WA Y

chinery, and found no cause . At last they went to the junction between the main r eserv oir s p ip e and

h ou sez i e their p p , and there in the orifice , in the joint u u a s between the two , sq atted a h ge toad , which ( they a s a were told) had probably come in tadpole , had th e n so fed upon water , and had grow to this size , that the whole water wa s stopped because it choked the orifice . h a s Your life been dry lately ; no tear , no prayer , Y ou n ot ou n ot no fervor . have met Christ, y have

His for a da h a s n ot seen face many long y, He used you . It must be because there is something in your

i God heart, nnocent once but injurious now . May

is " Show you what it Get quiet , and prostrate your

e self before God . If peopl want to speak to you ,

ou brush past them . If they want to detain y with small talk, leave them . Cast yourself down in some God sa solitary place before , and y May God forgive me " May God show me th e S l n is , show me what it that hinders me , Show me what

h a s . nearly wrecked my life Whatever comes , may I a not be castaway , but still used by Thee through ” o i th e H ly Ghost for Chr st .

“ ” 1 8 M A R R ED : S O H E MA DE IT A GA IN

h is clay and make that clay fulfil plan , but instead he stooped and gathered the broken clay with his hand , it picked it from the ground , and kneading with his hand he placed it once more upon the wheel and be gan to make that clay again ; and presently a vessel

a a e as fair s possible stood complete, ready to be t k n to the kiln to be baked and made permanent . Away back in your life God took you and placed you upon the wheel , and for these many years God I h a s sought to make you fair . But know not why , I —God - — cannot tell , knows , you know , there has ou come a flaw and break , and y are a piece of broken is a u pottery . Your life marred life , yo r ideal a broken ideal , and all around there lie the littered pieces of the man or the woman that you might have been . But n ow what shall you do ? God put you in that place for a high purpose , but you have missed your mark . Shall God take another man and give him u your wealth , another woman and give her yo r posi tion ? Shall God take another student and put him in your church ? Shall God call another body to ? perform the work your church should do Not yet , n ot yet . He might take another piece of clay and make that a vessel , but instead He comes again to ou His n seek y . ha d is passing through this audience ou of to find y , that the broken pieces your life , ma be m e your marred and spoiled ideal, y ad over i aga n . Clergyman , merchant, lady of fashion , Chris ’ w — s is tian orker, student , singer, God hand feeling for o u n ow. is so y The hand of God , to speak, laying hold upon the broken pieces of your ma rred a n d i a n d if ou H i spoiled l fe , y will let Him , e w ll now “ ” MA R R ED : S O H E MA DE I T A GA IN 1 9 begin to complete your nature by making it to be what He meant it to be years ago when you were

cradled at the foot of the cross . Why have you failed ? Because your life is a fail

ure . You hide it by going to church , by observing the outward routine , by a hearty laugh , by a light , gay

or sis air . You live your life amongst your brethren

on e ters , but no knows that deep down in your soul you are certain that you are a failure , that you are ou spoiled , that y want things you do not Obtain , that ou you long for a goodness you never realize, that y reach ou t for a sweetness and purity and strength Y ou that never comes . know that your life has ’ Y ou fallen beneath God s plan . are ready to confess so ? ? it . Why is it Is it because God has failed See that mother bending over the cradle where her

firstborn babe lies . See how a smile lights up her face as sh e thinks sh e catches the plaudits which are n o to welcome his success in coming years . But woman ever cherished for her babe visions half so fair as your God has for you . He hates nothing that

He has made , and with an equal love He wants to do

H I S B S F O R E A CH E T . What then is the cause ? Is it that He has made a ? so of mistake in your life You think . If instead being a poor man you had been rich , if instead of on e being a lone woman you had had to call you wife , and little children to clutch your dress and call you

of offi ce z stool mother , if instead being tied to the you or had been a minister missionary , you think that ou y would have been a better , a sweeter character . But I want you to understand that God chose for you “ ” 20 MA R RE D : S O H E MA DE IT A GA IN

ou t to your lot in life of myriads that were open Him , because just where you are you might realize your od l noblest possibilities . Otherwise G wou d have ou made you different from what y are . But your His soul , born into kingdom , was a matter of care and h h ow b u thoug t to Him , est He might n rture you ; and He chose your lot with its irritations , its trials, ffi ou t its di culties , all the agony that eats your do n ot nature . Though men and women guess it , He ou chose it just as it is , because in it , if y will let Him ,

He can realize the fairest life within your reach . I Where is the failure ? Look . think I have the i . s wheel before me My foot working the treadle .

d ou It is revolving rapi ly , horizontally as y know . I have placed it on the clay . I begin to manipulate it . It rises beneath my hand till I come to on e certain point Where , either through some flaw in the clay , a or bubble a fault, it resists me . Leaving that point, s I put my hand around again , and in ome other to direction endeavor secure my purpose, and then on e come back to that point , but again I meet that of Obstruction that thwarts me . The genius my brain a s an artist is complete ; the power of my hand to manipulate is unrivaled ; it is th e cla y that thwarts me , until presently , because I have been frustrated again and again , the work is a marred , spoiled thing . N ow is n ot that true of you ? on e The trouble of my life , years ago, was just this God about which I am speaking now . was dealing with me . I suppose He wanted to make me a vessel for fit His use . But there was one point in my life where I fought God as the clay fights the hand of th e

. sa potter I fought God , I will not y for how long . “ ” M A R R ED : S O H E M A D E I T A GA IN 2 1 God help me the only benefit that I can get now out of ca n k er z worm those years the has eaten , is to dis cover the secret in other lives while they too are to standing still , and then take them to the Christ to whom I went myself, and to encourage them to hope that Hewho years ago took up a spoiled and marred life and made a little of it , will take other men and Women and will find ou t where they have thwarted

Him ; and finding it out , will touch them there , and as they yield to Him they will be made again . N ow what is the point in your life where you Ob ? ou struct God Allow me to search y .


People come to me and speak of the different points in which they have thwarted God . A man came to me one day and said that when I wa s in a certain convention I asked all those who wanted to be wh ol l y for God to stand up . He refused to stand , and for months his will rose up and said Who is this man that I should stand up when he bids me ?

For months he fought this feeling , until not long ago he came to me and said “ Come and pray " I want to confess that I have of God a m been fighting the will for months , and I ” wretched . Help me to get peace .

I was once staying with another man , a pastor .

— I I had said nothing about smoking , never do ou t — I single sins , had not alluded to the habit ; but on e day we were walking along a street that led over a river , and to my surprise as we got to the apex of the bridg e he took h is toba ccoz p ou ch and pipe a n d “ ” 22 M A R R ED : S O H E M A D E I T A GA IN

threw them over , and said

There , I have settled that . to Then , turning me , he said I know , Mr . ou Meyer, y have said nothing about it ; but for the last few months God has been asking me to set a new

to : example my young men , and I said Why Should ? not I do as I like , and they as they like God was i searching me , and I was fighting Him ; but it s all

ir n ow s . settled , , it is all done now of on e of a d A bright young girl , at the end my

dresses , was waiting about , and I said to her “ Come , my girl , I am quite sure that you have ” to ee got nothing s me about . sh e sir said , I have , . I remember that or three four years ago , when I was a girl at school , one of my com panions asked me to g o ou t a n d g et

some candy for her . I got it , but I kept back half the

money for myself . That sin has been working in my " mind . It seems as if God keeps saying , Confess , ’ sir confess , restore ; but , , I have been fighting it for or t o so to do the last month w . It looks stupid a lit ” tle thing like that . “ : I said My dear child , nothing is stupid that is going to please God and put you right with His ” will . A man came to me and said : I cannot understand sir God ou t it , , but it seems as if is blotted of my life . ” so I used to be happy . ” I said : How is it ? “ Said he : I think it has to do with my treatment of my brother . He served me cruelly over my ’ father s will , and I said I would never forgive him . h as I am sorry I said it , but he been going from bad “ ” M A R R ED : S O H E M A DE I T A GA IN 2 3

h a s on to worse , lost his wife and child , and is now a of o bed death , and I cannot g to him because I said ” I never would .

: i is I said My fr end , it better to break a bad vow ” than keep it . Go . i of He went , and the sm le God met him just there . Sixteen years ago I was a minister in a Midland n ot town in England , at all happy , doing my work for ot the pay I g , but holding a good position two amongst my fellows . Hudson Taylor and young students came into my life . I watched them . They som eth in I had g had not . Those young men stood o there in all their strength and j y. I said to Charles Studd What is the difference between you and me ? Y ou so seem happy , and I somehow am in the trough ” of the wave . “ He replied : There is nothing that I have g ot ” which you may not have , Mr . Meyer . ” But I asked : H ow a m I to get it ? ” “ ou Well , he said , have y given yourself right up to God? a I winced . I knew that if it came to th t , there was a point where I had been fighting my deepest for convictions months . I had lived away from it , but when I came to the Lord ’ s table and handed out

or : the bread and wine , then it met me ; when I came to or of a convention meeting holy people , something on e stopped me as I remembered this . It was the point where my will wa s entrenched . I thought I would do something with Christ that night which

on e would settle it way or the other, and I met o s e Christ . Y u will forg ive a man who owe verything “ ” 2 4 MA R R ED : S O H E M A DE I T A GA IN to one night in his life if to help other men he opens his heart for a moment . I knelt in my room and

of on gave Christ the ring my will with the keys it,

n of bu t k ep t o e little key back , the key a closet in

on e in m . my heart , in back story y heart He said to me Are they all here ?

And I said : All but one . ? What is that said He . ” “ of It is the key a little cupboard , said I , in which I have got something which Thou needest n ot ” interfere with , but it is mine .

Then , as He put the keys back into my hand , and

to : seemed to be gliding away the door , He said i M e ou My ch ld, if you cannot trust with all , y do not trust Me at all

: to I cried Stop , and He seemed come back ; and

: holding the little key in my hand , in thought I said “ I cannot give it , but if Thou wilt take it Thou shalt have it . ’ took it He , and within a month from that time He had cleared out that little cupboard of things which had been there for months . I knew He would . May I add on e word more ? Three years a g o I met the thing I gave up that night , and as I met it I could not imagine myself being such a fool as near ly to have sold my birthright for that mess of p ot tage . I looked up into the face of Christ and said : N ow ” d a s I am thine . It seeme if that was the beginning of on a new ministry . The Lord g ot me His wheel again , and He made me again , and He has been making me again ever since . I learned that night

“ ” 2 G MA R R ED : S O H E M A DE I T A GA IN

asleep h is gifted son would come down stairs and take in hand the pieces of clay which his old father of had left , with the evidences defect and failure ; and with his own wonderful touch he would make them b as fair as they could be made y human hand . When l the o d man came down in the morning, and took up

the work he had left all spoiled the night before , and sa h is held it up before the light , he would y, rubbing hands : “ a I can do it as well s ever I did . I S not that just what God Almighty is going to do with you ? Y ou are bearing the marks of failure just because you have been resisting Him and fighting " Him . But, ah my Lord comes with those pierced

hands , and says “ ou n ot to ? Will y yield me Only yield , and I will o make y u again .

There is a Pentecost for us all , but we must begin at the beginning . There must be the yielding . wh o ou t Young girls , have come of beautiful of homes , the children luxury , I tell you that all the exterior beauty of your life is only a faint a du m bra tion and shadow of the infinite sweetness and grace f of o . the life Pentecost Live in the promised land , ou wh o b men and women , y have een seeking in the outside , in circumstances and things and people , your bliss . Y O U HAV E M IS S ED I T

— ou y always will that way . It is inside . It is in h the Holy Ghost . It is in C rist . Heaven is there .

It is there for all . But believe me , you cannot get it u ou ou nless y take the preparatory step . Therefore y m ust g et alone as I did sixteen years ago ; you must “ ” M A R R ED : S O H E M A D E I T A GA IN 2 7 kneel down before Christ and say “ Christ , I give Thee myself , my will . With my will I yield to Thee . Thou art the Potter ; I am the m ” clay . I pose Thy will upon me . “ sa : And mind you , Christ will y to you What “ ? sa Y es about this and if you can look up and y; , ” ou that is Thine , He will go forward and make y beautiful and happy . But if you refuse , you will ou stop there , you will be dwarfed , y will thwart

Christ .

At Keswick , a little village in the Cumberland Hills , where we meet once a year to talk about these things , ’ ’ if you go out at ten o clock , at ele ven o clock , at ’ ’ on e see twelve o clock , at O clock at night , you will lights burning . My heart has often gone up in prayer because I know that every light means a Ja b bok , and that at those places souls are yielding to

orth fi eld God . At N also a brother clergyman said to me last convention “ Mr . Meyer , the work has not been done in the auditorium , but it has been done in the woods at night where we have gone to settle it with God .

Remember this . When I gave myself to God that night , the devil said ’ Don t do it " If you let God have an inch , He will on e t want an ell . If you yield in hing you will have to yield in everything , and there is no knowing what you may not come to . a At first I thought there w s something in it . Then wh o wa s I remembered my daughter , a little wilful

own wa . then , and loved her y I thought to myself as I knelt Supposing that sh e were to come and sa y “ 2 8 M A R R ED : S 0 H E MA DE I T A GA IN ”

" : to Father , from to night I am going put my life ’ into your hand ; do with it what you will . Would I " call her mother to my side and sa y : Here is a ? chance to torment her . What would mortify her what color of dress does sh e hate ? what companion does sh e detest ? what method of spending her life sh e ? does abhor Tell me , and I will put her through them

a I knew I would not say that . I knew I would s y “ to my wife : Our child is going to follow ou r will

n o D O ou of from w. y know anything that is hurting her ?” so o Yes ; and s . ” Does sh e love it much ? ” Yes . " sh e u Ah : m st give it up , but we will make it a s

easy for her as we can . We must take from her the

things that are hurting her , but we will give her everything that will make her life on e long summer of day bliss . a to ou God will s y that y . He only takes that on e

ou oh thing away because it will hurt y . But " He

" Y ou n will give , and give , and give have o idea “ ” : what God will do for you . Say I am willing . B u t let me make a confession : I did not sa y that “ : O myself . I said I am not willing , God , but I am

willing to be made willing . God help you to make the same prayer " TH IR D AD DR ES S T HE NAT UR A L MAN

If it were not that I believe in the Holy Ghost , I would almost shrink from speaking about the pro found philosophy wherewith the apostle Paul deals ’ with the sell ife ; but I believe that God s Spirit will take my broken words and speak to each of you . “ 2 : 1 4 : Will you turn to 1 Cor . The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God : for they

: are foolishness unto him neither can he know them , because they are spiritually discerned . ” “ S ch ic The natural man . The Greek is the p y ” a l man , the man in whom the soul is all , and the

Spirit is like a dark , untenanted chamber . The temple of old was constituted thus : outer court , holy place , holy of holies . The outer court

ou r corresponds to our body , the holy place to soul ,

or ou r the holy of holies the most holy place to Spirit . In the regenerate man the most holy place is tenant ed by the Spirit of God , but in the unregenerate man it is untenanted and dark , waiting for its occupant . The natural man is the man wh Ose Spirit is empty of

God . of we In the fifteenth verse the same chapter , read

But he that is spiritual judgeth all things , yet he ” himself is judged of no man . “ ” we Here have the spiritual man , the man whose of spirit is quick with the Spirit God , who Speaks 2 9 30 TH E N A T UR A L M A N and wills and lives beneath the impulse of the Holy

Ghost Himself . Oh , that every believer became tru ly Spiritual ; S p irits u n fi lled ( written with a small “ the Spirit of God ( written with a large S of dominating the Spirit man . of m be In the third chapter the sa e epistle , Paul “ : n ot ou gins And I , brethren , could speak unto y as unto spiritual , but as unto carnal , even as unto babes in Christ . “ ” N o w the carnal man is a Christian , a babe in

Christ . We might think that the carnal man is

so . unregenerate , but it is not He is regenerate , he is in Christ, and Christ is in him ; but instead of m Christ being predominant , the carnal ele ent is pre of eo dominant . I believe that there are hundreds p h o ple w are in Christ ; but they are babes in Christ . su Christ is in them , but He is overcrowded by the

er ior it of lfs lif selfs life p y their se e . Their was once clothed in rags ; it is n ow clothed in the externals of

selfs life religion ; but it is still the , and in the Chris

Ch ristc life tian may predominate over the , and be the of a cause unutterable d rkness and sorrow . n ow to so May God help me reverse it , that the ou t carnal element Shall be crowded , shall be cruci fi ed , and the Christ element Shall become the pivot of your life " In order that you may know what the carnal ele sa for ment is , let me y that that word also Stands “ ” is sa rx flesh , and that the Greek word “ ” “ ” N ow the Apostle uses the word flesh , carnal , or “ ” sa rx n ot in a very especial form . He does mean of the natural body , but he means the element self . “ R om s : That is proved from . where he ays In TH E N A T UR A L M A N 3 1

me , ( that is , in my flesh ) , dwelleth no good thing . “ ” My flesh is me . Some men spell it with a tiny m , and some with a capital M , but whether the m is in ” italics or in capitals , the me in each person is the ” flesh . Spell flesh backward , drop the h , as we are ” s— e — l — f apt to do in London , and you get ; “flesh is “ ” “ ” “ ” self , and self is flesh . It is me , and as “ ” a m long as me is first and Christ second , I living a carnal life though I am in Christ and a saved man .


b be li e Now the carnal life is a a f . What is sweet ? S O S O on e er than a babe beautiful , wee , can take

o the child s close to oneself . But What is tender and beautiful in a babe for a few months is terrible of or at the end twelve months , ten years . And what is lovely in a young convert is terrible in a man of

r ten o twenty years of Christian life . I have met men wh o use the same expressions twenty years after conversion that they did when they were cradled on Calvary ; and if you are still living in the elementary

of do stage experience and feeling and prayer , and God n ot not grow , do not know better , do know the

Bible better , do not know yourself better , do not know Christ better , you are a little babe , you are car nal . ilk And then the carnal man liv es on m . Paul said

n ot : for I have fed you with milk , and with meat to n ow hitherto ye were not able bear it , neither yet ” are ye able . Milk is food which has passed through the digestion of another . The babe cannot take so meat , the mother takes meat , and breaks it down , O and the child takes milk . S many Christians can 3 2 TH E N A TUR A L M A N n ot ou t of th e read the Bible , cannot get any good

Bible , it must be broken down by their minister , and " they are fed with a spoon Ministers are nurses. They have to Spend their time wheeling the converts to about , comforting them , putting them sleep , wak ing them up and feedin g them ; and if they are n ot or fed with a spoon three four times a week , there is ou no knowing What will happen . And if y are in that state that you must take spiritual truth through of ou the digestion another, y are a babe . “ i t r i A carnal Christian s also sec a a n . I am O f ” of of Paul , and I am Apollos , and I Cephas . Oh , h ow of h ow of much we make the fold , and little the " H ow of flock much we think the hurdles , and how “ ” little of the sheep " One man says : I am a Baptist ; “ ” and another : I am a Presbyterian ; a third says “ ” “ I am a Roman Catholic ; and a fourth : I am ” evangelical . Half the time we are worrying about the sect to which we belong . Directly a man begins in that course , and forgets the Church with a large C - of — h e is , the Church Christ , a carnal Christian and a babe . I would lead you on e step further because to I desire make my system perfectly clear .

5 : 1 4 Turn to Heb . , where we read

“ " Strong meat belongeth to them that are of full

wh o of u age , even those by reason se have their ” to senses exercised discern both good and evil . Here we have a fourth characteristic of the carnal Christian : such an on e is u n a ble to ex er cise his sen ses to discer n d n d v il goo a e . When I returned on e of to England from my Atlantic voyages , my nose was very sensitive ; the pure ozone of the

3 4 T H E N A TURA L M A N

” through me . When Jesus Christ , the perfect man , m came a ongst men , during all His earthly life He said nothing and willed nothing from Himself ; He lived a truly dependent life . The vegetable creation , - — God abso the flowers , the trees they depend on l so l u te . y, and that makes them beautiful Consider " the lilies and the cedars , how they grow And the wh o on angels have kept their first estate live God .

God wills , thinks , acts , energizes through them . a s on God Satan w once an archangel dependent , but something passed over him and he caught the fever

h is o n of independence , and began to make himself w pivot ; and so he began to be in hell ; because hell is of to of the assertion self the exclusion God , and of God of heaven is the assertion to the exclusion self .

The devil fell , and all his crew that leaned on him , d of on Go . instead , fell also Then when man was m ade , Satan traversed the abyss , and whispered to man “ i wa Be God , be ndependent, take your own y, do ” own your will . Man in his fall withdrew h is nature from depend God of i ence upon , and made himself a center h s o n w life and activity . And this world is cursed . d for to ay because men and women are living self,

fl esh s life and the . The carnal mind is enmity a gainst God , and is darkness and despair .

Christianity is a science , a deep science , which tries to do away with the evil or the fall into selfi sh for S on of God ness by substituting self the , which I S n ot is Christ . it wonderful that Hindooism and Christianity are each of them intended to deal with the same root of evil ? But the Hindoo tries to ex THE N A TURA L M A N 35 terminate the sell ife by absorption in eternity until

in Nirvana sets , whilst the Christian who also sees that the selfs life is accursed eliminates it by the phi losop h y and the action which I am now g oing to describe .


of Now the works the flesh are manifest , which

: are these Adultery , fornication , uncleanness , lascivi ou sn ess , idolatry , witchcraft , hatred , vari ance , emu la tion s , wrath , Strife , seditions , heresies , envyings , ” murders , drunkenness , revelings , and such like . ou of sell ife There y have the passion the in lust . Are ye so foolish ? having begun in the Spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh ? ” There you of sell ife have the aspirations the , trying to perfect wa s of itself . There a school perfection in Galatia , and they sought to perfect themselves in their own energy ; and there have been schools of perfection Since then which have tried to be good in the energy “ lfs life of of the se . Let no man beguile you your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels , intruding into those things which he hath not ff fl esh l seen , vainly pu ed up by his y mind , and not r holding the Head , f om which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered , and knit ” together , increaseth with the increase of God . Thereyou have some intellectualism pryi n g into the of of things God , but not submitting to the will God and the teaching of God . When I therefore was ? or thus minded , did I use lightness the things that do I purpose , I purpose according to the flesh , that ” ea ea n a ? with me there should be y , y , and y, nay 36 THE NA TURA L MA N

ou selfs life There y have the planning , scheming, and

r : n ot a ranging for itself, and the Apostle says I am

going to plan after the flesh . We see then that we are always in danger of doing ou r good things from the self pivot . That is curse . of God I hear a man who has consecrated himself to , ” a : do of and I s y to myself I will the same . I hear a man wh o has attracted crowds by some special lan

or sa : too tern , by some new machinery, and I y I ” will do the same . I learn of a school which is of teaching a certain line doctrine , and because I

think it will pay , and get me prestige and popularity ,

I adopt it . But not until I begin to notice the work of ing my own life , Shall I have any conception how

selfs life perpetually the is underlying all .

How GE T R I D O E T HE S E LE z LI F E ?

ou th r ee ste s : I will Show y . There are p the cross , m of the Spirit , the conte plation the risen Christ . May we take them now ; may the Spirit of God reveal to each one this blessed secret " F ir st N ow , the cross . understand that I hold that on the cross Jesus Christ offered a substitutionary of sacrifice for the Sins the whole world . But there

is a second meaning significant in the cross . Turn “ 8 : 3 4 . : n ot to Rom , What the law could do in that it was weak through the flesh , God

own S on of sending His in the likeness Sinful flesh , sin and for Sin , condemned in the flesh : that the of righteousness the law might be fulfilled in us , who ” n ot God walk after the flesh but after the Spirit . own S on i of sent His in the l keness Sinful flesh , and “ “ . sin th e for Sin For is substitutionary. In TH E N A TUR A L M A N 3 7

” likeness of Sinful flesh is the reference of the cross

sa n ctifi ca tion to . On the cross God nailed in the of person of Christ the likeness our Sinful flesh . I cannot explain it to you more than that ; but I

— know this that next to seeing Jesus as my sacrifice , nothing has revolutionized my life like seeing the f of e figy my sinful self in the sinless , dying Savior . I say to myself God has nailed the likeness of my selfs life to the cross . The cross is the symbol of degradation and curse . Cursed is everyone that hangs on the cross . If then God has treated the likeness of my sinful self, when borne by the sinless Christ , as worthy of ’ His curse , how terrible in God s sight it must be for myself to hug it and embrace it and live in it "”

" n ot Oh , wondrous cross But that is all .

a n d . Christ I are one . In Him I hung there I

n came to an end of myself in Christ , and kneeli g at His cross I took the position of union with Him in

H is sell ife . death , and I consigned my to the cross

selfs life It was as though I took my with its passions , its choices , its yearnings after perfection , its wallow

fi ck l en ess u n ch a r ing , its , its judgment of others , its

— I a n d ity , took it as a felon , said “ Thou art cursed , thou shalt die . My God nailed thee to that cross . Come , thou shalt come . b m I put thee there by my choice , y y will , by my faith . Hang there . After that moment— you remember in Galatians it “ ’ is the aorist tense They that are Christ s , crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts after that moment , that decisive moment in my life ,

m selfs life is on I have ever reckoned that y the cross , 38 TH E N A TUR A L M A N

of and that the death Christ lies between me and it .

n Let me make that perfectly clear . Supposi g a to woman has been married a felon , a drunkard , a of libertine . After years sorrow there comes a moment of liberty when She seeks and obtains a n ow n divorce . She enters into u ion with a perfectly wh o lovely blessed man becomes to her everything . Whenever her former husband reels along the Street to w and seeks again get her back into his po er , She

to points a moment, the moment when the divorce sh e was granted , and says m From that moment I became divorced fro you . m Touch e if you dare .

r sh e If he comes eeling across the street , only of clutches closer the arm the true man she loves , and puts him on the other side between the sot and

n of herself . She cou ts from the moment deliverance .

Now think about it , pray about it . Later I am going to publish the m a rr ia g ez ba n s between you h ow and Christ , and to Show Christ takes the place

of . self But we must move together , my friends .

Y ou n You must allow me to be persistent . will ot benefit by this teaching unless you act a s the result of any separate address in the direction it indicates .

O of S kneel down before the cross Jesus , and realize h w y your Christian life has been a failure . The cause of your darkness a n d sorrow and dese rtion is to be found here : you have never consigned the self life where God consigned it . In your will , with streaming eyes , with reverent face , unite yourself so ou with the death of Christ . Doing , remember y do will what Jesus said Peter must do . Peter said

Thou art the Christ . TH E N A TUR A L M A N 3 9

” Well and good , Christ replied . I am going to die . “ : Y ou n ot of Peter said must think it . Spare

Thyself . ou Ah , that is what you will hear said to y a thou

— " sand times , Spare thyself

Jesus said : Get thee behind me . That is Satan f it is the spirit o the pit . If a man will come after h is me , let him deny himself, and take up cross and ” follow me . Y ou ou b u t may say what y like about Christianity , I undertake to affirm it has been shamefully mi ere of presented , both by Protestant and by any other class

Christians . They have thought that Christianity de

in pended the objective , whereas it is subjective largely , equally . They have thought that it depended on trusting Christ to put away your sin , whereas it also consists in trusting Christ to deliver you from your h f e w o o . selv s , are the center and curse your life

th e selfs life Whenever obtrudes , reckon yourself dead to it ; reckon that the cross stands between you and it . “ sa : do n ot see But you y Sir , I how I am to live

on a l like that . I shall always be pins and needles , or ways in agony whether this is self not , and I do not see how I am to live . sa " t m Ah , I thought you would y that I said hat y

sec n d : self, and here comes the o point the Holy

Spirit . “ If ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of ” “ . : the body , ye Shall live And again The Spirit lusteth against the flesh . It wa s by the Eternal Spirit that Christ offered 40 T H E N A TUR A L M A N

od Himself without spot to G , and it is by the Eter nal Spirit that the cursed spirit of self is going to be antagonized in your life and mine . Just as in a scar l z et fev er case you take carbolic acid , and the carbolic of so acid antagonizes the germs disease , turning from that curse I kneel before the Holy Ghost , and say “ of in ll I F ILL Spirit God , infill , fi , N my entire of being, deeper, deeper , deeper yet . In the depth o on my nature , when I am least thinking about it , g

or lfs life day by day as the antiseptic of my flesh se . of Antagonize it , work against it , keep it out Sight , ” keep it under Christ .

The Holy Ghost will do it .

sa : . so But you y Mr Meyer , I am afraid that if

w sell ife . I am al ays dealing with the , it will hurt me It will be like standing by a bier and seeing death ” disintegrate a corpse . to thir d — This leads me my point , and I reply , and

of it — of God this is the beauty , that whilst the Spirit of is sell ife in the depth your heart antagonizing the , He does it by making Jesus Christ a liv1 ng bright reality . He fixes your thoughts upon Jesus . You do ou not think about the Spirit , y hardly think about self, but you think much about your dear Lord ; and ou all the time that y are thinking about Him , the process of disintegration and dissolution and death of on self is going within your heart . A dear Sister said to me once : I am going to ” for Spend a whole day praying the Holy Ghost . to o h e She went a hut in a wo d , and s came back to me at night and said “ da b u t disa I have had a grand y, I am a bit p



In my second address we sa w that the will is ou r

main and chief impediment . We are not what we i l eel or th in k or wish w l . f , , , but what we In the pre ceding address we saw that ou r curse lies in making

ou r of self the pivot of life , and that the one aim Chris i t a n ity is to put Christ where man p u ts self . I want to r of now Show Shortly , concisely , with the powe ’ God s Spirit who cooperates , how this may be done ,

E O and I am going to use the pistle f Galatians . “ 5 : 1 9 : In Gal . , we have the works of self Adultery,

fornication , uncleanness , lasciviousness , idolatry, h u l a tion s witc craft , hatred , variance , em , wrath , strife,

seditions , heresies , envyings , m urders , drunkenness , ” ’ n reveli gs , and such like . Wherever man s nature ou t of works itself , the lust the flesh Shows itself in

of ill s fa m e every casino , saloon and house . “ 3 : 3 : ? be Turn to Gal . Are ye so foolish Having n ow gun in the Spirit , are ye made perfect by the flesh ? ” Will you be made perfect in the flesh ? In

ch u rch s m the regenerate man , the ember, there is the same principle of selfs life ; and though you do n ot of or or find him in a den drink lust infamy , the same principle which is working unrestrained and i H unbr dled there is working in h is heart a lso . e 42 CH R I S T sLI F E F OR T H E S E LF s LI F E 43

gives to the collection , to the subscription list , that m en may see how much he gives . He seeks to please

God obser by prayer , by the communion , by ritualistic vances . He will even try to be perfect . There is wh o N or th fi eld many a man goes to Keswick and to , trying to pile up his religious life in the energy of

r eli iou sdook in : his g g self . But I repeat it the curse of the Christian and of the world is that self is our pivot ; it is because Satan made self his pivot that he became a devil . Take heaven from its center in

God , and try to center it in self , and you transform heaven into hell . I know little or nothing about the

or . fire , the darkness , or the worm of hell Hell is is selfishness , and selfishness hell . And

T HE PHILOS OPH Y O F T HE B IB LE is to do away with self, and to make Christ all in all . When I am dealing with a drunkard 1 am inclined to say to him

Be a man . What a fool I am " I am trying to cast out the

of elfz s em evil of drink by the evil s e te . If I want to

ou t save a man , I must cast the Spirit of self, and substitute the Lord Jesus Christ . Alpha , Omega , all in all . But how ? How ?

a l z a This epistle to the Galatians is my b tt e xe .

Luther used it for justification , but I think it is for

i i n sa n ct fi c a t o . ? How By the cross , and by the cross as presented in the epistle to the Galatians . “ The Apostle tells us in Gal . Jesus Christ , o r who g ave Himself for u sins , that He might de 44 CH R I S T sLI F E F OR TH E S E LF s LI F E

liver us from this present evil world , according to the ” will of God and ou r Father . He considers the sa n ctifi ca tion cross in its aspect toward . He says “ ” He delivered us from this present evil world . In

Romans we have the cross for justification , the

ttin z a wa of S in for sa n c tifi ca tion p u g y ; in Galatians , th e cross Standing between me and my past , between

m : me and the world , between me and yself the cross , and I count from that cross . That is the ground taken in Galatians . “ 2 : 20 : Take Gal . I have been crucified with ” Christ . God demands that every man and woman w Should unite ith the cross , and ( so to Speak ) kill sell ife the , the egotism , the personal element which

o N o has been s Strong in each one . t your individ

u a lit . y, however Isaiah will still be Isaiah , and Mal

selfz esteem u achi , Malachi ; but the proud , fussy , yo r self, ego , the flesh , must be crucified . Christ denied

ou r His divine self , and you and I must deny fallen ’ a t self . Christ s temptation was to use His divine tribute ; your temptation is that you Should u se your Y ou human attribute . must put it to the cross , and believe that from this moment it shall be crucified to to to ou ou . y and y it Barabbas the cross , to the " cross Christ , come down from the cross and live in here " “ ’ 5 : 24 : : Gal . The aorist They that are Christ s ” “ crucified the flesh . Gal . God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of ou r Lord Jesus

Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me , and ” I unto the world . The world looks at me as a felon , but I have my revenge . That by which I am cruci fi d is e to the world , by that the world crucified to me . CH R IS Tz LI F E F OR THE S E LE = LIF E 45

a It may s y what it likes about me . I retaliate ” of Take it back ; it is all true thyself . This wonderful epistle speaks of the cross as be tween me and Egypt , between me and the wilderness , between me and my past , my wanderings ; and now the cross is my Jordan by which I pass through death into the land where Joshua leads , the land that

flows with milk and honey . of be This epistle also treats the Holy Ghost , is cause as I have said before , it only the Holy Spirit Y ou that can make your reckoning true . choose the m or tifi es cross , but the Holy Spirit as it were , makes Y ou H e dead , makes real . reckon , makes real your “ 5 1 7 ° reckoning . And hence Gal . : The flesh i lusteth aga nst the Spirit , and the Spirit against the flesh : and these are contrary the one to the other ” do so that ye cannot the thing s that ye would . ” 5 : 1 6 : W a lk 5 : 1 8 : B e led Gal . in the Spirit ; of ” “ ” 5 : 25 : L iv the Spirit ; e in the Spirit . And whilst of you walk in the Spirit , are led the Spirit , and on live in the Spirit , the Holy Spirit will go lusting and agonizing and making real to you your reckon ing of death . Y ou have not therefore got to worry about the death side ; think about the life Side . Do not live looking at the corpse , but live looking to the Holy Ghost ; and as you trust Him for every move ment , as you breathe in the Holy Ghost moment by of moment as you breathe in air , in the depth your heart He will draw you away from the flesh , the self, the world , the devil ; and insensibly , unconsciously, ou exquisitely , He will bring y into life . And the on more you live the life side , the more , without 46 CHR I S T s LI FE F OR THE S E LF s LI FE

of ou on knowing much it, y will live the death side ; for whilst you are engrossed with the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost in the depth of your being is carry in of g the sentence death deeper , deeper , deeper of down , and things are being mortified which you

once had n o conception .

: ou in Now listen If y choose the cross , if you live

the Spirit , the Spirit lusts , ( always the present h . n ot ow tense) , lusteth ag ainst the flesh I do know

your Bible reads , but some Bibles are printed wrong .

The flesh lusteth against the Spirit , and the Spirit ” against the flesh , and Spirit is Spelt with a small n t S . o . Take some ink and alter that It is spirit “ ” with a small s ; it is Spirit with a capital S , the

Holy Spirit . The flesh , the self , lusts against the i Holy Spirit , and the Holy Spir t lusts against the

flesh . v e tex ts in Ga la tia n s on Now , let us look at fi the of inner life , the indwelling Christ . “ 1 6 : God Gal . When it pleased , who ’ separated me from my mother s womb , and called His S on me by His grace , to reveal in me , that I might preach Him among the heathen ; immediately ” “ I conferred not with flesh and blood . It pleased ” d to on N Go S . ow reveal His in me , to reveal “ ” to . co means undrape . There is a Statue It is v

off ered with a veil . It is there , but hidden . I take see ou e the veil , and you it . When y were reg nerate , Christ came unto you : that is what regeneration means - Christ born into your Spirit . But Christ came in “ ou wh o as a veiled figure , and y are regenerate but wh o ha v e never seen the Christ a s I put Him before ou v ou y in the last address , you ha e Christ in y , but ’ CH R IS T z LI F E F OR TH E S E LF s LI F E 47

m He is veiled . Now , ark . When Jesus died , the veil of the temple wa s rent in twain from the top to the bottom ; and when the soul appreciates the death of own Christ as its death to sin , the veil is rent in twain from the top to the bottom , and the Holy Ghost

selfs life reveals Jesus as the substitute for the . ” It pleased God to reveal His Son in me . O , my

God , I thank Thee that Thou hast revealed Thy Son of as the Alpha , the pivot , the fountain , the origin my life " May it be so with us all " of wa s A friend mine staying near Mont Blanc .

He had been there for a fortnight , but had not seen ” of the monarch of the Alps . Nearly out heart

wa s . with waiting , he preparing to leave Going up sa w to dress for dinner , he passed a window and tha t wa the monarch s still veiled in mist . Having dressed , he came down Stairs , passing the window again . n ow Every vestige of mist had parted , and Mont

to sn ow: cl a d Blanc stood revealed from base peak . So now there shall come upon you a breath of the of Holy Ghost , before which the misconception your life Shall pass , and to you God will reveal His Son in

you as the center of your life .

C O 1 Turn for a moment to . a very favorite “ passage : To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the ”

of . Gentiles ; which is Christ in you , the hope glory

son to sea A woman Sits alone . Her ran away twenty years ago . She is a widow , poor , lonely . A bronzed stranger comes . “ Can I sleep in your sp are room ?

so I have a room to let , you can stay .

S O sh e see . He comes in disguised , that cannot him ’ 4s OH RIS Ts LI FE F OR TH E S E LF sLI F E

He is there , but she knows him not . One day they t Sit ogether at dinner , and there is a gesture , and She says John " That is the glory of the mystery when the two kiss . n My boy" My mother "” “ : ou Then after dinner he says Mother , y Shall never lack again . Here is gold . I am going to live with you , never to go away again . That is the riches of the glory of the mystery of

o her b y in the house . " Y ou Jesus , come have come , but You are a mys ter y. But we have come to the cross , and the mys ter is of y is gone , and there the glory the day ; but of of there will be the riches the glory the mystery , Christ in us ; and He will do for us better than ever we could have done for ourselves . “

God . Gal . They glorified in me Some young men belonging to the Salvation Army old n came to A drew Bonar , and they said we od Dr . Bonar , have been all night with G . ’ Can t you see ou r faces Shine ? “ The old man said : Moses wist not that his face ” shone . When you have got the real article you do n otneed to advertise it , the public will come for it ; but the man wh o E has got what we call in ngland , Brummagem

u fi ware , a sham , must p it . If you have got Christ ou n ot in y , people will glorify you , they will glorify ou sa : Christ in y , and they will y so Teach us about Christ wh o has made you fair .


Y es.

H O W ?

wa s s a a d Better for me , because I alway poor h n th e at imitation . I imitated minister with whom I m settled from college , and nobody but myself and y wife ever guessed that my sermons were imitations of bo his . When I was a y, my father had me taught drawing, and my master put before me something , and my copy needed to have l etter s p ress underneath to state it was an imitation of the copy . And when

I sat down to imitate Christ , no one could have ” wa s . guessed What I trying to attain But , said I ,

dra win z m a ster my young friend , if my g could have of infused the Spirit his skill into my brain and hand , he could have drawn through me as fair a drawing as his own ; and if my great and noble friend could have only put his spirit into me , why should I not have Spoken even as he ? And if instead of imitating

Christ far away in the glory, He will come by the His Holy Ghost and dwell in me , by grace He Shall work through my poor yielded life , a life something ” own like His fair life . Christ liveth in me . is R e- li ion Many have no idea what religion . g , “ ” r e— li — it is th e go, a Latin word meaning I bind , of o binding the heart to the Lord . N , I recall that ; “ it is better : He that is joined to the Lord is one ” 0 m e spirit . Christ , Thou art one with me , to make one with Thee world without end " “ 5 4 : 1 9 : l ( ) One verse more . Gal . My ittle chil of dren , whom I travail in birth again until Christ be ” Y ou . ou w formed in y kno , of course , that an egg h a s in it a little embryo of life, and the nutriment , the viscous fluid upon which it Shall grow ; and every CH R IS T =LIF E F OR TH E S E LF sLIF E 5 1 day the little life germ p eek s into this more and i is l U more , and the ch ck formed in the shel . ntil now there has been a good deal more of other elements of n ow in your life than Christ , but from the Christ is g oing to grow and increase and absorb into Him self everything else , and be formed in you .

Brother ministers , will you forgive that I have ’ stated the truths of Christ s holy gospel so imperfect ly? How can human words tell what Christ is pre pared to be ? But let me entreat you to pass by a of great deal political life , and it may be , ( though it is of not wrong) , the social life around you ; and I charge you to live to preach the deep philosophy of w the indwelling Christ , and let men kno what Jesus meant when He said “ In that day ye Shall know that I am in the Fath d r an . e , ye in me, and I in you FIFT H AD D R ES S C H R I S T T HE C O MPLEMENT O F O UR NE ED

n o We have w dealt with the will , and have seen

ou r elfs life that curse is the s . We have also learned that Jesus Christ can take the place of self . I want n ow a n d m a to Show what Jesus Christ can be, y the Holy Spirit glorify Christ " “ 1 0 : 1 1 : u n I Cor . Now all these things happened to them for ensamples : and they are written for ou r e admonition , upon whom the nds of the world are ” come .

Once we were in Egypt . Every one who has been in redeemed by the blood of Christ was once Eg ypt .

for : 1 Egypt Stands three things ( ) sensual pleasure , 2 leeks , garlics , onions ; ( ) bondage , the taskmaster, 3 h the brick , and the treasure city ; and ( ) anguis of n ot on e soul . I suppose there is now in Christ that n ot does remember the sensual pleasure , the bondage of of od and the anguish soul . Out that G has u s u s brought . He brought when He brought Christ u through death to resurrection , and He brought s when each on e ( as it were) wa s Sheltered beneath the

Paschal Lamb , and the blood Spoke to God . Oh blessed moment when we entered into peace , when

door z ost we put the blood upon the p and the lintel , sa w d and because God the blood we were ransome , and in joy went forth from the land of bondage " And a s we stood upon the further Shore of the Red 5 2 CH R IS T TH E COMPLEMEN T OF O UR NEED 5 3

’ we Sea repeated Miriam s Song , we rejoiced in God ou r Savior . We gave ourselves up to follow the d we clou , Sheltered beneath it by day and by night . We depended upon God for everything— for the wa ter that gushed from the rock , and the manna that fell upon the desert floor . O happy , happy , happy days when we , fresh redeemed and with the conscious i ness of liberty , walked w th God in the first hours of ou r conversion "

Then we came beneath Sinai . We obtained a new ’ of thought God s holiness and righteousness , and as we first came there we said with all the fervor of a “ ”

: we . true intention Whatever God says , will do ou r we But joy began to pass away , for as tried to keep the l a w of God we fell hour by hour into sin wa s of that we loathed . It the experience the sev n h o e t chapter f Romans . After the inward man we of loved the law God , but when we came to do what we we would we found could not . We were like wh o h ow men raised from some illness , know to walk perfectly well , but when they begin they totter , and presently fall to the ground . we of After staying there , heard the command God to arise and depart , and after some days we came to

K d h z a rn a a es b e . Now Kadesh is on the frontier of the land of Canaan . At Kadesh the rolling prairie K sinks into the sand and waste of the desert . At a desh you looked back on Egypt, and forward into

Palestine . To Kadesh there came Spies , bringing in their hands baskets full of fruit which they had

of om e ra n gathered in the Land Promise , grapes , p g

w . ites , apricots , s eet and luscious fruit At Kadesh ou ou you passed them round , y ate , y said 5 4 CH R IS T TH E COM PL E M E N T OF O UR N EED

It is a good land . Y ou Many of you have been to Kadesh . took — a t or th fi eld con v en lodgings there N , at Keswick tions ; and men who have been over into the Land of

Promise came back , and in their addresses and books ou of ou they gave y a basket fruit , and y said “ ” is It very good . ou of o But there y stopped , and instead going ver ou the frontier and living in the land , y have gone B A K T o T HE D R C ES E T . Why did Israel stop there ? Because She did not God believe . She believed that God could bring her n ot God from Egypt , but She could believe that could th bring her to Canaan . She believed in e God of S h e God of the past , but could not believe in the of every moment . She had an evil heart unbelief, God and departed from the living .

You believe in Calvary , but not in the ascension . n ot in You believe in Christ who died , but Christ wh o rose and lives . You believe in conversion as a wh o past fact , but you have no idea that He converted you is prepared hour by hour to bring you into and to ou of keep y in the Land Rest . T h e wilderness stands for three things .

First . Restlessness ; a redeemed people , but rest

th irt s th ree less . There is a chapter in Numbers , and y times in it we are told that the people removed . That fro has been your life for years , to and , trying this church and that, this minister and that minister, but ’ all the while certain that you have not got God s rest . m u r Secondly . It stands for discontent ; they " mured . And what a murmuring life yours is You ot bu t have g riches , love , happy, hap py surroundings , CH R IS T TH E COM PLEM EN T OF O UR N EED 5 5

there is always something that you want altered . too " . Discontent If it is summer, it is hot If it is is too winter, it cold . If you have love you want ou money , and if you have money y want love . Back of wards and forwards , full restless murmuring and h a a . s discontent That been your life s a Christian .

z . for ba ck ea rn in n Thirdly It stands y g , yearni g f . o backwards The people had come out Egypt , but they were always thinking about it . And your life is Y ou of a negative life . are out Egypt , but you go as E ou near gypt as y can , and you look over into the

n pleasures of Egypt , you look over into the doi gs of E ou gypt , y look over into the passions and Sins of ou t of Egypt, and though you are it your heart Y ou hungers after it . are a Christian , but a worldly ou man has a happier time than y , for the worldly of man has never had a glimpse what you have . He o is contented . You have enough religion to make y u wretched . Y What next ? ou came to Jordan . The poet has to taught us think that Jordan means death , the death ’ of the body ; but that is a false conception . In God s imagery the Jordan stands for death , but not the

lfs lif se e . death of th e body , but death to the I trust I have made it clear that I do not believe that self of ever dies . I do not believe in the eradication self , we' but I believe we come to the cross , to Jordan , and of put the cross , the death Christ , between ourselves ou r and past life . We pass through the Jordan in ou r own experience when we unite ourselves with ’ Christ s death , and are planted with Him in the like of ness His death . After that we stand in the land O f Canaan , 5 6 CH R IS T TH E COM PLEM EN T OF O UR N E ED

h n ow ou At Kades you looked over , but y are in .

Y n ou ou ou do ot feel much . When y awoke y thought Y o so . u you would feel joy , but it is not are quiet " and still . Never mind A man may cross the equa is on tor and not know it . The equator marked the

on m a n map , but not the ocean , and a may cross it or and not know it . Without emotion passion , rely ing upon the Holy Ghost to make your reckoning true , you have passed Jordan , you are now in the land . A N D WHA T I S T HE L A N D ? l The and is Christ . Canaan is Christ . He is the ° of Land Promise . Those mountains are the moun

of tains His strength . Those valleys are His humil H is o ity . Those Springs are j y. Those rivers are

His Holy Spirit . Those treasures are His wealth .

— That land look at it " It is all yours . It is Christ

— in you , and you in Christ that is Paradise .

That is proved by Heb . We are made par ” of of takers Christ . The third chapter Hebrews is the wilderness experience . The fourth chapter is the Christ possession ; and the Apostle says that we wh o of believe are made to partake Christ . Christ in us , " to Christ around us , Christ in the glory I want talk to ou y about that , to e t k n w h l n d The first thing to do is g t o o t e a . I remember when I was in Chicago some on e told me

or u that a family may purchase , obtain from yo r Gov ern m en t h i , a farm in the far West . Gathering t e r goods together , a father , mother, and children will travel in the caravan ( as we would call it in E n g it land ) , to the far West . They will s in their house on the edge of their inheritance whilst the father


sh e If the wife wants money goes for it , if the boys and girls want money they g o for it ; whatever want there is in that house is supplied from that mantel S o Shelf deposit . God put in Jesus everything the soul can want , and He says “ ou Go and take it . It is all there for y . o o Are y u in sorrow ? In Christ there is j y. Are ou you tempted ? In Christ there is succor . Are y at the end of your strength ? In Jesus there is ou might . I recall those words , however , because y might think that God gives this or that apart from

so : ou Christ . Let me put it more correctly y take to Christ be whatever you want , and He is the sup of so ou ply your want , your need , that y are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ in heavenly places . All that you want is in Christ , and I think it is a good thing to want in order to learn what there is in Christ . I remember when I was a boy my mother never took so much notice of me as when I was disappoint ed and weak and ill and worn . I think sometimes I used to Sham a bit because my mother always did so much for me then . It is when you are weak and weary , and your faith has gone , and your strength is exhausted , and your hopes are vanishing , and every

— it thing around is passing from your grasp , is then “ m : that God co es and says Child , I have put into

Jesus everything your Spirit wants and though , m like Mada Guion , you have to Spend ten years in jail , Christ will be friends and comfort and strength ou and society , and all y want . Would that people might understand what Jesus a n b — e o c e to the soul , these people who hav been g CH R IS T T H E COM PLEM EN T O F O UR N EED 5 9

ing into society , to the play , to the opera , to worldly pleasure , into the old past , thinking that they must n obtain peace and joy in them , and they are o ly dis appointed " Would that I could tell them that in Je su s they have mountains and lakes and rivers and

cor n s fi elds streams and treasures and and olive yards , and everything a soul can want to make it blessed " of of re Spirit God , take of the things Christ and veal them to every waiting heart " I now want you to see

How T o T A KE , because John says that of His fulness we have all r e ceiv ed r eceiv e a bu n d , and Paul says that they which R V ance of life Shall reign . ECEI E . D o you know how to receive ? Y ou sa y

Sir , I suppose you mean , I need to pray . N o ir do m s . , , I not ean that You have been pray ing long enough . I want you to leave Off praying in a sense , and to begin taking . There is all the dif ference in the world between praying for Christ , and taking Christ . I will explain . Years ago , I was staying with Canon Wilberforce at Southampton it of was in the first flush my new surrender . One autumn night he said : “ We will Sit around the fire and give our exp eri ” en ces.

c Lord Radstock sat next to me , and he commen ed . to t I followed , and talked as a young convert his great teaching will talk — a good deal about my su r wh o sa t render to Christ . An old clergyman on the of other Side the circle , arose and said

I am very startled that Mr . Meyer has nothing 6 0 CH R IS T TH E COMPLEM EN T OF O UR N EED

T o su better than that . hear him talk you would p pose that we had only g ot to give up . Now my relig ta k in in ion is g , taking in first, and dropping and ” giving up afterwards . ou When y get gold you part with dross , and when m you get real dia onds you part with paste . Get n o Christ , and the world attracts you more . Give me sunlight , and I will dispense with electric light .

of n o Give me the light day , I need artificial lumi nary . “ He continued : I used once to be overcome by to temper . I fought against temper . I came the end of myself on e afternoon when a number of chil on dren refused to listen to my teaching . I was the of to point losing my temper , when I turned Christ , ’ : and said Christ , be my sweet temper . of Instead fighting against bad temper, he took to Christ be his patience , his humility , his meekness , h is selfs con trol sa w . I in a moment that it was a h better experience . I remember next morning w en to Canon Wilberforce came down stairs , as we stood gether he said “ W hat did you think of that last night ? I replied : I think it will mark an era in my ” life . “ : do He said It will the same in mine . to From that minute I have tried live that way ,

: and whatever I have needed , I have said Christ , be ” this in me . That is the good fruit of the land . ? dOes Will you take this Jesus love you . Jesus do n ot so is always near you . I talk about the cross wh o much as about Jesus was crucified . I do not talk about the grave , but about Jesus who rose . I CH R IS T TH E COM PLEM EN T OF O UR N EED 6 1

do not talk about the ascension , but about Jesus who ascended . He is with you and me always . It is not holiness , but it is Jesus the holy one . It is not meekness , it is Jesus the meek one . It is not on e u purity , it is Jesus the pure . Jesus , Jes s , " it ex er ien ce em ti n Jesus not , not an p , not o o , not ith " a S US . f , but E r You have been worrying about you faith . Give it up " Do not think about your faith ; think about

Jesus , and you will have faith without knowing it . Y o u have been worrying about your feeling . It does not matter , it goes up and down with the barometer .

Have done with it , and live in the presence of Jesus .

Soul , thou and Jesus are standing face to face . Give thy whole self to Him and He gives His whole self to thee . Go to your bare garret , go to your dying child , go to scenes of trouble and sorrow and pain , He goes too . You have got the fountain beside you . You do not need to take your pitcher and go to draw in some external well . You have Jesus in your heart , a fountain springing up to everlasting life . 0 wh o soul , how rich thou art , , passing through i of " Jordan , hast come nto the g ood land rest S I" T H AD D R ES S D E LIVE RANC E FR O M T HE POWE R O F S IN

“ 1 3 : Phil . Work out your own salvation F or God with fear and trembling . it is which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good ” pleasure . ou t Salvation . Work your own salvation . is There is a sense in which salvation finished . i There s another sense in which it is in process .

Finished by Christ when He died , and yet in process by the Holy Ghost in our heart . T h e is . Salvation a great prize , with two termini a first terminus is on the cross , where Jesus S ved sin from the guilt , the penalty of ; the second termi nus is in His second Advent , when the body will be be raised and married to the Spirit , and salvation will His complete . But between cross where Jesus put is away guilt , and the second Advent where the body to i th e married the sp rit , between these two there is process of being saved from the power and the love of Sin .

2 : 47 1 1 : 1 8 In Acts , and Cor . , the Revised version “ T h e in each case speaks of people being saved . Lord added to them day by day those that were is m being saved . The word of the cross to the

: u s are that are perishing, foolishness but unto which ” e s i b ing aved it s th e power of God . 6 2 DELI V ER A N CE FR OM TH E PO W ER OF S I N 6 3

“ A man says to me ; Are you saved ? “ I reply : I wa s saved when I trusted Christ ; I sh a ll be saved when my body is raised ; but I am ” in d be sa v e . we . g all the time Aye , are being saved sin is a a r sit o Remember that p a e. Y ur little babe h a s sca rl ets fev er got measles , scarlatina , ; but measles ,

sca r l ets fev er n ot it— scarlatina , are native to they are parasites ; and it is possible that in a few days they ’ will pass , and your child s skin will be better . So n ot Sin is necessary to human nature . Adam was created without it . Christ , a man , lived without it , and we men and women some day will have got over ou r e mumps and measl s and bronchitis , and we Shall be whole . i s . Sin a parasite Thank God , the day will come when I Shall Stand up before my God without a stick in th a t in a or stone Of S . I may carry some scar s h s left , but Sin itself will be gone forever . Next : God com es in to you r h ea r t to ta k e you r id a in st th a r a site sin s e g a e p . A dear friend of mine told me that her boy came

S ca rl ets fe er back from school with v . He came home in a carriage , wrapped in blankets . As he was brought into the hall , she met him and said “ My boy , mother has got a room upstairs for you sit and herself, and mother is going to down by S h e your bed , and is never going to leave it till you is to are well , and mother going help you fight ” against the fever .

h e beds room And s Shut herself up in the with him . Do you think sh e loved the boy less because he was so long getting well ? Once he said to her ’ ou Mother, y have not kissed me lately . Don t 6 4 DE LI VER A NCE F R OM TH E PO WE R O F S IN you love me quite so much because I have got all these marks ?” ou She kissed him , and said I loved y before , n o but I think I love you better w.

O S , dear soul , cursed with the Sin which thou hast taken into thy heart, God hates the Sin , but He loves " thee He knew all about it before He chose thee . disa He will never be suprised . He will never be p ou pointed . He will never love y less . But the more ou Sinful y are , the weaker you are , the more often ou o k ou y have a relapse and g bac , the more often y —for fall , the mother in God , there is mother as

God — well as father in , the mother in God who has come into your heart will fight Sin step by step with H is you . Your weakness will command strongest love . ou on He sits down beside y . The fever is your head and body . He knows it will take long vigil , long care , long patience . He has counted the cost ; is He prepared for a long Sickness . He has taken you in hand , your passions , your impurity , your gar r u lou s gossip , your sulkiness , your jealousy , your of of vainglory , your love money , your love Sin ; God knows it all . But He has come , and will never leave

ou for ou y a moment . If y will let Him , He will ou ou make short work . If y resist Him , y will make ou the work longer . But He will never leave y , He ou e o will never give y up , and howev r Often you fall, g back to Him again . e Suppose some mother had a boy with scarlet f ver, a n d of in the fever he got delirous , and instead keep ing in bed he kept getting ou t; it would be very try in h i r . s eco g , very disappointing He would throw v


see at first . In the twilight I can a chair and a table

ff : and a piano and a chi onier that is all . But the twilight merges into morning, and in the morning see : light I can smaller things the ornaments , the pictures that are on the wall . But morning becomes

n ow see . noon , and I the dust which has gathered I n ot se in i i s e could e that the tw l ght , but I e it at n oon . i d So God deals w th you and me . He oes not turn S in the heart upside down , and empty it of every at once . First the twilight , and we put away obvious sin ; then morning , and we put away other Sins not ’ seen before ; then eleven O clock in the morning , and we put away deeper sin s that we had missed ; until it comes toward meridian , and in the perfect light we put away more sins , the small dust we had see missed . We deeper , deeper down , and every year a man is saved more y from the power “ completel of known Sin . So it is gradual . I think it is perfectly absurd for a man to sa y he is n ot perfectly sanctified . He is within a thousand miles of it . Once , when in Leicester, I was paying on parochial calls , and dropped in a washerwoman

h o of con ra u w had just got out a line clothes . I g t

so . S o lated my friend because they looked white , ’ very much encourag ed by her pastor s kind words , to of sa t She asked him have a cup tea , and we down . n S k Whilst we were taki g the tea , the y clouded and there was a sn owz storm ; and a s I came out the white snow lay everywhere , and I said to her “ Your washing does not look quite so clean a s it

” sai i is Ah , She d, the wash ng rig ht enough ; but DELI VERA NCE F R OM TH E PO W ER O F S IN 6 7 what can stand against God Almighty ’ s white ? ” S O ou y may think that you are clean , because you see have never seen God . When you God , your holi est day will seem to be imperfect ; you will abhor yourself and repent in dust and ashes , and you will need to sa y “ m Forgive me y debts as I forgive my debtors .


T A T IO N .

of ou r Still , up to the limit light God can keep us

sa : from known Sin . I will y that again up to the

of ou r — — u to limit light twilight , morning , noon p the limit of ou r light God is able to keep us from all conscious and known Sin . But He will not keep us Y ou from temptation . cannot help the devil knock ing at the door , but you can help inviting him in to Y ou supper . cannot help the foul vulture flying over i h im your head , but you can help lett ng make a nest in your hair . When you live near God you will be most tempted of the devil . Some men seem to think they are not holy because they are tempted . I should not believe ’ in a man s holiness if he were not tempted . When I was at school , the boys used to avoid certain orchards , because they were full of crab apples ; and you might or know that the apples in those orchards were sour , the boys would g o for them . And if you are not tempted , it Shows that your heart is empty and wicked , and

’ N O T WOR TH T HE D EVIL S W HILE tO spend his time over . When the Spirit of God descended upon Christ He was led by the Spirit into 6 8 DE LI VE RA NCE F ROM THE P O WE R OF S I N the wilderness to be tempted of the devil — Spirit

d il s m ted ev te . filled , p

Y ou a k God ? I s , why does let us be tempted think it is to Show where we are weak ; that upon the temp ta tion ou r ou t for , as stepping stone , we may reach ’ of n ot h ow some God s help . I would know much I needed Christ unless the devil were constantly tempt ing me . ou ou God is working in y . The compunction y ou ou feel when y Sin , the yearning y feel for a better to o to life , your desire g a religious meeting, all are God ou ou proofs that is working in y to deliver y . or is Many a woman of fashion society , perhaps , liv of ing in the very whirl it, and yet , poor thing, in it sh e do n ot really wants something better . My sister, be disheartened — that is God working in you " I be ou S O lieve you are a real child of His , but y are weak ,

ou and you do not like to stand alone , y do what other ou ou women do , and yet y hate it all the time , and y U od i want the better life . nderstand that G s work ou of od ing in y ; you are the workshop G . WO R K O UT WHA T GO D WOR KS IN God Now , I come to my next point . When works o W r u t o n u t. k o w in , you must work o your salva for i O D w r k tion with fear and trembling , it s G that o h ” et in you . Y ou ou must work out what God works in , and y must do it with fear and trembling . Let me explain .

Suppose a great artist is training a young student . He says to that student “ I am coming into your studio to help you to m m ” orrow fro nine till twelve . It is a wonderful thing that this illustrious artist D ELI V ER A N CE FR OM TH E PO W ER O F S IN 6 9 should Spend three hours with that obscure student ; and the man fears . He does not fear the teacher , but he fears lest he will miss a minute of the teacher ’ s help . He trembles , not because he dreads the teacher, but because he is a miser to use up every O " hint , every suggestion , every touch . he trem bles lest he should lose anything . So , dear soul , listen .

The great God has come into your life to live there , and He says to you

S in I am going to save you from the power of . " How careful you ought to be When God Speaks , obey . When God gives a hint , instantly act upon it . Be very fearful lest by any word or act of ’ yours you spoil and thwart and put back God s . work in your life . Work out with fear and trem bling .

God in you will work to will , and then God in you will work to do what He wills . First , God works to will . He does not work to make you feel , because o feeling ends in smoke s Often . God does not work in you to think , because you think and think again ill w . But God works in you to That is , there rises up in your heart a desir e which becomes at last a r N u ose . O p p to be free one knows it , no one guesses it ; but in your soul there rises up the will .

God is always definite . The devil confounds us by bringing a number of points before us , but when

God deals with us He deals with one point at a time . on e He takes one sin , one failure , incumbrance or weight . When you are at the communion table , ou when y are alone , when you are reading your Bible this one thing comes up . God works away there . i a n e ou Now meet H m there , d H will work in y to 70 D ELI V ER A N CE FR OM TH E PO W ER OF S I N

a o will against it . That is the first thing . That w s s with me . a o od About seventeen years g , when G began to

wa s on e work with me , there a thing in my life no knew ; b it in my silent hour God worked in me to will a s O that it Should cease . I w S weak I could not put it away .

Blessed be God , the willing and the doing are

for from Him , and by faith you look to Him to do you what you cannot do for yourself .

I have found God works thus . He leads me to see to a thing be wrong , and then I put my will against

. God it Whenever it comes towards me , says

. of It is coming Hide , hide in the cleft the ” see Rock . I it coming .

—a — — I It is like a chick , hawk , the mother ; I run — d hide the devil fin s me in Christ . And if I fall through not trusting Him to keep me , He works in me to be sorry , and I am sorry ; and then He works in me to confess .

T wo on years ago , one Sunday morning, coming u down to my ch rch , I found that the v erger had done a very foolish thing , for vergers ( though they live in the church ) are not immaculate . I lost my temper . I was of A s going to preach within a quarter an hour . a

ou t of result Of losing my temper , I was as far fel l owsh i ff p with God as a man may get . My o icers were all coming in to pray with me before I entered

. do the pulpit I did not know what to . I knew I ’ had fallen . I knew I dared n ot preach God s gospel

wa s on e until I right with man , because cannot be more right with God than with h is brother man ; ’ one s p osition as a m a n IS the g uag e a n d indicator DELI V ER A N CE FR OM TH E PO W ER OF S I N 7 1

’ of o od one s positi n before G . I thought they would wa s all think that I crazy , but I rang the bell , called to the verger in , and said him ; You did an uncommonly unwise thing just n ow I cannot take that back : but that did not exonerate me ” for losing my temper . Forgive me .

The man looked more startled than pleased ,

a s but that did not matter . I had done what w ’ of right , and my soul Shot into the blue God s heaven again . God worked in me to confess .

A man loses his temper with his wife at breakfast .

He goes down town . All the morning he wishes that n ot of he had done it, and the Spirit God in him says “ ” Tell her when you get home that you are sorry . N o i , we men are very tough m ater al , and in stead he says : of I will buy her a basket strawberries .

z in ea ce offer . He comes with his little p g She , poor dear , understands it . She has lived long enough to ff know that he is only mortal , and She takes the o ering as an apology . But he would have been a manlier and a happier and a more Christlike man if he had said :

Wife , I am a minister, I am an elder , I am a good God man really , but I was away from , and the devil e tripped me up . Forgive m , sweetheart , forgive ” me .

That would be the best way . And when God ou to " works in y confess , confess Confess to man , to Him woman , to child , to servant, to ; and His blood will wash you whiter than snow . H ow long does it take between confession and for giv en ess ? When I was a boy at school and talked to bo x t the y ne t to me , they sent me down to the bo tom 72 DELI V ER A N CE FR OM TH E PO W ER OF S I N

h of the class , and it took me a mont to work up . ou n ot When y do wrong and confess it , God does put you down and leave you to work up for a whole on th e month , but Spot , immediately , He forgives you ou and restores your soul , and puts y back where you ou were before y fell .

Only, dear soul , abide in Jesus . Let the Holy

ou ou Ghost in y keep y abiding in Jesus , so that when Satan comes to knock at your door , Jesus will o g and open it , and as soon as the devil sees the face of Christ looking through the door , he will turn tail like a whipped cur . Let Jesus live in your heart . D o ou ? y live in Jesus When the devil comes , do n ot meet him yourself, but let Jesus meet him , and

ou : y stand behind Him . The negro said When to the devil comes to me, I always introduce him his ” ou betters . Put Jesus between y and the devil . d u Go o . Live in Christ . will work in y He will ou in make y hate s . He will make you loathe what you loved . He will deliver you deeper , ever deeper in your life , from the power and the love of Sin . It bu t may be a long process before the work is done ,

ou ou He will keep y from known Sin , and save y ever deeper down in your heart .

Oh , Thou who art able to keep us from stumbling and to present us faultless before Thy glory with ex ceedin g joy , to Thee , Emmanuel , Christ , Son of God , of " lover my soul , I yield my life , my soul , my all

74 GOD’S T W O M E N of u s O ff is born with a bias the right . By our first birth we all inherit a lost Paradise , sweat, travail , death , and bias to evil .

N ow the second m a n . I see Him first driven by the gust of temptation as He too stands before the f element o life . The first Adam was tempted by a tree , the second Adam was tempted by bread . Just as the first Adam made self and passion his rule, the second Adam made the will of God His rule and said “ ’ ’ n ot to If God says I m eat , I ll not eat . Man shall ” of God S o not live by bread only , but by the Word . Milton was perfectly right when he made “ Paradise ” ’ Regained turn upon Christ s victory over tem p ta tion .

a ds dro See that second man . The be p stands upon

His brow also , for He sits by the well at Sychar , of too tired . The pang travail is in His heart , , for

He bears the infirmity of man , and by His travail a new earth and a new heaven are born . He also tastes S o ou r death , He dies . that there is nothing in lot sin n ot as man , except the bias to , that He does know . on " Look yonder cross The second man is dying .

In yonder grave He lies , but from that grave He i Y ou breaks and s the first man to rise . remind me of r Lazarus . But he did not enter into resur ection ;

on he was Simply a prisoner parole , who went back to death again . But this Man in death and through death passed into resurrection ; and if you want to know what you and your dear ones will some day be , study the risen Christ . He spoke , and Mary recog n ized His voice ; and our dear ones will speak to u s we one day , and shall recognize their voices . He S poke about the things which had happ ened on th e GOD’S T W O M E N 75 other Side of His death ; and ou r dear ones will talk with us some day about the scenes of Bethany and Nazareth and Galilee where they and we walked oft together . e But mark the risen Man . He passes to the as en wh tion mountain . I never can understand y the Church has made so little of the resurrection and as

i n res m in n tl c en s o e e . e , the ascension p y On the as en sion mountain He says farewell . In the early morning

He had left the city . I suppose the disciples fol lowed Him ; they saw Him , but nobody else . The people wh o met them going through the street sa w

see wh o disciples , but they did not the risen Savior preceded them . They came together to the aseen s ion mountain , and He blessed them , and began to ascend , and a cloud , like a chariot sent from His ’ Father s home to fetch Him back , received Him . E phesians 1 : 21 tells us what happened on the oth er Side of the cloud . We are told that principali ties , and powers , and might , and dominion , and every name that is named , not only in this world , but also ” in that which is to come — all waited there to contest ’ ou r E 6 : 1 2 Savior s path . phesians shows that these principalities and powers were not bright angels , but “ devils from hell : We wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against pri ncipalities , against powers , of d against the rulers the darkness of this worl , ” A l against Spiritual wickedness in high places . l hell was there that morning, sworn to stop Christ ? from going back . Why If Christ had been con God tent to go back as , the devil would have been too s to ensible to stop Him , for God must go back God . a s n But Christ took man in Him . He w m a , the glo 76 GOD’S T W O M E N

rifled , risen , ascending man , the second Adam ; and all hell tried to stop Christ taking the man to the

of . a s God n ot throne God He may go , but He must or go as the representative man ; else , just as in the ou t of S O first man the race came Paradise, , in the second man , all who believe in Him will reenter Par adise . Therefore the devil must stop it if he can . But you might as well try to stop a cork rising by ’ sea c wa ter r piling on it , as try to stop Ch ist s rising

on ou by piling devils Him . He went thr gh them , and passed into the heavens ; and for the first time — and it is S O wonderful " — for the first time in the history of the universe the creature was taken into union with the eternal God at the very throne of

God Himself .

Now , friends , understand that your nature as a man is the regnant nature , the ruling nature in the

A n lo : S a x on universe . In the world I suppose the g ou r h u race is the supreme race , and in the universe man nature is


O wonderful nature which I possess , and which is of so worn by the Son Man , that dying Stephen said “ see S O II of I the heavens opened , and the Man " standing at the right hand of God .

on e I stop for a moment , and I call upon every to “ sa : raise his heart and y Worthy art Thou , O Son S on of " of Man , who art also God Crowns , crowns , crowns for the exalted second man " N ow remember , by the first birth we are all in the fi m an b a rst , and y the second birth we m y all be in GOD’S T WO M E N 77

the second man . You are born by nature into Adam

the first , you are born by grace into Adam the sec “ A S ond many as received Him , to them gave He of h the right to become the sons God , even to t em ” that believe on His name .

Thank God , you may be born again as you Sit lis

tening to my voice " Look at my hand . That hand two on e has sides , the toward the ceiling , the other

t o of toward this floor ; w sides the same hand . That hand Shall stand for the act by which we become t wo . united with Christ . That act has sides Angels “ ” in hea ven call it being born again ; men on earth “ ” call it trust in Jesus . If you trust Jesus you are

born again , and if you are born again you will trust

Jesus , and you cannot tell which comes first , any more than you can tell which spoke of the wheel be

gins to move first . They all move together . N ow , soul , listen . In the past you have been a

v v gay and fri olous woman , or you ha e been a money

loving man . You have lived a butterfly life , and you wh have come to hear me , you hardly know y. Some

one asked you , and you thought you might pass an t o hour or w . I tell you that if you will unite your wh o self with Jesus Christ died for us , if you will lift “ your heart to Him n ow a n d sa y : Jesus I come to ” u Thee , and tr st Thee as my Savior , you may not have tears or emotion or a paroxysm , or feel at all , of but you do it in cold blood , you do it by an act your will , you choose Christ . The moment you do that , the Holy Spirit of God binds you in a living n ew union with Christ , and the germ of a life is put b r n a a in into your soul . You are o g " It will begin to ou t work . It may take years before it works ; but 78 GOD’ S T WO MEN

ou it will begin to work instantaneously, and y will of belong to the aristocracy the universe , Jesus Christ and the new humanity .

Now we must go a step further . It is one of the most wonderful things in the Bible to discover what is known as the aorist tense , the Greek aorist , the

2 : definite past act . Now that aorist is used in Eph . 5 6 , , where the Apostle says , as in Colossians , that we were quickened with Christ , were raised with Christ , ascended with Christ , and are seated at the right of hand God .

N ow follow me . God knew all those wh o would believe in Jesus and become united with Him , and

of on Jesus stood for all them . When He was the wh o wh o l Hi cross , all were to believe , Sha l believe , s on e — " on true church all were the cross in Him , and ou r i in Christ we paid the penalty of sins . It s im l u sa w possible for me to go to hel , beca se God to it that my Sin was punished when I died in Christ . I paid my debt when I died nearly nineteen hundred ’ years ago in God s purpose in Christ . Then when

He lay in the grave , and women and men bore Him there and put Him to what appeared to be His last sleep , you and I and all the church lay in the grave

too .

My brother , if you go back and live a worldly life , you have to go back through the g rave to it, because

of the grave lies between the body of Christ , which you are a part , and the world that cast Him out . d The worl cast Him out , and when they cast Him out they cast us out also , and we were buried in Christ by the world that hates the church .

But just as Eve was taken out of Adam as he slept, GOD ’S T W O M E N 79

wa s the Church taken out of Christ in His sleep , and when He rose we Streamed out a great procession r E f om the grave . And on aster morning I celebrate

own not only the resurrection of Christ but my , for I

too was raised in Him . " wa s O it a good thing when , as I crossed the Atlan m tic , we got through that storm . It was such a stor that I could hardly preach to the people in the sa wa s so we loon , the Ship rocking ; but after a while be got through the disturbance , and left the storm

u s. hind And in Christ , when He died , the ark of God carried you and me through the storm of death of into clear water , and above us is the blue sky ’ God s love .

On ascension day I celebrate my ascension also, and ’ in God s purpose all of us wh o believe are seated in we wh o Christ , and must live day by day as those in ’ God s purpose have passed into the heavenly life .

You tell me that when I die my eternity will begin . t wa s No such hing . My eternity began when I born E d in Christ . ternal life is in my heart to ay , and the only difference that will come to me when I pass is through what men call death , but which to me not

— it death is only the shadow of death , for I died in

u Christ , and I can never pass again thro gh the agony of h death , but I will pass through the shadow of deat , wa s d and no one ever hurt by a sha ow yet , although they may have been a little fearful — the only difference that will come to me is that I shall get rid , for a time

at least , of a rather crazy body , which will lie to wait until my spirit rejoins it in perfect beauty . But d God will never love me more than He does to ay , d and I shall never be nearer God than I am to ay, 80 GOD ’S T W O M E N

and already I hunger no more , nor thirst any more , n or neither does the sun smite me any heat , because already the Lamb is leading me day by day to living

of fountains waters , and God is wiping all tears from i s . my eyes . Eternity begun h o ou t Now let u s see just w this works .

POSIT ION d Go . First , as to your position before Your posi IN C H R d tion is IS T . You are standing to ay in Christ . Never forget to distinguish between your standing sta n din and your experience . Your g is in Christ ,

your exp er ien ce is in your emotion . John Bunyan ou r ou r says that emotion is like Spending money, the money we have in ou r pocket : it is sometimes ou r ou r more , but generally less ; but standing in we Forerunner is like the money have in the bank , a which is not fi ected by our daily expenses . I am

ov er s tired in sometimes happy , sometimes worn , ,

clin ed to n be nervous ; but I never mi d , because it does n ot matter to me whether I pass through the dark and the valley Of sorrow and all transient de

u n a fi ected pression . My position is because it is

settled in my Forerunner , my Priest , my Savior , my

d . Hea , in whom I Stand before God O , blessed be od " k G for that Do not loo , therefore , for evidence in

your emotions , but look for your title deeds in Christ

the Forerunner . VICTOR Y

x V . Ne t , look at your ictory In Christ you are

N o : wa s above the devil . w mark The devil made to ’ be God s V icegerent . He fell . In his stead God th e made man to have dominion over the earth , and

82 GOD ’S T W O M E N

D O you belong to His hand ? N ’ ” o do . , Sir , I don t enough

: ou i ou I said Man alive , if y are a Chr stian , y are in of some part of the body Christ . Where are ” you ? “ ” “ Well, he said , I may be in His feet . ou His Well , if y are in feet , that will serve my for is m purpose , it written , He will put all ene ies

under His feet . And so it is proved beyond doubt and forever more that the man wh o h a s g ot Christ in him is devil proof . The devil cannot touch him if he abides in

Christ . N ow , the only way in which the devil can get the better of you is to strew some crumbs to get you of A S from under the wing Christ . long as you stay there , the devil cannot touch you . So he puts some little morsels of worldly pleasure , and evil imagina “ : tion , and lust , and passion , and he says Come ” n " along, come alo g, come along and when you come ou t ou , he has y . But if you keep in Christ he can n in ot touch you . Abide Christ and let Christ abide h a s in you , and the devil no power .


4 : 8 : One thing more . Eph . Wherefore he saith , When He ascended up on high He led captivity cap ” 2 : 33 : tive , and gave gifts unto men . Acts There fore being by the right hand of God exalted , and having received of the Father the promise of the n o Holy Ghost , He hath shed forth this which ye w see and hear . When the Son of Man entered the presence of the G OD ’S T W O M E N 83

Father as our forerunner and representative , Peter tells us ( the Greek word bears the meaning) , that He

Sked the Father for the Holy Spirit . As the

erson in wa s on e second p the Holy Trinity , Jesus ’ t wi h the Father and the Holy Spirit before all time , but when He became man He put out of use the a t of tributes His deity for the time being . At any mo ment He might have used them , and indeed the devil tried to induce Him to do so , but He refused , and was content to live the human life in the power of

God received into His human nature . When He e wa s w nt up to God it still as the ascended , glorified , representative man ; and as such He came to His F a so ther and said , to speak

Father , I have glorified Thee on the earth , I have

finished the Work which Thou gavest Me to do . And n ow I come to Thee , and behind Me there are mil lions of Spirits that are following on the wa y that I wh o have made for them , millions are to believe in wh o Me , to become united with Me by faith , and soon will come to be with Me where I am . I ask noth ing for M yself, it is enough for Me to be with You again ; but I ask for them that Thou wouldest give to s Me as their representative , the fulnes of the Holy

Ghost, that what I have had I may be able to com m u n ica te to them . So He received of the Father the promise of the wa s on e Holy Ghost ; not as God , because as such He with the Holy Ghost , but as man , as the representa i t ve man , that He might be able to communicate

Him to men . of two A friend mine was in Switzerland , and Englishmen came into the hotel where he wa s stay 84 G OD’S T W O M E N

ing , and engaged three guides . They were going to take a very precipitous ascent up the Side of a m oun of wa s m tain , a piece ice which al ost as steep as the side of a house . When they reached the Spot they r e : oped themselv s together a guide , a traveler, a to guide , a traveler , a guide . They commenced climb , and by cutting notches in the ice wall they were able f to o . place the toes their feet So they crept up, to and they had nearly reached the p , when in some way the last man lost his footing and beg an to sway .

He pulled down the man above him , and he too be fro gan to swing Slowly to and . The two pulled down the third , and the third , the fourth , and all four were swinging over the precipice in imminent of danger being dashed to pieces . The only thing that kept them was the rope around the waist of the

first man . As soon as he felt the strain , he took his ice a n d axe drove it hard into the ice just above him , a n d held to it for life ; and as he stood for an i n stant or two , the man next him regained his footing , the so man beneath , his , and on to the end of the line , and the whole fi v e stood because the first m an stood .

You understand the application . You and I have n o power ; we swing to and fro ; but by faith we are to is bound Christ , and because He in the glory and stands up there , we Shall be pulled up at last from ffi of the di culties this present life , to stand with Him ’ His forever in Father s presence . E IGHTH A D DR ES S T HE A O I T I G I T T HE O LY S PI R I T N N N W H H .

There is no need for me to prove or attempt to prove that the Holy Ghost is a person . In the Greek , for though the name the Holy Ghost is neuter , it is a u t s followed by a personal pronoun o , which could n ot be used unless the Holy Spirit was a person . Readers of the English Bible will remember that the “ ” : a n d Holy Spirit said Separate me Barnabas Saul , “ : and the Apostle says Grieve not the Holy Spirit . w Only a person can designate orkmen , and only a

n perso with a tender nature could be grieved . As

ou y worship the Father and the Son , worship the

God. Holy Spirit ; three persons , but one Before Pentecost the Holy Spirit brooded over our world . In chaos He moved to educe cosmos . He to of God wrought in holy men inspire the Word . wa He prepared the y for Christ . But Pentecost was

His birthday . Just as Jesus Christ was in the world before His incarnation , but His incarnation was His so th e birthday into the body , the Holy Ghost was in on world before Pentecost , but the day of Pentecost of He was born into the body Christ . And as the of wa s of body born the virgin the home Christ , and of through it He wrought , so the Church is the body the Holy Spirit , through which He is working during i a d this era , until the body Shall rejo n the Head, n 85 86 TH E A N OIN TIN G WITH T H E H OLY S PIR IT

on e Head and body make entity , a new man for ever A S wa s of so more . the manger the cradle Christ , the upper chamber in Jeru salem was the cradle of the ’ R Holy Spirit s incarnation . Hence the oman Catholic sh e Church , claiming that is the only true church , calls ” of see herself the see the Holy Ghost . The word sedes of is the Latin , a seat . The Church Rome sh e of a n d says is the seat the Holy Ghost , thus takes to herself that which is the province of the

Holy Catholic Church ; the body of Christ , which is of not visible , but which consists all who believe , is see of the seat , the , the throne , the most Holy Spirit .

Men talk as though God were an absentee . But every true believer , every audience gathered in the of see name Christ , is the home , the , the body of God the Holy Spirit . Now on the da y of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came of to give power to the preaching the gospel . Jesus of Christ was conceived the Holy Ghost . The Holy Thing born of the pure virgin was wrought by the

Holy Spirit , and through thirty years Jesus was led and taught amid His native hills by the divine Spir ou r it . Beneath His impulse Lord went down to the

Jordan , and being baptized He identified Himself with the Sins of men : for the Jordan wa s ( so to speak ) saturated with the sin that was confessed over it , and when Jesus Christ Stepped into it He became ( as it of were ) identified with the sin the race , though He

Himself was sinless . From the Jordan He went forth to k His work , but not before the s y had been rift , and the Holy Spirit had come upon Him with the gentle movement of a dove . Wh a tl h a d He not been conceived by the Holy TH E A N OIN TIN G W ITH TH E H OL Y S PIR IT 87

Spirit ? Yes . Was He not one with the Holy Spirti ?

Certainly . Why then should He be again anointed ? Because His human nature needed to be empowered by the Holy Spirit before even He could do successful service in the world . Jesus waited for thirty years until He was anointed , and only then did He say “ The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me , ( Greek , i ” e U N . p , PO me ) , and He hath anointed me to preach How absurd it is for us to send young men to col leg s to equip them with intellectual store of classic and philosophic learning , and to send them out to t teach , withou insisting upon it that if Christ waited n to be a ointed before He went to preach , no young man ought to preach until he , too , has been anointed of the Holy Ghost " F or three years ou r Lord wrought in the ou r power of the Holy Ghost . Never forget that Lord ’ s ministry was not in the power of the second person of the Holy Trinity , but in the power of the of third person the Holy Trinity . As Saint Peter

: said God anointed Him with the Holy Ghost , and ” ff He went about doing good . On the cross He o ered

Himself to God in the power of the eternal Spirit .

He was raised from the dead by the Holy Ghost , and during the forty days He gave command to His apos tles in and by the Holy Ghost . And before He went , He said to His disciples that as He received His ?

Pentecost at the Jordan , He would see that the wa s of church had her Pentecost too . He conceived b the Holy Ghost , but He was anointed y the Holy

Ghost . The church was conceived by the Holy

Ghost , but the church , before attempting her minis try , must also be anointed by the Holy Ghost ; and 88 TH E A N OI N TIN G WITH TH E H OL Y S PIR IT

to what the baptism in Jordan was the Head , the day of Pentecost was to the body . The Head communicated the Holy Ghost to the body , as I explained in the preceding address . I ask every Bible student to note that wonderful “ word : He r eceiv ed of the Father the promise of the ” N o h a d Holy Ghost . sooner He received it than He turned to see if H is people were prepared to r e ceiv e of it , and then He opened the window heaven and poured down a Niagara upon His church ; and ever Since He has been there in the glory , charged , yes , charged with the power of the Holy Spirit . And just as a man may touch a man charged with electric so ou ity , and a Spark will answer, y cannot touch the living Christ by faith without the Spark of the Holy

Ghost flashing into your soul . e i Brethren , the Greek preposition p is significant of Pentecost . Pentecost differs from regeneration . In regeneration the Holy Spirit is described as being within , but in Pentecost and ever after the Holy

a s u n . Ghost is described being p o He anoints , He falls upon , He equips ; and I ask that before this meeting Shall close , every one in this audience who h a s been regenerated by the Holy Ghost shall be come anointed , filled , empowered with the Holy

Ghost . It would make


h Y ou There is where you have failed , my brot er . n ot have been preaching the cross , but you have been preaching the cross in the demonstration and of power the blessed Spirit . dis When I was at Leicester , there were many


priest in the Temple presented twelve loaves , the specimen and the result of the harvest ; and inasmuch as God chose the day of Pentecost for the outpouring

of the Holy Spirit, He surely meant us to understand

that the day of Pentecost was a specimen day , and that what He did that day He was prepared to do every day ; and He would have done it if the church

n ot . had choked and frustrated His plans Secondly , “ in Acts you have these words of Peter : This

promise is unto you , and to your children , and to all " O fl ou r that are afar , even as many as the Lord God ” U shall call . nderstand therefore that the promise of Pentecost is for you also , because God has called d m a you , and from to ay you y go forth charg ed with n h I h power from o g .


sa : Now a Step further . You y to me Sir , tell me ” h ow I may get this power myself .

I will . I know a little of it , thank God , and I hope as the years pass that I may know more and more . This truth has revolutionized my life . Any mechanic knows this law to be true : obey the

of c . law a for e , and the force will obey you I repeat

: of f es it obey the law a or , and that force will obey t iv force wa e . you . Take I cannot make water do m y will until I understand the la w upon which it works . If I want water to go up hill , I must study the law by which water seeks its own level ; and if I ’ construct my machinery to obey the law of water , then having obeyed the law of water, water E for will obey me . What has dison been doing the last twenty years in his laboratory ? He h a s been TH E A N OIN TIN G W ITH T H E H OL Y S PIR IT 91

Studying the law of electricity , and having studied the law upon which electricity works , he has con structed his machinery to obey that la w; and ever since he perfected his obedience , electricity has been c his slave , and there is nothing he annot make elec tricity perform if only he is patient and Wise enough to understand the method on which ele ctricity will work . I once asked some men this very profound ques tion : When wa s there more electricity in the world ” — ? now , or away back a hundred years They all said there wa s more electrici ty in the world

= to day than there had ever been before . Poor fools they must have been to come to such a conclusion . of Why , before Adam stepped the sward Paradise a s there was much electricity in the cloud , in the air , d and in nature as there is to ay , only man did not l a w of understand the electricity , and therefore elec tr icity would n ot obey his summons . There wa s f o . plenty electricity , but men never used it o S is it with the Holy Spirit . There is as much V Holy Spirit power in your little illage church , my h in brot er , as there is in the largest tabernacle the country , and the mistake of your life has been that you have never yet learned the la w of the Holy

Ghost ; for if you had , the Holy Ghost would have come flowing through your life a s much as through the life

r of a Peter o a John . You seem to think that God is a

God of favoritism . You seem to think that God has His chosen favorites Whom He endues with the H O l a re y Ghost here and there , whilst all the rest left to of take their chance . I admit that the gifts the liv

on bu ing Christ are given His sovereign decision , t 92 TH E A NOIN TIN G WITH T H E H OL Y S PIR IT

of F O R V R Y N for the power the Holy Ghost is E E O E , you .

Now let me tell you briefly the conditions on which ,

ou if y obey them , you may at this minute and from n o — I wa s sa w be able to going to y, but perhaps it — m m n d is too startling to co a the Holy Ghost . I

sa God : think I will y that , however , because says “ ” Of the work of My hand command ye Me . And if G od a man will obey to the uttermost, he may com of mand the power God at any moment . Now what are these conditions ? They are as far m e as I know five . If you discover another , let know . FIVE CON DITION S

Y ou n n t h v e th w r th H l First . ca o a e p o e of e o y Ghost withou th a v in g th e H oly Gh ostH im self. l to That is , the Ho y Gh ost must come you as a per son ou H i before y can enjoy s attribute . In other ou words , y must be a holy man before you can wield the power of the Holy Ghost . There are plenty of men who think that if they could only get the power of the Holy Ghost they would be able to fill their churches and sell their books and get themselves it n ot H im Y ou name and fame . They want , but . n ou ca not have it without having Him . If y want the d power of the Holy Ghost , open your heart to ay ou and be filled with the Holy Ghost , and then y will have His power . t l n d Y ou m u s be c e se . Second . a " n ot Oh , I do want to speak wisely I do want

ou ou . needlessly to offend y , or denounce y But I do feel in my heart that if the Holy Spirit is going to work through you or any body He m ust have a TH E A N OIN TIN G WITH THE H OLY S PIR IT 93

cleansed vessel . The body must be clean . N ow I kno w that I might here dilate on many of those indulgences that men and women permit . I would much prefer not to characterize them , because you yourselves know anything in your life which is inconsistent with the perfect majesty and purity of wh o that Spirit has made your body His temple . th i But if my body is really the temple , e res dence and of of the throne the Holy Ghost , I must be as careful it as I would be if I were the custodian of a temple of of in the inner part which the light God shone . a I need not s y more than that . Y ou m u st liv e or th e l r h r ist s Third . f g o y of C a u r u r m d yo s p e e en .

Jesus Christ, came into the world to glorify the to Father , and the Holy Ghost came into the world

on I t glorify the S . therefore you want the Holy Ghost to work with you you must agre e with the

Holy Ghost to glorify Jesus , for the Spirit was not g iven till Jesus was glorified . Y u r r ea chin a n d tea chin m u st be in Fourth . o p g g h r m n with th e W r d God a o y o of .

I am a " uaker by extraction , and I glory in it, especially when I know what they have been in this country . I dissent from them because I believe they went wrong when they magnified the Holy Spirit to the exclusion , in many cases , of the Word Of God . And with all love I would sa y that if there is on e danger ahead for the Salvation Army of the present of day , it is lest they should magnify the work the of od of Spirit G in experience , apart from the Word

God taught to their converts . Remember that the of God Holy Spirit is like a locomotive , the Word 94 TH E A NOINTI N G WITH TH E H OLY S PIR IT like the steel rails ; and you must have the steel rails of the Bible as well as the stea m s p ower of the Holy

. ou Ghost Let the Holy Ghost fill y , but He will work along that Book . And I hold that the fact that the Holy Spirit elects to work through that Book is its most complete vindication against all that modern sa A S critics have to y. long as the Holy Ghost is prepared to stand by it and to work by it , I hold it to be in an incomparable sense the Word of the liv it ing God to man . I am well satisfied to accept all ,

Jonah and the fish included . Th e H l ir it m u st r . S be eceiv d Fifth , and last o y p e

ith 5 b a . . n ot yf Gal is the battle axe . I would “ be without that text for anything : That we might ” receive the promise of the Spirit though faith . ’ All God s dealings with men are on the same prin ci l e . ou t p , by faith By faith y are regenerate , by fai h ou ou sa n tifi ed y are justified , by faith y are , by faith ou y receive the Holy Ghost , by faith you receive a s i Christ the power of God nto your life . It is all by faith .

Let me close with this bit of personal experience . I have always gone on the principle that ou r moral constitution is on the same plan ; that just as ou r

on so ou r faces are made the same plan , moral nature is made on the same plan ; and on e of the k eys n otes of : U my life has been nderstand yourself, and you

of will understand something everybody else .

I had been for a long time a minister in Leicester , with a large church and of considerable influence in the city , but very unhappy . Conscious that I had n ot of received the power the Holy Ghost, I went up

i ou so to that l ttle villag e , the name of which y hear T H E A N OIN TIN G WITH T H E H OL Y S PIR IT 95

’ Often , Keswick . A great number of God s people gathered there to seek and to receive the power of l the Holy Spirit , and they e ected to have a prayer ’ a meeting from nine o clock to eleven and onw rds , to

" pray for the Holy Ghost . A great many people were wa s there agonizing . I too tired to agonize , and I somehow felt that God did not want me to agonize

t k e hour after hour , but I had to learn to a ; that God wanted to give , and I had only to take . To : morrow your little girl will c ome down to k brea fast . She is very hungry , and the bread and or milk the oatmeal is on the table . You do not say on Little girlie , run upstairs , and agonize , roll the ” floor for an hour , and then come down . “ : You say to her Little one , I am so glad you have N ow ot . g a good appetite there is your chair , in you ”

sa . get , y your prayer , and start away

That is what God says to the soul . Those all nights of prayer for the Holy Ghost are principally necessary to get the people wh o pray into a fit condi tion to receive the Holy Ghost ; for when the people are ready the Holy Ghost will come without a g on iz ing .

a s in wa s So I left that p r yer m eet g at Keswick . It ’ ou t eleven o clock or half past eleven , and I crept in V to the lane , and away from the little illage . The a n d on lights died away in the distance , I stood the hill , or walked to and fro the stars Shining upon me , and n ow and again a little cloud dropping a baptism f of re o rain upon my face , as though symbolic the freshing my soul wa s to receive . As I walked I said : 96 TH E A NOINTING WI TH TH E H OLY S PIRIT

is O , my God , if there a man in this village who needs the power Of the Holy Ghost to rest upon him , h o it is I ; but I do not know w to receive Him . I am too too too tired , worn , nervously down to agonize “ A voice said to me : As you took forgiveness of from the hand the dying Christ , take the Holy ” Ghost from the hand of the living Christ . “ : I turned to Christ and said Lord , as I breathe in iR of so i this wh warm night air , I breathe nto every ” part of me Thy blessed Spirit . n o a s I felt hand laid upon my head , there w no wa s lambent flame , there no rushing sound from hea v en ; but by faith , without emotion , without ex citem en t I took , and took for the first time , and I on have kept taking ever since . to i a I turned leave the mounta n Side , and s I went down , the tempter said “ is i You have got nothing . It moonsh ne . “ ” I said : I have .

i He said : Do you feel it ? n I do ot. ou do o it Then if y not feel it you have not g t . “ : do n ot i I said I feel it , but I reckon that God s faithful , and He could not have brought a hungry to soul claim by faith , and then give a stone for fi sh bread , and a scorpion for a . I know I have got od it because G led me to claim . of I met a number young clergymen , and they fought it with me . They said “ N o n o we we , , feel , we feel to have it , and know ot we have g it . But said I to them : H ow will you do tos m orrow n ot ? O morning when you do feel it N w I , who take


His en We have followed Christ in ascension , as tering the presence Of His Father . He asked and God received from the Holy Spirit . We have also “ ” h o seen w Christ made Christians . Christ means “ ” on e anointed Christian means anointed . The words “ chrism and “ Christ are identical in derivation . A man becomes truly a Christian when he is anointed with the Holy Spirit . of be I speak now the other aspect of Pentecost , it cause , though is quite true that Pentecost means th e a n in tin on th e h ea d a n d h ea r t o g , it also means th llin h H l ir it e in t e S . fi g of o y p Therefore, in Acts — we are told that they were all women and men , “ ” laymen and apostles — all were alike filled with the

Holy Spirit .

N ow . on e u s , Eph gives each of a positive “ ” : command Be filled with the Spirit . It is very " remarkable that in Acts 2 and Ephesians 5 the in fi ll ing of the Holy Spirit in its effect is compared to the ’ “ fl e t o f n ot e c s wine on the physical system . Be is drunk with wine , wherein excess , but be filled with x the Spirit, and you can never have e cess , you can to of never have o much the Spirit . There are three points of comparison that I want

ou — o y to notice j y, speech , power . i n x i i F rst . Wine produces a se se of e h larat on . A 98 TH E IN F ILLIN G O F TH E H OLY S PIR IT 9 9

drunken man will sing as he reels to his home , and when a man is really filled with the Holy Ghost he b e

S iritz fi ll ed comes a Singing Christian , and a p church E f is always a Singing church . very great outburst o the Holy Spirit ’ s power has been accompanied by ’ singing . Luther s revival spread through Germany ’ wa s by Singing Luther s hymns . Whitfield a ecom a n ied p by a Wesley , and Moody by a Sankey , and in Germany the Moravian Church has given to us the f o . songs Gerhardt , with many more

Secondly . A man who is filled with wine is gar

ru lou s . . He talks ; you cannot keep him still And k a man who is filled with the Holy Spirit tal s , he cannot keep silence , he must tell what God has done . ' wh o win e is Thirdly . A man is filled with con of of scious a great increase power . He feels as if he could stand alone against the world . So the man wh o is filled with the Holy Ghost is full also of the of od power G . N ow this filling of the Holy Spirit may come su d den l y, or more unconsciously , just as in Scotland they of or have what they call a spate water , a well may

fill up with water percolating in drop by drop . of Whenever the spirit man , smitten with thirst , to comes Christ , and opens its whole content towards

Christ , instantly Christ begins to infill that Spirit . It

in fi llin may not be conscious of the gradual g , but by His grace He will never stay His hand until the earthly system has been filled to the very full from i of God s . the river of , which full water of Now , there are three tenses used in the Greek , we of this filling . In Acts are told the converts the highlands of Galatia that they wer e bein g fi lled 1 00 THE INFILLIN G OF THE H OLY S PIR IT

with joy and with the Holy Ghost all the time . They were like some mountain tarn which is always being filled from the melting of the snows above ; and as on to the water flows enrich the pasture land beneath , so I n water is ever percolating from the upper snow . od or on O child of G , be a brimming lakelet tarn , the on e ou t to b u t hand always giving a dying world, always kept full because you receive every moment from Jesus " Then Acts tells us that Stephen was a man fu ll ” of the Holy Ghost full , the adjective ; from which a I gather that he w s an equable man . He did not

fi ts a s n ot u have and starts , he w now lifted p and then ou depressed ; but always , whenever y met Stephen , there was the same heavenly look , the same tender g racious word , the same perfect beauty of character, and the same eagerness to glorify Christ . O , beloved on friends , I wish that you may keep being filled , and that you may always be full "

And then , Acts tells us that Peter , th ough he on of had been filled the day Pentecost , nevertheless Wa s suddenly fi lled a g a in as he had to speak to the

Sanhedrin . I suppose that for a moment he cen tered on God himself ; he looked up , and received a sudden and immediate and complete equipment for h is work . ou Beloved minister , y may be a man full of the

Holy Ghost in your family , but when you kneel in a t your vestry before entering your pulpit , before a tempting mission , before undertaking any definite for work God by lip or pen , be sure that you are specially equipped by a new reception of the Holy m Ghost . In y own life I have found it absolutely


” of a I in you . That is what I spoke in of preceding address , the revelation the indwelling

Christ . It is a beautif u l thing to know th at the 1 4th chap ter of John begins with ou r mansion or abidin g r pl a ce ’

V . ( R . . Marg ) with God and ends with God s mansion or a bidin g s p la ce with us ; for the same word which is used of the mansions of the ’ Father s house in the second verse , is used in the ’ twen tyz th ird verse of God s mansion in the Spirit of the believer . “ Men sa y to me : Is not this mysticism that you teach ? ” “ : is I answer Every mystic not a Christian , but e every Christian is bound to be a mystic , becaus ” of mysticism is the indwelling God . Religion amongst the Hindoos is the indwelling of n God , but it disappoints them ; they ca not reach it because they seek it by endeavoring for the a bsorp of tion of themselves , the loss their individuality , in

God . We as Christians seek also to know the in of ou r dwelling God , but it is not by the loss of indi ’ v idu a lit bu t of y, by the reception God s nature as the determining power working through the individual “ v to ity which He has gi en us . Ye shall know that ” a m in I the Father , and ye in me , and I in you . “ Now turn to John 1 6 : 23 : And in th a t da y ye “ Shall ask me nothing The Greek word is : Ye shall ask me no questions . Up to that time the disciples kept asking questions

" suggested by the intellect, curious questions ; but when th e da y of Pentecost came they did not need TH E IN FILLIN G OF TH E H OL Y S PIR IT 1 03 to a th sk questions with e intellect , because they S a w w truth ith the heart . a sk If I am blind , I my friend concerning the “ ” landscape : Are there mountains ? Yes . Riv ” ” ” fi eld Y ers ? Cor n s ? es. Yes . I ask question after question , and get what help I can . or of But when my eyes are op ened , when the light the morning breaks , I ask no more questions about of the contour, the configuration the landscape , f r because I see it o myself . Before you have the power of the Holy Ghost you will be curious about many questions ; but when the Holy Ghost Shall come you shall know all things h ’ clearly with the eart . I often think that woman s

“ nature enables me to understand h ow we know in the of power the Holy Ghost . A man is said to reason of his way , a woman by the quick glance her intu ition S h e sees what can not reason , and she jumps to a conclusion to which her husband reasons his wa y S O ten minutes later . is it with the heart when it is illumined by the Holy Spirit . The pure heart of the believer leaps to conclusions which eye hath not d seen , nor ear heard , nor the r eason of man conceive . The faculty of knowledge is altered : we no longer seek it by the intellect , b ut by the heart . The busy

in tu ition er intellectual disputant becomes the deep . “ I n th a t And then , thirdly, turn to John a k da y ye Shall s in my name . “ N O W in the Bible name stands for nature , a n d you are always perfectly justified in substituting “ ” ” the word nature for name . So Christ says that da P when the y of en tecost has come, we Shall ask in 1 04 TH E IN FILLIN G O F T H E H OL Y S PIR IT

or ll a sk His nature , rather , that His nature wi through us ; and whenever the nature of Jesus asks

of th e anything Father , it asks that which the Father

i on e . s bound to give , because He and Jesus are ’ In one s earlier life one asks for a great many things which God never gives ; and we are sometimes in o era startled , and begin to think that prayer is p on ou r to tive . But further in life we allow prayers pass the test of the nature of Christ ; and as on e re ou r quest after another arises in hearts , we bring it of of into the light the nature Jesus , and there are a great many things that we therefore reject . I cannot a sk this , I dare not ask that , I feel that they would

of n ow be incongruous with the nature my Lord , which has become my nature , and so would ask only in the nature of Christ . I find in my own life that I do not pray quite S O or long as I used . I pray more slowly . I Sit , stand , or wait before God until I tell what Christ is want ing at that moment , and when in my heart , by the of to Holy Spirit , the prayer my Lord is made clear me , I take it up . I launch my little canoe upon the ’ of current my Savior s intercession , and I have what

I ask . two There are indeed two Advocates , Paracletes .

of God — There is the Paraclete in the heart , Jesus ; and there is the Paraclete in the heart of the believ er — two , the Holy Ghost ; and these Paracletes are

on e . When the Holy Spirit breathes your prayer, He will inspire that which it is on the heart of Jesus to ou of entreat , and y have the perfect circle prayer — ou the Father , the Son , the Holy Ghost in y , your voice raised in un ison with the music of the Holy


n ot see which rose and fell , and though I could his confederate , I knew that down in the pit there was another man who had hold of the sa w; and I could tell the rhythm and the motion of the body of the see man I could not , by noticing the rhythm and the of ee motion of the body the man I could s . And I saw at once that that was an illustration of the co : witness of the Holy Ghost . When a man stands up in his pulpit and says ; ” “ : Jesus died , the Holy Ghosts says He did , and it was by Me that He ofi ered Himself to ” “ ”

God. : When the minister says He rose , the “ Holy Ghost says : He did : a n d it was by My power that He wa s raised and declared to be the Son of ” “ od : G . When we say He went back to God and ” liveth and reigneth with the Father , the Holy

: Ghost , brooding in the Church , says Yea , Amen , I have just left Him ; I a m in loving fellowship with

on Him ; I and the Son and the Father are e .

O , brother ministers , ever since I learned this , my work has been quite altered , because now , when I of enter my pulpit , I go as only a very small part the great machinery which is in operation . I have to speak , but the Holy Ghost is all the time working

n of with me , and he ce the salvation my people does of not stand in the wisdom men , but in the power and of demonstration the Holy Ghost . If they received of efi ect simply upon my putting it , the would be evanescent , but when the Holy Spirit demonstrates a to thing the conscience it is permanent . Y ou and I were once at school . We had a problem r in geomet y . We might have seen at a glance that h so e d such and Suc a thing must be , bu t w were calle TH E IN FILLIN G OF TH E H OL Y S PIR IT 1 07

upon to demonstrate it , and the demonstration would

ou r S O be conclusion . the Holy Ghost establishes of the word the child , the servant of God , in the

Bible class , in the mission , and in the church . of In London , in the winter, after the services the

ou r m a ic z la n tern church are over , we have g service from nine to ten O ’ clock for people whose clothes are too shabby to come among the more respectable audi o en ces. It is s dark that Nicodemus does not mind coming in . I carefully prepare my sermon , and keep on e of proof it , and give the other to my secretary , : who operates from the gallery . I begin to preach “ When I say : God so loved the world that He gave ” His only begotten Son , I know that as I utter the words he flashes on the screen behind me a picture of “ : the world , a globe with a scroll around it God is ” “ sa : N ow love . When I y is the time to accept this “ ”

n ow . Christ , the word will appear behind me ’ of And if I speak the Savior s dying love and pity , " ’ instantly I know , by previous agreement , that Dor s picture Of the crucified Christ is appealing to the be people . I do not need to look to see if it is there , cause the awe , the reverence , the silence of the people indicate to me that that great Sight is r ep re

secr etra r sented on the canvass . My y demonstrates to the eye what I say to the ear .

My meaning , I trust , is distinct . You and I may go to work for God , may go into


“ ” The word communion , which the minister invokes upon the people as they leave , means fellowship , com m on action ; a n d th e m inister stands before the people 1 08 TH E IN F I LLIN G OF TH E H OL Y S PIR IT

of in the communion the Holy Ghost , and the Holy

Ghost demonstrates the word he feebly speaks .

of S O O , men God , mind that you are always filled with the Spirit that wherever you go the Holy Spirit o ou Y ou m a y be prepared to g with y . know the old Welsh story of the crowded congregation that waited for John Ellis . They sent for him . The man came “ sa : back to y I heard him talking to somebody , and I did not like to disturb him They said : Go ” again and rap . He went , and came back and said

I heard him talking still , and I heard him " sa y, I will not go unless you come along John E llis came in five minutes later , and the One he had

n o a been talking to came with him , though one s w of Him ; and they had a meeting wonderful power . m Brother ministers , never go unless He co es too .

1 1 : 1 5 In Acts , Peter , speaking about Cornelius ’ and the descent of the Holy Ghost in Cornelius

on house , says rather ruefully , as if he looked back a sermon which was only half delivered

A S . I began to speak , the Holy Ghost fell Peter had only g ot through his introduction — h e

— had not got as far as his first head , and the Holy

Ghost came down , and said ou in Man , y have made a good start , and into your trodu c tion you have put the life and death and work of N ow Jesus . That is text enough for me . stand aside , and I will finish the sermon . "” As I began to Speak Why , I am thankful to God to if I have been able speak for half an hour , and to wards the end of my sermon I can see the Holy Spir it has fallen upon my people . But O that we might be so filled with the Spirit and care so m uch about the


” housetop to pray , about the Sixth hour . Some may “ sa : S O think that when I y Do not pray much , but ” to take , I mean that they are give up their lonely od N O G . ot N o hours f fellowship with at all . true experience can ever exist apart from communion with n for God . But mind, i stead of asking so many ou for fe things that God cannot give , y will ask a w ou t things definitely , you will be led in prayer, you will feel you cannot help praying for those few so things , and you will have much to do in praising ’ and thanking God for giving you your heart s de sire that your p ra yer z tim es will tend to be longer rather than shorter . Y ou willin to iv e u r e u dice must be g g p p j . When Peter wa s first commanded to kill and eat of the creatures let down from heaven in the sheet , he “ : so : said Not , Lord for I have never eaten anything ” or that is common unclean . But after thinking wa s about the V ision , he willing to give up lifelong prejudices . I have met men in my life who have refused to r eceive these teachings about the Holy Ghost , which in these latter days God has made known to His

: church . They have said with Peter “ N ot o old of s . , Lord I believe in the good way to putting things, and I refuse accept any further light that may break from Thy Word . ’ That very Often stereotypes a man s power . He od to cannot advance with G . If Peter had refused God on advance with God , would have gone without od him . Be sure to advance with G .

Y tfi u id d ou must be Sp ir i g e . This also was “ P : true of eter . The Spirit said Three men seek TH E IN FILLIN G O F TH E HOL Y S PIR IT 1 1 1

thee ; go with them .

Now listen . Never take an impulse in your heart of or as being final . It may be the devil , it may be of of the Spirit God . The devil often comes as an of angel light , but you may always know when the of impulse is God , first , by its becoming a settled

u Y ou p rpose . may always know the devil because he asks questions . The devil always deals with notes of ou of interrogation , and whenever y have a lot of notes interrogation flitting about your mind , you b kn ow it is the dust raised y the devil . When God ou deals with y He is always definite , and the impres sion grows stronger every time you pray . But any impression from God ’ s Spirit is always corroborated

: by two things by the Word , and by circumstances . The Spirit of God and the Word of God are parallel lines . And if you are truly called Of God , circum stances will coincide with the Spiritual impulse . of God ou t The inward impulse , the Word , and the ward circumstances will be in line . So it was with “ ” : Peter . The Spirit said Three men seek thee , and d suddenly he heard three men rapping own stairs . of a s Always wait for the knock the man , well as the impulse from the Holy Ghost , agreeing with the of Word God . Y u l of ou must be h m b e . When this Roman fi cer fell before Peter the fisherman , Peter lifted him ”

: on . up , and said Stand your feet ; I also am a man ou r There was nothing of the priest about Peter . In country the priest is rather glad to have a man at h is of God feet ; but Peter, a Sincere transparent servant , did not look down , but said "” Man , stand up 1 1 2 TH E IN FILLIN G OF T H E H OLY S PIR IT

A truly humble soul is necessary for the coz op era t ion of the Holy Ghost . Y th l r h r t ou must seek e g o y of C is . My secretary and I agree upon ou r sermon for the magic lantern service before we start ; and if you ou want the Holy Ghost to help y in your preaching, you and the Holy Ghost must agree together what ou to to y are going preach about . If you are going talk about social reform , I should not be at all su r prised if the Holy Ghost should sa y

If you are going to preach that , you must do it to yourself, for I will have nothing do with it . “ Y ou will sa y : I want to preach on the last polit ical crisis . “ : V o on The Holy Ghost will answer ery well , g ; a but you must go your own w y. I cannot help you with that . ou sa Or y will come to the Holy Spirit , and y ” Blessed Spirit, what Shall I preach from ? and “ ” there will steal into your heart the name " ES US " a n d the Holy Ghost will say :

Y ou ou may begin where you like , y may deal ou with any historical subject you like , but y must end ” with the Lord Jesus Christ . Some time a g o one of my friends went ou t with a little boy who wa s leading him across the common from the railroad station to the house . My friend said to him ; GO to S u n da ys sch ool ? Y ” es . What did your teacher talk about last Sunda y afternoon ? “ 0 , he was talking about Jacob .


I have left out of my addresses a g reat ma ny n in s i themes , such as justification , and adoptio , and p ration , and the second premillenial advent , all of which I steadfastly hold . I have tried to hold up to of n ot you the doctrines the inner life , the Objective ,

b u t . the subjective , Side of Christianity But in ex pounding the latter you must not suppose that I do n ot i with equal tenacity hold the object ve , the for mer . i i b I hardly know how to fin sh this ser es , except y od Speaking upon the rest of G . If I can only be the to ou Joshua conduct y into rest , my work will be worthily finished ; for the climax of the teaching of is the inner life always the perfect rest of the heart . ’ The voice that breathed o er E den spoke of rest . 2 3 h od . : t e G In Gen we are told of rest of , and upon that day there fell no nigh t , because the rest of d n Go o . has shadow in it, and never terminates

God has left Open the door . It stands wide open , and every heart which He has made may share in it .

A rest which is full of work ; but like the cyclone , all the atoms of which revolve in turbulent motion so th e a ctiv around the central cavity of rest , do all ities of God revolve around His deepest heart which is is tranquil and serene . And it possible, if you an d x s a n d I learn the lesson . amid an iety and orrow 1 1 4 HE A R T RES T 1 1 5 trial and pressure of work always to carry a heart S O so peaceful , still , so serene as to be like the depth of the Atlantic which is not disturbed by the tu rb u lent winds that sweep its surface . N ow this rest of God spoken of in Genesis wa s not exhausted by the Sabbath , or by Canaan ; for after each of these had existed for many a century

God still spoke of His rest as being unoccupied . And 1 1 28 29 at last in Matt . ; , , a simple peasant ( so of He seemed , ) stood up amid a number peasants

fi sh er s folk and and others , and said On this breast of Mine is a pillow for every heavy heart . My breast is broad enough , My heart f is deep enough . I o fer Myself to all weary ones ” r ests iv er for in every clime and age as Shiloh , the g ;

Shiloh in Him had come . is e One feels that here the acc nt of Deity . He says “ I am meek and lowly in heart . And yet He assumes to H imself the prerog ative of

t h a z l a n g iving rest o all that labor and are e v y de . How can you possibly account for the meet ing of humility so great with pretentions so e normous in of this meekest men unless He be more than man , the Son of God incarnate ? Y ou will notice that as

He stands there upon some mountain slope , with Chor

l a n dz l ock ed azin , Bethsaida and Capernaum on the of two of lake of Gali lee at His feet , He Speaks kinds iv es rest, the rest He g , and the deeper rest which “ n d He shows us how to fi . I will give you rest ,

He says , and then in a softer undertone He whispers “ ” Take My yoke and you Shall find rest . I will not speak n ow about the rest He giv es— rest 1 1 6 HE A RT RE S T

of from the guilt Sin , rest from its penal ty , rest from conviction , rest from an accusing conscience , rest from of the dread and the wrath God . That rest He gave ou ou y , beloved, when y knelt years ago at the cross foot , and from those parched lips the dying Christ , your priest and intercessor , gave rest unto your soul and being justified by faith you h ad peace with God ou r through Lord Jesus Christ . of of I will not speak this , but something deeper , because I find that there are tens of thousands of

Christians who have got the first rest , but have not got the second . They could look death in the face with ou t wavering , but they cannot look panic , disaster , e or bereav ment , pain trial in the face without disquiet . ” n d You shall fi rest , but you must look for it . I to ou wh er e h ow want Show y to find it , and ; in three f r on o e . ways , which are one , they converge in

I . u t k e H is e Y ou m s ta k . First . yo N ow , at first Sight it appears ridiculous that those who labor and are heavy laden should find rest by of or having the imposition a new yoke burden , how “ : is ever light . He says My yoke easy , My burden ” is light . But then , even an easy yoke with a light burden imposed on labor ing and weary souls would n ot H ow ? surely give them rest . can it be Ah , " listen It is not a yoke that Jesus imposes , but it is the yoke that He Himself car ried , and a yoke by the of — very nature it includes two . He says then stand

— to ou : ing beneath a yoke y , weary soul

Come hither and share My yoke with me , and we will pull the plow together t hrough the long furrow f i ” O l fe .

1 1 8 H EA R T R ES T

to i or butes , and was content live as El jah , John the to of Baptist, or as you and I have live , a life perpet

n ual dependence upo God . ’ S O Directly a creature lives , it has to take God s ’ h plan , and then to take God s power . W enever God n gives a pla , He gives the soul everything which is on necessary for its completion . So when Moses the sa w of mountain the plan the tabernacle , every dia mon d and pearl and piece of gold and silver and wood and carved work and embroidery complete , painted by the rainbow upon the cloud or standing V be before him like a fair ision , he knew that down low amongst the people he could find a duplicate for o everything that he had seen . S Jesus Christ was ’ ’ always looking at the Father s will , the Father s plan , ’ and then seeking by faith the Father s power . That was His yoke . so F or It came into evidence often . instance , when on b He healed the Sab ath day , and they accused “ : Him , He said I could not help it . My Father

n o ou t worketh hitherto , and I could do other than work ” what My Father wrought in . He went across the lake to give His disciples a vacation . Five thousand v hungry men broke in , and in their ad ent He saw the ’ of intrusion His Father s plan , and adopted it . He of started for the home Jairus . A woman with a h sa w touch arrested Him , and in her Slight touc He ’ again His Father s will and plan , and waited to heal w her . Then He moved leisurely forward , kno ing that at the house of Jairns He would have suffi cient it power to raise his daughter . And in the garden ’ was His Father s will ben eath which He bowed His H EA R T R ES T 1 1 9

” meek soul , saying : Not My will , but Thine " In the context also there is a most lovely illustra tion of this . He had been wrestling from the human side ( so to speak ) with the great problem — wh y God hides things from the wise and prudent , and reveals ”

: . them unto babes ; and He said Even so , Father

: The Revised version translates it Yea , Father ,

: but it ought to have translated it Yes , Father . ’ “ Y E S Christ s life was a perpetual to God . And if you want to live a life of rest you must pace the of sa weary furrow your life with an upturned face , y “ ”

: . es " ing Yes , yes , yes Always y A gentleman went into a deaf and dumb institution to in London inspect it , and at the close the boys and a t girls were gathered the foot of the platform . He wrote on the Slate ; “ ou Why did God make y deaf and dumb , and me able to hear and speak ? ob A s went through the audience . Then a little w th e boy came do n aisle , and took the chalk and wrote the answer beneath so o T h Even , Father : for s it seemed good in y ” sig ht . “ bo That y said yes to God . “ Some on e says to me : If I always had to do with God wa s , I would not mind . If it disaster , Shipwreck ,

fire , anything which I could trust to God , I hope I am

Christian enough to bow to it . But what worries me , and makes me feverish and restless , is that things come

: sa to me from my fellow men . I cannot y yes to those . m r i ou " Y ou e Ah , y f end , y m ust will never g t rest 1 20 H EA R T R ES T

ou n ot if y do . I tried that myself once , and I found h that I had at last to come to t is , and to make

N O DIS TINCTION B ETWEEN WHA T GO D A PPOIN TED A ND HA GO D R M D W T PE ITTE . His permission and His appointments are equally " ob so for His will . thought , though Satan blasted “ : w his prosperity he said The Lord hath taken a ay . “ so : Joseph thought , for he said It was not you that ” so sent me down here , but God David thought , “ because he said : God hath let Shimei curse ; let him ” so curse . Jesus thought , because when Judas came into the garden to arrest Him He said : The cup that My Father giveth Me to drink , Shall I not drink ” it ? Though it had been brought to H is lip by a

Judas , it had been mixed by His Father . N ow it seems to me as if you and I are enclosed in d ’ Go . An arrow comes from the enemy s bow . A man that hates me writes an anonymous letter . Some on e s w defraud me . Some oman sets an unkind story afloat about me . The evil travels towards me . If God liked , He could let the arrow pass this way or that . But if my God opens and permits the evil to to pass through His encompassing power my heart , fi m e it by the time it has passed through God to , has ’ become God s will for me . He permits it , and that for sa is His will my life . I do not y that that man will escape his just doom . God will deal with him .

I am not going to worry myself about him . In early days I would have taken infinite pains to avert the or evil that men wished to do me , perhaps to repay u n a r them , or to Show that the evil was perfectly w ranted . I confess that I have ceased to worry about

1 22 H EA R T R ES T

: week , you will change your note again I delight in ’ Thy will . w We begin by illing it, we come to choose it, and i we end by delighting in it . And that s


’ Will you take the yoke of God toz da y? God s u s will comes to ( first ) by His Spirit , ( second ) by

His Word , and ( thirdly ) by circumstances . And I think it is in circumstances that we are most tested .

is a It just there that we have to meet God , and just s in some electric light the two points have to come very close together before the light Shines between ’ m so of of the , the point your will and the point God s to will have touch , and then the light of acquiescence ou t and peace flashes . Y ou know of course what a corn on the foot is ou t of the boot rubs it , and nature throws a Shield fl hard Skin , which we call a corn ; and the tender esh is under the corn . There have been things in my life that fretted and worried me , and I seemed to

u t throw o a little corn , and was Strong and hard and bore up like a martyr , like a hero . But I learned that a s that wa s not the sweetest way . I w running away ’ from God s will whenever I had a chance , and evaded

— it . I have learned better lately just quietly day by ’ to day let God s will play upon my heart , not running I from it , not hiding from it , but taking it . take

His yoke . There are some people who bear the yoke because they cannot help it ; there are other people wh o take

? . it . Have you taken it Take it now by your will a s or i or You h ve lo t your dear husband W fe , you have H EA R T R ES T 1 2 3

or lost your money , you have lost your lover . Now

it is no use running away into society . I meet with

many girls who have been disappointed in love , and

they have gone into society , and made themselves

hard , and steeled themselves against love in every

way , while they have been running away from them

selves , from God . You will live to come to an end

at last . You will learn to look up into the face of the

C ru cifi ed sa : , and y “ Jesus , I take the yoke .

Why , you know when you are driving a young it horse , if that horse frets and kicks , it Simply gets wa self into a lather , but it has to go your y after all .

Much better for the young horse if , instead of plung

ing and kicking and fretting , it would only take the

collar and the bit right away . That is what you are — a young colt ; and you are

foaming and fretting and working yourself into a fury .

Y ou wa . will never get right in that y Come back ,

and quietly take what God permits , and understand that in that there is the secret of rest ; and a new

tranquility will come . You will have your floods of ”

: . tears , but you will say I take the will of God “ ” Anoint your head and wash your face . I am so very fond of that verse . We go about whining “ O dear " my sufferi n g " And so we give people th e

conception that God is very hard , and everybody m pities us , and it is rather co fortable to be pitied . You feel that you are somebody if you excite some ’ body else s pity , and in that you get your reward . But

if you anoint your head , and wash your face , and

on put your sweetest look , and dress your nicest , and

live your sweet orderly self, hiding your pain in your 1 24 H EA R T R ES T

God ou heart , who seeth in secret will reward y openly , and you shall live to see what you thought absolutely necessary to your life to be a handful of withered for disa be leaves . I thank God my ppointments , cause I see n ow that they were H is appointment

ments . II There are the two other methods by which you can “ in n th . o e b a i find rest your soul The is y f . We ” believ ed do which have enter into rest . Hebrews h a s The point there is that faith two hands . on e is With hand faith . always handing over , and with the other sh e is always reaching down ; the up and

the down life . The angels went up on the ladder ’ carrying Jacob s worries , and they came down the ’ ladder bringing God s help . Mind you have the two t directions in your life . Send hem up, and let them

come down . D o you know what it is when you are worried to ” sa God : kneel down and y to Father , take this , and by on e definite act to hand over the worry to God and leave it there ? I heard a lady sa y that She had been in the habit of kneeling by her bedside and to God handing things over , and then jumping into her bed and by a strong pull pulling in all the things

N ow . after her . that is not the best way When tr u st you really God , you put a thing into His hands , or and then you do not worry yourself Him . If on e m e there is thing that annoys more than another , “ ” it is for a man to say to me : Will you do this ? “ ” sa : And I y Certainly , and then he keeps sending postcards or letters to me all the time to work me up . I sa y

1 26 HE A RT RE S T

God but Hudson Taylor said it meant : Reckon on ” “ God 5 : faith to you . He continued All my life has so been fickle . Sometimes I could trust , sometimes n ot I could not , but when I could trust then I reck ” u o ed that God would be faithful . There is a text “ : that says If we believe not , yet He abideth faith ” ful , He cannot deny Himself . And I sometimes go “ sa : to God about a thing , and y My God , I really cannot trust Thee about this , I cannot trust Thee to pull me through this expenditure of money with my ” means , but I reckon on Thy faithfulness . And ou when y cease to think about your faith , and , like

Sarah , reckon Him faithful , your faith comes without ou your knowing it , and y are strong .

M Y A R N G " P TI TE T .

“ : This is my parting text God is fai thful , by by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His ” 1 Cor 1 : 9 Son Jesus Christ our Lord . . . Fellowship " The same Greek word occurs in Luke ’ 5 on . When Jesus was in Peter s boat the lake , and of the net was breaking with the big haul fish , then

S O Peter beckoned to his partner . that we might read “ : the text thus God is faithful , by whom ye were ” r t r hi i h on called into p a n e s p w t His S . Wonderful conception— that Jesus Christ came to share my guilt and sorrow , that I might be lifted into partner ship with Him forever " I f a N ew York business: man wanted to start his son in business in London , he would call some Old son and confidential clerk into fellowship with his , old and send them over together . Suppose the clerk Should take on e of the most expensive sites in H E A R T R E S T 1 2 7

the city of London , put his name down for an im

mense rent , and open a big business , a man might come to him and say “ You have launched out ? ” ” I a w s . Yes , he says , sent to do it Have you a n y money ? Are you worth much ? ” N O . Have you no money to fall back on ? N ” O .

ou Then , how do y dare to enter upon this amaz ing expenditure ? ” Because I have been sent by the head of our

house to open this place . He told me to go ahead , and that he from N ew York would meet all the ou t I lay . have worked for him for thirty years , and he

has never failed me yet . He is faithful , and he will ” stand at my back to the end . I Now , brothers , you and and every Christian

worker have been called to rest and work in Christ .

Behind you is your faithful God , and He cannot fail . k If you will take the yo e of Christ , if you will hand

things over to Christ , and if you will count upon God

I — at your back , do not mind what happens , your

heart will be at rest . Like the shell which , taken from the ocean , repeats the murmur that she learned

in the ocean depths , so your heart will repeat the ou t of deep sweet music of the heart of God, which you have come .