Halliford School Shepperton
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HALLIFORD SCHOOL INDEPENDENT20SCHOOLS08 GUIDE UNICORN SCHOOL21 HallifordSchool in Shepperton isanindependentdayschool forboys aged 11- Some wordsabout us but notbyus! 18 and girlsaged 16-18. The administrativecentreofthe school isafine Georgianhousesetin sixacresbeside the RiverThames.Behind the old house ‘...positive,happylearning atmosphere...’ aremodernbuildingshousing lightand airy classrooms,anInformation TechnologyCentre,art rooms,adesign and technologyworkshop and four ‘The results of entrancetests toseniorschoolsareconsistently acresof playing fields.Thereisalsoamulti-medialecturetheatre/assembly good,withthe most able pupilsachieving scholarships.’ hall,kitchen and dining areaand amagnificentnewsports hall,library and SixthFormCentrewhichopened in September2005. Additionalplaying fields ‘Pupilsarewell-educated and theyenjoytheirlearning,whichcon- aretobefound 400 hundred yardsfrom the school gate. tainsagood dealofcreativity and stimulation forthem.’ The SixthFormatHallifordisco-educational. Therearemorethan20 sub- jects offered atA-level whicharetaughtin small groupsand therearetutors ‘Adistinctivefeatureofthe school isits warm,friendlyatmos- available togiveguidanceonuniversity entrance. Bursariesand scholarships phere.’ areavailable. Hallifordisasmall school wherethe staff areable togettoknowall the ‘The positiveand caring ethosof the school providesnumerous pupilspersonally.The facilitiesaregood,the teaching isexcellentand the opportunitiesforpupilstodevelop academically,personallyand atmosphereisfriendly.Emerging from thissecurecommunity,the Halliford socially.Preparation foradultlife isenhanced greatlybythe inter- studentgoesout intothe adultworld equipped withself-confidence,asound action of all members of the Unicorncommunity.’ education, awareness of ‘Pupilsshowaparticularlywell-developed caring,responsible and the needsof oth- consideratesocialawareness of others.’ ers and often examination IndependentSchoolsInspectorateReport 2006 results far (Youcanviewthe glowing report in full atwww.isinspect.org.uk) beyond his orher Last yearwasyetanotherwonderfulyearatUnicornSchool,withan expectations. outstanding 96percentachieved overall in KeyStage 2SATs.Wehope Pleasecontact youwill visitustodiscoverwhatmakesthe UnicornSchool somagical. the Registraron 01932 223593 UnicornSchool,238KewRoad,Richmond,SurreyTW93JX. forfurtherinfor- Tel:020 8948 3926.Email:[email protected] mation. school.org.uk Halliford School Shepperton Independent Day School forBoys aged 11-18 and Girls aged 16 -18 OPEN DAYS 2007 Saturday 6th October Visitors arewelcome between 10.00-12noon. The Headmaster will be in open forum in the Theatreat12noon. Thursday 15th and Tuesday 20th November Tours at 9.30am, 11.30am &2.30pm Please telephone the Registrar foranappointment SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING Wednesday 10th October Visitors arewelcome between 6.30pm-8.30pm Halliford School, Russell Road, Shepperton, Middx TW17 9HX Tel: 01932 223593 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.hallifordschool.co.uk Reg Charity No.312090 Halliford School is aregistered charity providing quality independent education Askthe experts INDEPENDENT20SCHOOLS08 GUIDE HowcanIbest support mygifted son tomake sure “Myfive-year-old isdriving me madwithhispickyeating. he maximiseshispotential? HowcanIgethim toeatwithout abattle?” Mensa’sGifted Child Consultant, interests and introducehim tonew Kim Roberts,regionaldirectorat food. Immediatelythatfeeling of LynAllcock,says:“Ifyour child is ones. Parentline Plus,says:“Itcanprovoke powerlessness iscut through –the well-adjusted and happyathome Respond positivelytohisideasand alotof anxiety when your child child isin control. and school then youneed do no more talk through hisconcernsand diffi- won’teatthe food you’veprepared,so “Also,put out dishesof the different thanoffersupport cultieswithhim. Rememberthatjust it’simportanttotake astep back elements of the mealforchildren to and encourage- like everyone else,the gifted child is from the situation becauseit’swhen take the differentbits theywant. ment. Help him not,and doesnothavetobe,good at we’redriven bythatfrustration that Theyknowthey’reeating whatthey tofollowhis everything.Ifyour child isexperienc- mealtimesaremorelikelytobecome like and aslong aswhat’son the ing difficultiesyoumaywantto abattleground. Don’tsee itasaper- table isachoiceofacceptable alter- investigateand rectifythe situation. sonalreflection on youasa natives,then weasparents canrelax “Thereareanumberof individuals parent. –they’rechoosing between and organisationswho cansupport “Food isoften an thingswe’rehappyforthem to youin this.Theywill alsohavethe instrumentof control. beeating. experienceand knowledge toadvise Children arelittle and “Try tomake mealtimes youastothe best courseofaction in they’vegotanuncan- moreenjoyable –make your circumstances. nyknackofworking pancakesorfingerfood so “Most LocalEducation Authorities out wheretheycan the children canmake haveaGifted Children’sAdviserand exercisecontrol. faceson theirplates.It’stry- in the caseofadisagreementwith “Defusethe situation by ing totake the focus off a your child’sschool youmaychooseto making alist withhim platefuloffood thatthe child contactthem. of whathe likes doesn’twanttoeatand the “Being the parentof agifted child and putting itup parentwants them to canbeabewildering and lonelyexpe- in the kitchen so eat.” rience. Talking tothe parents of youcanuseit othergifted children canbeofreal when you’re help.Most gifted children’sorganisa- prepar- tionshavelocalsupport.” ing INDEPENDENT20SCHOOLS08 GUIDE NOTTING HILL &EALING HIGH SCHOOL 23 Experts in educating girls NottingHilland Ealing HighSchoolarespecialistsin girls’education withteach- ingand pastoralcaregeared specificallytowardstheirneeds.InbothJuniorand SeniorSchools,anunusuallyeffectivebalanceofinformality,coupled withtraditional values,producesahappyand relaxed environmentwheretalented girlscanenjoy learning and develop asindividuals.Although anunashamedlyacademicschool, withaselectiveintake,weaim toeducateinthe widest sense. Girlsatall agesareencouraged todevelop asindependentlearners and the cur- riculumissupported byaccess tothe very best in facilitiesand ICT. Our tradition asinnovators in education continueswiththe introduction of Chineseasacompulsory modernlanguage forYear7from 2007.Girlsin the Junior School canlearninafterschool clubs. Academicresults areoutstanding and our leavers gain access totheiruniversities and coursesof first choice(including Oxbridge). Art,musicand dramaall flourish and thereareexcellentextracurricularopportunitieswithdozensof clubs,societies and activitiestostimulate,involveand entertain. GirlsatNHEHS will find much moreherethansimplythatrequired forexamination success. Moreinformation isavailable from the AdmissionsSecretary including detailson scholarshipsand means-tested bursaries(available in the SeniorSchool only). Notting Hill &Ealing Notting Hill &Ealing High School GDST High School GDST Junior School for Girls Aged 4-11 Senior School for Girls Aged 11-18 26 St Stephen’sRoad, London, W13 8HH 2Cleveland Road, London W13 8AX Developing confident The school's care for learners in an each individual is at environmentinwhich the heart of her personal girls' strengths flourish and academic success Open Days for Admission 2008 Open Days for Admission 2008 Year 7Open Evening Admission at 4+ (Reception) and 7+ (Year 3) Thursday 18 October from 5.15pm. (last tour 6.45pm) Parents and girls welcome -noneed to book Tuesday 25 September at 2:00pm Year 7Open Mornings -all at 11.15am (please book) Wednesday 17 October at 2:00pm Wednesday 19 September Tuesday 2October Meeting and tour,parents only Friday 9November ] Wednesday 7November at 8:45am Monday 19 November Wednesday 14 November at 2:00pm Into the Sixth Evening (please book) Thursday 8November at 7.00pm Wednesday 21 November at 8:45am Parents and daughters interested in our very successful Sixth Form are invited to meet staffand students. To reserve your place at an Open Event, for information on occasional To reserve your place at an Open Event, for information on occasional vacancies in other year groups or to request aprospectus please vacancies in other year groups or to request aprospectus please contact the Admissions Secretary on 020 8991 2165 contact the Admissions Secretary on 020 8991 2165 Email:[email protected] Email:[email protected] WWW.nhehs.gdst.net Registered charity number 306983 WWW.nhehs.gdst.net Registered charity number 306983 JACK AND JILL SCHOOL Independent Nursery &Pre-Preparatory School Jackand Jill School wasfounded in 1951 byMrs Molly Papirnik,grandmotherof the presentprincipal,with emphasisupon atraditionaleducation in a‘home from • Co-educational Nursery School for children from 2years old home’ environment.Itoperateson twositeswiththe Year1 • Girls only Reception, Years 1and 2classes and 2girlson the school’soriginalsiteinHampton,and the • Extended child care available 8am to 6pm throughout the year Nursery and Reception pupilsatTwickenhamGreen. • Individual attention assured by high staff to pupil ratio • Experienced, committed, well qualified staff The curriculumremainstraditionalwithearlyacceleration • Traditional education in a‘home from home’ environment in literacyand mathematics,balanced byawide range of creativeand investigative topicscovering all areasof the NationalCurriculumand EarlyLearning goals. Ahappy,friendly introduction to school life Children areinthe careofcommitted and well qualified staff.The Nursery day For