Report of Activities 2007 113

Preliminary Bedrock Geology of the New Germany Map Area (NTS 21A/10), Southern Nova Scotia

C. E. White Introduction to produce a 1:50 000-scale bedrock map (White and Kaul, 2007) showing the distribution of units

and mineral occurrences. The Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

continued bedrock mapping through the summer of 2007 in the New Germany map area (NTS Stratigraphy 21A/10). This work completes the northernmost part of the area covered by the South Shore Introduction Bedrock Mapping Project (Fig. 1). The project has provided a greater understanding of the The earliest regional geological mapping at a stratigraphy, structure, metamorphism and mineral reasonable scale (1 inch to 1 mile) in the current deposits of southwestern Nova Scotia. map area was done by Faribault et al. (1939a, b). As with previous map sheets in the project area They subdivided the stratified rocks into an older (e.g. White, 2005, 2006, 2007), geological data grey or blue-grey quartzite (Goldenville Formation) were collected at a scale of 1:10 000 and complied and a younger grey, green, and black slate (Halifax

Figure 1. Simplified geological map of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, showing location of the New Germany map area in relation to the Southwest Nova and South Shore mapping projects (red box).

White, C. E. 2008: in Mineral Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2007; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report ME 2008-1, p. 113-124. 114 Mineral Resources Branch

Formation), and placed both formations in the Meguma or “Gold-bearing” Series, which they considered to be Precambrian. They placed the boundary between the Goldenville and Halifax formations at the highest exposed bed of quartzite in the Goldenville. Faribault et al. (1939a, b) also noted that the base of their defined Halifax Formation consists of a package of green-grey slate and argillite that passes upwards into purple, green- grey, and black slate. They considered the granitoid rocks that intruded these units to be . Taylor (1967), during his 1960 to 1961 regional mapping, compiled the earlier work of Faribault et al. (1939a, b) on his maps but considered the Goldenville and Halifax formations to be and older. Like Faribault et al. (1939a, b), he placed the contact between the two formations at the top of the highest ‘arenaceous’ bed in the Goldenville Formation but suggested that the contact, in places, is gradational with a ‘transition zone’ up to ½ mile wide. He also considered the granitoid plutons to be Devonian to . The granitic rocks in the map area were studied by Horne (1992) as part of the South Mountain Batholith mapping project and although the contact between the granite and metasedimentary units was slightly modified, the geology in the adjacent Meguma Group was primarily after Faribault et al. (1939a, b). The traditional two-fold division of the Meguma Group into the Goldenville and Halifax formations is currently undergoing major revisions by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources (e.g. White, 2007, 2008; White et al., 2007a, b). These revisions are largely the result of mapping related to the South Shore Bedrock Mapping Project and the earlier Southwest Nova Mapping Project, which have led to the definition of regionally mappable ‘formations’ within the traditional Goldenville and Halifax formations. As a result, the Goldenville and Halifax formations have been elevated to ‘group’ status and the former Meguma Group is now Meguma Supergroup (Schenk, 1995, 1997; Horne and Pelley, 2007; White et al., 2007a, b; White 2008). White (2005, 2006, 2007) established formations in the Liverpool, Lake Rossignol and Kejimkujik map areas to the southwest of the present map area. Work done in 2007 shows that those formations continue into the present map area Report of Activities 2007 115

Figure 2. Simplified geological map of the New Germany map area (NTS 21A/10). See legend on facing page. and include the Green Harbour, Government Point, locally preserve cross-bedding, ripple marks, and and Moshers Island formations of the late graded bedding. The metasandstone locally Neoproterozoic to Goldenville Group, contains abundant elliptical calc-silicate lenses. and the overlying Late Cambrian to Early Close to the contacts with the South Mountain Ordovician Cunard and Feltzen formations of the Batholith, the metasiltstone beds have been Halifax Group. thermally metamorphosed to hornfels and contain cordierite ± andalusite. The contact with the Goldenville Group overlying Government Point Formation is not exposed but is considered gradational as it is in the Green Harbour Formation map areas to the southwest (e.g. White, 2005, 2006, 2007). As in the map areas to the southwest (White, 2005, 2006, 2007), the distribution of the Green Harbour Government Point Formation Formation (formerly member) is controlled by the plunge of numerous northeast-trending regional The Government Point Formation (formerly folds (Fig. 2). The formation consists of grey thick- member) is typified by green-grey to purple bedded (1-4 m thick) metasandstone interbedded metasiltstone rhythmically interbedded with light with minor, thin (<20 cm thick) green, cleaved grey metasandstone (Fig. 3b). Beds range from metasiltstone. The metasandstone typically lacks 10 cm to 1 m in thickness. The metasandstone sedimentary structures, although in places it is locally displays spectacular cross-bedding, whereas thinly bedded (Fig. 3a). Metasiltstone interbeds metasiltstone interbeds are generally parallel 116 Mineral Resources Branch laminated. At one location north of Farmington, a that the contact between the Goldenville and thin (10 cm thick) metalimestone bed was Halifax groups in southwestern Nova Scotia be observed, but unlike the calc-silicate nodules in a placed at the base of the Cunard Formation, where similar stratigraphic position to the southwest abundant black sulphide-rich slate enters the (White, 2007) it did not yield any shelly fossils. stratigraphy. This interpretation is supported This formation is similar to the lower green and further by whole-rock geochemistry of the purple slates described by Faribault et al. (1939a, Meguma Supergroup in the Pubnico-Chester area, b) at the base of their defined Halifax Formation. which indicates a gradual increase in MnO content As metamorphic grade increases toward the South up section from the Green Harbour to Government Mountain Batholith, the metasiltstone is spotted Point formations, culminating with MnO contents with cordierite ± andalusite. This unit is best up to 25 wt.% in the manganese-rich Moshers exposed along logging roads in the area west of Island Formation, followed by a dramatic decrease Parkdale (Fig. 2). to 0 wt.% MnO in the overlying Cunard Formation (Toole, 2006; White et al., 2008; unpublished data, Moshers Island Formation Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources). The presence of MnO in the Green Harbour, As in the Liverpool, Lake Rossignol and Government Point and Moshers Island formations Kejimkujik map areas to the south (White, 2005, suggests a genetic relationship among these units 2006, 2007), the Moshers Island Formation in the which is distinct from the overlying MnO-depleted present map area (Fig. 2) is a narrow (<100-500 m Cunard Formation. Such a distinctive geochemical wide) unit of green to green-grey to grey, well signature can be used to define stratigraphic units laminated metasiltstone to slate, interlayered with 1 (North American Commission on Stratigraphic to 5 cm-thick metasandstone beds. A characteristic Nonenclature Code, 2005). feature in this unit is thin (2 to 20 mm wide), ptygmatically folded, pink coticule beds and lenses. Halifax Group The pink colour is due to the presence of spessartine garnet. Where metamorphic grade is Cunard and Feltzen Formations lower, coticules are not present and these beds and lenses are typically weathered out and the resulting The Cunard Formation occupies the core of a major cavities and proximal fractures are stained with northeast-trending regional syncline (Fig. 2) and steel-blue manganese (Figs. 3c, d). The contact consists of black to rust-brown slate (Fig. 4a) with with the overlying Cunard Formation is well thin beds and lenses of minor black metasiltstone exposed in a slate pit southwest of Parkdale and interbedded with cross-bedded, fine-grained, appears to be gradational over a few metres. pyritiferous metasandstone beds. Metasandstone As previously argued by White (2005, 2006, beds, up to 30 cm thick, are common in the middle 2007) and White et al. (2007a, b, 2008), the and upper parts of the Cunard Formation but are Government Point and Moshers Island formations generally lacking in the basal section. The slate are more closely linked with the Goldenville Group locally contains abundant pyrite, arsenopyrite and than with the Halifax Group. Previous workers pyrrhotite that form beds and nodules up to 5 cm (e.g. Faribault et al., 1939a, b; Taylor, 1967) place thick. A curious feature noted in the slate is that the boundary at the top of the last metasandstone some of the pyrite is hosted in 5 mm wide oolite- bed. This definition was considered arbitrary by rich carbonate beds. Stratigraphically above the White et al. (2007a, b) as no thickness was Cunard Formation, in the keel of the major assigned to this last metasandstone bed. In addition, northeast-trending syncline, is a poorly exposed the Government Point and Moshers Island grey-green well laminated metasiltstone (Fig. 2). formations have been shown to contain abundant Because of its stratigraphic position, it is assigned metasandstone beds (albeit thin) and lack abundant tentatively to the Feltzen Formation, although it black sulphide-rich slate, a characteristic of the differs from the grey slate and metasandstone overlying Halifax Group as defined by White exposed in the type section near Mahone Bay (2005, 2006, 2007). White (2006, 2007) proposed (O’Brien, 1988). Close to the contacts with the Report of Activities 2007 117

Figure 3. (a) Photograph of grey, thinly bedded metasandstone in the Green Harbour Formation. (b) Dark purple to buff metasiltstone in the Government Point Formation. (c) Mn-stained metasiltstone of the Moshers Island Formation. (d) Blue-grey Mn-staining in slate of the Moshers Island Formation.

South Mountain Batholith slate in the Cunard and presence of large (1-2 cm wide) magnetite crystals Feltzen formations is thermally metamorphosed to in the granite (Fig. 4d). The origin of the magnetite hornfels and contains cordierite ± andalusite in the S-type South Mountain Batholith is (Fig. 4b). uncertain, but the zoned character of the crystals suggests that they are igneous in origin. The Igneous Units batholith contains numerous xenoliths of Meguma Supergroup rocks, ranging from a few centimetres South Mountain Batholith to metres in size. The South Mountain Batholith has yielded U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar zircon, monazite The South Mountain Batholith exposed in the study and muscovite ages of ca. 385-370 Ma (Clarke et area was mapped and subdivided by Horne (1993), al., 1993; Harper, 1988; Kontak et al., 2003; and was not systematically investigated during this Reynolds et al., 2004). study. The batholith is well exposed in the map area (Fig. 4c) and consists of medium- to coarse- Deformation and grained granodiorite to syenogranite. Locally, near the contact with the Meguma Supergroup, the Metamorphism monzogranite is very magnetic with values up to 50 x10-3 SI units. The magnetic response is due to the The Meguma Supergroup in the map area, as in 118 Mineral Resources Branch

Figure 4. (a) Photograph of rust-brown slate of the Cunard Formation. (b) Cordierite- and andalusite-bearing hornfels of the Cunard Formation adjacent to the South Mountain Batholith, with cross-bedding still preserved in the thin metasand- stone beds. (c) Intrusive contact between the South Mountain Batholith and metasandstone of the Green Harbour Formation. (d) Zoned magnetite crystals in porphyritic monzogranite of the South Mountain Batholith. most other parts of southwestern Nova Scotia, was Deformation regionally metamorphosed (greenschist facies) and deformed into north- and northeast-trending, In the map area the Meguma Supergroup is folded generally upright, tight to open folds with a well into a series of upright, shallow northeast- and developed axial planar cleavage during the ca. 406- southwest-plunging F1 anticlines and synclines 388 Ma Acadian Orogeny (Keppie and Dallmeyer, around a major northeast-trending syncline (Fig. 2). 1987; Muecke et al., 1988; Kontak et al., 1998; Contoured poles to bedding define a well Hicks et al., 1999; Muir, 2000). Recently, this developed girdle distribution with a shallow, regional deformation and related metamorphism southwest-plunging fold axis (Fig. 5a). Contoured has been renamed as the ‘Neoacadian Orogeny’ to poles to foliation are consistent with a steep axial distinguish it from the separate and older Acadian planar foliation that strikes northeast (Fig. 5b). Orogeny that occurred elsewhere in the northern Minor F1 folds are upright and plunge gently to the Appalachian orogen (van Staal, 2007; White et al., southwest and northeast (Fig. 5a), with axial plane 2007c; Moran et al., 2007). The Neoacadian orientations parallel to the foliation (Fig. 5a, b). structures are overprinted by hornblende-hornfels- Intersection lineations (L1) (bedding/foliation) have facies metamorphism around the late-syntectonic shallow northeast and southwest plunges (Fig. 5b), South Mountain Batholith.

Report of Activities 2007 119 parallel to the minor fold axes, suggesting the appears to replace chlorite porphyroblasts. At one occurrence of doubly plunging folds. location small idioblastic garnet is associated with Northwest-trending steep faults are common in biotite, but it is not known if the garnet is the Meguma Supergroup in southwestern Nova spessartine- or almandine-rich. Within 1500- Scotia, although they are typically poorly exposed 1000 m from the exposed plutonic contacts, ovoid, and only evident from linear features displayed on highly poikilitic cordierite appears in the mica-rich digital elevation models (DEM) or by offsets in layers, produced by reactions consuming chlorite strike-parallel aeromagnetic patterns (e.g. Horne and muscovite. As metamorphic grade increases and Pelley, 2007). In the New Germany map area towards pluton contacts (<1000 m), poikilitic this is also the case, where northwest-trending andalusite is developed around the cordierite linear features are only evident on DEM. Several of porphyroblasts. In cordierite-poor rocks chiastolitic these features were investigated over the summer andalusite is common. Sillimanite was not and only two (Fig. 2) could be verified with observed. The mineral assemblage is characteristic certainty, based on the presence of fault gouge and of the hornblende-hornfels facies of metamorphism related kink-band orientations. Kink-band fold axes (e.g. Yardley, 1989). The presence of andalusite are steep, with steep northwest-striking kink planes and cordierite-rich hornfels in the Peter Lake area, (Fig. 5c). The offset map patterns, combined with several kilometres away from mapped contacts of the kink-band data, suggest that the faults show a the South Mountain Batholith, suggests that part of dextral strike-slip offset of stratigraphy. the batholith extends under the area at a shallow Contoured poles to joints in the Meguma depth (Fig. 2). Supergroup and South Mountain Batholith display a prominent, steep, northwest-trending joint set Economic Geology perpendicular to the regional foliation and a second smaller cluster subparallel to the foliation (Figs. 5d, Although less famous for gold mining than areas to e). The prominent joint is parallel to the main faults the southwest (e.g. Brookfield, Fifteen Mile Brook, in the map area. Poles to quartz veins in the Molega Lake, Pleasant River Barrens, West Meguma Supergroup and South Mountain Caledonia, and Whiteburn), the current map area Batholith display an interesting distribution hosts the Stanburne Gold District (Fig. 2). Gold is (Figs. 5d, e). Many quartz veins are parallel to the located in bedding-parallel quartz veins within main northwest-trending joint and fault orientation, contact metamorphosed metasandstone and whereas the other set lies in the same girdle metasiltstone beds of the Green Harbour distribution as the bedding (c.f. Figs. 5a, d). The Formation. The Stanburne prospect produced lack of strong correlation between quartz vein 12.7 Troy ounces of gold from 1933-1936 (Bates, orientation and foliation suggests that quartz veins 1987). In addition to gold, silver and tungsten have were formed prior to foliation development. also been reported from bedding-parallel quartz veins (Faribault et al., 1939b; O’Reilly, 1981). This Metamorphism deposit does not conform to ‘traditional’ folding models of vein emplacement in anticlinal hinges Regional metamorphism in the map area reached (c.f. Horne and Culshaw, 2001; Kontak and chlorite zone (chlorite + muscovite + albite ± Archibald, 2002) but appears to be more closely epidote), greenschist facies conditions in the pelitic linked to the South Mountain Batholith (e.g. rocks. The cleavage is defined by aligned fine- Faribault et al., 1939b). This interpretation is grained muscovite and asymmetric chlorite confirmed by recent excavations in the area, which porphyroblasts. Intrusion of the South Mountain reveal gold-bearing veins cut by several Batholith produced a narrow, well developed monzogranite dykes (Fig. 6). These relationships contact metamorphic aureole that is superimposed suggest that gold mineralization in the area was on regional greenschist facies mineral assemblages older or synchronous with respect to the intrusion. and textures. The first evidence of contact Mapping during the present study has delineated metamorphism is darkening of the rocks and several other bedding-parallel quartz veins cut by increase in biotite content. Biotite is decussate and granitic dykes along the contact between the 120 Mineral Resources Branch

Figure 5. Equal-area stereonets of structural data in the map area. (a) Contoured poles to bedding, and minor F1 fold axes and related axial plane orientations; solid great circle shows average orientation of S0 and the star shows the calculated average fold axis. Contours at 1, 3, 5, and greater than 7% per 1% area; darkest shading indicates highest contour area. (b) Contoured poles to foliation and bedding-cleavage intersection lineations (L1). Contours at 1, 3, 5, and greater than 7% per 1% area; darkest shading indicates highest contour area. (c) Plot of kink-band axes and associated axial planes. (d) Contoured poles to joints in the Meguma Supergroup and quartz vein orientations. Contours at 1, 2, 3, and greater than 4% per 1% area; darkest shading indicates highest contour area. (e) Contoured poles to joints in the South Mountain Batholith and quartz vein orientations. Contours at 1, 3, 5, and greater than 7% per 1% area; darkest shading indicates highest contour area. Report of Activities 2007 121

Figure 6. Photograph of granitic dyke, interpreted to be related to the South Mountain Batholith, cutting gold-bearing quartz veins at the Stanburne gold occurrence.

Meguma Supergroup and the South Mounatin gold occurrences in the map area suggest that they Batholith north of Cherryfield. may be associated with the traditional late-stage The Lake Peter gold occurrence, farther to the ‘folding’ model typical of most deposits in the south (Fig. 2), is hosted in thin (<4 cm thick) Meguma Supergroup (Horne and Culshaw, 2001). discordant quartz veins in the Cunard Formation. In addition to gold, the South Mountain Many of these veins are parallel to the main Batholith has several areas with anomalous northwest-trending joint system. Like the concentrations of U, Sn, W, Cu and Mo (e.g. Stanburne Gold District to the north, the gold veins Horne, 1993; O’Reilly, 2001). The New Cornwall are elevated in silver and associated with area hosts several occurrences of Zn, W and Mo, cordierite-bearing hornfels. This relationship, typically associated with greisen zones in the coupled with similar mineralization recorded at the granite and Meguma Supergroup (O’Reilly, 2001). contact zone in the Upper New Cornwall area, led Granitic rocks associated with the South Mountain O’Reilly (2001) to conclude that the mineralization Batholith and contact metamorphosed rocks of the was related to hydrothermal fluids, rich in precious Meguma Supergroup are favourable targets for metals, escaping from plutonic units associated base metal and precious metal exploration in the with the South Mountain Batholith. map area. The lack of contact metamorphic effects and As shown in other parts of the Meguma absence of elevated silver or tungsten in the other Supergroup, the upper part of the Goldenville 122 Mineral Resources Branch

Group, defined as the Goldenville-Halifax the granite-hosted mineral occurrences in the South Transition (GHT), contains manganese-rich rocks Mountain Batholith, and the other associated with (Figs. 3c and d) that are anomalous in a variety of late-stage flextural-slip folding. It is unclear if elements (e.g. Pb, Zn, W, and Sn) and interpreted these gold deposits have any stratigraphic control, to be similar to slate-hosted metal deposits as was proposed by White (2006) for those exposed elsewhere in the world (Zentilli et al., 1986; to the southwest. As access to previously Sangster, 1990). Currently, however, the interest in unexplored areas increases with new logging the GHT (Moshers Island Formation) in operations and other infrastructure construction, the southwestern Nova Scotia is concentrated on the opportunity to delineate additional mineral Mn content and its use in ‘high-end’ steel making. resources is increasing in southwestern Nova The map area has high potential for industrial Scotia. minerals. Sand and gravel deposits are currently used to produce asphalt. Black slate in the Cunard Acknowledgments Formation is currently being quarried for local aggregate use. In the recent past, thinly bedded S. Barr, R. Horne, and G. O’Reilly are thanked for rocks associated with the Government Point numerous discussions regarding the geology of Formation near Parkdale have been used for local southwestern Nova Scotia, and for the use of flagging and building stone. Near this same locality samples and unpublished information. Special during the early 1900s whetstone was quarried thanks to Acadia University undergraduate student (Faribault, 1911). The Nova Scotia Department of A. Kaul for providing eager and enthusiastic field Natural Resources Mineral Occurrences Database assistance. T. Lenfesty is thanked for her for NTS map area 21A/10 contains a complete navigational skills in the departmental library. summary of mineral occurrences and former mines Comments and edits on the draft manuscript by in the map area. S. Barr were helpful.

Summary References

The stratigraphy established in the Goldenville and Bates, J. L. E. 1987: Gold in Nova Scotia; Nova Halifax groups in the map areas to the south Scotia Department of Mines and Energy, (White, 2005, 2006, 2007) can be traced into the Information Series No. 13, Halifax, Nova New Germany map area (21A/06). Rocks included Scotia. in the base of the Halifax ‘Formation’ by Faribault Clarke, D. B., MacDonald, M. A., Reynolds, P. H. et al. (1939a, b) and Taylor (1967) are more and Longstaffe, F. J. 1993: Leucogranites from appropriately included into the upper part of the the east part of the South Mountain Batholith, Goldenville Formation and include the Government Nova Scotia; Journal of Petrology, v. 34, Point and Moshers Island formations. p. 653-679. Regional F folds trend northeast with gentle 1 Faibault, E. R. 1911: Goldbearing Series of southwest- and northeast-plunging fold axes. Folds LaHave Basin, Lunenburg County, Nova have well developed axial planar cleavage. Well Scotia; in Summary Report of the Geological developed hornblende-hornfels facies contact Survey Branch of the Department of Mines for metamorphism was associated with emplacement the Calendar Year 1911; Sessional Paper No. of the South Mountain Batholith and overprinted 26, p. 253. chlorite-grade greenschist facies regional Faribault, E. R., Armstrong, P. and Wilson, J. T. metamorphism in the Meguma Supergroup. 1939a: Sherbrooke Lake, Lunenburg and Kings Mapping of contact metamorphic effects shows Counties, Nova Scotia; Department of Mines that granitic rocks of the South Mountain Batholith and Resources, Mines and Geology Branch, extend under the Meguma Supergroup at shallow Map 531A, scale 1:63 360. depths in the southeastern part of the map area. Faribault, E. R., Armstrong, P. and Wilson, J. T. Two styles of gold mineralization are present 1939b: Spingfield, Annapolis, Lunenburg, in the New Germany area, one genetically linked to Report of Activities 2007 123

Kings, and Queens Counties, Nova Scotia; Meguma Group, Nova Scotia: evidence for Department of Mines and Resources, Mines post metamorphic timing of vein formation; and Geology Branch, Map 532A, scale Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 35, 1:63 360. p. 746-761. Harper, C. L. 1988: On the nature of time in the Moran, P. C., Barr, S. M., White, C. E. and cosmological perspective; Ph.D. thesis, Oxford Hamilton, M. A. 2007: Petrology, age, and University, Oxford, UK. tectonic setting of the Seal Island Pluton, Hicks, R. J., Jamieson, R. A. and Reynolds, P. H. offshore southwestern Nova Scotia; Canadian 1999: Detrital and metamorphic 40Ar/39Ar ages Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 44, p. 467-1478. from muscovite and whole-rock samples, Muecke, G. K, Elias, P. and Reynolds, P. H. 1988: Meguma Supergroup, southern Nova Scotia; Hercynian/Alleghanian overprinting of an Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 36, Acadian Terrane: 40Ar/39Ar studies in the p. 23-32. Meguma Zone, Nova Scotia; Chemical Horne, R. J. 1993: Geological Map of New Geology, v. 73, p. 153-167. Germany, Nova Scotia (NTS Sheet 21A/10); Muir, C. M. 2000: An 40Ar/39Ar study of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Goldenville, Halifax, White Rock and Map ME 1993-1, scale 1:50 000. Torbrook formations of the Digby area, Horne, R. J. and Culshaw, N. 2001: Flextural-slip southwest Nova Scotia; unpublished B.Sc. folding in the Meguma Group, Nova Scotia, thesis, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Canada; Journal of Structural Geology, v. 23, Scotia. p. 1631-1652. North American Commission on Stratigraphic Horne, R. J. and Pelley, D. 2007: Geological Nomenclature 2005: North American transect of the Meguma terrane from Centre Stratigraphic Code; American Association of Musquodoboit to Tangier; in Mineral Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 89, p. 1547- Resources Branch, Report of Activities 2006, 1591. ed. D. R. MacDonald; Nova Scotia Department O’Brien, B. H. 1988: A study of the Meguma of Natural Resources, Report ME 2007-1, Terrane in Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia; p. 71-89. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1823. Keppie, J. D. and Dallmeyer, R. D. 1987: Dating O’Reilly, G. A. 1981: Mineral deposits of the transcurrent terrane accretion: an example from Lunenburg-Queens County area; in Report of the Meguma and Avalon composite terranes in Activities 1980, ed. K. A. Mills; Nova Scotia the northern Appalachians; Tectonics, v. 6, Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral p. 831-847. Resources Division, Report 1981-1, p. 69-75. Kontak, D. J., Dunning, G. and Creaser, R. 2003: O’Reilly, G. A. 2001: From the Mineral Inventory U/Pb and Re/Os dating of the South Mountain Files, The Lake Peter gold prospect: is there a and Musquodoboit batholiths, Nova Scotia: granite connection? in Nova Scotia Minerals evidence for protracted magmatic- Update; Nova Scotia Department of Natural hydrothermal events; in 38th Annual Joint Resources, Minerals and Energy Branch, v. 18, Meeting, Northeastern Section, Geological no. 2, p. 5. Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Reynolds, P. H., Clarke, D. B. and Bogutyn, P. A. Society; Program with Abstracts, v. 35, p. 80. 2004: 40Ar/39Ar laser dating zoned white micas Kontak, D. J. and Archibald, D. A. 2002: 40Ar/39Ar from the Lake Lewis leucogranite, South dating of hydrothermal biotite from high-grade Mountain batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada; The gold ore, Tangier gold deposit, Nova Scotia: Canadian Mineralogist, v. 42, p. 1129-1137. further evidence for 370 Ma gold metallogeny Sangster, A. L. 1990: Metallogeny of the Meguma in the Meguma terrane; Economic Geology, Terrane, Nova Scotia; in Mineral Deposit v. 97, p. 619-628. Studies in Nova Scotia, Volume 1, ed. A. L. Kontak, D. J., Horne, R. J., Sandeman, H. and Sangster; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper Archibald, D. A. 1998: 40Ar/39Ar dating of 90-8, p. 115-162. whole-rock slates from auriferous veins in the 124 Mineral Resources Branch

Schenk, P. E. 1995: Meguma Zone; in Geology of White, C. E. 2008: Defining the stratigraphy of the the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen in Canada Meguma Supergroup in southern Nova Scotia: and Greenland, ed. H. Williams; Geological where do we go from here?; in Atlantic Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 6, Geoscience Society 34th Colloquium and p. 261-277. Annual General Meeting, Dartmouth, Nova Schenk, P. E. 1997: Sequence stratigraphy and Scotia, February 1-2, Program and Abstracts, provenance on Gondwana’s margin: the 58 p. Meguma Zone (Cambrian to Devonian) of White, C. E. and Kaul, A. 2007: Preliminary Nova Scotia, Canada; Geological Society of bedrock geology of the New Germany map America Bulletin, v. 109, p. 395-409. area (NTS 21A/10), southern Nova Scotia; in Taylor, F. C. 1967: Reconnaissance Geology of Mining Matters 2007 and Industry Investment Shelburne map-area, Queens, Shelburne, and Forum; eds. K. A. Mills and D. R. MacDonald; Yarmouth Counties, Nova Scotia; Geological Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Survey of Canada, Memoir 349. Report ME 2007-2, p. 15. Toole, R. 2006: Petrographic and chemical White, C. E., Horne, R. J. and Barr, S. M. 2007a: variations through the Goldenville and Halifax The Meguma Group of southern Nova Scotia: formations, Bear River, High Head, and Broad new insights on the stratigraphy, tectonic River sections, southwestern Nova Scotia; setting, and provenance; in Atlantic Geoscience unpublished B.Sc. thesis, Acadia University, Society 33rd Colloquium and Annual Meeting, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Moncton, New Brunswick, February 2-3, van Staal, C. R. 2007: Pre-Carboniferous tectonic Program and Abstracts, p. 42-43. evolution and metallogeny of the Canadian White, C. E., Barr, S. M., Waldron, J. W. F., Appalachians; in Mineral Resources of Simonetti, A. and Heaman, L. M. 2007b: The Canada: A Synthesis of Major Deposit Types, Meguma Supergroup of southern Nova Scotia: Distinct Metallogeny, the Evolution of new insights on stratigraphy, tectonic setting, Geological Provinces, and Exploration and provenance; in Geological Association of Methods, ed. W. D. Goodfellow; Geological Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador section, Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Annual Spring Technical Meeting, St. John’s, Division, Special Publication 5, p. 793-818. Newfoundland, February 19-20, Program and White, C. E. 2005: Geology of the area between Abstracts, p. 31-32. Lockeport, Liverpool and Lake Rossignol, White, C. E., Barr, S. M., Horne, R. J. and Shelburne and Queens counties, southwestern Hamilton, M. A. 2007c: The Neoacadian Nova Scotia; in Minerals Resources Branch, orogeny in the Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Report of Activities 2004; ed. D. R. Canada; in 42nd Annual Meeting, Geological MacDonald; Nova Scotia Department of Society of America, Northeastern Section, Natural Resources, Report ME 2005-1, p. 129- March 12-14, Abstracts with Programs 2007, 144. v. 39, p. 69. White, C. E. 2006: Preliminary bedrock geology of Yardley, B. W. D. 1989: An Introduction to the Liverpool and Lake Rossignol map areas Metamorphic Petrology; Longman Scientific (NTS 21A/02 and 21A/03), southern Nova and Technical, Harlow. Scotia; in Minerals Resources Branch, Report Zentilli, M., Graves, M. C., Mulga, T. and of Activities 2005, ed. D. R. MacDonald; Nova MacInnes, I. 1986: Geochemical Scotia Department of Natural Resources, characterization of the Halifax-Goldenville Report ME 2006-1, p. 149-163. Transition of the Meguma Group of Nova White, C. E. 2007: Preliminary bedrock geology of Scotia: preliminary report; in Current Research, the Kejimkujic Lake map area (NTS 21A/06), Part A; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper southern Nova Scotia; in Mineral Resources 86-1A, p. 423-428. Branch, Report of Activities 2006, ed. D. R. MacDonald; Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report ME 2007-1, p. 159- 169.